Rupert Seidl
Dipl.-Ing. Dr. Rupert Seidl
Status Currently not employed at BOKU
ORCID: 0000-0002-3338-3402
8609630400: AuthorId
- 2019 Head of Research and Monitoring, Berchtesgaden National Parl
- 2019 Professor of Ecosystem Dynamics and Forest Management, Technical University of Munich
- 2018 - 2019 Deputy Head of Institute, Institute of Silviculture, BOKU Vienna
- 2015 Associate Professor, Institute of Silviculture, University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences Vienna
- 2015 - 2015 Visiting Scientist, University of Wisconsin, Madison, USA
- 2014 Habilitation in Forest Ecosystem Management, University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences Vienna
- 2013 - 2015 Assistant Professor, Institute of Silviculture, University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences (BOKU) Vienna
- 2012 - 2013 Senior Scientist, Institute of Silviculture, University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences (BOKU) Vienna
- 2011 - 2012 PostDoc at the Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences (SLU), Alnarp, Sweden
- 2009 - 2011 PostDoc at Oregon State University (OSU), Corvallis, Oregon, USA
- 2006 - 2006 Research scholarship at the European Forest Institute (EFI), Joensuu, Finland
- 2004 - 2008 PhD in Forestry
- 2003 - 2003 Young Scientist Summer Programme, International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis (IIASA)
- 1999 - 2004 MSc in Forestry
- Year: 2019 Awards: Best Paper Award (together with C. Senf), Jubiläumsfonds der Stadt Wien für die Universität für Bodenkultur Wien
- Year: 2016 Awards: Aufnahme in die Österreichische Akademie der Wissenschaften (Junge Kurie)
- Year: 2015 Awards: START Preis, Österreichischer Wissenschaftsfonds FWF
- Year: 2014 Awards: Förderungspreis der Prof. Anton Kurir-Stiftung
- Year: 2013 Awards: Best Paper Award, Jubiläumsfonds der Stadt Wien für die Universität für Bodenkultur Wien
- Year: 2010 Awards: Nominierung BOKU Teaching Award
- Year: 2009 Awards: Schweighofer Innovationspreis
- Year: 2009 Awards: Tetra Pak Award
- Year: 2008 Awards: Klimaschutzpreis der Österreichischen Hagelversicherung
- Year: 2008 Awards: Promotion "Sub auspiciis praesidentis rei publicae"
- Year: 2006 Awards: Förderpreis der Stiftung "120 Jahre Universität für Bodenkultur"
- Year: 2005 Awards: Förderstipendium der Universität für Bodenkultur
- Year: 2003 Awards: Leistungsstipendium Universität für Bodenkultur
0 Projects found.
Knowledge Transfer to Society
Year: 2020 - The role of alpha and beta diversity in buffering the effects of intensifying disturbance regimes under climate change
Autoren: Sebald, J; Rammer, W; Seidl, R
Event: Managing forests in the 21st century
Year: 2020 - Directing structural development can improve the functional response diversity of forests to climate change in northeastern North America
Autoren: Thom, Dominik; Taylor, Anthony; Seidl, Rupert; Thuiller, Wilfried; Wang, Jiejie; Robideau, Marie; Keeton, William
Event: 4th FORMASAM Meeting 2020 - Managing forests in the 21st century 2020
Year: 2019 - Quo vadis forest modeling
Autoren: Seidl, R.
Event: Perspectives of forest modeling
Year: 2019 - Klimawandel und Störungen in Österreichs Wäldern
Autoren: Seidl, R.
Event: Der Wald in Not. Ist Vielfalt im Wald die Antwort auf den Klimawandel?
Year: 2019 - Climate Change and Forest Disturbances in Europe
Autoren: Seidl, R.
Event: ThinkForest: How to Respond to Forest Disturbances in Europe
Year: 2019 - Changing Forest Disturbance Regimes: Causes and Consequences
Autoren: Seidl, R.
Event: Forest Ecosystems of the Chornobyl Exclusion Zone: Current State and Threat of Disturbances"
Year: 2019 - From mycelia to mammoths - simulating biotic disturbance agents in a changing world
Autoren: Honkaniemi, J; Rammer, W; Seidl, R
Event: 10th IALE World Congress 2019
Year: 2019 - Modeling natural disturbances
Autoren: Seidl, R.
Event: ISEM Global Conference 2019
Year: 2019 - Effects of climate variability on the resilience of tropical, temperate, and boreal forest landscapes
Autoren: Hansen, W.D., Seidl, R.
Event: 10th IALE World Congress 2019
Year: 2019 - Mapping forest disturbances to quantify effects of forest cover and disturbance on natural hazard probability in the Eastern Alps
Autoren: Sebald, J; Senf, C; Seidl, R
Event: Seminar on forest disturbances
Year: 2019 - Simulating forest resilience – a review
Autoren: Albrich, K., Rammer, W., Turner, M.G., Hansen, W., Ratajzak, Z., Braziunas, K., Seidl, R.
Event: Symposium "Perspectives of forest modelling"
Year: 2019 - Waldbau im Klimawandel: Was erwartet uns, was können wir tun?
Autoren: Seidl, R.
Event: Wald:Werkstatt 2019. Workshop des Landesforstdienstes
Year: 2019 - Unsere Wälder: Opfer oder Retter in einer sich ändernden Welt
Autoren: Seidl, R.
Event: Wissenschaft für alle. Akademie in den Bundesländern
Year: 2019 - Are forested landscapes protecting against torrential hazards? Empirical large scale evidence from the Alps
Autoren: Sebald, J; Senf, C; Heiser, M; Scheidl, C; Pflugmacher, D; Seidl, R
Event: International Association for Landscape Ecology - World congress
Year: 2019 - Störungen in Mitteleuropas Wäldern haben sich in den letzten drei Jahrzehnten verdoppelt
Autoren: Seidl, R., Senf, C.
