Rafaela Schinegger
Ass.Prof. Dipl.-Ing. Dr.nat.techn. Rafaela Schinegger
Institute for Landscape Development, Recreation and Conservation Planning
Location Peter-Jordan-Straße 65, 1180 Wien
Email rafaela.schinegger@boku.ac.at
Tel: +43 1 47654-85334
ORCID: 0000-0001-9374-5551
I-3556-2014: ResearcherId
36497347600: AuthorId
zuh3MmoAAAAJ&hl=de&oi=ao: GoogleScholar
Research Focus
- Ecological requirements of human use-conflicts within various ecosystem types, especially by linking freshwater and terrestrial habitats to support restoration and river basin management planning.
- Strategic conservation planning and -science, especially to support the implementation of the EU Water Framework Directive, Habitats-Directives with related bio-assessments and outreach.
- Impacts of multiple human stressors on freshwater- and terrestrial ecosystems.
- Scientific aspects of conflicting EU directives and international laws, science-policy interface and knowledge transfer to stakeholders & the public.
- 2023 Global Fellow at the College of Agriculture and Natural Resources (CANR) at Michigan State University (MSU), MI, U.S.A.
- 2021 Assistant Professor for "Nature Conservation Planning & Environmental Precautions", Institute of Landscape Development, Recreation and Conservation Planning (ILEN), BOKU
- 2017 Adjunct Assistant Professor, Michigan State University, Department of Fisheries and Wildlife
- 2016 - 2016 Guest lecturer at the Faculty of Agriculture, Department of Fisheries, Ubon Ratchathani University, Ubon Ratchathani, Thailand
- 2015 - 2015 Fulbright visiting researcher at the Department of Fisheries and Wildlife, Michigan State University, East Lansing (MI), U.S.A.
- 2014 - 2014 Guest lecturer at the Faculty of Fisheries Technology and Aquatic Resources, MAEJO University, Chiang Mai, Thailand
- 2013 Doctoral degree (passed with distinction)
- 2011 - 2011 Guest scientist at NOAA Northwest Fisheries Science Center & US Forest Service Lab, Seattle, WA, USA.
- 2007 - 2020 Senior Scientist & Lecturer, Institute of Hydrobiology and Aquatic Ecosystem Management (IHG), BOKU
- 2006 Master degree
- Year: 2023 Awards: Global Fellow, College of Agriculture and Natural Resources (CANR), Michigan State University (MSU)
- Year: 2022 Awards: Jubiläumsfonds der Stadt Wien für die Universität für Bodenkultur Wien: Stadt Wien-BOKU Research Funding Programm
- Year: 2017 Awards: Dr. Reinhard Liepoltpreis (verliehen durch das Österreichisches Komitee - Internationale Arbeitsgemeinschaft Donauforschung [ÖN-IAD])
- Year: 2016 Awards: ASEA UNINET (ASEAN-European Academic University Network) Stipendium für Gastlehre/-forschung in Thailand
- Year: 2015 Awards: Austria Visiting Fulbright Scholar
- Year: 2014 Awards: ASEA UNINET (ASEAN-European Academic University Network) Stipendium für Gastlehre/-forschung in Thailand
0 Projects found.
Knowledge Transfer to Society
Year: 2024 - „Integrative Naturschutzplanung für eine nachhaltige Zukunft unserer Ökosysteme & Kulturlandschaften“.
Autoren: Schinegger, R
Event: BML Tag der Ressortforschung 2024
Year: 2024 - Introducing the Alliance Biodiversity & Water
Autoren: Borgwardt, F; Schinegger, R
Event: Freshwater Ecosystems in a Changing World
Year: 2024 - Toward a map of integrated Blue and Green Infrastructure in the Danube-Carpathian region
Autoren: Gruber, G; Borgwardt F; Seliger, C; Meyer, H; Schinegger, R
Event: 15th Meeting of the Carpathian Convention Working Group on Bioiversity 2024
Autoren: Schinegger, R; Gruber, G; Borgwardt, F; Binder, M; Seliger, C
Event: World Biodiversity Forum 2024
Year: 2024 - Ecological connectivity across realms: A showcase from the Danube-Carpathian Region.
Autoren: Schinegger, R; Gruber, G; Borgwardt, F; Binder, M; Seliger, C
Event: NaturaConnect Annual Consortium Meeting 2024
Year: 2024 - Integrative Naturschutzplanung für eine nachhaltige Zukunft unserer Ökosysteme & Kulturlandschaften.
Autoren: Schinegger, R;
Event: Zoologisch-ökologisches Seminar, Institut für Zoologie (BOKU)
Year: 2024 - Make the case for nature restoration: Needs and o pportunities for riverine landscapes in the light of the EU Nature Restoration Law
Autoren: Schinegger, R; Borgwardt, F
Event: Freshwater Ecosystems in a Changing World
Year: 2024 - Der Wert der Renaturierung – nicht nur die Pflicht
Autoren: Schineggger, R; Borgwardt, F
Event: Renaturierung in der Wasserwirtschaft
Year: 2023 - Showcasing the implementation of Trans European Nature-Networks: The Natura Connect Danube-Carpathian Region case study
Autoren: Schinegger, R.; Gruber, G.; Seliger, C.;
Event: Natura Connect Annual Consortium Meeting
Year: 2023 - Bedarf und Potentiale für die strategische Umsetzung des Nature Restoration Law in Österreich
Autoren: Schinegger, R.; Radinger-Peer, V.
