Roza Allabashi
Dipl.-Ing.Dr.techn. Roza Allabashi
Institute of Sanitary Engineering and Water Pollution Control
Location Muthgasse 18, 1190 Wien
0 Projects found.
Knowledge Transfer to Society
Year: 2023 - State-of-the-art non-targeted analysis of surface water and river bank filtrate
Autoren: Steininger-Mairinger, T; Kutlucinar, K; Troyer, C; Handl, S; Allabashi, R; Mayr E; Perfler, R; Hann, S
Event: 40th IAHR World Congress 2023
Year: 2022 - Spurenstoffe in der Uferfiltration - konventionelle und non-targeted Analyse
Autoren: Handl, S; Kutlucinar, K; De Vito-Francesco, E; Allabashi, R; Hann, S; Perfle, R;
Event: BOKU Seminar Trinkwasserversorgung
Year: 2021 - Water quality issues in a sustainable and resource-oriented water management
Autoren: Allabashi R; Ertl.T; Pressl A
Event: 3rd International Conference on Agriculture and Life Sciences (ICOALS III)
Year: 2021 - Suitability of greywater for irrigation purpose of urban green infrastructures
Autoren: Gräf, M., Pucher, B., Hietz, P., Spangl, B., Hofbauer, K., Allabashi, R., Pitha, U., Stangl, R.
Event: 9th International Symposium on Wetland Pollutant Dynamics and Control WETPOL 2021
Year: 2021 - Suitability of Greywater for Irrigation purpose of Urban Green Infrastructures
Autoren: Gräf, M; Pucher, B; Hietz, P; Hofbauer, K; Allabashi. R; Pitha, U; Stangl, R;
Event: Wetpol, International Symposium On Wetland Pollutant Dynamics and Control
Year: 2021 - Nature based solutions and their possible role in climate change adaption in Albania
Autoren: Lilo, S., Kretschmer, F., Allabashi, R., Ertl, T.
Event: 3rd International Conference on Agriculture and Life Sciences (ICOALS III)
Year: 2019 - Heavy metal detection in surface water using an integrated robotic system
Autoren: De Vito-Francesco E; Stach W; Ziegenbalg F; Farinelli A; Blum J; Balsells M; Alvarez R; Merkoçi A; Knutz T; Haider A; Allabashi R.
Event: International Conference, Smarter catchment monitoring, cleaner waters
Year: 2019 - Investigative monitoring of surface water quality using autonomous surface vehicles equipped with innovative detection technologies
Autoren: De Vito-Francesco, E; Pressl, A; Stach, W; Ziegenbalg, F; Rapberger, D; Farinelli, A; Balsells, M; Merkoçi, A; Knutz, T; Haider, A; Langergraber, G; Allabashi, R
Event: 6th Symposium of the International Society of River Science 2019
Year: 2019 - Einsatz der ungezielten Analyse für das Prozessverständnis der Uferfiltration
Autoren: Allabashi, R; Kutlucinar, KG; Handl, S; Troyer, C; Mayr, E; Perfler, R; Hann, S
Event: WASSER 2019 - Jahrestagung der Wasserchemischen Gesellschaft
Year: 2018 - Einfluss von Taumitteln auf den Schwermetallrückhalt und das hydraulische Verhalten von Substraten in Versickerungssystemen
Autoren: Lukavsky, M; Pucher, B; Measho Heile, T; Ertl, T; Allabashi, R.
Event: Aqua Urbanica 2018
Year: 2018 - Innovative tools and metagenomics for the monitoring of rivers and lakes : the European project INTCATCH
Autoren: M.D. Scrimshaw, S. Marcheggiani, M. Carere, O. Tcheremenskaia, L. Mancini, C. Mancini, M. Delledonne, M. Rossato, F. Fatone, A. Farinelli, J. Blum, D. Bloisi, A. Cordioli, P. Varotto, A. Tittonel, D. Calisi, F. Giannone, R. Allabashi, A. Parsons, L. Parsons, T. Runnalls, G.C. Brighty, T. Licha, S. Malamis, T. Knutz, A. Merkoci
Event: SETAC Europe 28th Annual Meeting 2018
Year: 2018 - Non-Target LC-TOFMS Analysis for Monitoring of Fresh Water and investigation of Bank Filtration Processes
Autoren: Kutlucinar, K., Handl, S., Allabashi, R., Mayr, E., Troyer, C., Perfler, R and Hann, S.
