Rudolf Krska
Univ.Prof. Dipl.-Ing. Dr.techn. Rudolf Krska
Institute of Bioanalytics and Agro-Metabolomics
Location Konrad-Lorenz-Straße 20, 3430 Tulln an der Donau
Tel: +43 1 47654-97301, 97302
ORCID: 0000-0001-6843-9755
AGU-0340-2022: ResearcherId
Research Focus
Analytical Chemistry, Food and Feed Safety, Mycotoxins
- 2019 Head of the Institute of Bioanalytics & Agro-Metabolomics, Department IFA-Tulln, BOKU
- 2019 Head, IFA-Proficiency Testing Scheme for Water Analysis
- 2019 - 2024 Deputy Director of the Department for Agrobiotechnology (IFA-Tulln), BOKU
- 2018 Jointly appointed Professor at the Institute for Global Food Security, Faculty of Medicine, Health and Life Sciences, Queen´s University, Belfast, UK (under the World Leading Researcher Scheme)
- 2017 Head of Strategic Research (=Blue Area Leader), Austrian Competence Centre for Feed and Food Quality, Safety and Innovation (FFoQSI)
- 2017 Guest Professor, Department of Plant Pathology, Kansas State University, USA
- 2016 - 2019 Member of the BOKU Senate
- 2011 - 2017 Deputy Chairman of the Scientific Initiative "Bioresources & Technologies (BiRT) at BOKU/Tulln
- 2010 - 2015 Head of the Department for Agrobiotechnology (IFA-Tulln), BOKU
- 2009 - 2010 (12 months) Acting Division Chief, Food Research Division, Health Canada, Ottawa
- 2008 Professor of Bioanalytics and Organic Trace Analysis, BOKU
- 2006 - 2007 (12 months) Research stay, Food Science Group, Central Science Laboratory, York, United Kingdom
- 2005 - 2009 Deputy Director of the Department for Agrobiotechnology (IFA-Tulln), BOKU
- 2002 - 2009 Head of the Christian Doppler Laboratory for Mycotoxin Research
- 2001 - 2009 Co-Founder of the BOKU spin-offs Biopure Reference Materials (2001) and Quantas Analytics (2006) (all shares sold 2009)
- 1999 Habilitation in Analytical Chemistry, TU-Vienna (Assoc. Prof.)
- 1996 - 2019 Head of the Center for Analytical Chemistry at the Dep. IFA Tulln, BOKU
- 1994 - 1996 Head of the Working Group for Molecular Analysis at the Centre for Analytical Chemistry, IFA Tulln
- 1994 (3 months) Research stay, Food Reseach Division, Health Canada, Ottawa, Canada
- 1993 Doctoral degree in Science, Ph.D., passed with distinction
- 1991 - 1994 Research Assistant at the Institute for Analytical Chemistry; TU-Vienna
- 1991 (2 months) Research stays: School of Physics and Astronomy, Tel Aviv University, Israel and Fraunhofer Institute, Freiburg, BRD
- 1990 Diploma in Chemistry (Vienna University of Technology)
- 1990 - 1991 Research Assistant at the Institute for Chemical Technology of Inorganic Materials; TU-Vienna
- 1988 - 1990 Contractual collaborator, ESW Consulting Wruss, Vienna
- 1984 - 1990 Study of Technical Chemistry at the Vienna University of Technology
- Year: 2024 Awards: World Mycotoxin Journal: Article of the Year Award
- Year: 2024 Awards: Die Presse: Nominierung als Österreicher des Jahres (Kategorie Forschung)
- Year: 2024 Awards: ScholarGPS: Most cited (Nr. 1) author in the field of "mycotoxins - life time achievement as highly ranked scholar (top 0.05%)
- Year: 2023 Awards: Chemistry Leader Award 2023 (#6 in Austria, awarded by
- Year: 2023 Awards: Golden Ring of Honour of the City of Tulln
- Year: 2023 Awards: Honorary Member of the Royal Irish Academy
- Year: 2023 Awards: FFoQSI Benchmark Champion Award 2023 (10.000 €)
- Year: 2022 Awards: Outstanding Contribution Award, Journal of Science and Technology of Cereals, Oils, Foods, Academy of National Food and Strategic Reserves Administration, Beijing, China.
- Year: 2021 Awards: Co-Winner of the American Chemical Society´s “Research Article of the Year Award” (AGRO division) J. Agric. Food Chem. 2020, 68, 12, 3868–3880
- Year: 2021 Awards: Ranked Nr. 3 expert in the area of Food Safety, based on number of citations among >100,000 experts worldwide (expertscape)
- Year: 2019 Awards: Fritz-Pregl-Medal for outstanding research in the field of food analysis (awarded by ASAC)
- Year: 2019 Awards: Web of Science Highly Cited Researcher 2019: identified by Clarivate Analytics as one of the world’s most influential contemporary researchers (top 1% ranking);
- Year: 2018 Awards: Web of Science Highly Cited Researcher 2018: identified by Clarivate Analytics as one of the world’s most influential contemporary researchers (top 1% ranking);
- Year: 2017 Awards: Web of Science Highly Cited Researcher 2017: identified by Clarivate Analytics as one of the world’s most influential contemporary researchers (top 1% ranking)
- Year: 2016 Awards: Appointment as Distinguished International Supervisor of the Institute of Food Science and Technology at CAAS, Beijing
- Year: 2016 Awards: BRAIN Award founded by Biomin and awarded at the World Nutrition Forum in Vancouver
- Year: 2016 Awards: Bürgerrecht der Stadt Tulln - "Honorary citizen" of Tulln
- Year: 2016 Awards: Web of Science Highly Cited Researcher 2016: identified by Thomson Reuters as one of the world’s most influential contemporary researchers (top 1% ranking)
- Year: 2015 Awards: Appointment as Distinguished Professor of the Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences (CAAS)
- Year: 2015 Awards: Honorary Prize for outstanding scientific achievements (NÖ Würdigungspreis); awarded by the Governor of Lower Austria
- Year: 2015 Awards: Web of Science Highly Cited Researcher 2015: identified by Thomson Reuters as one of the world’s most influential contemporary researchers (top 1% ranking)
- Year: 2013 Awards: Ranked Nr.1 among the world´s most cited authors in the area of “mycotoxins” in the last decade (2004-2013). The database on mycotoxins included 5.570 authors and 7.634 SCI Papers (Web of Science).
- Year: 2013 Awards: Zsigmondy-Medal: Faculty Award of Merit of the Faculty of Technical Chemistry of the Vienna University of Technology
- Year: 2010 Awards: Recognition Award for outstanding achievement; awarded by Health Canada´s Food Directorate
- Year: 2006 Awards: Dr.Wolfgang Houska Award (50.000 €, 2nd rank) of the b&c Privatstiftung
- Year: 2000 Awards: Fritz Feigl Award of the Austrian Society for Analytical Chemistry
- Year: 1994 Awards: Pro Analitica Award of the Institute for Analytical Chemistry at the Vienna University of Technology
- Year: 1993 Awards: Erwin Schrödinger Research Grant; awarded 1993 by the "Austrian Science Fund" (FWF)
- Year: 1993 Awards: Special Poster Award of the 9th International Conference on Fourier Transform Spectroscopy in Calgary, Canada
- Year: 1993 Awards: Mobility Grant for best PhD thesis of the year at TU Vienna; awarded by the Academic Working Party of the Vienna University of Technology
- Year: 1990 Awards: Special Award of the ERSTE Österreichischer Jugendpreis '90 for diploma thesis
0 Projects found.
Knowledge Transfer to Society
Year: 2024 - Targeted and untargeted analysis of plant and fungal metabolites
Autoren: Krska, R; Berthiller, F; Sulyok, M; Schuhmacher, R; Adam,G
Event: HOLiFOOD FoodSafeR Webinar
Year: 2024 - Essen ohne Gift?
Autoren: Krska, R
Event: Skeptics in the Pub
Year: 2024 - Analytical Chemistry before the curtain
Autoren: Krska, R;
Event: 38. Agilent Forum Analytik 2024
Year: 2024 - Accelerating quantification of fungal analytes with fast polarity switching and scheduled MRM - is it on the cost of method performance?
Autoren: Kenjeric, L; Malachova, A; Krska, R; Sulyok, M
Event: 45th Mycotoxin Workshop 2024
Year: 2024 - LC-MS/MS and multivariate statistics to study regional and yearly mycotoxin occurrence patterns in Austrian wheat
Autoren: Freitag, St; Sulyok, M; Reiter, E; Lippl, M; Mechtler, K;Krska, R
Event: 45th Mycotoxin Workshop 2024
Year: 2024 - Studying the protein composition of mycotoxigenic Fusarium spp.-infected wheat: a mid-infrared spectroscopy approach
Autoren: Nadeak, L, D; Krska; R; Freitag, St
Event: 45th Mycotoxin Workshop 2024
Year: 2024 - The global pattern of microbial secondary metabolites in the indoor environment
Autoren: Sulyok, M; Rossini, G; Täubel, M; Krska, R
Event: 45th Mycotoxin Workshop 2024
Year: 2024 - Distribution of mycotoxins in moldy jams
Autoren: Krpan, M; Caprio, A; Schamann, A; Malachová; A; Gössinger, M;Labuda, R; Krska, R; Sulyok, M
Event: 45th Mycotoxin Workshop 2024
Year: 2024 - Moderne Kontroll- und Reduktionsmaßnahmen für ("Emerging") Mykotoxine
Autoren: Krska, R
Event: ICC Vortragsveranstaltung
Year: 2024 - Screening for deoxynivalenol in wheat using mid-infrared photoacoustic spectroscopy
Autoren: Rennhofer, P; Sulyok, M; Krska, R; Freitag, S
Event: 45th Mycotoxin Workshop 2024
Year: 2024 - Challenges to the safety of the food chain and how to tackle these
Autoren: Krska, R
Event: Austrian Food Chemistry Days 2024
Year: 2024 - Safeguarding our food & feed chain: Strategies for Controlling and Analysing Mycotoxins
Autoren: Krska, R; Berthiller, F; Sulyok, M; Schuhmacher, R; Freitag, S; Mizaikoff, B; Kohler, A
Event: Nordic Mycotoxin School
Year: 2024 - Epoxide opening fungal GSTs expressed in yeast confer strong resistance to multiple trichothecenes
Autoren: Wiesenberger, G; Valente, N; Twaruschek, K; Adam, G; Krska, R; Kenjeric, L; Michlmayr, H
Event: 45th Mycotoxin Workshop 2024
Year: 2024 - Detoxification of deoxynivalenol by glutathione transferases
Autoren: Michlmayr, H; Siller, M, Kenjeric, L; Wiesenberger, G; Doppler, M; Malachova, A; Hofer, M; Schweiger, W; Steiner, B; Kugler, K. G; Mayer, K. F. X; Bürstmayr, H; Schuhmacher R; Krska, R; Labrou, N.E; Papageorgiu, A. C; Adam, G
Event: 45th Mycotoxin Workshop 2024
Year: 2024 - Phosphorylation of deoxynivalenol and zearalenone in insects
Autoren: Adam, G; Doppler, M; Michlmayr, H; Wiesenberger, G; Rennhofer, P; Bueschl, C; Krska, T; Schuhmacher, R; Hametner, C; Berthiller, F; Krska, R
Event: 45th Mycotoxin Workshop 2024
Year: 2023 - Green, rapid and sustainable screening of deoxynivalenol in wheat via attenuated total reflection infrared spectroscopy
Autoren: P. Fomina, A. Femenias, V. Tafinteseva, S. Freitag, A. Kohler, R. Krska, B. Mizaikoff
Event: Early Career Scientists Event 2023 – Food contaminants: emerging challenges between safety and sustainability
Year: 2023 - Top Five Answers learned at WMFmeetsBelgium
Autoren: Krska, R; Elliott, C;
Event: 14th Conference The World Mycotoxin Forum
Year: 2023 - Essen ohne Gift?
Autoren: Krska, R;
Event: BRG Kremszeile
Year: 2023 - Performance of an LC-MS/MS Method Covering 1000 Analytes in Processed Grain Based Foodstuffs
Autoren: Sulyok, M; Krska, R
Event: ANAKON 2023
Year: 2023 - Life Sciences - Forschen und Lehren
Autoren: R. Krska
Event: Nachhaltig Vorausschauen - 150 Jahre Universität für Bodenkultur Wien 2023
Year: 2023 - Mycotoxin Determination - validation and application
Autoren: R. Krska, F. Berthiller, S. Freitag, R. Schuhmacher, M. Sulyok
Event: 22nd International FUSARIUM Laboratory Workshop & MycoTWIN Summer School
Year: 2023 - Stephan Freitag, Michael Sulyok, Rudolf Krska
Autoren: IR spectroscopy combined with LC-MS/MS analysis for rapid mycotoxin screening
Year: 2023 - Acceleration of an HPLC-MS / MS multi-class method for the analysis of >1200 biotoxins, pesticides, and veterinary drugs
Autoren: Kenjeric, L; Sulyok, M; Krska,R; Pavelicova, K; Malachova, A
Event: Mycotoxin Workshop
Year: 2023 - Essen ohne Gift? Gesundheitsrisiken unserer Lebensmittel
Autoren: R. Krska
Event: Lions Club Tulln Abend
Year: 2023 - Challenges to the resilience and safety of the food chain and how to tackle these
Autoren: R. Krska
Event: Egyptian Food Safety Celebration
Year: 2023 - Entwicklung einer UPLC-MS/MS-basierten Methode zur Bestimmung von 1.200 Toxinen in 10 Minuten!
Autoren: Kenjeric, L; Sulyok, M; Krska, R, Pavelicova, K; Malachova, A
Event: 6. ALVA Kontaminantentagung
Year: 2023 - Determination of Lichen-Derived Secondary Metabolites in the Indoor Environment
Autoren: Sulyok, M., Krska, R.
Event: Gordon Research Conference for Mycotoxins and Phycotoxins
Year: 2023 - Latest Challenges and Trends in Mycotoxin Analysis
Autoren: R. Krska, F. Berthiller, M. Sulyok, R. Schuhmacher, S. Freitag, K. Lauter, B. Mizaikoff
Event: World Nutrition Forum
Year: 2023 - Towards a resilient and sustainable food system through efficient control and mitigation of mycotoxins
Autoren: R. Krska, O. Kolawole, N. Logan, Chris Elliott, A. Malachova, S. Freitag, V. Neubauer, S. Durand
Event: Challenges of mycotoxins in food and feed
Year: 2023 - Untargeted 13C-labelling LC-HRMS based approach to study the fate of mycotoxins during food processing
Autoren: Malachova, A; Stadler, D; Caprio, A; Schuhmacher, R; Doppler, M; Bueschl, Ch; Rollo, E; Suman, M, Krska, R;
Event: Chemical Reactions in Food
Year: 2023 - Essen ohne Gift? Gesundheitsrisiken und -Nutzen unserer Lebensmittel
Autoren: R. Krska
Event: Essen ohne Gift?
Year: 2023 - Combining IR spectroscopy and LC-MS/MS analysis for rapid mycotoxin screening
Autoren: Stephan Freitag, Michael Sulyok, Rudolf Krska
Event: Wageningen Food Safety Research - Institute Seminar
Year: 2023 - Toxin Analysis vs Safety – What Are The Benefits and The Challenges Of Running a Multi-Toxin Method?
Autoren: Sulyok, M: Steiner, D; Krska,R
Event: Agritox General Assembly Meeting
Year: 2023 - Auswirkungen des Klimawandels auf das Vorkommen von Mykotoxinen in Lebensmitteln (und was wir dagegen tun können)
Autoren: R. Krska
Year: 2023 - Toxin-free food (against the backdrop of climate change)?
Autoren: Krska, R; Elliott, C; Eskola, M;
Event: 14th Conference The World Mycotoxin Forum
Year: 2023 - Biotoxins in Food: Emerging Risks and Analysis
Autoren: Berthiller, F; Sulyok, M; Krska, R
Event: Early Career Scientists Event 2023 – “Food contaminants: emerging challenges between safety and sustainability”
Year: 2023 - Toxin-Free Food? Health Risks and Benefits of our Food
Autoren: Krska, R;
Event: 17th China International Food Safety & Quality Conference
Year: 2023 - Challenges and latest Trends of Mycotixin Analysis
Autoren: Krska, R;
Event: 17th China International Food Safety & Quality Conference
Year: 2023 - ANAKON and the role of ASAC
Autoren: R. Krska
Event: ANAKON 2023
Year: 2023 - Essen ohne Gift – Globale Herausforderungen und nachhaltige Lösungen
Autoren: R. Krska
Event: Fortbildungsveranstaltung der Pädagogischen Hochschule Graz
Year: 2023 - A joined-up approach to the identification, assessment and management of emerging food safety hazards and associated risks
Autoren: R. Krska, M. Wagner, O. McNerney
Event: EU Food Safety Forum
Autoren: Akulava, V; Aledda, M; Tafintseva, V; Freitag, St; Sulyok, M; Krska, R; Walravens, L; Smirnova, M; Zimmerman, B; Kohler, A; Shapaval, V;
Event: 14th Conference The World Mycotoxin Forum
Year: 2023 - Development and validation of an HPLC-MS/MS multi-class method for the analysis of different classes of veterinary drug residues in milk and poultry feed
Autoren: Kenjeric, L;Sulyok,M;Malachova, A;Greer, B; Kolawole,T; Quinn, B;Elliott, CT; Krska, R
Event: Young Analytics Forum
Year: 2023 - Emerging global food safety challenges and related analytical solutions solutions
Autoren: R. Krska, C. Elliott, M. Nielen, M. Sulyok, M. Eskola, O. McNerney, M. Wagner, S. Freitag, B. Mizaikoff, A. Kohler
Event: ANAKON 2023
Autoren: Sulyok, M; Krksa, R.
Event: Research days – Horse Health and Grassland
Year: 2023 - Near-Infrared Spectroscopy for Mycotoxin Screening in Food Crops: Current State-of-the-Art and Challenges
Autoren: Stephan Freitag, Michael Sulyok, Rudolf Krska
Event: 21th International Conference on Near Infrared Spectroscopy
Year: 2023 - Biotoxin profiles in tea
Autoren: Ezekiel, C; Akinyemi, MO; Sulyok, M; Krska, R.
Event: World Mycotoxin Forum Meets Belgium
Year: 2023 - Is it safe to eat mouldy jams?
Autoren: Malachova, A; Krska, R; Sulyok, M;
Event: Forschungstag Obstbau
Year: 2023 - Snapshot mycotoxin profiling of Ready-to-Use Therapeutic Foods intended for severely and acutely malnourished children in Nigeria
Autoren: Ezekiel, C; Ogbonna, PN; Williams, GY; Sulyok, M; Krska, R.
Event: 2nd ACAFP Food Safety Conference
Year: 2023 - Towards portable on-site mycotoxin detection; using 3D printing, paper microfluidics and mid-infrared spectroscopic detection of deoxynivalenol in wheat
Autoren: Anouk J. Bosman, Stephan Freitag, Georgina M.S. Ross, Michael Sulyok, Rudolf Krska, Francesco Simone Ruggeri, Gert IJ. Salentijn
Event: Early Career Scientists Event ILSI Europe 2023 - Food contaminants: emerging challenges between safety and sustainability
Year: 2023 - Mycotoxins in agricultural ecosystems:insights into their metabolism, successes and emerging problems
Autoren: Adam, G; Michlmayr, H; Wiesenberger, G; Krska, T; Doppler, M; Büschl, C; Krska, R; chuhmacher, R; Berthiller, F
Event: Gordon Research Conference - Mycotoxins and Phycotoxins
Year: 2023 - New analytical solutions for the global challenges of food safety
Autoren: R. Krska, C. Elliott, M. Nielen, M. Sulyok, M. Eskola, O. McNerney, M. Wagner, S. Freitag, B. Mizaikoff, A. Kohler
Event: XXII Congress EuroFoodChem
Autoren: Malachova, A; Caprio, A; Ollinger, N; Krska R; Sulyok M; Weghuber, J;
Event: 14th Conference The World Mycotoxin Forum
Year: 2023 - Risken des Essens
Autoren: Krska, R;
Event: VÖLB Herbsttagung 2023
Year: 2023 - Fungal diversity and mycotoxins in rice produced in South-West, Nigeria are influenced by postharvest practices
Autoren: Oyedele, O; Akinyemi, M; Meijer, M; Kraak, B; Sulyok, M;Houbraken, J; Krska, R; Ezekiel, C.
Event: 2nd ACAFP Food Safety Conference
Year: 2022 - 20 years World Mycotoxin Forum: achievements, lessons learned& global challenges ahead
Autoren: Krska, R
Event: 13th World Mycotoxin Forum 2022
Year: 2022 - Integrated Methods to Reduce, Control and Detect Mycotoxins Along the Food Chain
Autoren: R. Krska
Event: 7th International Food Safety Congress
Year: 2022 - Emerging chemical contaminants in food and the importance of validated LC-MS-based methods
Autoren: Rudolf Krska, Michael Sulyok, David Steiner, Chris Elliott, Mari Eskola, Oonagh McNerney, Michel Nielen, Michele Suman
Event: 10th International Symposium on Recent Advances in Food Analysis RAFA 2022
Year: 2022 - Fungi and fungal toxins in bakery plants and products
Autoren: Michael Sulyok, Nicole Ollinger, Julian Weghuber, Michele Suman, Rudolf Krska
Event: 13th World Mycotoxin Forum 2022
Year: 2022 - Essen ohne Gift
Autoren: Rudolf Krska
Event: Wiener Vorlesungen 2022
Year: 2022 - Scrape the mold off the jam or toss the jar? - New answers to an old food safety dilemma
Autoren: Malachova, A; Krpan, M; Kenjeric, L; Gössinger, M; Labuda, R; Krska, R; Sulyok, M;
Event: World mycotoxin forum
Year: 2022 - Infrared spectroscopy for rapid mycotoxin screening
Autoren: Freitag S, Sulyok M, Zitek A, Grausgruber H, Krska R
Event: 73. Jahrestagung, New plant breeding technologies: myths, facts and reality
Year: 2022 - Emerging global food security and food safety challenges and related analytical solutions
Autoren: Rudolf Krska
Event: EuroFAST 2022
Year: 2022 - The potential of infrared spectroscopy for rapid mycotoxin screening
Autoren: Stephan Freitag, Micheal Sulyok, Rudolf Krska
Event: 13th World Mycotoxin Forum 2022
Year: 2022 - Optimierung und Validierung von quantitativen LC-MS/MS Methoden zur Multi-Kontaminanten-Bestimmung in komplexen Lebensmittel-, Pflanzen- und Urinproben
Autoren: R. Krska, M. Sulyok, F. Berthiller, B. Warth, C. Büschl, D. Stadler, D. Steiner, R. Schuhmacher
Event: ASAC/ÖPHG Sommerschule 2022 "Chromatographie und Kopplung mit Massenspektrometrie"
Year: 2022 - High resolution mass spectrometry: A promise or a blind alley in the routine analysis of multiple mycotoxins?
Autoren: Kenjeric, L; Doppler,M; Maly,M; Sulyok,M;Schuhmacher,R; Krska,R; Malachova, A
Event: 13th World Mycotoxin Forum
Year: 2022 - Infrared spectroscopy for rapid mycotoxin screening
Autoren: Freitag, S; Sulyok, M; Zitek, A; Grausgruber, H; Krska; R
Event: 73. Jahrestagung, New plant breeding technologies: myths, facts and reality
Year: 2022 - Introducing the Austrian Society of Analytical Chemistry
Autoren: Krska, R
Event: Young Analytical Chemists Forum
Year: 2022 - International collaborations between the ASSET Technology Centre at Queen's University Belfast and the Institute of Bioanalytics & Agro-Metabolomics at BOKU Vienna
Autoren: Krska, R
Event: ASSET Conference 2022
Year: 2022 - Trichothecenes and Zearalenone
Autoren: R. Krska, G. Adam, F. Berthiller, R. Schuhmacher, Yin-Won Lee
Event: Fusarium Laboratory Workshop 2022
Year: 2022 - The top 5 lessons learned at the Mycotoxin Forum
Autoren: Krska, R
Event: 13th World Mycotoxin Forum 2022
Year: 2022 - Multimycotoxin analysis – the sky is the limit
Autoren: Michael Sulyok, Rudolf Krska
Event: Power of Fungi and Mycotoxins in the Midst of Climate Change
Year: 2022 - Towards the determination of deoxynivalenol in winter and durum wheat using a handheld near infrared spectrometer
Autoren: Freitag, S; Zitek, A; Sulyok, M; Krska, R
Event: 10th International Symposium on Recent Advances in Food Analysis RAFA 2022
Year: 2022 - A joined-up EU-China Approach for the Control and Reduction of Mycotoxins in Food and Feed: An Experience Report
Autoren: Krska, R
Event: Seminar für Moderne Analytische Chemie
Year: 2022 - Managing matrix effects is the key for reliable quantification in the LC-MS based analysis of mycotoxins and other contaminants in food and feed
Autoren: Sulyok, M; Steiner, D; Krska, R.
Event: LC-GC Virtaul Symposium
Year: 2022 - Tackling mycotoxins world-wide: Mitigation through innovation
Autoren: Krska, R
Event: 7th International Scientific Meeting: Mycology, Mycotoxicology, and Mycoses 2022
Year: 2022 - Rapid Screening of Deoxynivalenol in Wheat: Towards the Usage of Portable Infrared Spectrometers
Autoren: Freitag, S; Zitek, A; Sulyok, M; Krska, R
Event: 73. Jahrestagung, New plant breeding technologies: myths, facts and reality
Year: 2022 - Fusarium aus Knoblauch: Phylogenie und Mykotoxinproduktion
Autoren: Gasser, K; Sulyok, M; Spangl, B; Krska, R; Steinkellner, S; Hage-Ahmed, K
Event: 63. Österreichischen Pflanzenschutztagen 2022
Year: 2022 - Horizon Scanning in Food Safety
Autoren: R. Krska
Event: The Food Safety Conference - Round Table
Year: 2022 - Rapid MS and IR based methods for the determination of mycotoxins in food
Autoren: Rudolf Krska, C. Elliott, M. Nielen, M. Eskola, O. McNerney, M. Wagner, S. Freitag, B. Mizaikoff, A. Kohler
Event: Seminar on Advanced Materials and Technologies for Food Analysis and Biosensing Applications
Year: 2022 - Mycotoxin determination - Theory
Autoren: R. Krska, Sabine Baumgartner
Event: Fusarium Laboratory Workshop 2022
Year: 2022 - Performance Data of an LC-MS/MS Based Multi-Method in Processed Grain-Based Products
Autoren: Michael Sulyok, Michele Suman, Rudolf Krska
Event: 10th International Symposium on Recent Advances in Food Analysis RAFA 2022
Year: 2021 - How can we measure and tackle the world wide occurrence of mycotoxins in view of climate change
Autoren: Krska, R;
Year: 2021 - How to tackle natural toxins in view of globalisation and climate change
Autoren: Krska, R;
Event: FEED 2021
Year: 2021 - Rapid determination of mycotoxin contamination in grain samples using infrared spectroscopy
Autoren: Stephan Freitag, Micheal Sulyok, Rudolf Krska
Event: China-Austria International Symposium on Grain Security 2021
Year: 2021 - New insights into the metabolisation and degradation of the Fusarium mycotoxin deoxynivalenol
Autoren: Krska, R; Schuhmacher, R; Berthiller, F;
Event: New insights into the metabolisation and degradation of the Fusarium mycotoxin deoxynivalenol
Year: 2021 - The influence of the lot-to-lot variation in the LC-MS/MS analysis of (whole) grain based food
Autoren: Michael Sulyok, Daivd Stadler, David Steiner, Rudolf Krska
Event: China-Austria International Symposium on Grain Security 2021
Year: 2021 - Worldwide contamination of food crops with mycotoxins: validity of the decades old FAO estimate of 25% and how we can we mitigate the issue
Autoren: Rudolf Krska, Gregor Kos, Chris Elliott, Mari Eskola
Event: THREATS TO OUR FOOD SYSTEM: The impact of climate change and legislative changes on the control of mycotoxins and antimicrobial agents
Year: 2021 - How and why shall we determine >500 biotoxins in food and feed?
Autoren: Krska, R; Sulyok, M;
Event: MycoTWIN-MycoKey INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE on Integrated and innovative key actions for mycotoxin management in the food and feed chain
Year: 2021 - Kontamination mit Mykotoxinen und anderen Sekundärmetaboliten in Rationen ausgewählter österreichischer Milchviehbetriebe
Event: 5. Linzer Kontaminantentagung 2021
Year: 2021 - Algentoxine und Schimmelpilzgifte: Ungebetene Tischgenossen von Mensch und Tier
Autoren: Krska, R
Event: Haus des Meeres Science Day
Year: 2021 - Infrarotspektroskopie zur raschen Bestimmung des Mykotoxingehaltes von Getreideproben
Autoren: Krska, R; Sulyok, M; Freitag, St;
Event: 5. Linzer Kontaminantentagung 2021
Year: 2021 - Isotope-assisted metabolomics to study resistance of wheat against Fusarium head blight
Autoren: Doppler, M; Bueschl, C; Kluger, B; Simader, A; Wolf, B; Krska, R; Steiner, B; Lemmens, M; Buerstmayr, H; Wiesenberger, G; Adam, G; Schuhmacher, R
Event: European Fusarium Seminar - EFS15
Year: 2021 - Latest data on the world wide contamination of food crops with mycotoxins
Autoren: Krska, R; Kos, G; Elliott, Ch; Eskola, M;
Event: China-Austria International Symposium on Grain Security 2021
Year: 2021 - Infrarotspektroskopie zur raschen Bestimmung des Mykotoxingehaltes von Getreideproben Infrared spectroscopy for the rapid determination of mycotoxins in grain samples
Autoren: Stephan Freitag, Michael Sulyok, Rudolf Krska
Event: 5. Kontaminantentagung
Year: 2021 - Kampf den Schimmelpilzgiften: Mitigation durch Innovation
Autoren: Krska, R;
Event: Food Innovation Forum FIF 2021 - Towards Sustainable Food Systems
Autoren: Sulyok, M; Stadler, D; Steiner, D; Krska, R
Event: SAEM Seminars
Year: 2021 - Algentoxine und Schimmelpilzgifte: Ungebetene Tischgenossen von Mensch und Tier
Autoren: R. Krska
Event: Haus des Meeres Science Day
Year: 2021 - THREATS TO OUR FOOD SYSTEM: The impact of climate change and legislative changes on the control of mycotoxins and antimicrobial agents
Autoren: Krska, R; Kos, G; Elliott, Ch; Eskola, M;
Event: Worldwide contamination of food crops with mycotoxins: validity of the decades old FAO estimate of 25% and how can we mitigate the issue
Year: 2021 - Rückstände von Pestiziden und Veterinärarzneimitteln in Rationen konventioneller und biologischer Milchviehbetriebe in Österreich
Event: 5. Linzer Kontaminantentagung 2021
Year: 2020 - What are mycotoxins and why do we need an integrated approach to tackle them?