Event: Fachtagung: Nature Restoration Law. Warum? Wofür? Wogegen?
Year: 2023 - Riparian zones - a key factor in conservation efforts for terrestrial and freshwater biodiversity
Autoren: Schinegger, R.; Gruber, G.; Seliger, C.
Event: American Fisheries Society 153rd Annual Meeting
Year: 2023 - Modelling human use of Viennese urban recreation areas via Instagram data
Autoren: Ortega Menjivar, L; Binder, M; Huber, A; Özcelik, N; Borgwardt, F; Hainz-Renetzeder, C; Leisch, F; Palt, M; Schinegger, R;
Event: Österreichische Statistiktage
Year: 2023 - NaturaConnect - Preliminary analyses for the ICPDR HYMO TG meeting
Autoren: Seliger, C; Schinegger, R; Gruber, G; Lucius, I; Meyer, H
Event: ICPDR HYMO-30
Year: 2023 - NaturaConnect - First project overview for the ICPDR RBM EG meeting
Autoren: Schinegger, R; Seliger, C; Gruber, G; Lucius, I; Meyer, H
Event: ICPDR RBM-57
Year: 2023 - Riparian zones - a key factor in conservation efforts for terrestrial and freshwater biodiversity
Autoren: Schinegger, R.; Gruber, G.; Seliger, C.
Event: Data Science @ BOKU Event: „Spatiotemporal Analysis“
Year: 2023 - Danube-Carpathian case study update for the ICPDR RBM Expert Group Meeting
Autoren: Seliger, C; Schinegger, R; Gruber, G; Lucius, I; Meyer, H
Event: ICPDR RBM-58
Year: 2023 - Ökologische Auswirkungen von zeitlich und räumlich veränderten Nutzungsmustern Erholungssuchender während der COVID19-Pandemie in Wiener Erholungsgebieten
Autoren: Schinegger, R, Hainz-Renetzeder, C; Binder, M; Huber, A; Borgwardt, F; Popp, S; Leisch, F; Ortega-Menjivar, L; Özcelik, NB;
Event: MA 22/49 Stadt Wien & Biosphärenpark Wienerwald Vernetzungstreffen
Year: 2023 - NaturaConnect
Autoren: Lucius, I; Meyer, H; Schinegger, R; Seliger, C; Gruber, G
Event: 26th ICPDR Ordinary Meeting
Year: 2023 - Das Spannungsfeld Klimaschutz & Naturschutz: Status Quo in Österreich
Autoren: Schinegger, R.; Hainz-Renetzeder, C.;
Event: BOKU-Energiecluster Veranstaltung: "Spannungsfeld Klimaschutz - Naturschutz: ENTWEDER ODER? Herausforderungen und Lösungsansätze zur naturverträglichen Energiewende"
Year: 2023 - Showcasing the implementation of Trans European Nature-Networks: The Natura Connect Danube-Carpathian Region case study.
Autoren: Schinegger, R; Gruber, G; Seliger, C
Event: Natura Connect Annual Consortium Meeting 2023
Year: 2023 - Riparian Zones - a key factor in conservation efforts for terrestrial and freshwater biodiversity. A case-study from the Danube-Carpathian Region
Autoren: Seliger, C; Gruber, G; Laa, U; Schinegger, R
Event: Tage der Biodiversität 2023
Year: 2023 - NaturaConnect - First project overview for the ICPDR HYMO TG meeting
Autoren: Schinegger, R; Seliger, C; Gruber, G; Lucius, I; Meyer, H
Event: ICPDR HYMO-29 meeting
Year: 2022 - Perspectives and challenges to manage multiple stressors across freshwater and terrestrial realms
Autoren: Schinegger, R., Binder, M., Seliger, C.
Event: 12th Water Research Horizon Conference 2022
Year: 2022 - #WienerErholungsgebiete: Fokus & Erkenntnisse im ersten Halbjahr des Forschungsprojekts
Autoren: Schinegger, R., Binder, M., Hainz-Renetzeder, C., Leisch, F., Ortega-Menjivar, L., Özcelik, B., Popp, S., Borgwardt, F.
