Stefan Petrus Salhofer
Ao.Univ.Prof. Dipl.-Ing. Dr.nat.techn. Stefan Petrus Salhofer
Institute of Waste Management and Circularity
Location Muthgasse 107, 1190 Wien
Tel: +43 1 47654-81342
- 2002 Associate professor at the BOKU-University of Natural Resources and Applied Life Sciences, Vienna; "Venia Docendi" in "Waste Logistics"
- 1995 - 1995 Doctoral degree in "Waste Management"
- 1993 - 1993 Degree in "Environmental Engineering"
- 1988 - 1988 Degree in "Civil Engineering and Water Management"
0 Projects found.
Knowledge Transfer to Society
(2022) Comparison of the analytical methods ICP-MS and XRF for the analysis of complex waste samples - case study PCBs
Autoren: Jandric, A; Zafiu C; Part, F; Salhofer. S
Recy & DepoTech
(2020) Entwicklung einer vollständigen Wertschöpfungskette für Lithium-Ionen Batterierecycling in Österreich
Autoren: Beigl, P; Nigl, T; Meyer, I.; Scherhaufer, S; Part, F; Salhofer, S; Altendorfer, M; Pomberger, R; Sommer, M
Recy&DepoTech 2020
(2019) Is there unutilised resource potential in the Austrian economy? Results of a macro-economic model
Autoren: Beigl, P;Pamperl, M;Salhofer, S
In: Cossu, R; He, P; Kjeldsen, P; Matsufuji, Y; Stegmann, R (Eds.), Sardinia 2019 - 17th International Waste Management and Landfill Symposium, Full paper on USB. ISBN 978-88-6265-0144/ISSN 2282-0027.; ISBN: 978-88-6265-01444
(2019) Exploiting recycling potential at regional level
Autoren: Beigl, P; Pamperl, M; Salhofer, S
5th International Conference on Final Sinks
(2019) Secondary resource price as a key factor in the circular economy - analysis of drivers of supply and demand within the recycling sector
Autoren: Pamperl, M; Beigl, P; Salhofer, S
17th International Waste Management and Landfill Symposium SARDINIA 2019
(2018) Entwicklung einer einheitlichen Methodik zur Planung und Durchführung von Restmüllsortieranalysen.
Autoren: Happenhofer, A; Beigl, P; Salhofer, S
Tagungsband 8. Wissenschaftskongress Abfall- und Ressourcenwirtschaft, Deutsche Gesellschaft für Abfallwirtschaft e.V. DGAW
(2018) Quantification of brominated flame retardants in plastics from WEEE using protable X-ray fluorescence
Autoren: Jandric, A; Cocc, V; Salhofer, S; Huber-Humer, M; Part, F
6th International Conference on Industrial and Hazardous Waste Management 2018
(2018) Leitfaden zur Analyse von EAG-Aufkommen und Zusammensetzung
Autoren: Beigl, P; Ottner, R; Salhofer, S
RecyDepoTech 2018
(2017) Can the informal recycling sector in urban China survive amidst worsening circumstances?
Autoren: Steuer, B; Ramusch, R; Salhofer, S
16th International Waste Management and Landfill Symposium SARDINIA 2017
(2017) Material distribution anaylsis of complex components in end-of-life electrical and electronic equipment
Autoren: Jandric, A; Salhofer, S; Beigl, P
7. Wissenschaftskongress der Deutsche Gesellschaft für Abfallwirtschaft e.V. DGAW 2017
(2017) Material analysis of complex components from waste electric and electronic equipment.
Autoren: Jandric, A; Beigl, P; Salhofer, S
16th International Waste Management and Landfill Symposium SARDINIA 2017
(2017) Metoda analiziranja materiala slozenih komponenti elektricnog i elektronskog otpada. Proceedings of Kruzno gospodarstvo u urbanim sredinama,
Autoren: Jandric, A;Beigl, P; Salhofer, S
Kruzno gospodarstvo u urbanim sredinama
(2017) Impacts from infromal recycling
Autoren: Salhofer, S; Jandric, A; Tran, DC;
16th International Waste Management and Landfill Symposium SARDINIA 2017
(2017) Apprehension of material distribution of complex components in end-of-life electrical and electronic equipment.
