Stephan Hörbinger
Dipl.-Ing. Dr. Stephan Hörbinger
Institute of Soil Bioengineering and Landscape Construction
Location Peter-Jordan-Straße 82, 1190 Wien
Tel: +43 1 47654-87415
0 Projects found.
Knowledge Transfer to Society
Year: 2024 - Anwendungspotential von Ziegel Recycling Material in der Landwirtschaft
Autoren: Hörbinger, S; Gretzmacher, G; Redl, C, Mähr, A; Eitzinger, J; Weihs, P; Rauch HP
Event: Agrar- und Forstwissenschaftliche Konferenz
Year: 2024 - Mähr, A; Rauch, HP; Eitzinger, J; Weihs,P; Hörbinger, S
Autoren: Effect of brick sand on the soil water balance in permeable soils
Event: EGU General Assembly 2024
Year: 2024 - Nachhaltige Bekämpfung von invasiven Pflanzen auf der Donauinsel im Rahmen des Life-Projektes DICCA
Autoren: Hörbinger, S
Event: Danube Island Climate Change Adaption LIFE DICCA Closing Event 2024
Year: 2023 - The cooling potential of green spaces in and around Vienna during prolonged dry periods
Autoren: Eitzinger, J; Thaler, S; Formayer, H; Gützer, C; Hofer, A; Hörbinger, S; Masson, V; Mursch-Radlgruber, E; Perny, K; Preiss, J; Pröll, T; Rauch, JP; Sadriu, M; Schmidt, S; Schoetter, R; Szocska, D; Trimmel, H; Wittkowski, M; Wöß, D; Weihs, P
Event: 9th Meeting of the Austrian Meteorological Society 2023
Year: 2023 - Imp_DroP - Impact of longer Drought Periods on Climate in Greater Vienna: appropriate Mitigation measures
Autoren: Weihs, P; Trimmel, H; Gützer, C; Sadriu, M; Eitzinger, J; Thaler, S; Mursch-Radlgruber, E; Formayer, H; Perny, K; Pröll, T;Wöss, D; Hofer, A; Rauch, HP; Hörbinger, S; Szocska, D; Preiss, J; Wittkowski, M; Masson, V; Schoetter , R; Schmidt, T
Event: 23. Österreichischer Klimatag 2023
Year: 2023 - Impact of longer Drought Periods on Climate in Greater Vienna: appropriate Mitigation measures
Autoren: Philipp Weihs, Heidelinde Trimmel, Christian Gützer, Melissa Sadriu, Josef Eitzinger,Sabina Thaler, Erich Mursch-Radlgruber, Herbert Formayer, Katharina Perny, Tobias Pröll,David Wöss, Hans-Peter Rauch , Stefan Hörbinger, Deborah Szocska, Jürgen Preiss,Max Wittkowski, Valery Masson, Thomas Roth
Event: 23. Österreichischer Klimatag, 11.–13. April 2023, Leoben
Year: 2023 - Impact of longer Drought Periods on Climate in Greater Vienna: appropriate Mitigation measures
Autoren: Weihs, P; Trimmel, H; Gützer, C; Sadriu, M; Eitzinger, S; Thaler, S; Mursch-Radlgruber, E; Formayer, H; Perny, K; Pröll, T; Wöss, D; Hofer, A; Rauch, HP; Hörbinger, S; Szocska, D; Preiss, J; Wittkowski, M; Masson, V; Schoetter, R; Schmidt, T;
Event: Klimatag ACRP
Year: 2023 - Evaporative cooling potential from green roofs in Vienna
Autoren: Thaler, S; Eitzinger, J; Formayer, H; Gützer, C; Hofer, A; Hörbinger, S; Masson, V; Mursch-Radlgruber, E; Perny, K; Preiss, J; Pröll, T; Rauch, HP; Sadriu, M; Schmidt, S; Schoetter, R; Szocska, D; Trimmel, H; Wittkowski, M; Wöß, D; Weihs, P
Event: FAIRNESS: Fair Network of micrometeorological measurements 2023
Year: 2023 - Cooling potential of green spaces in the Vienna metropolitan area during extended periods of drought
Autoren: Thaler, S; Eitzinger, J; Formayer, H; Gützer, C; Hörbinger, S; Masson, V; Mursch-Radlgruber, E; Perny, K; Preiss, J; Pröll, T; Rauch, JP; Sadriu, M; Schmidt, S; Schoetter, R; Szocska, D; Wittkowski, M; Trimmel, H; Wöß, D; Weihs, P
Event: EMS Annual Meeting 2023
Year: 2022 - Introducción a la Bio-Ingeniería de suelos y su aplicación en la restauración de ríos
Autoren: Hörbinger, S; Rauch, H.P.