Event: Abstimmungstreffen mit der Stadt Wien (MA 22, 45 und 49) zum Jubiläumsfondsprojekt #WienerErholungsgebiete
Year: 2022 - Cross-continental evaluation of landscape-scale stressors to fluvial fishes
Autoren: Üblacker, M., Infante, D.M., Cooper, A.R., Daniel W.M., Schmutz, S. & Schinegger, R.,
Event: Joint Aquatic Sciences Meeting JASM 2022
Year: 2021 - Which factors encourage and hinder the application of ICPDR Guiding Principles regarding mitigation measures? Summary of Breakout Session 3
Autoren: Schinegger, R.,
Event: Workshop "Sustainable Hydropower: Progress, Solutions and Challenges"; International Commission for the Protection of the Danube River Basin (ICPDR)
Year: 2021 - How can analyses of WFD-data be used to inform future biodiversity monitoring
Autoren: Schinegger, R.,
Event: Workshop of the Europa Biodiversity Observation Network: integrating data streams to support policy (EuropaBON)
Year: 2020 - Multiple human stressors and their impacts on freshwater fish assemblages in Europe:Findings from the MARS project
Autoren: Schinegger, R.,
Event: InFish Network Monthly Meeting
Year: 2020 - Reconciling biodiversity conservation and sustainable development with ecosystem-based planning and management
Autoren: Schinegger, R.,
Event: Presentation & Hearing for Tenure-Track Position "Nature Conservation Planning", @BOKU ILEN
Year: 2019 - Nile Basin-Wide Ecosystem Services of wetlands
Autoren: Meulenbroek, P; Bräuner, M; Schinegger, R; Scheikl, S
Event: Nile Basin Wetlands Baseline Studies
Year: 2019 - Implementation of environmental legislation: E-flows under the EU Water Framework Directive
Autoren: Schinegger, R.; Hayes, D.; Schmutz, S.; Koller-Kreimel, V.;
Event: IEWP Workshop Environmental Flows Assessment and Implementation for India - Exchanging Indian, European and International Experiences
Year: 2019 - Nile Basin wetlands of transboundary significance: Wetland management and development options generation (WP 6)
Autoren: Schinegger, R.; Braeuner, M.; Meulenbroek, P.;
Event: NBI Nile Basin Wetlands Baseline Study Review Meeting
Year: 2018 - Nile Basin wetlands of transboundary significance - WP 6 Wetland Management
Autoren: Schinegger, R., Meulenbroek, P.
Event: Workshop with the Nile Basin Initiative & national wetland management experts of the Nile countries
Year: 2018 - Nile Basin wetlands of transboundary significance - WP 3 Ecosystem Services Assessment
Autoren: Schinegger, R., Meulenbroek, P.
Event: Workshop with the Nile Basin Initiative & national wetland management experts of the Nile countries
Year: 2018 - Changing Rivers - challenges for the management of ecosystem services and biodiversity in the Danube River
Autoren: Hein, T; Graf, W; Funk, A; Haidvogl, G; Pletterbauer, F; Schinegger, R; Schmidt-Kloiber, A; Trauner, D; Weigelhofer, G
Event: 42nd Conference of the International Association for Danube Research (IAD)
Year: 2018 - MARS scientific results & implications for River Basin Management
Autoren: Schinegger, R.; Schülting, L.; Schmutz, S.; Solheim, A.L.; Birk, S.; Hering D.; et al.
Event: 16th Standing Working Group Meeting of the ICPDR
Year: 2018 - MARS Guidance document for river basin managers and other sectors on how to best assess and mitigate impacts of multiple pressures
Autoren: Schinegger, R., Schülting, L., Schmutz, S., Birk, S., Solheim, A.L.
Event: Final conference of the EU research project MARS 2018 - Managing multiple stress for multiple benefits in aquatic ecosystems
Year: 2018 - The Impacts of Human Stressors on Riverine Fish Communities – a Cross-Continental Analysis of European and United States Freshwater Ecoregions
Autoren: Schinegger, R.; Üblacker, M.; Schmutz, S.; Daniel, W.M.; Herreman, K.; Infante, D.M;
Event: 148th American Fisheries Society Annual Meeting
Year: 2018 - Riverine landscapes and their floodplains in transformation – challenges for utilization of ecosystem services and biodiversity conservation in the Danube River.
Autoren: Hein, T; Graf, W; Funk, A; Haidvogl, G; Pletterbauer, F; Schinegger, R; Schmidt-Kloiber, A; Trauner, D; Weigelhofer, G
Event: 13th Society of Wetlands Scientists (SWS) Europe Chapter Meeting
Year: 2017 - Distribution and patterns of human stressors and their impacts on fish assemblages in the Austrian Drava and Mura River Basins: An analysis based on the 2nd Austrian River Basin Management Plans.
Autoren: Schinegger, R.; Aschauer, C.; Pucher, M.; Mühlmann, H.; Schmutz, S.
Event: MARS/GOBAQUA Conference?
Year: 2017 - Untangling the effects of multiple human stressors and their impacts on fish assemblages– findings from the MARS project
Autoren: Schinegger, R.; Pucher, M.; Aschauer, C.; Mühlmann, H.; Schmutz, S.
Event: 10th Symposium for European Freshwater Sciences SEFS10 2017
Year: 2017 - MARS 8.2 Guidance for River Basin Managers STATUS QUO & WAYS FORWARD
Autoren: Schinegger, R.; Solheim, A.