Autoren: R. Krska
Event: MyToolBox Stakeholder Workshop
Year: 2020 - Sichere Lebensmittel durch integrierte Strategien zur Vermeidung vonSchimmelpilzgiften
Autoren: R. Krska
Event: C.Ö.S.V. Tullina Tulln
Year: 2020 - Wie man einen ERC-Grant bekommt – aus Sicht eines Evaluators
Autoren: Krska, R;
Event: Zoom Konferenz: BoostingERC@BOKU
Year: 2020 - Validation of LC-MS/MS based multi-analyte method: The issue of replicates
Autoren: Michael Sulyok, David Steiner, Rudolf Krska
Event: The World Mycotoxin Forum - PRE-CONFERENCE on ANALYSIS 2022
Year: 2020 - China International Food Safety & Quality Conference
Autoren: Krska, R;
Event: CIFSQ, - via Zoom
Year: 2020 - Social media für UniversitätsforscherInnen - lohnt sich der Aufwand?
Autoren: R. Krska
Event: Science Communication
Year: 2020 - Webinar über Sichere Lebensmittel durch eine integrierte ToolBox für effizientes Mykotoxinmanagement
Autoren: R. Krska
Event: MyToolbox Webinar
Year: 2020 - The impact of integrated management strategies as proposed by MyToolBox to control mycotoxins in the food supply chain
Autoren: Krska, R;
Event: MycoKey 2020 Final International on-line Conference
Year: 2020 - integrated methods to detect and reduce mycotoxins and the role of heterocyclic chemistry
Autoren: R. Krska
Event: Celebrating heterocyclic chemistry @ TU Wien
Year: 2020 - The use of stable isotopes in untargeted plant metabolomics: Is it worth the effort?
Autoren: Bueschl, C; Ceranic, A; Doppler, M; Kluger, B; Neumann, N; Sauerschnig, C; Simader, A; Wolf, B; Krska, R; Adam, G; Bürstmayr, H; Lemmens, M; Schuhmacher, R
Event: Agilent Forum Analytik
Year: 2020 - MyToolBox DSS for storage of grains and nuts in China and early forecasting in Europe
Autoren: Krska, R;
Event: Online Workshop on the status of mycotoxin predictive models in Africa
Year: 2020 - Performance of LC-MS/MS based methods for the simultaneous determination of hundreds of compounds deriving from different contaminant classes
Autoren: Michael Sulyok, David Steiner, Rudolf Krska
Event: IMEKOFOODS 2020
Year: 2020 - The presence and future of mycotoxin monitoring
Autoren: Krska, R;
Event: 7th International Akademie Fresenius FEED Online Conference “Feed Additives – Animal Nutrition – Gut Health – Antimicrobial Resistance
Year: 2019 - Safe food and feed through an integrated toolbox for mycotoxin reduction and analysis
Autoren: Krska, R; Schuhmacher, R; Berthiller, F; Sulyok, M; Stadler, D;
Event: 18th Austrian Chemistry Days 2019
Year: 2019 - MyToolBox (Safe Food and Feed through an Integrated ToolBox for Mycotoxin Management)
Autoren: Krska, R;
Event: 9th International Symposium on Recent Advances in Food Analysis RAFA 2019
Year: 2019 - Safe food and feed through an integrated toolbox for mycotoxin reduction and analysis
Autoren: Krska, R;
Event: School of Biological Sciences, Lecture Theatre, Queen´s University Belfast
Year: 2019 - Metabolomics of plant-Fusarium interactions.
Autoren: Schuhmacher, R.; Berthiller, F.; Krska, R.
Event: SFB-FUSARIUM-Abschlusskonferenz
Year: 2019 - LC-MS/MS basierte analytische Lösungsansätze für die Validierung komplexer Futtermittel
Autoren: Steiner, D; Sulyok, M; Malachová, A; Krska, R
Event: 4. Linzer Kontaminantentagung 2019
Year: 2019 - Integrated multi-actor partnerships in the EU and China as the key to tackle mycotoxins along the food and feed chain
Autoren: Krska, R
Event: World Mycotoxin Forum meets IUPAC
Year: 2019 - Plant mechanisms counteracting Fusarium virulence factors, a way to reduce mycotoxin contamination?
Autoren: Adam, G; Svoboda, T; Michlmayr, H; Spörhase, P; Twaruschek, K., Wiesenberger, G; Ceranic, A; Doppler, M; Krska, R; Berthiller, F; Schuhmacher R
Event: World Mycotoxin Forum meets IUPAC
Year: 2019 - The Interaction of Fullerenol C60(OH)24 Nanoparticles with the Aflatoxigenic Foodborne Fungi
Autoren: Kovac, T; Borisev, I; Loncaric, A; Ezekiel, CN; Sulyok, M; Krska, R; Sarkanj, B;
Event: 2nd Young Scientists Days - Conference
Year: 2019 - Weltweite Kontamination von Nahrungspflanzen mit Mykotoxinen: Gültigkeit der vielzitierten FAO-Schätzung von 25%
Autoren: Krska, R; Kos, G; Elliott, C; Eskola, M;
Event: 4. Linzer Kontaminantentagung, Schadstoffe entlang der Produktionskette von Futter- und Lebensmitteln
Year: 2019 - ELISA principle and practices
Autoren: Krska, R;
Event: Fusarium Laboratory Workshop, Kansas State University, Department of Plant Pathology
Year: 2019 - Mycotoxin Detection and Analysis
Autoren: Krska, R;
Event: Fusarium Laboratory Workshop, Kansas State University, Department of Plant Pathology
Year: 2019 - Plant mechanisms counteracting Fusarium virulence factors, a way to reduce mycotoxin contamination?
Autoren: Adam, G; Svoboda, T; Michlmayr, H; Spörhase, P; Twaruschek, K; Wiesenberger, G; Ceranic, A; Doppler, M; Krska, R; Berthiller, F; Schuhmacher; R
Event: The World Mycotoxin Forum and the IUPAC International Symposium on Mycotoxins 2019
Year: 2019 - Mycotoxins and their metabolism in plants – the analytical approach
Autoren: Krska, R; Berthiller, F; Schuhmacher, R;
Event: SFB-FUSARIUM-Abschlusskonferenz
Year: 2019 - Mitigation of deoxynivalenol during industrial baking: Is it possible?
Autoren: Stadler, D; Berthiller, F; Lambertini, F; Bueschl, C; Woelflingseder, L; Hametner, C; Schwartz-Zimmermann, HE; Hellinger, R; Sulyok, M; Lemmens, M; Marko, D; Schuhmacher, R; Suman, M; Krska, R
Event: 11. World Mycotoxin Forum 2019
Year: 2019 - Quantifizierung von 1.400 Analyten in Lebensmitteln: Entwicklung und Validierung einer neuen LC-MS/MS basierten Multi-Klassen-Methode
Autoren: Krska, R; Berthiller, F; Steiner, D; Sulyok, M;
Event: 8. Berliner LC-MS/MS Symposium 2019
Year: 2019 - Scratching on the edge: Development of a quantitative multi-target LC-MS/MS method for the determination of >1,400 pesticides, veterinary drugs, fungal metabolites and plant toxins in food and feed
Autoren: Steiner, D; Sulyok, M; Malachová, A; Krska, R
Event: 9th International Symposium on Recent Advances in Food Analysis RAFA 2019
Year: 2019 - Update on MyToolBox – the smart way to tackle mycotoxins
Autoren: Krska, R;
Event: Mycotoxin Summer Talks 2019
Year: 2019 - Integrated Methods to reduce, control and detect Mycotoxins along the Food Chain
Autoren: Krska, R;
Event: 9th International Symposium on Recent Advances in Food Analysis RAFA 2019
Year: 2019 - Erfahrungen eines H2020 EU-Projektkoordinators
Autoren: Krska, R;
Event: FFG Societal Challenge 2- finale Ausschreibung-Veranstaltung
Year: 2019 - Top five lessons learned at WMFmeetsIUPAC
Autoren: Krska, R
Event: World Mycotoxin Forum meets IUPAC 2019
Year: 2019 - Meta-analysis of tracer-biotransformation experiments of exogenic and endogenic isotopically–labeled tracer compounds with LC-HRMS and MetExtract II
Autoren: Bueschl, C., Kluger, B., Doppler, M., Meng-Reiterer, J., Ceranic, A., Schuhmacher, R., Krska, R.
Event: 15th Annual Conference of the Metabolomics Society - METABOLOMICS 2019
Year: 2019 - LC-MS/MS based quantitative multi-target approach for food and feed: crossing the limit of 1000 metabolites
Autoren: Steiner, D; Sulyok, M; Malachova, A; Krska, R
Event: The World Mycotoxin Forum and the IUPAC International Symposium on Mycotoxins 2019
Year: 2019 - Mitigation of deoxynivalenol during industrial baking
Autoren: Stadler, D; Lambertini, F; Bueschl,C; Woelflingseder, L; Hametner, C; Schwartz-Zimmermann, H; Hellinger, R; Sulyok, M; Lemmens, M; Marko, D; Schuhmacher, R; Suman, M; Berthiller, F; Krska, R;
Event: 41st Mycotoxin Workshop
Year: 2019 - Looking beyond horizons
Autoren: Krska, R
Event: World Mycotoxin Forum meets IUPAC
Year: 2019 - Mykotoxine in der Landwirtschaft Ungebetene Tischgenossen von Mensch und Tier
Autoren: Krska, R;
Event: Arbeitsgruppe: Zukunft der Landwirtschaft
Year: 2019 - MyToolBox: EU-China-cooperations to tackle mycotoxins in food and feed
Autoren: Krska, R;
Event: China International Food Safety & Quality Conference 2019
Year: 2019 - Safe and sustainable food and feed through an integrated toolbox for smart mycotoxin management
Autoren: Krska, R;
Event: Food Safety Authority of Ireland 1999-2019: The Science of Food Safety: What´s our Future
Autoren: Sulyok, M; Stadler, D; Steiner, D; Krska, R;
Event: 9th International Symposium on Recent Advances in Food Analysis RAFA 2019
Year: 2019 - Herausforderungen bei der Mykotoxinanalytik
Autoren: Berthiller, F; Krska, R
Event: 4. Linzer Kontaminantentagung 2019
Year: 2019 - Development of an integrated (e) toolbox to control and reduce mycotoxins along the food and feed chain
Autoren: Krska, R;
Event: 41st Mycotoxin Workshop
Year: 2019 - Novel integrated methods to reduce exposure and to detect mycotoxins
Autoren: Krska, R; Schwartz-Zimmermann, H; Schuhmacher, R; Sulyok, M; Berthiller, F;
Event: Feed Research Institute, Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences
Year: 2019 - Validation of LC-MS/MS based methods for the simultaneous quantification of several hundreds of analytes: Do we need new guidelines
Autoren: Sulyok, M; Stadler, D; Steiner, D; Krska, R;
Event: 4. Kontaminantentagung ALVA 2019
Year: 2019 - Trichothecenes and Zearalenone
Autoren: Krska, R;
Event: Fusarium Laboratory Workshop, Kansas State University, Department of Plant Pathology
Year: 2018 - Can chemicals in food be decontaminated?
Autoren: Krska, R.
Event: ASSET 2018 - Summit on Global Food Integrity
Year: 2018 - Integrated solutions to reduce mycotoxins along food and feed chains: future expectations
Autoren: Krska, R;
Event: The World Mycotoxin Forum 2018
Year: 2018 - Integrated Management Strategies to Control and Reduce (Emerging) Mycotoxins in Food and Feed Chains
Autoren: Krska, R.
Event: MultiCoop Food Integrity Workshop
Year: 2018 - International collaborations: the key to detect, controll and reduce mycotoxins in the food chain.
Autoren: Krska, R;
Event: 2nd Mycokey International Conference - Integrated Solutions for Mycotoxin Management 2018
Year: 2018 - Safe food and feed through an integrated toolbox for mycotoxin management: The MyToolBox approach Mycotoxins Forum, Centre Borschette Center, Brussels, May 14th, 2018
Autoren: Krska, R.
Event: Mycotoxins Forum 2018
Year: 2018 - Going beyond 1,000: pushing LC-MS/MS multi-targeted analysis to the next level
Autoren: Steiner, D; Sulyok, M; Kenjeric, L; Krska, R
Event: 14. ASAC JunganalytikerInnen Forum 2018
Year: 2018 - International collaborations: the key to detect, control and reduce mycotoxins in the food chain
Autoren: Krska, R;
Event: MULTICOOP TRAINING SCHOOL on Challenges in food and feed safety research 2018
Year: 2018 - Current challenges in mycotoxin determination
Autoren: Berthiller, F; Krska, R
Event: The World Mycotoxin Forum 2018
Year: 2018 - Novel (Integrated) Methods to Control and Reduce Mycotoxins in Food and Feed
Autoren: Krska, R;
Event: Erber Biotech Event, Hotel Jen, Singapore
Year: 2018 - Exploring the limits of LC-MS/MS based multi-toxin analysis: Is it really quantitative?
Autoren: Sulyok, M; Steiner, D: Stadler, D; Krska, R
Event: FoodTech Congress 2018
Year: 2018 - Quantitative analysis of natural contaminants and anthropogenic residues in animal feed by LC-ESI-MS/MS: Influence of absolute and relative matrix effects on the method performance.
Autoren: Steiner, D; Sulyok, M; Kenjeric, L; Stadler, D; Krska, R
Event: The World Mycotoxin Forum 2018
Year: 2018 - Taking mycotoxin control to the next level
Autoren: Krska, R;
Event: The World Mycotoxin Forum 2018
Year: 2018 - A suggestion for reducing the workload for validation in multi-mycotoxin analysis
Autoren: Michael Sulyok, David Steiner, David Stadler, Rudolf Krska
Event: MULTICOOP TRAINING SCHOOL on Challenges in food and feed safety research 2018
Year: 2018 - Novel (Integrated) Methods to Control, Detect and Reduce Mycotoxins in Food and Feed
Autoren: Krska, R;
Event: Naturwissenschaftliche Fakultät, GÖCH/Universität Salzburg
Year: 2018 - Case studies for international collaborations: the key to detect, control and reduce mycotoxins in the food chain
Autoren: Krska, R; Logrieco, A;
Event: 2nd African Symposium on Mycotoxicolgoy
Year: 2018 - Isotope-assisted metabolomics by LC-HRMS: What is it good for?
Autoren: Schuhmacher, R.; Bueschl, C.; Ceranic, A.; Doppler, M.; Hönigsberger, M.; Kluger, B.; Parich, A.; Seidl, B.; Simader, A.; Vlassi, A.; Wolf, B.; Krska, R.
Event: BASF, Seminar lecture
Year: 2018 - Smart tools for farmers to provide advice to mitigate fungal infection and mycotoxin exposure
Autoren: Krska, R.
Event: World Nutrition Forum 2018 - S.C.O.P.E. - Scientific Challenges and Opportunities in the Protein Economy
Year: 2018 - Smart tools for farmers to provide advice to mitigate fungal infection and mycotoxins - MyToolBox
Autoren: Krska, R; Senyuva, H; Gilbert, J; van der Fels-Klerx, H.J; Fatjó Brugueras, A;
Event: 2nd African Symposium on Mycotoxicolgoy
Year: 2018 - International collaborations: the key to detect, control and reduce mycotoxins in the food chain
Autoren: Krska, R; Logrieco, A.F.
Event: 2nd Mycokey International Conference - Integrated Solutions for Mycotoxin Management 2018
Year: 2018 - Challenges and Trends in (Multi-)Mycotoxin Analysis
Autoren: Krska, R.; Berthiller, F.; Sulyok, M.; Stadler, D.; Steiner, D.; Schuhmacher, R.
Event: Africa Food Safety Workshop
Year: 2018 - Animal feed matrices: How to get control of a complex analytical problem in LC-MS/MS?
Autoren: Steiner, D; Sulyok M; Kenjerić L; Krska R
Event: 40th Mycotoxin Workshop 2018
Year: 2018 - Challenges in development of multi-class methods for natural and anthropogenic contaminants in complex compound feed
Autoren: Steiner, D; Sulyok, M; Repizo L M; Kenjerić, L; Krska, R
Event: Mycotoxin Summer Talks 2018
Year: 2018 - Considerations for analytical methods to determine mycotoxins
Autoren: Berthiller, F; Krska, R
Event: Cereals & Grains 18
Year: 2018 - Detection and elimination strategies of matrix effects in quantitative multi-target LC-ESI-MS/MS analysis
Autoren: Steiner, D; Sulyok, M; Repizo, L; Kenjerić, L; Krska, R
Event: 2nd MultiCoop training school on “Challenges in food and feed safety research”
Year: 2018 - Mycotoxin Detection and Analysis
Autoren: Krska, R;
Event: Fusarium Laboratory Workshop Faculty of Biotechnology, Bari
Year: 2018 - The importance of chromatographic and mass spectrometric methods for the assessment of exposure to chemical contaminants in foods
Autoren: Krska, R; Sulyok, M; Berthiller, F; Warth, B; Büschl, C; Schuhmacher, R;
Event: MultiCoop Integration Workshop on Detection, control and reduction of chemical contaminants along the food chain
Year: 2018 - Development, validation and application of advanced multi-toxin analytical methods with special focus on globalization and climate change
Autoren: Steiner, D; Sulyok, M; Krska, R
Event: FFoQSI Annual Assembly 2018
Year: 2018 - Mycotoxin analysis of Bt and non-Bt maize from ears inoculated with Fusarium subglutinans and F. temperatum and infested with lepidopteran insects
Autoren: Mayfield, DA; Lanza, FE; Sulyok, M; Krska, R; Munkvold, GP
Event: International Congress of Plant Pathology (ICPP)
Year: 2018 - Development and validation of a multi-class LC-ESI-MS/MS-based method (>1,400 analytes) in animal feed
Autoren: Steiner, D; Sulyok, M; Kenjeric, L; Krska, R
Event: Food Integrity Postgraduate Workshop
Year: 2018 - Optimierung und Validierung von quantitativen LC-MS/MS Methoden zur Multi-Kontaminanten-Bestimmung in komplexen Lebensmittel-, Pflanzen- und Urinproben
Autoren: Krska, R;
Event: ASAC Sommerschule: Chromatographie und Kopplung mit Massenspektrometrie
Year: 2018 - MyToolBox solutions to mycotoxin challenges: Reduction strategies for farmers, silo managers and bioethanol producers
Autoren: Poschmaier, B; de Nijs, M; McNerney, O; Rossi, V; Gilbert, J; Bagi, F; Kotz, D; Schatzmayr, G; Magan, N; Garcia-Cela, E; Suman, M;van der Fels-Klerx, I; Pichler, M; Edwards, S; Krska, R
Event: 4th International Congress Food Technology, Quality and Safety; 18th International Symposium Feed Technology
Year: 2018 - The Matrix Effect Issue: Modern strategies for development of Multi-targeted LC-MS/MS approaches
Autoren: Steiner, D; Sulyok, M; Repizo, L; Kenjerić, L; Krska, R
Event: FoodTech Congress 2018
Year: 2018 - Stable isotope labeling in LC-HRMS based metabolomics: What is it good for?
Autoren: Schuhmacher, R.; Bueschl, C.; Ceranic, A.; Doppler, M.; Kluger, B.; Krska, R.; Simader, A.; Wolf, B.; Steiner, B.; Buerstmayr, H.; Lemmens, M.; Adam, G.
Event: Seminar of TU Braunschweig
Year: 2018 - The European project MultiCoop
Autoren: Krska, R;
Event: Mycotoxin Summer Talks 2018
Year: 2018 - A novel integrated management strategy to tackle mycotoxins along the entire food and feed chain
Autoren: Krska, R;
Event: 14th European Fusarium Seminar 2018
Year: 2018 - Novel integrated management strategies to tackle mycotoxins along the entire food and feed chain
Autoren: Krska, R.
Event: Mars Global Food Safety Center
Year: 2017 - Automated annotation of the wheat metabolome during Fusarium infection using stable isotopic labeling and custom-tailored data processing workflows
Autoren: Bueschl, C; Kluger, B; Doppler, M; Ceranic, A; Krska, R; Schuhmacher, R
Event: 9th International Conference & Exhibition on Metabolomics & Systems Biology
Year: 2017 - Emerging Toxins in Cereals - from Multi-Toxin Analysis towards Metabolomics
Autoren: Krska, R;
Event: 8th International Symposium on Recent Advances in Food Analysis RAFA 2017
Year: 2017 - LC-MS based multi-mycotoxin methods – are they applicable to complex feed matrices?
Autoren: Sulyok, M; Krska, R;
Event: 1st Mycokey Conference 2017
Year: 2017 - Performance and limitations of an HPLC-MS/MS based method covering > 1000 analytes deriving from various contaminant classes
Autoren: Sulyok, M; Stadler, D; Krska, R;
Event: 28th MassSpec Forum Vienna 2017
Year: 2017 - Mycotoxin Detection and Analysis.
Autoren: Krska, R.;
Event: Fusarium Laboratory Workshop 2017
Year: 2017 - Assessment of Relative Matrix Effects for a "Dilute and Shoot" Multi-Mycotoxin LC-MS/MS Method
Autoren: Stadler, D; Krska, R; Sulyok, M;
Event: 23rd International Symposium on Separation Science ISSS 2017
Year: 2017 - Exposure of Polish consumers to bacterial, fungal and plant metabolites through milk/milk products
Autoren: Pietruszka, K; Piatkowska, M; Panasiuk, L; Jedziniak, P; Sulyok, M; Krska, R;
Event: 8th International Symposium on Recent Advances in Food Analysis RAFA 2017
Year: 2017 - Simultane Bestimmung von natürlichen Kontaminanten und anthropogenen Rückständen in Tierfutter mittels LC-ESI-MS/MS
Autoren: Steiner, D; Sulyok, M; Krska, R
Event: 3. Linzer Kontaminantentagung AGES 2017
Year: 2017 - Safe Food and Feed through an Integrated ToolBox for Mycotoxin Management
Autoren: Poschmaier, B; de Nijs, M; McNerney, O;Pichler, M; Gilbert, J; Edwards, S; Suman, M; Magan, N; Rossi, V; van der Fels-Klerx, I; Bagi, F; Fauhl-Hassek, C; Krska, R;
Event: 1st Mycokey Conference 2017
Year: 2017 - The Importance of Chromatographic and Mass Spectrometric Methods for the Assessment of Exposure to Chemical Contaminants in Foods
Autoren: Krska, R;
Event: 23rd International Symposium on Separation Science ISSS 2017
Year: 2017 - Isotope-assisted metabolomics to study resistance mechanisms of wheat against Fusarium head blight.
Autoren: Schuhmacher, R.; Doppler, M.; Bueschl, C.; Kluger, B.; Ceranic, A.; Krska, R.; Steiner, B.; Buerstmayr, H.; Lemmens, M.; Adam, G.
Event: International Conference Plant Molecular Physiology 2017
Year: 2017 - Relative Matrix Effects in LC-ESI-MS/MS Based Mycotoxin Determination and their Contribution to the Measurement Uncertainty
Autoren: Stadler, D; Krska, R; Sulyok, M;
Event: 1st Mycokey Conference 2017
Year: 2017 - Application of LC-ESI-MS/MS based multi-class methods for complex feed matrices
Autoren: Steiner, D; Sulyok M; Krska R
Event: 6th International Scientific Meeting: Mycology, Mycotoxicology and Mycoses 2017
Year: 2017 - Fusarium Mycotoxins: Beyond the Fungus.
Autoren: Krska, R;
Event: Fusarium Laboratory Workshop 2017
Year: 2017 - Zeitgemäß oder veraltet –Sind aktuelle Guidelines ausreichend für die Entwicklung von Multimethoden?
Autoren: Sulyok, M; Steiner, D; Stadler, D; Piatkowska, M; Krska, R
Event: 3. Linzer Kontaminantentagung AGES 2017
Year: 2017 - Assessment of relative matrix effects for a “dilute and shoot” multi- mycotoxin LC-MS/MS method.
Autoren: Stadler, D; Sulyok, M; Krska, R;
Event: ANAKON 2017
Year: 2017 - LC-ESI-MS/MS multi-class method for the analysis of complex animal feed: Evaluation and reduction of absolute and relative matrix effects
Autoren: Steiner, D; Sulyok, M; Stadler, D; Krska, R
Event: 8th International Symposium on Recent Advances in Food Analysis RAFA 2017
Year: 2017 - Analytical performance of an LC-MS/MS Based method covering more than 600 fungal metabolites
Autoren: Sulyok, M; Stadler, D; Steiner, D; Malachova, A; Krska, R
Event: Gordon Research Conference on Mycotoxins and Phycotoxins 2017
Year: 2017 - ELISA Principles and Practice
Autoren: Krska, R;
Event: Fusarium Laboratory Workshop 2017
Year: 2017 - Integrated Strategies for Mycotoxin Management
Autoren: Krska, R;
Event: UNIDO, Round Table "Special Food, Nutrition and Public Health"
Year: 2017 - Safe food and feed through an integrated toolbox for mycotoxin management: the MyToolBox approach
Autoren: Krska, R;
Event: Erber Group Research Meeting 2017
Year: 2017 - How to prepare project proposals within H2020
Autoren: Krska, R.
Event: Ministry of Science and Technology 2017 - China and the European Commission
Year: 2017 - Development of a quantitative multi-class confirmation method based on LC-ESI-MS/MS for the determination of natural contaminants and anthropogenic residues in complex animal feed matrices
Autoren: Steiner, D; Sulyok, M; Krska, R
Event: 5th DocDay 2017
Year: 2017 - Assessment of relative matrix efffects for a "dilute and shoot" multi-mycotoxin LC-ESI-MS/MS method
Autoren: Stadler, D; Krska, R; Sulyok, M;
Event: 13th ASAC JunganalytikerInnen Forum 2017
Year: 2017 - Safe food and feed through an integrated toolbox for mycotoxin management: the MyToolBox approach
Autoren: Krska, R;
Event: Mycotoxin Management Workshop 2017
Year: 2017 - Screening of bacterial, fungal and plant metabolites in sheep's milk from the first spring milking
Autoren: Piatkowska, M; Pietruszka, K; Panasiuk, L; Jedziniak, P; Sulyok, M; Krska, R;
Event: 8th International Symposium on Recent Advances in Food Analysis RAFA 2017
Year: 2017 - Mykotoxinforschung quo vadis
Autoren: Berthiller, F., Adam, G., Krska, R.
Event: 3. Linzer Kontaminantentagung AGES 2017
Year: 2017 - Stable isotope-assisted metabolomics of Fusarium head blight on wheat
Autoren: Schuhmacher, R; Bueschl, C; Ceranic, A; Doppler, M; Kluger, B; Krska, R; Simader, A; Wolf, B; Steiner, B; Buerstmayr, H; Lemmens, M; Adam, G;
Event: 9th International Conference and Exhibition on Metabolomics and Systems Biology
Year: 2017 - Analytical performance of an LC-MS/MS based multi-class method covering >1000 analytes
Autoren: Sulyok, M; Steiner, D; Krska, R;
Event: 8th International Symposium on Recent Advances in Food Analysis RAFA 2017
Year: 2017 - Novel infrared spectroscopic and mass spectrometric tools for the quantification of (emerging) mycotoxins in cereals and foods
Autoren: Krska, R; Berthiller, F; Schuhmacher, R; Kos, G; Sieger, M; Mizaikoff, B;
Event: 8th International Symposium on Recent Advances in Food Analysis RAFA 2017
Year: 2017 - Fusarium ear rot and mycotoxin production by Fusarium subglutinans and F. temperatum on Bt and non-Bt maize infested with lepidopteran insect pests
Autoren: Mayfield, DA; Lanza, FE; Sulyok, M; Krska, R; Munkvold, GP
Event: Annual Meeting the American-Phytopathological-Society (APS)
Year: 2017 - Safe Food and Feed through an Integrated ToolBox for Mycotoxin Management - MyToolBox, the smart way to tackle mycotoxins
Autoren: Poschmaier, B; Bagi, F; Magan, N; Garcia-Cela, E; McNerney, O; Suman, M;de Nijs, M; van der Fels-Klerx, I; Schatzmayr, G; Krska, R
Event: Joint Research Center Workshop on Mycotoxins
Year: 2017 - An Integrated Toolbox for Mycotoxins Management for Safer Food and Feed: the Mytoolbox Approach
Autoren: Krska, R;
Event: 1st Mycokey Conference 2017
Year: 2017 - Contribution of the lot-to-lot variation to the measurement uncertainty of LC-MS/MS based multi-mycotoxin determination
Autoren: Stadler, D; Steiner, D; Krska, R; Sulyok, M;
Event: 8th International Symposium on Recent Advances in Food Analysis RAFA 2017
Year: 2017 - Performance and limitations of an HPLC-MS/MS based method covering > 1000 analytes deriving from various contaminant classes
Autoren: Sulyok, M; Stadler, D; Piatkowska, M; Krska, R
Event: Institute Seminar of the Polish National Veterinary Institute 2017
Year: 2017 - Beitrag der Intra-Matrix Variation zur Messunsicherheit von 70 Mykotoxinenin Mais mittels LC-ESI-MS/MS.
Autoren: Stadler, D; Sulyok, M; Steiner, D; Berthiller, F; Schuhmacher, R; Krska, R;
Event: 3. Linzer Kontaminantentagung AGES 2017
Year: 2017 - Contribution of MyToolBox to the overall picture/policy of EU-China-cooperations
Autoren: Krska, R.
Event: Ministry of Science and Technology 2017 - China and the European Commission
Year: 2017 - Probenvorbereitung in der Lebensmittel-Analytik - ein Auslaufmodell?
Autoren: Krska, R;
Event: 34. Agilent Forum Analytik 2017
Year: 2017 - Mykotoxinforschung quo vadis?
Autoren: Berthiller, F; Adam, G; Krska, R
Event: 3. Linzer Kontaminantentagung AGES 2017
Year: 2016 - New (analytical) technologies to address emerging food safety issues in view of climate change
Autoren: Krska, R;
Event: Université Laval
Year: 2016 - Metabolomic analysis of Fusarium head blight on wheat - elucidation of fungal attack
Autoren: Simader, A; Parich, A; Hofer, M; Sulyok, M; Doppler, M; Bueschl, C; Steiner, B; Lemmens, M; Buerstmayr, H; Adam, G; Rechthaler, J; Krska, R; Schuhmacher, R;
Event: 12th Annual Conference of the Metabolomics Society 2016
Year: 2016 - Analyticl Performance of an LC-MS/MS based "dilute and shoot" approach for multi-mycotoxin analysis
Autoren: Sulyok, M., Krska, R.
