Vitaliy Kryvoruchko
Dipl.-Ing. Dr. Vitaliy Kryvoruchko
Status Currently not employed at BOKU
- 2001 - 2005 PhD at the University of Natural Resources and Applied Life Sciences (BOKU), Vienna, with the main focus on environmental and biogas technique for reduction of greenhouse gasses in agriculture
- 2001 Researcher at the University of Natural Resources and Applied Life Sciences (BOKU), Vienna.
- 1995 - 2001 Studying of agricultural sciences and course of agricultural business management at State Agrarian Academy in Poltava, Ukraine.
0 Projects found.
Knowledge Transfer to Society
Year: 2010 - Lachgasemissionen nach der Ausbringung von Rinder- und Schweineflüssigmist auf Dauergrünland
Autoren: Moitzi G., Amon B., Kryvoruchko V., Amon T., Boxberger, J.
Event: Emissionen landwirtschaftlich genutzter Böden. KTBL/vTI-Tagung
Year: 2007 - The Use Of By-Products of Sugar Beet and Starch Potato Processing in Biogas Plants
Autoren: Kryvoruchko, V., Machmüller, A., Bodiroza, V., Amon, B., Amon, T.
Event: 5th Research and Development Conference of Central- and Eastern European Institutes of Agricultural Engineering 2007
Year: 2007 - Ammonia and GHG Emissions from a straw Flow System for Fattening Pigs: Housing and Manure Storage Ammoniak- und klimarelevante Emissionene aus einem Schrägbodenstall für Mastschweine: Stall und Lagerung
Autoren: Amon, B., Kryvoruchko, V., Fröhlich, M., Amon, T., Boxberger, J., Pöllinger, A., Mösenbacher-Molterer, I., Hausleitner, A.
Event: 8th Conference, Construction, Engineering and Environment in Livestock Farming 2007
Year: 2007 - Loading rate optimization for mono-fermentation of sugar beet bulb (SBP)
Autoren: Kryvoruchko, V.
Event: 5th Research and Development Conference of Central- and Eastern European Institutes of Agricultural Engineering
Year: 2006 - Climate protection through renewable energy from biogas production
Autoren: Amon, T., Amon, B., Hopfner-Sixt, K., Kryvoruchko, V., Bodiroza, V.
Event: 9. Österreichischer Klimatag 2006 - Forschung zu Klima, Klimawandel und Auswirkungen in Österreich
Year: 2006 - Greenhouse gas and ammonia emission abatement by slurry treatment
Autoren: Amon, B., Kryvoruchko, V., Moitzi, G., Amon, T.
Event: 9. Österreichischer Klimatag 2006 - Forschung zu Klima, Klimawandel und Auswirkungen in Österreich
Year: 2006 - European Biogas Initiative to improve the yield of agricultural biogas plants (EU-Agro Biogas).
Autoren: Amon, T., Amon, B., Machmüller, A., Hopfner-Sixt K., Kryvoruchko V., Bodiroza, V.
Event: 12th Ramiran International conference 2006 - Technology for Recycling of Manure and Organic Residues in a Whole-Farm Perspective.
Year: 2006 - Influence of different levels of covering on greenhouse gas and ammonia emissions from slurry stores
Autoren: Amon, B., Kryvoruchko, V., Amon, T.
Event: 9. Österreichischer Klimatag 2006 - Forschung zu Klima, Klimawandel und Auswirkungen in Österreich
Year: 2006 - European Biogas Initiative to improve the yield of agricultural biogas plants (EU-Agro Biogas).
Autoren: Amon, T., Amon, B., Machmüller, A., Hopfner-Sixt K., Kryvoruchko V., Bodiroza, V.
Event: 12th Ramiran International conference 2006 - Technology for Recycling of Manure and Organic Residues in a Whole-Farm Perspective.
