Roland Kaitna
Assoc. Prof. Priv.Doz.DI Dr.nat.techn. Roland Kaitna
Institute of Mountain Risk Engineering
Location Peter-Jordan-Straße 82, 1190 Wien
Tel: +43 1 47654-87113
ORCID: 0000-0002-2289-723X, opens in new window.
AuthorId : 23094478200
Research Focus
In my research I am interested in the initiation, movement, and deposition of mountain hazard processes in the framework of an engineering risk assessment. One research focus is the flow behavior of debris flows and granular avalanches and how these processes interact with structural mitigation measures. We carry out field monitoring in torrent catchments and conduct laboratory experiments of particulate systems. We aim to transfer methods developed in the lab to the field for measuring e.g. basal stresses and velocity profiles under natural conditions. This combination of scales has implications for testing and developing advanced numerical simulation tools for hazard and risk assessment. Another research area is the investigation of hydro-meteorological and geomorphological trigger conditions of torrent processes and how climate change affects the frequency and magnitude of future events. We aim for a process-based understanding of initiation mechanics to develop a quantitative framework for prediction of torrential flows in mountain regions in a changing climate.
- 2018 Visiting Professor at the University of Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina
- 2016 Habilitation at the University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences, Vienna (“Alpine Geomorphologie und Naturgefahrenmanagement”)
- 2016 Associate Professor at the University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences, Vienna
- 2013 Fulbright Scholar at the Saint Anthony Falls Laboratory, University of Minnesota (Fulbright)
- 2012 - 2016 Assistenz Professor an der Universität für Bodenkultur, Wien
- 2010 Invited researcher at the Department of Earth and Planetary Sciences an der University of California at Berkeley (July-August)
- 2008 - 2009 Post-doc at the Department of Earth and Planetary Sciences, University of California at Berkeley (Nov. 2008 - Oct. 2009)
- 2007 Deptuy head of the Institute of Mountain Risk Engineering
- 2006 Dissertation
- 2002 Graduation
- 2001 Research project at the Université HassanII, Rabbat, Marokko (März 2001 - Juni 2001)
- 1998 - 1999 Student exchange year at the University of Bristol, UK (Sept. 1998 - Juni 1999)
- Year: 2014 Awards: Best paper award for the Publication “Surface slopes, velocity profiles and fluid pressure in coarse-grained debris flows saturated with water and mud”, Journal of Fluid Mechanics, Vol. 741, 2014, pp.
- Year: 2012 Awards: Fulbright scholarship for research and teaching
- Year: 2008 Awards: Erwin Schrödinger Mobilitätsstipendium (FWF)
- Year: 2007 Awards: Klaus Fischer Innovationspreis
- Year: 2006 Awards: Stipendium der österreichischen Forschungsförderungsgesellschaft (FFG) für die Summerschool Alpbach 2006: „Monitoring of Natural Hazards from Space“
- Year: 2001 Awards: Stipendium für kurzfristige wissenschaftliche Arbeiten im Ausland
- Year: 1998 Awards: Erasmusstipendium
- Year: 1991 Awards: Brückenbaupreis (Universität für Bodenkultur Wien)
0 Projects found.
Knowledge Transfer to Society
Year: 2024 - Debris flow modeling: Science meets Practice (Lecture)
Autoren: Kaitna, R; Moser, M
Event: 15. Kongress INTERPRAEVENT - Natural hazards in a changing climate 2024
Period: 10.06.2024 - 13.06.2024 | Location: Vienna, Austria | Organizer:
Internationale Forschungsgesellschaft INTERPRAEVENT | Organizer:
Year: 2024 - Long-term monitoring in the forested headwater catchment Rindbach, Austria, as a basis for an integrated natural hazard management (Vortrag)
Autoren: Scheidl, C; Adams, M; de Bastos, F; Beck, M; David, H; Englisch, M; Giunta, A; Hagen, K; Hasenauer, H; Holzleitner, F; Hübl, J; Kaitna, R; Kessler, D; Kitzler, B; Lainer, C; Lexer, M; Markart, G; Michel, K; Rudolf-Miklau, F; Neumann, M; Oswald, V; Perzl, F; Pichler, A; Plörer, M; Reiter, R; Straka, W; Teich, M; Vacik, H; Zangerl, C
Event: 26th IUFRO World Congress 2024
Period: 23.06.2024 - 29.06.2024 | Location: Stockholm, Schweden | Location: Stockholm, SWEDEN | Location: Stockholm, Sweden | Location: Stockholm | Location: 111 29 Stockholm, Schweden | Organizer:
International Union of Forestry Research Organizations (IUFRO) | Organizer:
IUFRO - International Union of Forest Research Organisations | Organizer:
IUFRO | Organizer:
Stockholm University
Year: 2024 - Triggering rainfall for torrent floods and debris flows in Austria and assessment of climate change impact (Vortrag)
Autoren: Kaitna, R; Becsi, B; Schlögl, M; Schöffl, T; Hrachowitz, M; Rieder, H; Formayer, H
Event: EGU General Assembly 2024
Period: 14.04.2024 - 19.04.2024 | Location: Vienna, Austria | Location: Wien | Location: Wien, Österreich | Organizer:
European Geosciences Union EGU | Organizer:
European Geoscience Union (EGU) | Organizer:
European Geosciences Union (EGU)
Year: 2024 - Past and Furture Critical Rainfall for Torrent Processes in Austria (Vortrag)
Autoren: Kaitna, R; Becsi, B; Schlögl, M; Schöffl, T; Rieder, H; Formayer, H
Event: 15. Kongress INTERPRAEVENT - Natural hazards in a changing climate 2024
Period: 10.06.2024 - 13.06.2024 | Location: Vienna, Austria | Organizer:
Internationale Forschungsgesellschaft INTERPRAEVENT | Organizer:
Year: 2024 - Assessing Debris Flow Susceptibility in Deglaciated Alpine Catchments: A Novel Approach Integrating Flow-path Connectivity and Sediment Availability (Vortrag)
Autoren: Chen, TY; Sklar, L; Pilkington, B; Dickson, E; Kaitna, R
Event: EGU General Assembly 2024
Period: 14.04.2024 - 19.04.2024 | Location: Vienna, Austria | Location: Wien | Location: Wien, Österreich | Organizer:
European Geosciences Union EGU | Organizer:
European Geoscience Union (EGU) | Organizer:
European Geosciences Union (EGU)
Year: 2024 - The effects of future climate-induced adaptation of the root-zone storage capacity on modeled streamflow dynamics (Poster)
Autoren: Ponds, M; Hrachowitz, M; Veldhuis, MC; Schoups, G; Zekollari, H; Hanus, S; Kaitna, R
Event: EGU General Assembly 2024
Period: 14.04.2024 - 19.04.2024 | Location: Vienna, Austria | Location: Wien | Location: Wien, Österreich | Organizer:
European Geosciences Union EGU | Organizer:
European Geoscience Union (EGU) | Organizer:
European Geosciences Union (EGU)
Year: 2024 - Critical channel runoff as direct trigger of debris flows in mountainous terrain (Vortrag)
Autoren: Hrachowitz, M; Sklar, L; Kaitna, R
Event: EGU General Assembly 2024
Period: 14.04.2024 - 19.04.2024 | Location: Vienna, Austria | Location: Wien | Location: Wien, Österreich | Organizer:
European Geosciences Union EGU | Organizer:
European Geoscience Union (EGU) | Organizer:
European Geosciences Union (EGU)
Year: 2024 - Deciphering the Interplay of Surface Velocity and Flow Height in Natural Debris Flows: Field Observations from the Illgraben, Switzerland (Vortrag)
Autoren: Schöffl, T; McArdell, B; Kaitna, R; Koschuch, R; Hübl, J
Event: 7th International Conference on Debris Flows: Disasters, Risk, Forecast, Protection 2024
Period: 23.09.2024 - 27.09.2024 | Location: Chengdu, China | Organizer:
Debris flow association
Year: 2024 - Towards plausible ranges for the sediment loads from Austrian torrent catchments based on process- and catchment-related parameters (Poster)
Autoren: Ender, M; Kammerlander, J; Kaitna, R
Event: 15. Kongress INTERPRAEVENT - Natural hazards in a changing climate 2024
Period: 10.06.2024 - 13.06.2024 | Location: Vienna, Austria | Organizer:
Internationale Forschungsgesellschaft INTERPRAEVENT | Organizer:
Year: 2024 - November 2019 landslides in the Gastein valley, Austria: an examination of influencing factors (Poster)
Autoren: Pescoller, M; Keuschnig, M; Kaitna, R
Event: 15. Kongress INTERPRAEVENT - Natural hazards in a changing climate 2024
Period: 10.06.2024 - 13.06.2024 | Location: Vienna, Austria | Organizer:
Internationale Forschungsgesellschaft INTERPRAEVENT | Organizer:
Year: 2024 - Hydraulic modeling of debris flows for the Murenbach (Reutte, Austria) (Poster)
Autoren: Rieckert, S; Kammerlander, J; Kaitna, R
Event: 15. Kongress INTERPRAEVENT - Natural hazards in a changing climate 2024
Period: 10.06.2024 - 13.06.2024 | Location: Vienna, Austria | Organizer:
Internationale Forschungsgesellschaft INTERPRAEVENT | Organizer:
Year: 2024 - Influence of processes like frost weathering and heavy precipitation on the sediment load in the high Alpine catchment of Glatzbach, Austria (Poster)
Autoren: Müller, S; Koch, F; Kaitna, R
Event: 15. Kongress INTERPRAEVENT - Natural hazards in a changing climate 2024
Period: 10.06.2024 - 13.06.2024 | Location: Vienna, Austria | Organizer:
Internationale Forschungsgesellschaft INTERPRAEVENT | Organizer:
Year: 2024 - Hazard susceptibility assessment of debris-flow processes for Alpine catchments in Austria (Poster)
Autoren: Mariacher, F; Klisch, A; Kaitna, R
Event: 15. Kongress INTERPRAEVENT - Natural hazards in a changing climate 2024
Period: 10.06.2024 - 13.06.2024 | Location: Vienna, Austria | Organizer:
Internationale Forschungsgesellschaft INTERPRAEVENT | Organizer:
Year: 2024 - Within the wave pattern of three debris flows: Roll waves and erosion-deposition waves captured by high-resolution measurements of flow height and surface velocity (Poster)
Autoren: Schöffl, T; Hübl, J; Koschuch, R; Nagl, G; Kaitna, R
Event: 15. Kongress INTERPRAEVENT - Natural hazards in a changing climate 2024
Period: 10.06.2024 - 13.06.2024 | Location: Vienna, Austria | Organizer:
Internationale Forschungsgesellschaft INTERPRAEVENT | Organizer:
Year: 2024 - Estimation of peak discharges for debris flows based on quantile regression (Poster)
Autoren: Hübl, J; Spangl, B; Kaitna, R
Event: 15. Kongress INTERPRAEVENT - Natural hazards in a changing climate 2024
Period: 10.06.2024 - 13.06.2024 | Location: Vienna, Austria | Organizer:
Internationale Forschungsgesellschaft INTERPRAEVENT | Organizer:
Year: 2023 - Application of pulse-Doppler radar and 3D LiDAR for high-resolution velocity measurements of three debris flows at Illgraben (Switzerland) (Vortrag)
Autoren: Schöffl, T; Aaron, J; Kaitna, R; Hübl, J
Event: EGU General Assembly 2023
Period: 23.04.2023 - 28.04.2023 | Location: Vienna, AUSTRIA | Organizer:
European Geosciences Union (EGU)
Year: 2023 - Application of a real-time monitoring and warning system for multiple fast-moving mass movements- (Vortrag)
Autoren: Schöffl, T; Koschuch, R; Hübl, J
Event: INTERPRAEVENT 2023 International Symposium
Year: 2023 - Impact of climate change on hydro-meteorological trigger conditions for debris flows in Austria (Vortrag)
Autoren: Kaitna, R; Prenner, D; Switanek, M; Stoffel, M; Maraun, D; Hrachowitz, M
Event: 8th International Conference on Debris Flow Hazard Mitigation 2023
Period: 26.06.2023 - 29.06.2023 | Location: Torino, Italy | Location: Torino, ITALY | Location: Turin, ITALY
Year: 2023 - Spation Distribution of Natural Debris-Flow Impact (Poster)
Autoren: Nagl, G; Kaitna, R; Hübl, J;
Event: 8th International Conference on Debris Flow Hazard Mitigation 2023
Period: 26.06.2023 - 29.06.2023 | Location: Torino, Italy | Location: Torino, ITALY | Location: Turin, ITALY
Year: 2023 - Untersuchung der Wellendynamik natürlicher Murgänge durch Puls-Doppler Radarmessungen (Vortrag)
Autoren: Schöffl, T; Nagl, G; Koschuch, R; Schreiber, H; Hübl, J; Kaitna, R
Event: Fachtagung Katastrophenforschung 2023
Period: 11.09.2023 - 12.09.2023 | Location: Leoben, Austria | Location: Leoben, AUSTRIA | Location: Leoben | Organizer:
DCNA - Disaster Competence Network Austria
Year: 2023 - Spatial distribution of natural debris flow impact (Poster)
Autoren: Nagl, G; Hübl, J; Kaitna, R
Event: Landslides Mechanics: from Complex Granular Behaviour to Field-Scale Flows
Period: 02.10.2023 - 06.10.2023 | Location: Udine | Organizer:
International Centre for Mechanical Sciences CISM, Udine, Italy
Year: 2023 - Pulse-Doppler radar measurements of debris flows: High resolution monitoring of surge dynamics from two events in the Gadria Creek (Italy) (Poster)
Autoren: Schöffl, T; Nagl, G; Hübl, J; Kaitna, R
Event: 8th International Conference on Debris Flow Hazard Mitigation 2023
Period: 26.06.2023 - 29.06.2023 | Location: Torino, Italy | Location: Torino, ITALY | Location: Turin, ITALY
Year: 2023 - The Rosetta Stone Project – Integrating experimental results on debris flow mechanics across the scales: next results (Vortrag)
Autoren: Bowman, E; Fawley, A; Kaitna, R; Li, S; McArdell, B; McElwaine, J; Sanvitale, N; Take, WA; Tauskela, L; Taylor-Noonan, A; Zhao, Y.