Event: 130th AOAC Meeting 2016
Year: 2016 - Glucosylation of trichothecene toxins by plant UDP-glucosyltransferases
Autoren: Michlmayr, H; Varga, E; Malachova, A; Schweiger, W; Fruhmann, Ph; Hametner, Ch; Krska, R; Berthiller, F; Adam, G
Event: 38th Mycotoxin Workshop 2016
Year: 2016 - Improved plant metabolomics by 13C based LC-HRMS Evaluation of different extraction solvents for untargeted wheat metabolomics by global and tracer based 13C labelling
Autoren: Doppler, M; Kluger, B; Schneider, C; Bueschl, C; Krska, R; Delcambre, S; Hiller, K; Lemmens, M; Adam, G; Schuhmacher, R
Event: 27th Mass Spec Forum Vienna 2016
Year: 2016 - How does the Fhb1 Locus of Wheat Affect the Ability to Detoxify DON - a Hypothesis
Autoren: Siegwart, G; Schweiger, W; Warth, B; Michlmayr, H; Vautrin, S; Steiner, B; Krska, R; Schuhmacher, R; Berges, H; Buerstmayr, H; Adam, G
Event: 38th Mycotoxin Workshop 2016
Year: 2016 - Novel Infrared Spectroscopic and Mass Spectrometric Tools to Identify and Quantify Novel Secondary Metabolites in Cereals and Other Foods
Autoren: Krska, R.; Sulyok, M.; Berthiller, F.; Schuhmacher, R.; Kos, G.; Sieger, M.; Mizaikoff, B.;
Event: 130th AOAC Annual Meeting & Exposition
Year: 2016 - Top 5 Lessons learned at WMFmeetsIUPAC
Autoren: Krska, R;
Event: The World Mycotoxin Forum 2016
Year: 2016 - Accurate mass LC-MS/HRMS library for the screening of mycotoxins and other fungal metabolites
Autoren: Varga, E; Glauner, T; Rennie, E.E; Sulyok, M; Krska, R; Berthiller, F
Event: The World Mycotoxin Forum 2016
Year: 2016 - EU Projektantrag aus Sicht eines erfolgreichen Koordinators
Autoren: Krska, R;
Event: Horizon 2020 - FFG Webinar
Year: 2016 - Schimmelpilzgifte im Visier - Relevanz, Nachweis und Vermeidung ungebetener Tischgenossen von Mensch und Tier
Autoren: Krska, R;
Event: 2. MYCOCercle 2016
Year: 2016 - Die Antragstellung aus der Sicht eines erfolgreichen BOKU-Koordinators
Autoren: Krska, R;
Event: H2020 - Lessons Learned aus den ersten Ausschreibungsrunden
Year: 2016 - What you always wanted to know about Mycotoxin Testing: Professional video of my performance at the World Nutrition Forum in Vancouver
Autoren: Krska, R;
Event: World Nutrition Forum 2016
Year: 2016 - Emerging Toxins in Food and Feed
Autoren: Krska, R;
Event: Food Safety & Analysis Congress 2016
Year: 2016 - Integrated solutions for mycotoxin management
Autoren: Krska, R;
Event: Chinese Mycotoxin Forum
Year: 2016 - Mycotoxin Testing - From Multi-Toxin Analysis to Metabolomics
Autoren: Krska, R.
Event: World Nutrition Forum 2016
Year: 2016 - On the impact of climate change and reduction efforts on the occurrence and detection of mycotoxins
Autoren: Krska, R;
Event: ISMYCO 2016, International Symposium of Mycotoxicology 2016
Year: 2016 - Stable isotope assisted evaluation of different extraction solvents for metabolomics of cereals using LC-HRMS
Autoren: Doppler, M; Kluger, B; C; Bueschl, C; Krska, R; Delcambre, S; Hiller, K; Lemmens, M; Adam, G; Schuhmacher, R
Event: Metabolomics 2016
Year: 2016 - Integrated analysis of GC-MS and LC-HRMS metabolomics data
Autoren: Simader, A; Hofer, M; Doppler, M; Bueschl, C; Parich, A; Sulyok, M; Steiner, B; Lemmens, M; Adam, G; Rechthaler, J; Buerstmayr, H; Krska, R; Schuhmacher, R;
Event: 27th Mass Spec Forum Vienna 2016
Year: 2016 - MyToolBox - Safe Food and Feed through Integrated strategies for mycotoxin management
Autoren: Krska, R;
Event: The World Mycotoxin Forum 2016
Year: 2016 - Emerging toxins in food and feed and how to tackle them Invited lecture: UCT Prague, Dec. 14th, 2016
Autoren: Krska, R; Schuhmacher, R; Büschl, C; Sulyok, M; Berthiller, F;
Event: Eingeladener Vortrag: University of Chemistry and Technology, Prague
Year: 2016 - Impact of Deoxynivalenol (DON) and DON-sulfates on oxidative stress and the redox-sensitive Nrf2/ARE signalling pathway
Autoren: Braun, D; Wölflingseder, L; Del Favero, G; Pahlke, G; Warth, B; Fruhmann, Ph; Krska, R; Schuhmacher, R; Adam, G; Marko, D
Event: 38th Mycotoxin Workshop 2016
Year: 2016 - Deoxynivalenol sulfates: detoxification metabolites?
Autoren: Del Favero, G; Wölflingseder, L; Pahlke, G; Warth, B; Fruhmann, Ph; Krska, R; Schuhmacher, R; Wiesenberger, G; Adam, G; Marko, D
Event: 38th Mycotoxin Workshop 2016
Year: 2016 - Towards enhanced plant metabolomics by combining 13C-labeling assisted workflows to study the metabolic defense of wheat against Fusarium
Autoren: Bueschl, C; Kluger, B; Doppler, M; Simader, A; Lemmens, M; Buerstmayr, H; Adam, G; Krska, R; Schuhmacher, R
Event: Metabolomics 2016
Autoren: Sulyok, M., Krska, R.
Event: WMF meets IUPAC
Year: 2016 - Mykotoxinanalytik und Metabolomics als Basis zur Vermeidung biologischer Kontaminationen in landwirtschaftlichen Produkten
Autoren: Krska, R;
Event: Europäisches Forum Alpbach 2016 - Neue Aufklärung
Year: 2016 - Fusarium graminearum is able to detoxify cereal defense compounds (tryptamine-derived hydroxycinnamic acid amides) and to convert the released tryptamine into auxin
Autoren: Adam, G; Spörhase, P; Fruhmann, P; Beltran Iturat, E; Bartholomäus, A; Stadler, A; Schmeitzl, C; Wiesenberger, G; Kluger, B; Doppler, M; Büschl, C; Krska, R; Schuhmacher, R; Berthiller, F
Event: 2016 IS-MPMI XVII Congress
Year: 2016 - MYCOSPEC: Harnessing Quantum Cascade Laser Spectroscopy for On-site Mycotoxin Analysis
Autoren: Sieger, M; Öner, T; Kos, G; Krska, R; Godejohann, M; Mizaikoff, B;
Event: SCIX 2016
Year: 2016 - LC-MS/MS-based multi-mycotoxin analysis in commercial feed and maize samples from Egypt
Autoren: Girgin, G; Abdallah, MF; Krska, R; Sulyok, M; Baydar, T
Event: 52nd Congress of the European-Societies-of-Toxicology (EUROTOX)
Year: 2016 - New technologies to address emerging food safety issues in view of climate change
Autoren: Krska, R;
Event: World Food Research & Innovation Forum
Year: 2016 - Trends in occurrence of masked mycotoxins in food and feed
Autoren: Berthiller, F; Sulyok, M; Malachova, A; Krska, R
Event: The World Mycotoxin Forum 2016
Year: 2016 - Emerging mycotoxins: Beyond traditionally determined food contaminants
Autoren: Berthiller, F; Varga, E; Sulyok, M; Krska, R
Event: American Chemical Society, 251st National Meeting
Year: 2016 - Glucosylation of mycotoxins by UDP-glucosyltransferases
Autoren: Michlmayr, H; Varga, E; Malachova, A; Fruhmann, P; Hametner, C; Krska, R; Berthiller, F; Adam, G
Event: Mycotoxin Summer Talks 2016
Year: 2016 - Finding the unknowns: Stable isotopic labeling asd LC-HRMS for the untargeted screening of tracer-derived biotransformation products
Autoren: Bueschl, C; Kluger, B; Neumann, NKN; Doppler, M; Schmidt, V; Warth, B; Marko, D; Thallinger, GG; Adam, G; Krska, R; Schuhmacher, R
Event: 1st ACIB Workshop on Analytical Chemistry 2016
Year: 2016 - Advanced analytical methods for the analysis of mycotoxins and their biomarkers in humans and animals
Autoren: Krska, R;
Event: Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences
Year: 2016 - On the impact of climate change on the occurrence and analysis of mycotoxins
Autoren: Krska, R;
Event: Workshop on Mycotoxins in ASEAN Countries and Post-Harvest Control Measures
Year: 2016 - Detoxification of mycotoxins in food & feed
Autoren: Krska, R;
Event: 1st China Mycotoxin conference and National Science & Technology Innovation Alliance for Mycotoxicology
Year: 2016 - Elucidating the fungal attack of Fusarium graminearum against wheat: insights from a metabolomics time series experiment.
Autoren: Simader, A; Parich, A; Sulyok, M; Hofer, M; Doppler, M; Bueschl, C; Steiner, B; Lemmens, M; Buerstmayr, H; Adam, G; Rechthaler, J; Krska, R; Schuhmacher, R;
Event: 12. ASAC JunganalytikerInnen Forum 2016
Autoren: Michlmayr, H; Varga, E; Malachova, A; Schweiger, W; Fruhmann, P; Hametner, C; Newmister, S; Rayment, I; Krska, R; Berthiller, F; Adam, G
Event: National Fusarium Head Blight Forum 2015
Year: 2015 - Novel insights into the metabolism of T-2 and HT-2 toxin in barley by stable isotope labelling and LC-HRMS measurements
Autoren: Reiterer, J; Varga, E; Büschl, C; Rechthaler, J; Kampleitner, N; Kluger, B; Maloku, I; Nathanail, A; Krska, R; Berthiller, F; Lemmens, M; Schuhmacher, R
Event: ANAKON 2015
Year: 2015 - LC-MS/MS based biomarker methods to investigate the toxicological relevance of fumonisin derivatives for rats
Autoren: Hahn, I; Nagl, V; Schwartz-Zimmermann, H; Varga, E; Schwarz, C; Cirlini, M; Krska, R; Moll, D; Berthiller, F
Event: 37th Mycotoxin Workshop 2015
Year: 2015 - State of the Art in Multi-Mycotoxin Determination by LC-(HR)-MS/MS
Autoren: Varga, E; Malachova, A; Glauner, T; Rennie, E E; Sulyok, M; Krska, R; Berthiller, F
Event: National Fusarium Head Blight Forum 2015
Year: 2015 - Über Auswirkungen des Klimawandels auf die Lebensmittelanalytik
Autoren: Krska, R;
Event: ANAKON 2015
Year: 2015 - LC-HRMS based characterization of plant and fungal metabolites using in vivo stable isotopic labeling
Autoren: Kluger, B; Bueschl, C; Doppler, M; Koutnik, A; Stückler, R; Lemmens, M; Adam, G; Strauss, J; Krska, R; Schuhmacher, R
Event: 13. ASAC JunganalytikerInnenforum 2015
Year: 2015 - 13C Isotope assisted untargeted plant metabolomics by LC-HRMS: Evaluation of different extraction solvents
Autoren: Doppler, M; Kluger, B; Schneider, C; Büschl, C; Delcambre, S; Lemmens, M; Adam, G; Krska, R; Schuhmacher, R;
Event: ANAKON 2015
Year: 2015 - Metabolomics of Plant-Fusarium Interactions
Autoren: Schuhmacher, R.; Krska, R.
Event: FWF Hearing zum Projekt SFB Fusarium 2015
Year: 2015 - A stable isotopic labeling assisted approach for the preparation and LC-HRMS based characterization of plants and filamentous fungi
Autoren: Kluger, B; Bueschl, C; Doppler, M; Koutnik, A; Stückler, R; Lemmens, M; Adam, G; Strauss, J; Krska, R; Schuhmacher, R
Event: 11th International Conference of the Metabolomics Society 2015
Year: 2015 - Stable isotope assisted plant metabolomics reveals novel insight into the interaction of Fusarium graminearum and wheat
Autoren: C. Bueschl, B. Kluger, M. Doppler, A. Koutnik, R. Stueckler, M. Lemmens, G. Adam, R. Krska, R. Schuhmacher
Event: Metabolomics 2015
Year: 2015 - Screening- und Identifizierungsstrategien für Mykotoxine und andere fungale Metaboliten in Lebens- und Futtermitteln mittels UHPLC-QTOF-MS
Autoren: Varga, E; Glauner, T; Rennie, E E; Sulyok, M; Krska, R; Berthiller, F
Event: 2. Linzer Kontaminantentagung 2015
Year: 2015 - Über mögliche Auswirkungen des Klimawandels auf die Lebensmittelanalytik
Autoren: Krska, R;
Event: Seminar für Analytik
Year: 2015 - Time series and network correlation analysis of GC-MS and LC-HRMS based metabolomics of Fusarium Head Blight on wheat
Autoren: Simader, A; Parich, A; Steiner, B; Warth, B; Kluger, B; Bueschl, C; Adam, G; Buerstmayr, H; Kugler, K; Doppler, M; Sulyok, M; Sharma, S; Schweiger, W; Krska, R; Schuhmacher, R;
Event: 11th ASAC-JunganalytikerInnenforum 2015
Autoren: Siegwart, G; Schwieger, W; Warth, B; Michlmayr, H; Vautrin, S; Steiner, B; Krska, R; Schuhmacher, R; Berges, H; Buerstmayr, H; Adam, G
Event: National Fusarium Head Blight Forum 2015
Year: 2015 - Novel insights into the metabolism of T-2 and HT-2 toxin in barlex by stable isotope labelling and LC-HRMS measurements
Autoren: Reiterer, J; Varga, E; Nathanail, A; Büschl, C; Rechtaler, J; Maloku, I; Krska, R; Berthiller, F; Lemmens, M; Schuhmacher, R;
Event: ANAKON 2015
Year: 2015 - Stable isotope assisted plant metabolomics reveals novel insight into the interaction of Fusarium graminearum and wheat.
Autoren: Schuhmacher, R.; Kluger, B. Bueschl, C.; Doppler, M.; Koutnik, A.; Stückler, R.; Lemmens, M.; Adam, G.; Krska, R.
Event: 11th International Conference of the Metabolomics Society 2015
Year: 2015 - Strategies for the screening and identification of mycotoxins in food and feed by UHPLC-QTOF-MS
Autoren: Varga, E; Glauner, T; Rennie, EA; Sulyok, M; Krska, R; Berthiller, F
Event: Gordon Research Conference on Mycotoxins and Phycotoxins 2015
Year: 2015 - Chemometric analysis of infrared spectra for rapid classification of mycotoxin-contaminated foods: Results from MYCOSPEC
Autoren: Kos, G; McMullin, D; Sieger, M; Öner, T; Zaharadnik, C; Mizaikoff, B; Krska, R;
Event: 5th MoniQA International Conference 2015 - Food and Health - Risks and Benefits
Year: 2015 - Overview on mycotoxin test methods
Autoren: Berthiller, F; Varga, E; Sulyok, M; Krska, R
Event: Romer Labs/Biomin Seminar Hungary
Year: 2015 - How does climate change impact on the occurrence and the determination of natural toxins
Autoren: Krska, R;
Event: 7th International Symposium on Recent Advances in Food Analysis RAFA 2015
Year: 2015 - Biosynthesis of DON/15-ADON and NX-2 by different variants of TRI1 from Fusarium graminearum
Autoren: Wiesenberger, G; Varga, E; Fruhmann, P; Stückler, R; Ward T; Krska, R; Berthiller, F; Adam, G
Event: 28th Fungal Genetics Conference 2015
Year: 2015 - Fusarium graminearum is able to manipulate ethylene biosynthesis
Autoren: Svoboda, T; Parich, A; Michlmayr, H; Schöfbeck, D; Schmeitzl, C; Krska, R; Schuhmacher, R; Wiesenberger, G; Adam, G
Event: 37th Mycotoxin Workshop 2015
Autoren: Sulyok, M., Krska, R.
Event: 13th European Fusarium Seminar 2015
Year: 2015 - Biologische Kontaminationen vor dem Hintergrund des Klimawandels und der globalisierten Welt
Autoren: Krska, R;
Event: "WIWI aktuell" Vortrags- und Diskussionsreihe zum Thema: Umwelt und Wirtschaft: Geht das (gut)?
Year: 2015 - Fusarium Head Blight on wheat: Metabolome-wide time series and network correlation analysis of GC-MS and LC-HRMS data
Autoren: Simader, A; Bueschl, C; Kluger, B; Doppler, M; Parich, A; Warth, B; Sulyok, M; Schweiger, W; Steiner, B; Buerstmayr, H; Kugler, K; Sharma, S; Rechthaler, J; Krska, R; Adam, G; Schuhmacher, R;
Event: The World Mycotoxin Forum 2015
Year: 2015 - Fusarium graminearum is able to synthesize auxin and to inactivate the ethylene precursor 1-aminocyclopropane-1-carboxylic acid (ACC)
Autoren: Adam, G; Spörhase, P; Bartholomäus, A; Svoboda, T; Wiesenberger, G; Güldener, U; Schmeitzl, C; Michlmayr, H; Fruhmann, P; Parich, A; Kluger, B; Mewes, H; Krska, R; Schuhmacher, R; Beltran Iturat, E; Berthiller, F
Event: 28th Fungal Genetics Conference 2015
Year: 2015 - Bedeutung, Nachweis und Metabolismus von Fusarium-Mykotoxinen - ein Rück- und Ausblick (1929-2029)
Autoren: Krska, R
Event: Wissenschaftliches Kolloquium - 100 Jahre Fusarium spp. an Gramineen
Year: 2015 - Changes in the Fusarium Graminearum Toxin spectrum: An adaptive response of the pathogen to plant breeding?
Autoren: Schmeitzl, C; Wiesenberger, G; Varga, E; Warth, B; Fruhmann, P; Schweiger, W; Krska, R; Schuhmacher, R; Berthiller, F; Adam, G
Event: 13th European Fusarium Seminar 2015
Year: 2015 - MetExtract II: A novel and powerful data processing software for stable isotopic labelling assisted and LC-HRMS(/MS) based untargeted metabolomics
Autoren: Bueschl, C.; Kluger, B.; Neumann, NKN.; Doppler, M.; Stückler, R.; Thallinger, GG.; Adam, G.; Krska, R.; Schuhmacher, R.
Event: Metabolomics 2015
Year: 2015 - Über mögliche Auswirkungen des Klimawandels auf Mykotoxine und andere Qualitätsparameter
Autoren: Krska, R;
Event: 2. Linzer Kontaminantentagung 2015
Year: 2015 - Modern Analytical Tools to Tackle an Old Problem: Mycotoxins in Food
Autoren: Varga, E; Glauner, T; Rennie, E; Wuest, B; Sulyok, M; Schuhmacher, R; Krska, R; Berthiller, F
Event: The Analytical Scientist Webinar
Year: 2015 - Production of novel NX-type Trichothecenes in Liquid Media by Genetic Engineering of F. graminearum PH-1
Autoren: Twaruschek, K; Varga, E; Berthiller, F; Krska, R; Wiesenberger, G; Adam, G
Event: 37th Mycotoxin Workshop 2015
Year: 2015 - The impact of climate change on the formation and occurrence of mycotoxins cereals and food at Chinese Academy of State Administration of Grain (ASAG)
Autoren: Krska, R; Schuhmacher, R; Sulyok, M; Berthiller, F;
Event: Invited presentation
Year: 2015 - LC-MS-based methods to assess the exposure to the multiple mycotoxins present in food and feed stuffs
Autoren: Krska, R;
Event: Top Three Trends in Food Quality and Authentication; Virtual Event, hosted by The Analytical Scientist
Year: 2015 - Emerging Mycotoxins - a New (Analytical) Challenge
Autoren: Krska, R;
Event: Fritz-Feigl Symposium on Analytical Chemistry 2015
Autoren: Sulyok, M., Krska, R.
Event: International Conference on Food Contaminants 2015 (ICFC 2015)l: Challenges in Chemical Mixtures
Year: 2015 - Metabolomics of Fusarium head blight on wheat - Integrated analysis of GC-MS and LC-HRMS based time series data
Autoren: Simader, A; Büschl, C; Doppler, M; Kluger, B; Kugler, K; Parich, A; Schweiger, W; Sharma, S; Steiner, B; Sulyok, M; Warth, B; Krska, R; Schuhmacher, R;
Event: ALVA Jahrestagung 2015 - Bioökonomie in der Primärproduktion
Year: 2015 - Stable isotope assisted evaluation of extraction solvents for LC-HRMS based untargeted metabolite profiling of wheat
Autoren: Maria Doppler, Bernhard Kluger, Christina Schneider, Christoph Bueschl, Rudolf Krska, Sylvie Delcambre, Karsten Hiller, Marc Lemmens, Gerhard Adam, Rainer Schuhmacher
Event: 3rd Docday 2015
Year: 2015 - Monitoring the metabolic fate of deoxynivalenol and its acetylated derivatives in a wheat suspension culture reveals novel metabolites and differences in metabolization of acetylated deoxynivalenol derivatives
Autoren: Schmeitzl, C; Warth, B; Fruhmann, P; Varga, E; Michlmayr, H; Malachova, A; Berthiller, F; Schuhmacher, R; Krska, R; Adam, G
Event: Plant Biotic Stresses & Resistance Mechanisms II - VISCEA
Year: 2015 - Masked Mycotoxins: A neglected threat?
Autoren: Berthiller, F; Nagl, V; Varga, E; Kluger, B; Adam, G; Krska, R
Event: Romer Labs/Biomin Seminar Hungary
Year: 2015 - Deoxynivalonol-sulfates: New conjugates occurring in planta and in human urine
Autoren: Warth, B; Fruhmann, P; Wiesenberger, G; Kluger, B; Sarkanj, B; Krska, R; Marko, D; Adam, G; Schuhmacher, R
Event: 37th Mycotoxin Workshop 2015
Autoren: Sulyok, M.; Krska, R.
Event: Recent Advances in Food Analysis
Year: 2015 - GC-MS and LC-MS based metabolomics of plant-microbe interactions. Institutsseminar der Universität Wien, Vienna, January 29
Autoren: Bueschl, C.; Doppler, M.; Kluger, B.; Neumann, N.; Parich, A.; Reiterer, J.; Simader, A.; Warth, B.; Lemmens, M.; Adam, G.; Krska, R.; Schuhmacher, R.
Event: Institutsseminar der Universität Wien
Year: 2015 - Integrated approaches to reduce mycotoxin contamination in Food and feed
Autoren: Krska, R.;
Event: Ordentliche Generalversammlung mit Vortragsveranstaltung der ICC-AUSTRIA
Year: 2014 - Novel LC-HRMS/MS and stable isotope labelling assisted metabolomics workflows and data processing tools
Autoren: Christoph Bueschl, Bernhard Kluger, Nora KN. Neumann, Marc Lemmens, Gerhard Adam, Rudolf Krska, Rainer Schuhmacher
Event: Metabomeeting 2014
Year: 2014 - Maize harvest 2013: 72 maize samples from Austria tested for more than 380 mycotoxins and secondary metabolites
Autoren: Schwab-Andics, C.; Nährer, K.; Kovalsky, P.; Krska, R.; Sulyok, M.;
Event: The World Mycotoxin Forum 2014
Year: 2014 - Highlighting new promising developments in analysis
Autoren: Berthiller, F; Krska, R.;
Event: The World Mycotoxin Forum 2014
Year: 2014 - Trends and applications of LC-MS-based methods to assess the exposure to the "mycotoxin cocktail" present in food and feed stuffs
Autoren: Krska, R; Sulyok, M; Warth, B; Berthiller, F; Adam, G; Lemmens, M; Büschl, C; Kluger, B; Schuhmacher, R;
Event: 30th International Symposium on Chromatography 2014
Year: 2014 - Mid-infrared spectroscopy based on GaAs thin-film waveguide and quantum cascade laser technology as a tool for the detection of deoxynivalenol (DON) in maize extracts
Autoren: Sieger, M.; McMullin, D.; Öner, T.; Kos, G.; Krska, R.; Mizaikoff, B.;
Event: The World Mycotoxin Forum 2014
Year: 2014 - Metabolic fate of the Fusarium mycotoxins T-2 and HT-2 in wheat
Autoren: Nathanail, A.; Varga, E.; Malachova, A.; Michlmayr, H.; Büschl, C.; Reiterer, J.; Krska, R.; Jestoi, M.; Peltonen, K.; Adam, G.; Schuhmacher, R.; Lemmens, M.; Berthiller, F.;
Event: The World Mycotoxin Forum 2014
Year: 2014 - Tracing the metabolisation of T-2 and HT-2 Toxin in barley by LC-HRMS based stable isotope assisted metabolite profiling
Autoren: Reiterer, J.; Büschl, C.; Varga, E.; Kluger, B.; Sulyok, M.; Maloku, I.; Berthiller, F.; Schuhmacher, R.; Lemmens, M.;
Event: The World Mycotoxin Forum 2014
Year: 2014 - What is the effect of the Fusarium toxin deoxynivalenol on the primary wheat metabolome?
Autoren: Warth, B; Parich, A; Büschl, C; Schöfbeck, D; Neumann, N; Kluger, B; Simader, A; Krska, R; Lemmens, M; Adam, G; Schuhmacher, R;
Event: 10th ASAC JunganalytikerInnenforum 2014
Year: 2014 - Highlighting New Promising Developments in Analysis
Autoren: Berthiller, F; Varga, E; Krska, R
Event: The World Mycotoxin Forum 2014
Year: 2014 - Advanced MS-methods to study toxic secondary metabolites in food crops
Autoren: Krska, R;
Event: IMSC 2014, 20th International Mass Spectrometry Conference
Year: 2014 - Metabolisation of the Fusarium graminearum derived mycotoxin Deoxynivalenol in wheat
Autoren: Kluger, B; Büschl, C; Krska, R; Lemmens, M; Adam, G; Schuhmacher, R;
Event: Mycotoxin Summer Talks 2014
Year: 2014 - Infection process restores defective DON production in a F. graminearum Heterochromatin protein 1 (Hep1) mutant
Autoren: Boedi, S; Berger, H; Imer, M; Sulyok, M; Preiser, V; Lemmens, M; Bürstmayr, H; Krska, R; Brunner, K; Strauss, J
Event: 12th European Conference of Fungal Genetics 2014
Year: 2014 - QCScreen – A software tool for data quality control in LC-HRMS based metabolomics.
Autoren: Alexandra Simader, Christoph Bueschl, Bernhard Kluger, Nora Neumann, Rudolf Krska, Rainer Schuhmacher
Event: Metabomeeting 2014
Year: 2014 - Masekd trichothecene mycotoxins: enzymatic synthesis and hydrolysis by ß-glucosidases
Autoren: Michlmayr, H.; Malachova, A.; Fruhmann, P.; Varga, E.; Schweiger, W.; Hametner, C.; Wiesenberger, G.; Lemmens, M.; Berthiller, F.; Adam, G.;
Event: The World Mycotoxin Forum 2014
Year: 2014 - New tricks of an old enemy: Fusarium graminearum can also produce a type A trichothecene
Autoren: Varga, E; Wiesenberger, G.; Hametner, D.; Ward, T.; Dong, Y.; Schöfbeck, D.; McCormick, S.; Broz, K.; Stückler, R.; Schuihmacher, R.; Krska, R.; Kistler, H.C.; Berthiller, F.; Adam, G.;
Event: The World Mycotoxin Forum 2014
Autoren: Sulyok, M., Krska, R.
Event: 36th Mykotoxin Workshop 2014
Year: 2014 - Development and application of LC-MS/MS based biomarker methods to determine the toxicological impact of the mycotoxin fumonisin B1 and its analogues on rats
Autoren: Hahn, I; Nagl, V; Varga, E; Cirlini, M; Schwarz, C; Krska, R; Berthiller, F; Schwartz-Zimmermann, H;
Event: 30th International Symposium on Chromatography ISC 2014
Year: 2014 - Selection and characterisation of aptamers for the rapid detection of aflatoxin in maize
Autoren: Preiser, V.; Mach, R.L.; Krska, R.; Brunner, K.;
Event: The World Mycotoxin Forum 2014
Year: 2014 - Aerobic and anaerobic in vitro testing of deoxynivalenol-detoxifying feed additives
Autoren: Irene Hahn, Elisavet Kunz-Vekiru, Magdalena Twarużek, Jan Grajewski, Rudolf Krska, Franz Berthiller
Event: 36th Mycotoxin-Workshop 2014
Year: 2014 - Multimycotoxin Screening in Latin-American maize and soy samples
Autoren: Starkl, V.; Kovalsky, P.; Sulyok, M.; Krska, R.; Nährer, K.; Hofstetter, U.;
Event: The World Mycotoxin Forum 2014
Year: 2014 - LC-MS/MS and LC-HR-MS characterization of metabolites formed by enzymatic degradation of ergot alkaloids
Autoren: Irene Hahn, Michaela Thamhesl, Heidi Schwartz-Zimmermann, Verena Klingenbrunner, Christian Hametner, Gerd Schatzmayr, Wulf-Dieter Moll, Rudolf Krska, Franz Berthiller
Event: Seminar „Moderne Analytische Chemie“ (151.398) SS 2014, Institut für Chemische Technologien und Analytik, Technische Universität Wien
Year: 2014 - Study of heat induced flavonoid degradation in grapes using stable isotope labelling assisted metabolomics
Autoren: Christoph Bueschl, Alexander Chassy, Rudolf Krska, Andrew Waterhouse, Rainer Schuhmacher
Event: 2nd International Metabolomics Austria InMetA 2014
Autoren: Sulyok. M., Krska, R.
Event: MycoRed International Conference Europe 2014
Year: 2014 - Mycotoxin analysis: an overview of various methodologies
Autoren: Krska, R;
Event: Detection Techniques for Mycotoxins in the food/feed chain
Autoren: Sulyok, M., Krska, R.
Event: International Mycotoxin Conference 2014 Beijing, China
Year: 2014 - Advanced LC-HRMS and GC-MS based methods for metabolomics of Fusarium head blight on wheat
Autoren: Schuhmacher, R; Bueschl, C; Doppler, M; Kluger, B; Neumann, N; Parich, A; Warth, B; Lemmens, M; Adam, G; Krska, R;
Event: IMSC 2014, 20th International Mass Spectrometry Conference
Year: 2014 - Rapid classification of mycotoxin contaminated food commodities by infrared spectroscopy and chemometrics
Autoren: Kos, G.; McMullin, D.; Sieger, M.; Öner, T.; Zahradnik, C.; Mikaikoff, B.; Krska, R.;
Event: The World Mycotoxin Forum 2014
Year: 2014 - Modern tools to tackle an old problem: Mycotoxins in food
Autoren: Varga, E; Glauner, T; Rennie, E; Wuest, B; Sulyok, M; Schuhmacher, R; Krska, R; Berthiller, F
Event: Environmental Food MS Meeting
Year: 2014 - Establishment of a metabolite database and LC-HRMS/MS library for metabolomics of wheat
Autoren: Maria Doppler, B. Kluger, N. Neumann, C. Büschl, W. Schweiger, B. Steiner, H. Bürstmayr, R. Krska, R. Schuhmacher
Event: 8th Central and Eastern European Proteomics Conference CEEPC meets 2nd International Metabolomics Austria InMetA 2014
Year: 2014 - Development and Application of an Exact Mass LC-MS/MS Library for the Screening of Mycotoxins in Food
Autoren: Varga, E; Glauner, T; Rennie, E; Wuest, B; Sulyok, M; Krska, R; Berthiller, F
Event: Analytica 2014
Year: 2014 - Development and validation of an LC-MS/MS method for detection of Fusarium mycotoxins and their masked forms in cereals: application on Finnish grains
Autoren: Helkama, J.; Nathanail, A.; Jestoi, M.; Varga, E.; Malachova, A.; Michlmayr, H.; Sieviläinen, E.; Adam, G.; Berthiller, F.; Peltonen, K.;
Event: The World Mycotoxin Forum 2014
Year: 2014 - Quantifying natural toxins in food and environment over 4 generations of LC-MS/MS
Autoren: Krska, R;
Event: IMSC 2014, User's day
Year: 2014 - Assessing the human mycotoxin exposure in Cameroon and Nigeria through an LC-MS/MS based multiple biomarker approach
Autoren: Ezekiel, C.N.; Abia, W.A.; Warth, B.; Sulyok, M.; Ogara, I.M.; Tchana, A.; Ezekiel, V.C.; Njobeh, P.B.; Kouanfack, D.; Eyongetah, M.; Atehnkeng, J.; Tayo, G.O.; Turner, P.C.; Dutton, M.; Bandyopadhyay, R.; Moundipa, P.F.; Krska, R.;
Event: The World Mycotoxin Forum 2014
Year: 2014 - Indirect methods for the determination of conjugated forms of deoxynivalenol in cereals
Autoren: Malachova, A.; Stockova, L.; Wakker, A.; Varga, E.; Michlmayr, H.; Krska, R.; Adam, G.; Berthiller, F.;
Event: The World Mycotoxin Forum 2014
Year: 2014 - New tricks of an old enemy: Isolates of Fusarium Graminearum produce type a Trichothecene Moycotoxin
Autoren: Varga, E; Wiesenberger, G; Hametner, C; Ward, TJ; Dong, Y; Schöfbeck, D; McCormick, S; Broz, K; Stückler, R; Schmeitzl, C; Michlmayr, H; Schuhmacher, R; Krska, R; Kistler, HC; Berthiller, F; Adam, G
Event: National Fusarium Head Blight Forum 2014
Year: 2014 - Multi-toxin testing in food and urine - present and future of an amazing approach
Autoren: Krska, R;
Event: International Mycotoxin Conference 2014
Year: 2014 - Measuring existing and emerging mycotoxins in animal feed ingredients
Autoren: Oplatowska-Stachowiak, M.; Haughey, S.A.; Chevallier, O.; Adam, G.; Berthiller, R.; Krska, R.; Elliott, C.T.;
Event: The World Mycotoxin Forum 2014
Year: 2014 - Production of a new type A trichothecene by isolates of Fusarium graminearum
Autoren: Wiesenberger, G; Varga, E; Hametner, C; Stückler, R; Kistler, H; Ward, T; Schöfbeck, D; Sulyok, M; Krska, R; Schuhmacher, R; Berthiller, F; Adam, G
Event: 2014 Fusarium Workshop, Universidad de Sevilla
Year: 2014 - Fusarium graminearum is able to manipulate ethylene production
Autoren: Svoboda, T; Wiesenberger, G; Parich, A; Michlmayr, H; Schöfbeck, D; Schmeitzl, C; Krska, R; Schuhmacher, R; Adam, G
Event: 12th European Conference on Fungal Genetics 2014
Year: 2014 - Improved plant metabolomics by novel isotope labelling assisted workflows
Autoren: Schuhmacher, R.; Bueschl, C.; Doppler, M.; Kluger, B.; Neumann, N.; Adam, G.; Lemmens, M.; Krska, R.