Event: CONIA - Integridad, resiliencia e innovación para el desarrollo.
Year: 2022 - Klimawirkanalysen entlang der ÖBB-Bahnstrecken [clim_ect]
Autoren: Hörbinger, S; Müller, H; Rauch, H.P.
Event: VIF Forum 2022 - Mobilität der Zukunft
Year: 2022 - Climate-related analyses along the Austrian Railway Network, part I: Standardized hazard event database
Autoren: Hörbinger, S; Müller, H.; Rauch, H.P.; Rachoy, C.
Event: International Conference on Railway Technology 2022
Year: 2022 - Hydromorphological Monitoring
Autoren: Müller, H; Hörbinger, S
Event: China Europe Water Platform - CEWP PI Lot1 "Water Management and Ecological Security”
Year: 2022 - Climate-related analyses along the Austrian Railway Network, part III: Vegetation database and climate envelope models of railway relevant woody species in Austria
Autoren: Müller, H; Hörbinger, S; Rauch, H.P.; Rachoy, C
Event: International Conference on Railway Technology 2022
Year: 2021 - Nature-based engineering solution for sustainable invasive alien plants control and ecosystem restoration
Autoren: Hoerbinger, S; Rauch, H P; Evette A;
Event: 5th international conference on Soil, Bio- and Eco-Engineering SBEE 2021
Year: 2021 - A case study: the assessment of erosion processes related to service road networks in a steep-slope banana cultivation in southern Brazil
Autoren: Bisso, F P; Hoerbinger S; Dambroz, A P B; Rauch, H P; Silva, T D
Event: 5th international conference on Soil, Bio- and Eco-Engineering SBEE
Year: 2021 - Nachhaltige Bekämpfung von invasiven Pflanzen auf der Donauinsel im Rahmen des LIFE Projektes DICCA
Autoren: Hoerbinger, S; Rauch, HP
Event: Meeting der EntscheidungsträgerInnen
Year: 2020 - Estudo preliminar para definição de diretrizes de revegetação para o Parque Nacional Hohe Tauern, Alpes Austríacos
Autoren: Bastos, F.; Hörbinger, S.; Rauch, H.P.; Florineth, F.; Reichert, José M
Event: 35ª Jornada Acadêmica Integrada 2020
Year: 2020 - The application of soil bioengineering for river restoration
Autoren: Hörbinger, S; Rauch, HP;
Event: Jornadas Nacionales en Ciencias Ambientales
Year: 2020 - Hydrosedimentological monitoring and modeling in paired watersheds in the Pampa biome
Autoren: de Bastos, F; Reichert, J.M; Ebling É.D; Hörbinger S;
Event: European Geosciences Union EGU General Assembly 2020
Year: 2020 - Nature Based Engineering Solution - Management against Invasive Alien Plants
Autoren: Rauch, HP; Hörbinger, S
Event: Biosphärenpark Wienerwald Forschungsvormittag
Year: 2019 - Naturbasierte Lösungen zur Kontrolle invasiver Neophyten entlang von Fließgewässern
Autoren: Hörbinger, S; Rauch HP
Event: Fachkräfte für Neophytenmanagement - Erfahrungen, Entwicklungen, Ausblicke
Year: 2019 - Design of a Soil Bioengineering Prototype in El Salvador
Autoren: Hoerbinger, S; Urbina R.J.C, ; Poizat, S.G; Rauch, H.P;
Event: Ingenieurbiologie in der modernen Welt
Year: 2018 - Urbane GmbA, Urbane Grünraumpotenziale iM verBauten BestAnd
Autoren: Hoerbinger, S; Minixhofer, P; Stangl, R
Event: „Stadt der Zukunft“ Themenworkshop: Innovationen für die grüne Stadt
Year: 2018 - Development of a concept for a holistic LCA model for soil bioengineering structures
Autoren: von der Thannen, M; Hoerbinger, S; Rauch, HP; Paratscha, R; Smutny, R; Strauss, A; Lampalzer T
Event: 6th International Symposium on Life-Cycle Civil Engineering IALCCE 2018
Year: 2018 - Assessment of Potential Greenable Area in the Building Stock of Two High-Density Urban Quarters of Vienna
Autoren: Hoerbinger, S; Minixhofer, P; Kermer, L; Stangl, R
Event: SGEM Vienna Green 2018
Year: 2016 - A Case Study on a Trial Site in Western Austria to Assess Benefits of Railway Lineside Vegetation
Autoren: Hörbinger, S.; Obriejetan, M.