Event: 8th International Conference on Debris Flow Hazard Mitigation 2023
Period: 26.06.2023 - 29.06.2023 | Location: Torino, Italy | Location: Torino, ITALY | Location: Turin, ITALY
Year: 2023 - Debris-flow activity and sediment dynamics in the landslide-influenced Lattenbach catchment, Austria (Vortrag)
Autoren: Aigner, P; Kuschel, E; Sklar, L; Zangerl, Ch; Hrachowitz, M; de Haas, T; Hübl, J; Kaitna, R
Event: 8th International Conference on Debris Flow Hazard Mitigation 2023
Period: 26.06.2023 - 29.06.2023 | Location: Torino, Italy | Location: Torino, ITALY | Location: Turin, ITALY
Year: 2023 - Debris-flow activity and sediment dynamics in the landslide-influenced Lattenbach catchment, Austria (Vortrag)
Autoren: Aigner, P; Kuschel, E; Sklar, L; Zangerl, Ch; Hrachowitz, M; de Haas, T; Hübl, J; Kaitna, R
Event: 8th International Conference on Debris Flow Hazard Mitigation 2023
Period: 26.06.2023 - 29.06.2023 | Location: Torino, Italy | Location: Torino, ITALY | Location: Turin, ITALY
Year: 2023 - Automatic Identification of Sediment from Bedrock for Debris Flow Hazard Assessments using Terrain Surface Roughness Textures (Poster)
Autoren: Chen, TY; Sklar, L; Kaitna, R; Pilkington, B
Event: Fall Meeting of the American Geophysical Union
Period: 11.12.2023 - 15.12.2023 | Location: San Francisco, USA
Year: 2023 - Sediment dynamics related to the triggering of debris flows in different alpine watersheds (Vortrag)
Autoren: Kaitna, R; Aigner, P; Bernardi, T; Wagner, P; Kuschel, E; Zangerl, C; Hrachowitz, M; Sklar, L
Event: European Geosciences Union General Assembly 2023
Period: 23.04.2023 - 28.04.2023 | Location: Vienna, Austria | Organizer:
European Geosciences Union (EGU)
Year: 2022 - Debris flow surges in a numerical model – Mount Currie case study (Vortrag)
Autoren: Mitchell, A.; Zubrycky, S.; McDougall, S.; Aaron, J.; Graf, C.; Jacquemart, M.; Hübl, J.; Kaitna, R.:
Event: Geohazards 8, the 8th Canadian Conference on Geotechnique and Natural Hazards
Period: 12.06.2022 - 15.06.2022 | Location: Quebec, Canada
Year: 2022 - Muren – wenn es ganz dick kommt (Vortrag)
Autoren: Kaitna, R
Event: Risikomanagement für Alpine Naturgefahren
Period: 20.05.2022 | Location: Mittersill, Austria
Year: 2022 - Der Einfluss der Qualität von Input Daten auf die Gefahrenzonierung - Steinschlag (Poster)
Autoren: Melzner, S.; Kaitna, R.; Conedera, M.; Schuster, R.; Hübl, J.:
Event: 24. Geoforum Umhausen 2022
Period: 20.10.2022 - 21.10.2022 | Location: Niederthai, Tirol
Year: 2022 - Wildbachgefahren und Klimawandel (Vortrag)
Autoren: Kaitna, R
Event: Festveranstaltung WLV meets BOKU / 50 Jahre Institut für Alpine Naturgefahren
Period: 04.10.2022 | Location: Wien | Location: Vienna, Austria | Location: Wien
Year: 2022 - Sediment dynamics in alpine watersheds: from initiation to mitigation (Vortrag)
Autoren: Kaitna, R
Event: 4th Japan-Austria Sediment Disaster Risk Management Technical Conference, 28.06.2022
Period: 28.06.2022 | Location: Online
Year: 2022 - Lehre an der BOKU - neue Entwicklungen (Vortrag)
Autoren: Kaitna, R
Event: Festveranstaltung WLV meets BOKU / 50 Jahre Institut für Alpine Naturgefahren
Period: 04.10.2022 | Location: Wien | Location: Vienna, Austria | Location: Wien
Year: 2021 - Timing and magnitude of runoff in Austrian mountain catchments in a warming climate [Pico] (Vortrag)
Autoren: Hanus, S; Zekollari, H; Schoups, G; Kaitna, R; Hrachowitz, M
Event: European Geosciences Union EGU General Assembly 2021
Period: 19.04.2021 - 30.04.2021 | Location: Online
Year: 2021 - The Rosetta Stone Project – Integrating experimental results on debris flow mechanics across disciplines (Vortrag)
Autoren: Bowman, ET; Kaitna, R; McArdell, B; McElwaine, J; Sanvitale, N; Take, WA; Taylor-Noonan, A; Zhao, Y
Event: XIII International Symposium on Landslides
Period: 22.02.2021 - 26.02.2021 | Location: Cartagena, Colombia
Year: 2021 - A combined model approach for debris-flow impact forces [Pico] (Vortrag)
Autoren: Reider, L; Fuchs, A.L.; Dankwerth, L; Wernhart, S; Kaitna, R; Nagl, G; Proske, D; Scheidl, C
Event: European Geosciences Union EGU General Assembly 2021
Period: 19.04.2021 - 30.04.2021 | Location: Online
Year: 2021 - Multi-sensor approach towards understanding debris-flow activity in the Lattenbach catchment, Austria [Pico] (Vortrag)
Autoren: Aigner, P; Kuschel, E; Zangerl, C; Hübl, J; Hrachowitz, M; Sklar, L; Kaitna, R
Event: European Geosciences Union EGU General Assembly 2021
Period: 19.04.2021 - 30.04.2021 | Location: Online
Year: 2021 - Hydro-meteorological trigger conditions for debris flows in Austria in a changing climate (Vortrag)
Autoren: Kaitna, R
Event: Talk at the Austrian-Taiwanese Joint Seminar (FWF): New Approaches for Sustainability & Climate Change research
Period: 22.02.2021 - 24.02.2021 | Location: Vienna, Austria
Year: 2021 - In-situ measurements of stress anisotropy in natural debris flows [Pico] (Vortrag)
Autoren: Nagl, G; Hübl, J; Kaitna, R
Event: European Geosciences Union EGU General Assembly 2021
Period: 19.04.2021 - 30.04.2021 | Location: Online
Year: 2021 - Hydro-meteorological trigger conditions of torrential flows in the Austrian Alps (Vortrag)
Autoren: Kaitna, R; Prenner, D; Hrachowitz, M
Event: 14th Congress INTERPRAEVENT 2021
Period: 31.05.2021 - 02.06.2021 | Location: Online
Year: 2020 - Insights into a pulsing debris flow (Vortrag)
Autoren: Nagl, G; Hübl, J; Kaitna, R
Event: European Geosciences Union EGU General Assembly 2020
Period: 04.05.2020 - 08.05.2020 | Location: Vienna, Austria
Year: 2020 - The Rosetta Stone Project – Integrating experimental results on debris flow mechanics across disciplines (Vortrag)
Autoren: Bowman, ET; Kaitna, R; McArdell, B; McElwaine, J; Sanvitale, N; Take, WA; Taylor-Noonan, A; Zhao, Y
Event: SCG-XIII International Symposium on Landslides
Period: 15.06.2020 - 19.06.2020 | Location: Cartagena, Colombia
Year: 2020 - The importance of geomorphology for debris-flow activity in Alpine catchments (Vortrag)
Autoren: Aigner, P; Sklar, L; Hrachowitz, M; Kaitna, R
Event: AGU Fall Meeting 2020
Period: 01.12.2020 - 17.12.2020 | Location: Online
Year: 2020 - Thermal equilibrium and flow regime transitions in snow flows (Vortrag)
Autoren: Fischer, J.T.; Köhler, A; Sovilla, B; Heil, K; Kaitna, R; Reiweger, I
Event: Virtual Snow Science Workshop VSSW 2020
Period: 04.10.2020 - 06.10.2020 | Location: Fernie, Kanada
Year: 2020 - Why are some alpine catchments debris-flow active and others not? - the influence of geomorphology on debris-flow initiation (Vortrag)
Autoren: Aigner, P; Sklar, L; Hrachowitz, M; Kaitna, R
Event: European Geosciences Union EGU General Assembly 2020
Period: 04.05.2020 - 08.05.2020 | Location: Vienna, Austria
Year: 2020 - Debris flow hazard assessment in Austria (Vortrag)
Autoren: Kaitna, R.
Event: Workshop Methodology for debris flows hazard zoning in Colombia"for the development of an official guideline for hazard assessment in Colombia 2020
Period: 27.08.2020 | Location: Online
Year: 2019 - Prediction of the regional catchment susceptibility for debris flows using multiple hydro-meteorological variables (Poster)
Autoren: Prenner, D; Kaitna, R; Mostbauer, K; Hrachowitz, M
Event: EGU General Assembly 2019
Period: 07.04.2019 - 12.04.2019 | Location: Vienna, Austria | Organizer:
European Geosciences Union (EGU)
Year: 2019 - Thermal equilibrium in snow flows – A natural compensation of frictional energy dissipation (Vortrag)
Autoren: Fischer, JT; Kaitna, R; Heil, K; Reiweger, I
Event: EGU General Assembly 2019
Period: 07.04.2019 - 12.04.2019 | Location: Vienna, Austria | Organizer:
European Geosciences Union (EGU)
Year: 2019 - Hydro-meteorological trigger conditions of debris flows in Austria (Vortrag)
Autoren: Kaitna, R.; Prenner, D.; Braun, M.; Hrachowitz, M.
