Theresa Rosenkranz
Dr. Theresa Rosenkranz MSc.
Status Currently not employed at BOKU
0 Projects found.
Knowledge Transfer to Society
Year: 2018 - Comparing the Nickel phytomining efficiency of Odontarrhena muralis s.l. and Noccaea goesingensis on an ultramafic arable soil
Autoren: Puschenreiter M, Rosenkranz T, Ridard C, Echevarria G
Event: Plant Biology 2018
Year: 2016 - Phytomining of metals from waste incineration bottom ash – potentials and challenges
Autoren: Theresa Rosenkranz, Markus Puschenreiter, Alessandro Forner, Tarlan Sheikhavandi, Petra Kidd, Monika Iordanopoulos-Kisser, Heinz Gattringer, Johannes Kissser
Event: 13th International Phytotechnologies Conference 2016
Year: 2016 - Increasing phytomining efficiency on waste incineration bottom ash
Autoren: Theresa Rosenkranz, A. Forner, P. Kidd, J. Kisser, T. Sheikhavandi, M. Puschenreiter
Event: ICHMET 2016 - 18th International Conference on Heavy Metals in the Environment
Year: 2015 - Phytomining of valuable metals from waste incineration bottom ash using hyperaccumulator plants
Autoren: Rosenkranz, T; Kisser, J; M; Puschenreiter, M
Event: 13th SGA Biennial Meeting
Year: 2015 - Phytomining of valuable metals from waste incineration residues using hyperaccumulator plants
Autoren: Rosenkranz, T; Kisser, J; Gattringer, H; Iordanopoulos-Kisser, M; Puschenreiter, M
Event: European Geosciences Union EGU General Assembly 2015
Year: 2015 - Phytomining of valuable metals from waste incineration residues using hyperaccumulator plants
Autoren: Rosenkranz, T; Kisser, J; Gattringer, H; Iordanopoulos-Kisser, M; Puschenreiter, M
Event: 13th International Conference on the Biogeochemistry of Trace Elements ICOBTE 2015
Year: 2015 - Potentials of phytomining from waste incineration bottom ash using hyperaccumulator plants
Autoren: Rosenkranz, T; Kisser, J; M; Puschenreiter, M
Event: International Workshop Mining the Technosphere 2015 - Drivers and Barriers, Challenges and Opportunities