Event: Plant Gene Discovery & "Omics" Technologies 2014
Year: 2014 - In vitro testing and LC-UV-MS/MS evaluation of feed additives claiming to detoxify the mycotoxin deoxynivalenol
Autoren: Hahn, I; Kunz-Vekiru, E; Twaruzek, M; Grajewski, J; Krska, R; Berthiller, F;
Event: 10th ASAC JunganalytikerInnenforum 2014
Year: 2014 - Masked Mycotoxins: A neglected threat?
Autoren: Berthiller, F; Nagl, V; Varga, E; Kluger, B; Adam, G; Krska, R
Event: Webinar
Year: 2014 - Stable isotopic labelling-assisted untargeted metabolic profiling reveals novel conjugates of mycotoxin in wheat
Autoren: Schuhmacher, R., Kluger, B.; Büschl, C.; Varga, E.; Reiterer, J.; Lemmens, M.; Nathanail, A.; Berthiller, F.; Krska, R.; Adam, G.;
Event: The World Mycotoxin Forum 2014
Year: 2014 - Analysis, toxicity and management of cyanogenic glucosides in cassava
Autoren: Sulyok, M., Krska, R
Event: The World Mycotoxin Forum 2014
Year: 2014 - Mycotoxins and other fungal metabolites in grain dust from Norwegian grain Elevators and compound feed mills
Autoren: Straumfors, A.; Uhlig, S.; Eriksen, G.S.; Heldal, K.K.; Euard, W.; Krska, R.; Sulyok, M.;
Event: The World Mycotoxin Forum 2014
Year: 2014 - Aerobic and anaerobic in vitro evaluation of commercial feed additives claiming to detoxify deoxynivalenol
Autoren: Irene Hahn, Elisavet Kunz-Vekiru, Magdalena Twarużek, Jan Grajewski, Rudolf Krska, Franz Berthiller
Event: International Mycotoxin Conference 2014
Year: 2014 - Elucidation of the first step of the zearalenone detoification pathway in Trichosporon mycotoxinivorans
Autoren: Torres Acosta, J.A.; Güldener, U; Kunz-Vekiru, E.; Hametner, C.; Schmeitzl, C.; Münsterkötter, M.; Mitterbauer, R.; Bachmann, H.; Drexler, J.; Niederacher, G.; Wiesenberger, G.; Musilek, A.; Moll, D.; Adam, G.;
Event: The World Mycotoxin Forum 2014
Year: 2014 - Is the Systems Approach the answer? Top five answers learned at WMF2014!
Autoren: Krska, R; van Egmond, H;
Event: The World Mycotoxin Forum 2014
Year: 2014 - Exact mass LC-HRMS/MS library for the screening of mycotoxins and other fungal metabolites in food and feed
Autoren: Varga, E; Glauner, T; Rennie, E; Wuest, B; Sulyok, M; Krska, R; Berthiller, F
Event: Mycotoxin Summer Talks 2014
Year: 2014 - QCScreen - An automated software tool for metabolomics data quality control
Autoren: Simader, A; Kluger, B; Büschl, C; Neumann, N; Krska, R; Schuhmacher, R;
Event: 10th ASAC JunganalytikerInnenforum 2014
Year: 2014 - Advanced LC-HRMS based methods for metabolomics of Fusarium head blight on wheat
Autoren: Bueschl, C.; Doppler, M.; Kluger, B.; Neumann, N.; Parich, A.; Warth, B.; Lemmens, M.; Adam, G.; Krska, R.; Schuhmacher, R.
Event: IMSC 2014
Year: 2014 - Development and application of an exact mass LC-HRMS/MS library for the screening of mycotoxins and other fungal metabolites in food and feed
Autoren: Varga, E; Glauner, T; Rennie, E; Wuest, B; Sulyok, M; Krska, R; Berthiller,F
Event: ASSET 2014 – Our Food is our Future, Food Integrity & Traceability Conference
Year: 2014 - Effects of orally administered fumonisin B1, partially hydrolysed fumonisin B1, hydrolysed fumonisin B1 and N-(1-deoxy-D-fructos-1-yl) fumonisin B1 on the sphingolipid metabolism in rats
Autoren: Hahn, I.; Nagl, V.; Schwartz-Zimmermann, H.E.; Varga, E.; Cirlini, M.; Schwarz, C.; Krska, R.; Berthiller, F.;
Event: The World Mycotoxin Forum 2014
Year: 2014 - How does deoxynivalenol affect the wheat metabolome?
Autoren: Warth, B.; Parich, A.; Büschl, C.; Schöfbeck, D.; Neumann, N.; Kluger, B.; Krska, R.; Lemmens, M.; Adam, G.; Schuhmacher, R.;
Event: The World Mycotoxin Forum 2014
Year: 2014 - Development, validation and application of modern LC-MS/MS based methods for the determination of mycotoxins in food and feed
Autoren: Berthiller, F; Varga, E; Sulyok, M; Glauner, T; Rennie, E; Wuest, B; Schuhmacher, R; Krska, R
Event: Webinar
Year: 2014 - Mycotoxins in cereal based food and feed: From target analysis towards metabolomics (Keynote)
Autoren: Krska, R.
Event: 2nd Food Integrity & Traceability Conference
Year: 2014 - Exact mass LC-HRMS/MS library for the screening of mycotoxins and other fungal metabolites in food and feed
Autoren: Varga, E; Glauner, T; Rennie, E; Wuest, B; Sulyok, M; Krska, R; Berthiller, F;
Event: 10th ASAC JunganalytikerInnenforum 2014
Year: 2014 - Fusarium graminearum is able to manipulate ethylene production
Autoren: Svoboda, T; Wiesenberger, G; Parich, A; Michlmayr, H; Schöbeck, D; Schmeitzl, C; Krska, R; Schuhmacher, R; Adam, G
Event: 2014 Fusarium Workshop, Universidad de Sevilla
Year: 2014 - What is the effect of the Fusarium toxin deoxynivalenol on the primary wheat metabolome?
Autoren: Warth, B; Parich, A; Büschl, C; Schöfbeck, D; Neumann, N; Kluger, B; Krska, R; Lemmens, M; Adam, G; Schuhmacher, R
Event: Mycotoxin Summer Talks 2014
Year: 2013 - Use of different biomarkers to evaluate the enzymatic detoxification of fumonisins in farm animals
Autoren: Schwartz, H.; Hartinger, D.; Grenier, B.; Nagl, V.; Slavik, V.; Greitbauer, O.; Bichl, G.; Caha, S.; Krska, R.; Applegate, T.J.; Schatzmayr, G.; Berthiller, F.; Moll, W.-D.
Event: International Conference Europe ISM-MycoRed 2013
Year: 2013 - S-Methyl-DON: Chemical Synthesis and Toxicity of a novel Deoxynivalenol-Metabolite
Autoren: Weigl-Pollack, T; Wiesenberger, G; Fruhmann, P; Hametner, C; Mikula, H; Kluger, B; Schuhmacher, R; Krska, R; Fröhlich, J; Adam, G;
Event: International Conference Europe ISM-MycoRed 2013
Year: 2013 - Detection of Celery by Isothermal Amplification of DNA
Autoren: Brunner, K; Zahradnik, C; Martzy, R; Krska, R; Mach, R
Event: 6th International Symposium on Recent Advances in Food Analysis RAFA 2013
Year: 2013 - Performance, Validation and Application of LC-MS/MS based Multimycotoxin Methods
Autoren: Michael Sulyok, Alexandra Malachova, Eduardo Beltran, Elisabeth Varga, Firuzeh Nazari, Rudolf Krska
Event: 1. Linzer Kontaminantentagung - Schadstoffe in Lebens- und Futtermitteln 2013
Year: 2013 - Assessment of mycotoxin exposure in rural residents in northern Nigeria by a multi-biomarker approach
Autoren: C.N. Ezekiel, B. Warth, I.M. Ogara, W.A. Abia, V.C. Ezekiel, J. Atehnkeng, M. Sulyok, P.C. Turner, R. Krska, G.O. Tayo, R. Bandyopadhyay
Event: 5th international Toxicology Symposium
Autoren: Schweiger, W; Kovalsky, M.P.; Michlmayr, H; Wiesenberger, G; Stückler, R; Schmeitzl, C; Malachova, A; Kluger, B; Schuhmacher, R; Krska, R; Lemmens, M; Buerstmayr, H; Fruhmann, P; Weigl-Pollack, T; Mikula, H; Hametner, C; Fröhlich, J; Muehlbauer, G.J.; Newmister, S; Rayment, I; Berthiller F; Adam, G
Event: National Fusarium Head Blight Forum 2013
Year: 2013 - Metabolome annotation of Fusarium graminearum using stable isotopic labelling and LC-HRMS
Autoren: Christoph Bueschl, Bernhard Kluger, Stefan Boedi, Nora Neumann, Joseph Strauss, Rudolf Krska, Rainer Schuhmacher
Event: 35th Mycotoxin Workshop 2013
Year: 2013 - Metabolic profiling reveals novel insights into the biotransformation of DON in wheat
Autoren: Bernhard Kluger, Christoph Bueschl, Rudolf Krska, Marc Lemmens, Gerhard Adam, Rainer Schuhmacher
Event: International Conference on Plant Diseases and Resistance Mechanisms VIPCA 2013
Year: 2013 - A Rapid DNA Extraction Method Suitable for On-Site Application
Autoren: Gonzalez Garcia, E; Mach, RL; Krska, R; Brunner, K
Event: 6th International Symposium on Recent Advances in Food Analysis RAFA 2013
Year: 2013 - Entwicklung und Anwendung einer LC-HS-MS/MS Spektrenbibliothek für das Screening von Mykotoxinen in Lebens- und Futtermitteln
Autoren: Varga, E; Glauner, T; Wuest, B; Sulyok, M; Schuhmacher, R; Krska, R; Berthiller, F
Event: 1. Linzer Kontaminantentagung - Schadstoffe in Lebens- und Futtermitteln 2013
Year: 2013 - Fumonisin production by black Aspergillus species in maize
Autoren: Munkvold, G; Logrieco, A; Susca, A; Sulyok, M; Krska, R; Mule, G; Moretti, A
Event: APS-MSA Joint Meeting
Year: 2013 - Discovery and toxicity assessment of novel mycotoxins produced by US isolates of Fusarium graminearum
Autoren: Varga, E; Wiesenberger, G; Hametner, C; Krska, R; Adam, G; Kister, HC; Berthiller, F
Event: 6th International Symposium on Recent Advances in Food Analysis RAFA 2013
Year: 2013 - GC-MS based targeted profiling of Fusarium – wheat interactions
Autoren: Parich, A; Warth, B; Schoefbeck, D; Kluger, B; Lemmens, M; Fenclova, M; Krska, R; Schuhmacher, R
Event: 9th Annual Conference of the Metabolomics Society 2013
Year: 2013 - Mycotoxins in Food and Feed: Validation of Rapid Strip Tests
Autoren: Cvak, Barbara; Schiessl, Alois; Zheng, Michael; Krska, Rudolf;
Event: Rapid Methods Europe 2013
Year: 2013 - Was the lupin flour contaminated with soy?
Autoren: Köstlbauer, K; Schwartz, H; Gonzalez, E; Ansari, P; Brunner, K; Krska, R; Baumgartner S
Event: Rapid Methods Europe 2013
Year: 2013 - Current trends in mass spectrometry-based mycotoxin analysis
Autoren: Michael Sulyok, Benedikt Warth, Elisabeth Varga, Alexandra Malacova, Eduardo Beltran, Rudolf Krska
Event: 10th International Conference on Mycotoxins and Toxigenic Moulds
Year: 2013 - Indirect Methods for the Determination of Conjugated Forms of Deoxynivalenol in Cereals
Autoren: Malachova, A; Stockova, L; Wakker, A; Varga, E; Michlmayr, H; Krska, R; Adam, G; Berthiller, F
Event: 6th International Symposium on Recent Advances in Food Analysis RAFA 2013
Year: 2013 - Development and Validation of an LC-MS/MS Method for the Determination of 300+ Mycotoxins in Food and Feed
Autoren: Michael Sulyok Alexandra Malachova, Eduardo Beltran, Rudolf Krska
Event: Mycotoxin Summer Talks 2013
Year: 2013 - New insights into the metabolization of deoxynivalenol in plants and humans and their significance for the consumer
Autoren: Krska, R;
Event: International Conference Europe ISM-MycoRed 2013
Year: 2013 - Biomarker zur enzymatischen Entgiftung von Fumonisinen in Nutztieren
Autoren: Schwartz-Zimmermann, H.; Hartinger, D.; Nagl, V.; Hahn, I.; Grenier, B.; Slavik, V.; Greitbauer, O.; Caha, S.; Krska, R.; Schatzmayr, G.; Berthiller, F.; Moll, W.-D.
Event: 1. Linzer Kontaminantentagung 2013
Year: 2013 - Inactivation of Fusarium Mycotoxins in Planta
Autoren: Kovalsky, P.M.P; Schweiger, W; Wiesenberger, G; Torres Acosta, J.A; Michlmayr, H; Newmister, S; Lemmens, M; Malachova, A; Shjin, S; Muehlbauer, G; Weigl-Pollack, T; Fruhmann, P; Mikula, H; Hametner, C; Kluger, B; Schuhmacher, R; Krska, R; Fröhlich, J; Rayment, I; Berthiller, F; Adam, G;
Event: International Conference Europe ISM-MycoRed 2013
Year: 2013 - Determination and structure elucidation of ergot alkaloid metabolites formed by microbial and enzymatic degradation
Autoren: Schöner I., Thamhesl M., Klingenbrunner V., Hametner C., Krska R., Schatzmayr G., Moll W.-D., Berthiller F., Schwartz H.
Event: International Conference Europe ISM-MycoRed 2013
Year: 2013 - Bestimmung der Toxizität von hydrolysiertem Fumonisin B1 (HFB1) anhand des Sphinganin/Sphingosin-Verhältnisses in Ratten
Autoren: Nagl, V; Schwartz, H; Mair, C; Varga, E; Slavik, V; Krska, R; Berthiller, F
Event: 12. BOKU-Symposium Tierernährung 2013
Year: 2013 - MetExtract: A novel software tool for Xenobiotic metabolisation studies using LC-HRMS and stable isotopic labelling
Autoren: Christoph Bueschl, Bernhard Kluger, Mark Lemmens, Franz Berthiller, Rudolf Krska, Rainer Schuhmacher
Event: ISMB/ECCB 2013
Year: 2013 - Untargeted stable isotope assisted metabolic profiling reveals novel conjugates of deoxynivalenol in wheat
Autoren: Kluger, B; Büschl, C; Krska, R; Lemmens, M; Adam, G; Schuhmacher, R
Event: 35th Mycotoxin Workshop 2013
Year: 2013 - Pentahydroxyscirpene – Detection, isolation, structure elucidation and toxicity assessment of a new mycotoxin
Autoren: Varga, E; Fruhmann, P; Wiesenberger, G; Hametner, C; Mikula, H; Häubl, G; Krska, R; Adam, G; Lemmens, M; Fröhlich, J; Berthiller, F
Event: International Conference Europe ISM-MycoRed 2013
Year: 2013 - Discovery and Toxicity Assessment of Novel Mycotoxins Produced by US Isolates of Fusarium Graminearum
Autoren: Varga, E; Wiesenberger, G; Hametner, C; Krska, R; Adam, G; Kistler, HC; Berthiller, F
Event: 6th International Symposium on Recent Advances in Food Analysis RAFA 2013
Year: 2013 - Effects of deoxynivalenol on the wheat metabolome
Autoren: Warth, B; Parich, A; Schöfbeck, D; Neumann, N; Büschl, C; Simander, A; Kluger, B; Lemmens, M; Fenclova, M; Krska, R; Adam, G; Schuhmacher, R
Event: Kontaminantentagung Linz
Year: 2013 - Evaluation of Emerging Fusarium Mycotoxins Beauvericin, Enniatins, Fusaproliferin, and Moniliformin in Domestic Rice in Iran
Autoren: Nazari, F; Sulyok, M; Kobarfard, F; Yazdanpanah, H; Krska, R
Event: 6th International Symposium on Recent Advances in Food Analysis RAFA 2013
Year: 2013 - Exposure to mycotoxins: The biomarker approach
Autoren: Warth, B; Sulyok, M; Fruhmann, P; Mikula, H; Berthiller, F; Schuhmacher, R; Abia, W; Sarkanj, B; Hametner, C; Fröhlich, J; Krska, R
Event: Mycotoxin Summer Talks 2013
Year: 2013 - Untargeted metabolomics of Fusarium graminearum: comparison of stable isotopic labelling assisted and conventional data processing strategies
Autoren: Christoph Bueschl, Bernhard Kluger, Gerlinde Wiesenberger, Romana Stückler, Gerhard Adam, Josef Strauss , Stefan Bödi, Nora Neumann, Rudolf Krska, Rainer Schuhmacher
Event: 9th Annual Conference of the Metabolomics Society 2013
Year: 2013 - Development of an animal model for assessing the toxicity of fumonisin derivates
Autoren: Nagl, V; Schwartz, H; Mair, C; Varga, E; Slavik, V; Krska, R; Berthiller, F
Event: 35. Mycotoxin Workshop 2013
Year: 2013 - Novel stable isotopic labelling-assisted workflows for improved LC-HRMS based metabolomics of fungi and plants
Autoren: Schuhmacher, R; Büschl, C; Kluger, B; Neumann, N; Simader, A; Lemmens, M; Adam, G; Krska, R
Event: 9th Annual Conference of the Metabolomics Society 2013
Year: 2013 - Matrix effects: the foe of fast LC-MS/MS based multi-analyte methods
Autoren: Michael Sulyok, Elisabeth Varga, Firuzeh Nazari, Alexandra Malachova, Rudolf Krska
Event: Rapid Methods Europe 2013
Year: 2013 - Determination and Structure Elucidation of Ergot Alkaloid Metabolites formed by Microbial and Enzymatic Degradation
Autoren: Schöner, I;
Event: International Conference Europe ISM-MycoRed 2013
Year: 2013 - Mycotxin Biomarker Analysis in Human Urine from Bangkok Metropolitan and surrounding Provinces using LC-MS/MS
Autoren: Petchkongkaew, A; Warth, B; Sulyok, M; Krska, R;
Event: International Conference Europe ISM-MycoRed 2013
Year: 2013 - Development of Aptamers for a Rapid Detection of Aflatoxin in Maize
Autoren: Preiser, V; Mach, RL; Krska, R; Brunner, K
Event: 6th International Symposium on Recent Advances in Food Analysis RAFA 2013
Year: 2013 - New insights into the metabolization of deoxynivalenol in plants and humans and their significants for the consumer
Autoren: Krska, R;
Event: International Conference Europe ISM-MycoRed 2013
Year: 2013 - A New Approach for the Synthesis of Reference Materials for the Determination of Masked Fusarium Mycotoxins in Food
Autoren: Krska, R
Year: 2013 - Development and application of an exact mass LC-MS/MS library for screening of mycotoxins and fungal metabolites in food and feed
Autoren: Varga, E; Glauner, T; Wuest, B; Sulyok, M; Schuhmacher, R; Krska, R; Berthiller, F
Event: 61st ASMS Conference on Mass Spectrometry and Allied Topics 2013
Year: 2013 - Introduction to Mycotoxin Analysis Technologies
Autoren: Berthiller, F; Krska, R
Event: 11th World Conference on Animal Production 2013
Year: 2013 - Untargeted stable isotopic-assisted metabolic profiling by LC-HRMS reveals novel conjugates of the mycotoxin deoxynivalenol in wheat
Autoren: Kluger, B; Büschl, C; Lemmens, M; Adam, G; Krska, R; Schuhmacher, R
Event: 9th Annual Conference of the Metabolomics Society 2013
Year: 2013 - Determination and structure elucidation of ergot alkaloid metabolites formed by microbial and enzymatic degradation
Autoren: Hahn I., Thamhesl M., Klingenbrunner V., Hametner C., Krska R., Schatzmayr G., Moll W.-D., Berthiller F., Schwartz H.
Event: Mycotoxin Summer Talks 2013
Year: 2013 - Biocatalytical Production of a Novel Zearalenone-glucoside by Heterologous Expression of a Barley Gene in Yeast
Autoren: Maria Paula Kovalsky Paris, Wolfgang Schweiger, Sanghyun Shin, Gary Muehlbauer, Christian Hametner, Rudolf Krska, Franz Berthiller, Gerhard Adam
Event: International Conference on Plant Diseases and Resistance Mechanisms VIPCA 2013
Year: 2013 - FragExtract: a new software tool for the automated extraction of LC-MS/MS derived signals to help structure elucidation in metabolomics research
Autoren: Neumann, N; Lehner, SM; Sedelmaier, K; Lemmens, M; Krska, R; Schuhmacher, R
Event: Annual Conference on Intelligent Systems for Molecular Biology and European Conference on Computational Biology
Year: 2013 - Evaluation of in-vivo 13C stable isotopic labelling for the internal standardisation of LC-HRMS derived metabolomics data
Autoren: Kluger, B; Büschl, C; Doppler, M; Stückler, R; Wiesenberger, G; Adam, G; Krska, R; Schuhmacher, R
Event: 9. ASAC JunganalytikerInnen Forum 2013
Year: 2013 - Chemische Meßmethoden
Autoren: Sulyok, M., Täubel, M., Krska, R.
Event: AUVA Informationsveranstaltung "Pilze am Arbeitsplatz"
Year: 2013 - Metabolisation of deoxynivalenol in planta: old and new compounds and their role in food safety
Autoren: Berthiller, F; Nagl, V; Kluger, B; Büschl, C; Varga, E; Malachova, A; Schwartz, H; Lemmens, M; Schuhmacher, R; Adam, G; Krska, R
Event: 12th European Fusarium Seminar 2013 - Fusarium – Mycotoxins, Taxonomy, Genomics, Biosynthesis, Pathogenicity, Resistance, Disease control
Year: 2013 - Metabolism of the Fusarium Mycotoxins T-2 and HT-2 in Cereals
Autoren: Nathanail, A; Varga, E; Malachova, A; Michlmayr, H; Büschl, C; Krska, R; Jestoi, M; Peltonen, K; Adam, G; Schuhmacher, R; Lemmens, M; Berthiller, F
Event: 9. ASAC JunganalytikerInnen Forum 2013
Year: 2013 - Heterochromatin protein 1 (Hep1) deletion in F. graminearum causes hypervirulence on wheat heads.
Autoren: Boedi, S; Maloku, I; Güldener, U; Münsterkötter, M; Nussbaumer, T; Kugler, K; Sulyok, M; Preiser, V; Siegwart, G; Sam, E; Lemmens, M; Bürstmayr, H; Krska, R; Brunner, K; Strauss J
Event: 12th European Fusarium Seminar 2013 - Fusarium – Mycotoxins, Taxonomy, Genomics, Biosynthesis, Pathogenicity, Resistance, Disease control
Year: 2013 - Development and Application of an Exact Mass LC-MS/MS Library for the Screening of Mycotoxins and Fungal Metabolites in Food and Feed
Autoren: Varga, E; Glauner, T; Rennie, E; Wuest, B; Sulyok, M; Schuhmacher, R; Krska, R; Berthiller, F
Event: 6th International Symposium on Recent Advances in Food Analysis RAFA 2013
Year: 2013 - Detection and structure elucidation of a novel type A trichothecene produced by isolates of the Northland population of Fusarium graminearum
Autoren: Varga, E; Wiesenberger, G; Hametner, C; Schöfbeck, D; Sulyok, M; Kluger, B; Schuhmacher, R; Gale, L.R.; Kistler, HC; Fröhlich, J; Krska, R; Adam, G; Berthiller, F
Event: Gordon Research Conference on Mycotoxins and Phycotoxins 2013
Year: 2013 - The feasibility of the "dilute-and-shoot" approach for the accurate quantitative determination of mycotoxins by LC-MS/MS
Autoren: Sulyok M., Malachova A., Beltran E., Krska R.
Event: International Conference Europe ISM-MycoRed 2013
Year: 2013 - GC-MS and LC-MS based metabolomics: An introduction with emphasis on stable isotope-assisted techniques
Autoren: Schuhmacher, R.; Bueschl, C.; Doppler, M.; Kluger, B.; Neumann, N.; Parich, A.; Warth, B.; Adam, G.; Strauss, J.; Lemmens, M.; Krska, R.
Event: 3rd MS Food Days 2013
Year: 2013 - Bestimmung von Deoxynivalenol (DON), 3-Acetyl-DON und DON-3-Glukosid in unterschiedlichen Biersorten und deren Anwendung auf 374 Bierproben
Autoren: Varga, E; Malachova, A; Schwartz, H; Krska, R; Berthiller, F
Event: ALVA Jahrestagung 2013 - Pflanzenschutz als Beitrag zur Ernährungssicherung
Year: 2013 - Mycotoxins and their Metabolites: from Targeted to Untargeted Analysis
Autoren: Krska, R; Kluger, B; Büschl, C; Warth, B; Sulyok, M; Fruhmann, P; Berthiller, F; Schuhmacher, R; Hametner, C; Mikula, H; Fröhlich, J; Nagl, V; Lemmens, M; Schwartz, H; Adam, G
Event: 6th International Symposium on Recent Advances in Food Analysis RAFA 2013
Year: 2013 - Enzymatic detoxification of fumonisins in farm animals
Autoren: Schwartz, H.; Hartinger, D.; Nagl, V.; Slavik, V.; Greitbauer, O.; Krska, R.; Schatzmayr, G.; Berthiller, F.; Moll, W.-D.
Event: Mycotoxin Summer Talks 2013
Year: 2013 - MetExtract: A software tool for un-targeted LC-HRMS data evaluation using stable isotopic labelling
Autoren: Christoph Bueschl, Bernhard Kluger, Franz Berthiller, Rudolf Krska, Rainer Schuhmacher
Event: 9. ASAC JunganalytikerInnen Forum 2013
Year: 2013 - Determination of metabolites formed by enzymatic degradation of ergot alkaloids
Autoren: Hahn I., Thamhesl M., Klingenbrunner V., Hametner C., Krska R., Schatzmayr G., Moll W.-D., Berthiller F., Schwartz H.
Event: 6th International Symposium on Recent Advances in Food Analysis 2013
Year: 2013 - Multi-mycotoxin applications with QqQ and QTOF-instruments
Autoren: Varga, E; Glauner, T; Sulyok, M; Rennie, E; Wuest, B; Krska, R; Berthiller, F
Event: 1st Campus Tulln Doc Day
Year: 2013 - The feasibility of the "dilute-and-shoot" approach for the accurate quantitative determination of mycotoxins by LC-MS/MS
Autoren: Sulyok, M;
Event: International Conference Europe ISM-MycoRed 2013
Year: 2013 - Development and Application of an Exact Mass LC-MS/MS Library for Screening of Mycotoxin and Fungal Metabolites in Food and Feed
Autoren: Varga, E; Glauner, T; Wuest, B; Sulyok, M; Schuhmacher, R; Krska, R; Berthiller, F;
Event: 61st Conference on Mass Spectrometry and Allied Topics
Year: 2013 - Bioavailability and toxicity of masked mycotoxins
Autoren: Berthiller, F; Nagl, V; Schwartz, H; Adam, G; Krska R
Event: International Conference Europe ISM-MycoRed 2013
Year: 2013 - Lebensmittelherkunft,-qualität, -echtheit und -sicherheit - Kernkompetenz aus einer Hand
Autoren: Prohaska, T., Zitek, A., Hann, S., Kneifel, W., Domig, K., Schreiner, M., Dürrschmid, K., Krska, R., Bertiller, F., Baumgartner, S. und Kandler, W.
Event: Science meets Business 2013 - Die BOKU und ihre Rolle im Innovationsprozess
Year: 2013 - Stable isotope-assisted metabolomics for the study of Fusarium head blight in wheat
Autoren: Schuhmacher, R.; Lemmens, M.; Büschl, C.; Kluger, B.; Doppler, M.; Neumann, N.; Parich, A.; Adam, G.; Krska, R.
Event: International Conference Europe ISM-MycoRed 2013
Year: 2013 - Deoxynivalenol metabolism: Recent in vivo and in vitro studies in human and animal species
Autoren: Warth, B; Sulyok, M; Maul, R; Sarkanj, B; Uhlig, S; Fruhmann, P; Berthiller, F; Schuhmacher, R; Krska, R
Event: International Conference Europe ISM-MycoRed 2013
Year: 2013 - Determination of mycotoxins in food and feed with UHPLC-QqQ-MS/MS and UHPLC-QTOF-MS
Autoren: Varga, E.; Glauner, T.; Köppen, R.; Mayer, K.; Sulyok, M.; Schuhmacher, R.; Krska, R.; Berthiller, F.