Autoren: Jandric, A; Beigl, P; Salhofer, S
15th International Conference on Environmental Science and Technology 2017
(2017) Latin American-European network on waste electrical and electronic equipment research, development and analyses (LaWEEEda)
Autoren: Ramusch, R; Salhofer, S;
Österreichische Abfallwirtschaftstagung 2017 - Die Digitalisierung der Abfallwirtschaft
(2017) Analysis of economic incentive schemes to promote efficient source separation
Autoren: Happenhofer, A; Beigl, P; Salhofer S
16th International Waste Management and Landfill Symposium SARDINIA 2017
(2017) Research and capacity development for advanced e-waste management. Workshop: Circular Economy and the Management of POPs in Plastics
Autoren: Ramusch, R; Salhofer, S
United Nations Industrial Development Organization,
(2016) Comparing the impact of actual WEEE recycling practice with the legal minimum recycling and recovery rates at an Austrian recycling company
Autoren: Unger, N; Beigl, P; Salhofer, S
22nd SETAC Europe LCA Case Study Symposium 2016
(2016) Untersuchung der Zusammensetzung von Elektrokleingeräten und Entwicklung einer Demontagedatenbank
Autoren: Beigl, P; Salhofer, S;
DepoTech 2016
(2016) Benefits of improved fluorescent lamp collection: Experiences from pilot schemes in mainland China
Autoren: Beigl, P; Unger, N; Shan, GJ; Li, JH; Salhofer, S
5th International Conference ‘Industrial and Hazardous Waste Management’
(2016) Verwertung von Photovoltaik-Modulen mit kristallinen Siliziumzellen
Autoren: Scherhaufer, S; Part, F; Salhofer, S
Österreichische Abfallwirtschaftstagung 2016
(2016) E-waste recycling in Europe and the P.R. China – a comparison. Presentation at the 12th Asia-Pacific roundtable for sustainable consumption and production.
Autoren: Beigl, P; Salhofer, S; Steuer, B; Ramusch, R
12th Asia-Pacific roundtable for sustainable consumption and production
(2016) Why do we want to know what is in our waste?
Autoren: Ramusch, R; Salhofer, S
International Solid Waste Association´s (ISWA) World Congress
(2015) WEEE treatment technology – state of the art and perspective in Europe.
Autoren: Salhofer, S;
2015 IE expo Summit Forum
(2015) The winner takes it all - why is informal waste collection in urban China successful?
Autoren: Steuer, B; Salhofer, S; Linzner, R
15th International Waste Management and Landfill Symposium SARDINIA 2015
(2015) WEEE Management in Europe and the PR China – a comparison. Votrag bei der IWMTC Conference
Autoren: Salhofer, S; Steuer, B; Ramusch, R; Beigl, P;
IWMTC Conference
(2015) Technology roadmap for the recycling of fluorescent lamps as part of the WEEE stream
Autoren: Salhofer, S; Beigl, P;
EU-China Workshop on Waste Fluorescent Lamps Management Policy, Treatment Technology and Facility
(2015) Innovations in WEEE treatment.
Autoren: Salhofer, S;
International Meeting of Science for Recycling
(2015) REWIN activities and outputs
Autoren: Salhofer, S;
REWIN Final Conference.
(2015) How can we make packaging collection more efficient? A LCA based comparison of collection schemes für light-weight packaging in rural regions in Austria
Autoren: Beigl, P; Salhofer, S
15th International Waste Management and Landfill Symposium SARDINIA 2015
(2014) Evaluation of strategic options for waste management in Zanzibar
Autoren: Salhofer, S; Binner, E; Linzner, R
Stakeholder Workshop at Ocean View Hotel Zanzibar
(2014) WEEE composition and recovery of valuable materials
Autoren: Salhofer, S
9th International Conference on Waste Management and Technology 2014
(2014) Innovation in WEEE treatment – a technology review
Autoren: Salhofer, S; Michlberger, F
4th International Conference on Industrial and Hazardous Waste Management 2014
(2014) Small, but powerful – Why we should put more emphasis on the collection of small WEEE
Autoren: Salhofer, S
Symposium on Urban Mining 2014
(2014) REWIN - Improving resource efficiency for the production and recycling of electronic products by adoption of waste tracking system
Autoren: Salhofer, S; Steuer, B
SWITCH-Asia Networking Conference: Cleaner Production for Liveable Cities
(2014) Varianten der Verpackungssammlung – Auswirkungen (Mengen und Kosten) auf die Restmüllsammlung
Autoren: Salhofer, S; Mayr, W
Österreichische Abfallwirtschaftstagung 2014
(2014) Small, but powerful – Why we should put more emphasis on the collection of small WEEE
Autoren: Salhofer, S
Symposium on Urban Mining 2014
(2014) Is China's waste management legislation successful? Evidence from urban Chinese waste management practices
Autoren: Steuer, B; Salhofer, S; Linzner, R; Part, F
4th International Conference on Industrial and Hazardous Waste Management 2014
(2014) Innovations in WEEE treatment – a technology review
Autoren: Salhofer, S; Michlberger, F
4th International Conference on Hazardous and Industrial Waste
(2014) Zukunftsperspektive der EAG-Verwertung
Autoren: Salhofer, S
ÖWAV Veranstaltung "Elektroaltgeräte Novelle der EAG - Verordnung. Status quo und neue Herausforderungen"
(2014) Capacity building of waste pickers cooperatives for WEEE dismantling and value adding. Presentation at the ISWA World Congress, Sao Paolo, 8-11 September 2014
Autoren: Spitzbart, M; Herbeck, E; Souza, R; Salhofer, S
ISWA World Congress 2014
(2013) Informal sector activities in waste management - a parallel world or worth integrating?