Event: 14. ASAC JunganalytikerInnen Forum 2018
Year: 2018 - Non-targeted analysis strategies for characterization of river bank filtration efficiency and water monitoring
Autoren: Kutlucinar, K., Handl, S., Allabashi, R., Troyer, C., Mayr, E., Perfler, R. and Hann, S.
Event: 66th Conference on Mass Spectrometry and Allied Topics ASMS 2018
Year: 2018 - Bepflanzte Versicherungssysteme unter der Forschungslupe
Autoren: Allabashi, R; Pitha, U
Event: Symposium "Nachhaltiges Regenwasser-Management"
Year: 2018 - Non-targeted analysis with accurate mass spectrometry for investigation of ground and surface water
Autoren: Kutlucinar, K. G., Handl, S., Allabashi, R., Mayr, E., Perfler, R., Troyer, C. and Hann, S.
Event: European Forum on Applied Metabolomics
Year: 2018 - Sensors and tools for autonomous water quality monitoring
Autoren: Allabashi R.; Pressl A.
Event: EGU General Assembly 2018
Year: 2018 - Heavy Metal Detection using Screen Printed Electrodes
Autoren: Nagar, B; Balsells, M; Alvarez, R; DeVito Francesco, E; Stach, W; Allabashi, R; Merkoci, A.
Event: Health and Climate Change
Year: 2017 - Entfernung von Schwermetallen aus synthetischem Regenwasser durch bepflanzte Versickerungssysteme (DrainGarden)
Autoren: Roza Allabashi, Tadele Measho Haile, Sandra Heidinger, Maria Fürhacker, Ulrike Pitha, Bernhard Scharf, Thomas Ertl
Event: Aqua Urbanica 2017
Year: 2017 - Innovative Monitoring Tools for the future Implementation of the EU Water Framework Directive: the European Project INTCATCH
Autoren: Marcheggiani, S.; Carere, M.; Tcheremenskaia, O.; Delledonne, M.; Rossato, M.; Fatone, F.; Farineli, A.; Blum, J.; Papa, M.; Bloisi, D.; Cordioli, A.; Varotto, P.; Tittonel, A.; Calisi, D.; Giannone, F.; Allabashi, R.; Brighty, C.G.; Mancini, L.; Giuliani, A.; Scrimshaw, M.
Event: 19th International Symposium on Environmental Pollution and its Impact on Life in the Mediterranean Region
Year: 2017 - Non-targeted analysis for characterization of water quality and description of processes in natural systems
Autoren: Kutlucinar, K.G., Troyer, C., Perfler, R., Mayr, E., Handl, S., Hann, S. and Allabashi, R.
Event: 10th Micropol & Ecohazard Conference 2017
Year: 2017 - Removal of micropollutants from storm water using purpose-designed vegetative filtration systems
Autoren: Allabashi, R.; Measho Haile, T.; Fürhacker, M.; Ertl, T.
Event: 10th Micropol & Ecohazard Conference 2017
Year: 2017 - Numerical simulation of vegetated filters treating stormwater
Autoren: Pucher, B., Pressl, A., Allabashi, R., Ertl, T., Langergraber, G.
Event: 10th International Workshop on Nutrient Cycling and Retention in Natural and Constructed Wetlands 2017
Year: 2017 - Determination of parameters describing the hydraulic behavior of filter materials for stormwater filters using HYDRUS
Autoren: Llorens, C.M., Pucher, B., Allabashi, R., Ertl, T., Langergraber, G.