Event: Agilent Technologies - Forum für Lebensmittelsicherheit
Year: 2013 - Determination of Mycotoxins in Domestic Rice in Iran Using LC-MS/MS
Autoren: Nazari, F; Sulyok, M; Yazdanpanah, H; Koarfard, F; Krska, R
Event: 6th International Symposium on Recent Advances in Food Analysis RAFA 2013
Year: 2013 - Identification and characterization of metabolites formed by enzymatic degradation of ergot alkaloids
Autoren: Schöner I., Thamhesl, M., Klingenbrunner, V., Hametner, C., Krska, R., Schatzmayr, G., Moll, W.-D., Berthiller, F., Schwartz, H.,
Event: ANAKON 2013
Year: 2013 - GC-MS and LC-MS based metabolomics: An introduction with emphasis on stable isotope-assisted techniques
Autoren: Schuhmacher, R; Büschl, C; Kluger, B; Neumann, N; Parich, A; Warth, B; Weingart, G; Chassy, A; Forneck, A; Lemmens, M; Waterhouse; A; Krska, R
Event: 3rd MS Food Days 2013
Year: 2013 - Effects of deoxynivalenol on the wheat metabolome
Autoren: Warth, B; Parich, A; Schöfbeck, D; Neumann, N; Büschl, C; Simader, A; Kluger, B; Lemmens, M; Fenclova, M; Krska, R; Adam, G; Schuhmacher, R
Event: National Fusarium Head Blight Forum 2013
Year: 2013 - Detection, isolation, structure elucidation and toxicity assessment of a novel type A trichothecene produced by isolates of the Northland population of Fusarium graminearum
Autoren: Varga, E; Wiesenberger, G; Hametner, C; Schöfbeck, D; Sulyok, M; Kluger, B; Schuhmacher, R; Gale, L.R.; Dong, Y; Kistler, HC; Fröhlich, J; Krska, R; Adam, G; Berthiller, F
Event: Gordon Research Conference on Mycotoxins and Phycotoxins 2013
Year: 2013 - Mykotoxin und deren Metaboliten: Neue Erkenntnisse und aktuelle Herausforderungen
Autoren: Krska, Rudolf;
Event: 1. Linzer Kontaminantentagung 2013
Year: 2013 - The global pattern of fungal metabolites in the food chain: Lessons learned from more than 2000 MYCORED samples
Autoren: Sulyok M., Warth B., Krska R.
Event: International Conference Europe ISM-MycoRed 2013
Year: 2013 - Discovery of a novel type A trichothecene produced by isolates of the Northland population of Fusarium graminearum
Autoren: Varga, E; Wiesenberger, G; Hametner, C; Schöfbeck, D; Sulyok, M; Kluger, B; Schuhmacher, R; Gale, L.R.; Dong, Y; Kistler, HC; Fröhlich, J; Krska, R; Adam, G; Berthiller, F
Event: Mycotoxin Summer Talks 2013
Year: 2013 - LC-HRMS based stable isotopic labelling-assisted profiling of metabolisation products of xenobiotics in plants
Autoren: Kluger, B; Büschl, C; Lemmens, M; Adam, G; Krska, R; Schuhmacher R
Event: Mass Spec Forum Vienna 2013
Year: 2013 - Gambacorta, L;
Autoren: LC-MS/MS Methods for Determination of Mycotoxin Biomarker in Human Urine: Comparison of Single and Multi-Analyte Methods
Event: International Conference Europe ISM-MycoRed 2013
Year: 2013 - Advances in the detection, occurrence and toxicity of masked mycotoxins
Autoren: Berthiller, F; Nagl, V; Kluger, B; Varga, E; Büschl, C; Malachova, A; Schwartz, H; Lemmens, M; Schuhmacher, R; Adam, G; Krska, R
Event: VII Congreso Latinamericano de Micotoxicología
Year: 2013 - Mycotoxins in food: Can we really know what´s inside?
Autoren: Schuhmacher, R; Sulyok, M; Varga, E; Berthilller, F; Krska, R
Event: FIRST>T Seminar Series, Fondazione Edmund Mach
Year: 2013 - Pentahydroxyscirpene - detection, isolation, structure elucidation and toxicity assessment of a new mycotoxin
Autoren: Varga, E;
Event: International Conference Europe ISM-MycoRed 2013
Year: 2013 - Natural Toxins in Foods: from Targeted Analysis to Untargeted Metabolomics
Autoren: Krska, R
Event: XVII euroANALYSIS Analytical chemistry for human well-being and sustainable development
Year: 2013 - The global pattern of fungal metabolites in the food chain - lessons learned from more than 2000 MycoRed samples
Autoren: Sulyok, M;
Event: International Conference Europe ISM-MycoRed 2013
Year: 2013 - Determination of metabolites formed by enzymatic degradation of ergot alkaloids
Autoren: Hahn I., Thamhesl M., Klingenbrunner V., Hametner C., Krska R., Schatzmayr G., Moll W.-D., Berthiller F., Schwartz H.
Event: BOKU DocDay
Year: 2013 - Aflatoxins, Deoxynivalenol and Fumonisins in African Corn Samples: Confirmation of Rapid Strip Test Results by an LC-MS/MS Reference Method
Autoren: Cvak, B; Warth, B; Krska, R;
Event: International Conference Europe ISM-MycoRed 2013
Year: 2012 - Short validation of a muti-mycotoxin UHPLC-MS/MS screening method for the quantitation and identification of mycotoxins in nuts
Autoren: Varga, E.; Glauner, T.; Schuhmacher, R.; Krska, R.; Berthiller, F.; Sulyok, M.
Event: 60th ASMS Conference on Mass Spectrometry and Allied Topics 2012
Year: 2012 - Application of an LC-MS/MS multi-analyte method for dust samples for the elucidation of the role of secondary metabolites in mold-affected damp indoor environments
Autoren: Michael Sulyok, Anne Karvonen, Vinay Vishwanath, Anne Hyvärinen, Martin Täubel, Rudolf Krska, Juha Pekkanen
Event: 7th conference of The World Mycotoxin Forum WMF and 13th IUPAC International Symposiumon Mycotoxins and Phycotoxins WMFmeetsIUPAC 2012
Year: 2012 - Development and validation of an LC-MS/MS based method for the determination of deoxynivalenol, deoxynivalenol-3-glucoside and their metabolites in urine and faeces of rats
Autoren: V. Nagl, H. Schwartz, R. Krska, D. Moll, S. Knasmüller, M. Ritzmann, G. Adam, F. Berthiller
Event: 34th Mycotoxin Workshop 2012
Year: 2012 - Metabolomics in mycotoxin research: its future and its limitations
Autoren: Krska, R;
Event: Biotoxins Knowledge Network Annual Conference & Technical Workshop 2012
Year: 2012 - Study of the metabolome of the biocontrol fungus Trichoderma
Autoren: Schuhmacher, R.; Doppler, M.; Büschl, C.; Kluger, B.; Zeilinger, S.; Krska, R.
Event: IOBC meeting
Year: 2012 - Targeted screening and structure characterization of iron-containing metabolites (siderophores) from Trichoderma spp., A. alternata and A. niger using LC-HR-MS/MS on an LTQ Orbitrap XL
Autoren: Sylvia M. Lehner, Nora K.N. Neumann, Lea Atanasova, Rudolf Krska, Marc Lemmens, Irina S. Druzhinina, Rainer Schuhmacher
Event: IOBC Reims 2012
Year: 2012 - Metabolism of the masked mycotoxin deoxynivalenol-3-glucoside in rats
Autoren: Nagl, V.; Schwartz, H.; Krska, R.; Moll, D.; Knasmüller, S.; Ritzmann, M.; Adam, G.; Berthiller, F.
Event: 7th conference of The World Mycotoxin Forum WMF and 13th IUPAC International Symposiumon Mycotoxins and Phycotoxins WMFmeetsIUPAC 2012
Year: 2012 - Pentahydroxiscirpene - detection, isolation and structure elucidation of a new mycotoxin
Autoren: P. Fruhmann, C. Hametner, G. Wiesenberger, H. Mikula, E. Varga, R. Krska, G. Adam, M. Lemmens, F. Berthiller, J. Fröhlich
Event: 34th Mycotoxin Workshop 2012
Year: 2012 - Massspectrometry for detection of food allergens
Autoren: Ansari, P; Stoppacher, N; Krska, R; Schuhmacher, R; Baumgartner, S
Event: Österreichische Lebensmittelchemikertage GÖCH 2012-Haltbarkeit von Lebensmitteln
Year: 2012 - Entwicklung und Validierung einer LC-MS/MS basierenden Analysemethode zur Bestimmung von Deoxynivalenol, Deoxynivalenol-3-Glucosid und deren Metaboliten in Urin und Kot von Ratten
Autoren: Nagl, V; Schwartz, H; Krska, R; Moll, D; Knasmüller, S; Ritzmann, M; Adam,G; Berthiller, F
Event: 11. BOKU-Symposium Tierernährung 2012
Year: 2012 - Akkurate Bestimmung von Mykotoxinen in Mais mittels UHPLC-MS/MS und isotopenmarkierten internen Standards
Autoren: Varga, E., Glauner, T., Köppen, R., Mayer, K., Sulyok, M., Schuhmacher, R., Krska, R., Berthiller, F.
Event: ALVA Jahrestagung 2012 - Ernährung sichern, trotz begrenzter Ressourcen
Year: 2012 - Accurate quantification of regulated mycotoxins by UHPLC-MS/MS and screening for 200+ mycotoxins in food and feed
Autoren: Berthiller, F.; Varga, E.; Glauner, T.; Köppen, R.; Mayer, K.; Sulyok, M.; Schuhmacher, R.; Krska, R.
Event: Romer UK Seminar Mycotoxins 2012
Year: 2012 - In vivo 13C labelling for the study of metabolite profiles of different strains of Fusarium graminearum by LC/MS
Autoren: Kluger, B; Bueschl, C; Boedi, S; Strauss, J; Krska, R; Schuhmacher, R
Event: 8. ASAC JunganalytikerInnen Forum 2012
Year: 2012 - LC-HRMS/MS based approach for the screening of microbial iron-containing metabolites (siderophores)
Autoren: Sylvia M. Lehner, Nora K.N. Neumann, Lea Atanasova, Rudolf Krska, Marc Lemmens, Irina S. Druzhinina, Rainer Schuhmacher
Event: 8. ASAC JunganalytikerInnen Forum 2012
Year: 2012 - Functional characterization of Brachypodium distachyon UDP-glucosyltranferases and candidate deoxynivalenol detoxification genes from crop plants
Autoren: W. Schweiger, Maria P. Kovalsky Paris, G. Wiesenberger, F. Berthiller, R. Krska, P. Fruhmann, J. Fröhlich, G. Adam, J.A. Torres Acosta, S. Shin, G.J. Muehlbauer, M. Lemmens, T. Nussbaumer, Klaus F.X. Mayer
Event: 34th Mycotoxin Workshop 2012
Year: 2012 - GC-MS Based Metabolomics To Study Fusarium Head Blight
Autoren: Schöfbeck D., Neumann N., Kluger B., Lemmens M., Adam G., Wiesenberger G., Krska R., Schuhmacher R.
Event: 8. ASAC JunganalytikerInnen Forum 2012
Year: 2012 - HPLC-MS/MS: A potential reference method for the antibody-based detection of lupin allergens in food products
Autoren: Köstlbauer, K; Ansari, P; Krska, R; Baumgartner, S
Year: 2012 - Targeted screening and structure characterization of fungal non-ribosomal peptides (siderophores) using LC-HR-MS/MS on an LTQ Orbitrap XL
Autoren: Sylvia M. Lehner, Nora K.N. Neumann, Lea Atanasova, Rudolf Krska, Marc Lemmens, Irina S. Druzhinina, Rainer Schuhmacher
Event: 23rd Mass Spectrometric Discussion-Meeting MassSpec-Forum-Vienna 2012
Year: 2012 - Pentahydroxyscirpene - Detection, isolation, structure elucidation and toxicity assessment of a new Mycotoxin
Autoren: Varga, E., Fruhmann, P., Hametner, C., Wiesenberger, G., Mikula, H., Krska, R., Adam, G., Lemmens, M., Fröhlich, J., Berthiller, F.
Event: 8. ASAC JunganalytikerInnen Forum 2012
Year: 2012 - Development and validation of an LC-MS/MS based method for the determination of deoxynivalenol, deoxynivalenol-3-glucoside and their metabolites in urine and faeces of rats
Autoren: Nagl, V; Schwartz, H; Krska, R; Moll, D; Knasmüller, S; Ritzmann, M; Adam,G; Berthiller, F
Event: 34th Mycotoxin Workshop 2012
Year: 2012 - Metabolism of the masked mycotoxin deoxynivalenol-3-glucoside in rats
Autoren: Nagl, V.; Schwartz, H.; Krska, R.; Moll, D.; Knasmüller, S.; Ritzmann, M.; Adam, G.; Berthiller, F.
Event: 7th conference of The World Mycotoxin Forum WMF and 13th IUPAC International Symposiumon Mycotoxins and Phycotoxins WMFmeetsIUPAC 2012
Year: 2012 - Mass spectrometry for detection of food allergens
Autoren: Ansari, P; Stoppacher, N; Krska, R; Schuhmacher, R; Baumgartner, S
Event: Österreichische Lebensmittelchemikertage GÖCH 2012-Haltbarkeit von Lebensmitteln
Year: 2012 - Searching for potential marker peptides for the detection of lupin allergens via HPLC-MS/MS
Autoren: Köstlbauer, K; Ansari, P; Krska, R; Baumgartner, S
Event: 7th Workshop on Food Allergen Methodologies 2012
Year: 2012 - From target analytics to untargeted metabolomics: Yes we try!
Autoren: Schuhmacher, R; Weingart, G; Schödl, K; Griesser, M; Lawo, A; Forneck, A; Kluger,B; Neumann, N; Varmuza, K; Krska, R
Event: 65. ASAC Hauptversammlung 2012
Year: 2012 - Application of a Multi-Biomarker LC-MS/MS Method for Mycotoxin Exposure Assessment
Autoren: Warth, B; Sulyok, M; Abia, W; Sarkanj, B; Fruhmann, P; Mikula, H; Berthiller, F; Schuhmacher, R; Hametner, C; Fröhlich, J; Krska, R
Event: MycoRed North America 2012
Year: 2012 - Survey of fungal metabolites in 90 maize samples from four agro-ecological zones in Malawi by LC-MS/MS
Autoren: Limbikani Matumba, Michael Sulyok, Timothy Biswick, Maurice Monjerezi, Jonathan Mwatseteza, Rudolf Krska
Event: 34th Mycotoxin Workshop 2012
Autoren: G. Adam, C. Bueschl, R. Krska, M. Lemmens, B. Kluger, R. Schuhmacher
Event: National Fusarium Head Blight Forum 2012
Year: 2012 - Study of the metabolome of the biocontrol fungus Trichoderma
Autoren: Schuhmacher, R;
Event: IOBC Workshop - Biocontrol of plant pathogens in sustainable agriculture
Year: 2012 - Mass spectrometry based metabolomics for the study of Fusarium head blight
Autoren: Schuhmacher, R;
Event: 13th Annual Symposium FERA JIFSAN 2012 - New developments in food science: realising the potential of 'omics' technologies
Year: 2012 - Metabolomics in mycotoxin research: its future and its limitations
Autoren: Rudolf Krska
Event: Biotoxins Knowledge Network Annual Conference & Technical Workshop 2012
Year: 2012 - Development and validation of an LC-MS/MS based method for the determination of deoxynivalenol and its conjugates in different types of beer and application to 374 beer samples
Autoren: Varga, E., Malachova, A., Schwartz, H., Krska R., Berthiller, F.
Event: 7th conference of The World Mycotoxin Forum WMF and 13th IUPAC International Symposiumon Mycotoxins and Phycotoxins WMFmeetsIUPAC 2012
Year: 2012 - Multi-Mycotoxin Quantification by LC-MS/MS
Autoren: Berthiller, F.; Varga, E.; Glauner, T.; Köppen, R.; Mayer, K.; Sulyok, M.; Schuhmacher, R.; Krska, R.
Event: IFSH Symposium Mycotoxins 2012
Year: 2012 - Towards a metabolomics platform for the study of (a)biotic stress in grapevine 2012
Autoren: Schuhmacher, R; Weingart, G; Schödl, K; Lawo, N; Forneck, A; Kluger,B; Neumann, N; Varmuza, K; Krska, R
Event: 4th Grape Research Coordination Network Conference Corvallis Annual Grape Research RCN Meeting 2012
Year: 2012 - Advanced analytical tools for multi-analyte determination of mycotoxins and related biomarkers
Autoren: Warth, B; Sulyok, M; Abia, W; Fruhmann, P; Mikula, H; Berthiller, F; Schuhmacher, R; Hametner, C; Fröhlich, J; Krska, R
Event: 7th conference of The World Mycotoxin Forum WMF and 13th IUPAC International Symposiumon Mycotoxins and Phycotoxins WMFmeetsIUPAC 2012
Year: 2012 - Development and application of a rapid multi-biomarker LC-MS/MS method for human mycotoxin exposure assessment
Autoren: R. Krska, M. Sulyok, F. Berthiller, R. Schuhmacher, B. Warth, H. Mikula, C. Hametner, J. Fröhlich, G. Adam, W.A. Abia, P. Fruhmann
Event: 34th Mycotoxin Workshop 2012
Year: 2012 - Enzymatic hydrolysis of fumonisin B1 in vivo
Autoren: Schwartz, H.; Hartinger, D.; Nagl, V.; Slavik, V.; Bichl, G.; Greitbauer, O.; Krska, R.; Schatzmayr, G.; Berthiller, F.; Moll, W.-D.
Event: 34th Mycotoxin Workshop 2012
Year: 2012 - Untargeted Metabolomics: Wenn das Finden zum Problem wird
Autoren: R. Schuhmacher, C. Büschl, M. Doppler, B. Kluger, S. Lehner, N. Neumann, A. Parich, D. Schöfbeck, A. Simader, G. Adam, M. Lemmens, R. Krska
Event: Herbsttagung des Vereins Österreichischer Lebensmittel- und Biotechnologen VÖLB in Kooperation mit der Österreichischen Gesellschaft für Analytische Chemie ASAC 2012 - Wer suchet, der findet. Chancen, Grenzen und Transdisziplinarität der modernen Spurenanalytik
Autoren: Maria P. Kovalsky Paris, W. Schweiger, S. Shin, G.J. Muehlbauer, C. Hametner, R. Krska, F. Berthiller, G. Adam
Event: National Fusarium Head Blight Forum 2012
Year: 2012 - Mycotoxin contamination in Tanzania: Quantifying the problem in households and markets
Autoren: Fen Beed, Simon Boniface, Thomas Dubois, Michael Sulyok, Ranajit Bandyopadhay, Rudolf Krska
Event: 7th conference of The World Mycotoxin Forum WMF and 13th IUPAC International Symposiumon Mycotoxins and Phycotoxins WMFmeetsIUPAC 2012
Year: 2012 - Validation data for a multi-mycotoxin method for four different matrices
Autoren: Michael Sulyok, Alexandra Malachova, Eduardo Beltran and Rudolf Krskaa
Event: 7th conference of The World Mycotoxin Forum WMF and 13th IUPAC International Symposiumon Mycotoxins and Phycotoxins WMFmeetsIUPAC 2012
Year: 2012 - Biomarkers for in vivo enzymatic hydrolysis of fumonisin B1
Autoren: Schwartz, H.; Hartinger, D.; Nagl, V.; Slavik, V.; Bichl, G.; Greitbauer, O.; Krska, R.; Schatzmayr, G.; Berthiller, F.; Moll, W.-D.
Event: 7th conference of The World Mycotoxin Forum WMF and 13th IUPAC International Symposiumon Mycotoxins and Phycotoxins WMFmeetsIUPAC 2012
Year: 2011 - An Intervention Study In Moisture Damaged Homes – preliminary results before renovation
Autoren: Anne Hyvärinen, Martin Täubel, Michael Sulyok, Vinay Vishwanath, Mari Turunen, Kati Järvi, Riitta-Liisa Patovirta, Tomi-Pekka Tuomainen, Juhani Pirinen, Rudolf Krska, Juha Pekkanen and Aino Nevalainen
Event: Indoor Air Conference 2011
Year: 2011 - New insights into multi-mycotoxin analysis by LC-MS/MS
Autoren: Sulyok, M., Vishwanath, V., Warth, B., Krska, R.
Event: 33rd Mycotoxin Workshop 2011
Year: 2011 - Natural toxins in plants and foods: From target analysis towards metabolomics (Poster)
Autoren: Krska, R, Berthiller, F, Sulyok, M, Schuhmacher, R
Event: 5th International Symposium on Recent Advances iin Food Analysis RAFA 2011
Year: 2011 - Validierung einer LC-MS/MS Multi-Methode zur Bestimmung von Mykotoxinen in Rosinen und Nüssen
Autoren: Varga, E., Sulyok, M., Schuhmacher, R., Krska, R.
Event: ALVA Jahrestagung 2011 - Landwirtschaft, Lebensmittel und Veterinärmedizin - Zukunft der Forschung in Österreich
Year: 2011 - Estimation of levels of exposure to chemical contaminants in foods
Autoren: Krska, R, 2011
Event: 14th Austrian Chemistry Days 2011
Year: 2011 - UHPLC-MS/MS based method for the determination of 200+ metabolites in cereals
Autoren: Varga, E., Glauner, T., Berthiller, F., Krska, R., Schuhmacher, R., Sulyok, M.
Event: ANAKON 2011
Year: 2011 - Validation of an UHPLC-MS/MS method using stable isotope dilution for the determination of mycotoxins regulated in European Union (Poster)
Autoren: Varga, E, Glauner, T, Mayer, K, Sulyok, M, Schuhmacher, R, Krska, R, Berthiller, F
Event: 5th International Symposium on Recent Advances iin Food Analysis RAFA 2011
Year: 2011 - What´s underneath the tip of the iceberg? – Mycotoxins beyond the regulations
Autoren: Michael Sulyok, Vinay Vishwanath, Benedikt Warth, Rudolf Krska
Event: MycoRed Africa Conference 2011
Year: 2011 - HPLC-MS/MS determination of 200+ mycotoxins in food and accurate quantification of regulated mycotoxins using isotope labelled internal standards
Autoren: Berthiller, F., Varga, E., Sulyok, M., Glauner, T., Krska, R., Schuhmacher, R
Event: 6th CRL/NRL Workshop on Mycotoxins 2011
Autoren: Martin Täubel, Michael Sulyok, Mirko Peitzsch, Vinay Vishvanath, Erica Bloom, José Jacobs, Alicia Borras, Esmeralda Krop, Asko Vepsäläinen, Jan-Paul Zock, Anne Hyvärinen, Dick Heederik, Rudolf Krska, Lennart Larsson, and Aino Nevalainen,
Event: Organic Dust Tromso Symposium 2011
Year: 2011 - Mitigation of (masked) mycotoxins
Autoren: Berthiller, F., Schuhmacher, R., Adam, G., Krska, R
Event: ILSI Europe 2011 Annual Symposium
Year: 2011 - Schimmelpilze und ihre Gifte in Innenräumen
Autoren: Michael Sulyok, Vinay Vishwanath, Rudolf Krska
Event: Themenlounge Zukunftstaugliche Systeme für die Komfortlüftung 2011
Year: 2011 - Evaluation of Selected Fumonisin Biomarkers in Biological Samples
Autoren: Schöner, I; Grenier, B; Slavik, V; Greitbauer, O; Krska, R; Schatzmayr, G; Berthiller, F; Oswald, I.P; Moll, W.-D; Schwartz, H
Event: 7. ASAC JunganalytikerInnen Forum 2011
Year: 2011 - Determination of fumonisin B1 and its hydrolysis products in tissue samples of piglets
Autoren: Schöner, I; Grenier, B; Krska, R; Schatzmayr, G; Berthiller, F; Oswald, I.P; Moll, W.-D; Schwartz, H
Event: ANAKON 2011
Year: 2011 - Biomarkers of exposure to deoxynivalenol and zearalenone: Method development and its application to human urine samples
Autoren: Warth, B., Sulyok, M., Fruhmann, P., Mikula, H., Berthiller, F., Schuhmacher, R., Hametner, C., Fröhlich, J., Krska, R.
Event: 33rd Mycotoxin Workshop 2011
Year: 2011 - Production of partially hydrolyzed fumonisinsB1as standards for determination of fumonisinbiomarkers in biological samples
Autoren: Schöner, I; Greitbauer, O; Hametner, C; Moll, W.-D; Krska, R; Berthiller, F; Schwartz, H
Event: 33rd Mycotoxin Workshop 2011
Year: 2011 - Bedeutung, Bildung und Nachweis maskierter Mykotoxine.
Autoren: Berthiller F, Krska R
Event: 10. BOKU-Symposium Tierernährung 2011
Year: 2011 - Assessment of Exposure to the Fusarium Toxin Deoxynivalenol: A Biomarker Approach
Autoren: B. Warth, M. Sulyok, P. Fruhmann, H. Mikula, F. Berthiller, R. Schuhmacher, C. Hametner, J. Fröhlich, R. Krska
Event: 7. ASAC JunganalytikerInnen Forum 2011
Year: 2011 - Metabolomics of the wheat pathogenic fungus Fusarium graminearum by in vivo stable isotopic labelling and LC/MS
Autoren: Schuhmacher, R., Bueschl, C., Kluger, B., Berhiller, F., Labuda, R., Haeubl, G., Lirk, G., Winkler, S., Krska, R.
Event: Food Metabolomics 2011
Year: 2011 - The Fusarium metabolites beta-zearalenol and zearalenone inhibit Hsp90 ATPase: mechanisms of self resistance in in Fusarium graminearum
Autoren: Torres Acosta, J.A., Berthiller, F., Kmiecik, P., Mitterbauer, R., Michlmayr, H., Schöfbeck, D., Shams, M., Krska, R., Wiesenberger,G., Adam, G.
Event: Fusarium Workshop 2011
Year: 2011 - Mechanisms of self resistance to zearalenone in Fusarium graminearum
Autoren: Adam, G., Torres Acosta, J. A.,Berthiller, F., Wiesenberger, G., Mitterbauer, R., Krska, R.
Event: 26th Fungal Genetics Conference 2011
Year: 2011 - Purification and characterization of radicicol from fungal strains and development of a LC-MS/MS method for quantification of radicicol and its conjugates
Autoren: Shams, M., Berthiller, F., Schweiger, W., Torres Acosta, J. A., Warth, B., Sulyok, M., Schuhmacher, R., Hametner, C., Krska, R., Adam, G.
Event: 33rd Mycotoxin Workshop 2011
Year: 2011 - Metabolic profiling of iron-containing metabolites secreted by Trichoderma using LC-HR-MS/MS
Autoren: Lehner S.M., Neumann N.K.N., Atanasova L., Krska R., Lemmens M., Druzhinina I., Schuhmacher R.
Event: Metabomeeting 2011
Year: 2011 - Towards the Quantification of the Volatile Metabolome of Fusarium graminearum PH-1 using HS SPME GC-MS
Autoren: Schöfbeck D., Fiebrich A., Wiesenberger G., Adam G., Krska R., Schuhmacher R.
Event: Metabomeeting 2011
Year: 2011 - Modern LC-MS/MS methods for the quantification of mycotoxins: The importance of proper validation
Autoren: Krska, R
Event: ISM Conference 2011
Year: 2011 - Modern LC-MS/MS methods for the quantification of mycotoxins: The importance of proper validation (Poster)
Autoren: Krska, R, Sulyok, M, Berthiller, F, Warth, B, Schuhmacher, R
Event: ISM Conference 2011
Year: 2011 - HPLC-MS/MS determination of 200+ mycotoxins in food and accurate quantification of regulated mycotoxins using isotope labelled internal standards
Autoren: Berthiller, F., Varga, E., Sulyok, M., Glauner, T., Krska, R., Schuhmacher, R
Event: Romer Labs Mycotoxin Days 2011
Year: 2011 - Stable Isotope Dilution Assay for the Determination of Mycotoxins regulated in the European Union by UHPLC-MS/MS
Autoren: Varga, E., Glauner, T., Mayer, K., Sulyok, M., Schuhmacher, R., Krska, R., Berthiller, F.
Event: 7. ASAC JunganalytikerInnen Forum 2011
Year: 2011 - Towards the Quantification of the Volatile Metabolome of Fusarium graminearum PH-1 using HS SPME GC-MS [Poster]
Autoren: Schöfbeck, D; Fiebrich, A; Wiesenberger, G; Adam, G; Krska, R; Schuhmacher, R;
Event: Metabomeeting 2011
Year: 2011 - Validation of an LC-MS/MS based method for multi-mycotoxin analysis in nuts
Autoren: Varga, E., Sulyok, M., Schuhmacher R., Krska, R.
Event: ALVA Jahrestagung 2011 - Landwirtschaft, Lebensmittel und Veterinärmedizin - Zukunft der Forschung in Österreich
Year: 2011 - A metabolomics workflow for the automated assignment of fungal metabolites by in vivo stable isotope labelling and LC/MS analysis [Poster]
Autoren: Schuhmacher, R; Büschl, C; Kluger, B; Berthiller, F; Labuda, R; Häubl, G; Lirk, G; Winkler, S; Krska, R;
Event: Metabomeeting 2011
Year: 2011 - MET-EXTRACT: A powerful software tool for the automated data analysis of LC/MS data derived from in vivo isotopically labelled organisms
Autoren: Bueschl, C., Schuhmacher, R.
Event: Food Metabolomics 2011
Year: 2011 - Assessment of exposure to the fusarium toxin deoxynivalenol: A biomarker approach (Poster)
Autoren: Warth, B, Sulyok, M, Fruhmann, P, Berthiller, F, Schuhmacher, R, Hametner, C, Fröhlich, J, Krska, R
Event: 5th International Symposium on Recent Advances iin Food Analysis RAFA 2011
Year: 2011 - Mycotoxins and fusarium species associated with oat (Avena sativa l.) in southwestern Ontario, Canada (Poster)
Autoren: Susca, A, Tamburic-Ilincic, L, Schaafsma, A, Mulè, G, Logrieco, A, Stea, G, Sulyok, M, Krska, R, Moretti, A
Event: ISM Conference 2011
Year: 2011 - Natural toxins in plants and foods: from target analysis towards metabolomics
Autoren: Krska, R
Event: 5th International Symposium on Recent Advances iin Food Analysis RAFA 2011
Year: 2011 - UHPLC-MS/MS based method for the determination of mycotoxins regulated in the European Union using 13C-isotope labelled standards
Autoren: Varga, E., Glauner, T., Mayer, K., Sulyok, M., Schuhmacher, R., Krska, R., Berthiller, F.
Event: 33rd Mycotoxin Workshop 2011
Year: 2011 - Analysis of mycotoxins regulated in Europe using stable isotope labeled internal standards and new triggered MRM acquisition in LC-MS/MS
Autoren: Glauner, T., Varga, E., Mayer, K., Sulyok, M., Schuhmacher, R., Krska, R., Berthiller, F.
Event: Conference of the American Society for Mass Spectrometry ASMS on Mass Spectrometry and Allied Topics 2011
Year: 2011 - Quantification of deoxynivalenol glucuronide in human urine as a biomarker of exposure to deoxynivalenol
Autoren: Warth, B., Sulyok, M., Berthiller, F., Schuhmacher, R., Fruhmann, P., Hametner, C., Fröhlich, J., Krska, R.
Event: Gordon Research Conference on Mycotoxins and Phycotoxins 2011
Year: 2011 - Use of in-vivo13C stable isotopic labelling for the study of metabolite profiles of epigenetically different strains of Fusarium graminearum by LC/MS [Poster]
Autoren: Kluger, B; Bödi, S; Büschl, C; Sulyok, M; Krska, R; Strauss, J; Schuhmacher, R;
Event: Metabomeeting 2011
Year: 2011 - Production of auxin from tryptamine: a role in virulence of Fusarium graminearum?
