Susanne Neubert
Susanne Neubert
Status Currently not employed at BOKU
0 Projects found.
Knowledge Transfer to Society
Year: 2012 - Regulation and function of ARIADNE12 upon UV-B radiation in Arabidopsis.
Autoren: Xie L, Lang-Mladek C, Neubert S, Hauser M-T
Event: 23th International Conference on Arabidopsis Research ICAR 2012
Year: 2012 - Towards the genetic analysis of growth variations upon UV-B radiation in Arabidopsis accessions.
Autoren: Xie, L; Lang-Mladek, C; Neubert, S; Hauser M-T
Event: 8th Tri-National Arabidopsis Meeting TNAM 2012
Year: 2012 - Which photoreceptors are involved in the transcriptional regulation of ARIADNE12 upon broad band UV-B radiation?
Autoren: Xie, L; Lang-Mladek, C; Neubert, S; Hauser M-T (2012) Cost Action UV4growth mini-conference. Acclimation to UV-B, Glasgow, Scotland, 1. – 2.5.
Event: COST Action UV4growth mini-conference 2012 - Acclimation to UV-B2
Year: 2012 - Natural variation of growth upon exposure to chronic broad range UV-B radiation
Autoren: Hauser, M-T; Xie, L; Neubert, S; Hilscher, J
Event: COST Action UV4growth mini-conference 2012 - Acclimation to UV-B2
Year: 2009 - Towards the establishment of ZON reporters in plants
Autoren: Merz D, Werner U, Berthiller F, Neubert S, Krska R, Adam G, Hauser M-T,
Event: Conference Internation Society for Mycotoxicology ISM 2009
Year: 2007 - Lasting effects of abiotic stress in plant genomes and their potential for breeding strategies
Autoren: Berlinger, M. Helm, J., Kiok, K., Mladek, S., Neubert, A., et al.,
Event: 4th Tri-National Arabidopsis Meeting TNAM 2007