Stefan Auer
Dipl.-Ing.Dr.nat.techn. Stefan Auer
Institute of Hydrobiology and Aquatic Ecosystem Management
Location Gregor-Mendel-Straße 33, 1180 Wien
Tel: +43 1 47654-81250
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Year: 2024 - A multi-stressor framework to study effects on cyprinid fish populations in Austrian rivers (Talk)
Autoren: Hayes, DS; Piro, AJ; Auer, S; Schmutz, S; Greimel, F; Höller, N; Führer, S
Event: 15th International Symposium on Ecohydraulics 2024
Period: 05.05.2024 - 09.05.2024 | Location: Quebec, Kanada | Organizer:
IAHR - International Association for Hydro-Environment Engineering and Research
Year: 2024 - Hydropeaking frequency: implications for fish stranding and river management (Talk)
Autoren: Hayes, DS; Auer, S; Führer, S; Greimel, F; Tonolla, D; Bätz, N; Weber, C; Unfer, G; Zeiringer, B; Merl, K; Silva, L; Naudascher, R; Gorla, L; Schmutz, S
Event: 8th IAHR Europe Congress 2024
Period: 04.06.2024 - 07.06.2024 | Location: Lissabon, Lissabon, Portugal | Organizer:
International Association for Hydro-Environment Engineering and Research
Year: 2023 - Stranding of early cyprinid life stages: effects of artificial flow downramping on Barbus barbus L. and Chondrostoma nasus L. under experimental conditions (Talk)
Autoren: Führer, S; Hayes, DS; Hasler, T; Graf, DRM; Stoisser, F; Fauchery, E; Coudrais, A; Olejarz, A; Mameri, D; Schmutz, S; Auer, S
Event: EGU General Assembly 2023
Period: 23.04.2023 - 28.04.2023 | Location: Vienna, AUSTRIA | Location: Vienna | Location: Vienna | Location: Wien, AT | Location: Austria Center Vienna | Location: Vienna, Austria | Location: Vienna, Austria | Location: Austria Center Wien | Location: Wien | Location: Wien, Österreich | Organizer:
European Geosciences Union
Year: 2023 - Hydropeaking effects on two cyprinid fish species, barbel and nase, under experimental conditions emphasizing larval stranding (Talk)
Autoren: Führer, S; Hayes, D; Stoisser, F; Hasler, T; Graf, D; Coudrais, A; Olejarz, A; Fauchery, E; Mameri, D; Schmutz, S; Auer, S
Event: SUSHP - Sustainability in Hydropower 2023 - Ecological mitigation, best practices and governance
Period: 13.06.2023 - 15.06.2023 | Location: Trondheim, Norway
Year: 2023 - The influence of repeated hydropeaking events on early live stages of European grayling (Thymallus thymallus) and common nase (Chondrostoma nasus) (Talk)
Autoren: Auer, S; Führer, S; Hayes, DS; Zeiringer, B; Schmutz, S
Event: 2nd International Conference on Sustainability in Hydropower 2023
Period: 13.06.2023 - 15.06.2023 | Location: Trondheim, NORWAY
Year: 2023 - Effects of spatio-temporal variability of hydropeaking on juvenile fish (Talk)
Autoren: Merl, K; Zeiringer, B; Auer, S; Führer, S; Greimel, S; Hayes, D; Schmutz, S
Event: Sustainability in Hydropower 2023
Period: 13.06.2023 - 15.06.2023 | Location: Trondheim, Norway
Year: 2023 - Impacts of artificial flow fluctuations on cyprinid fishes: a synthesis (Talk)
Autoren: Hayes, DS; Führer, S; Schmutz, S; Piggott, J; Auer, S
Event: 40th IAHR World Congress 2023
Period: 21.08.2023 - 25.08.2023 | Location: Vienna | Location: Vienna | Location: Vienna. Austria | Location: Wien | Location: Vienna, AUSTRIA | Organizer:
International Association for Hydro-Environment Engineering and Research | Organizer:
International Association for Hydro-Environment Engineering and Research (IAHR)