Event: 7th International Conference on Debris-Flow Hazards Mitigation 2019
Period: 10.06.2019 - 13.06.2019 | Location: Golden, CO, USA
Year: 2019 - Measurements of velocity proflies in natural debris flows: a view behind the muddy curtain (Vortrag)
Autoren: Nagl, G; Hübl, J; Kaitna, R
Event: 7th International Conference on Debris-Flow Hazards Mitigation 2019
Period: 10.06.2019 - 13.06.2019 | Location: Golden, CO, USA
Year: 2019 - Measurements of velocity profiles in natural debris flows: a view behind the muddy curtain (Vortrag)
Autoren: Nagl, G.; Hübl, J.; Kaitna, R
Event: 7th International Conference on Debris-Flow Hazards Mitigation 2019
Period: 10.06.2019 - 13.06.2019 | Location: Golden, CO, USA
Year: 2019 - Hydro-meteorologische Auslösebedingungen von Wildbachereignissen in verschiedenen Regionen Österreichs und mögliche Änderungen im Zuge des Klimawandels (Vortrag)
Autoren: Kaitna, R
Event: Wildbachworkshop 2019 - Feststofftransport - Möglichkeiten und Grenzen der Bewirtschaftung
Period: 24.09.2019 - 25.09.2019 | Location: Brixen, Italy | Location: Brixen, Italy
Year: 2019 - Evolution of vertical velocity profiles along a sequence of debris flow surges (Poster)
Autoren: Nagl, G; Hübl, J; Kaitna, R
Event: EGU General Assembly 2019
Period: 07.04.2019 - 12.04.2019 | Location: Vienna, Austria | Organizer:
European Geosciences Union (EGU)
Year: 2019 - Hydro-meteorologische Auslösebedingungen von Wildbachgefahren in Österreich (Vortrag)
Autoren: Kaitna, R
Event: Invited talk at the Department of Water, Atmosphere and Environment, University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences, Vienna
Period: 18.01.2019 | Location: Vienna, Austria
Year: 2019 - Monitoring and modeling of debris-flow surges at the Lattenbach creek, Austria (Vortrag)
Autoren: Hübl, J; Arai, M.; Kaitna, R
Event: 7th International Conference on Debris-Flow Hazards Mitigation 2019
Period: 10.06.2019 - 13.06.2019 | Location: Golden, CO, USA
Year: 2019 - Thermal equilibrium in snow flows – A natural compensation of frictional energy dissipation (Vortrag)
Autoren: Fischer, J.T.; Kaitna, R; Heil, K; Reiweger, I
Event: 3. Internationales Lawinensymposium Graz
Period: 12.10.2019 | Location: Graz, Austria
Year: 2019 - Phenotypes of debris flows (Vortrag)
Autoren: Kaitna, R
Event: Invited talk at the Department of Civil Engineering at Queen's University, Canada
Period: 28.09.2019 | Location: Kingston, Canada
Year: 2019 - Thermisches Gleichgewicht in Laborlawinen - Wie erwärmt und kühlt sich fließender Schnee? (Vortrag)
Autoren: Fischer, J.T.; Kaitna, R; Heil, K; Reiweger; I
Event: 3. Lawinen Symposium Graz 2019
Period: 12.10.2019 | Location: Graz, Austria
Year: 2019 - Critical hydro-meteorological trigger conditions for debris flows in a changing climate (Vortrag)
Autoren: Kaitna, R; Prenner, D; Switanek, M; Maraun, D; Hrachowitz, M
Event: EGU General Assembly 2019
Period: 07.04.2019 - 12.04.2019 | Location: Vienna, Austria | Organizer:
European Geosciences Union (EGU)
Year: 2019 - Assessment of torrential flows in the Austrian Alps (Vortrag)
Autoren: Kaitna, R; Prenner, D; Hrachowitz, M
Event: International Mountain Conference IMC 2019
Period: 08.09.2019 - 12.09.2019 | Location: Innsbruck | Location: Innsbruck, Austria | Location: Innsbruck | Organizer:
Universität Innsbruck
Year: 2019 - Monitoring and modeling of debris-flow surges at the Lattenbach creek, Austria (Poster)
Autoren: Hübl, J; Arai, M; Kaitna, R
Event: 7th International Conference on Debris-Flow Hazards Mitigation 2019
Period: 10.06.2019 - 13.06.2019 | Location: Golden, CO, USA
Year: 2019 - Klimawandelbedingte Auswirkungen auf alpine Naturgefahren (Vortrag)
Autoren: Kaitna, R
Event: Invited talk at the Symposium für Alm- und Berglandwirtschaft, organized by Netzwerk Zukunftsraum Land
Period: 05.09.2019 | Location: Mallnitz, Austria
Year: 2019 - Erosion by experimental debris flows: particle size effects (Vortrag)
Autoren: Ghasemi, A; Kaitna, R; Blankenship, B.T.; Feng, Q.; Densmore, A.; de Haas, T; Hill, K.M.
Event: 7th International Conference on Debris-Flow Hazards Mitigation 2019
Period: 10.06.2019 - 13.06.2019 | Location: Golden, CO, USA
Year: 2018 - Granulation experiments with snow in a rotating drum (Vortrag)
Autoren: Heil, K; Fischer, J.T.; Reiweger, I; Kaitna, R
Event: International Snow Science Workshop ISSW 2018
Period: 07.10.2018 - 12.10.2018 | Location: Innsbruck, Austria
Year: 2018 - The temporally varying roles of rainfall, snowmelt and soil moisture for debris flow initiation in an alpine region (Vortrag)
Autoren: Mostbauer, K; Kaitna, R; Prenner, D; Hrachowitz, M
Event: EGU General Assembly 2018
Period: 08.04.2018 - 13.04.2018 | Location: Vienna, Austria | Organizer:
European Geosciences Union (EGU)
Year: 2018 - A comparative analysis of meteorological trigger conditions for torrential processes on a daily and sub-daily time scale for Austria (Poster)
Autoren: Braun, M; Kaitna, R
Event: EGU General Assembly 2018
Period: 08.04.2018 - 13.04.2018 | Location: Vienna, Austria | Organizer:
European Geosciences Union (EGU)
Year: 2018 - Hydro-meteorological trigger conditons of torrential hazards in the Austrian Alps (Vortrag)
Autoren: Kaitna, R; Ballesteros, J; Braun, M; Hrachowitz, M; Maraun, D; Mostbauer, K; Prenner, D; Stoffel, M; Switanek, M
Event: 19. Österreichischer Klimatag 2018 - Forschung zu Klima, Klimawandel und Auswirkungen in Österreich
Period: 23.04.2018 - 25.04.2018 | Location: Salzburg, Austria
Year: 2018 - Towards debris-flow hazard assessment and mitigation: aspects from research and (engineering) reality (Vortrag)
Autoren: Kaitna, R
Event: Invited talk at the workshop “Debris-flow science and hazards: what do we know, and what do we need to know?” of the Durham University, UK
Period: 18.01.2018 - 19.01.2018 | Location: Durham, UK
Year: 2018 - Prediction of a watersheds temporal susceptibility to debris flows using multiple hydro-meteorological variables (Poster)
Autoren: Prenner, D; Kaitna, R; Mostbauer, K; Hrachowitz, M
Event: AGU Fall Meeting 2018
Period: 10.12.2018 - 14.12.2018 | Location: Washington DC, USA
Year: 2018 - Measurement of Velocity Profiles and Fluid Pressure in Natural Debris Flows (Poster)
Autoren: Kaitna, R; Nagl, G; Hübl, J
Event: AGU Fall Meeting 2018
Period: 10.12.2018 - 14.12.2018 | Location: Washington DC, USA
Year: 2018 - A monitoring barrier for investigating debris flow/structure/ground interactions (Vortrag)
Autoren: Nagl, G; Kaitna, R; Hübl, J
