Rebecca Hood-Nowotny
Priv.-Doz. Rebecca Hood-Nowotny M.B.A.,Ph.D.
Institute of Soil Research
Location Konrad Lorenz-Straße 24, 3430 Tulln an der Donau
Tel: +43 1 47654-91176
- 2018 BOKU Tulln, Institute for Soil Research; Department of Forest and Soil Sciences
- 2014 - 2017 AIT, Austrian Institute of Technology GmbH; Health & Environment Department, Environmental Resources & Technologies, Research Scientist
- 2013 - 2013 Imprint Analytics GmbH, Technologiezentrum Mittelburgenland; Project Manager-Business Developer. Project formulation and acquisition, successful acquisition: FFG Foodprint and Elite projects
- 2007 - 2009 Department of Terrestrial Ecosystem Research, University of Vienna; Senior Post Doctoral Researcher, Elisa Richter Fellowship Project title: Does Carbon Negative Biochar Tighten the Nitrogen Cycle? (FWF).
- 2006 - 2008 WWTF Nitrogenome Project. UV; Senior Post Doctoral Researcher. Increasing Nitrogen Efficacy in Agricultural Systems by Understanding and Manipulating the Biotic “Black-Box”
- 2005 - 2009 FAO/IAEA Laboratories, Seibersdorf Austria; Senior Scientist in Entomology and Soil Science Unit
- 2004 - 2005 Joint European Stable Isotope Users Group Meeting, (1st JESIUM), Vienna; Conference founder and organiser
- 2004 - 2006 Open University, Milton Keynes, UK; Master of Business Administration (MBA)
- 1996 - 2004 FAO/IAEA, Soil science Unit. FAO/IAEA Laboratories, Seibersdorf Austria; Senior Soil Scientist
- 1996 - 1996 University of California, (UCSC) Dept. Environmental Studies, Santa Cruz, USA; Lecturer in Restoration Ecology
- 1993 - 1995 Professor Keith Smith’s Greenhouse Gas Group, SAC, Edinburgh, Scotland; Postdoctoral researcher/SAC Environmental consultant
- 1990 - 1993 Department of Soil Science, University of Reading, UK; Doctor of Philosophy (PhD), Nitrogen fixation in Alnus glutinosa. Use of stable isotopes and models to predict regeneration times of opencast coal spoil. Supervisor: Dr. Martin Wood
- 1989 - 1990 Kentish Town City Farm; Youth worker - Urban Farmer
- 1988 - 1989 Overseas Development Administration Chatham, UK; Scientific Officer
- 1985 - 1989 Department of Pure and Applied Biology, University of Leeds, UK; Bachelor of Science Honours (BSc (Hons)), Agricultural Science
- 1977 - 1984 Sir Frederic Osborn Comprehensive School, Hertfordshire, UK
0 Projects found.
Knowledge Transfer to Society
Year: 2024 - Influence of alpine ranges on the isotope signature in precipitation in Austria
Autoren: Schott, K; Rank, D; Watzinger, A; Hood-Nowotny, R; Wyhlidal, S
Event: SINA 2023: 19th Stable Isotope Network Austria Meeting
Year: 2024 - Impacts of biochar on nitrous oxide emissions and ammonia volatilization in wheat and maize cropping systems.
Autoren: Hartmann, F; Spiegel, H; Kitzler, B; Díaz-Pinés, E; Hood-Nowotny, R
Event: Centennial Celebration and Congress of the International Union of Soil Sciences IUSS 2024
Year: 2024 - Regenerative Agriculture for Soil Health and Environmental Conservation
Autoren: Keiblinger, K; Maftukhah, R; Ngadisih; Hood, R; Kral, R; Murtiningrum; Weinrich, F; Rosinger, C; Huber, S; Sae-Tun, O; Bieber, M; Bernardini, L; Schneider, M; Wieser, S; Mentler, A; Bodner G;
Event: 6th Summer Course: Adaptive Technology for Sustainable Agroindustrial Sector in a Response to Climate Change 2024
Year: 2024 - Local soil amendments for improving soil health and crop yield in degraded post-mining soils
Autoren: Keiblinger, K; Maftukhah, R; Mentler, A; Ngadisih; Hood, R; Kral, R; Murtiningrum; Bodner, G
Event: 19th ASEA-UNINET Plenary Meeting 2024
Year: 2023 - Contribution of Lumbricus terrestris in Crop Production in Three Soil Tillage Systems
Autoren: Euteneuer, P; Wagentristl, H; Hood-Nowotny, R;Hofer, A; Windisch, M; Weiler, E; Widy, S; Bodner, G; Neugschwandter, RW; Butt KR
Event: 3rd Global Soil Biodiversity 2023
Year: 2023 - Trade-offs between crop yields and heavy metal concentrations of agriculutral crops in post-tin mining soils amended with local organic amendments
Autoren: Maftukhah, R; Mentler, A; Ngadisih, N; Murtiningrum, M; Kral, R; Hood-Nowotny, R; Gartner, M; Keiblinger, KM;
