Sencer Yücesan
Sencer Yücesan M.Sc.
Status Currently not employed at BOKU
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0 Projects found.
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Knowledge Transfer to Society
Year: 2022 - LES of secondary flows in low-aspect ratio turbulent open-channel flows over heterogeneous surfaces
Autoren: Yücesan, S; Habersack, H; Tritthart, M
Event: EUROMECH Colloquium 625 - Advances in LES of Turbulent Multiphase Flow
Year: 2021 - LES of Turbulent Channel Flow over a Sediment Particle with Varying Protrusion Levels
Autoren: Yücesan, S; Hauer, C; Habersack, H; Tritthart, M
Event: 6th IAHR Europe Congress 2021
Year: 2021 - LES two phase modelling of suspended sediment transport using a two way coupled Euler-Lagrangian approach
Autoren: Wildt, D; Yücesan, S; Hauer, C; Habersack, H; Tritthart, M
Event: 6th IAHR Europe Congress 2021
Year: 2019 - Numerical investigation of near bed turbulence on a stationary stone
Autoren: Yücesan, S; Tritthart, M; Schobesberger, J; Sindelar, C; Hauer, C; Habersack, H
Event: 38th IAHR World Congress 2019