Event: 5th International Conference DEBRIS FLOWS: Disasters, Risk, Forecast, Protection
Period: 01.10.2018 - 05.10.2018 | Location: Tbilisi, Georgia
Year: 2018 - Analysis of past and future meteorological trigger probabilities for torrential processes in Austria using regional climate projections from the EURO-CORDEX initiative (Vortrag)
Autoren: Braun, M; Maraun, D; Switanek, M; Prenner, D; Kaitna, R
Event: EGU General Assembly 2018
Period: 08.04.2018 - 13.04.2018 | Location: Vienna, Austria | Organizer:
European Geosciences Union (EGU)
Year: 2018 - Measurements of velocity profiles in real scale debris flows (Vortrag)
Autoren: Nagl, G; Hübl, J; Kaitna, R
Event: EGU General Assembly 2018
Period: 08.04.2018 - 13.04.2018 | Location: Vienna, Austria | Organizer:
European Geosciences Union (EGU)
Year: 2018 - What can hydro-meteorological variables tell us about debris flow occurrence? (Poster)
Autoren: Prenner, D; Kaitna, R; Mostbauer, K; Hrachowitz, M
Event: EGU General Assembly 2018
Period: 08.04.2018 - 13.04.2018 | Location: Vienna, Austria | Organizer:
European Geosciences Union (EGU)
Year: 2017 - Hydrological disposition of flash flood and debris flows events in an Alpine watershed in Austria (Poster)
Autoren: Prenner, D; Kaitna, R; Mostbauer, K; Hrachowitz, M
Event: EGU General Assembly 2017
Period: 23.04.2017 - 28.04.2017 | Location: Vienna, Austria | Organizer:
European Geosciences Union (EGU)
Year: 2017 - Evaluation of debris-flow model parameterization through laboratory investigations (Poster)
Autoren: Kaitna, R; Rickenmann, D; Hübl, J
Event: EGU General Assembly 2017
Period: 23.04.2017 - 28.04.2017 | Location: Vienna, Austria | Organizer:
European Geosciences Union (EGU)
Year: 2017 - Properties of flowing snow - measurements in a rotating drum (Vortrag)
Autoren: Heil, K; Kaitna, R; Fischer, J.-T.; Reiweger, I
Event: 15th Swiss Geoscience Meeting 2017
Period: 17.11.2017 - 19.11.2017 | Location: Davos, Switzerland
Year: 2017 - Entwicklungen bei technischen Schutzmaßnahmen in alpinen Einzugsgebieten (Vortrag)
Autoren: Hübl, J; Kaitna, R
Event: 31. Seminar Kulturtechnik und Wasserwirtschaft heute 2017 - KulturtechnikerInnen im Spannungsfeld von Bautechnik und Naturgefahren
Period: 27.11.2017 | Location: Vienna, Austria
Year: 2017 - Evaluation concepts to compare observed and simulated deposition areas of mass movements (Poster)
Autoren: Heiser, M; Scheidl, C; Kaitna, R
Event: EGU General Assembly 2017
Period: 23.04.2017 - 28.04.2017 | Location: Vienna, Austria | Organizer:
European Geosciences Union (EGU)
Year: 2017 - Hydrologic system state at debris flow initiation in the Pitztal catchment, Austria (Poster)
Autoren: Mostbauer, K; Hrachowitz, M; Prenner, D; Kaitna, R
Event: EGU General Assembly 2017
Period: 23.04.2017 - 28.04.2017 | Location: Vienna, Austria | Organizer:
European Geosciences Union (EGU)
Year: 2017 - Flow behaviour of snow in a rotating drum (Vortrag)
Autoren: Heil, K; Reiweger, I; Fischer, J.-T.; Kaitna, R
Event: EGU General Assembly 2017
Period: 23.04.2017 - 28.04.2017 | Location: Vienna, Austria | Organizer:
European Geosciences Union (EGU)
Year: 2016 - Parameterization of numerical smulation tools for debris-flows (Vortrag)
Autoren: Kaitna, R; Moser, M; Schraml, K
Event: GeoTirol 2016 Annual Meeting DGGV
Period: 25.09.2016 - 28.09.2016 | Location: Innsbruck, Austria
Year: 2016 - Pore fluid pressure and shear behavior in debris flows of different compositions (Vortrag)
Autoren: Kaitna, R; Palucis, M; Bereket, Y; Hill, K; Dietrich, W
Event: EGU General Assembly 2016
Period: 17.04.2016 - 22.04.2016 | Location: Vienna, Austria | Organizer:
European Geosciences Union (EGU)
Year: 2016 - Analysis of Meteorological Trigger Conditions for Debris Flows on a Daily Time Scale (Vortrag)
Autoren: Braun, M; Kaitna R
Event: Fourth International Conference on Debris Flows: Disasters, Risk, Forecast, Protection
Period: 06.09.2016 - 10.09.2016 | Location: Irkutsk, Russian Federation
Year: 2016 - Meteorological and hydrological triggers of torrential disasters in Austria in times of climate change (Vortrag)
Autoren: Kaitna, R; Stoffel, M; Corona, C; Truhetz, H; Maraun, D; Gobiet, A; Hrachowitz, M
Event: 13th Congress INTERPRAEVENT 2016
Period: 30.05.2016 - 02.06.2016 | Location: Lucerne, Switzerland
Year: 2016 - Understanding the impact of climate change on debris-flow risk in a managed torrent: expected future damage versus maintenance costs (Poster)
Autoren: Ballestros Canovas, J. A.; Stoffel, M; Schraml, K; Corona, C; Gobiet, A; Tani, S; Fuchs, S; Sinabell, F; Kaitina, R
Event: 13th Congress INTERPRAEVENT 2016
Period: 30.05.2016 - 02.06.2016 | Location: Lucerne, Switzerland
Year: 2016 - Behaviour of mudflows realized in a laboratory apparatus and relative numerical calibration (Vortrag)
Autoren: Brezzi, L; Gabrieli, F; Kaitna, R; Cola,S
Event: EGU General Assembly 2016
Period: 17.04.2016 - 22.04.2016 | Location: Vienna, Austria | Organizer:
European Geosciences Union (EGU)
Year: 2016 - On the connection of permafrost and debris flow activity in Austria (Vortrag)
Autoren: Huber, T; Kaitna, R
Event: EGU General Assembly 2016
Period: 17.04.2016 - 22.04.2016 | Location: Vienna, Austria | Organizer:
European Geosciences Union (EGU)
Year: 2016 - Understanding the impact of climate change on debris-flow risk in a managed torrent: expected future damage versus maintenance costs (Vortrag)
Autoren: Ballestros Canovas, J. A.; Stoffel, M; Schraml, K; Corona, C; Gobiet, A; Tani, S; Fuchs, S; Sinabell, F; Kaitina, R
Event: 13th Congress INTERPRAEVENT 2016
Period: 30.05.2016 - 02.06.2016 | Location: Lucerne, Switzerland
Year: 2016 - Eventdocumentation of the debris flow event at Sattelkar, Obersulzbachtal, Sbg. (Poster)
Autoren: Kaitna, R; Keuschnig, M; Fegerl, L; Hübl, J
Event: GeoTirol 2016 Annual Meeting DGGV
Period: 25.09.2016 - 28.09.2016 | Location: Innsbruck, Austria
Year: 2016 - Towards an empirical method to determine an engineering design peak discharge for debris flows (Vortrag)
Autoren: Pfitscher, M; Kaitna, R; Hübl, J
Event: 13th Congress INTERPRAEVENT 2016
Period: 30.05.2016 - 02.06.2016 | Location: Lucerne, Switzerland
Year: 2016 - Analysis of meteorological trigger conditions for torrential processes on a daily time scale (Vortrag)
Autoren: Braun, M; Kaitna, R
Event: EGU General Assembly 2016
Period: 17.04.2016 - 22.04.2016 | Location: Vienna, Austria | Organizer:
European Geosciences Union (EGU)
Year: 2016 - Data assimilation for the calibration of flume tests with different granular mixtures (Vortrag)