Event: 5th International Conference on HYDRUS Software Applications to Subsurface Flow and Contaminant Transport Problems 2017
Year: 2017 - Performance evaluation of sustainable drainage systems regarding to heavy metal retention
Autoren: Allabashi, R; Measho Haile, T; Fuerhacker, M.; Pitha, U; Scharf, B; Stach, W.; Ziegenbalg, F; Heidinger, S; Ertl, T
Event: 14th IWA/IAHR International Conference on Urban Drainage
Year: 2017 - Assessment of Water Monitoring System in Albania under the perspective of EU legislation and Austrian practice.
Autoren: Baraj, E; Gjoka, A; Lilo Totoni,R; Allabashi, R
Event: SEcond internation conference on "Biotechnology and Agriculture"
Year: 2016 - Modelling of an indoor constructed wetland for greywater treatment
Autoren: Hack, A.P., Gattringer, H.J., Zraunig, A., Kisser, J., Allabashi, R., Langergraber, G.
Event: 15th IWA Specialized Group Conference 2016 - Wetland systems for Water Pollution Control
Year: 2016 - "Stressed Fish?" Beurteilungsmöglichkeiten durch Stresshormone
Autoren: Drexler, S.-S.; Allabashi, R.; Waidbacher, H.; Rauch, P.; Meulenbroek, P.
Event: Annual Meeting of the German Society of Limnology DGL and the SIL Austria 2016
Year: 2015 - Experiences with the practical implementation and operation of biological nitrification for a small-scale drinking water treatment plant
Autoren: Richard L., Mayr E., Zunabovic-Pichler M., Allabshi R., Perfler R.
Event: IWA Specialized Conference Biofilms in drinking water systems - From treatment to tap
Year: 2015 - Biofilm accumulation at different water treatment stages
Autoren: Zunabovic M., Laurent R., Mayr E., Allabashi R., Rosner D., Lindner G., Domig K.J. & Perfler R.
Event: 6th Congress of European Microbiologists FEMS 2015
Year: 2014 - Flow cytometric analysis for the monitoring of bacteriological changes in different eco-niches
Autoren: Zunabovic, M; Rosner, D; Lindner, G; Allabashi, R; Mayr, E; Perfler, R;
Event: 34. Jahrestagung der Österreichischen Gesellschaft für Hygiene, Mikrobiologie und Präventivmedizin 2014
Year: 2014 - Comparison between BOD and Oxygen Depletion on quantitative determination of organic pollution in Erzeni River
Autoren: Baraj, E; Allabashi, R; Lilo, R; Tako, E
Event: Xth International Symposium on Biodiversity, Conservation and sustainable Use for Rural Development
Year: 2012 - GrünStadtKlima Parkplatzflächen
Autoren: Pitha, U; Allabashi, R; Scharf, B; Enzi, V
Event: ÖWAV Veranstaltung Gewässerschutzanlagen für Verkehrsflächen 2012
Year: 2009 - Instrumentation for continous monitoring of nutrients in marine environment
Autoren: Moscetta, P.; Sanfilippo, L.; Savino, E.; Allabashi, R.; Gunatilaka, A.