Event: 8. WABO Student Conference 2023: Shaping the Future of Forest and Soil Science
Year: 2023 - Nitrous oxide emissions and ammonia volatilisation in a field experiment with different organic and inorganic fertilisers with biochar combinations
Autoren: Hartmann, F; Fernandez-Balado, C; Hood-Nowotny, R;
Event: European Geosciences Union General Assembly 2023
Year: 2023 - Trade-offs between nitrogen fixation and heavy metal(loid)s accumulation in a cassava-legume intercropping system on post-tin mining soils amended with local organic amendments
Autoren: Maftukhah, R; Mentler, A; Ngadisih, N; Murtiningrum, M; Kral, R; Gartner, M; Hood-Nowotny, R; Keiblinger, K
Event: Tropentag 2023: Competing pathways for equitable food systems transformation: trade-offs and synergies
Year: 2022 - Climate change induced drought inhibits plant growth in agricultural systems – A lysimeter study
Autoren: Miloczki, J; Prommer, J; Wawra, A; Berthold, H; Hösch, J; Formayer, H; Kisielinska, W; Spiridon, A; Hood-Nowotny, R; Spiegel, H; Baumgarten, A; Watzinger, A
Event: European Geosciences Union EGU General Assembly 2022
Year: 2022 - ¹³C PLFA/FA fingerprinting to assess taxonomic and functional development of the soil microbial community and mesofauna after heavy metal remediation
Autoren: Noller, C; Wissuwa, J; Friesl-Hanl, W; Hood-Nowotny, R; Bruckner, A; Watzinger, A
Event: Joint European Stable Isotope User Meeting JESIUM 2022
Year: 2022 - A UAV-based sampling system to analyze greenhouse gases and volatile organic carbons encompassing compound specific stable isotope analysis
Autoren: Leitner, S; Feichtinger, W; Mayer, S; Mayer, F; Krompetz, D; Hood-Nowotny, R; Watzinger, A
Event: 10th International Symposium on Isotopomers (ISI) and 12th Isotopes Conference 2022
Year: 2022 - Sustainable management of post-tin mining soils - soil amendment effects on heavy metal concentrations in agricultural crops
Autoren: Maftukhah R, Mentler A, Ngadisih, Murtiningrum, Hood-Nowotny R, Gartner M, Kral R, Keiblinger KM
Event: Goldschmidt Conference 2022
Year: 2022 - arbon allocation to banana suckers under optimal and drought conditions – evidence from a 13CO2 pulse-labeling experiment.
Autoren: Vantyghem, M.; Beelen, E.; Hood-Nowotny, R.; Merckx, R.; Dercon, G.
Event: Joint European Stable Isotope User Meeting JESIUM 2022
Year: 2022 - Riparian strips as climate change mitigation strategy - 18O PO4 technique to study the P cycling in streams subject to excess nutrient inputs
Autoren: Watzinger, A; Hood-Nowotny, R; Akbari, E; Weigelhofer, G;
Event: FAO/IAEA International Symposium on Managing Land and Water for Climate Smart Agriculture 2022
Year: 2022 - Sustainable management of post-tin mining soils - soil amendment effects on heavy metals concentrations in agricultural crops
Autoren: Maftukhah R, Mentler A, Ngadisih, Murtiningrum, Hood-Nowotny R, Gartner M, Kral RM, Keiblinger KM
Event: International Conference on Sustainable Environment, Agriculture and Tourism 2022
Year: 2022 - Sustainable management of post-tin mining soils – Evaluation of local soil amendments on crop yield and drought resistance
Autoren: Maftukhah R, Kral RM, Mentler A, Ngadisih, Murtiningrum, Keiblinger KM, Gartner M, Hood-Nowotny R
Event: International Conference on Sustainable Environment, Agriculture and Tourism 2022
Year: 2022 - Drought due to climate change reduced plant production and decelerated carbon and nitrogen cycling in an agroecosystem
Autoren: Watzinger, A; Prommer, J; Spiridon, A.; Kisielinska, W; Hood-Nowotny, R; Leitner, S; Wanek, W; Resch, C; Heiling, M; Murer, E; Formayer, H; Wawra, A; Miloczki, J;
Event: FAO/IAEA International Symposium on Managing Land and Water for Climate Smart Agriculture 2022
Year: 2022 - Impact of EDTA soil washing on microbial life and ecosystem functions - a stable isotope labelling approach
Autoren: Eichinger, C; Noller, C; Friesl-Hanl, W; Hood-Nowotny, R; Watzinger, A
Event: Joint European Stable Isotope User Meeting JESIUM 2022
Year: 2021 - Soil Amendments Improve Crop Yields and Drought Tolerance on Ex-tin Mining Area.