Autoren: Linzner, R; Salhofer, S; Ali, M
14th International Waste Management and Landfill Symposium SARDINIA 2013
(2013) Problem structuring methods as an input to life cycle sustainability assessment: the case of Brazilian WEEE reverse logistics
Autoren: Souza, R; Salhofer, S; Rosenhead, J; Lins, M; Valle, R
14th International Waste Management and Landfill Symposium SARDINIA 2013
(2013) Comparison of Waste Management Strategies in BRICS and Europe
Autoren: Linzner, R; Salhofer, S; de Souza, R; Steuer, B
14th International Waste Management and Landfill Symposium SARDINIA 2013
(2013) Herausforderungen für die Industrie: Bildung eines Materialkreislaufes für Elektroaltgeräte
Autoren: Salhofer, S
Umwelt- und Kreislaufwirtschaftstag der Elektro- und Elektronikindustrie 2013
(2013) Food waste and social impacts
Autoren: Schneider, F; Linzner, R; Salhofer, S
14th International Waste Management and Landfill Symposium SARDINIA 2013
(2013) Modelling input to WEEE treatment
Autoren: Salhofer, S
IWWG TG WEEE Meeting 2013
(2013) WEEE legislation and implementation in Europe and the PR China – a comparison
Autoren: Salhofer, S; Steuer, B; Linzner, R; Beigl, P
14th International Waste Management and Landfill Symposium SARDINIA 2013
(2013) Treasure hunting in our households – how to recover resources from WEEE
Autoren: Salhofer, S
Vortrag an der Tsinghua University Beijing
(2013) Waste management patterns in the People’s Republic of China - Informal dynamics and formal countermeasures within the circular economy context
Autoren: Steuer, B; Linzner, R; Salhofer, S
14th International Waste Management and Landfill Symposium SARDINIA 2013
(2013) Development of Action Plans for resource efficiency in the Electronics Industry
Autoren: Salhofer, S
MFA Training Hangzhou 2013
(2013) Management of sWEEE with a focus on separate collection
Autoren: Salhofer, S
ISWA World Congress Vienna 2013
(2013) Development of Action Plans for resource efficiency in the Electronics Industry
Autoren: Salhofer, S
MFA Training Guangzhou 2013
(2013) Modelling input to WEEE treatment
Autoren: Salhofer, S
IWWG TG WEEE Meeting 2013
(2013) The assessment of social impact of recycling systems in developing countries – methodology and case studies
Autoren: Salhofer, S; Aparcana, S
14th International Waste Management and Landfill Symposium SARDINIA 2013
(2013) Key issues on WEEE management strategies in BRICS countries and Europe
Autoren: Salhofer, S; Linzner, R; Steuer, B; De Souza, R
14th International Waste Management and Landfill Symposium SARDINIA 2013
(2013) Lebenszyklusorientierte Nachhaltigkeitsbewertung
Autoren: Obersteiner, G; Beigl, P; Pertl, A; Salhofer, S; Scherhaufer, S; Smutny, R; Trebersburg, M
Science meets Business 2013 - Die BOKU und ihre Rolle im Innovationsprozess
(2013) Management of small high grade WEEE
Autoren: Salhofer, S
ISWA Beacon Conference Optimising Collection and Recycling of WEEE 2013
(2012) Effizienz von Rücknahmesystemen für Elektroaltgeräte
Autoren: Salhofer, S
Stakeholder-Workshop des Netzwerks Kritische Rohstoffe 2012 - Anders betrachtet
(2012) Potentials and challenges of WEEE mining
Autoren: Salhofer, S
Symposium on Urban Mining 2012
(2012) Effizientes Stoffstrommanagement für Elektroaltgeräte
Autoren: Salhofer, S
VDI-Fachkonferenz Stoffliche und energetische Verwertung von Shredderrückständen 2012
(2011) Recycling of LCD screens in Europe - State of the art and challenges
Autoren: Salhofer S.