Event: 20. Österreichischer Klimatag 2019 - Facetten der Österreichischen Klimaforschung
Year: 2019 - Waldbau im Klimawandel
Autoren: Seidl, R.
Event: Forst, Klima und Energie-Ausschuss, Land&Forst
Year: 2019 - Resilienz in der Waldbewirtschaftung in einer Welt im Wandel
Autoren: Seidl, R.
Event: Niederösterreichischer Förstertag
Year: 2019 - P.E.T.S. - The Permanent Evaluation and Test Suite for iLand
Autoren: Sebald, J; Rammer, W; Seidl, R
Event: Forest Modeling Symposium
Year: 2019 - Forest structure could mitigate negative impacts of climate change on functional diversity in northeastern North America
Autoren: Thom, D; Taylor, AR; Seidl, R; Thuiller, W; Wang, J; Robideau, M; Keeton, WS
Event: FEMC Conference 2019
Year: 2019 - The scaling of resilience: projecting regeneration failure under future climate and fire regimes for Greater Yellowstone
Autoren: Rammer, W; Ratajczak, Z; Westerling, L; Turner, M; Seidl, R
Event: 10th IALE World Congress 2019
Year: 2019 - Disturbances in a changing world: Measurement, modeling, impacts
Autoren: Seidl, R.
Event: Departmentskolloquium
Year: 2019 - Topographic complexity increases the climate resilience of mountain forests
Autoren: Albrich, K.; Rammer, W., Seidl, R.
Event: 10th IALE World Congress 2019
Year: 2019 - Disentangling climate change and land use legacy effects on European forest disturbance dynamics
Autoren: Senf, C.; Seidl, R.
Event: 10th IALE World Congress 2019
Year: 2019 - Risikomanagement auf der Landschaftsebene
Autoren: Seidl, R.
Event: 9. Risikoworkshop 2019
Year: 2019 - A deep learning based tool for scaling vegetation dynamics
Autoren: Rammer, W; Seidl, R
Event: ISEM Global Conference 2019
Year: 2019 - Critical transitions in Central European mountain forests under climate change – the role of topographic complexity
Autoren: Albrich, K.; Rammer, W.; Seidl, R.
Event: 25th IUFRO World Congress 2019 - Forest Research and Cooperation for Sustainable Development
Year: 2019 - Topographic complexity increases the climate resilience of mountain forests
Autoren: Albrich, K; Rammer, W; Seidl, R
Event: 10th IALE World Congress 2019
Year: 2019 - Scaling Vegetation Dynamics - A novel deep learning based approach for modelling vegetation transitions across large spatial scales
Autoren: Rammer, W; Seidl, R
Event: Symposium "Perspectives of forest modelling" 2019
Year: 2019 - Forest resilience to climate change: An investigation across scales
Autoren: Seidl, R.
Event: 10th IALE World Congress 2019
Year: 2019 - Forest canopy disturbances increase the risk from torrential hazards in mountain regions
Autoren: Sebald, J; Senf, C; Scheidl, C; Heiser, M; Pflugmacher, D; Seidl, R
Event: European Geosciences Union EGU General Assembly 2019
Year: 2018 - Are forest disturbance patterns different across the temperate biome and does human influences modulate them?
Autoren: Sommerfeld, A; Senf, C; Buma, B; D'Amato, A; Després, T; Díaz-Hormazabal, I; Fraver, S; Frelich, L; Gutiérrez, A; Hart, S; Harvey, B; He, H; Hlásny, T; Holz, A; Kitzberger, T; Kulakowski, D; Lindenmayer, D; Mori, A; Müller, J; Paritsis, J; Perry, G; Stephens, S; Svoboda, M; Turner, M; Veblen, T; Seidl, R
Event: 48th Annual Meeting of the Ecological Society of Germany, Austria and Switzerland GfÖ 2018 - Ecology – Meeting the Scientific Challenges of a complex World
Year: 2018 - Post-disturbance ground vegetation effects on carbon sequestration in a temperate forest landscape
Autoren: Dirnböck, T., Kraus, D., Kobler, J., Thom, D., Seidl, R., Haas, E., Kiese, R.
Event: European Geosciences Union EGU General Assembly 2018
Year: 2018 - Dead trees, live forests
Autoren: Seidl, R.
Event: Science Day Special: Multidisciplinary perspectives on death
Year: 2018 - Scaling vegetation dynamics: a novel approach for modeling vegetation transitions across large spatial scales based on deep learning
Autoren: Rammer, W; Seidl, R
Event: 48th Annual Meeting of the Ecological Society of Germany, Austria and Switzerland GfÖ 2018 - Ecology – Meeting the Scientific Challenges of a complex World
Year: 2018 - Walddynamik der Nationalparks von grob bis fein, von gestern bis morgen
Autoren: Sommerfeld, A; Senf, C; Buma, B; D'Amato, A; Després, T; Díaz-Hormazabal, I; Fraver, S; Frelich, L; Gutiérrez, A; Hart, S; Harvey, B; He, H; Hlásny, T; Holz, A; Kitzberger, T; Kulakowski, D; Lindenmayer, D; Mori, A; Müller, J; Paritsis, J; Perry, G; Stephens, S; Svoboda, M; Turner, M; Veblen, T; Seidl, R
Event: Forschungssymposium „Nationalparke Die Quelle der natürlichen Dynamik“
Year: 2018 - Wie wird der Wald von morgen aussehen?
Autoren: Seidl, R.