Event: OCEANS MTS/IEEE Biloxi 2009 - Ocean Technology for Our Future: Global and Local Changes
Year: 2009 - Testing and evaluation of NPA/DPA multi-parametric nutrient probe in a simulated river monitoring station
Autoren: R. Allabashi, A. Pressl, W. Stach, G. Hörmann
Event: Environmental Risk Management Tools for Water Quality Monitoring 2009
Year: 2009 - Instrumentation for continous monitoring of nutrients in marine environment
Autoren: P.Moscetta, L.Sanfilippo, E.Savino, P.Moscetta, R.Allabashi, A.Gunatilaka
Event: OCEANS MTS/IEEE Biloxi 2009 - Ocean Technology for Our Future: Global and Local Changes
Year: 2009 - Instrumentation for continous monitoring in marine environment
Autoren: P.Moscetta, L.Sanfilippo, E.Savino, P.Moscetta, R.Allabashi and A.Gunatilaka
Event: OCEANS MTS/IEEE Biloxi 2009 - Ocean Technology for Our Future: Global and Local Changes
Year: 2009 - Evaluation of the field deployable Loop Flow Analyzer (LFA) for heavy metal determination in water
Autoren: R. Allabashi, A. Pressl, W. Stach, G. Hörmann
Event: Environmental Risk Management Tools for Water Quality Monitoring 2009
Year: 2009 - Instrumentation for continous monitoring of nutrients in marine environm
Autoren: P.Moscetta, L.Sanfilippo, E.Savino, P.Moscetta, R.Allabashi and A.Gunatilaka
Event: OCEANS MTS/IEEE Biloxi 2009 - Ocean Technology for Our Future: Global and Local Changes
Year: 2008 - CMR Substanzen: Quellen und gentoxische Effekte
Autoren: M. Fürhacker, R. Allabashi, M. Misik, S. Knasmüller, F. Ferk
Event: Neue Problemstoffe in der Umwelt 2008 - Erfassung/Wirkungen/Lösungen
Year: 2007 - Water Risk Management in Europe - WARMER
Autoren: Filipkowski, A., Allabashi, R., Allen, A.R., Grabiec, P., Legin, A., Malinowska, E., Merkoci, A., Moscetta, P., Opalski, L.J., Sandven, S., Sanfilippo, L., Thompson, I., Wroblewski, W.
Event: 3rd International IWA Conference on Automation in Water Quality Monitoring AutMoNet 2007
Year: 2007 - Water Risk Management in Europe – WARMER
Autoren: A. Filipkowski, R. Allabashi, A. R, P. Grabiec, A. Legin, E. Malinowska, A. Merkoci, P. Moscetta, L. Opalski, S. Sandven, L. Sanfilippo, I. Thompson, W. Wroblewski
Event: 3rd International IWA Conference on Automation in Water Quality Monitoring AutMoNet 2007
Year: 2007 - Quantification of Gold Nanoparticles in Aquatic Systems by ICP-MS
Autoren: Allabashi, R., Stach, W., De la Escosura, A., Calleja, L.L., Merkoci, A.
Event: 1st International Workshop on Aquatic Nanoscience & Nanotechnology
Year: 2007 - Water Risk Management in Europe – WARMER
Autoren: A. Filipkowski, R. Allabashi, A. R, P. Grabiec, A. Legin, E. Malinowska, A. Merkoci, P. Moscetta, L. Opalski, S. Sandven, L. Sanfilippo, I. Thompson, W. Wroblewski
Event: 3rd International IWA Conference on Automation in Water Quality Monitoring AutMoNet 2007
Year: 2006 - Development of organic/inorganic hybrid filter modules for efficient removal of organic pollutants from water
Autoren: Allabashi R., Tsiourvas D., Joulin J.P., Tsetsekou A.
Event: 72. Jahrestagung der Wasserchemischen Gesellschaft - Fachgruppe in der Gesellschaft Deutscher Chemiker 2006
Year: 2005 - System for European Water Monitoring (SEWING)
Autoren: A. Filipkowski, Z. Brzozka, W. Wroblewski, L. Opalski, J. Ogrodzki, A. Kobus, B. Jaroszewicz, P. Moscetta, L. Sanfilippo, R. Allabashi, P. Temple-Boyer, I. Humenyuk
Event: 19th Conference on Informatics for Environmental Protection - EnviroInfo 2005
Year: 2003 - Biological treatment of MDEA-contaminated waste water
Autoren: Fürhacker, M., Pressl, A., Allabashi, R.
Event: Proceedings of the 5th International Conference of ACE CR
Year: 2002 - Online sensing of volatile organic compounds in ground water using mid-infrared fibre optic evanescent wave spectroscopy: A pilot scale test
Autoren: Steiner, H., Staubmann, K., Allabashi, R., Fleischmann, N., Katzir, A., Reichlin, Y., Mizaikoff, B.
Event: International IWA Conference on Automation in Water Quality Monitoring Autmonet 2002
Determination of Lead in Blood of Children Living in Berat/Albania Town.
Autoren: Baraj, B., Allabashi, R., Cocoli, V., Babi, D.