Autoren: Bartholomäus, A., Wiesenberger, G., Krska, R., Adam, G., Berthiller, F.
Event: 33rd Mycotoxin Workshop 2011
Year: 2011 - Stable Isotope Dilution Assay for the Determination of Mycotoxins regulated in the European Union by UHPLC-MS/MS
Autoren: Varga, E., Glauner, T., Mayer, K., Sulyok, M., Schuhmacher, R., Krska, R., Berthiller, F.
Event: International Symposium Mass Spectrometry in Food and Feed 2011
Year: 2011 - Bedeutung, Bildung und Nachweis maskierter Toxine
Autoren: Krska, R., Berthiller, F., Sulyok, M., Warth, B., Schuhmacher, R
Event: 10. BOKU-Symposium Tierernährung 2011
Year: 2011 - Development of an integrated workflow for the data handling for GC/MS and LC/MS(MS) metabolomics [Poster]
Autoren: Neumann, N; Büschl, C; Kluger, B; Lehner, S; Schöfbeck, D; Weingart, G; Krska, R; Schuhmacher, R;
Event: Metabomeeting 2011
Year: 2011 - Ein Beitrag zur Entwicklung eines neuartigen biologischen Futtermitteladditivs zum Zearalenon-Abbau: Isolierung, Strukturcharakterisierung und Quantifizierung von Biotransformationsprodukten
Autoren: Vekiru, E., Hametner, C., Mitterbauer, R., Rechthaler, J., Adam, G., Schatzmayr, G., Krska, R., Schuhmacher, R.
Event: ALVA Jahrestagung 2011 - Landwirtschaft, Lebensmittel und Veterinärmedizin - Zukunft der Forschung in Österreich
Year: 2010 - Isolation and characterization of a novel non-toxic metabolite of the Fusarium mycotoxin diacetoxyscirpenol
Autoren: M. Shams, R. Mitterbauer, R. Corradini, G. Adam, R. Krska, R. Schuhmacher, F. Berthiller
Event: 32nd Mycotoxin Workshop 2010
Year: 2010 - Metabolic Profiling of Volatiles of Fusarium graminearum by GC-MS
Autoren: Schöfbeck D., Wiesenberger G., Adam G., Krska R., Schuhmacher R.
Event: 13th MOLD-Meeting 2010
Year: 2010 - Concurrent UHPLC-MS/MS determination of 200+ mycotoxins in food and accurate quantificaton of regulated mycotoxins using isotope labelled internal standards
Autoren: Berthiller, F., Varga, E., Mayer, K., Köppen, R., Glauner, T., Krska, R., Schuhmacher, R., Sulyok M
Event: World Mycotoxin Forum 2010
Year: 2010 - An intervention study in moisture damaged homes – preliminary results
Autoren: Anne Hyvärinen, Martin Täubel, Michael Sulyok, Vinay Vishwanath, Mari Turunen, Riitta-Liisa Patovirta, Tomi-Pekka Tuomainen, Juhani Pirinen, Juha Pekkanen, Aino Nevalainen
Event: ERS (European Respiratory Society) Annual Congress
Year: 2010 - The Fusarium toxins beta-zearalenol and zearalenone inhibit Hsp90 ATPase activity and are inactivated by glucosylation and sulfatation.
Autoren: Torres Acosta JA, Berthiller F, Wiesenberger G, Mitterbauer R, Werner U, Merz D, Hauser M-T, Shams M, Krska R, Adam G
Event: 32nd Mycotoxin Workshop 2010
Year: 2010 - Identification strategy of fungal and bacterial secondary metabolites using accurate mass measurements
Autoren: Lehner S., Parich A., Antlinger B., Frühauf S., Koutnik A., Neureiter M., Krska R., Schuhmacher R., Lemmens M.
Event: 4th Central and Eastern European Proteomics Conference meets International Metabolomics Austria 2010
Year: 2010 - Mode of action of the Fusarium Mxcotoxin zearalenone in plants: Inhibition of HSP90
Autoren: J. A. Torres Accosta, F. Berthiller, G. Wiesenberger, R. Mitterbauer, U. Werner, M.-T. Hauser, M. Shams, R. Krska, G. Adam
Event: 11th European Fusarium Seminar 2010 - Fusarium: Mycotoxins, Taxonomy, Pathogenicity and Host Resistance
Year: 2010 - Occurence of bacterial and fungal metabolites in schools and residential homes.
Autoren: Martin Täubel, Michael Sulyok, Mirko Peitzsch,Vinay Vishvanath, Erica Bloom, Mari Turunen Kati Järvi,a Eeva Kauhanen, Rudolf Krska, Anne Hyvärinen, Lennart Larsson, and Aino Nevalainen,
Event: Nordic Indoor Air Update
Year: 2010 - GC-MS based metabolomics of volatile metabolites produced by leaves of Vitis vinifera
Autoren: G.J.F. Weingart, K.Schoedl, R. Krska, A. Forneck, R. Schuhmacher
Event: 4th Central and Eastern European Proteomics Conference meets International Metabolomics Austria 2010
Year: 2010 - Towards the establishment of an MS(/MS) based metabolomics plattform for the study of plant-microbe interactions
Autoren: R. Schuhmacher, F. Berthiller, B. Kluger, K. Köstelbauer, S.M. Lehner, A. Parich, D. Schöfbeck, N. Stoppbacher, G.J.F. Weingart, R. Krska
Event: 4th Central and Eastern European Proteomics Conference meets International Metabolomics Austria 2010
Year: 2010 - UHPLC-MS/MS based method for multi-mycotoxin analysis in nuts
Autoren: Varga, E., Glauner, T., Krska, R., Berthiller, F., Schuhmacher, R., Sulyok, M.
Event: World Mycotoxin Forum 2010
Autoren: Michael Sulyok, Vinay Vishwanath, Rudolf Krska, Rainer Schuhmacher
Event: 6th Latinamerican Congress of Mycotoxins 2010
Year: 2010 - Use of LC-MS in the identification process of new plant protectants against Fusarium graminearum
Autoren: Lehner S.M., Parich A., Antlinger B., Frühauf S., Koutnik A., Neureiter M., Krska R., Schuhmacher R., Lemmens M.
Event: 28th Informal Meeting on Mass Spectrometry 2010
Year: 2010 - Determination of fumonisins and their hydrolysis products in pigs – part 1: tissue samples
Autoren: Schöner, I; Grenier, B; Krska, R; Schatzmayr, G; Oswald, I.P; Moll, W.-D; Schwartz, H
Event: 13th MOLD-Meeting 2010
Year: 2010 - Identifying grapevine leaf metabolites with GC-MS - just a routine application?
Autoren: G.J.F. Weingart, R. Krska, A. Forneck, R. Schuhmacher
Event: MassSpec-Forum 2010
Year: 2010 - The Fusarium xenoestrogens β-zearalenol and zearalenone inhibit Hsp90 ATPase activity and are inactivated in planta by formation of glucose- and sulphate-conjugates
Autoren: J.A. Torres Acosta, F.Berthiller, P. Kmiecik, R. Mitterbauer, M. Shams, R. Krska, G. Wiesenberger, G.Adam,
Event: 2nd ÖGMBT Annual Meeting 2010
Year: 2010 - Determination of Mycotoxin Biomarkers in Human Urine as a Tool for the Estimation of Fusarium Toxin Contamination in Food
Autoren: Warth, B., Berthiller, F., Schuhmacher, R., Gilbert, J., Krska, R. & Sulyok, M.
Event: BerlinFOOD 2010
Year: 2010 - Validation and application of an LC-MS/MS based multi-target method for the determination of mycotoxins in nuts and dried grapes
Autoren: Varga, E., Sulyok, M., Schuhmacher, R., Krska R
Event: 6. ASAC JunganalytikerInnen Forum 2010
Year: 2010 - Evaluation of the accuracy of mass and isotopologue ratio measurements using an LTQ Orbitrap XL mass spectrometer in full scan mode
Autoren: Lehner S.M., Lemmens M., Krska R., Schuhmacher R.
Event: Metabolomics & More The impact of metabolomics on the life sciences
Year: 2010 - Hyphenated technologies for occupational hazard assessment - Microbes friends and foes.
Autoren: Vinay Vishwanath., Michael Sulyok., Stefan Mayer., Rudolf Krska
Event: 32nd Mycotoxin Workshop 2010
Year: 2010 - Application of LC-MS/MS and GC-MS technologies for detection of active fungal growth indoors influencing air quality
Autoren: Vishwanath, V., Sulyok, M., Weingart, G., Krska, R.
Event: 13th MOLD-Meeting 2010
Year: 2010 - Glucuronide Conjugates of Deoxynivalenol and Zearalenone in Human Urine: A Novel LC-MS/MS Approach
Autoren: Warth B, Fruhmann P, Mikula H, Berthiller F, Schuhmacher R, Gilbert J, Hametner C, Sulyok M, Fröhlich J, Krska R
Event: 32nd Mycotoxin Workshop 2010
Year: 2010 - Monitoring of metabolite production by indoor microbial isolates using liquid and gas chromatography coupled to mass spectrometry
Autoren: Vinay Vishwanath., Michael Sulyok., Georg Weingart., Bernhard Kluger., Beata Gutarowska., Roman Labuda., Rudolf Krska
Event: 58th ASMS Conference on Mass Spectrometry 2010
Year: 2010 - The Fusarium toxis β-zearalenol and zearalenone inhibit Hsp90 ATPase activity and are inactivated by glucosylation and sulfatation.
Autoren: J.A. Torres Acosta, F. Berthiller, G. Wiesenberger, R. Mitterbauer, U. Werner, D. Merz, M.-T. Hauser, M. Shams, R. Krska, G.Adam
Event: 32nd Mycotoxin Workshop 2010
Year: 2010 - LC-MS Technique in Mycotoxin Research
Autoren: Berthiller, F., Sulyok, M., Schuhmacher, R., Krska R
Event: 5th International Conference on Safety & Quality of Raw Materials and Foodstuffs 2010
Year: 2010 - Screening for peptaibiotics in commercially available Trichoderma biocontrol products by LC-MS/MS
Autoren: Stoppacher, N., Zeilinger, S., Krska, R., Schuhmacher, R.
Event: IOBC/WPRS Working Group Biological control of fungal and bacterial plant pathogens 2010 - Climate change: challange or threat to biocontrol
Year: 2010 - The issue of masked mycotoxins and other altered forms of mycotoxins
Autoren: Krska, R; Berthiller, F
Event: World Nutrition Forum 2010
Year: 2010 - Suche nach neuen natürlichen Substanzen gegen Fusarium graminearum (Finding novel natural compounds against Fusarium graminearum)
Autoren: Lehner S.M., Parich A., Koutnik A., Krska R., Lemmens M., Schuhmacher R.
Event: 13th MOLD-Meeting 2010
Year: 2010 - Hot Topics in der Mykotoxinanalyse
Autoren: F. Berthiller, M. Sulyok, R. Schuhmacher, R. Krska
Event: Forum Analytik 2010
Year: 2010 - Mode of action of the Fusarium myctoxin zearalenone in plants: inhibition of HSP90.
Autoren: Torres Acosta JA, Berthiller F, Wiesenberger G, Mitterbauer R, Werner U, Hauser M-T, Shams M, Krska R, Adam G
Event: 11th European Fusarium Seminar 2010 - Fusarium: Mycotoxins, Taxonomy, Pathogenicity and Host Resistance
Year: 2010 - Volatile secondary metabolites of the biocontrol fungus Trichoderma atroviride: Profiling by HS-SPME-GC-MS
Autoren: Stoppacher, N.; Kluger, B.; Zeilinger, S.; Krska, R.; Schuhmacher, R.
Event: XIth Meeting of the IOBC/WRPS Working Group “Phytopathogens,
Year: 2010 - Metabolic Profiling of Volatiles of Fusarium graminearum PH1-Wildtype and Δtri5 Mutant
Autoren: Schöfbeck D., Adam G.,Wiesenberger G., Kluger B., Krska R., Schuhmacher R.
Event: International Metabolomics Austria 2010
Year: 2010 - Profiling of Volatiles of Wheat Ears Using Headspace SPME-GC-MS
Autoren: Schöfbeck D., Weingart G., Lemmens M., Krska R., Schuhmacher R.
Event: Metabolomics and more
Year: 2010 - Hot Topics in der Mykotoxinanalyse
Autoren: Berthiller, F; Sulyok, M; Schuhmacher, R; Krska, R
Event: Forum Analytik 2010
Year: 2010 - Identification of Fusarium metabolites by a LC-HR-MS Metabolomics approach using stable isotope labeling
Autoren: Berthiller, F., Häubl, G., Adam, G., Krska, R., Schuhmacher R.
Event: 6th Latinamerican Congress of Mycotoxins 2010
Year: 2010 - Finding of Stress Related Metabolites in Vitis Vinifera by GC-MS
Autoren: Weingart, Georg J.F., Schoedl, Katharina, Krska, Rudolf, Schuhmacher, Rainer, Forneck, Astrid
Event: 28th Informal Meeting on Mass Spectrometry 2010
Year: 2010 - LC-MS Technique in Mycotoxin Research
Autoren: Berthiller, F; Sulyok, M; Schuhmacher, R; Krska, R
Event: 5th International Conference on Safety & Quality of Raw Materials and Foodstuffs 2010
Year: 2009 - Analysis of Masked Mycotoxins
Autoren: Berthiller, F., Schuhmacher, R., Adam, G., Krska R
Event: 123rd AOAC Meeting 2009
Year: 2009 - Significance of masked Fusarium mycotoxins
Autoren: Berthiller, F., Adam, G., Schuhmacher, R., Krska R
Event: Conference Internation Society for Mycotoxicology ISM 2009
Year: 2009 - Analysis of Masked Mycotoxins.
Autoren: Berthiller, F; Schuhmacher, R; Adam, G; Krska, R
Event: 123rd AOAC Meeting 2009
Year: 2009 - Towards the establishment of ZON reporters in plants
Autoren: Merz D, Werner U, Berthiller F, Neubert S, Krska R, Adam G, Hauser M-T,
Event: Conference Internation Society for Mycotoxicology ISM 2009
Year: 2009 - Occurence of toxic bacterial and fungal metabolites on mold damaged building materials
Autoren: M. Sulyok, M. Täubel, V. Vishvanath, M. Peitzsch, E. Kauhanen, R. Krska, L. Larsson, and A. Nevalainen
Event: Healthy Buildings 2009
Year: 2009 - Mycotoxins in the indoor environment
Autoren: Sulyok, M., Vishwanath, V., Krska, R.
Event: 31st Mycotoxin Workshop 2009
Year: 2009 - Validation of an HPLC-MS/MS based multi-analyte method for the determination of fungal and bacterial metabolites in indoor samples.
Autoren: Vinay Vishwanath.,Michael Sulyok.,Rudolf Krska
Event: 31st Mycotoxin Workshop 2009
Year: 2009 - Premliminary Study for the Identification of Stress Induced Volatiles of Vitis Vinifera Leaves - Analytical Method Development and Evaluation
Autoren: Weingart, Georg J.F., Schuhmacher, Rainer, Krska, Rudolf, Forneck, Astrid
Event: 27th Informal Meeting on Mass Spectrometry 2009
Year: 2009 - Metabolic engineering of beta-zearalenol-4-O-glucoside production in the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae
Autoren: M. Siller, M. Peruci, A. Czifersky, C. Erhart, F. Berthiller, M. Shams, R. Schuhmacher, R. Krska, G. Adam
Event: Conference Internation Society for Mycotoxicology ISM 2009
Autoren: Michael Sulyok, Rudolf Krska, Rainer Schuhmacher
Year: 2009 - A Bottom Up Metabolic Profiling Approach for the Detection of Potential Stress Markers in Pinot Noir Grapevine Leaves
Autoren: Weingart, Georg J.F., Schuhmacher, R., Krska, R., Forneck, A.
Event: Euroanalysis 2009
Year: 2009 - Peptaibiomics by LC-MS/MS: Analytical workfIow and application to the biocontrol fungus Trichoderma
Autoren: Schuhmacher, R., Stoppacher, N., Schubert, P., Viterbo, A., Chet, I., Zeilinger, S., Omann, M. and Krska, R.
Event: 18th International Mass Spectrometry Conference 2009
Year: 2009 - Entwicklung einer LC-MS/MS Referenzmethode zum Nachweis von versteckten Milchallergenen in Lebensmitteln
Autoren: Stoppacher, N; Ansari, P; Schuhmacher, R; Krska, R; Baumgartner, S
Event: 5. ASAC JunganalytikerInnen Forum 2009
Year: 2009 - A target for the Fusarium mycotoxin zearalenone in plants: inhibition of HSP90 ATPase.
Autoren: J.A. Torrs-Acosta, F. Berthiller, G. Wiesenberger, R. Mitterbauer, U. Werner, M-T. Hauser, M. Shams, R. Krska, G. Adam
Event: Conference Internation Society for Mycotoxicology ISM 2009
Year: 2009 - Significance of masked Fusarium mycotoxins.
Autoren: Berthiller, F; Adam, G; Schuhmacher, R; Krska, R
Event: Conference Internation Society for Mycotoxicology ISM 2009
Year: 2009 - A New Approach to Identify Metabolites in Culture Broths of Microorganisms that Exhibit Activity against Fusarium graminearum
Autoren: S.M. Lehner, A. Parich, M. Sulyok, R. Schuhmacher, B. Antlinger, S. Frühauf, M. Neureiter, A. Koutnik, R. Krska, M. Lemmens
Event: Metabomeeting 2009
Year: 2009 - A Bioassay Guided Approach to Identify Metabolites in Culture Filtrates of Microorganisms that Exhibit Activity against Fusarium graminearum
Autoren: S.M. Lehner, A. Parich, R. Schuhmacher, B. Antlinger, S. Frühauf, M. Neureiter, A. Koutnik, R. Krska, M. Lemmens
Event: Euroanalysis 2009
Year: 2009 - Formation of the Biomarker Zearalenone-4-O-Glucuronide by Human UDP-Glucuronosyltransferases and Engineered Yeast
Autoren: W. Schweiger, F. Berthiller, W. Bicker, R. Schuhmacher, R. Krska, H. Mikula, C. Hametner and G. Adam
Event: National Fusarium Head Blight Forum 2009
Year: 2009 - Analytik von Mykotoxinen in Lebens- und Futtermitteln: Moderne Methoden und aktuelle Entwicklungen
Autoren: Schuhmacher, R.; Sulyok, M.; Berthiller, F.; Krska, R.
Event: Fachtagung der SGLUC 2009
Year: 2009 - Phase II detoxification of the Fusarium mycotoxins deoxynivalenol and zearalenone by human UDP-glucuronosyltransferases in vitro and in genetically engineered yeast.
Autoren: W. Schweiger, F. Berthiller, W. Bicker, R. Schuhmacher, R. Krska, P. Fruhmann, H. Mikula, C. Hametner, J. Fröhlich, G. Adam
Event: Conference Internation Society for Mycotoxicology ISM 2009
Year: 2009 - A versatile HPLC-MS/MS method for the screening/detection of fungal and bacterial toxins in matrices of public health concern.
Autoren: Vinay Vishwanath., Michael Sulyok., Rudolf Krska
Event: Conference Internation Society for Mycotoxicology ISM 2009
Year: 2009 - A Bottom Up Metabolic Profiling Approach for the Detection of Potential Stress Markers in Pinot Noir Grapevine Leaves
Autoren: Weingart, Georg J.F., Schuhmacher, R., Krska, R., Forneck, A.
Event: 5. ASAC JunganalytikerInnen Forum 2009
Year: 2009 - A bottom up metabolic profiling approach for the detection of volatile metabolites of Pinot noir grapevine leaves
Autoren: Weingart, Georg J.F., Schuhmacher, R., Krska, R., Forneck, A.
Event: Metabomeeting 2009
Year: 2009 - The Fusarium mycotoxin zearalenone inhibits Hsp90 ATPase activity and is inactivated in planta by glucosylation and sulfatation
Autoren: Torres Acosta, J. A., Berthiller, F., Wiesenberger, G., Mitterbauer, R., Werner, U., Merz, D., Hauser, M.-T. Shams, M., Krska, R., Adam, G.
Event: 60. Jahrestagung der Vereinigung der Pflanzenzüchter und Saatgutkaufleute Österreichs 2009
Year: 2009 - Investigation of volatile metabolite expression patterns of the biocontrol fungus Trichoderma atroviride after exposure to the Fusarium mycotoxin fusaric acid
Autoren: Stoppacher N., Kluger B., Zeilinger S., Krska R., Schuhmacher R.
Event: ANAKON 2009
Year: 2009 - The Fusarium mycotoxin zearalenone inhibits Hsp90 ATPase activity and is inactivated in planta by glycosylation and sulfatation
Autoren: J.A. Torres Acosta, F. Berthiller, G. Wiesenberger, R. Mitterbauer, U. Werner, D. Merz, M-T Hauser, M. Shams, R. Krska and G. Adam
Event: 60. Jahrestagung der Vereinigung der Pflanzenzüchter und Saatgutkaufleute Österreichs 2009
Year: 2009 - From Fusarium genomics to plant resistance: a role fo fungal secondary metabolites
Autoren: Adam,G., Berthiller, F., Lemmens, M., Schweiger, W., Shin, S., Boddu, J., Muehlbauer, G., Buerstmayr, H., Mitterbauer, R., Wiesenberger, G., Torres Acosta, J., Schuhmacher, R., Krska, R., Peruci, M., Siller, M., Gueldener, U., Mayer, K., Mewes, H.W.
Event: Conference Internation Society for Mycotoxicology ISM 2009
Year: 2009 - Validation of an LC-MS/MS based method for multi-mycotoxin analysis in edible nuts
Autoren: Varga, E., Sulyok, M., Schuhmacher, R., Krska, R.
Event: Conference Internation Society for Mycotoxicology ISM 2009
Year: 2009 - Host Resistance to Fusarium Metabolites: Relevance of Masked Mycotoxins for Resistance Breeding and Toxicology
Autoren: F. Berthiller, W. Schweiger, B. Steiner, H. Bürstmayr, M. Lemmens, R. Krska, J. Boddu, S. Shin, G.J. Mühlbauer, C. Hametner, J.A. Torres Acosta, G. Wiesenberger and G. Adam
Event: National Fusarium Head Blight Forum 2009
Year: 2009 - Detection and Characterization of Bioactive Compounds for the Development of Natural Plant Protectants
Autoren: S.M. Lehner, A. Parich, M. Sulyok, R. Schuhmacher, B. Antlinger, S. Frühauf, M. Neureiter, A. Koutnik, R. Krska, M. Lemmens
Event: 27th Informal Meeting on Mass Spectrometry 2009
Year: 2009 - A Bioassay Guided Approach to Identify Metabolites in Culture Filtrates of Microorganisms that Exhibit Activity against Fusarium graminearum
Autoren: S.M. Lehner, A. Parich, R. Schuhmacher, B. Antlinger, S. Frühauf, M. Neureiter, A. Koutnik, R. Krska, M. Lemmens
Event: 5. ASAC JunganalytikerInnen Forum 2009
Year: 2009 - The Fusarium mycotoxin zearalenone inhibits Hsp90 ATPase activity and is inactivated in planta by glucosylation and sulfatation.
Autoren: Torres Acosta JA, Berthiller F, Wiesenberger G, Mitterbauer R, Werner U, Hauser M-T, Shams M, Krska R, Adam G
Event: 60. Jahrestagung der Vereinigung der Pflanzenzüchter und Saatgutkaufleute Österreichs 2009
Year: 2008 - Physiological Fingerprint in Viticulture - Polyphenols as stress indicator
Autoren: Schoedl, K.; Krska, R.; Schuhmacher, R. and Forneck, A.
Event: 24th International Conference on Polyphenols 2008
Year: 2008 - Antifungal peptides of the biocontrol fungus Trichoderma atroviride: Detection and Structure Characterization by LC-MS/MS.
Autoren: Schuhmacher, R.; Stoppacher, N.; Reithner, B.; Omann, M.; Zeilinger, S.; Krska, R.
Event: 10th Meeting of the Working Group Biological control of fungal and bacterial plant pathogens 2009 – Molecular Tools for Understanding and Improving Biocontrol
Year: 2008 - Production of zearalenone-4-sulfate and characterization of its biological activity.
Autoren: Knoll, F., Mitterbauer, R., Berthiller, F., Bicker, W., Schuhmacher, R., Krska, R., Adam, G.
Event: 30th Mycotoxin Workshop 2008
Year: 2008 - „Metabolic engineering“ von Fusarium zur Herstellung von Deoxynivalenol-Glucosid
Autoren: Adam, G., Bucsich, A., Mitterbauer, R., Wiesenberger, G., Lemmens, M., Maloku, I., Shams, M., Sulyok, M., Berthiller, F., Schuhmacher, R., Krska, R.
Event: 12. MOLD Meeting 2008 - Ernährungsrisiko Mykotoxine - Vermeidungsstrategien entlang der Lebensmittelkette
Year: 2008 - Regioselective synthesis of zearalneone-4-glucuronide.
Autoren: Mikula, H., Hametner, C., Fröhlich, J., Krska, R., Adam, G.
Event: 30th Mycotoxin Workshop 2008
Year: 2008 - The Peptaibiome of the Biocontrol Fungus Trichoderma atroviride – Characterisation by Liquid Chromatography/Tandem Mass Spectrometry
Autoren: Stoppacher N., Zeilinger S., Omann M., Krska R. & Schuhmacher R.
Event: DASp Doktoranden-Seminar
Year: 2008 - Application of inductively coupled plasma sector field mass spectrometry for verification of gravimetrically prepared interlaboratory comparison water samples
Autoren: Susanne Schemitz, Wolfgang Kandler, Rudolf Krska
Event: 6th EURACHEM Workshop Proficiency Testing in Analytical Chemistry, Microbiology and Laboratory Medicine 2008 - Current Practice and Future Directions
Year: 2008 - Formation of deoxynivalenol-3-O-glucoside in Solanum tuberosum cultivars infected with engineered Fusarium sambucinum.
Autoren: Bucsich, A., Mitterbauer R., Sulyok, M., Berthiller F., Persak, H., Wiesenberger, G., Krska, R., Adam, G.
Event: 10. International Fusarium and Fusarium Genomics Workshop 2008
Year: 2008 - Development of an LC-MS/MS multi metabolite screening method and its application for the analysis of dust and water damaged building materials
Autoren: Vishwanath, Vinay V.; Sulyok, M.; Labuda, R., Krska, R.
Event: Special CBS/KNAW Colloquium 2008 - Magic of Science Symposium: Fungi and Health
Year: 2008 - The biocontrol fungus Trichoderma atroviride: Characterization of bioactive peptides by LC-MS/MS
Autoren: Schuhmacher, R.; Stoppacher, N.; Omann, M.; Zeilinger, S.; Krska, R.
Event: Seminar 2008 - Moderne Analytische Chemie, Institut für Chemische Technologien und Analytik
Year: 2008 - Trichoatrokontins - Novel Peptaibiotics of the Biocontrol Fungus Trichoderma atroviride
Autoren: Stoppacher N., Zeilinger S., Omann M., Krska R., Schuhmacher R.
Event: 4. ASAC JunganalytikerInnen Forum 2008
Year: 2008 - Glycoconjugation of zearalenone by human UDP-glucuronosyltransferases
Autoren: Schweiger, W., Berthiller, F., Bicker, W., Krska, R., Schuhmacher, R., Adam, G.
Event: 30th Mycotoxin Workshop 2008
Year: 2008 - Antifungal peptides of the biocontrol fungus Trichoderma atroviride: Detection and Structure Characterization by LC-MS/MS
Autoren: Schuhmacher R., Stoppacher N., Reithner B., Omann M., Zeilinger S., Krska R.
Event: 10th Meeting of the IOBC Working Group Biological control of fungal and bacterial plant pathogens 2008 – Molecular Tools for Understanding and Improving Biocontrol
Year: 2008 - Metabolic Profiling of Volatile Compounds in Leaves of Vitis vinifera cv. Pinot noir by GC-MS
Autoren: Weingart, Georg, J.F., Schuhmacher, R., Krska, R., Forneck, A.
Event: Advances in Metabolic Profiling
Year: 2008 - An Achilles heel of fungi? Siderophores of Fusarium graminearum
Autoren: Berthiller, F., Peruci, M., Nielsen, K.F., Adam, G., Krska, R., Schuhmacher R.
Event: 8th Conference on Mycotoxins and Moulds 2008
Year: 2008 - Determination of moulds and their metabolites in indoor environments
Autoren: Michael Sulyok, Vinay Vishwanath, Rudolf Krska
Event: 12. MOLD Meeting 2008 - Ernährungsrisiko Mykotoxine - Vermeidungsstrategien entlang der Lebensmittelkette
Year: 2008 - Multi-mycotoxin analysis by LC-MS/MS: Method development and application to moldy food samples
Autoren: R. Schuhmacher, M. Sulyok, R. Krska
Event: 41. Jahrestagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Massenspektrometrie 2008
Year: 2008 - Glucuronidation of zearalenone by human UDP-Glucuronosyltransferases.
Autoren: Schweiger, W., Berthiller, F., Bicker, W., Krska, R., Schuhmacher, R., Adam, G.
Event: 30th Mycotoxin Workshop 2008
Year: 2008 - Determination of volatile metabolites of the biocontrol fungus Trichoderma atroviride by GC/MS
Autoren: Kluger B., Lehner S., Stoppacher N., Zeilinger S., Krska R., Schuhmacher R.
Event: 10th Meeting of the IOBC Working Group Biological control of fungal and bacterial plant pathogens 2008 – Molecular Tools for Understanding and Improving Biocontrol
Year: 2008 - Purification of zearalenone-4-O-sulfate and characterization of its biological activity
Autoren: Knoll, F., Mitterbauer, R., Berthiller, F., Bicker, W., Schuhmacher, R., Krska, R., Adam G.
Event: 30th Mycotoxin Workshop 2008
Year: 2008 - Application of an LC-MS/MS based multi-mycotoxin method for the semi-quantitative determination of mycotoxins occurring in different types of food infected by moulds
Autoren: Michael Sulyok
Event: 8th Conference on Mycotoxins and Moulds 2008
Year: 2007 - Detection and Characterization of Peptaibols in Trichoderma atroviride Culture Samples by LC-MS/MS
Autoren: Stoppacher N., Reithner B., Omann M., Zeilinger S., Brunner K., Mach R.L., Krska R., Schuhmacher R.
Event: MassSpec-Forum Vienna 2007
Year: 2007 - Detection and Structure Characterisation of Novel Peptaibols in Trichoderma atroviride Culture Samples
Autoren: Stoppacher N., Reithner B., Zeilinger S., Krska R., Schuhmacher R.
Event: 11. MOLD-Meeting 2007 - Ernährungsrisiko Mykotoxine – Vermeidungsstrategien entlang der Lebensmittelkette
Year: 2007 - Determination of the ethanol consumption markers ethyl glucuronide, ethyl phosphate, and ethyl sulfate in human urine by reversed-phase / weak anion exchange liquid chromatography – tandem mass spectrometry
Autoren: Bicker, W., Lämmerhofer, M., Keller, T., Schuhmacher, R., Krska, R., Lindner, W.
Event: ANAKON 2007
Year: 2007 - Application of an LC-MS/MS based multi-analyte method for screening mycotoxins in spoiled food
Autoren: Sulyok, M., Krska, R., Schuhmacher, R.