Year: 2023 - Auswirkungen von Schwall/Sunk auf karpfenartige Fische, mit Fokus auf Larvenstrandung von Barbe (Barbus barbus L.) und Nase (Chondrostoma nasus L.) (Talk)
Autoren: Führer, S; Auer, S; Graf, D; Hasler, T; Stoisser, F; Coudrais, A; Olejarz, A; Fauchery, E; Mameri, D; Schmutz, S; Hayes, DS
Event: 38. Jahrestagung 2023 der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Limnologie e.V. (DGL) und der Societas Internationalis Limnologiae (SIL) - BEDROHTE BIODIVERSITÄT UNSERER GEWÄSSER – GEFAHREN UND STRATEGIEN
Period: 18.09.2023 - 22.09.2023 | Location: Cologne, GERMANY
Autoren: Merl, K; Zeiringer, B; Auer, S; Führer, S; Greimel, F; Hayes, D; Ofenböck, G; Schmutz, S
Event: 40th IAHR World Congress 2023
Period: 21.08.2023 - 25.08.2023 | Location: Vienna | Location: Vienna | Location: Vienna. Austria | Location: Wien | Location: Vienna, AUSTRIA | Organizer:
International Association for Hydro-Environment Engineering and Research | Organizer:
International Association for Hydro-Environment Engineering and Research (IAHR)
Year: 2023 - Unravelling the complex relationship between artificial flow fluctuations and cyprinid fish: a comprehensive analysis (Talk)
Autoren: Hayes, DS; Auer, S; Schmutz, S; Zeiringer, B; Greimel, F; Piggott, J; Führer, S
Event: 2nd International Conference on Sustainability in Hydropower 2023
Period: 13.06.2023 - 15.06.2023 | Location: Trondheim, NORWAY
Year: 2022 - Cold thermopeaking-induced drift in nase Chondrostoma nasus larvae (Poster)
Autoren: Mameri, D; Hayes, DS; Führer, S; Fauchery, E; Schmutz, S; Monserat, A; Hasler, T; Graf, DRM; Santos, JM; Ferreira, T; Auer, S
Event: 4th International Conference I.S.Rivers 2022
Period: 04.07.2022 - 08.07.2022 | Location: Lyon, France
Year: 2022 - Stranding of larval nase (Chondrostoma nasus) following artificial flow down-ramping under experimental conditions (Talk)
Autoren: Führer, S; Hayes, DS; Mameri, D; Fauchery, E; Hasler, T; Graf, D; Schmutz, S; Auer, S.
Event: International Symposium on Ecohydraulics 2022
Period: 10.10.2022 - 13.10.2022 | Location: Nanjing, PR China
Year: 2022 - How does cold thermopeaking influence the drift of young-of-the-year cyprinid nase (Chondrostoma nasus)? (Talk)
Autoren: Mameri, D; Hayes, DS; Führer, S; Fauchery, E; Schmutz, S; Monserat, A; Hasler, T; Graf, D; Santos, JM; Ferreira, T; Auer, S
Event: International Ecology Conference INTECOL 2022 - Frontiers in Ecology: Science & Society
Period: 28.08.2022 - 02.09.2022 | Location: Geneva, Switzerland
Year: 2022 - Ecohydraulics experiments with cyprinid larvae in a nature-like outdoor facility — first insights from hydropeaking trials to quantify fish stranding at different gravel bar setups (Talk)
Autoren: Hayes, DS; Auer, S; Fauchery, E; Graf, D; Hasler, T; Mameri, D; Schmutz, S; Führer, S
Event: International Symposium on Ecohydraulics 2022
Period: 10.10.2022 - 13.10.2022 | Location: Nanjing, PR China
Year: 2019 - Climate change as driver of multiple stressors in riverine ecosystems: interactions of thermal regimes and emerging pathogens stressing brown trout populations in the future (Talk)
Autoren: Borgwardt, F; Bechter, T; Auer, S; Waldner, K; El-Matbouli, M; Unfer, G
Event: 6th Biennial Symposium of the International Society for River Science ISRS 2019 - Riverine landscapes as coupled socio-ecological systems
Period: 08.09.2019 - 13.09.2019 | Location: Vienna, Austria
Year: 2017 - Bachforellenprojekt – Ybbs Ergebnisse und Folgerungen zum Auftreten der PKD (Talk)
Autoren: Unfer, G; Auer, S.