Autoren: Brezzi, L; Kaitna, R; Gabrieli, F; Zulpo, M; Cola, S
Event: 13th Congress INTERPRAEVENT 2016
Period: 30.05.2016 - 02.06.2016 | Location: Lucerne, Switzerland
Year: 2016 - Hydrological modeling of an Alpine watershed for the identification of trigger conditions leading to flash floods and debris flows (Poster)
Autoren: Prenner, D; Kaitna, R; Hrachowitz, M
Event: American Geophysical Union AGU Annual Meeting 2016
Period: 12.12.2016 - 16.12.2016 | Location: San Francisco, CA, USA
Year: 2016 - Meteorological Trigger Conditions for Different Geomorphic Processes in Steep Mountain Channels in the Austrian Alps (Poster)
Autoren: Kaitna, R; Braun, M
Event: American Geophysical Union AGU Annual Meeting 2016
Period: 12.12.2016 - 16.12.2016 | Location: San Francisco, CA, USA
Year: 2015 - The Formation of Granular Fronts in Debris Flow - A Combined Experimental-Numerical Study (Vortrag)
Autoren: Leonardi, A; Cabrera, MA; Wittel, FK; Kaitna, R; Mendoza, M; Wu, W; Herrmann, HJ
Event: European Geosciences Union EGU General Assembly 2015
Period: 12.04.2015 - 17.04.2015 | Location: Vienna, Austria
Year: 2015 - One-dimensional pore pressure diffusion of different grain-fluid mixtures (Poster)
Autoren: von der Thannen, M; Kaitna, R
Event: European Geosciences Union EGU General Assembly 2015
Period: 12.04.2015 - 17.04.2015 | Location: Vienna, Austria
Year: 2014 - Modeling debris-flow runout pattern on a forested alpine fan with different dynamic simulation models (Vortrag)
Autoren: Schraml, K; Thomschitz, B; McArdell, B; Graf, C; Hungr, O; Kaitna, R
Event: IAEG XII Congress 2014
Period: 15.09.2014 - 19.09.2014 | Location: Turin, Italy
Year: 2014 - A Wave Equation of Intermittent Flow with Sediment on Inclined Channel and Experimental and Observed Results (Poster)
Autoren: Arai, M; Hübl, J; Kaitna, R
Event: INTERPRAEVENT 2014, International Symposium in Pacific Rim
Period: 25.11.2014 - 28.11.2014 | Location: Nara, Japan
Year: 2014 - Naturgefahrenmanagement in Zeiten des Klimawandels (Vortrag)
Autoren: Kaitna, R
Event: Invited talk at the Wegener Center for Climate and Global Change. University of Graz, Austria
Period: 04.12.2014 | Location: Graz, Austria
Year: 2014 - Evaluating Voellmy resistance parameters for debris-flow simulation models (Vortrag)
Autoren: Schraml, K; McArdell, B; Graf, C; Thomschitz, B; Kaitna, K
Event: EGU General Assembly 2014
Period: 27.04.2014 - 02.05.2014 | Location: Vienna, Austria | Organizer:
European Geosciences Union (EGU)
Year: 2014 - Rotating drum tests of particle suspensions within a fines dispersion (Vortrag)
Autoren: Cabrera, M.A; Gollin, D; Kaitna, R; Wu, W
Event: EGU General Assembly 2014
Period: 27.04.2014 - 02.05.2014 | Location: Vienna, Austria | Organizer:
European Geosciences Union (EGU)
Year: 2014 - Connecting a large database of debris flow events in Austria with daily precipitation data (Poster)
Autoren: Braun, M; Hübl, J; Kaitna, R
Event: EGU General Assembly 2014
Period: 27.04.2014 - 02.05.2014 | Location: Vienna, Austria | Organizer:
European Geosciences Union (EGU)
Year: 2014 - Assessment of Climate Change Impacts on Torrential Disasters: The Deucalion Project (Vortrag)
Autoren: Kaitna, R; Schraml, K; Stoffel, M; Corona, C; Ballesteros, J; Gobiet, A; Satyanarayana, T; Sinabell, F
Event: 15. Österreichischer Klimatag 2014 Forschung zu Klima, Klimawandel und Auswirkungen in Österreich
Period: 02.04.2014 - 04.04.2014 | Location: Innsbruck, Austria
Year: 2014 - Muren, Steinschlag und Lawinen: Naturgefahren oder natürliche Prozesse in der Landschaft? (Vortrag)
Autoren: Kaitna, R
Event: 1-day workshop at the National Park Gesäuse, Austria
Period: 10.05.2014 | Location: Admont, Austria | Location: Admont, Austria
Year: 2014 - Alpine risks and it’s management (Vortrag)
Autoren: Kaitna, R
Event: ELLS Summer School ProAlp 2014 : Land Protection and Water Management in an Alpine Environment (3-10 Aug.), Altenberg an der Rax, Austria
Period: 03.08.2014 - 10.08.2014 | Location: Altenberg an der Rax, Austria
Year: 2013 - Modelling the impact of shallow landslides and debris flows on rigid bodies and flexible barriers: Linking rheology to grain size distribution and water content (Vortrag)
Autoren: Boetticher, A. von; Volkwein, A; Hübl, J; Scheidl, C; Hsu, L; Kaitna, R; Wendeler, C
Event: EGU General Assembly 2013
Period: 07.04.2013 - 12.04.2013 | Location: Vienna, Austria | Organizer:
European Geosciences Union (EGU)
Year: 2013 - Abschätzung der Auswirkungen des Klimawandels auf Wildbachgefahren - Projekt Deucalion (Poster)
Autoren: Kaitna, R; Schraml, K; Eckhart, T; Kogelnig, B; Corona, C; Stoffel, M; Gobiet, A; Themeßl, M; Tani, S; Sinabell, F
Event: 14. Klimatag 2013 - Klimawandel, Auswirkungen und Anpassung sowie Vermeidung
Period: 04.04.2013 - 05.04.2013 | Location: Vienna, Austria
Year: 2013 - Particle-Scale Controls on Entrainment and Deposition due to Debris Flows (Vortrag)
Autoren: Hill, K.M; Maki, L; Kaitna, R
Event: American Geophysical Union AGU Annual Meeting 2013
Period: 13.12.2013 - 16.12.2013 | Location: San Francisco, CA, USA
Year: 2013 - Assessment of the frictional effect of forests on debris flow runout in numerical models (Poster)
Autoren: Schraml, K:; McArdell, B.W; Graf, C; Stoffel, M; Kaitna, R
Event: EGU General Assembly 2013
Period: 07.04.2013 - 12.04.2013 | Location: Vienna, Austria | Organizer:
European Geosciences Union (EGU)
Year: 2013 - Particle entrainment in dry and saturated granular flow experiments (Poster)
Autoren: Kaitna, R; Maki, L; Hill, K
Event: American Geophysical Union AGU Annual Meeting 2013
Period: 13.12.2013 - 16.12.2013 | Location: San Francisco, CA, USA
Year: 2013 - Imperfect and perfect debris flows – insights from experiments and field study (Vortrag)
Autoren: Kaitna, R
Event: Invited talk at the Department of Civil Engineering, University of Minnesota, USA
Period: 29.03.2013 | Location: Minneapolis, MN, USA
Year: 2013 - Estimation of climate change impact on the runoff from a small alpine watershed in Austria (Poster)
Autoren: Eckhart, T; Hrachowitz, M; Gobiet, A; Themessl, M; Satyanarayana, T; Hübl, J; Kaitna, R
Event: EGU General Assembly 2013
Period: 07.04.2013 - 12.04.2013 | Location: Vienna, Austria | Organizer:
European Geosciences Union (EGU)
Year: 2013 - Suspended sediment transport in flash floods: turbulence and boundary shear stress in flume experiments (Poster)
Autoren: Goodwin, K; Johnson, J.P.L; Kaitna, R
Event: 47th Annual Meeting of the Geological Society of America, South-Central Section