Year: 2006 - Methane production from cereals, sun flower and maize: Optimisation of the methane yield per hectare through time of harvesting, variety and pre-treatment
Autoren: Amon, T., Pötsch, E., Amon, B., Kryvoruchko, V., Bodiroza, V., Zollitsch, W.
Event: 28th International Exhibition-Congress in Chemical Engineering, Environmental Protection and Biotechnology ACHEMA 2006
Year: 2006 - Biogas Forum Austria-Network of research, extension service, and commercial farms.
Autoren: Amon, T., Amon B., Kryvoruchko V., Hopfner-Sixt K., Moser, A., Zollitsch, W.
Event: 12th Ramiran International conference 2006 - Technology for Recycling of Manure and Organic Residues in a Whole-Farm Perspective.
Year: 2006 - Biogas Forum Austria-Network of research, extension service, and commercial farms.
Autoren: Amon, T., Amon B., Kryvoruchko V., Hopfner-Sixt K., Moser, A., Zollitsch, W.
Event: 12th Ramiran International conference 2006 - Technology for Recycling of Manure and Organic Residues in a Whole-Farm Perspective.
Year: 2006 - Strategien zur nachhaltigen Biogaserzeugung aus Energiepflanzen durch standortangepasste Fruchtfolgesysteme, Sortenwahl und optimale Ernte
Autoren: Amon, T., Kryvoruchko, V., Amon, B., Bodiroza, V., Zollitsch, W., Boxberger, J., Pötsch, E.
Event: Wirtschaftsmotor Biogas; 15. Jahrestagung des Fachverbandes Biogas e.V.
Year: 2005 - Biogas Forum Austria: network from research, extension service, and commercial farms
Autoren: Amon,T., Amon, B., Hopfner-Sixt, K., Kryvoruchko, V.
Event: Greenhouse Gases and Animal Agriculture GGAA 2005
Year: 2005 - Can the additive “Effective Mircro-Organisms (EM)” reduce ammonia and greenhosue gas emissions from slurry stores?
Autoren: Amon, B., Kryvoruchko, V., Amont, T.
Event: Greenhouse Gases and Animal Agriculture GGAA 2005
Year: 2005 - Emissionen aus einem Schrägbodensystem für Mastschweine
Autoren: Pöllinger, A., Amon, B., Kryvoruchko, V., Mösenbacher, I., Hausleitner, A., Amon, T.
Event: Gumpensteiner Bautagung 2005 - Stallbau im Rahmen der neuen Bundestierhaltungsverordnung – Tiergesundheit – Stallklima und Emissionen
Year: 2005 - Methane production from cereals, grass and sun flowers: effect of harvesting time, and pre-treatment on the methane yield.
Autoren: Amon, T., Kryvoruchko, V., Bodiroza, V., Amon, B.
Event: 7. Internationale Tagung Bau, Technik und Umwelt in der Nutztierhaltung 2005
Year: 2005 - Forum Biogas Network from Natural Resources to Application
Autoren: Amon, T., Hopfner-Sixt, K., Amon, B., Kryvoruchko, V.
Event: 14th European Biomass Conference & Exhibition Biomass for Energy Industry and Climate Protection 2014
Year: 2005 - Influence of different levels of covering on greenhouse gas and NH3 emissions from slurry stores.
Autoren: Amon, B., Kryvoruchko, V., Amon, T.
Event: 7. Internationale Tagung Bau, Technik und Umwelt in der Nutztierhaltung 2005
Year: 2005 - Ammonia and greenhouse gas emissions from a straw flow system for fattening pigs
Autoren: Amon, B., Pöllinger, A., Kryvoruchko, V., Mösenbacher, I., Hausleitner, A., Fröhlich, M., Amon, T.
Event: Greenhouse Gases and Animal Agriculture GGAA 2005
Year: 2005 - Ammonia and greenhouse gas emissions from a straw flow system for fattening pigs.
Autoren: Amon, B., Pöllinger, A., Kryvoruchko, V., Fröhlich, M., Mösenbacher, I., Hausleitner, A., Amon, T.