Event: MARS SG Meeting
Year: 2017 - Rivers under threat – challenges for biodiversity conservation in the Danube River
Autoren: Hein, T; Graf, W; Funk, A; Haidvogl, G; Pletterbauer, F; Schinegger, R; Schmidt-Kloiber, A; Trauner, D; Weigelhofer, G
Event: 8th Danube Academies Conference
Year: 2017 - Reaktion von Fischen auf multiple Stressoren
Autoren: Schinegger, R.; Auer, S.; Pucher, M.; Aschauer, C.; Mühlmann, H.; Palt, M.; Schmutz, S.
Event: Kurs “Multiple Stressoren”, Ökotoxzentrum
Year: 2016 - “Fish-ecological criteria for measuring river health and related principles for River Basin Management – EXAMPLES from Europe”.
Autoren: Schinegger, R;
Event: Seminar Series Ubon Ratchathani University, Faculty for Agriculture
Year: 2016 - Distribution and patterns of human stressors and their impacts on fish assemblages in the Austrian Drava and Mura River Basins: An analysis based on the 2nd Austrian River Basin Management Plans.
Autoren: Schinegger, R; Aschauer, C; Mühlmann, H; Schmutz, S;
Event: Annual Meeting of the German Society of Limnology DGL and the SIL Austria 2016
Year: 2016 - “How fish-ecological science can support Inland Fisheries Management and Conservation - Ideas & examples from Europe".
Autoren: Schinegger, R;
Event: Scientific information needs for supporting the sustainable inland fisheries: Scientific sharing with Department of Fisheries
Year: 2016 - Knowledge, Assessment, and Management for AQUAtic Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services aCROSS EU Policies – AQUACROSS
Autoren: Pletterbauer, F; Funk, A; Schinegger, R; Schmidt-Kloiber, A; Hein, T
Event: Annual Meeting of the German Society of Limnology DGL and the SIL Austria 2016
Year: 2016 - “Fish-ecological criteria for measuring river health and related principles for River Basin Management – EXAMPLES from Europe”.
Autoren: Schinegger, R;
Event: Seminar Series at MAEJO University Chiang Mai, Faculty of Fisheries
Year: 2016 - Evidence, diagnosis and management at water body and catchment scales - Introduction.
Autoren: Schinegger, R;
Event: MARS Workshop on multiple stressors in River Basin Management 2016
Year: 2015 - Enhancing transparency in hydropower development– a strategic approach to balance conflicting aims of energy provision and conservation (L’amélioration de la transparence dans le développement de l’hydroélectricité - une approche stratégique pour concilier les objectifs contradictoires de fourniture d’énergie et de conservation)
Autoren: Scheikl, S; Mielach, C; Schmutz, S; Schinegger, R; Muhar, S; Neubarth, J
Event: 2nd I.S. Rivers Conference 2015
Year: 2015 - "Harmonizing Hydropower Exploitation and Conservation of Riverine Ecosystems/Freshwater Fish Habitats: Best-Practice Examples and Lessons Learned from Europe"
Autoren: Schinegger, R.; Seliger, C.; Scheikl, S.; Muhar, S.; Schmutz, S.;
Event: 145th Annual Meeting of the American Fisheries Society 2015
Year: 2015 - "The influence of human stressors on riverine fish assemblages - Lessons learned from cross-continental comparisons between Europe and the United States (CROSSFISH)"
Autoren: Schinegger, R.; Seliger, C.; Scheikl, S.; Muhar, S; Schmutz, S;
Event: Weekly Seminar Series - Grad Student Organization - Department of Fisheries and Wildlife, Michigan State University
Year: 2015 - "Ecological Criteria for Measuring River Health and the Prioritization of Conservation Measures – Examples from Europe/the Alps”
Autoren: Schinegger, R.; Seliger, C.; Scheikl, S.; Muhar, S; Schmutz, S;
Event: Weekly Seminar Series - Center for Systems Integration and Sustainability, Michigan State University
Year: 2014 - Strategic tools for sustainable hydropower development
Autoren: Mielach, C; Fleck, S; Muhar, S; Scheikl, S; Schinegger, R; Schmutz, S
Event: Alpine river restoration workshop
Year: 2014 - Enhancing transparency in hydropower development– a strategic approach to balance conflicting aims of energy provision and conservation
Autoren: Scheikl, S; Mielach, C; Schmutz, S; Schinegger, R; Neubarth, J; Walder, C; Muhar, S
Event: 6th European River Restoration Conference - ERRC 2014
Year: 2014 - Perspectives for river conservation and restoration - a pan-alpine overview
Autoren: Muhar, S., Schinegger, R., Fleck, S., Schülting, L., Poppe, M., Jungwirth, M., Schmutz, S.
Event: World’s Large River Conference
Year: 2014 - "AIM Work Package 5 - Setting the scene for the next project generation 2014+ (in context of the water-energy nexus)"
Autoren: Schinegger, R.; Kremser, H.; Muhar, S.; Schmutz, S.;
Event: AIM Partner Meeting & Final Transnational Seminar 2014
Year: 2014 - WATER-ENERGY NEXUS in the alps: from a river conservation and restoration perspective
Autoren: Schinegger, R; Kremser, H; Muhar, S; Schmutz, S; Šantl, S; Bizjak, A; Marovt, L
Event: ERRC 2014
Year: 2014 - AIM WP 5 - Setting the scene for the Alpine Space Programme 2014+ for water & energy.