Autoren: Maftukhah, R; Kral, RM; Mentler, A; Ngadisih, N; Murtiningrum, M; Keiblinger, KM; Gartner, M; Hood-Nowotny, R
Event: Tropentag 2021
Year: 2021 - Impact of EDTA washing of heavy metal-contaminated soil on microbial life and ecosystem functions - a 13C and 15N stable isotopes labelling approach
Autoren: Eichinger, C; Noller, C; Friesl-Hanl, W.; Hood-Nowotny, R.; Watzinger, A
Event: ISOECOL 2021
Year: 2021 - Using stable isotope additions to study coupled uptake of C, N, and P by stream biofilms
Autoren: Weigelhofer, G; Akbari, E; Watzinger, A; Hood-Novotny, R
Event: ISOECOL 2021
Year: 2021 - Assessing the effect of EDTA soil washing on mesofauna using stable carbon isotope labeling
Autoren: Noller, C; Wissuwa, J; Hood-Nowotny, R; Friesl-Hanl, W; Watzinger, A
Event: Stable Isotope Network Austria SINA Meeting 2021
Year: 2021 - Using stable isotope additions to study coupled uptake of C, N, and P by stream biofilms
Autoren: Weigelhofer, G; Akbari, E; Watzinger, A; Hood-Novotny, R
Event: ISOECOL 2021
Year: 2021 - Isotopic composition and nitrogen uptake in different soil amendment application on the ex-tin mining area
Autoren: Maftukhah R, Keiblinger KM, Mentler A, Ngadisih N, Murtiningrum M, Kral RM, Gartner M, Hood-Nowothny R
Event: 18th Stable Isotope Network Austria SINA Meeting 2021
Year: 2021 - Effect of EDTA-soil washing on the microbial community and mesofauna
Autoren: Noller, C; Wissuwa, J; Eichinger, C; Friesl-Hanl, W; Hood- Nowotny, R; Watzinger, A
Event: 6. DWB Student Conference 2021 - Forest & Soil Science update
Year: 2021 - Successive and automated stable isotope analysis of CO2, CH4 and N2O paving the way for unmanned aerial vehicle-based sampling
Autoren: Leitner, S; Hood-Nowotny, R; Watzinger, A
Event: ISOECOL 2021
Year: 2021 - New Ag3PO4 comparison material for stable oxygen isotope analysis
Autoren: Watzinger, A; Schott, K; Hood-Nowotny, R; Tamburini, F; Arppe, L; Cristini, F; Knöller, K; Skrzypek, G
Event: 18th Stable Isotope Network Austria SINA Meeting 2021
Year: 2020 - Projekt: Climagrocycle – Consequences of climate change for agroecosystem Carbon and Nitrogen cycling
Autoren: Watzinger, A; Prommer, J;Spiridon, A; Hood-Nowotny, R; Leitner, S; Wanek, W; Heiling, M; Resch, C; Wawra, A; Hösch, J; Berthold, H; Miloczky, J; Krammer, C; Murer, E; Wagenhofer, J; Formayer, H; Bruckner, A;
Event: Stakeholder-Workshop „Klimawandelanpassung“
Year: 2020 - Heavy Metal City-Zen. Exploring the potential risk of heavy metal contamination of food crop plants in urban gardening contexts using a citizen science approach.
Autoren: Ziss, E; Friesl-Hanl, W; Noller, C; Watzinger, A; Hood-Nowotny, R
Event: European Geosciences Union EGU General Assembly 2020
Year: 2020 - „Heavy Metal City-Zen“. Dieses Citizen Science Projekt untersucht das potentielle Risiko einer Schwermetallbelastung von Nutzpflanzen in Stadtgebieten.
