Sarah Matej
Mag. Sarah Matej
Institute for Social Ecology
Location Schottenfeldgasse 29, 1070 Wien
Tel: +43 1 47654-73747
- 2018 Master in Social and Human Ecology, Alpen-Adria-Universität Klagenfurt
- 2018 Researcher, Institute of Social Ecology
- 2017 - 2018 Student researcher, Institute of Social Ecology
0 Projects found.
Knowledge Transfer to Society
Year: 2024 - Land use impacts of urban and rural food consumption patterns
Autoren: Kaufmann, L; Roux, N; Matej, S; Weidinger, F; Erb, KH
Event: 10th International Degrowth Conference and 15th Conference of the European Society for Ecological Economics 2024
Year: 2024 - Using biosphere metrics to assess the Planetary boundary for functional biosphere integrity
Autoren: Stenzel, F; Breier, J; Braun, J; Erb, K; Gerten, D; Matej, S; Haberl, H; Ostberg, S; Roux, N; Schaphoff, S; Lucht, W
Event: EGU General Assembly 2024
Year: 2023 - Auswirkungen von Klima und Landnutzung auf Habitate für Bestäuberinsekten
Autoren: Egger, C; Weidinger, F; Matej, S; Gaube, V; Mayer, A
Event: 23. Österreichischer Klimatag: Ressourcen im Wandel
Year: 2023 - Stocks, Flows, Services and Practices: Nexus Approaches for Socio-metabolic Mobility Studies
Autoren: Haberl, H; Virág, D; Matej, S; Haas, W; Smetschka, B; Wiedenhofer, D; Rau, H
Event: 11th International Conference on Industrial Ecology (ISIE): Transitions in a world in turmoil
Year: 2023 - The current situation of wood use in Austria: a detailed MEFA analysis
Autoren: Erb, KH; Matej, S; Roux, N; Gingrich, S
Event: 23. Österreichischer Klimatag: Ressourcen im Wandel
Year: 2022 - Learning form the past for the transformation towards sustainability: 35 years of densification and expansion in Vienna
Autoren: Brenner, AK; Matej, S; Krüger, T; Behnisch, M; Haberl, H; Haas, W
Event: 14th ISIE SEM Conference 2022 - Transforming socio-economic metabolism in times of multiple crises
Year: 2022 - A mid-20th century benchmark estimate of global vegetation biomass carbon stocks
Autoren: Bhan, M; Meyfroidt, P; Gingrich, S; Matej, S; Erb, KH
Event: European Geosciences Union EGU General Assembly 2022
Year: 2022 - Dynamics of fires, harvest and carbon stocks in US forests 1926-2017
Autoren: Magerl, A; Gingrich, S; Matej, S; Lauk, C; Cunfer, G; Yuskiw, C; Forrest, M; Schlaffer, S; Erb, KH
Event: European Geosciences Union EGU General Assembly 2022
Year: 2022 - Spillovers in telecouled biomass supply chains: unraveling the role of intermediate countries in driving pressure on land ecosystems
Autoren: Roux, R; Maguet, M; Kaufmann, L; Matej, S; Erb, KH; Gingrich, S
Event: American Geophysical Union AGU Fall Meeting 2022
Year: 2022 - Embodied HANPP of feed and animal products: tracing pressure on ecosystems along trilateral livestock supply chains 1986-2013
Autoren: Roux, N; Kaufmann, L; Bhan, M; Le Noe, J; Matej, S; Kastner, T; Bondeau, A; Haberl, H; Erb, KH
Event: 14th International Conference of the European Society for Ecological Economics 2022 - Will Achilles catch up with the Tortoise?
Year: 2022 - A biophysical multi-scenario sustainability evaluation of agroecological agri-food systems in the European Union
Autoren: Mayer, A; Kalt, G; Kaufmann, L; Röös, K; Mueller, A; Weisshaidinger, R; Frehner, A; Roux, N; Smith, P; Theurl, MC; Matej, S; Erb, KH
Event: International Ecology Conference INTECOL 2022 - Frontiers in Ecology: Science & Society
Year: 2022 - Global mobility infrastructure, resource use and emissions for high wellbeing for all?