Period: 04.04.2013 - 05.04.2013 | Location: Austin, TX, USA
Year: 2013 - Fluid pressure and velocity profiles in large scale experimental debris flows (Vortrag)
Autoren: Kaitna, R
Event: Invited talk at the Jackson School of Geoscience, University of Texas at Austin, USA
Period: 23.05.2013 | Location: Austin, TX, USA
Year: 2012 - Large-scale experimental modelling of sediment-fluid mixtures (Vortrag)
Autoren: Kaitna, R; Dietrich, W.E; Rickenmann, D
Event: Joint Symposium Sediment-related Disasters 2012 - Mechanism, Prediction and Assessment
Period: 06.11.2012 | Location: Taichung, Taiwan, PR China
Year: 2012 - Assessment of climate change impacts on torrent disasters - the ACRP Deucalion Project (Poster)
Autoren: Kogelnig, B; Egginger, T; Oismüller, M; Schraml, K; Wolfsgruber, M; Schneuwly-Bollschweiler, M; Stoffel, M; Gobiet, A; Sinabell, F; Kaitna, R
Event: 12th Congress INTERPRAEVENT 2012
Period: 23.04.2012 - 26.04.2012 | Location: Grenoble, France
Year: 2012 - Assessment of Climate Change Impacts on Torrential Disasters: The Deucalion Project (Poster)
Autoren: Schraml, K; Kogelnig, B; Egginger, T; Oismüller, M; Wolfsgruber, M; Corona, C; Schneuwly-Bollschweiler, M; Stoffel, M; Gobiet, A; Themeßl, M; Tani, S; Sinabell, F; Kaitna, R
Event: 13. Österreichischer Klimatag 2012 - Forschung zu Klima, Klimawandel und Auswirkungen in Österreich
Period: 14.06.2012 - 15.06.2012 | Location: Vienna, Austria
Year: 2011 - Effect of fines and grain size distribution on pore fluid pressure and velocity profiles in large scale experimental debris flow (Vortrag)
Autoren: Kaitna, R; Palucis, M.C; Yohannes, B; Hill,K.M; Dietrich, W.E
Event: EGU General Assembly 2011
Period: 03.04.2011 - 08.04.2011 | Location: Vienna, Austria | Organizer:
European Geosciences Union (EGU)
Year: 2011 - Boundary shear stress of granular flows (Vortrag)
Autoren: Hsu, L; Kaitna, R; Dietrich, W.E; Sklar, L.S
Event: 5th International Conference on Debris-Flow Hazards Mitigation 2011 - Mechanics, Prediction and Assessment
Period: 14.06.2011 - 17.06.2011 | Location: Padua, Italy
Year: 2011 - The effect of fines and grain size distribution on pore fluid pressure, shear rate and bulk flow resistance in large scale experimental debris flows (Poster)
Autoren: Kaitna, R; Palucis, M.C; Tewoldebrhan, B; Hill,K.M; Dietrich, W.E
Event: Fall Meeting American Geophysical Union AGU 2011
Period: 05.12.2011 - 09.12.2011 | Location: San Francisco, CA, USA
Year: 2011 - The role of fine material and grain size distribution on excess pore pressure dissipation and particle support mechanisms in granular deposits based in large-scale physical experiments (Poster)
Autoren: Palucis, M.C., Kaitna, R., Tewoldebrhan, B., Hill, K.M.; Dietrich, W.E.
Event: Fall Meeting American Geophysical Union AGU 2011
Period: 05.12.2011 - 09.12.2011 | Location: San Francisco, CA, USA
Year: 2011 - On the development of an unsaturated front of debris flows (Vortrag)
Autoren: Kaitna, R; Hsu, L; Rickenmann, D; Dietrich, W.E
Event: 5th International Conference on Debris-Flow Hazards Mitigation 2011 - Mechanics, Prediction and Assessment
Period: 14.06.2011 - 17.06.2011 | Location: Padua, Italy
Year: 2010 - Naturgefahren und Risikomanagement (Vortrag)
Autoren: Kaitna, R
Event: Invited talk at the short course on „Hazard management“ at the Health and Life Science University Hall, Austria
Period: 01.06.2010 | Location: Hall in Tirol, Austria
Year: 2010 - Sediment delivery from the Lattenbach catchment by debris floods and debris flows (Vortrag)
Autoren: Hübl, J; Kaitna, R
Event: EGU General Assembly 2010
Period: 02.05.2010 - 07.05.2010 | Location: Vienna, Austria | Organizer:
European Geosciences Union (EGU)
Year: 2010 - Discrete element method modeling of dry and wet granular flows (Poster)
Autoren: Yohannes, B; Palulcis, M.C; Kaitna, R; Dietrich, W.E; Hill, K.M
Event: Annual Meeting of the American Geophysical Union AGU 2010
Period: 13.12.2010 - 17.12.2010 | Location: San Francisco, CA, USA
Year: 2010 - Sediment delivery from the Lattenbach catchment to the river sanna by debris floods and debris flows (Vortrag)
Autoren: Hübl, J; Kaitna, R
Event: INTERPRAEVENT 2010, International Symposium in Pacific Rim
Period: 26.04.2010 - 30.04.2010 | Location: Taipei, Taiwan, PR China
Year: 2009 - On pore fluid pressure measurements of large scale laboratory generated debris flow mixtures (Vortrag)
Autoren: Kaitna, R; Rickenmann, D; Hsu, L; Dietrich, B.W
Event: EGU General Assembly 2009
Period: 19.04.2009 - 24.04.2009 | Location: Vienna, Austria | Organizer:
European Geosciences Union (EGU)
Year: 2009 - Measuring velocity profiles in large scale debris flow experiments (Vortrag)
Autoren: Kaitna, R; Dietrich, W.E
Event: Annual meeting of the Geological Society of America 2009
Period: 18.10.2009 - 21.10.2009 | Location: Portland, OR, USA
Year: 2009 - Debris Flow Impact Estimation steep slopes (Vortrag)
Autoren: Hübl, J; Suda, J; Proske, D; Kaitna, R; Scheidl, C
Event: 11th International Symposium on Water Management and Hydraulic Engineering 2009
Period: 01.09.2009 - 05.09.2009 | Location: Ohrid, Republic of North Macedonia | Location: Skopje, Republic of North Macedonia
Year: 2009 - Abrasion and Fragmentation Processes in Marly Sediment Transport (Vortrag)
Autoren: Le Bouteiller, C; Naaim, F; Mathys, N; Lave, J; Kaitna, R
Event: EGU General Assembly 2009
Period: 19.04.2009 - 24.04.2009 | Location: Vienna, Austria | Organizer:
European Geosciences Union (EGU)
Year: 2009 - Risikomanagement bei Naturgefahren (Vortrag)
Autoren: Hübl, J; Kaitna, R; Totschnig, R
Event: Universitätslehrgang für sozioökonomisches Krisen- und Katastrophenmanagement der Umit Universität 2009
Period: 17.12.2009 - 18.12.2009 | Location: Vienna, Austria
Year: 2008 - Optimisation of a bedload retention area at the Vorderbergerbach, Austria, by a physical scale model study (Poster)
Autoren: Kaitna, R., Zlatic-Jugovic, J., Kerschbaumer, M., Kapeller, H., Zott, F., Hübl, J.
Event: 11th Congress INTERPRAEVENT 2008
Period: 26.05.2008 - 30.05.2008 | Location: Dornbirn, Austria
Year: 2008 - Vergleichende rheologische Untersuchungen von Murgangmaterial - rotierende Trommel und Kugelrheometer (Vortrag)
Autoren: Kaitna, R., Rickenmann, D., Schatzmann, M.
Event: 11th Congress INTERPRAEVENT 2008
Period: 26.05.2008 - 30.05.2008 | Location: Dornbirn, Austria
Year: 2008 - Comparative rheologic investigations of debris flow material (Vortrag)
Autoren: Kaitna, R., Rickenmann, D., Schatzmann, M.