Event: 7. Internationale Tagung Bau, Technik und Umwelt in der Nutztierhaltung 2005
Year: 2005 - Can the additive “Effectice Micro-Organisms (EM)” reduce ammonia and greenhouse gas emissions from slurry stores?
Autoren: Amon, B., Kryvoruchko, V., Amon, T., Moitzi. G.
Event: 7. Internationale Tagung Bau, Technik und Umwelt in der Nutztierhaltung 2005
Year: 2005 - Optimisation of Biogas Production from Energy Crops
Autoren: Amon, T., Kryvoruchko, V., Hopfner-Sixt, K., Bodiroza, V., Amon, B.
Event: 14th European Biomass Conference & Exhibition Biomass for Energy Industry and Climate Protection 2014
Year: 2005 - Biogasausbeute bei Rübenpressschnitzeln versus Silomais
Autoren: Amon, T. Kryvoruchko, V.
Event: Betaexpo 2005
Year: 2005 - Greenhouse gas and ammonia emission abatement by slurry treatment
Autoren: Amon, B., Kryvoruchko, V., Moitzi, G., Amon, T.
Event: Greenhouse Gases and Animal Agriculture GGAA 2005
Year: 2005 - Methane production from maize, grassland, animal manures, and glycerine through anaerobic digestion
Autoren: Amon, T., Amon, B., Kryvoruchko, V., Bodiroza, V., Pötsch, E.
Event: Greenhouse Gases and Animal Agriculture GGAA 2005
Year: 2005 - Emissionen aus einem Schrägbodensystem für Mastschweine
Autoren: Pöllinger, A., Amon, B., Kryvoruchko, V., Mösenbacher, I., Hausleitner, A., Amon, T.
Event: Gumpensteiner Bautagung 2005 - Stallbau im Rahmen der neuen Bundestierhaltungsverordnung – Tiergesundheit – Stallklima und Emissionen
Year: 2005 - Influence of different levels of covering on greenhosue gas and ammonia emissions from slurry stores
Autoren: Amon, B., Kryvoruchko, V., Amon, T.
Event: Greenhouse Gases and Animal Agriculture GGAA 2005
Year: 2004 - Greenhouse Gas Mitigration by Anaerobic Digestion.
Autoren: Clemens, J.; Trimborn, M.; Amon, B.; Kryvoruchko, V.; Weiland, P.
Event: Greenhouse gas emissions from Agriculture, mitigation options and strategies, International Conference 2004
Year: 2004 - Methane, nitrous oxide and ammonia emissions during storage and after application of dairy cattle and pig slurry and influence of slurry treatment.
Autoren: Amon, B., Kryvoruchko, V., Moitzi, G., Amon, T., Zechmeister-Boltenstern, S.
Event: Engineering the Future AgEng 2004
Year: 2004 - Energiemais zur Biogaserzeugung – eine Herausforderung für Pflanzenbauer und –züchter
Autoren: Amon, T.
Event: Ackerbautag 2004 der Landwirtschaftskammer für Oberösterreich
Year: 2004 - Influence of different levels of covering on greenhouse gas and ammonia emissions from slurry stores.
Autoren: Amon, B., Kryvoruchko, V., Amon, T.
Event: Greenhouse gas emissions from Agriculture, mitigation options and strategies, International Conference 2004
Year: 2004 - Influence of nutrient composition on methane production from animal manures and co-digestion with maize and glycerine.
Autoren: Kryvoruchko V., Amon T., Amon B., Boxberger J., Gruber L., Schreiner M., Zolitsch W.
Event: International Scientific Conference Bioecotechnologies and Biofuel in Agroindustry 2004
Year: 2004 - Biogaserzeugung aus Mais – Einfluss der Inhaltsstoffe auf das spezifische Methanbildungsvermögen von früh- bis spätreifen Maissorten.
Autoren: Amon, T., Kryvoruchko, V., Amon, B., Zollitsch, W., Mayer, K., Buga, S., Amid, A.