Autoren: Kremser, H; Schinegger, R; Muhar, S; Schmutz, S
Event: AIM Partner & Stakeholder Meeting
Year: 2014 - Hy:Con: a strategic tool for balancing hydropower development and conservation needs
Autoren: Mielach, C., Scheikl, S., Schmutz, S., Schinegger, R., Fleck, S.,Neubarth, J., Walder, Ch., Muhar, S.
Event: 10th International Symposium on Ecohydraulics 2014
Year: 2014 - AIM – Alpine space in Movement targeted to water & energy capitalization
Autoren: Schinegger, R; Kremser, H; Muhar, S; Schmutz, S
Event: Natura 2000 Biogeographical Process - Alpine River Restoration Workshop
Year: 2014 - Ecological criteria for measuring river health and prioritizing conservation measures - Examples from Europe / the Alpine Arc
Autoren: Schinegger, R.; Schmutz, S.; Muhar, S., Mostafavi, H.,
Event: Invited Seminar - Conservation International
Year: 2014 - AIM WP5 - Setting the scene for the next project generation 2014+ (in context of the water-energy nexus)
Autoren: Schinegger, R; Kremser, H; Muhar, S; Schmutz,S
Event: AIM Partner Meeting & Final Transnational Seminar 2014
Year: 2013 - AIM WP 5 - Setting the scene for the Alpine Space Programme 2014+ for water & energy
Autoren: Schinegger, R.; Kremser, H.; Schmutz, S.; Muhar, S.
Event: AIM Kick-off Meeting & Stakeholder Brainstorming Seminar 2013
Year: 2013 - Scientific foundations for identifying ecologically sensitive river stretches of the Alpine Arc
Autoren: Muhar, S.; Schinegger, R.; Fleck, S.; Schülting, L., Schmutz, S.:
Event: Final Workshop
Year: 2013 - Development of a preliminary index of biotic integrity (IBI) for coldwater streams of selected ecoregions in Iran
Autoren: Mostafavi, H.; Schinegger, R.; Trautwein, C.; Pletterbauer, F.; Schmutz, S.
Event: 8th Symposium for European Freshwater Sciences SEFS 8 2013
Year: 2013 - Scientific foundations for identifying ecologically sensitive river stretches of the Alpine Arc
Autoren: Muhar, S.; Schinegger, R.; Fleck, S.; Schülting, L., Schmutz, S.:
Event: Interim Workshop
Year: 2013 - Predicting Presence and Absence of Trout (Salmonidae: Salmo trutta) in Iran
Autoren: Mostafavi, H; Pletterbauer, F: Coad, B;Mahini, A S.; Schinegger, R; Trautwein, C; Hamid, E R.; Asghar, A; Saber, V; Schmutz, S
Event: First Iranian Conference of Ichthyology
Year: 2012 - The LANDSCAPE-PRESSURE-FISH-CASCADE: Outcomes & Results
Autoren: Schinegger, R.; Trautwein, C.; Steel, A.; Schmutz S.;
Event: Austrian SIL Meeting 2012
Year: 2012 - WP4 - Preserving water bodies ecosystems
Autoren: Mielach, C; Schinegger, R; Zeiringer, B; Schmutz, S
Event: SEE Hydropower Final Partner Meeting 2012
Year: 2012 - WP6 - Task 6.3 - Prut basin (Romania)
Autoren: Schinegger, R; Mielach, C; Schmutz, S
Event: Internal Pertner Meeting of SEE Hydropower 2012
Year: 2012 - Environmental flow - habitat modellig. Case studies from Austria
Autoren: Zeiringer, B.; Melcher, A.H.; Mielach, C.; Schinegger, R.; Schmutz, S.
Event: Target Workshop Eco Management, Water Flow 2012
Year: 2012 - Habitat modelling: Example - Case study Piave/Mis river
Autoren: Mielach, C; Schinegger, R; Zeiringer, B; Cesca, M
Event: Internal Pertner Meeting of SEE Hydropower 2012
Year: 2012 - Task 6.5 Ecological status evaluation in Prut basin (Romania)
Autoren: Schinegger, R; Mielach, C; Schmutz, S
Event: SEE Hydropower Final Partner Meeting 2012
Year: 2012 - Environmental Impacts of Hydropower Production - How can we avoid/mitigate negative effects on the aquatic system?