Autoren: Ziss, E; Friesl-Hanl, W; Noller, C; Watzinger, A; Hood-Nowotny, R
Event: 6. Österreichische Citizen Science Konferenz 2020
Year: 2020 - UAV-based gas monitoring systems for the underpinning of urban, agricultural and industrial emission roadmaps – a methodological approach
Autoren: Leitner, S; Feichtinger, W; Mayer, S; Mayer, F; Krompetz, D; Hood-Nowotny, R; Watzinger, A
Event: European Geosciences Union EGU General Assembly 2020
Year: 2019 - Using Crop Residues for Household Biochar Production and subsequent Sequestration of Carbon in Agricultural Soils of Uganda, Address Swathe of SDGs
Autoren: Hood-Nowotny, R; Nakubulwa, D; Tumuhairwe, J.B; Majaliwa, M; Ndawula, I; Vanlauwe, B; Roobroeck, D
Event: International Symposium Global Sustainable Development Goals in a Mediatized World 2019
Year: 2019 - Future precipitation patterns in agroecosystems affected carbon and nitrogen cycling – a green manure stable isotope labelling study
Autoren: Watzinger, A; Spiridon, A; Leitner, S; Helene, B; Hösch, J; Murer, E; Wagenhofer, J; Formayer, H; Wanek, W; Hood-Nowotny, R
Event: EGU General Assembly 2019
Year: 2019 - Impact of future precipitation patterns in agroecosystems on CO2 and N2O emissions – a green manure stable isotope labelling study
Autoren: Leitner, Simon; Spiridon, Andreea; Hood-Nowotny, Rebecca; Heiling, Maria; Resch, Christian; Berthold, Helene; Hösch, Johannes; Murer, Erwin; Wagenhofen, Johannes; Formayer, Herbert; Watzinger, Andrea;
Event: EGU General Assembly 2019
Year: 2019 - Climagrocycle - 13C und 15N Isotopen in einer Lysimeteranlage
Autoren: Wawra, A; Baumgarten, A; Berthold, H; Hood-Nowotny, R; Hösch, J; Formayer, H; Murer, E; Spiridon, A; Wagenhofer J; Watzinger, A;
Event: 18. Gumpensteiner Lysimetertagung, 2019 - Lysimeter - a perfect tool for quantifying fluxes of water, nutrients and pollutants
Year: 2019 - The impact of elevated nitrogen-inputs on organic matter decompositionin European forest soils, determined using a tool-box of stable isotopelabelling techniques.
Autoren: Hood-Nowotny, R; Schmittner, K; Watzinger, A; Gorfer, M; Grandin, U; Korboulewsky, N; Stadler, J; Djulic I; Dirnböck, T
Event: EGU General Assembly 2019
Year: 2019 - UAV-based gas monitoring systems for the underpinning of urban, agricultural and industrial emission roadmaps – a methodological approach
Autoren: Leitner, S; Feichtinger, W; Mayer, S; Mayer, F; Hood-Nowotny, R; Watzinger, A
Event: Isotopes 2019
Year: 2019 - Trace metal bioavailability in polluted garden soils after EDTA soil washing: the effects of in-/organic post treatment
Autoren: Noller, C; Friesl-Hanl, W; Hood-Nowotny, R; Lestan, D; Soja, G; Puschenreiter, M; Watzinger, A
Event: 15th International Conference on the Biogeochemistry of Trace Elements ICOBTE 2019
Year: 2019 - Uptake of 15N fertilizer in plants and microbes in a Biochar amended, agricultural soil
Autoren: Wawra, A; Watzinger, A; Soja, G; Hood-Nowotny, R
Event: EGU General Assembly 2019
Year: 2019 - Promoting negative emission technologies (NETs) for tackling climate change using an experimental citizen science and public engagement approach.
Autoren: Hood-Nowotny, RC; Ziss, E; Watzinger, A; Wawra, A.
Event: EGU General Assembly 2019
Year: 2019 - Future precipitation patterns in agroecosystems affected carbon and nitrogen turnover – a green manure stable isotope labelling study
Autoren: Watzinger, A; Spiridon, A; Leitner, S; Heiling, M; Resch, C; Wawra, A; Hösch, J; Murer, E; Wagenhofer, J; Formayer, H; Wanek, W; Hood-Nowotny, R
Event: Isotopes 2019
Year: 2019 - Oxygen isotope equilibration of phosphate in the soil /plant system – an 18O-PO4 organic fertilizer test
Autoren: Goloda, E; Soja, G; Zwölfer, K; Hood-Nowotny, R; Watzinger, A
Event: EGU General Assembly 2019
Year: 2018 - Stable Isotopes in Entomology: Is the endogenous δ²H signature of a Gypsy moth an indicator for its invasiveness in the USA?