Event: NÖ Naturschutztag 2018
Year: 2018 - Klimawandel und Waldstörungen: Auswirkungen auf das Waldmanagement in Mitteleuropa
Autoren: Seidl, R.
Event: Bewahren der Tradition oder Aufbruch zu neuen Ufern? Eine Standortbestimmung des Waldbaus
Year: 2018 - Frontiers in forest disturbance research in a changing world
Autoren: Seidl, R.
Event: Eidgenössische Forschungsanstalt für Wald, Schnee und Landschaft WSL, Distinguished Lecture
Year: 2018 - Impacts of natural disturbances on forest carbon cycling and their implications for ecosystem management
Autoren: Seidl, R.
Event: 48th Annual Meeting of the Ecological Society of Germany, Austria and Switzerland GfÖ 2018 - Ecology – Meeting the Scientific Challenges of a complex World
Year: 2018 - Resilience of mountain forest ecosystems to climate change
Autoren: Albrich, K; Rammer, W; Seidl, R
Event: 18th The International Boreal Forest Research Association IBFRA Conference 2018 - - Cool Forests at Risk? The critical role of boreal and mountain ecosystems for people, bioeconomy, and climate
Year: 2018 - What is the impact of salvage logging after disturbance on the landscape-scale forest carbon balance?
Autoren: Dobor, L; Hlásny, T; Rammer, W; Barka, I; Zimová, S; Seidl, R
Event: 48th Annual Meeting of the Ecological Society of Germany, Austria and Switzerland GfÖ 2018 - Ecology – Meeting the Scientific Challenges of a complex World
Year: 2018 - Does carbon sequestration matter for managers of protected areas?
Autoren: Dirnböck, T., Kobler, J., Garstenauer, R., Grote, R., Kiese, R., Kraus, D., Schindlbacher, A., Thom, D., Seidl, R.
Event: 48th Annual Meeting of the Ecological Society of Germany, Austria and Switzerland GfÖ 2018 - Ecology – Meeting the Scientific Challenges of a complex World
Year: 2018 - Using long-term satellite records for monitoring forest health under climate change
Autoren: Senf, C., Seidl, R.
Event: 48th Annual Meeting of the Ecological Society of Germany, Austria and Switzerland GfÖ 2018 - Ecology – Meeting the Scientific Challenges of a complex World
Year: 2018 - Forest disturbances in a changing world
Autoren: Seidl, R.
Event: Science Days 2018. Austrian Academy of Sciences
Year: 2018 - Landsat time series allow for the quantification of forest management and patch size effects on post-disturbance recovery trajectories
Autoren: Senf, C., Müller, J., Seidl, R.
Event: European Geosciences Union EGU General Assembly 2018
Year: 2018 - Key issues of forest resilience research
Autoren: Seidl, R.
Event: Operationalizing forest resilience
Year: 2018 - Das Unerwartete erwarten: Diversität und Resilienz im Waldmanagement
Autoren: Seidl, R.
Event: Seminar für Führungskräfte im Tiroler Landesforstdienst 2018
Year: 2018 - A first satellite-based estimation of recent (1984-2017) trends in forest disturbances for Central Europe
Autoren: Senf, C., Pflugmacher, D., Zhiqiang, Y., Sebald, S., Knorn, J., Hostert, P., Seidl, R.
Event: European Geosciences Union EGU General Assembly 2018
Year: 2018 - Effect of natural disturbances on hydro-geomorphic hazards
Autoren: Scheidl, C; Heiser, M; Klebinder, K; Kohl, B; Markart, G; Seidl, R; Rammer, W; Thaler, T
Event: 19. Österreichischer Klimatag 2018 - Forschung zu Klima, Klimawandel und Auswirkungen in Österreich
Year: 2018 - Waldbewirtschaftung im Klimawandel: Was erwartet uns, was können wir tun?
Autoren: Seidl, R.
Event: Jahreshauptversammlung des Waldschutzvereins Leoben
Year: 2018 - Providing forest ecosystem services in a changing world: Challenges and solutions
Autoren: Seidl, R.
Event: BOKU Showcase: The role of forest ecosystems in a changing world
Year: 2018 - Scaling vegetation dynamics: a metamodeling approach based on deep learning
Autoren: Rammer, W; Seidl, R
Event: 9th International Congress on Environmental Modelling and Software 2018
Year: 2018 - The climate change resilience of Norway spruce at the trailing edge
Autoren: Honkaniemi, J; Rammer, W; Seidl, R;
Event: 18th The International Boreal Forest Research Association IBFRA Conference 2018 - - Cool Forests at Risk? The critical role of boreal and mountain ecosystems for people, bioeconomy, and climate
Year: 2018 - Looking beyond the mean: Drivers of variability in postfire stand development of Rocky Mountain conifers
Autoren: Braziunas, K.H., Hansen, W.D., Seidl, R., Rammer, W., Turner, M.G.
Event: US-IALE: US Regional Association of the ?International Association for Landscape Ecology
Year: 2017 - Strategien für eine Welt im Wandel: Diversität und Resilienz im Waldmanagement
Autoren: Seidl, R.
Event: Adventtagung der Land & Forstbetriebe Steiermark 2017
Year: 2017 - Resilienz und Stabilität in der Waldbewirtschaftung
Autoren: Seidl, R.