18th CIRP Conference on Life Cycle Engineering 2011
(2011) Effizientes Stoffstrommanagement für Elektrogeräte
Autoren: Salhofer S.
Jahrestagung der deutschsprachigen Umweltämter Re-source 2011 - Nachhaltiges Ressourcenmanagement
(2011) Recycling of LCD screens in Europe - state of the art and challenges
Autoren: Salhofer S.
18th CIRP Conference on Life Cycle Engineering 2011
(2011) A general overview of solid waste management and practises in Europe
Autoren: Lechner P,. Salhofer S., Linzner R.
2nd Conferencia Internacional Gestión de Residuos en América Latina GRAL 2011
(2011) Material flow analysis of formal and informal household waste recycling systems in developing countries. Case study from Peru
Autoren: Aparcana S., Linzner R., Salhofer S.
13th International Waste Management and Landfill Symposium SARDINIA 2011
(2011) Resource losses through WEEE management in Austria - recommandations for future EPR schemes
Autoren: Salhofer S.
Tagung 20 Jahre Abfallwirtschaft, Herstellerverantwortung, Produktpolitik 2011
(2011) Life cycle assessment aspects of reuse products
Autoren: Pertl A., Obersteiner G., Salhofer S.
Life Cycle Management Conference LCM 2011
(2010) Carbon footprint and energy efficiency
Autoren: Salhofer S.
Curso Avanzado en Gestión Ambiental, Cámara de Comercio de Bogotá 2010
(2010) Financial and economic aspects of Waste Management
Autoren: Salhofer S.
Seminario de la Universidad Nacional Agraria La Molina, Facultad de Ciencias 2010 - Estrategias para la implementacion de un reciclaje sostenible en Perú
(2010) Waste management concept
Autoren: Salhofer S.
Curso Avanzado en Gestión Ambiental, Cámara de Comercio de Bogotá 2010
(2010) Recycling of municipal waste
Autoren: Salhofer S.
Seminario de la Universidad Nacional Agraria La Molina, Facultad de Ciencias 2010 - Estrategias para la implementacion de un reciclaje sostenible en Perú
(2010) Environmental impacts of waste recycling in European cities
Autoren: Salhofer S.
Seminario de la Universidad Nacional Agraria La Molina, Facultad de Ciencias 2010 - Estrategias para la implementacion de un reciclaje sostenible en Perú
(2010) Verfahrensvergleich zur Gewinnung von Wertstoffen aus Elektroaltgeräten
Autoren: Salhofer S.
Seminar an der Technischen Universität Wien/Institut für Wassergüte, Ressourcenmanagement und Abfallwirtschaft 2010 - Aktuelles aus Abfallwirtschaft und Ressourcenmanagement
(2010) Strategies to strengthen environmental performance of enterprises
Autoren: Salhofer S.
Curso Avanzado en Gestión Ambiental, Cámara de Comercio de Bogotá 2010
(2010) Schadstoffentfrachtung von Elektrokleingeräten in Österreich
Autoren: Tesar M., Salhofer S.
DepoTech 2010
(2010) Waste transport
Autoren: Salhofer S.
Curso Avanzado en Gestión Ambiental, Cámara de Comercio de Bogotá 2010
(2010) Waste Management systems in European cities
Autoren: Salhofer S.
Seminario de la Universidad Nacional Agraria La Molina, Facultad de Ciencias 2010 - Estrategias para la implementacion de un reciclaje sostenible en Perú
(2010) Producer responsibility
Autoren: Salhofer S.
Curso Avanzado en Gestión Ambiental, Cámara de Comercio de Bogotá 2010
(2010) Quality management
Autoren: Salhofer S.
Curso Avanzado en Gestión Ambiental, Cámara de Comercio de Bogotá 2010
(2010) Removal of components containing hazardous substances from small WEEE in Austria
Autoren: Salhofer S., Tesar M.
Crete 2010 - 2nd International Conference on Hazardous and Industrial Waste Management
(2009) Verfahrensvergleich zur Gewinnung von Wertstoffen aus Elektroaltgeräten
Autoren: Salhofer S., Spitzbart M., Schöps D., Meskers C.E.M., Kriegl M., Panowitz G.
Fachtagung Brennpunkt ElektroG 2009 - Umsetzung – Defizite – Notwendigkeiten
(2009) Waste paper reduction at household level in Vienna, Austria
Autoren: Salhofer S.