Autoren: Freistetter, NC; Simmons, G; Watzinger, A; Hood-Nowotny, R
Event: 16th Stable Isotope Network Austria SINA Meeting 2018
Year: 2018 - Projekt "GARDEN-SOIL" trifft SDGs (UN Sustainable Development Goals)
Autoren: Friesl-Hanl, W; Noller, C; Hood-Nowotny, R; Watzinger, A
Event: Jahrestagung der Österreichischen Bodenkundlichen Gesellschaft 2018
Year: 2018 - Biochar: NET‐2‐U-2: Negative Emission Technologies are nice to the environment part two - Using stable isotopes in a citizen science approach
Autoren: Ziss, E; Wawra, A; Hood-Nowotny, RC
Event: 16th Stable Isotope Network Austria SINA Meeting 2018
Year: 2018 - Oxygen isotope equilibration of phosphate in different soil P pools over time
Autoren: Watzinger, A; Goloda, E; Zwölfer, K; Hood-Nowotny, R; Soja, G
Event: First Research Coordination Meeting (RCM) of the Coordinated Research Project (CRP) on “Multiple Isotope Fingerprints to Identify Sources and Transport of Agro-Contaminants”
Year: 2018 - Biochar: NET-2-U. Biochar: Negative Emission Technologies are nice to the environment
Autoren: Hood-Nowotny, RC; Ziss, E
Event: EGU General Assembly 2018
Year: 2018 - Biokohle: Negative Emissionstechnologien sind nett zur Umwelt
Autoren: Hood-Nowotny, RC; Ziss, E
Event: Austrian Citizen Science Conference 2018 – Generation Citizen Science
Year: 2018 - Consequences of climate change for agroecosystem carbon and nitrogen cycling - a stable isotpe labelling study
Autoren: Spiridon, A; Hood-Nowotny, R; Leitner, S; Berthold, H; Hösch, J; Murer, E; Wagenhofer, J; Formayer, H; Bruckner, A; Wanek, W; Watzinger, A
Event: 16th Stable Isotope Network Austria SINA Meeting 2018
Year: 2018 - Impacts of Nitrogen Deposition on Forest Biogeochemical Processes across a transeuropean gradient investigated using a toolkit of stable isotope methods
Autoren: Schmittner, K; Watzinger, A; Gorfer, M; Grandin, U; Korboulewsky, N; Rose, R; Stadler, J; Djulic, I; Dirnböck, T; Hood-Nowotny, R
Event: 3rd Student Conference, Department of Forest and Soil Sciences, 2018
Year: 2018 - Impact of nitrogen deposition on forest biogeochemical processes investigated using a tool kit of stable isotope methods
Autoren: Schmittner, K; Watzinger, A; Gorfer, M; Grandin, U; Korboulewsky, N; Rose, R; Stadler, J; Dirnböck, T; Hood-Nowotny, R;
Event: 16th Stable Isotope Network Austria SINA Meeting 2018
Year: 2018 - Remediation and Revitalization of Trace Metal Contaminated Garden Soils Using a Sustainable EDTA Washing Technique
Autoren: Noller, C; Friesl-Hanl, W; Hood-Nowotny, R; Lestan, D; Puschenreiter, M; Watzinger, A
Event: International Conference Contaminated site 2018
Year: 2018 - Consequences of climate change for agroecosystem carbon and nitrogen cycling - a stable isotope labelling study
Autoren: Spiridon, A; Hood-Nowotny, Rebecca; Leitner, S; Bertold, H; Hösch, J; Murer, E; Wagenhofer, J; Formayer, H; Bruckner, A; Heiling, M; Resch, C; Weltin, G; Watzinger, A
Event: 3rd Student Conference, Department of Forest and Soil Sciences, 2018
Year: 2018 - Feasibility study to measure d18O of water via GC-IRMS
Autoren: Leitner, S; Watzinger, A; Hood-Nowotny, R
Event: 16th Stable Isotope Network Austria SINA Meeting 2018
Year: 2018 - Use and potential of stable isotopic tools in biology
Autoren: Hood-Nowotny, R; Watzinger, A
Event: DIBB Research Symposium 2018
Year: 2018 - Biochar: NET-2-U-2. Biokohle: Negative Emissionstechnologien sind nett zur Umwelt
Autoren: Ziss, E; Wawra, A; Hood-Nowotny, RC
Event: Biochar NET-2-U-2 Day 2018
Year: 2018 - Biokohle - eine Renaissance des Strohs?
Autoren: Hood-Nowotny, R
Event: Kaleidoskop Biomasse Workshop 2018
Year: 2018 - Fate of 15N fertilizer in plants and microbes following Biochar addition in an Austrian agricultural soil
Autoren: Hood-Nowotny, R; Wawra, A; Watzinger, A; Soja, G
Event: 16th Stable Isotope Network Austria SINA Meeting 2018
Year: 2018 - Stable Isotopes in Soil Research
Autoren: Watzinger, A.; Hood-Nowotny, R.