Event: Widerstandsfähige, stabile Waldbestände in Zeiten des Klimawandels – Heimische Vielfalt nutzen
Year: 2017 - Patterns and drivers of recent natural disturbances across the temperate forest biome
Autoren: Sommerfeld, A; Senf, C; Buma, B; D'Amato, A; Després, T; Díaz-Hormazabal, I; Fraver, S; Frelich, L; Gutiérrez, A; Hart, S; Harvey, B; He, H; Hlásny, T; Holz, A; Kitzberger, T; Kulakowski, D; Lindenmayer, D; Mori, A; Müller, J; Paritsis, J; Perry, G; Stephens, S; Svoboda, M; Turner, M; Veblen, T; Seidl, R
Event: 125th Anniversary congress IUFRO 2017 - Interconnecting Forests, Science and People
Year: 2017 - Management & natural disturbances
Autoren: Seidl, R.
Event: State-of-the-art and perspectives of individual-based forest modeling
Year: 2017 - A perfect storm: Multiple stressors interact to drive postfire regeneration failure of lodgepole pine and Douglas-fir forests in Yellowstone
Autoren: Hansen, W.D., Braziunas, K.H., Seidl, R., Rammer, W., Turner, M.G..
Event: Annual Meeting of the Ecological Society of America
Year: 2017 - Multi-scale drivers of forest disturbances across European temperate forests
Autoren: Senf, C., Seidl, R.
Event: 125th Anniversary congress IUFRO 2017 - Interconnecting Forests, Science and People
Year: 2017 - Disturbances mitigate climate change effects on biodiversity
Autoren: Thom, D; Rammer, W; Müller, J; Seidl, R
Event: 2nd International Conference on Forests, Bavarian Forest National Park 2017
Year: 2017 - Frontiers in forest disturbance research
Autoren: Seidl, R.
Event: 125th Anniversary congress IUFRO 2017 - Interconnecting Forests, Science and People
Year: 2017 - Die Auswirkungen von geänderten Klima- und Störungsregimes auf den Schutzwald
Autoren: Seidl, R.
Event: Ländliche Neuordnung: Rolle der agrartechnischen Fachbereiche im Naturgefahrenmanagement
Year: 2017 - Diversität und Resilienz im Waldmanagement
Autoren: Seidl, R.
Event: Österreichische Forsttagung 2017
Year: 2017 - Interactive effects of climate warming and invasive pests on European forest carbon storage
Autoren: Dullinger, S., Essl, F., Klonner, G., Rammer, W., Seidl R.
Event: 125th Anniversary congress IUFRO 2017 - Interconnecting Forests, Science and People
Year: 2017 - Zurück in die Zukunft des Waldes der Kalkalpen
Autoren: Seidl, R.
Event: Luft, Wald, Boden, Wasser: 25 Jahre Umweltbeobachtung am Zöbelboden
Year: 2017 - Modeling changing forest disturbance regimes
Autoren: Seidl, R., Thom, D., Kautz, M., Martin-Benito, D., Peltoniemi, M., Vacchiano, G., Wild, J., Ascoli, D., Petr, M., Honkaniemi, J., Lexer, M., Trotsiuk, V., Mairota, P., Svoboda, M., Fabrika, M., Nagel, T., Reyer, C.P.O.
Event: 125th Anniversary congress IUFRO 2017 - Interconnecting Forests, Science and People
Year: 2017 - Changing disturbance regimes and their impact on the climate regulating function of forests
Autoren: Thom, D; Rammer, W; Seidl, R
Event: 125th Anniversary congress IUFRO 2017 - Interconnecting Forests, Science and People
Year: 2017 - Forstwirtschaft in Zeiten des Klimawandels
Autoren: Seidl, R.
Event: 1. Aquinas Kamingespräch zur Ethik im Anthropozän 2017
Year: 2017 - Integrating effects of diversity, disturbances, and climate change into forest landscape modeling
Autoren: Werner Rammer Rupert Seidl
Event: 125th Anniversary congress IUFRO 2017 - Interconnecting Forests, Science and People
Year: 2017 - Similarities and differences in forest disturbance dynamics across the European temperate forest biome
Autoren: Senf, C., Seidl, R.
Event: 10th Annual Meeting of the Specialist Group on Macroecology of the Ecological Society of Germany, Austria & Switzerland (GfÖ) 2017
Year: 2017 - The effect of natural disturbances on the risk from hydrogeomorphic hazards under climate change
Autoren: Scheidl, C; Thaler, T; Seidl, R; Rammer, W; Kohl, B; Markart, G
Event: European Geosciences Union EGU General Assembly 2017
Year: 2017 - Understanding and modeling forest disturbances under climate change
Autoren: Seidl, R., Thom, D., Kautz, M., Martin-Benito, D., Peltoniemi, M., Vacchiano, G., Wild, J., Ascoli, D., Petr, M., Honkaniemi, J., Lexer, M.J., Trotsiuk, V., Mairota, P., Svoboda, M., Fabrika, M., Nagel, T.A., Reyer, C.P.O.
Event: Robust projections of forests under climate change - data, methods and models. COST Action FP1304 PROFOUND – Final Event
Year: 2017 - Age alone is not enough: Multiple drivers control postfire stand development in Rocky Mountain conifers
Autoren: Braziunas, K.H., Hansen, W.D., Seidl, R., Rammer, W., Turner, M.G.
Event: Annual Meeting of the Ecological Society of America
Year: 2017 - The potential impact of invasive pests on carbon storage in Europe’s forests
Autoren: Seidl, R., Klonner, G., Rammer, W., Essl, F., Moreno, A., Neumann, M., Dullinger, S.
Event: 10th Annual Meeting of the Specialist Group on Macroecology of the Ecological Society of Germany, Austria & Switzerland (GfÖ) 2017
Year: 2017 - Providing multiple ecosystem services in the face of changing disturbance regimes
Autoren: Albrich, K; Rammer, W; Thom, D; Seidl, R
Event: 125th Anniversary congress IUFRO 2017 - Interconnecting Forests, Science and People
Year: 2017 - Similarities and differences in forest disturbance patterns across the European temperate forest biome
Autoren: Senf, C., Seidl, R.