Event: EGU General Assembly 2016
Year: 2016 - Environmental Conditions and Potential Demands for Soil Bioengineering Techniques in the Region of Cruz Alta-RS in Southern Brazil
Autoren: Prates Bisso, F; Hörbinger, S; Rauch H P; Prates Bisso, A
Event: II Congresso Internacional Educação, Ambiente e Desenvolvimento
Year: 2016 - GIS based classification of railway lineside vegeta tion to identify local ecosystem services demonstrated with a trial site in Austria
Autoren: Hörbinger, S; Obriejetan, M; Rauch, H.P; Immitzer, M.
Event: 5th International EcoSummit Ecological Sustainability: Engineering Change
Year: 2016 - Germinação de sementes de plantas herbáceas empregadas em hidrossemeadura na Áustria
Autoren: Dewes, J; Sutili, F; Hörbinger, S
Event: XXXI Semana Acadêmica Integrada
Year: 2016 - Development of a methodology for environmental life cycle assessment of alpine protective structures
Autoren: Paratscha, R.; Strauss, A.; Smutny, R.; Von der Thannen, M.; Hörbinger, S.; Rauch, H.P.:
Event: 5th International Symposium on Life-Cycle Engineering IALCCE 2016
Year: 2016 - Energy balance and global warming potential of soil bioengineering structures
Autoren: von der Thannen, M; Hörbinger, S; Paratscha, P; Smutny, R; Rauch, H.P; Strauss, A;
Event: Fifth International Symposium on Life-Cycle Civil Engineering
Year: 2016 - The technique of Soil Bioengineering and its application in river and civil engineering projects
Autoren: Hörbinger; S
Event: International Summer School, Environmental Protection
Year: 2015 - Environmental Life Cycle Assessment Model for Soil Bioengineering Measures on Infrastructure Slopes
Autoren: Hörbinger, S; Obriejetan, M;
Event: European Geosciences Union EGU General Assembly 2015
Year: 2015 - Ingenieurbiologische Maßnahmen zur Sicherung von Deponieböschungen am Rautenweg, Wien
Autoren: Hoerbinger, S
Event: ÖWAV Ingenieurbiologie 2015 - Neue Entwicklungen an Fließgewässern, Hängen und Böschungen
Year: 2015 - Ingenieurbiologische Maßnahmen zur Sicherung von Deponieböschungen am Rautenweg, Wien
Autoren: Hörbinger, S; Rauch, H.P
Event: ÖWAV Ingenieurbiologie 2015 - Neue Entwicklungen an Fließgewässern, Hängen und Böschungen
Year: 2014 - Instalação de uma mata ciliar, por meio de técnicas de Bio Engenharia de Solos – Resultados do monitoramento de uma obra de restauração no Rio Pardinho localizado no estado do Rio Grande do Sul /BR
Autoren: S. Hörbinger, H.P. Rauch, F. J. Sutili
Event: Seminário Internacional de Engenharia Natural
Year: 2014 - Anwendung von Weiden für ingenieurbiologische Arbeiten
Autoren: Hörbinger St.; Rauch H.P.
Event: Ingenieurbiologischer Baukurs WLV Tirol
Year: 2014 - Aplicação da Engenharia Natural no ambiente fluvial
Autoren: H.P. Rauch, S. Hörbinger
Event: Seminário Internacional de Engenharia Natural
Year: 2014 - Anwendung der ingenieurbiologischen Bautechnik in der Wildbach und Lawinenverbauung
Autoren: Rauch H. P.; St. Hörbinger
Event: Weiterbildungskurs Ingenieurbiologie WLV Tirol
Year: 2013 - A pull out test to compare two riparian species, Phyllanthus sellowianus and Sebastiania schottiana in terms of root anchorage ability
Autoren: S. Hörbinger, F. J. Sutili, H. P. Rauch
Event: EGU General Assembly 2013