Autoren: Wiedenhofer, D; Baumgart, A; Virág, D; Matej, S; Min, J; Rao, N; Tingsley, D; Guo, J; Liu, Z; Lanau, M; Tanikawa, H; Krausmann, F; Haberl, H;
Event: Advancing the Circular Economy for Human and Planetary Wellbeing
Year: 2022 - The urban biomass sprawl: An analysis of Vienna's biomass metabolism and its global environmental impacts
Autoren: Kaufmann, L; Semenchuk, P; Matej, S; Kalt, G; Kastner, T; Erb, KH; Dullinger, S; Krausmann, F
Event: 14th ISIE SEM Conference 2022 - Transforming socio-economic metabolism in times of multiple crises
Year: 2021 - Urban Land Use and Food Supply: the Example of Vienna
Autoren: Kaufmann, L; Smetschka, B; Matej, S; Erb, KH; Kozlowska, A; Gebetsroither-Geringer, E
Event: 26th International Conference on Urban Planning and Regional Development in the Information Society REALCORP 2021 - Cities 2050: Creating Habitats for the 3rd Millennium. Smart – Sustainable – Climate Neutral
Year: 2021 - Der HANPP-Rucksack: eine Analyse der Auswirkungen land- und forstwirtschaftlicher Produkte auf die Produktivität terrestrischer Ökosysteme
Autoren: Roux, N; Kaufmann, L; Bhan, M; Matej, S; Kastner, T; Erb KH; Haberl, H
Event: Wood K plus Ökobilanzwerkstatt: Ressourcen in einer Kreislaufwirtschaft mit Schwerpunkt auf Bodennutzung
Year: 2020 - Characterizing land use impacts on carbon stocks and tree cover in the tropics
Autoren: Bhan, M; Gingrich, S; Fritz, S; Matej, S; Erb, KH
Event: American Geophysical Union AGU Fall Meeting 2020
Year: 2019 - Quantifying and analysing global spatio-temporal patterns of land-use change: the role of natural vs. anthropogenic changes for the Human Appropriation of Net Primary Production
Autoren: Matej, S; Kastner, T; Niedertscheider, M; Forrest, M; Hickler, T; Steinkamp, J; Lauk, C; Plutzar, C; Gingrich, S; Haberl, H; Krausmann, F; Erb, KH
Event: 4th Open Science Meeting of the Global Land Programme 2019 - Transforming Land Systems for People and Nature
Year: 2019 - Klimarelevanz des österreichischen Gesundheitssektors: CO2-Fußabdruck und Handlungsoptionen
Autoren: Weisz, U; Pichler, P; Jaccard, I; Haas, W; Nowak, P; Bachner, F; Lepuschütz, L; Matej, S; Windsperger, A; Windsperger, B; Weisz, H
Event: 22. wissenschaftliche Tagung der Österreichischen Gesellschaft für Public Health ÖGPH 2019 - Sustainable Health"
Year: 2019 - Starting with livestock induced biomasse flows and feasible food systems in 2050 and ending with choices at the farm level
Autoren: Egger, C; Theurl, MC; Mayer, A; Kaufmann, L; Matej, S; Erb, KH
Event: 70th Annual Meeting of European Federation of Animal Science EAAP 2019 - Animal Farming for a Healthy World
Year: 2018 - HealthFootprint. Carbon Footprint des österreichischen Gesundheitssektors.
Autoren: Weisz, U., Jaccard, I., Pichler, P., Haas, W., Nowak, P., Bachner, F., Lepuschütz, L., Matej, S., Windsperger, a:, Windsperger, B., Weisz, H.
Event: 19. Österreichischer Klimatag 2018 - Forschung zu Klima, Klimawandel und Auswirkungen in Österreich