Event: 2nd International Conference on Forests, Bavarian Forest National Park 2017
Year: 2017 - Ein hochaufgelöster Klimadatensatz für das Stubaital
Autoren: Leidinger, D; Formayer H; Nadeem I; Frisch-Niggemeyer A; Seidl R; Leitinger G;
Event: 18. Österreichischer Klimatag 2017 - Aktuelle Klimaforschung in Österreich
Year: 2017 - Climate impacts on forests: The good, the bad and the ugly
Autoren: Seidl, R.
Event: International conference on climate-change impacts for scientists & stakeholders, Impacts World 2017 - Counting the true costs of climate change
Year: 2016 - Changing climate and disturbance regimes in Europe's forests: impacts and resilience
Autoren: Seidl, R.
Event: Forest Management for Enhancing Resilience to Climate Change
Year: 2016 - Changing disturbance regimes: Challenges and opportunities for forest management
Autoren: Seidl, R.
Event: The challenge of global change: disturbance and risk in forest ecosystem management
Year: 2016 - Impact of different management strategies on the provisioning of forest ecosystem services under climate change
Autoren: Albrich, K.; Thom, D.; Rammer, W.; Seidl, R.
Event: COST Action [FP1304] event: PROFOUND Joint MC/WG meeting
Year: 2016 - The paradox of forest disturbance
Autoren: Seidl, R.
Event: ART & SCIENCE, University of Applied Arts Vienna
Year: 2016 - Forest landscape trajectories under climate change reveal time lags of adaptation and ecological novelty
Autoren: Thom, D; Rammer, W; Seidl, R
Event: EcoSummit 2016
Year: 2016 - Long-term interactions between wind disturbance, climate change, and forest management
Autoren: Rammer, W; Albrich, K; Seidl, R
Event: IUFRO Regional Congress for Asia and Oceania 2016
Year: 2016 - Disturbances mitigate climate change effects on biodiversity
Autoren: Thom, D; Rammer, W; Seidl, R
Event: COST Action [FP1304] event: PROFOUND Joint MC/WG meeting
Year: 2016 - A simulation platform to assess forest landscape resilience
Autoren: Rammer, W; Seidl, R
Event: 8th International Congress on Environmental Modelling and Software 2016
Year: 2016 - Assessing forest resilience in mountain forests of Central Europe: A model-based reanalysis of thinning trials
Autoren: Seidl, R., Vigl, F., Rössler, G., Neumann, M., Rammer, W.
Event: Ecology of Mountain Forest Ecosystems in Europe
Year: 2016 - Österreichs Wald im Klimawandel: Klimaopfer oder Klimaretter?
Autoren: Seidl, R
Event: Science VHS Wien
Year: 2015 - Disturbances facilitate the adaptation of forest composition to climate change
Autoren: Thom, D; Rammer, W; Seidl, R
Event: Mountain Forest Management in a Changing World 2015
Year: 2015 - Simulation von dynamischen Rückkoppelungen zwischen Wald und seinen Bewirtschaftern unter sich wandelnden Klimabedingungen
Autoren: Seidl, R., Rammer, W.
Event: 16. Österreichischer Klimatag 2015 - Aktuelle Klimaforschung in Österreich
Year: 2015 - Wie sensitiv reagieren WaldbewirtschafterInnen auf klimabedingte Änderungen in ökologischen Prozessen?
Autoren: Rammer, W; Seidl, R; Aggestam, F; Blennow, K; Wolfslehner; B
Event: 16. Österreichischer Klimatag 2015 - Aktuelle Klimaforschung in Österreich
Year: 2015 - Simulating dynamic wind effects and their interactions with other disturbance agents
Autoren: Rammer, W; Seidl, R
Event: Workshop on the Mathematical Modelling of the Risk of Wind Damage to Forests
Year: 2015 - Small beetles, large-scale drivers: How regional and landscape factors affect local bark beetle outbreaks
Autoren: Seidl, R., Müller, J., Hothorn, T., Bässler, C., Heurich, M., Kautz, M.
Event: Ecological science at the frontier. The 100th annual meeting of the Ecological Society of America
Year: 2015 - Responding to a changing world: Modeling adaptive management agents in forest landscapes
Autoren: Rammer, W; Seidl, R
Event: 9th IALE World Congress 2015
Year: 2015 - Seeing the forest for the trees: Is there a place for individual trees in forest landscape modeling?
Autoren: Seidl, R
Event: 9th World Congress of the International Association for Landscape Ecology
Year: 2015 - Can disturbance management foster both biodiversity and ecosystem services
Autoren: Thom, D; Seidl, R; Thorn, S
Event: Forestry 2015 - Bridge to the Future
Year: 2014 - Disturbance effects on forest ecosystem service provisioning and biodiversity
Autoren: Thom, D; Seidl, R
Event: Forest landscape mosaics: disturbance, restoration and management at times of global change
Year: 2014 - Disturbance Regimes And Ecosystem Services In A Changing World
Autoren: Seidl, R.
Event: XXIV IUFRO World Congress 2014 - Sustaining Forests, Sustaining People: The Role of Research
Year: 2014 - Klima und Waldschäden im Wandel – Herausforderung für den Waldbau
Autoren: Seidl, R.
Event: Was tun, wenn's kracht? Wirkungsvolles Management von Kalamitäten. Forstliche Ausbildungsstätte Pichl
Year: 2014 - Qt powered tools for the modelling of forest ecosystems
Autoren: Rammer, W Seidl, R
Event: Qt Developer Days 2014 Europe
Year: 2014 - Early seral forests and ecosystem functioning
Autoren: Seidl, R.