Autoren: Schmutz, S; Schinegger, R;
Event: HydroVision India 2012 - Switching on India's Power Future
Year: 2012 - SEE HydroPower - Clear Water Clean Energy: WP4 - Preserving Water Bodies' Ecosystems - Environmental Flow Comparison
Autoren: Mielach, C; Schinegger, R; Schmutz, S; Zeiringer, B
Event: 9th International Symposium on Ecohydraulics 2012
Year: 2012 - Mitigating effects of hydro peaking on fish assemblages in different bio-geographical regions of Europe
Autoren: Melcher, A; Bakken, TH; Charmasson, J; Cassidy, T; Greimel, F; Peter, A; Sauterleute, J; Schmutz, S, Unfer, G, Harby, A
Event: 9th International Symposium on Ecohydraulics 2012
Year: 2012 - SEE Hydropower - Preservation of aquatic ecosystems - Comparison of EF methods
Autoren: Mielach, C; Schinegger, R; Zeiringer, B; Schmutz, S
Event: SIL-Austria Meeting 2012
Year: 2012 - A probalistic model characteriszing fish assemblages in running waters of Iran: a framework for environmental assessment
Autoren: Mostafavi, H; Coad, B; Esmaeili, H R; Mahini, A S.; Melcher, A H; Pletterbauer, F; Schinegger, R; Teimori, A; Trautwein, C; Vatandoust, S; Schmutz, S
Event: 14th European Congress of Ichthyology 2012
Year: 2012 - Example case study: Piave/Mis river - Habitat modelling
Autoren: Mielach, C; Schinegger, R; Zeiringer, B; Cesca, M; Vianello, A
Event: SEE Hydropower Final Partner Meeting 2012
Year: 2012 - Differences of fish metric‘s responses to human pressures between river types
Autoren: Trautwein, C Schinegger, R Schmutz S
Event: SIL-Austria Meeting 2012
Year: 2012 - WP4 - Preserving water bodies ecosystems
Autoren: Mielach, C; Schinegger, R
Event: Internal Pertner Meeting of SEE Hydropower 2012
Year: 2012 - Multiple Scale Analysis of Land-Use - Fish Linkages in Austrian Rivers
Autoren: Trautwein, C; Schinegger, R; Juen, P; Schmutz, S
Event: 9th International Symposium on Ecohydraulics 2012
Year: 2012 - Pressure specific and multiple pressure response of fish assemblages in European running waters
Autoren: Schinegger, R; Trautwein, C; Schmutz, S;
Event: Department Day WAU Water-Atmosphere-Environment 2012
Year: 2011 - How do human pressures influence the European Fish Fauna? A comparative view of European fish- and eco regions.
Autoren: Schinegger, R., Trautwein, C., Schmutz, S.
Event: NOAA Monster Seminar JAM at NW Fisheries Science Center 2011
Year: 2011 - WP4 – Task 4.1: Comparative analysis of methodologies for the implementation of Environmental Flow (EF) according to the WFD
Autoren: Mielach C.; Schinegger R.; Schmutz S.;
Event: SEE Hydropower Internal Partner Meeting Tulcea 2011
Year: 2011 - The "European Fish Index +", a numerical tool for ecological status assessment.
Autoren: Schinegger R.; Mielach C.; Schmutz S.;
Event: SEE Hydropower - Internal Partner Meeting Vienna 2011
Year: 2011 - Catchment land use classes as cumulative stressor on riverine fish
Autoren: Trautwein, C., Schinegger, R., Schmutz, S.
Event: 2nd Biennial Symposium of the International Society for River Science ISRS 2011
Year: 2011 - WP4 – Task 4.4: Report about the evaluation of hydro-morphological habitat quality/status; and a Guideline to calculate the European Fish Index with a numerical tools
Autoren: Schinegger R.; Mielach C.; Schmutz.;
Event: SEE Hydropower Internal Partner Meeting Tulcea 2011
Year: 2011 - Environmental impacts of hydropower production - How can we avoid/mitigate negative effects on the aquatic system?
Autoren: Melcher, AH, Schinegger, R., Mielach, C., Schmutz S.
Event: Norwegian Residence Seminar 2011 - Renewable sources of energy (hydropower and bio-energy) in Austria and Norway
Year: 2011 - DSS_KLIM:EN: Decision Support System zur Beurteilung der Wechselwirkungen zwischen Klimawandel, Energie aus Wasserkraft und Ökologie
Autoren: Habersack, H., Wagner, B., Hauer, C., Jäger, E., Krapesch, G., Strahlhofer, L., Volleritsch, M., Holzapfel, P., Schmutz, S., Schinegger, R., Pletterbauer, F., Formayer, H., Gerersdorfer, T., Pospichal, B., Prettenthaler, F., Steiner, D., Köberl, J., Rogler, N.
Event: 12. Österreichischer Klimatag 2011 - Forschung zu Klima, Klimawandel und Auswirkungen in Österreich
Year: 2011 - Task 4.3 – Workplan: Strategy development for preserving river ecosystems in accordance with WFD – connectivity measures and fish migration
Autoren: Schinegger R.; Mielach C.; Schmutz S.;
Event: SEE Hydropower Internal Partner Meeting Tulcea 2011
Year: 2011 - How to make hydropower environmentally friendly
Autoren: Schinegger, R; Mielach, C; Schmutz, S;
Event: Internal Partner Meeting of SEE Hydropower 2011
Year: 2011 - The “Austrian Screening Method” for the hydro-morphological evaluation of (small) rivers
Autoren: Mielach C.; Schinegger R.; Schmutz S.;
Event: SEE Hydropower - Internal Partner Meeting Vienna 2011
Year: 2011 - LANPREF: landscape - pressure - fish - cascades
Autoren: Trautwein, C., Schinegger, R., Schmutz, S.
