Philipp Korntner
Mag. Philipp Korntner
Status Currently not employed at BOKU
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Year: 2016 - Lignosulfonate analysis: Improving the toolset (Talk)
Autoren: Korntner, P; Sumerskii, I; Amer, H; Zinovyev, G; Rosenau, T; Potthast, A
Event: 251st National Spring Meeting of the American Chemical Society ACS 2016
Period: 13.03.2016 - 17.03.2016 | Location: San Diego, CA, USA
Year: 2016 - Modification of Kraft Lignin with Ozone under Alkaline Conditions (Talk)
Autoren: Böhmdorfer, S; Winklehner, S; Korntner, P; Potthast, A; Rosenau, T
Event: IX Iberoamerican Congress on Pulp and Paper Research "Building bridges in research and innovation for the sustainable bioeconomy" September 4-8, 2017
Period: 04.09.2016 - 08.09.2016 | Location: Espoo, Finland
Year: 2016 - Selective derivatization reactions in Lignin analytics: Probing completeness (Poster)
Autoren: Korntner, P; Sumerskii, I; Hettegger, H; Zweckmair, T; Rosenau, T; Potthast, A
Event: 14th European Workshop on Lignocellulosics and Pulp 2016
Period: 28.06.2016 - 01.06.2016 | Location: Autrans, France
Year: 2016 - Molar mass dependent profiling of functional groups in kraft lignin (Talk)
Autoren: Zinovyev, G; Sumerskii, I; Korntner, P; Sulaeva, I; Rosenau, T; Potthast, A
Event: 14th European Workshop on Lignocellulosics and Pulp 2016
Period: 28.06.2016 - 01.06.2016 | Location: Autrans, France
Year: 2016 - Fast track for the accurate determination of methoxyl groups in lignin (Poster)
Autoren: Sumerskii, I; Zweckmair, T; Hettegger, H; Zinovyev, G; Korntner, P; Rosenau, T; Potthast, A
Event: 14th European Workshop on Lignocellulosics and Pulp 2016
Period: 28.06.2016 - 01.06.2016 | Location: Autrans, France
Year: 2015 - Evaluating the Potential of Membrane Fractions and SEC of Kraft Lignins (Poster)
Autoren: Zinovyev, G; Sulaeva, I; Sumerskii, I; Korntner, P; Rosenau, T; Potthast, A
Event: 18th International Symposium on Wood, Fiber and Pulping Chemistry ISWFPC 2015
Period: 09.09.2015 - 11.09.2015 | Location: Vienna, Austria
Year: 2015 - Drawing a picture of Sulphur - From wet chemistry towards multivariate analysis (Poster)
Autoren: Korntner, P., Tsetsgee, O., Sumerskii, I., Zinovyev, G., Rosenau, T., Potthast, A.
Event: 18th International Symposium on Wood, Fiber and Pulping Chemistry ISWFPC 2015
Period: 09.09.2015 - 11.09.2015 | Location: Vienna, Austria
Year: 2015 - Fast, facile and reproducible approach for lignosulfonate isolation (Talk)
Autoren: Sumerskii, I; Zinovyev, G; Korntner, P; Rosenau, T; Potthast, A
Event: 18th International Symposium on Wood, Fiber and Pulping Chemistry ISWFPC 2015
Period: 09.09.2015 - 11.09.2015 | Location: Vienna, Austria
Year: 2014 - Characterisation of technical lignins by NMR spectroscopy (Poster)
Autoren: Korntner, P., Bacher M., Sumerskiy I., Rosenau T., Potthast, A.
Event: 13th European Workshop on Lignocellulosics and Pulp EWLP 2014
Period: 24.06.2014 - 27.06.2014 | Location: Seville, Spain | Location: Seville, Spain
Year: 2013 - On yellowing effects and color formation from hexeneuronic acids: Chemical structure of the chromophores (Talk)
Autoren: Rosenau, T; Potthast, A; Krainz, K; Yoneda, Y; Korntner, P; Hosoya, T; Henniges, U; French, A; Dietz, T; Suess, H
Event: 245th National Spring Meeting of the American Chemical Society ACS 2013
Period: 07.04.2013 - 11.04.2013 | Location: New Orleans, LA, USA
Year: 2013 - Round-robin test on analytical pyrolysis-GC/MS of ligneous materials: first results. (Talk)
Autoren: Liebner, F.; Zweckmair, T.; Korntner, P.; Potthast, A.; Rosenau, T.
Event: COST FP0901 Meeting 2013
Period: 25.03.2013 | Location: Tulln an der Donau, Austria
Year: 2012 - Round-Robin Test on Analytical Pyrolysis-GC/MS of Ligneous Materials: First Results COST Meeting, 31 August 2012, Espoo, Finland (Talk)
Autoren: Zweckmair, T; Korntner, P; Potthast, A; Rosenau, T; Liebner F
Event: COST FP0901 Meeting 2012
Period: 31.08.2012 | Location: Espoo, Finland
Year: 2012 - Round-Robin Test on Analytical Pyrolysis-GC/MS of Ligneous Materials: First Results. (Talk)
Autoren: Zweckmair, T.; Korntner, P.; Potthast, A.; Rosenau, T.; Liebner F.
Event: Annual Meeting of COST Action FP 9010
Period: 31.08.1900 | Location: Espoo, Finland
Year: 2011 - Cellulose aging and yellowing – a view at the molecular level (Talk)
Autoren: Korntner, P.; Hosoya, T.; Henniges, U.; Potthast, A.; Rosenau, T.
Event: International Conference Renewable Wood and Plant Resources RR 2011 - Chemistry, Technology, Pharmacology, Medicine
Period: 21.06.2011 - 24.06.2011 | Location: St. Petersburg, Russian Federation
Supervised Theses
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