Event: Tagung des Fischereirevierverbands IV, Amstetten
Period: 07.04.2017 | Location: Opponitz, Austria
Year: 2017 - Mitigation of Hydropower Impacts on fish - The Austrian Hydropeaking Approach (Talk)
Autoren: Greimel, F; Zeiringer, B; Auer, S; Führer, S; Hauer, C; Holzapfel, P; Fuhrmann, M; Pfleger, M; Schmutz, S
Event: Hydropower and Fish Joint Workshop IEA Hydropower TCP – European Commission DG RTD 2017
Period: 29.05.2017 - 31.05.2017 | Location: Brussels, Belgium
Year: 2017 - Reaktion von Fischen auf multiple Stressoren (Talk)
Autoren: Schinegger, R.; Auer, S.; Pucher, M.; Aschauer, C.; Mühlmann, H.; Palt, M.; Schmutz, S.
Event: Kurs “Multiple Stressoren”, Ökotoxzentrum
Period: 24.10.2017 - 25.10.2017 | Location: Dübendorf, Switzerland
Year: 2016 - Fish passage through a hydrodynamic double-screw: an alternative solution for restoring river connectivity (Talk)
Autoren: Zeiringer, B; Führer, S; Grigull, M; Pinter, K; Pröll, F; Unfer, G; Auer, S; Jungwirth, M; Schmutz, S
Event: Annual Meeting of the German Society of Limnology DGL and the SIL Austria 2016
Period: 26.09.2016 - 30.09.2016 | Location: Vienna, Austria
Year: 2016 - Assessing ecological impacts of hydropeaking in Austrian rivers (Talk)
Autoren: Schmutz, S; Auer, S; Bondar-Kunze, E; Feld, C; Graf, W; Greimel, F; Hein, T; Schülting, L; Unfer, G; Zeiringer, B
Period: 27.10.2016 - 29.10.2016 | Location: Interlaken, Switzerland
Year: 2016 - HyTEC – first results from an experimental facility to study the effect of hydro- and thermopeaking on fish, macroinvertebrates and microphytobenthos (Talk)
Autoren: Bondar-Kunze Elisabeth, Kasper Veronica, Maier Stefanie, Schönauer Doris, Schülting Lisa, Graf Wolfram, Auer Stefan , Schmutz Stefan, Zeiringer Bernhard, Hein Thomas
Event: 1st GLOBAQUA CONFERENCE: Managing The Effects Of Multiple Stressors On Aquatic Ecosystems Under Water Scarcity
Period: 11.01.2016 - 12.01.2016 | Location: Freising, Germany
Year: 2016 - Integrative Hydropeaking Management in Austria (Talk)
Autoren: Greimel, F; Zeiringer, B.; Auer, S.; Führer, S.; Hauer, C.; Holzapfel, P.; Fuhrmann, M.; Pfleger, M.; Schmutz, S.
Event: Sanierung von Schwall und Sunk - Herausforderungen und Lösungen
Period: 27.10.2016 - 29.10.2016 | Location: Interlaken, Switzerland
Autoren: Greimel, F., Zeiringer, B., Haslauer, M., Auer, S., Führer, S., Hayes, D., Höller, N., Holzapfel, P., Fuhrmann, M., Hauer, C., Pfleger, M., Matt, P., Koller-Kreimel, V., Neubarth, J., Schmutz, S.
Event: 12th International Symposium on Ecohydraulics 2016
Period: 19.08.2016 - 24.08.2016 | Location: Tokyo, Japan | Organizer:
University of Tokyo
Year: 2015 - Auswirkungen von Schwall und Sunk auf die Gewässerökologie (Talk)
Autoren: Stefan Schmutz, Auer Stefan, Franz Paul Horn, Bernhard Zeiringer
Event: Speicher und Pumpspeicherkraftwerke - Nachhaltige Innovationen für die Volkswirtschaft
Period: 21.10.2015 | Location: Graz, Austria
Autoren: Zeiringer, B; Fohler, N; Auer, S; Greimel, F; Schmutz, S
Event: 10th International Symposium on Ecohydraulics 2014
Period: 23.06.2014 - 27.06.2014 | Location: Trondheim, Norway
Year: 2014 - HyTEC: Schwallexperimente 2012 - 2014 (Talk)
Autoren: Zeiringer, B; Fohler, N; Auer, S; Greimel, F; Jungwirth, M; Schmutz, S
Event: 6. Expertentag "Schwall und Sunk: Forschungsstand & Ausblick"
Period: 20.05.2014 - 21.05.2014 | Location: Lunz am See, Austria
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