4th meeting of the Cluster on Paper Waste Prevention 2009
(2009) WEEE recycling in Europe – State of the Art and Challenges
Autoren: Salhofer S.
1st International Conference on Recycling and Reuse of Materials 2009
(2009) Relevance of recycling processes for complex products
Autoren: Salhofer S., Schiffleitner A.
15th LCA Case Studies Symposium 2009
(2009) Impact of pre-processing Routes on Precious Metal Recovery from PCs
Autoren: Meskers C.E.M., Hagelüken C., Salhofer S., Spitzbart M.
European Metallurgical Conference EMC 2009
(2009) Modelling of mechanical treatment of WEEE
Autoren: Salhofer S., Spitzbart M.
3rd BOKU Waste Conference 2009 - Prosprity Waste and Waste Resources
(2009) ProdTect – a tool to facilitate LCM in the Automotive Industry
Autoren: Salhofer S., Schiffleitner A., Revnic I., Beigl P., Hofer D., Rabitsch H.
4th International Conference of Life Cycle Management 2009
(2008) Energy saving products for office and home application: technical features and environmental impacts
Autoren: Salhofer S., Schiffleitner A., Stachura M.
Electronic Goes Green 2008 - Merging Technology and Sustainable Development
(2008) WEEE recycling in Europe – State of the art and challenges
Autoren: Salhofer S.
1st Hazardous Waste Conference Chania 2008
(2008) Life Cycle Indicators and their significance for the eco design of electronic products
Autoren: Stachura M., Schiffleitner A., Salhofer S.
Ecologia w Elektronice 2008
(2008) ProdTect – Life Cycle Design and Concurrent Engineering in the Automotive Industry
Autoren: Schiffleitner A., Salhofer S., Revnic I., Beigl P., Herrmann C., Frad A., Rabitsch H.
(2008) Technical and Economic Feasibility of ReUse Activities for WEEE Experiences from Trials in Austria
Autoren: Spitzbart M., Schneider F., Neitsch M., Pramreiter B., Stengeli A., Salhofer S.P.
Electronic Goes Green 2008
(2008) Modelling Input for WEEE Treatment
Autoren: Salhofer S., Spitzbart M., Herrmann C.
1st Hazardous Waste Conference Chania 2008
(2007) Effect of Change to an Existing Collection Scheme for Plastics Packaging on Peoples Attitude and Behaviour - a Case Study
Autoren: Lebersorger S., Salhofer S.P., Linzner R.
11th International Waste Management and Landfill Symposium SARDINIA 2007
(2007) Using Life Cycle Assessments for Eco Design - a Case Study
Autoren: Salhofer S.P., Schneider F.
2nd International Conference ECO-X 2007: Sustainable Recycling Management & Recycling Network Centrope
(2007) Reuse of Waste Electrical and Electronic Appliances
Autoren: Schneider F., Salhofer S.P.
2nd International Conference ECO-X 2007: Sustainable Recycling Management & Recycling Network Centrope
(2007) Reuse of Products and Components
Autoren: Schneider F., Salhofer S.P.
11th International Waste Management and Landfill Symposium SARDINIA 2007
(2007) Prodtect Automotive - A Tool to Meet Recycling and Eco-design Requirements Using Streamlined LCA
Autoren: Beigl P., Salhofer S.P., Schneider F., Schiffleitner A., Herrmann C.
3rd International Conference on Life Cycle Management 2007 - From Analysis to Implementation
(2007) Ecodesign - Potentiale in der Produktgestaltung
Autoren: Salhofer S.P.
2nd BOKU Waste Conference 2007
(2007) Der Abfallverband Schwechat - Maßnahmen und Auswirkungen
Autoren: Salhofer S.P.
Veranstaltung zur Verleihung des "AWS Müllometer 2006" 2007
(2007) How can we Assess the Effects From Municipal Waste Prevention Activities?
Autoren: Salhofer S.P., Fröhlich M., Schneider F.
11th International Waste Management and Landfill Symposium SARDINIA 2007
(2006) Application of Life Cycle Assessment During the Design Phase - a Case Study
Autoren: Salhofer S.P., Schneider F., Stachura M., Schiffleitner A.
International Workshop Material Design and System Analysis 2006 - Integration of Economic and Environmental Aspects into the Development Phase
(2006) Elektroaltgeräte – Daten und Fakten
Autoren: Salhofer S.P.
4. Wiener Melange Briefing
(2006) Application of Life Cycle Assessment During the Design Phase - a Case Study
Autoren: Salhofer S.P., Schneider F., Stachura M., Schiffleitner A.