Event: NOAA NWFSC Monster Seminar JAM 2011
Year: 2011 - The “Austrian regulation for ecological quality objectives of surface waters”
Autoren: Mielach C.; Schinegger R.; Schmutz S.;
Event: SEE Hydropower - Internal Partner Meeting Vienna 2011
Year: 2011 - WP6/Task 6.1 - Piave basin (Italy): Habitat modelling
Autoren: Mielach, C; Schinegger, R; Schmutz, S;
Event: Internal Partner Meeting of SEE Hydropower 2011
Year: 2011 - How do landuse and other human pressures influence the European fish fauna? Identifying the Landscape-Pressure-Fish-Cascade
Autoren: Trautwein, C., Schinegger, R., Schmutz, S.
Event: Seminar Series, Oregon State University, Department of Fisheries and Wildlife & Environmental Protection Agency 2011
Year: 2011 - Multivariate approach in linking fish assemblage metrics to human impacts in European rivers
Autoren: Schinegger, R., Trautwein C., Melcher, AH, Schmutz, S.
Event: 1. Biometrischen Seminar im WS 2011/12 des Institut für Angewandte Statistik & EDV, BOKU Wien
Year: 2011 - Linking fish assemblage metrics to human impacts in European rivers
Autoren: Trautwein, C., Schinegger, R., Melcher, A., Schmutz S.,
Event: 1. Biometrischen Seminar im WS 2011/12 des Institut für Angewandte Statistik & EDV, BOKU Wien
Year: 2011 - DSS_KLIM:EN: Decision Support System zur Beurteilung der Wechselwirkungen zwischen Klimawandel, Energie aus Wasserkraft und Ökologie
Autoren: Habersack, H., Wagner, B., Hauer, C., Jäger, E., Krapesch, G., Strahlhofer, L., Volleritsch, M., Holzapfel, P., Schmutz, S., Schinegger, R., Pletterbauer, F., Formayer, H., Gerersdorfer, T., Pospichal, B., Prettenthaler, F., Steiner, D., Köberl, J., Rogler, N.
Event: 12. Österreichischer Klimatag 2011 - Forschung zu Klima, Klimawandel und Auswirkungen in Österreich
Year: 2011 - WP4 – Task 4.2: Assessment of common methodologies related to water quality and biological continuity, including river recovering
Autoren: Schinegger R.; Mielach C.; Schmutz S.;
Event: SEE Hydropower Internal Partner Meeting Tulcea 2011
Year: 2011 - WP4 - Preserving water bodies ecosystems
Autoren: Mielach, C; Schinegger, R; Schmutz, S;
Event: Internal Partner Meeting of SEE Hydropower 2011
Year: 2011 - How do human pressures influence the European Fish Fauna? A comparative view of European fish- and eco regions.
Autoren: Schinegger, R., Trautwein, C., Schmutz S.,
Event: Seminar at Juneau Forest Service Lab, US Forest Service 2011
Year: 2011 - Untangling the relationship between fish metrics, environmental gradients and human pressures in European running waters
Autoren: Schinegger, R., Trautwein, C., Steel, E.A., Schmutz, S.
Event: 2nd Biennial Symposium of the International Society for River Science ISRS 2011
Year: 2010 - Is land use an adequate surrogate for river morphology and water quality?
Autoren: Trautwein, C., Schinegger, R., Schmutz, S.
Event: 1st IWA Austrian National Young Water Professionals Conference 2010
Year: 2010 - DSS_KLIM:EN - Entwicklung eines Decison Support Systems zur Beurteilung der Wechselwirkung zwischen Klimawandel, Energie aus Wasserkraft und Ökologie
Autoren: Habersack, H., Jäger, E., Wagner, B., Hauer, C., Krapesch, G., Formayer, H., Pospichal, B., Schmutz, S., Schinegger, R., Pletterbauer, F., Prettenthaler, F., Steiner, D.
Event: 11. Österreichischer Klimatag 2010 - Forschung zu Klima, Klimawandel und Auswirkungen in Österreich
Year: 2010 - Human pressures and their impacts on Austrian rivers
Autoren: Schinegger R., Trautwein C., Schmutz S.
Event: 1st IWA Austrian National Young Water Professionals Conference 2010
Year: 2010 - Hydro peaking in Austria and its effects on aquatic organisms
Autoren: Schmutz, S., A. Melcher, M. Jungwirth, R. Schinegger, G. Unfer, C. Wiesner, B. Zeiringer,
Event: 8th International Symposium on Ecohydraulics 2010
Year: 2009 - Challenges in Austria related to hydropeaking and integration of wind power with hydropower
Autoren: Melcher, A., R. Schinegger, G. Unfer, O. Moog, M. Jungwirth & S. Schmutz
Event: CEDREN Kick off Meeting 2009
Year: 2009 - Relationships land use and european stream fish fauna
Autoren: Trautwein C., Schinegger R., Schmutz S.