Event: 3rd International Symposium on Recent Advances in Food Analysis 2007
Year: 2007 - Performance characteristics of an ELISA based on a monoclonal IgG and a polyclonal IgY antibody for the detection of hazelnut (Corylus Avellana) in three food matrices
Autoren: Duman, N; Molinelli, A; Führer, M; Galler, B; Grossalber, K; Krska, R; Baumgartner, S
Event: 9th International Conference on Agri-Food Antibodies 2007
Year: 2007 - Development and application of an LC-MS/MS based multitoxin-method for the determination of 89 mycotoxins in moulded food and feed
Autoren: Sulyok, M., Krska, R., Schuhmacher, R.
Event: 13th International IUPAC Symposium on Mycotoxins and Phycotoxins 2007
Year: 2007 - Retention behaviour of mycotoxins on reversed-phase and mixed-mode reversed-phase / weak anion exchange type stationary phases
Autoren: Apfelthaler, E., Bicker, W., Sulyok, M., Lämmerhofer, M., Lindner, W., Krska, R., Schuhmacher, R.
Event: 3. ASAC JunganalytikerInnen Forum 2007
Year: 2007 - Peptaibol profiles in cultures of Trichoderma atroviride: Detection and Characterization by LC-MS/MS
Autoren: Schuhmacher R., Stoppacher N., Reithner B., Omann M., Zeilinger S., Krska R. (2007)
Event: 15th International Reinhardsbrunn Symposium on Modern Fungicides and Antifungal Compounds 2007
Year: 2007 - Detection and Structure Characterisation of Novel Peptaibols in Trichoderma atroviride Culture Samples
Autoren: Stoppacher N., Reithner B., Zeilinger S., Krska R., Schuhmacher R.
Event: 13th International Congress on Molecular Plant-Microbe Interactions 2007
Year: 2007 - Determination of the ethanol consumption markers ethyl glucuronide, ethyl phosphate, and ethyl sulfate in human urine by reversed-phase / weak anion exchange liquid chromatography – tandem mass spectrometry
Autoren: Bicker, W., Lämmerhofer, M., Keller, T., Schuhmacher, R., Krska, R., Lindner, W.
Event: 3. ASAC JunganalytikerInnen Forum 2007
Year: 2007 - Identification and Sequencing of Trichorzianines Produced by Trichoderma atroviride
Autoren: Stoppacher N., Reithner B., Omann M., Zeilinger S., Brunner K., Mach R.L., Krska R., Schuhmacher R.
Event: 15th International Reinhardsbrunn Symposium on Modern Fungicides and Antifungal Compounds 2007
Year: 2007 - Detection and structural characterization of extracellular siderophores produced by Fusarium graminearum
Autoren: Berthiller, F., Adam, G., Peruci, M., Nielsen, K.F., Krska, R., Schuhmacher, R.
Event: 13th International Congress on Molecular Plant-Microbe Interactions 2007
Year: 2007 - The role of deoxynivalenol 3 glucoside for plants and animals
Autoren: Berthiller, F., Schuhmacher, R., Krska, R., Adam, G.
Event: Gordon Research Conference on Mycotoxins and Phycotoxins 2007
Year: 2007 - Monoclonal antibody-based indirect competitive ELISA for the detection of T2-toxin in wheat, maize and baby food
Autoren: Grossalber; K; Duman, N; Molinelli, A; Führer, M; Galler, B; Krska, R; Baumgartner, S
Event: 9th International Conference on Agri-Food Antibodies 2007
Year: 2007 - Yeast cell based adsorbents: Studies on Aflatoxin B1 and Zearalenone.
Autoren: Vekiru, E., Fruhauf, S., Klimitsch, A., Schatzmayr, G., and Krska. R.
Event: 11. MOLD-Meeting 2007 - Ernährungsrisiko Mykotoxine – Vermeidungsstrategien entlang der Lebensmittelkette
Year: 2007 - Simultaneous Determination of 70 Elements in Cereals by Inductively Coupled Plasma - Sector Field Mass Spectrometry (ICP-SFMS)
Autoren: Preinerstorfer Beatrix, Kandler Wolfgang, Krska Rudolf
Event: III RSMS Congress 2007
Year: 2007 - Physiological Fingerprint - A basic Requirement for Vineyars. First Report
Autoren: Forneck, A., Becker, M., Rosner, J., Eder, R., Schuhmacher, R., Krska, R.
Event: 8. International Symposium Technik im Weinbau 2007
Year: 2007 - Production of the masked mycotoxins zearalenone-4-glucoside, '&alpha'-zeraralenol-4-glucoside, '&beta'-zearalenol-4-glucoside
Autoren: Krenn, P., Berthiller, F., Schweiger, W., Hametner, C., Ludwig, R., Adam, G., Krska, R., Schuhmacher, R.
Event: 29th Mycotoxin Workshop 2007
Year: 2006 - Screening for Atroviridins, Neoatroviridins and Harzianins in culture samples of Trichoderma atroviride using LC-MS/MS
Autoren: Stoppacher N., Reithner B., Zeilinger S., Brunner K. Mach R.L., Krska R., Schuhmacher R.
Event: 9th Trichoderma and Gliocladium Meeting 2006
Year: 2006 - Study of the metabolism of Fusarium mycotoxins in plants with HPLC – tandem mass spectrometry
Autoren: F. Berthiller
Event: 28th Mycotoxin Workshop 2006
Year: 2006 - Extended isotopic ‘fingerprints’ for highly reliable authentication and traceability of Marchfeld asparagus: a pilot study
Autoren: Prohaska T., Boulyga S., Wenzel W., Mayer H.K., Schreiner M., Krska R., Klötzli U., Lohninger H., Jakubowski N., Horacek M., Wimmer B., Fodor P., Vanhaecke F.
Event: 2nd Annual TRACE Meeting 2006
Year: 2006 - PPT1 encoding phosphopantetheinyltransferase is required for posttranslational activation of PKSs and NRPSs and necessary for Fusarium graminearum virulence on wheat
Autoren: Peruci, M., Berthiller, F., Lemmens, M., Schuhmacher, R., Krska, R., Mitterbauer, R., Adam, G.
Event: 9th European Fusarium Seminar 2006
Year: 2006 - Determination of 6-Pentyl-alpha-Pyrone in Trichoderma atroviride Culture Samples by GC-MS
Autoren: Schuhmacher R., Stoppacher N., Reithner B., Brunner K., Zeilinger S., Mach R.L., Krska R.
Event: 17th International Mass Spectrometry Conference 2006
Year: 2006 - Inactivation of Fusarium graminearum defense suppressing toxins by plant UDP-glucosyltransferases
Autoren: Poppenberger, B., Berthiller, F., Werner, U., Lucyshyn, D., Schweiger, W., Mitterbauer, R., Glössl, J., Schuhmacher, R., Krska, R., Lemmens, M., Bürstmayr, H., Hauser, M-T., Adam, G.
Event: 9th European Fusarium Seminar 2006
Year: 2006 - Bestimmung von T-2 Toxin in Getreide mittels Isotopenverdünnungs-Massenspektrometrie
Autoren: Häubl, G., Berthiller, F., Krska, R., Schuhmacher, R.
Event: 10. MOLD-Meeting 2006 - Ernährungsrisiko Mykotoxine, Vermeidungsstrategien entlang der Nahrungskette
Year: 2006 - Develoment of an HPLC-MS/MS Based Method for the determination of the most relevant types of mycotoxins
Autoren: Michael Sulyok
Event: 12th International Symposium on Separation Sciences 2006
Year: 2006 - Mycotoxin Analysis: An overview of various test methodologies incl. the multitoxin approach
Autoren: Krska, R.
Event: Romer Mycotoxin seminar
Year: 2006 - Mycotoxin Analysis: State-of-the-art
Autoren: Krska, R.
Event: CSL Workshop on Mycotoxins 2006
Year: 2006 - Screening for Resistance to Deoxynivalenol in Wheat
Autoren: Lemmens, M., Scholz, U., Berthiller, F., Schuhmacher, R., Adam, G., Mesterhazy, A., Krska, R., Buerstmayr, H.
Event: 57. Tagung der Vereinigung der Pflanzenzüchter und Saatgutkaufleute Österreichs gemeinsam mit der 13. Tagung der Arbeitsgruppe Genomanalyse der Gesellschaft für Pflanzenzüchtung GPZ 2006
Year: 2006 - An LC/MS-MS method for the quantitative analysis of ergot alkaloids
Autoren: Hafner, M., Sulyok, M., Krska, R., Schuhmacher, R.
Event: 10. MOLD-Meeting 2006 - Ernährungsrisiko Mykotoxine, Vermeidungsstrategien entlang der Nahrungskette
Year: 2006 - Emerging rapid methods for mycotoxin analysis
Autoren: Krska, R.
Event: Mycoglobe Workshop on Detection techniques for mycotoxins and toxigenic fungi in the food chain 2006
Year: 2006 - Investigation of various adsorbents for their ability to deactivate Aflatoxin B1
Autoren: E. Vekiru
Event: 28th Mycotoxin Workshop 2006
Year: 2006 - Detection of phase II plant metabolites of mycotoxins by LC-MS/MS
Autoren: Berthiller, F., Krska, R., Adam, G., Schuhmacher R
Event: Seminar Department für Nutzpflanzenwissenschaften, Georg-August-Universität Göttingen
Year: 2006 - Detection and Characterization of Peptaibols in Trichoderma atroviride Culture Samples by LC-MS/MS
Autoren: Stoppacher N., Reithner B., Omann M. Zeilinger S., Brunner K., Mach R.L., Krska R., Schuhmacher R.
Event: 17th International Mass Spectrometry Conference 2006
Year: 2006 - Chromatographic methods for the simultaneous determination of mycotoxins and their conjugates in cereals
Autoren: F. Berthiller
Event: OECD workshop “Mycotoxins from the field to the table”
Year: 2006 - Bildung von Mykotoxin-Glucosiden durch pflanzliche UDP-Glucosyltransferasen: Genorganisation und Substratspezifität
Autoren: G. Adam
Event: 10. MOLD-Meeting 2006 - Ernährungsrisiko Mykotoxine, Vermeidungsstrategien entlang der Nahrungskette
Year: 2006 - Investigation of various adsorbents for their ability to deactivate aflatoxin B1
Autoren: Vekiru, E., Fruhauf, S., Sahin, M., Ottner, F., Schatzmayr, G., Krska, R.
Event: 10. MOLD-Meeting 2006 - Ernährungsrisiko Mykotoxine, Vermeidungsstrategien entlang der Nahrungskette
Year: 2006 - Screening for Atroviridins, Neoatroviridins and Harzianins in culture samples of Trichoderma atroviride using LC-MS/MS
Autoren: Stoppacher N., Reithner B., Zeilinger S., Brunner K., Mach R.L., Krska R., Schuhmacher R.
Event: 9th Trichoderma and Gliocladium Meeting 2006
Year: 2006 - Peptaibole des Biokontrollorganismus Trichoderma - Fungizide der Zukunft ?
Autoren: Reithner B., Stoppacher N., Omann M., Zeilinger S., Brunner K., Mach R.L., Krska R., Schuhmacher R.
Event: 10. MOLD-Meeting 2006 - Ernährungsrisiko Mykotoxine, Vermeidungsstrategien entlang der Nahrungskette
Year: 2006 - Study of the metabolism of Fusarium mycotoxins in plants with HPLC - tandem mass spectrometry
Autoren: Berthiller, F., Lemmens, M., Werner, U., Krska, R., Hauser, M.-T., Adam, G., Schuhmacher, R.
Event: 28th Mycotoxin Workshop 2006
Year: 2006 - Entwicklung einer „Multitoxinmethode“ zur simultanen Bestimmung von 40 Mykotoxinen mittels LC-MS/MS
Autoren: Michael Sulyok
Event: 17. Massenspektrometrische Diskussionsveranstaltung 2006
Year: 2006 - Quantification of deoxynivalenol in cereals using stable isotope dilution mass spectrometry.
Autoren: Haeubl, G., Berthiller, F., Jaunecker, G., Binder, E.M., Krska, R., Schuhmacher, R.
Event: 232nd National Fall Meeting of the American Chemical Society ACS 2006
Year: 2006 - Mycotoxin analysis: An overview of various methodologies
Autoren: Krska, R.
Event: Mycoglobe Workshop on Detection techniques for mycotoxins and toxigenic fungi in the food chain 2006
Year: 2006 - Inactivation of Fusarium graminearum defence suppressing toxins by UDP-glucosyltransferases of Arabidopsis thaliana
Autoren: Poppenberger, B., Berthiller, F., Werner, U., Lucyshyn, D., Schweiger, W., Mitterbauer, R., Schuhmacher, R., Krska, R., Lemmens, M., Bürstmayr, H., Hauser, M-T., Glössl, J., Adam, G.
Event: 3rd EPSO Conference 2006 - Plant Dynamics: from Molecules to Ecosystems
Year: 2006 - Development of a HPLC-MS/MS based method for a simultaneous determination of the most relevant mycotoxins in wheat and maize
Autoren: Michael Sulyok
Event: The 26th International Symposium on Chromatography 2006
Year: 2006 - An European contribution to the genomics of Fusarium graminearum
Autoren: Adam, G., Güldener, U., Berthiller, F., Peruci, M., Mitterbauer, R., Werner, U., Hauser, M-T, Lemmens, M., Bürstmayr, H., Brunner, K., Mach, R.L., Krska, R.
Event: Mycoglobe International Conference 2006 - Advances in genomics, biodiversity and rapid systems for detection of toxigenic fungi and mycotoxins
Year: 2006 - Recent Developments in Mycotoxin Analysis: A European Report
Autoren: F. Berthiller
Event: Mycotoxins and Toxigenic Fungi in Food 2006
Year: 2006 - Modellstudien zur Hydrolyse von DON-Glucosid im Magen-Darmtrakt.
Autoren: Berthiller F., Domig K.J., Kneifel W., Juge N., Schuhmacher R., Krska, R., Adam G.
Event: 10. MOLD-Meeting 2006 - Ernährungsrisiko Mykotoxine, Vermeidungsstrategien entlang der Nahrungskette
Year: 2006 - Detection and significance of conjugated Fusarium mycotoxins
Autoren: F. Berthiller
Event: Danish Technical University, Institute Seminar
Year: 2006 - Development and Validation of an HPLC-MS/MS Based Method for the Determination of 39 Mycotoxins
Autoren: Michael Sulyok
Event: 28th Mycotoxin Workshop 2006
Year: 2006 - Detektion von pflanzlichen Phase II Metaboliten von Mykotoxinen mittels LC-MS/MS
Autoren: F. Berthiller
Event: 23. Agilent Forum Analytik 2006
Year: 2006 - European survey for hidden allergens in food – A case study with peanut and hazelnut
Autoren: Baumgartner, S; Fürtler-Leitzenberger, I; Drs, E; Molinelli, A; Krska, R; Immer, U; Schmitt, K; Bremer, M; Haasnoot, W; Danks, Ch; Tomkies, V; Reece, P; Wilson, Ph; Kiening, M; Weller, M; Niessner, R; Corsini, E; Mendonça, S
Event: American Chemical Society, 232nd Fall National Meeting
Year: 2006 - IR-ATR-Screening von Getreide auf Mykotoxinkontamination
Autoren: Krska, R.
Event: Bruker Symposium 2006
Year: 2006 - PPT1 - a virulence factor of Fusarium graminearum - encodes phosphopantetheinyltransferase required for post-translational activation of polyketide synthases and non-ribosomal peptide synthases
Autoren: Peruci, M., Lemmens, M., Berthiller, F., Schuhmacher, R., Krska, R., Cziferszky, A., Adam, G.
Event: 8th European Conference on Fungal Genetics 2006
Year: 2006 - Peptaibole des Biokontrollorganismus Trichoderma - Fungizide der Zukunft ?
Autoren: Reithner B., Stoppacher N., Omann M., Zeilinger S., Brunner K., Mach R.L., Krska R., Schuhmacher R.
Event: 10. MOLD-Meeting 2006 - Ernährungsrisiko Mykotoxine, Vermeidungsstrategien entlang der Nahrungskette
Year: 2006 - Screening for Atroviridins, Neoatroviridins and Harzianins in Culture Samples of Trichoderma atroviride using LC-MS/MS
Autoren: Stoppacher N., Reithner B., Zeilinger S., Brunner K., Mach R.L., Krska R., Schuhmacher R.
Event: 9th Trichoderma and Gliocladium Meeting 2006
Year: 2006 - Screening for Atroviridins, Neoatroviridins and Harzianins in culture samples of Trichoderma atroviride using LC-MS/MS
Autoren: Stoppacher N., Reithner B., Zeilinger S., Brunner K. Mach R.L., Krska R., Schuhmacher R.
Event: 9th Trichoderma and Gliocladium Meeting 2006
Year: 2006 - Hot topics in mycotoxin research
Autoren: Krska, R.
Event: CSL Workshop on Mycotoxins 2006
Year: 2006 - Screening for Atroviridins, Neoatroviridins and Harzianins in culture samples of Trichoderma atroviride using LC-MS/MS
Autoren: Stoppacher N., Reithner B., Zeilinger S., Brunner K. Mach R.L., Krska R., Schumacher R.
Event: 9th Trichoderma and Gliocladium Meeting 2006
Year: 2006 - Rapid fluorometric test for the quantitative determination of DON in raw cereals.
Autoren: Hafner, M.
Event: 28th Mycotoxin Workshop 2006
Year: 2006 - Mycotoxin Analysis: An overview of various test methodologies incl. the multitoxin approach
Autoren: Krska, R.
Event: First collaborative GZASSC-Romer mycotoxin seminar
Year: 2006 - Screening for resistance to deoxynivalenol in wheat
Autoren: Lemmens, M., Scholz, U., Berthiller, F., Schuhmacher, R., Mesterhazy, A., Krska, R., Bürstmayr, H.
Event: 9th European Fusarium Seminar 2006
Year: 2006 - Screening for Resistance to Deoxynivalenol in Wheat
Autoren: Lemmens, M., Scholz, U., Berthiller, F., Schuhmacher, R., Adam, G., Mesterhazy, A., Krska, R., Buerstmayr, H.
Event: 57. Tagung der Vereinigung der Pflanzenzüchter und Saatgutkaufleute Österreichs gemeinsam mit der 13. Tagung der Arbeitsgruppe Genomanalyse der Gesellschaft für Pflanzenzüchtung GPZ 2006
Year: 2006 - A review of rapid methods for mycotoxin analysis in food
Autoren: Krska, R.
Event: International Conference on advances on genomics, biodiversity and rapid systems for detection of toxigenic fungi and mycotoxins 2006
Year: 2006 - Mykotoxine aus Schimmelpilzen – Moderner Nachweis ungebetener Tischgenossen von Mensch und Tier
Autoren: Krska, R.
Event: Analytica Conference 2006
Year: 2006 - Development and Validation of an HPLC-MS/MS Based Method for the Determination of 39 Mycotoxins
Autoren: Michael Sulyok
Event: 10. MOLD-Meeting 2006 - Ernährungsrisiko Mykotoxine, Vermeidungsstrategien entlang der Nahrungskette
Year: 2006 - Nachweis von Peptaibolen in Trichoderma Pilzkulturen
Autoren: Stoppacher N.
Event: 2. ASAC JunganalytikerInnen Forum 2006
Year: 2006 - Entwicklung von qualitativen und semi-quantitativen immunodiagnostischen Schnelltests für den Nachweis von T-2 Toxin in Weizen und Mais
Autoren: A. Molinelli
Event: 10. MOLD-Meeting 2006 - Ernährungsrisiko Mykotoxine, Vermeidungsstrategien entlang der Nahrungskette
Year: 2005 - Detektion von konjugierten Mykotoxinen mittels LC-MS/MS
Autoren: Berthiller, F., Schuhmacher, R., Krska R.
Event: Institute Seminar of Chemical Technologies & Analytics, Vienna Technical University
Year: 2005 - Phosphopantetheinyltransferase required for post-translational activation of polyketide synthases and non-ribosomal peptide synthases is a virulence factor of Fusarium graminearum
Autoren: Peruci, M., Berthiller, F., Lemmens, M., Schuhmacher, R., Krska, R., Cziferszky, A., Mitterbauer, R., Adam, G.
Event: 13th International Congress on Molecular Plant-Microbe Interactions 2005
Year: 2005 - Biotransformation of selected mycotoxins in wheat: Screening for metabolites by LC/MS/MS.
Autoren: Schuhmacher, R., Berthiller, F., Lemmens, M., Adam, G., Krska, R.
Event: 1st Symposium of Analytical Chemistry and Biology
Year: 2005 - Inactivation of the Fusarium toxin deoxynivalenol by glucosylation
Autoren: Poppenberger B., Berthiller, F., Schweiger, W., Mitterbauer, R., Schuhmacher, R., Krska, R., Lemmens, M., Buerstmayr, H., Adam, G.
Event: World Mycotoxin Forum 2005
Year: 2005 - Effekte von Zearalenone auf Arabidopsis thaliana.
Autoren: Werner U, Bertiller F, Suljok M, Krska R, Hauser M-T, Schuhmacher R
Event: Mold-Meeting 2005 der Arbeitsgemeinschaft für Lebensmittel-, Veterinär- und Agrarwesen - Aktuelle Probleme der Mykologie und Mykotoxinforschung
Year: 2005 - Determination of DON-3-Glucoside in artificially and naturally contaminated wheat with LC-MS/MS.
Autoren: Berthiller, F., Dall’Asta, C., Schuhmacher, R., Lemmens, M., Adam, G., Krska, R.
Event: 27. Mykotoxin Workshop 2005
Year: 2005 - Virulenzmechanismen von Fusarium graminearum und Resistenzmechanismen in Pflanzen
Autoren: Lemmens, M., Berthiller, F., Peruci, M., Poppenberger, B., Lucyshyn, D., Mitterbauer, R., Schuhmacher, R., Werner, U., Hauser, M.T., Krska, R., Bürstmayr, H., Adam, G.
Event: 56. Tagung der Vereinigung der Pflanzenzüchter und Saatgutkaufleute Österreichs 2005 - Züchtung auf Anpassungsfähigkeit
Year: 2005 - Bestimmung von konjugierten Mykotoxinen mittels LC-MS/MS
Autoren: Berthiller, F., Schuhmacher R., Krska, R.
Event: 1st ASAC Doctorand Meeting 2005
Year: 2005 - (P0016) Characterization of the effect of the Fusarium mycotoxin zearalenone in Arabidopsis thaliana
Autoren: Werner, U., Berthiller, F., Schuhmacher, R., Krska, R., Adam, G., Hauser, M.T.
Event: 17th International Botanical Congress 2005
Year: 2005 - Feasability study for the production of certified calibrants for the determination of deoxynivalenol and other B-trichothecenes.
Autoren: Welzig E., Krska R.
Event: World Mycotoxin Forum 2005
Year: 2005 - Phosphopantetheinyltransferase is a new virulence factor of Fusarium graminearum with a role in post-translational activation of polyketide and non-ribosomal peptide synthases
Autoren: Peruci, M., Berthiller, F., Mitterbauer, R., Cziferszky, A., Schuhmacher, R., Lemmens, M., Krska, R., Adam, G.
Event: 27. Mykotoxin Workshop 2005
Year: 2005 - Zearalenone is a virulence factor of Fusarium graminearum on wheat and affects ethylene signaling and expression of genes involved in cell wall modification/reinforcement in Arabidopsis thaliana
Autoren: Werner, U., Berthiller, F., Lemmens, M., Trail, F., Peruci, M., Schuhmacher, R., Krska, R., Cziferszky, A., Hauser, M-T., Adam, G.
Event: 13th International Congress on Molecular Plant-Microbe Interactions 2005
Year: 2005 - Determination of phase II metabolites of the estrogenic mycotoxin zearalenone in Arabidopsis thaliana with LC-MS/MS.
Autoren: Berthiller, F., Werner, U., Sulyok, M., Krska, R., Hauser, M.T., Schuhmacher, R.
Event: 2nd Int. Symposium on Recent Advances in Food Analysis
Year: 2005 - Characterization of deoxynivalenol and zearalenone-inactivating Arabidopsis thaliana UDP-glucosyltransferases
Autoren: Schweiger, W., Poppenberger, B., Lucyshyn, D., Berthiller, F., Schuhmacher, R., Krska, R., Mitterbauer, R., Adam, G.
Event: Plant Genomics European Meetings
Year: 2005 - Phosphopantetheinyltransferase required for post-translational activation of polyketide synthases and non-ribosomal peptide synthases is a virulence factor of Fusarium graminearum
Autoren: Peruci, M., Berthiller, F., Lemmens, M. Schuhmacher, R., Krska, R., Cziferszky, A., Mitterbauer, R., Adam, G.
Event: Life Sciences 2005, Joint Annual Meeting of ÖGBM, ÖGGGT, ÖGBT and ANGT
Year: 2005 - Characterization of Arabidopsis thaliana UDP-glucosyltransferases incativating the Fusarium mycotoxins deoxynivalenol and zearalenone
Autoren: Schweiger, W., Poppenberger, B., Lucyshyn, D. Berthiller, F., Schuhmacher, R. Krska, R., Mitterbauer, R., Adam, G.
Event: Life Sciences 2005, Joint Annual Meeting of ÖGBM, ÖGGGT, ÖGBT and ANGT
Year: 2005 - Arabidopsis thaliana: a model to study the effect of the estrogenic mycotoxin zearalenone in plants
Autoren: Werner, U., Berthiller, F., Schuhmacher, R., Krska, R., Adam, G., Hauser, M-T
Event: Life Sciences 2005, Joint Annual Meeting of ÖGBM, ÖGGGT, ÖGBT and ANGT
Year: 2005 - Arabidopsis thaliana UDP-glucosyltransferases inactivating the Fusarium toxins deoxynivalenol and zearalenone
Autoren: Poppenberger, B., Berthiller, F., Lucyshyn, D., Schweiger, W., Schuhmacher, R., Krska, R., Mitterbauer, R., Adam, G.
Event: 13th International Congress on Molecular Plant-Microbe Interactions 2005
Year: 2005 - Effekte von Zearalenone auf Arabidopsis thaliana.
Autoren: Werner, U., Berthiller, F., Sulyok, M., Krska, R., Hauser, M.T., Schuhmacher, R.
Event: Mold-Meeting 2005 der Arbeitsgemeinschaft für Lebensmittel-, Veterinär- und Agrarwesen - Aktuelle Probleme der Mykologie und Mykotoxinforschung
Year: 2005 - Biosynthese und Metabolismus von Zearalenon
Autoren: Mitterbauer, R., Wondrasch, K., Peruci, M., Berthiller, F., Schuhmacher, R., Krska, R., Nagl-Neuhold, G., Lemmens, M., Trail, F., Adam, G.
Event: Jubiläum 60. Jahrestagung der Arbeitsgemeinschaft für Lebensmittel-, Veterinär- und Agrarwesen ALVA 2005
Year: 2004 - Characterization of Arabidopsis thaliana UDP-glucosyl-transferases inactivating the Fusarium mycotoxin deoxynivalenol
Autoren: Poppenberger, B., Berthiller, F., Lucyshyn, D., Schuhmacher, R., Krska, R., Adam, G.
Event: 7th European Conference on Fungal Genetics ECFG 7 2004
Year: 2004 - LC-MS/MS of Zearalenone-Glucosides
Autoren: Berthiller, F., Lucyshyn, D., Poppenberger, B., Schuhmacher, R., Krska, R., Adam G.
Event: Institute Seminar Center of Applied Genetics, BOKU
Year: 2004 - Isolierung und Bestimmung von maskiertem DON (DON-3-Glucosid) mittels LC-MS und dessen Vorkommen in Weizen
Autoren: Berthiller, F., Schuhmacher, R., Adam, G., Lemmens, M., Krska, R.
Event: 8th Mold Meeting 2004
Year: 2004 - Metalloproteinanalytik mittels LC-ICP-MS
Autoren: Köllensperger, G., Hann, S., Furtmüller, P.G., Obinger, C., Schuhmacher, R., Krska, R., Stingeder, G.
Event: 19. ICP-MS Anwendertreffen 2004
Year: 2004 - Simultaneous determination of type A- and B-trichothecenes along with zearalenone in cereals by high performance liquid chromatography – tandem mass spectrometry.
Autoren: Berthiller, F., Schuhmacher ,R., Buttinger, G., Krska, R.
Event: 5th Joint CSL/JIFSAN Symposium "Novel Applications of Analytical Methods in Food Safety",
Year: 2004 - Simultaneous Determination of Type A- & B-trichothecenes and zearalenone in cereals by HPLC-MS/MS.
Autoren: Schuhmacher, R., Berthiller, F., Buttinger, G., Krska, R.
Event: 26. Mykotoxin Workshop 2004
Year: 2004 - Role of glutathione in trichothecene toxicity in Saccharomyces cerevisiae
Autoren: Sigmund, H.F., Berthiller, F., Goritschnig, S., Weindorfer, H., Schuhmacher, R., Krska, R., Adam, G.
Event: 2nd International Symposium on Fusarium Head Blight, incorporating the 8th European Fusarium Seminar
Year: 2004 - The role of resistance to deoxynivalenol in the complex Fusarium head blight resistance complex in wheat
Autoren: Lemmens, M., Scholz, U, Berthiller, F., Koutnik, A., Dall'Asta,C., Schuhmacher, R., Adam, G., Mesterhazy, A., Krska, R., Buerstmayr, H., Ruckenbauer, P.
Event: 2nd International Symposium on Fusarium Head Blight, incorporating the 8th European Fusarium Seminar
Year: 2004 - DON-glycosides: characterisation of synthesis products and screening for their occurrence in DON-inoculated wheat samples.
Autoren: Dall’Asta, C., Berthiller, F., Schuhmacher, R., Adam, G., Lemmens, M., Krska, R.
Event: 26. Mykotoxin Workshop 2004
Year: 2004 - The potential of ICP-MS in the field of metal-binding protein analysis
Autoren: Köllensperger, G., Hann, S., Furtmüller, P.G., Obinger, C., Schuhmacher, R., Krska, R., Stingeder, G.
Event: 3rd International Conference on Trace Element Speciation in Bio-medical, Nutritional and Environmental Sciences
Year: 2004 - Bestimmung des Mykotoxins Moniliformin mit Ionenchromatografie
Autoren: Kandler, W., Nadubinská, M., Tomczak, M., Parich, A., Krska, R.
Event: 7th International Conference on Mycotoxins and Pathogenic Moulds in the Environment 2004
Year: 2004 - Glucosyltransferases from Arabidopsis thaliana inactivating the Fusarium toxins deoxynivalenol and zearalenone.
Autoren: Poppenberger, B., Berthiller, F., Lucyshyn, D., Mitterbauer, R., Schweiger, W., Schuhmacher, R., Krka, R., Adam, G.
Event: 2nd International Symposium on Fusarium Head Blight, incorporating the 8th European Fusarium Seminar
Year: 2004 - Identifizierung von DON- und ZON-Glucosyltransferase-Genen von Arabidopsis thaliana und deren heterologe Expression zur Herstellung von Mykotoxin-Glucosid Referenzsubstanzen.
Autoren: Adam, G., Berthiller, F., Poppenberger, B., Lucyshyn, D., Schuhmacher, R., Krska, R.
Event: 26. Mykotoxin Workshop 2004
Year: 2004 - Determination of masked mycotoxins using HPLC - Tandem Mass Spectrometry
Autoren: Berthiller, F., Schuhmacher, R., Poppenberger, B., Lucyshyn, D., Adam, G., Krska, R.