Event: 11th Congress INTERPRAEVENT 2008
Period: 26.05.2008 - 30.05.2008 | Location: Dornbirn, Austria
Year: 2008 - Optimierung des Geschiebeablagerungsplatzes Vorderbergerbach, Österreich - ein physikalischer Modellversuch (Vortrag)
Autoren: Kaitna, R., Kerschbaumer, M., Kapeller, H., Zlatic-Jugovic, J., Zott, F., Hübl, J.
Event: 11th Congress INTERPRAEVENT 2008
Period: 26.05.2008 - 30.05.2008 | Location: Dornbirn, Austria
Year: 2008 - Hydraulic optimisation of the transition reach between a sediment retention area and a narrow channel using a physical scale model (Poster)
Autoren: Kaitna, R., Kerschbaumer, M., Zlatic-Jugovic, J., Zott, F., Hübl, J.
Event: EGU General Assembly 2008
Period: 13.04.2008 - 18.04.2008 | Location: Vienna, Austria | Organizer:
European Geosciences Union (EGU)
Year: 2008 - Uncertainty in debris flow impact estimation (Vortrag)
Autoren: Proske, D., Hübl, J., Suda, J., Kaitna, R.
Event: 6th International Probabilistic Workshop 2008
Period: 26.11.2008 - 27.11.2008 | Location: Darmstadt, Germany
Year: 2007 - Complexity and Indetermination (Vortrag)
Autoren: Proske, D., Kaitna, R.
Event: European Safety and Reliability Conference ESREL 2007
Period: 25.06.2007 - 27.06.2007 | Location: Stavanger, Norway
Year: 2007 - Development of design impact forces of debris flow (Vortrag)
Autoren: Proske, D., Kaitna, R., König, U., Hübl, J.
Event: EGU General Assembly 2007
Period: 15.04.2007 - 20.04.2007 | Location: Vienna, Austria | Organizer:
European Geosciences Union (EGU)
Year: 2007 - Bedload Retention Basin Vorderbergerbach Austria - Physical Scale Model Study (Vortrag)
Autoren: Kaitna, R., Zlatic-Jugovic, J., Kerschbaumer, M., Kapeller, J., Zott, F., Chiari, M., Totschnig, R., Hübl, J.
Event: 10th International Symposium on Water Management and Hydraulic Engineering 2007
Period: 04.09.2007 - 09.09.2007 | Location: Sibenik, Croatia
Year: 2007 - Optimisation of a bedload retention basin using a physical scale model and numerical simulation (Vortrag)
Autoren: Kaitna, R., Chiari, M. Zlatic-Jugovic, J., Kerschbaumer, M., Kapeller, H., Zott, F., Hübl, J.
Event: Erosion and Torrent Control as a Factor in Sustainable River Basin Management 2007
Period: 25.09.2007 - 28.09.2007 | Location: Belgrade, Republic of Serbia
Year: 2007 - On design impact forces for torrential barrier structures (Vortrag)
Autoren: Kaitna, R., Proske, D., König, U., Hübl, J., Holzinger, G.
Event: European Safety and Reliability Conference ESREL 2007
Period: 25.06.2007 - 27.06.2007 | Location: Stavanger, Norway
Year: 2007 - Verlagerungsprozesse in Wildbächen (Vortrag)
Autoren: Kaitna, R
Event: Invited talk at the short course „Risk and Natural Hazards“ at the Technical University Vienna, Austria
Period: 18.09.2007 | Location: Vienna, Austria
Year: 2007 - Flow experiments in a rotating drum and a conveyor beld flume (Vortrag)
Autoren: Kaitna, R., Rickenmann, D., Schneiderbauer, S.
Event: EGU General Assembly 2007
Period: 15.04.2007 - 20.04.2007 | Location: Vienna, Austria | Organizer:
European Geosciences Union (EGU)
Year: 2007 - Flow of different material mixtures in a rotating drum (Vortrag)
Autoren: Kaitna, R., Rickenmann, D.,
Event: 4th International DFHM Conference 2007 - Mechanics, Prediction and Assessment
Period: 10.09.2007 - 13.09.2007 | Location: Chengdu, PR China
Year: 2006 - Comparative rheologic investigations in a vertically rotating drum and a ’moving bed’ conveyor belt flume (Vortrag)
Autoren: Kaitna, R., Rickenmann, D., Schneiderbauer, S.
Event: Debris flow 2006
Period: 05.06.2006 - 07.06.2006 | Location: Rhodes, Greece
Year: 2006 - Flow experiments with particles in a viscous fluid in a vertically rotating drum (Poster)
Autoren: Kaitna, R., Rickenmann, D.
Event: EGU General Assembly 2006
Period: 02.04.2006 - 07.04.2006 | Location: Vienna, Austria | Organizer:
European Geosciences Union (EGU) | Organizer:
European Geosciences Union
Year: 2006 - Comparative rheologic investigations in a vertically rotating drum and a ’moving bed’ conveyor belt flume (Vortrag)
Autoren: Kaitna, R., Rickenmann, D., Schneiderbauer, S.
Event: Debris flow 2006
Period: 05.06.2006 - 07.06.2006 | Location: Rhodes, Greece
Year: 2006 - Flow experiments with particles in a viscous fluid in a vertically rotating drum (Vortrag)
Autoren: Kaitna, R., Rickenmann, D.
Event: EGU General Assembly 2006
Period: 02.04.2006 - 07.04.2006 | Location: Vienna, Austria | Organizer:
European Geosciences Union (EGU) | Organizer:
European Geosciences Union
Year: 2005 - Debris flow experiments in a vertically rotating drum (Vortrag)
Autoren: Kaitna, R., Rickenmann, D.
Event: EGU General Assembly 2005
Period: 24.04.2005 - 29.04.2005 | Location: Vienna, Austria | Organizer:
European Geosciences Union (EGU)
Year: 2005 - Flow of viscoplastic material in a vertically rotating drum (Vortrag)
Autoren: Kaitna, R., Rickenmann, D.
Event: 2nd Annual European Rheology Conference 2005
Period: 21.04.2005 - 23.04.2005 | Location: Grenoble, France
Year: 2005 - Flow of viscoplastic material in a vertically rotating drum (Vortrag)
Autoren: Kaitna, R., Rickenmann, D.
Event: 2nd Annual European Rheology Conference 2005
Period: 21.04.2005 - 23.04.2005 | Location: Grenoble, France
Year: 2005 - Experimentelle Untersuchungen zur Murgangdynamik (Poster)
Autoren: Kaitna, R.
Event: Lange Nacht der Forschung 2005
Period: 01.10.2005 | Location: Vienna, Austria
Year: 2005 - Debris flow experiments in a vertically rotating drum (Vortrag)
Autoren: Kaitna, R., Rickenmann, D.
Event: EGU General Assembly 2005
Period: 24.04.2005 - 29.04.2005 | Location: Vienna, Austria | Organizer:
European Geosciences Union (EGU)
Year: 2004 - Debris flow simulation in a vertically rotating drum (Poster) (Vortrag)
Autoren: Kaitna, R. Rickenmann, D., Zott, F.
Event: 10th Congress INTERPRAEVENT 2004
Period: 24.05.2004 - 27.05.2004 | Location: Riva del Garda, Italy
Year: 2003 - Behaviour of granular suspensions in a vertically rotating flume (Poster) (Vortrag)
Autoren: Kaitna, R., Rickenmann, D.
Event: 3rd Int. Conference on Debris Flow Hazard Mitigation
Period: 09.11.2003 - 12.11.2003 | Location: Davos, Switzerland
Year: 2002 - Soil Erosion Assessment for a Mountainous Ecosystem in the High Atlas Region (Vortrag)
Autoren: Klik, A., Kaitna, R.
Event: Annual Meetings of the American Society of Agronomy, Crop Science Society of America and Soil Science Society of America ASA CSSA SSSA 2002 - Uniting Sciences: Solutions for the Global Community
Period: 10.11.2002 - 14.11.2002 | Location: Indianapolis, IN, USA
Abschätzung der Bodenerosion in einem Einzugsgebiet in Marokko. (Vortrag)
Autoren: Klik, A., Zartl, A., Kaitna, R.