Event: 54. Züchtertagung der Vereinigung der Pflanzenzüchter und Saatgutkaufleute Österreichs 2003
Year: 2004 - Biogaserträge aus landwirtschaftlichen Gärgütern.
Autoren: Amon, T., Kryvoruchko, V., Amon, B., Buga, S., Amid, A., Zollitsch, W., Mayer, K., Pötsch, E.
Event: 10. Alpenländische Expertenforum 2004 - Biogasproduktion - Alternative Biomassenutzung und Energiegewinnung in der Landwirtschaft
Year: 2004 - Can the additive “Effective Micro-Organisms (EM)” reduce ammonia and greenhouse gas emissions from slurry stores?
Autoren: Amon, B., Kryvoruchko, V., Amon, T., Moitzi, G.
Event: RAMIRAN 2004, 11th International Conference
Year: 2004 - Biogaserträge von Energiepflanzen und Wirtschaftsdüngern – Laborversuchsergebnisse
Autoren: Amon, T., Kryvoruchko, V., Amon, B., Reinhold, G., Oechsner, H., Schwab, M., Weiland, P., Linke, B.
Event: Die Landwirtschaft als Energieerzeuger
Year: 2004 - Forum Biogas Austria: Network from natural resources to application.
Autoren: Amon, T., Kryvoruchko, V., Amon, B., Hopfner-Sixt, K.
Event: 1. Minisymposium für Nachwachsende Rohstoffe und Erneuerbare Energien 2004
Year: 2004 - Ammonia and greenhouse gas emissions from a straw flow system for fattening pigs.
Autoren: Amon, B., Pöllinger, A., Kryvoruchko, V., Mösenbacher, I., Hausleitner, A., Amon, T.
Event: RAMIRAN 2004, 11th International Conference
Year: 2004 - Methane, nitrous oxide and ammonia emissions during storage and after application of dairy cattle slurry and influence of slurry treatment.
Autoren: Amon, B., Kryvoruchko, V., Amon, T., Zechmeister-Boltenstern, S.
Event: Greenhouse gas emissions from Agriculture, mitigation options and strategies, International Conference 2004
Year: 2004 - Biogas production from maize and clover grass estimated with the methane energy value system.
Autoren: Amon, T., Kryvoruchko, V., Amon, B., Zollitsch, W., Pötsch, E.
Event: Engineering the Future AgEng 2004
Year: 2004 - Methane production from maize, grassland and animal manures through anaerobic digestion.
Autoren: Amon, T., Kryvoruchko, V., Amon, B.
Event: RAMIRAN 2004, 11th International Conference
Year: 2004 - Greenhouse gas and ammonia emission abatement by slurry treatment.
Autoren: Amon, B., Kryvoruchko, V., Moitzi, G., Amon, T.
Event: RAMIRAN 2004, 11th International Conference
Year: 2004 - Anaerobic digestion of maize, clover grass and animal manures: influence of nutrient composition on methane production.
Autoren: Amon, T., Kryvoruchko, V., Amon, B., Gruber, L.
Event: Greenhouse gas emissions from Agriculture, mitigation options and strategies, International Conference 2004
Year: 2004 - Influence of different levels of covering on greenhouse gas and ammonia emissions from slurry stores.
Autoren: Amon, B., Kryvoruchko, V., Amon, T.
Event: RAMIRAN 2004, 11th International Conference
Year: 2004 - Ammonia and greenhouse gas emissions from a straw flow system for fattening pigs.
Autoren: Amon, B., Pöllinger, A., Kryvoruchko, V., Mösenbacher, I., Hausleitner, A., Amon, T.
Event: Engineering the Future AgEng 2004
Year: 2004 - Estimation of biogas production from maize and clover grass by the new methane energy value system.