Event: 11th International IUPAC Symposium on Mycotoxins and Phycotoxins 2004
Year: 2004 - The potential of ICP-MS in the field of metal-binding protein analysis
Autoren: Köllensperger, G., Hann, S., Furtmüller, P., Obinger, C., Schuhmacher, R., Krska, R., Stingeder, G.
Event: 3rd International Conference on Trace Element Speciation in Bio-medical, Nutritional and Environmental Sciences
Year: 2004 - Fusarium genomics activities in the Austrian genome programme GEN-AU
Autoren: Adam, G., Peruci, M., Berthiller, F., Mitterbauer, R., Wondrasch, K., Brunner, A, Czifersky, A., Strauss, J., Mach, R.L., Schuhmacher, R., Krska, R., Poppenberger B., Lucyshyn, D., Werner, U., Hauser, M.-T., Gueldener, U., Lemmens, M
Event: 2nd International Symposium on Fusarium Head Blight, incorporating the 8th European Fusarium Seminar
Year: 2004 - Metalloproteinanalytik mittels LC-ICP-MS
Autoren: Köllensperger, G., Hann, S., Furtmüller, P., Obinger, C., Schuhmacher, R., Krska, R., Stingeder, G.
Event: 19. ICP-MS Anwendertreffen 2004
Year: 2003 - New rapid clean-up device for Ochratoxin A.
Autoren: Buttinger, G., Knapp, H., Fuchs, E, Binder, E.M., Krska R.
Event: International Symposium of Mycotoxicology in Kagawa 2003 (ISMYCO Kagawa'03)
Year: 2003 - Ringversuche und Referenzmaterialien als Werkzeuge in der Qualitätssicherung analytischer Labors.
Autoren: Krska, R.
Event: Wagner Munz Analysentechnik-Seminar
Year: 2003 - Preparation and certification of a calibrant for the determination of the estrogenic mycotoxin zearalenone.
Autoren: Krska, R., Josephs, R.D., MacDonald, S., Wilson, P., Petterson, H.
Event: BERM-9 2003
Year: 2003 - LC-MS/MS von konjugierten Toxinen
Autoren: Berthiller, F., Schuhmacher, R., Krska, R.
Event: 7th Mold Meeting 2003
Year: 2003 - Detektion von allergenen Proteinen in Lebensmitteln.
Autoren: Krska, R.
Event: Unknown
Year: 2003 - Rapid Tests for Allergen Detection
Autoren: Bremer, M., Kemmers-Voncken, A., Smits, N., Haasnoot, W., Baumgartner, S., Drs, E., Krska, R., Banks, J., Reece, P., Danks, C., Tomkies, V., Schmitt, K., Kiening, M., Corsini, E., Wilson, P., Scarniet, I.
Event: 3rd Symposium on Product safety, quality and competitiveness in the food sector
Year: 2002 - European Guideline Levels for mycotoxins / Effects of mycotoxins on swine and poultry.
Autoren: Krska, R.
Event: Biomin Forum 2002
Year: 2002 - The influence of mycotoxins on the immune system.
Autoren: Krska, R.
Event: Biomin Forum 2002
Year: 2002 - Analyse von Fumonisin B1 in flüssigen Kultivierungsmedien für mikrobielles Wachstum mittels HPLC-FLD.
Autoren: Vekiru, E., Fuchs, E., Schatzmayr, G., Täubel, M., Binder, E.M. and Krska.
Event: Mycotoxins in the Environment of People and Animals 2002
Year: 2002 - Introduction to the Mycotoxin Issue / European Guideline Levels for mycotoxins / Effects of mycotoxins on swine and poultry.
Autoren: Krska, R.
Event: Biomin Forum 2002
Year: 2002 - Mycotoxiosis in swine and poultry.
Autoren: Krska, R.
Event: Biomin Forum 2002
Year: 2002 - Ringversuche und Referenzmaterialien als Werkzeuge in der Qualitätssicherung analytischer Labors.
Autoren: Krska, R.
Event: Wagner Munz Analysentechnik-Seminar
Year: 2002 - Entwicklung von Analysenmethoden und Referenzmaterialien für die Bestimmung von östrogenen Mykotoxinen in Getreide.
Autoren: Krska, R.
Event: Unknown
Year: 2002 - Ringversuche und Proficiency Testing.
Autoren: Krska, R.
Event: Universitätsehrgang für QS
Year: 2002 - Rückführbakeit und Referenzmaterialien.
Autoren: Krska, R.
Event: Universitätsehrgang für QS
Year: 2002 - Fourier Transform mid-Infrared spectroscopy with Attenuated Total Reflection (FT-IR/ATR) as a diagnostic toll to prevent mycotoxin contamination of food.
Autoren: Krska, R., Kos, G., Lohninger, H.
Event: Euroanalysis 12 - European Conference on Analytical Chemistry 2002
Year: 2002 - Introduction to the Mycotoxin Issue / Effects of mycotoxins on swine and poultry.
Autoren: Krska, R.
Event: Biomin Forum 2002
Year: 2001 - Analytische Bewertung eines Fütterungsversuches mit Ochratoxin A bei Masthühnern.
Autoren: Fuchs, E., Schatzmayr, G. Binder, E.M., Krska, R.
Event: Mold – Meeting Fachgruppe Mikrobiologie & Molekularbiologie 2001
Year: 2001 - Fusarium Mycotoxins: New challenges for the 21st century.
Autoren: Krska, R.
Event: Biomin Roadshow
Year: 2001 - Development of a Rapid Screening Method for the Detection of Fusarium Fungi and Deoxynivalenol on Maize using Fourier Transform infrared spectroscopy with Attenuated Total Reflection (FT-IR/ATR).
Autoren: Kos, G., Krska, R., Lohninger, H.
Event: 5th Euroconference on Environmental Analytical Chemistry
Year: 2001 - Fusarium Mycotoxins: New challenges for the 21st century.
Autoren: Krska, R.
Event: Biomin Roadshow
Year: 2001 - Der lange Weg zur Herstellung von zertifizierten Referenzmaterialien für die Zearalenon-Analytik.
Autoren: Krska, R.
Event: 23. Mykotoxin Workshop 2001
Year: 2001 - Entwicklung einer ionenchromatografischen Methode zur Bestimmung von Moniliformin.
Autoren: Nadubinská, M., Kandler, W., Krska, R.
Event: Mold – Meeting Fachgruppe Mikrobiologie & Molekularbiologie 2001
Year: 2001 - Mycotoxins: Impact and Analysis.
Autoren: Krska, R.
Event: Romer Labs, Distributor Training
Year: 2001 - Richtige Verwendung von Referenzmaterialien in der Mykotoxinanalytik.
Autoren: Krska, R.
Event: MOLD-Meeting 2001
Year: 2001 - Monitoring of residues of ochratoxin A in blood and kidney of broiler chicken using HPLC-FLD.
Autoren: Fuchs, E., Binder, E.M., Schatzmayr, G., Heidler, D., Krska, R.
Event: 23. Mykotoxin Workshop 2001
Year: 2001 - Ringversuche und Proficiency Testing.
Autoren: Krska, R.
Event: Universitätsehrgang für QS
Year: 2001 - Development of enzyme-immunoassays based on egg yolk antibodies for the detection of mycotoxins.
Autoren: Pichler, H., Freudenschuss, M., Palme, S., Binder, E.M., Krska, R.
Event: 23. Mykotoxin Workshop 2001
Year: 2001 - Bestimmung von Moniliformin im Rahmen des Projektes ¿Einfluß von Moniliformin und Beauvericin auf die Mastleistung von Puten¿.
Autoren: Parich, A., Perez-Castro, S., Kainz, M., Galler, B., Krska, R.
Event: Mold – Meeting Fachgruppe Mikrobiologie & Molekularbiologie 2001
Year: 2001 - Herstellung von zertifizierten Referenzmaterialien für die Lebensmittel- und Umweltanalytik.
Autoren: Krska, R.
Event: Agilent Forum für Analytik 2001
Year: 2001 - Entwicklung einer neuen Detektionsmethode zur Bestimmung von Fusarien Pilzen auf Mais mittels FTIR/ATR Spektroskopie.
Autoren: Kos, G., Krska, R., Lohninger, H.
Event: 23rd Mycotoxin Workshop 2001
Year: 2001 - Monitoring of metabolites after the microbial degradation of trichothecenes by the bacterial strain BBSH 797.
Autoren: Fuchs, E., Heidler, D., Krska, R., Binder, E.M.
Event: World Mycotoxin Forum 2001
Year: 2001 - Fusarium Mycotoxins: New challenges for the 21st century.
Autoren: Krska, R.
Event: Biomin Roadshow
Year: 2001 - Rückführbakeit und Referenzmaterialien.
Autoren: Krska, R.
Event: Universitätsehrgang für QS
Year: 2001 - Fusarium Mycotoxins: New challenges for the 21st century.
Autoren: Krska, R.
Event: Biomin Roadshow
Year: 2001 - Detection of Fusarium graminearum on Maize using mid-Infrared Fourier Transform Spectroscopy and Attenuated Total Reflection.
Autoren: Kos, G., Krska, R., Lohninger, H.
Event: EU COST Action 835 meeting: Agriculturally important toxigenic fungi
Year: 2001 - Fusarium Mycotoxins: New challenges for the 21st century.
Autoren: Krska, R.
Event: Biomin Roadshow
Year: 2001 - Trace Analysis of Methyl tert-butylether in Ground- and River Water: Detection of an Artefact.
Autoren: Schuhmacher, R., Führer, M., Stadlmann, C., Krska, R.
Event: 2nd Workshop on Analytical Artefacts in Environmental Analysis and Related Areas (Artefacta)
Year: 2001 - Development of an enzyme-immunoassay for the determination of the insecticide fenoxycarb based on egg-yolk antibodies from immunized chickens.
Autoren: Drs, E., Pichler, H., Anfossi, L., Krska, R.
Event: 5th Euroconference on Environmental Analytical Chemistry
Year: 2001 - Fusarium Mycotoxins: New challenges for the 21st century.
Autoren: Krska, R.
Event: Biomin Roadshow
Year: 2000 - Preparation and certification of reference materials for the determination of the mycotoxin zearalenone in maize: interim results.
Autoren: Krska, R., Josephs, R., Parich, A., Schuhmacher, R., Petterson, H., McDonald, S., Brereton, P.
Event: Xth International IUPAC Symposium on Mycotoxins and Phycotoxins 2000 "Mycotoxins and Phycotoxins in Perspective at the Turn of the Millenium"
Year: 2000 - A novel feed additive to counteract trichothecene toxicosis in pig production.
Autoren: Binder, E.M., Heidler, D., Schatzmayr, G., Thimm, N., Fuchs, E., Krska, R., Plank, B., Graf, J., Schuh, M., Binder, J.
Event: 16th International Pig Veterinary Society Congress
Year: 2000 - Trichothecene und Zearalenon: Stand der Analytik in Europa.
Autoren: Krska, R.
Event: 22. Mykotoxin Workshop 2000
Year: 2000 - Preparation and Certification of Reference Materials for the Determination of the Mycotoxin Zearalenone in Maize: Interim Results
Autoren: Krska, R., Josephs, R., Parich, A., Schuhmacher, R., Petterson, H., McDonald, S., Brereton, P.
Event: 10th International IUPAC Symposium on Mycotoxins and Phycotoxins 2000
Year: 2000 - Beauvericin: Natural occurrence in Austrian maize.
Autoren: Krska, R., Josephs, R., Lemmens, M., Ruckenbauer, P.
Event: 6th European Fusarium Seminar 2000
Year: 2000 - Laborvergleichstests für die Verbesserung der Zearalenon-Analytik in Europa.
Autoren: Josephs, R., Krska, R.
Event: 22. Mykotoxin Workshop 2000
Year: 2000 - Microbial detoxification of mycotoxins in animal feed.
Autoren: Binder, E.M., Heidler, D., Schatzmayr, G., Thimm, N., Fuchs, E., Schuh, M., Krska, R., Binder, J.
Event: Xth International IUPAC Symposium on Mycotoxins and Phycotoxins 2000 "Mycotoxins and Phycotoxins in Perspective at the Turn of the Millenium"
Year: 2000 - Dip-Stick-ELISA for allergenes in food.
Autoren: Baumgartner, S., Krska, R.
Event: 5th rencontre internationale Austro-Tunisienne sur la chimie analytique
Year: 2000 - Preparation of Reference Materials for the Determination of the Mycotoxin Zearalenone in Maize.
Autoren: Krska, R., Josephs, R.
Event: 5th rencontre internationale Austro-Tunisienne sur la chimie analytique
Year: 2000 - Proficiency testing in water analysis.
Autoren: Schuhmacher, R., Krska, R.
Event: 5th rencontre internationale Austro-Tunisienne sur la chimie analytique
Year: 2000 - Preparation and Certification of Reference Materials for the Determination of the Mycotoxin Zearalenone in Maize: Interim Results.
Autoren: Krska, R., Josephs, R., Parich, A., Schuhmacher, R., Petterson, H., McDonald, S., Brereton, P.
Event: Xth International IUPAC Symposium on Mycotoxins and Phycotoxins 2000 "Mycotoxins and Phycotoxins in Perspective at the Turn of the Millenium"
Year: 1999 - Development of an enzyme immunoassay for the determination of the herbicide metsulfuron-methyl based on chicken egg yolk antibodies.
Autoren: Reichelt, E., Pichler, H., Krska, R., Grasserbauer, M., Knopp, D., Nießner, R.
Event: 3rd Euroconference on Environmental Analytical Chemistry
Year: 1999 - Bestimmung von DON in Weizen mittels eines Immunoassays basierend auf Antikörpern aus Hühnereidottern.
Autoren: Schneider, L., Pichler, H., Krska, R.
Event: 21. Mykotoxin Workshop 1999
Year: 1999 - Zearalenone.
Autoren: Krska, R.
Event: Joint FAO/WHO/UNEP International Conference on Mycotoxins.
Year: 1999 - Interlaboratory Comparison Study for the Determination of halogenated Hydrocarbons in Water.
Autoren: Krska, R., Apfalter, S., Grasserbauer, M.
Event: 3rd Euroconference on Environmental Analytical Chemistry
Year: 1999 - Analytik von Mykotoxinen.
Autoren: Krska, R.
Event: Meeting DFG ¿ Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft
Year: 1999 - New Trends in Fusarium Mycotoxin Analysis.
Autoren: Krska, R.
Event: Biomin Seminar on the occasion of Better Pharma´s visit
Year: 1999 - Beauvericin: Rapid detection method and natural occurrence in Austrian corn.
Autoren: Krska, R., Josephs, R., Lemmens, M., Lemmens-Gruber, R., Ruckenbauer, P.
Event: Second (COST 835) Workshop on Mycotoxins in Plant Diseases, Istitutio Sperimentale per la Patologia Vegetale
Year: 1999 - Neue Entwicklungen in der Analytik von Zearalenon.
Autoren: Krska, R.
Event: 21. Mykotoxin Workshop 1999
Year: 1999 - Neue Entwicklungen in der Analytik von Fusarium Mykotoxinen.
Autoren: Krska, R.
Event: ANAKON 1999
Year: 1999 - Enzyme Immunoassays based on yolk antibodies for the determination of organic contaminants.
Autoren: Krska, R.
Event: 1st North-African and Middle Eastern Symposium on Environmental and Sanitary Analytical Chemistry 1999
Year: 1999 - Beauervericin: Neues Mykotoxin ¿ neue Resultate.
Autoren: Krska, R., Josephs, R., Lemmens, M., Lemmens-Gruber, R., Ruckenbauer, P.
Event: MOLD-Meeting 1999
Year: 1999 - Monitoring des mikrobiellen Abbaus von B-Trichothecenen mittels LC-PB-MS und GC-MS.
Autoren: Fuchs, E., Binder, E.M., Heidler, D., Krska, R.
Event: 21. Mykotoxin Workshop 1999
Year: 1999 - Int. Laborvergleichstest für die Bestimmung von Deoxynivalenol und Zearalenon in Mais und Weizen.
Autoren: Josephs, R., Krska, R., Grasserbauer, M.
Event: 21. Mykotoxin Workshop 1999
Year: 1998 - Microbiological degradation of deoxynivalenol and 3-acetyl-deoxynivalenol.
Autoren: Binder, E.M., Binder, J., Ellend, N., Schaffer, E., Krska, R., Braun, R.
Event: IX IUPAC International Symposium on Mycotoxins and Phycotoxins "Mycotoxins and Phycotoxins - Developments in Chemistry, Toxicology and Food Safety"
Year: 1998 - Moniliformin-Kontamination in Weizen: Entwicklung moderener analytischer Bestimmungsverfahren und ihre Anwendung im Bereich der Ährenfusariose-Resistenzzüchtung von Fusarientoxinen in Weizen.
Autoren: Josephs, R., Lemmens, M., Krska, R., Grasserbauer, M.
Event: 20. Mykotoxin Workshop 1998
Year: 1998 - DON-Bestimmung in Getreide: Wie richtig messen wir?
Autoren: Krska, R.
Event: 20. Mykotoxin Workshop 1998
Year: 1998 - Microwave assisted extraction of organochlorine pesticides from sediments and its application to contaminated samples.
Autoren: Krska, R., Silgoner, I., Gans, O., Lombas, E., Rosenberg, E., Grasserbauer, M.
Event: 2nd Euroconference on Environmental Analytical Chemistry
Year: 1998 - Fusarium mycotoxin beauvericin: Optimisation of analytical methodology and natural occurrence in maize ears in Austria.
Autoren: Krska, R., Schuhmacher, R., Grasserbauer, M., Lemmens, M., Ruckenbauer, P.
Event: IX IUPAC International Symposium on Mycotoxins and Phycotoxins "Mycotoxins and Phycotoxins - Developments in Chemistry, Toxicology and Food Safety"
Year: 1998 - Mycotoxin zearalenone: New analytical methods for the determination of an endocrine disrupter.
Autoren: Krska, R., Rosenberg, E., Pichler, H., Grasserbauer, M.
Event: Euroanalysis 10 1998
Year: 1998 - Analysis of Mycotoxins in food and feed.
Autoren: Krska, R.
Event: 4ème rencontre internationale Austro-Tunisienne sur la chimie analytique
Year: 1998 - Moniliformin-Kontamination in Weizen: Entwicklung moderener analytischer Bestimmungsverfahren und ihre Anwendung im Bereich der Ährenfusariose-Resistenzzüchtung von Fusarientoxinen in Weizen.
Autoren: Josephs, R., Lemmens, M., Krska, R., Grasserbauer, M.
Event: 20. Mykotoxin Workshop 1998
Year: 1998 - Zearalenone
Autoren: Krska, R.
Event: 3rd Joint FAO/WHO/UNEP International Conferenec on Mycotoxins
Year: 1998 - Modern analytical techniques for the analysis of Fusarium mycotoxins in cereals.
Autoren: Krska, R., Rosenberg, E., Wissiack, R., Grasserbauer, M.
Event: HTC5 1998
Year: 1998 - Entwicklung eines Immunoassays (ELISA) für den Nachweis von Zearalenon unter Einsatz von Eidotter-Antikörpern.
Autoren: Pichler, H., Krska, R., Szekacs, A., Grasserbauer, M.
Event: 20. Mykotoxin Workshop 1998
Year: 1998 - Entwicklung eines Immunoassays (ELISA) für den Nachweis von Zearalenon unter Einsatz von Eidotter-Antikörpern.
Autoren: Pichler, H., Krska, R., Szekacs, A., Grasserbauer, M.
Event: 20. Mykotoxin Workshop 1998
Year: 1997 - Moderne Probenvorbereitungsmethoden bei der Bestimmung von Vomitoxin in Getreide.
Autoren: Krska, R.
Event: ALVA 1997
Year: 1997 - Die Anwendung moderener Extraktionstechniken - SFE-MAE-ASE.
Autoren: Krska, R.
Event: ALVA 1997
Year: 1997 - Anreicherung von organischen Spurenkomponenten aus komplexen Matrices mit modernen Extraktionstechniken (ASE, MAE, SFE).
Autoren: Krska, R.
Event: HP Forum Analytik
Year: 1997 - Laborvergleichstest für Mykotoxinanalytik.
Autoren: Krska, R.
Event: active-Seminar für Qualitätssicherung und Qualitätskontrolle in Laboratorien.
Year: 1997 - Head blight (Fusarium spp.) on wheat: Investigations on the relationship between disease symptoms and mycotoxin content.
Autoren: Lemmens, M., Josephs, R., Schuhmacher, R., Grausgruber, R., Buerstmayr, H., Ruckenbauer, P., Neuhold, G., Fidesser, M., Krska, R.
Event: 5th European Fusarium Seminar 1997
Year: 1997 - Status of mycotoxin analysis in Austria.
Autoren: Krska, R.
Event: FAO/IAEA Consultants Meeting 1997 - Analytical Methods for Determining Mycotoxin Contamination of Food/Feed in Trade
Year: 1997 - Modern sample preparation techniques for the analysis of Fusarium mycotoxins in cereals.
Autoren: Krska, R., Josephs, R., Schuhmacher, R., Weingärtner, J., Grasserbauer, M.
Event: 5th European Fusarium Seminar 1997
Year: 1997 - Development of enzyme-immunoassays by use of antibodies from egg-yolk of immunized chicken for environmental and toxin analysis.
Autoren: Pichler, H., Krska, R., Szekacs, A., Grasserbauer, M.
Event: 1st Euroconference on Environmental Analytical Chemistry
Year: 1997 - Optimization of SFE-parameters for the analysis of organic micropollutants in environmental matrices.
Autoren: Krska, R., Lombas, E., Josephs, R., Grasserbauer, M.
Event: 1st Euroconference on Environmental Analytical Chemistry
Year: 1997 - Neue Erkenntnisse über die mikrobielle Detoxifikation von DON und 3-Acetyl-DON.
Autoren: Binder, J., Horvath, E.M., Schatzmayr, G., Ellend, N., Danner, H., Krska, R., Braun, R.
Event: 19. Mykotoxin Workshop 1997
Year: 1997 - Laborvergleichstest für die Bestimmung von Desoxynivalenol in Weizen.
Autoren: Krska, R., Schuhmacher, R., Grasserbauer, M.
Event: 19. Mykotoxin Workshop 1997
Year: 1997 - Herstellung eines zertifizierten Referenzmaterials für Zearalenon in Mais - ein EU-Projektantrag.
Autoren: Krska, R.
Event: MOLD-Meeting 1997
Year: 1997 - Analytik mikrobieller Detoxifikation von DON und 3-Acetyl-DON.
Autoren: Ellend, N., Horvath, E.M., Schaffer, E., Binder, J., Krska, R.
Event: 19. Mykotoxin Workshop 1997
Year: 1997 - Superkritische Fluid Extraktion (SFE) von Fusarientoxinen aus Weizen.
Autoren: Josephs, R., Krska, R., Grasserbauer, M.
Event: 19. Mykotoxin Workshop 1997
Year: 1996 - Qualitätssicherung bei der Einführung eines Analysenverfahrens zur Bestimmung des Mykotoxins Deoxynivalenol in Getreide.
Autoren: Weingärtner, J., Krska, R., Schuhmacher, R., Apfalter, S., Praznik, W., Grasserbauer, M.
Event: Österreichische Lebensmittelchemikertage 1996
Year: 1996 - Beauvericin - ein Fusarientoxin mit Relevanz für Österreich?
Autoren: Krska, R., Grasserbauer, M.
Event: ALVA 1996
Year: 1996 - Optimierung eines Analysenverfahrens zur Spurenbestimmung von Beauvericin in natürlich und künstlich infiziertem Mais.
Autoren: Krska, R., Schuhmacher, R., Grasserbauer, M.
Event: 18. Mykotoxin Workshop 1996
Year: 1996 - Fusarium mycotoxin beauvericin: Optimisation of analytical methodology and natural occurrence in maize ears in Austria.
Autoren: Krska, R., Schuhmacher, R., Grasserbauer, M., Lemmens, M., Ruckenbauer, P., Adler, A.
Event: IX International IUPAC Symposium on Mycotoxins and Phycotoxins
Year: 1996 - Immunoaffinitätssäulen versus klassische Probenvorbereitung bei der Bestimmung von Zearalenon in Mais - ein Methodenvergleich.
Autoren: Schuhmacher, R., Krska, R., Grasserbauer, M., Lew, H.
Event: 18. Mykotoxin Workshop 1996
Year: 1996 - Supercritical Fluid Extraction.
Autoren: Grasserbauer, M., Lombas Garcia, E., Krska, R.
Event: First Mediterranean Basin Conference on Analytical Chemistry
Year: 1996 - Mikrobieller Abbau von Trichothecenen.
Autoren: Horvath, E.M., Binder, J., Ellend, N., Schaffer, E., Heidegger, J., Krska, R., Braun, R.
Event: ALVA 1996
Year: 1995 - Spurenanalyse des Fusarium Mykotoxins Beauvericin in Mais.
Autoren: Krska, R., Grasserbauer, M.
Event: 17. Mykotoxin Workshop 1995
Year: 1995 - Trace analysis of the Fusarium mycotoxin beauvericin in corn.
Autoren: Krska, R., Kanhere, S.R., Scott, P.M.
Event: 4th European Fusarium Seminar 1995
Year: 1995 - Bioremediation of soil / PAH analysis.
Autoren: Krska, R.
Event: Erasmus Eurocourse on Trace Environmental Analysis
Year: 1995 - Mykotoxinforschung am IFA-Tulln.
Autoren: Krska, R., Grasserbauer, M.
Event: ALVA 1995
Year: 1995 - Chemical IR-sensor systems: A new quality in analytical chemistry.
Autoren: Kellner, R., Göbel, R., Götz, R., Krska, R., Mizaikoff, B., Taga, K., Tacke, M., Katzir, A.
Event: Pittcon 1995
Year: 1994 - Chemically modified IR transparent fibers and their application as chemical sensors.
Autoren: Kellner, R., Krska, R., Rosenberg, E., Taga, K.
Event: Third International Symposium on New Trends in Chemistry
Year: 1994 - Signal processing strategies for MIR-tunable diode laser sensors in waste water monitoring.
Autoren: Göbel, R., Krska, R., Kellner, R.
Event: Opto 1994
Year: 1994 - Infrared fiber optical chemical sensors.
Autoren: Mizaikoff, B., Göbel, R., Krska, R., Taga, K., Kellner, R.
Event: Europtrode II
Year: 1994 - Charakterisierung eines on-line Sensor Systems für chlorierte Kohlenwasserstoffe in Wasser.
Autoren: Göbel, R., Krska, R., Kellner, R.
Event: Österreichische Chemietage 1994
Year: 1993 - Capteurs chimiques; exemples et applications.
Autoren: Krska, R., Taga, K., Kellner, R.
Event: Première rencontre internationale Austro-Tunisienne sur la chimie analytique
Year: 1993 - Systèmes optiques et suivi des hydrocarbures chlorinés en milieu hydrique par fibres infrarouges couplées aux spectromètres FTIR et aux lasers à diodes accordables.
Autoren: Taga, K., Krska, R., Kellner, R.
Event: Opto 93, Treizièmes Journées Européennes de l´Optoélectronique
Year: 1993 - A new IR fiber optic chemical sensor for time-resolved measurements of chlorinated hydrocarbon traces in water.
Autoren: Kellner, R., Krska, R., Taga, K.
Event: AIRS, International Symposium on advanced Infrared Spectroscopy
Year: 1993 - Trace analysis of chlorinated hydrocarbons in water with an MIR fiber optical system coupled to FTIR spectrometers and tunable diode lasers.
Autoren: Taga, K., Krska, R., Göbel, R., Kellner, R.
Event: International Symposium on Optical Sensing for Environmental Monitoring
Year: 1992 - Simultaneous in-situ trace analysis of several chlorinated hydrocarbons in water with an IR fiber optical system.
Autoren: Krska, R., Taga, K., Kellner, R.
Event: 21st European Congress on Molecular Spectroscopy 1992
Year: 1992 - Fibre optique à ondes évanescentes appliquée aux systèmes chimiques.
Autoren: Taga, K., Krska, R., Kellner, R.
Event: Opto 92, Douzièmes Journées Européennes de l´Optoélectronique
Year: 1991 - Chemical Infrared-Sensors - State of the art.
Autoren: Kellner, R., Krska, R., Krug, A., Taga, K.
Autoren: Krska, R; Schamann, A; Malachová, A; Wagner, M;
Autoren: Caprio, A; Rollo, E; Suman, M; Krska, R; Malachova, A;
Autoren: Kenjeric, L; Sulyok, M; Krska, R; Pavelicova, K; Malachova, A;
Zur Mykotoxinproblematik, Toxingipfel.
Autoren: Krska, R.
Analytik von Mykotoxinen.
Autoren: Krska, R.
Autoren: Ezekiel, Ch; Akinyemi, M; Sulyok, M; Krska, R;
Optische Systeme zur Überwachung von chlorierten Kohlenwasserstoffen in Wasser basierend auf Infrarotfasern und abstimmbaren Diodenlasern.
Autoren: Krska, R., Taga, K., Kellner, R., Katzir, A., Schiessl, U., Tacke, M.
Chemical IR-Sensors: Principles and applications.
Autoren: Krska, R., Kellner, R., Krug, A., Rosenberg, E., Taga, K.
The Environmental Impact of Mycotoxin Analysis: On the Greenness of Routine Methods
Autoren: Stephan Freitag, Michael Sulyok, Rudolf Krska
Autoren: Bosman, A.J; Freitag, S; Ross, G.M.S; Sulyok, M; Krska, R; Ruggeri, F.S; Salentijn, G.IJ;
Entwicklung von Analysenmethoden und Referenzmaterialien für die Bestimmung von östrogenen Mykotoxinen in Getreide.
Autoren: Krska, R.
IR spectroscopy combined with LC-MS/MS analysis for rapid mycotoxin screening
Autoren: Stephan Freitag, Michael Sulyok, Rudolf Krska
Autoren: Oluwakayode, A; Sulyok, M; Meneely, J; Krska, R; Magan, N; Medina, A;
Combining LC-MS/MS analysis with chemometrics: Getting the most out of mycotoxin surveys
Autoren: Stephan Freitag, Michael Sulyok, Rudolf Krska
Supercritical Fluid Extraction versus ultrasonic extraction for the extraction of PAHs from sediments.
Autoren: Krska, R., Lombas Garcia, E., Grasserbauer, M.
Autoren: Sulyok, M; Krska, R; Svanström, Ä; Blomqvist, J; Leong, S;
Fusarium head blight in wheat: recent insights through metabolomics
Autoren: Doppler, M; Bueschl, C; Kluger, B; Simader, A; Wolf, B; Krska, R; Steiner, B; Lemmens, M; Buerstmayr, H; Wiesenberger, G; Adam, G; Schuhmacher, R
Autoren: Krska, R.
Autoren: Logan, N; Cao, C; Krska, R; Elliott, C;
Autoren: Fomina, P; Femenias, A; Tafintseva, V; Freitag, S; Sulyok, M; Kohler, A; Krska, R; Mizaikoff, B;
Autoren: Femenias, A; Fomina, P; Tafintseva, V; Freitag, S; Sulyok, M; Kohler, A; Krska, R; Mizaikoff, B;
Superkritische Fluid Extraktion von organischen Spurenanalyten aus komplexen Matrices.
Autoren: Krska, R.
Risk ranking of harmful substances in food and the role of processing contaminants
Autoren: R. Krska, C. Elliott, M. Eskola