International Workshop Material Design and System Analysis 2006 - Integration of Economic and Environmental Aspects into the Development Phase
(2006) Ökologischer Vergleich einer Computermaus mit einer Ökodesigncomputermaus
Autoren: Schneider F., Salhofer S.P.
DepoTech 2006
(2006) Ökologischer Vergleich einer Computermaus mit einer Ökodesigncomputermaus
Autoren: Schneider F., Salhofer S.P.
DepoTech 2006
(2006) Experiences and Learning's From Waste Prevention Activities
Autoren: Salhofer S.P.
(2006) The Ecological Relevance of Transport in Waste Disposal Systems
Autoren: Salhofer S.P.
16th Meeting of the International Expert Group on Life Cycle Assessment for Integrated Waste Management (IEG)
(2006) Life Cycle Assessment and its Applicability for Electrical and Electronic Equipment
Autoren: Unger N., Salhofer S.P.
Going Green. CARE INNOVATION 2006
(2006) Life Cycle Assessment and its Applicability for Electrical and Electronic Equipment
Autoren: Unger N., Salhofer S.P.
Going Green. CARE INNOVATION 2006
(2005) Influencing Waste Management Policy by Using LCA in a SEA process
Autoren: Wassermann G., Binner E., Salhofer S.
LCM 2005 - Innovation by Life Cycle Management, International Conference
(2005) A Comparison of Waste Management in Peru and some Latin American Countries: An Overview of Major Problems, Characteristics and Real Needs in the Region
Autoren: Gamarra Cabrera P., Salhofer S.
10th International Waste Management and Landfill Symposium 2005
(2005) Evaluation of an Ecodesign Computer Mouse
Autoren: Schneider F., Salhofer S.
eco-X: ecology and economy in electroniX 2005 - Zukünftige Herausforderungen und nachhaltige Lösungen für den Elektro(nik)sektor
(2005) Decision Supporting Tools for Waste Management in Developing Countries: a LCA Approach for Assessing the Peruvian Waste Management System
Autoren: Gamarra C.P., Salhofer S.
LCM 2005 - Innovation by Life Cycle Management, International Conference
(2005) Life Cycle Assessment - A Methodology to Assess the Environmental Benefits of Eco Design Products
Autoren: Salhofer S.
Vortragsveranstaltung "Reuse & Ecodesign of IT" von Project Heatsun
(2005) Environmental Relevance of Landfills Depending on Different Waste Management Strategies
Autoren: Wassermann G., Binner E., Mostbauer P., Salhofer S.
10th International Waste Management and Landfill Symposium 2005
(2005) Ecodesign Computer Mouse - A Case Study
Autoren: Schneider F., Salhofer S.
LCM 2005 - Innovation by Life Cycle Management, International Conference
(2005) Applying Life Cycle Assessment in Waste Management
Autoren: Salhofer S., Schneider F., Wassermann G.
International Symposium 2005 - Environment for Europe
(2005) End-of-Life Management of Small Electrical Appliances
Autoren: Salhofer S., Beigl P., Schneider F.
eco-X: ecology and economy in electroniX 2005 - Zukünftige Herausforderungen und nachhaltige Lösungen für den Elektro(nik)sektor
(2005) Strategic Environmental Assessment in Waste Management Planning, an Austrian Case Study
Autoren: Salhofer S., Binner E., Wassermann G.
10th International Waste Management and Landfill Symposium 2005
(2005) Sustainable Strategies for Waste Prevention in Vienna, Austria
Autoren: Wassermann G., Schneider F., Salhofer S.
AWARE Conference 2005 – Waste Solutions - Avoidance and Management of Municipal Solid Waste in the EU/25 and Mediterranean Countries: New and Future Research
(2005) Relevance of Consideration of Landfills in LCA-Analysis of Disposal Systems
Autoren: Wassermann G., Binner E., Salhofer S.
1st BOKU Waste Conference 2005 - Waste Management in the Focus of Controversial Interests.
(2005) Anwendbarkeit von Ökobilanzen in der Abfallwirtschaft
Autoren: Salhofer S.P.
1st BOKU Waste Conference 2005 - Waste Management in the Focus of Controversial Interests.
(2005) Forecasting Changes of Municipal Waste Amounts and Composition
Autoren: Beigl P., Salhofer S., Wassermann G., Maćków I., Sebastian M., Szpadt R.
6th International Waste Forum 2005 - Efficiency of Waste Management
(2005) Prevention of Municipal Solid Waste
Autoren: Salhofer S., Wassermann G., Schneider F., Lebersorger S.
1st BOKU Waste Conference 2005 - Waste Management in the Focus of Controversial Interests.