Event: 3rd Student Conference, Department of Forest and Soil Sciences, 2018
Year: 2018 - Projektpräsentation "Biochar NET-2-U-2”
Autoren: Hood-Nowotny, RC; Wawra, A; Ziss, E
Event: Biochar NET-2-U-2 Day 2018
Year: 2018 - The Influence of EDTA-Soil Washing and Post Treatment on the Bioavailability of Trace Metals and Plant Growth
Autoren: Noller, C; Friesl-Hanl, W; Hood-Nowotny, R; Lestan, D; Puschenreiter, M; Watzinger, A
Event: Closer Conference of the Project LIFE ReSoil - Demonstration of innovative soil washing technology for removal of toxic metals from highly contaminated garden soil
Year: 2018 - Philornis Parasitic Fly Research
Autoren: Tebbich, S; Cimadom, A; Hood-Nowotny, R
Event: Stakeholders Meeting for Discussion on Alternative Pest Management Approaches Including SIT Against the Parasitic Fly Philornis downsi on the Galapagos Islands
Year: 2017 - Biochar: Promoting citizen driven carbon capture economies by developing science-inspired products that create a pull in the biochar market
Autoren: Ziss, E; Hood-Nowotny, RC
Event: EGU General Assembly 2017
Year: 2017 - Biochar: NET‐2‐U. Biochar: Negative Emission Technologies are nice to the environment - Using stable isotopes in a citizen science approach
Autoren: Ziss, E; Hood-Nowotny, RC
Event: 15th Stable Isotope Network Austria SINA Meeting 2017
Year: 2017 - Projektpräsentation "Biochar NET-2-U"
Autoren: Hood-Nowotny, RC; Ziss, E
Event: Biochar NET-2-U Day 2017
Year: 2017 - Impacts of habitat changes on food availability for the Warbler finch in the Scalesia Forest, Galápagos
Autoren: Rabitsch, I; Zechmeister‐Boltenstern, S; Tebbich, S; Suarez‐Rubio, M; Armstrong, K; Watzinger, A; Hood‐Nowotny, R;
Event: 15th Stable Isotope Network Austria SINA Meeting 2017
Year: 2017 - Biokohle: Negative Emissionstechnologien sind nett zur Umwelt
Autoren: Hood-Nowotny, RC; Ziss, E
Event: Austrian Citizen Science Conference 2017 - Expanding Horizons
Year: 2017 - Consequences of climate change for agroecosystem carbon and nitrogen cycling – an isotope labelling of green manure approach
Autoren: Vilà Vilardell, L; Hanu, A; Hood-Nowotny, R; Berthold H; Hösch, H; Murer, E; Wagenhofer, J; Formayer, H; Watzinger, A
Event: 15th Stable Isotope Network Austria SINA Meeting 2017
Year: 2017 - Biochar: NET-2-U. Biokohle: Negative Emissionstechnologien sind nett zur Umwelt
Autoren: Ziss, E; Hood-Nowotny, RC
Event: Biochar NET-2-U Day 2017
Year: 2017 - Impacts of nitrogen on forest biogeochemical processes across trans-European gradient investigated using a tool kit of stable isotope methods
Autoren: Schmittner, K; Watzinger, A; Gorfer, M; Grandin, U; Korboulewsky, N; Rose, R; Stadler, J; Djukic, I; Dirnböck, T; Hood-Nowotny, R;
Event: 15th Stable Isotope Network Austria SINA Meeting 2017
Year: 2015 - Iso-Ento Forensics
Autoren: Hood-Nowotny, R
Event: Isotope Forensics Workshop
Year: 2015 - The impact of biochar incorporation on inorganic nitrogen fertilizer uptake, by barley and sunflower, maize and wheat in temperate arable field trials using 15N tracers
Autoren: Hood-Nowotny, R; Soja, G
Event: Final Conference of EU COST-Action TD1107
Year: 2015 - Isotopes tools in SIT
Autoren: Hood Nowotny, R; et al.
Event: USDA-CPHIS TV (aired nationally in USDA)
Year: 2015 - Insect isotope forensics
Autoren: Hood-Nowotny, R
Event: 14th Stable Isotope Network Austria SINA Meeting 2015
Year: 2015 - Carbon Credentials
Autoren: Hood-Nowotny, R
Event: BOKU Invited Seminar - Department of Forest Ecology
Year: 2015 - Darwin’s finches discovered a repellent against introduced parasites
Autoren: Tebbich, S; Hood-Nowotny, R; et al.
Event: Behaviour
Year: 2015 - Insect isotope forensics
Autoren: Hood-Nowotny, R; et al.
Event: USDA Davies
Year: 2015 - Isotopes in environmental research
Autoren: Hood-Nowotny, R; et al.