Event: Structural and Functional Attributes of Natural Early-Seral Forest Ecosystems
Year: 2014 - Climate change and Europe’s forests: state of the art and challenges for prediction
Autoren: Seidl, R.
Event: A scientific roadmap for projections of global change impacts on forests
Year: 2014 - Managing change: an agent-based model of adaptive forest management at the landscape scale
Autoren: Rammer, W; Seidl, R
Event: ECEM 2014 - Beyond boundaries: next generation modelling - October 27-30, 2014, Marrakech, MOROCCO
Year: 2014 - Testing the insurance hypothesis: Can tree species diversity buffer ecosystem services against disturbance impacts?
Autoren: Pedro, M; Rammer, W; Seidl, R
Event: XXIV IUFRO World Congress 2014 - Sustaining Forests, Sustaining People: The Role of Research
Year: 2014 - Testing the insurance hypothesis: Is tree species diversity mitigating landscape-scale disturbance impactson ecosystem services?
Autoren: Seidl, R; Pedro, M; Rammer, W.
Event: FunDivEUROPE 3rd Annual Meeting
Year: 2014 - Disturbance dynamics in forest landscapes
Autoren: Thom, D; Rammer, W; Seidl, R
Event: 1st PROFOUND Joint Working Group and Management Committee Meeting
Year: 2013 - Forest disturbance dynamics in a changing world
Autoren: Seidl, R.
Event: Forest Ecology Seminar, ETH Zürich
Year: 2013 - Disturbance modeling: Understanding and predictingforest disturbance dynamics
Autoren: Seidl, R.
Event: BayCEER Kolloquium, Lectures in Ecology and Environmental Research
Year: 2013 - Disturbance ecology and management in a changing world: Insights and challenges
Autoren: Seidl, R
Event: Our forests in the 21st century – ready for risks and opportunities? EFI Annual Conference
Year: 2013 - Intensifying natural disturbance regimesand implications for forest management
Autoren: Seidl, R
Event: International Conference on Climate Change and Tree Responses in Central European Forests ClimTree 2013
Year: 2013 - A simulation tool for assessing future wind disturbance impacts on forest landscapes
Autoren: Rammer, W Seidl, R Blennow, K
Event: International Conference on Climate Change and Tree Responses in Central European Forests ClimTree 2013
Year: 2013 - The sensitivity of wind and bark beetle disturbance to slow and fast drivers in Central European forests
Autoren: Thom, D., Seidl, R., Steyrer, G., Krehan, H., Formayer, H.
Event: International Conference on Climate Change and Tree Responses in Central European Forests ClimTree 2013
Year: 2013 - Exploring the relationship between tree species diversity and forest ecosystem services under climate change
Autoren: Mariana Pedro, Michael Maroschek, Werner Rammer, Rupert Seidl and Manfred J. Lexer
Event: International Conference on Climate Change and Tree Responses in Central European Forests ClimTree 2013
Year: 2013 - Unraveling the drivers of intensifying forest disturbance regimes
Autoren: Seidl, R.
Event: Natural Disturbance Conference, Nationalpark Bayerischer Wald
Year: 2012 - Concepts and challenges of modelling natural disturbances in forest ecosystems
Autoren: Seidl, R.
Event: COST FP0603 Final meeting Forest models for research and decision suport in sustainable forest mangement 2012
Year: 2012 - What's bugging our forests? Climate change, bark beetle outbreaks, and their joint impact on the forest C cycle.
Autoren: Seidl, R.
Event: Carbon balance in a changing climate at Finish Forest Research Institute Metla 2012
Year: 2012 - Scientific Methods as the Modern Days’ Crystal Ball? Lessons from Predicting the Future of Forest Ecosystems
Autoren: Seidl, R.
Event: Art as Research. Research as Art. Anything goes? JOUR FIXE Discussing Methods and Materials. University of Applied Arts, Vienna 2012
Year: 2012 - The individual, the process and the scale: Modeling forest disturbance dynamics in a changing world
Autoren: Seidl, R.
Event: Departmentseminar Ökologische Systemanalyse, Helmholtz-Zentrum für Umweltforschung UFZ 2012
Year: 2012 - Analyse des Störungsregimes in Österreichs Wäldern als Basis für die waldbauliche Prioritätensetzung im Klimawandel
Autoren: Thom, D., Seidl, R., Krehan, H., Steyrer, G.
Event: 13. Österreichischer Klimatag 2012 - Forschung zu Klima, Klimawandel und Auswirkungen in Österreich
Year: 2012 - Modeling forest disturbance at multiple scales.
Autoren: Seidl, R.
Event: MOTIVE disturbance modeling workshop 2012
Year: 2012 - Drivers of spatial variation in old-growth forest carbon density disentangled with LIDAR and an individual-based landscape model
Autoren: Seidl, R., Spies, T.A., Rammer, W., Steel, E.A., Pabst, R.J., Olsen, K.
Event: 97th Annual Meeting of the Ecological Society of America 2012
Year: 2012 - Expect the Unexpected - Waldökosysteme im Klimawandel
Autoren: Seidl, R.
Event: 20 Jahre Zöbelboden - Ökosystemmonitoring & Langzeitforschung Reichraminger Hintergebirge 2012
Year: 2012 - Modeling forest ecosystem C cycling
Autoren: Seidl, R.
Event: Carbon, conservation, and communities in the Carpathians 2012
Year: 2012 - Drivers and impacts of intensifying disturbance regimes in Europe's forests
Autoren: Seidl, R., Schelhaas, M.J.