(2004) Forecasting Municipal Solid Waste Generation in Major European Cities
Autoren: Beigl P., Wassermann G., Schneider F., Salhofer S.
iEMSs 2004 International Congress - Complexity and Integrated Resources Management
(2004) SUP Salzburger Abfallwirtschaft
Autoren: Salhofer S.P.
Österreichische Abfallwirtschaftstagung 2004
(2004) Strategic Environmental Assessment as a Tool for Integrated Waste Management
Autoren: Salhofer S.P., Wassermann G.
Integrated Waste Management & Life Cycle Assessment Workshop and Conference
(2004) Vergleich von Rücknahmesystemen am Beispiel Mobiltelefone
Autoren: Salhofer S.
Elektroaltgeräte – Herausforderungen und Aufgaben bei der Sammlung und Verwertung ab 2005 (Enquete)
(2004) Strategic Environmental Assessment as a Participatory Approach Environmental Planning: Experiences from a Case Study in Waste Management
Autoren: Salhofer S., Wassermann G., Binner E.
iEMSs 2004 International Congress - Complexity and Integrated Resources Management
(2004) Experiences with WEEE Take Back Systems Using the Example of Mobile Phones
Autoren: Beigl P., Schneider F., Salhofer S.
Electronic Goes Green 2004+: Driving Forces for Future Electronics
(2004) Waste Prevention
Autoren: Salhofer S.
Waste Management in Portugal and Europe: Problems and Trends (Workshop)
(2003) Schnittstelle Konsument und Entsorgung: Internationale Wege in der Sammellogistik
Autoren: Salhofer, S.
Internationaler Abfallwirtschaftskongress „Saubere Stadt – Sauberes Land, von Littering zu Produzentenverantwortlichkeit
(2003) Generation and Diversion of Biowaste in Private Households and Potential for Waste Minimisation
Autoren: Lebersorger S., Salhofer S.
International Symposium held at the University of Dundee
(2003) WEEE Collection Experiences in Austria and Europe
Autoren: Salhofer, S.
“Implementation of the EU Directive on Waste Electronics and Electrical Equipment”
(2003) Evitare i Rifiuti
Autoren: Lebersorger S., Salhofer S.P.
Brescia: New Tasks for a Sustainable City (Brescia: Nuovi impegni per una città sostenibile) 2003
(2003) Waste Minimisation in Austria: An Overview on the Present Situation and Potentials for Improvement
Autoren: Salhofer S.
International Symposium held at the University of Dundee
(2003) Municipal Waste Generation Trends in European Countries and Cities
Autoren: Beigl P., Schneider F., Wassermann G., Salhofer S.
9th International Waste Management and Landfill Symposium SARDINIA 2003
(2003) The Environmental Impact of Transports in Waste Disposal Systems – a Recycling of Refrigerators in an Austrian Case Study
Autoren: Salhofer S., Schneider F., Wassermann G.
9th International Waste Management and Landfill Symposium SARDINIA 2003
(2003) Does Paper Recycling Cause Damage to the Environment. A Case Study and Methodological Considerations
Autoren: Schneider F., Wassermann G., Salhofer S.
9th International Waste Management and Landfill Symposium SARDINIA 2003
(2003) Avoiding Municipal Waste: An Analysis of Measures and Effects Exemplified for the City of Vienna
Autoren: Lebersorger, S., Salhofer, S.
Brescia: New Tasks for a Sustainable City (Brescia: Nuovi impegni per una città sostenibile) 2003
(2002) The Ecological and Economical Impacts of Environmental Management Systems and Waste Management Plans in Commercial Operations
Autoren: Salhofer, S., Starke, R.
7th International Symposium Waste Management Zagreb 2002
(2002) A Comparison of Municipal Waste Recycling Strategies in Germany, Austria and the United Kingdom
Autoren: Sothen, F.v., Salhofer, S., Parfitt, J.
WASTE 2002 Conference - Integrated Waste Management and Pollution Control: Research, Policy and Practice
(2002) Ecological Relevance of Transport Logistics in the Separate Collection of LDPE Films and EPS
Autoren: Wassermann, G., Salhofer, S., Schneider, F.
7th International Symposium Waste Management Zagreb 2002
(2002) Abfallerhebung Salzburg 2001: Entwicklung der kommunalen Abfallmengen und der getrennten Sammlung im Bundesland Salzburg
Autoren: Salhofer, S.
Fortbildungsveranstaltung für Salzburger Abfallberater
(2002) Ökologische Relevanz der Transportlogistik in der Abfallwirtschaft
Autoren: Salhofer, S.