Event: eco-plus Isotopenanalytik
Year: 2015 - Isotope techniques in the authentication of wine and determining its geographic origin and quality; scope and opportunities for developing new methodologies
Autoren: Hood-Nowotny, R; et al.
Event: MOST Project China - Stable isotope monitoring technology in wine authenticity
Year: 2014 - Insects: Protein sources of the future?
Autoren: Hood-Nowotny, R
Event: Österreichische Lebensmittelchemiker Tage 2014
Year: 2014 - Isotope techniques in the authentication of wine and determining its geographic origin scope and opportunities for developing new methodologies
Autoren: Hood-Nowotny, R
Event: International Forum on Technologies Used in Food Safety and Product Authentication
Year: 2014 - Potential of stable isotope tools in optimizing insect production management
Autoren: Hood-Nowotny, R
Event: Insects to Feed the world International Conference
Year: 2014 - Review of the isotope techniques and future ventures in moth quality control
Autoren: Hood-Nowotny, R
Event: Final FAO/IAEA Research Co-ordination, Meeting on 'Increasing the Efficieny of Lepidoptera SIT by Enhanced Quality Control
Year: 2014 - Development of stable isotope and fatty acid signature analysis for identification of quarantine pest intercepts and determination of pest origin
Autoren: Hood-Nowotny, R
Event: 98th Annual meeting Pacific Branch Entomological Society of America
Year: 2014 - Environmental implications of interactions between biochar and the nitrogen cycle
Autoren: Soja, G., S. Zechmeister-Boltenstern, J. Buecker, S. Kloss, J. Karer, B. Wimmer, B. Kitzler, J. Prommer, R. Hood-Nowotny, and F. Zehetner
Event: 3rd FOREBIOM Workshop
Year: 2013 - Introduction to the Nitrogen Cycle
Autoren: Hood-Nowotny, R
Event: Green Cycles Winter Workshop on Nitrogen cycling in the Earth system
Year: 2013 - Do intrinsic isotopic signatures reveal reactive nitrogen and carbon priming of soil organic matter?
Autoren: Hood-Nowotny, R
Event: ALTER-NET Conference 2013
Year: 2012 - Nuptual gifts: how much are they worth?
Autoren: Hood-Nowotny, R
Event: FAO/IAEA Coordinated Research Programme Meeting on Increasing the Efficiency of Lepidoptera SIT by Enhanced Quality Control 2012
Year: 2012 - Priming effects of biochar; elucidated using stable isotope techniques
Autoren: Hood-Nowotny, R
Event: EGU General Assembly 2012
Year: 2011 - Priming effects of biochar in Kenyan forest and agricultural soils
Autoren: Hood-Nowotny, R
Event: 11th Stable Isotope Network Austria SINA Meeting 2011
Year: 2010 - Stable Isotopes tools for understanding Mosquito Ecology and Biology
Autoren: Hood- Nowotny, R
Event: FAO/IAEA Coordinated Research Programme Meeting 2010 - Biology of Male Mosquitoes in Relation to Genetic Control Programmes
Year: 2010 - Use of Stable Isotopes in moth mating studies
Autoren: Hood-Nowotny, R
Event: FAO/IAEA Coordinated Research Programme Meeting, Use of Stable Isotopes in moth mating studies
Year: 2009 - Potential benefits of using stable isotopes in moth mating studies
Autoren: Hood-Nowotny, R
Event: FAO/IAEA Coordinated Research Programme Meeting 2009 - Increasing the Efficiency of Lepidoptera SIT by Enhanced Quality Control
Year: 2008 - Stable isotopes as a potential tool in locust control and research
Autoren: Hood-Nowotny, R
Event: Biotechnology for Locust Control Meeting 2008
Year: 2008 - A soil scientist’s business analysis of biochar
Autoren: Hood-Nowotny, R
Event: International Biochar Initiative
Year: 2007 - The use of stable isotopes moth quality research
Autoren: Hood-Nowotny, R
Event: FAO/IAEA Consultants’ Meeting 2007 - Moth rearing quality
Year: 2007 - The use of stable isotopes in entomological research
Autoren: Hood-Nowotny, R
Event: EGU General Assembly 2007
Year: 2007 - The use of stable isotopes moth quality research
Autoren: Hood-Nowotny, R
Event: FAO/IAEA Consultants Meeting on Moth rearing quality 2007
Year: 2006 - The use of stable isotopes to study mating behaviour in mosquitoes
Autoren: Hood-Nowotny, R
Event: FAO/IAEA Consultants Meeting 2006 - Mass rearing of mosquitoes
Year: 2006 - The use of stable isotopes to study mating behaviour in mosquitoes
Autoren: Hood-Nowotny, R
Event: FAO/IAEA Consultants Meeting 2006 - Mass rearing of mosquitoes