Event: Tackling climate change 2012 - The contribution of forest scientific knowledge
Year: 2012 - Wie klimafit sind Österreichs Wälder?
Autoren: Seidl, R.
Event: 25. Seminar Biologischer Forstschutz 2012
Year: 2012 - Natural disturbances and interaction with climate change
Autoren: Seidl, R.
Event: Forest Finance Risk Workshop 2012
Year: 2012 - Einfluss des Klimas auf den Waldbau
Autoren: Seidl, R., Wolfslehner, B., Hochbichler, E.
Event: Seminar der Landwirtschaftskammer Steiermark 2012
Year: 2011 - Ist der Klimawandel schuld am Störungsanstieg in Waldökosystemen?
Autoren: Seidl, R.
Event: 12. Österreichischer Klimatag 2011 - Forschung zu Klima, Klimawandel und Auswirkungen in Österreich
Year: 2011 - Environmental and social uncertainties in adapting forest management to climate change
Autoren: Seidl, R., Lexer, M.J.
Event: Resilience 2011. Resilience, Innovation and Sustainability: Navigating the Complexities of Global Change.
Year: 2011 - Tools for a disturbed future: High resolution modeling of climate – vegetation – disturbance interactionsin forest landscapes
Autoren: Seidl, R.
Event: Department Seminar, Swedish Agricultural University SLU 2011
Year: 2011 - Tales from a disturbed past, tools for a disturbing future: Modeling climate – vegetation – disturbance interactions in forest ecosystems
Autoren: Seidl, R.
Event: Forest Ecology Seminar at Wageningen University Alterra 2011
Year: 2011 - Simulating the effects of climate heterogeneity on complex mountain landscapes in an individual-based multi-scale approach
Autoren: Seidl, R., Rammer, W., Spies, T.A., Pabst, R.J.
Event: Meeting of the US Regional Association of the International Association of Landscape Ecology 2011 - Sustainability in Dynamic Landscapes
Year: 2011 - In the wake of the storm: Pervasive functional damage in forest ecosystems following wind disturbance
Autoren: Seidl, R., Blennow, K.
Event: SLU Alnarp Seminar Series 2011
Year: 2011 - Adapting multifunctional mountain forest management to climate change
Autoren: Michael Maroschek Werner Rammer Rupert Seidl Manfred J. Lexer
Event: COST FP0703 ECHOES summer school 2011 - Adaptation to Climate Change in Forest Management
Year: 2011 - Exploring adaptive management options under climate change in a biosphere reserve
Autoren: Schörghuber, S., Rammer, W., Seidl, R., Lexer, M.J.
Event: COST FP0703 ECHOES summer school 2011 - Adaptation to Climate Change in Forest Management
Year: 2011 - Causes of increased disturbance damage in Europe’s forests
Autoren: Schelhaas, M.J., Seidl, R., Lexer, M.J.
Event: IUFRO Research Conference 2011 - Wind & Trees
Year: 2010 - Simulating complexity - there's an app for that: Introducing iLand, the individual-based forest landscape model
Autoren: Seidl, R.
Event: Department Seminar, Department of Forest Ecosystems and Society, Oregon State University
Year: 2010 - Individual-based forest landscape modeling to assess climate change impactsin Oregon
Autoren: Seidl, R.
Event: LANDIS II forest landscape model workshop
Year: 2010 - Developing a mechanistic approach to model the effects of climate change on forest dynamics in complex mountain landscapes.
Autoren: Seidl, R., Rammer, W., Scheller, R.M., Spies, T.A., Lexer, M.J.
Event: MtnClim 2010
Year: 2010 - Developing novel fuel models for the eastern Alps to simulate fuel dynamics in an ecosystem model
Autoren: Arpaci A., Lexer M.J.,Seidl R.,Vacik H.
Event: 6th International Conference on Forest Fire Research 2010
Year: 2010 - A large-scale evaluation of a hybrid forest model across ecological gradients in mountain forests
Autoren: Schörghuber, S., Rammer, W., Seidl, R., Lexer, M.J.
Event: Conference on Global Change and the World’s Mountains 2010
Year: 2010 - Auswirkungen des Klimawandels auf das Energiesystem und notwendige Adaptionsmaßnahmen
Autoren: L. Kranzl, G. Kalt, A. Müller, C. Redl, R. Haas, H. Formayer, P. Haas, P. Stanzel, H.P. Nachtnebel, S. Schoerghuber, G. Kindermann, R. Seidl, W. Rammer, M.J. Lexer
Event: 11. Österreichischer Klimatag 2010 - Forschung zu Klima, Klimawandel und Auswirkungen in Österreich
Year: 2010 - A mechanistic, individual-based approach to modeling complexity and dynamicsof forest ecosystems across scales
Autoren: Seidl, R., Rammer, W., Scheller, R.M., Spies, T.A., Lexer, M.J.
Event: 95th ESA Annual Meeting 2010
Year: 2010 - ClimChAlp - a webbased decision support system to explore adaptation options for silviculture in secondary Norway spruce forests in Austria
Autoren: Vacik H., Lexer M.J., Rammer W., Seidl R., Hochbichler E., Strauss M., Schachinger C.
Event: Workshop on Decision Support Systems in Sustainable Forest Management
Year: 2010 - Forest dynamics in silico: Simulating complex interactions from individual trees to the landscape
Autoren: Seidl, R.
Event: HJ Andrews LTER Science Hour
Year: 2009 - Adaptation effects versus future uncertainty in forest management: Investigating the signal to noise ratio
Autoren: Seidl, R., Lexer, M.J.
Event: 13th World Forestry Congress FAO 2009
Year: 2009 - Evaluierung von generalisierten Biomasse-Allometrien in der dynamischen Waldökosystemmodellierung
Autoren: Seidl, R., Bellos, P.