Autoren: T. Amon, V. Kryvoruchko, B. Amon, W. Zollitsch, E. Pötsch, K. Mayer
Event: 10th World Congress – Anaerobic Digestion
Year: 2003 - Development of the ¿Methane Energy Value System (MEVS)¿ to estimate methane productivity from biomass
Autoren: Amon, T., Kryvoruchko, V., Amon, B., Buga, S., Mayer, K., Zollitsch, W., Pötsch, E.
Event: Bioenergy 2003, International Nordic Bioenergy Conference
Year: 2003 - Der Stolba-Familienstall für Schweine: Tierverhalten, Arbeitsorganisation und Wirtschaftlichkeit der Schweinefleischerzeugung vom Stall bis zum Teller
Autoren: Amon, Th., Kryvoruchko, V., Amon, B., Jeremic, D., Sölkner, J., Konrad, S., Meixner, O
Event: 7. Wissenschaftstagung Ökologischer Landbau 2003
Year: 2003 - Nutzung der Grünlandbiomasse sowie anderer Feldkulturen für die Biogasproduktion
Autoren: Amon, Th., Amon, B., Kryvoruchko, V., Hopfner-Sixt K., Buga, S., Pötsch, E., Zollitsch, W., Plank, J., Mayer, K.
Event: 9. Wintertagung für Grünland- und Viehwirtschaft 2003
Year: 2003 - Effects of biomethanisation on emissions of NH3, N2O and CH4 during storage and after application of slurry
Autoren: Moitzi, G., Amon, B., Amon, T., Kryvorucko, V., Wagner-Alt, C., Hackl, E., Zechmeister-Boltenstern, S.
Event: 30th CIOSTA - CIGRV Congress 2003 - Management and technology applications to empower agro-food systems
Year: 2003 - Methan-, Lachgas- und Ammoniakemissionen während der Lagerung und nach der Ausbringung von Rinderflüssigmist
Autoren: Amon, B., Wagner-Alt, C., Moitzi, G., Kryvoruchko, V., Amon, T., Hackl, E., Zechmeister-Boltenstern, S.
Event: 7. Wissenschaftstagung Ökologischer Landbau 2003
Year: 2003 - Entwicklung eines "Methanenergiewertsystem (MEWS)" zur Bewertung des Methanbildungsvermögens von Biomasse
Autoren: Amon, T., Kryvoruchko, V., Amon, B., Pötsch, E., Zollitsch, W.
Event: 6. Internationale Tagung - Bau, Technik und Umwelt in der landwirtschaftlichen Nutztierhaltung 2003
Year: 2003 - Methan-, Lachgas- und Ammoniakemissionen während der Lagerung und nach der Ausbringung von Rinder- und Schweineflüssigmist.
Autoren: Amon, B., Wagner-Alt C., Moitzi, G., Kryvoruchko, V., Amon, T., Hackl, E., Zechmeister-Boltenstern, S.
Event: 6. Internationale Tagung - Bau, Technik und Umwelt in der landwirtschaftlichen Nutztierhaltung 2003
Year: 2002 - Emissionen von NH3, N2O und CH4 nach der Ausbringung von Rinderflüssigmist und Einfluß der Flüssigmistbehandlung
Autoren: Amon, B., Moitzi, G., Kryvoruchko, V., Amon, T., Hackl, E., Zechmeister-Bolstenstern, S.
Event: KTBL/UBA-Symposium Emissionen der Tierhaltung - Grundlagen, Wirkungen, Maßnahmen 2001
Year: 2002 - Biogas production from energy crops - A new system (MEVS) to calculate the methane energy value from biomass
Autoren: Amon, Th., Kryvoruchko, V., Amon, B.
Event: Conference Proceedings 1st International Ukrainian Conference on Biomass for Energy
Emissionen von NH3, N2O und CH4 nach der Ausbringung von Rinderflüssigmist und Einfluß der Flüssigmistbehandlung.
Autoren: Amon, B., Moitzi, G., Kryvoruchko, V., Amon, Th., Hackl, E., Zechmeister-Boltenstern, S.