Year: 2005 - The use of stable isotopes in malaria research
Autoren: Hood-Nowotny, R
Event: FAO/IAEA Consultants Meeting 2005 - Male mosquito fitness
Year: 2005 - The use of stable isotopes in malaria research
Autoren: Hood-Nowotny, R
Event: FAO/IAEA Consultants Meeting 2005 - Male mosquito fitness
Year: 2005 - The use of stable isotopes to study mating behaviour in mosquitoes
Autoren: Hood-Nowotny
Event: 6th Austrian Stable Isotope User Group Meeting 2005
Year: 2005 - The use of stable isotopes to study mating behaviour in mosquitoes
Autoren: Hood-Nowotny, R
Event: 6th Austrian Stable Isotope User Group Meeting 2005
Year: 2003 - The use of stable isotopes for the assessment and optimisation of conservation agriculture practices
Autoren: Hood-Nowotny, R
Event: FAO/IAEA Consultants’ Meeting on “Integrated Soil, Water and Nutrient Management in Conservation Agriculture”
Year: 2002 - The influence of quality parameters on plant N uptake from organic residues
Autoren: Hood, RC; Atie, W; Harti, S; Syambusul, R; Matijevic, M; Heiling, M
Event: 17th World Congress of Soil Science 2002
Year: 2002 - The mysteries of the soil revealed using isotope enrichment techniques - A study of animal manure mineralisation
Autoren: Hood-Nowotny, R
Event: Phytochemical Society of Europe International Symposium on Stable Isotope Techniques for the Analysis of Plant Metabolism
Year: 2000 - Isotopic signatures in water soluble organic carbon
Autoren: Hood, RC
Event: International Symposium by the Joint FAO/IAEA Division 2000 - Nuclear Techniques in Integrated Plant Nutrient, Water and Soil Management
Year: 2000 - Measuring isotopic signatures in water-soluble organic carbon
Autoren: Hood, RC; Mayr, L; McTiernan, K
Event: International Symposium by the Joint FAO/IAEA Division 2000 - Nuclear Techniques in Integrated Plant Nutrient, Water and Soil Management
Year: 2000 - Isotopic signatures in water-solubl e organic carbon. Why and where from?
Autoren: Hood, RC
Event: 2nd Viennese Workshop on Stable Isotopes in Biological and Environmental Research SIBER 2000
Year: 2000 - The use of carbon-isotope discrimination to screen wheat cultivars for tolerance to salinity and drought
Autoren: Shaheen, R; Hood, RC
Event: International Symposium by the Joint FAO/IAEA Division 2000 - Nuclear Techniques in Integrated Plant Nutrient, Water and Soil Management
Year: 2000 - Indirect techniques for measuring N release from organic residues and manures
Autoren: Hood, RC
Event: FAO/IAEA Consultants Meeting on identification of research needs for quantification of nutrient budget and flows in integrated crop/livestock systems with a focus on conservation and sustainability issues in developing countries
Year: 2000 - The role of stable isotopes in reaching sustainability in the nitrogen cycle
Autoren: Hood, RC
Event: 2nd International Summer School on the Environment (ISSE 2000) on the nitrogen cycle and sustainability a multidisciplinary approach
Year: 2000 - Gross mineralization from plant residues using cross-labelling
Autoren: Videla, CC; Hood, RC
Event: International Symposium by the Joint FAO/IAEA Division 2000 - Nuclear Techniques in Integrated Plant Nutrient, Water and Soil Management
Year: 2000 - Estimating plant N uptake from organic residues using a new approach; results of manure trials
Autoren: Hood, RC
Event: International Symposium on Balanced Nutrient Management Systems for the moist Savannah and humid forest zones of Africa
Year: 2000 - The effect of temperature and moisture on organic matter decomposition and plant growth
Autoren: Hood, RC
Event: Conference on Applications of Stable Isotope Techniques to Ecological Studies
Year: 1999 - Isotopic Signatures from Hydrogen to Plutonium: A survey of mass spectrometry in the IAEA Laboratory
Autoren: DeRegge, P; Donohue, d; deMora, S; Wyse, E; Campbell, M; Groening, M; Hood, RC; Mayer, L
Event: Eighth ISMAS Symposium on Mass Spectrometry
Year: 1999 - Estimating plant N uptake from organic residues in the field
Autoren: Hood-Nowotny, R
Event: 10th Nitrogen Workshop 1999
Year: 1994 - Estimating gross mineralisation of Alnus glutinosa residues, using 15N mirror image experimentation
Autoren: Hood, RC; Wood, M
Event: 8th Nitrogen Workshop 1994