Event: Erste Vortragsveranstaltung der Stiftung "120 Jahre Universität für Bodenkultur" 2009
Year: 2008 - Sustainable forest management under climate change: Adaptation strategies based on a comprehensive vulnerability assessment
Autoren: Seidl, R., Rammer, W., Lexer, M.J.
Event: Forest Adaptation 2008 - Adaptation of Forests and Forest Management to Changing Climate with Emphasis on Forest Health: A Review of Science, Policies, and Practices
Year: 2008 - Addressing biodiversity in a stakeholder-driven climate change vulnerability assessment
Autoren: Seidl, R., Rammer, W., Lexer, M.J.
Event: IUFRO Conference on Biodiversity in Forest Ecosystems and Landscapes 2008
Year: 2008 - Waldbewirtschaftung im Klimawandel: Entwicklung von Anpassungsstrategien für die Österreichischen Bundesforste
Autoren: Seidl, R., Rammer, W., Lexer, M.J.
Event: 10. Österreichischer Klimatag 2008 - Forschung zu Klima, Klimawandel und Auswirkungen in Österreich
Year: 2008 - Sustainable forest management under climate change: Adaptation strategies based on a comprehensive vulnerability assessment
Autoren: Seidl, R., Rammer, W., Lexer, M.J.
Event: Climate Change and Forests Seminar Series 2008 - Climate Change and Forest Carbon Strategic Unit, Canadian Forest Service
Year: 2008 - Climate change impacts on goods and services of European mountain forests – a review
Autoren: M. Maroschek, R. Seidl, M. Lindner, J. Garcia-Gonzalo and M.J. Lexer
Event: Forest Adaptation 2008 - Adaptation of Forests and Forest Management to Changing Climate with Emphasis on Forest Health: A Review of Science, Policies, and Practices
Year: 2008 - Addressing climate change in practical silvicultural decision support: A vulnerability assessment to amend decision making in the Austrian Federal Forests
Autoren: Seidl, R., Rammer, W., Lexer, M.J.
Event: BOKU International Conference 2008 - Mountain Forests in a Changing World - Advances in Research on Sustainable Management and the Role of Academic Education
Year: 2008 - Adapting to climate change in European mountain forests
Autoren: Seidl, R.
Event: New opportunities and challenges in forest management caused by global climate change, TEMPUS IB_JEP-26038-2005, Training, Networking and Capacity Building for Sustainable Forestry in Povolgie
Year: 2008 - Waldbau im Klimawandel
Autoren: Seidl, R., Lexer, M.J.
Event: Seminar für Forstangestellte, Niederösterreichische Landarbeiterkammer 2008
Year: 2007 - Testing the generality of dry matter allocation based on allometric equations in a hybrid forest model
Autoren: Seidl, R., Rammer, W., Panagiotis, B., Hochbichler, E., Lexer, M.J.
Event: 6th European Conference on Ecological Modelling ECEM 2007 - Challenges for ecological modelling in a changing world: Global Changes, Sustainability and Ecosystem Based Management
Year: 2007 - Tools and approaches for multi-objective management of mountain forests in a changing climate
Autoren: Lexer M.J., Seidl R., Rammer W., Brauner M., Vacik H.
Event: EcoSummit 2007 - Ecological Complexity and Sustainability: Challenges and Opportunities for 21st-Century's Ecology
Year: 2007 - Multi-purpose management of mountain forests in a changing climate
Autoren: Lexer M.J., Seidl R.
Event: Impacts of climate change in the Alpine region and possible adaption measures; UNFCC, Climate Talks Vienna
Year: 2006 - Carbon sequestration and timber production - effects of forest management at the forest unit level
Autoren: Seidl, R., Rammer, W., Jäger, D., Currie, W.S., Lexer, M.J.
Event: ForwardFORESTs 2005
Year: 2006 - C-Speicherung im Rahmen einer multifunktionalen Waldbewirtschaftung - Analyse anhand eines Beispielbetriebes
Autoren: Seidl, R., Rammer, W., Jäger, D., Lexer, M.J.
Event: 9. Österreichischer Klimatag 2006 - Forschung zu Klima, Klimawandel und Auswirkungen in Österreich
Year: 2005 - Impact of Bark Beetle Infestations on Timber Production and Carbon Sequestration Under Scenarios of Climate Change
Autoren: Seidl R., Lexer M.J., Rammer W., Jäger D.
Event: IUFRO Conference Sustainable Forestry in Theory & Practice 2005 - Recent Advances In Inventory & Monitoring, Statistics & Modelling, Information and Knowledge Management, and Policy Science
Year: 2005 - Integrating the DPSIR - approach and the Analytic Network Process for the assessment of forest management strategies
Autoren: Vacik H., Wolfslehner B., Seidl, R., Lexer M.J.
Event: IUFRO Conference Sustainable Forestry in Theory & Practice 2005 - Recent Advances In Inventory & Monitoring, Statistics & Modelling, Information and Knowledge Management, and Policy Science
Year: 2005 - Impact of Bark Beetle Infestations on Timber Production and Carbon Sequestration Under Scenarios of Climate Change
Autoren: Seidl R., Lexer M.J., Rammer W., Jäger D.
Event: IUFRO Conference Sustainable Forestry in Theory & Practice 2005 - Recent Advances In Inventory & Monitoring, Statistics & Modelling, Information and Knowledge Management, and Policy Science
Year: 2004 - Evaluating accuracy and generality of a modified forest patch model
Autoren: Seidl R., Lexer M.J., Jäger D., Hönninger K.
Event: International Conference on Modelling Forest Production 2004