Präsentation der Studie, veranstaltet vom Bundesministerium für Verkehr, Innovation und Technologie
(2002) Design of Waste Collection Systems and Effects on Waste Streams
Autoren: Salhofer, S., Lebersorger, S.
WASTE 2002 Conference - Integrated Waste Management and Pollution Control: Research, Policy and Practice
Lenkungsmöglichkeiten auf kommunaler Ebene am Beispiel Wien
Autoren: Salhofer S.
Electronics recycling in Flachgau/Austria: Collecting, sorting and mechanical treatment.
Autoren: Salhofer, S., Gabriel, R.
Aufkommen und Abfallverringerungsmaßnahmen in der Gastronomie.
Autoren: Salhofer, S., Kendler, F.
Quality management
Autoren: Salhofer S.
Potentiale und Maßnahmen zur Vermeidung kommunaler Abfälle am Beispiel Wiens
Autoren: Salhofer S., Weiß R., Fritz O.
Pilot projects in Austria.
Autoren: Salhofer, S.
Treatment of end-of-life electrical and electronic equipment
Autoren: Gabriel, R., Salhofer, S.
Producer responsibility
Autoren: Salhofer S.
Schatzsuche im Abfall
Autoren: Salhofer, S
Pilotprojekte Bregenz, Weiz und Flachgau - Erfolgsfaktoren und Knackpunkte für Sammelsysteme.
Autoren: Salhofer, S.
Mechanical Processing or Co-Firing? Treatment of End-of-Life Electrical and Electronic Equipment from a Waste Management Point of View.
Autoren: Salhofer, S., Gabriel, R.
Waste management concept
Autoren: Salhofer S.
Betriebliches Abfallaufkommen in Wien.
Autoren: Salhofer, S.
Fallbeispiele zur Vermeidung kommunaler Abfälle.
Autoren: Salhofer, S.
Definition, classification, and mapping of pervasive electronic products
Autoren: Christian Zafiu, Helene Steiner, Aleksander Jandric Heinz Böni Stefan Salhofer
Vergleich kommunaler Sammelsysteme.
Autoren: Salhofer, S.
Evaluierung von Systemvarianten für die Sammlung und Verwertung von Elektroaltgeräten.
Autoren: Salhofer, S.
Sammlung und Verwertung von Elektroaltgeräten.
Autoren: Salhofer, S.
Schritte und Maßnahmen bei der Umsetzung betrieblicher Abfallwirtschaftskonzepte.
Autoren: Salhofer, S.
Development of a Program for the Prevention of Municipal Waste - Systematic Approach to the Analyses and Evaluation - A Vienna, Austria Case Study.
Autoren: Salhofer, S., Graggaber, M., Grassinger, D., Lebersorger, S.
The Assessment of Waste Management Measures - a Basis for Sustainable Waste Management.
Autoren: Graggaber, M., Salhofer, S.
Collection of end-of-life electrical and electronic equipment in Austria.
Autoren: Salhofer, S., Gabriel, R.
Das Abfallwirtschaftskonzept der Quelle AG.
Autoren: Kanzian, R., Salhofer, S.
Betriebsabfallkataster als regionales Planungsinstrument.
Autoren: Salhofer, S.
EU waste fluorescent lamps policy and take back schemes
Autoren: Salhofer, S; Beigl, P;
Abfallprobleme in Wohnhausanlagen: Restmüllsortieranalyse in der Praxis
Autoren: Salhofer S.
Modelling of commercial waste generation as share of municipal residual waste collection
Autoren: Beigl, P; Happenhofer, A; Ottner, R; Salhofer, S
Bewertungsmethoden zur Entscheidungsfindung in der Abfallentsorgung.
Autoren: Grassinger, D., Salhofer, S.
Abfallvermeidungs- und -verwertungspotentiale in ausgewählten Branchen (Gastronomie und Bildungswesen).
Autoren: Salhofer, S.
Carbon footprint and energy efficiency
Autoren: Salhofer S.
Markteinführung von Pflanztöpfen aus biologisch abbaubaren Werkstoffen am Beispiel des Napac NaturePots in Wien
Autoren: Schneider F., Beigl P., Unger N., Salhofer S.
Modelling of Commercial / Industrial Waste Generation and Potentials for Waste Minimization in Commercial Sites - Methods and Results.
Autoren: Graggaber, M., Salhofer, S.
Betriebliche Abfallwirtschaft.
Autoren: Salhofer, S., Kanzian, R.
Sammlungs- und Verwertungsstrategien im Vergleich.
Autoren: Salhofer, S.