Event: SIL-Austria Meeting 2009
Year: 2009 - Human pressures in European rivers - Results of the EFI+ pressure analysis
Autoren: Schinegger, R., Melcher, A., Trautwein, C., Schmutz, S.
Event: International Symposium and EFI+ Workshop 2009 - Improving the ecological status of fish communities in inland waters
Year: 2009 - Taxa and guild classification of European Fish Species for use in Fish-Based Assessments
Autoren: Melcher, A., P. Bady, K. Battes, M. Beers, J. Belliard, P. Bohman, T. Buijse, I.G. Cowx, T. Ferreira, D. Garcia de Jalon, J. Gortázar, G. Haidvogl, B. Halasi-Kovács, S. Holzer, M. Logez, G. Maio, R.A.A. Noble, D. Pont, P. Prus, J.M. Santos, E. Schager, R. Schinegger, N. Schotzko, P. Segurado, T. Sutela, C. Trautwein, T. Vehanen, W. Wisniewolski, C. Wolter and S. Schmutz
Event: International Symposium and EFI+ Workshop 2009 - Improving the ecological status of fish communities in inland waters
Year: 2009 - Taxa and guild classification of European Fish Species for use in Fish-Based Assessments
Autoren: Melcher A., et al.
Event: International Symposium and EFI+ Workshop 2009 - Improving the ecological status of fish communities in inland waters
Autoren: Schinegger R., A. Melcher, C. Trautwein & S. Schmutz
Event: SIL-Austria Meeting 2009
Year: 2009 - Taxa and Guild Classification of European Fish Species for Use in Fish-Based Assessments
Autoren: Melcher, A., P. Bady, K. Battes, M. Beers, J. Belliard, P. Bohman, T. Buijse, I.G. Cowx, T. Ferreira, D. Garcia de Jalon, J. Gortázar, G. Haidvogl, B. Halasi-Kovács, S. Holzer, M. Logez, G. Maio, R.A.A. Noble, D. Pont, P. Prus, J.M. Santos, E. Schager, R. Schinegger, N. Schotzko, P. Segurado, T. Sutela, C. Trautwein, T. Vehanen, W. Wisniewolski, C. Wolter and S. Schmutz
Event: International symposium on Improving the ecological status of fish communities in inland waters 2009
Year: 2009 - Erfahrungen zur Schwallproblematik aus Österreich
Autoren: Schmutz, S., M. Jungwirth, O. Moog, R. Schinegger, G. Unfer
Event: Schwall und Sunk im Spannungsfeld von Energiewirtschaft und Ökologie 2009
Year: 2009 - Effects of Various Landscape Patterns on European Fish Fauna
Autoren: Trautwein, C., Schinegger, R., Schmutz, S.
Event: International Symposium and EFI+ Workshop 2009 - Improving the ecological status of fish communities in inland waters
Year: 2009 - Detecting patterns and relationships of human pressures in European rivers
Autoren: Schinegger, R; Melcher A; Trautwein C; Schmutz, S;
Event: 33rd IAHR Congress 2009 - Water Engineering for a Sustainable Environment
Year: 2009 - Hydropeaking, environmental impacts and mitigation in Austria
Autoren: Schinegger R., A. Melcher, G. Unfer, O. Moog, M. Jungwirth & S. Schmutz
Event: International seminar EnviPEAK 2009
Year: 2008 - Aquatic ecosystem services in a changing world
Autoren: Muhar, M., Schmutz, S., Jungwirth, M, Schinegger, R.
Event: WATER 2008 - Guaranteeing aquatic ecosystem services in urbanised landscapes
Year: 2008 - The role of ecosystem functioning for guaranteeing ecosystem services
Autoren: Schmutz S., Hein, T., Jungwirth, M., Muhar, S., Schinegger, R., Trautwein, C.
Event: WATER 2048 Workshop 2008 - Guaranteeing aquatic ecosystem services in urbanised landscapes
Year: 2008 - Bedeutung fischökologischer Forschung an der Universität für Bodenkultur zum Erhalt und zur Wiederherstellung intakter Fließgewässer
Autoren: Schmutz, S., Haidvogl, G., Hinterhofer, M., Hohensinner, S., Jungwirth, M., Melcher, A., Muhar, S., Poppe, M., Preis, S., Schinegger, R., Trautwein, C., Unfer, G., Waidbacher,H., Wiesner, C., Zeiringer, B.
Event: 150 Jahre Fischforschung in Österreich 2008
Year: 2007 - EFI+ central database - First pressure analyses and proposals for the pressure index
Autoren: Schinegger R., Melcher A., Schmutz S.,
Event: 2nd EFI + consortium meeting 2007
Year: 2007 - Human pressures in European rivers - EFI+
Autoren: Schinegger, R., Melcher, A., Haidvogl, G., Trautwein, C., Schmutz, S.,
Event: Sil Austria Treffen