Walter Lammeranner
Dipl.-Ing. Dr. Walter Lammeranner
Status Currently not employed at BOKU
0 Projects found.
Knowledge Transfer to Society
Year: 2021 - Development of shrubby willows on a test levee and their impact on the seepage
Autoren: Sokopp, M.; Lammeranner, W.; Florineth, F.; Rauch H.P.
Event: 5th international conference on Soil, Bio- and Eco-Engineering SBEE 2021
Year: 2017 - The development of shrubby willows on dikes and levees on the example of a ten-year-old test dike
Autoren: Sokopp, M.; Lammeranner, W.; Rauch, H.P.
Event: MultiDikes Workshop - Possibilities for the Multifunctional Use of Dikes
Year: 2013 - Modeling and analysis of the vertical roots distribution in levees - a case study of the third Rhone correction
Autoren: Gianetta I., Schwarz M., Glenz C. und Lammeranner W.
Event: EGU General Assembly 2013
Year: 2013 - The Control of Invasive Knotweed Species (Fallopia sp.). Research - Experiences from Austria
Autoren: Lammeranner W., Schmidt C., Eitler M., und Steinbauer N.
Event: EGU General Assembly 2013
Year: 2013 - Die Wurzelwachstum von Weiden (Salix purpurea L.) als Erosionsschutzmittel - Untersuchung mithilfe von Rhizotronen
Autoren: Omarova D., Lammeranner W, und Florineth F.
Event: Jahrestagung der Österreichischen Gesellschaft für Wurzelforschung (ASRR) - Workshop Annual Meeting of the Austrian Society for Root Research - Workshop Beobachtung, Vermessung und Analyse von Wurzelsystemen – Methoden und Modelle Imaging, measuring and analysing root systems – Methods and models
Year: 2013 - Woody Vegetation on Levees? – Research Experiences and Design Suggestions
Autoren: Lammeranner W.
Event: EGU General Assembly 2013
Year: 2012 - Ingenieurbiologie - Bauen mit Pflanzen
Autoren: Rauch, H.P., Lammeranner, W.,
Event: 140 Jahre Universität für Bodenkultur Wien 2012 - Quo vadis, Universität(en)?
Year: 2012 - Effects/Performance of Woody Plants on River Levees & Dikes in Austria
Autoren: Lammeranner W.
Event: Levee Vegetation Research Symposium 2012
Year: 2012 - River morphological impacts of soil bioengineering low water structures at the Liesing river, Vienna
Autoren: Weissteiner C., Hochauer A., Lammeranner W., Rauch H.P.
Event: Cascais Worl Forum 2012 - Soil Bio Engineering and Land Management New Challenges
Year: 2012 - Modeling the Impact of Vegetation on the Soil Water Balance of Levees
Autoren: Lammeranner W.
Event: 3rd International Conference on Soil Bio- and Eco-Engineering 2012 - The Use of Vegetation to Improve Slope Stability
Year: 2012 - Root Development of Salix purpurea L. on Heavily Compacted Levee Soils
Autoren: Lammeranner W.
Event: EGU General Assembly 2012
Year: 2012 - River morphological impacts of soil bioengineering low water structures at the Liesing river, Vienna
Autoren: Weissteiner Clemens, Hochauer Andrea, Lammeranner Walter, Rauch Hans Peter
Event: Cascais Worl Forum 2012 - Soil Bio Engineering and Land Management New Challenges
Year: 2011 - The impact of dense willow stands (Salix purpurea L.) on the hydrology of heavily compacted soils
Autoren: W. Lammeranner, M. Obriejetan, F. Florineth
Event: EGU General Assembly 2011
Year: 2011 - How to select the appropriate techniques and suitable plant species for soil bioengineering works? – An application example from Nepal
Autoren: M. S. Acharya, W. Lammeranner
Event: EGU General Assembly 2011
Year: 2011 - Untersuchungen zum Bodenwasserhaushalt und zur Durchwurzelung unter einem Gehölzbestand (Salix purpurea L.) im Vergleich zu einer Gräser-Kräuter-Narbe
Autoren: W. Lammeranner, M. Obriejetan
Event: 1. Tagung der Österreichischen Gesellschaft für Wurzelforschung 2011 - Pflanzenwurzel im System Boden-Pflanze-Atmosphäre
Year: 2010 - Versuche zum Einfluss von Bewuchs auf die Erosionsbeständigkeit von Hochwasserschutzdämmen
Autoren: Lammeranner W.; Obriejetan M.; Florineth F.
Event: Soil bioengineering in the modern world 2010
Year: 2010 - Drag force of flexible submerged trees
Autoren: Xavier, P., Wilson, C.A.M.E., Aberle, J., Rauch, H.P., Schoneboom, T., Lammeranner, W., Thomas, H. (2010).
Event: Proceeding Hydralab Closing Event
Year: 2010 - The impact of dense willow stands (Salix purpurea L.) on the hydrology and soil stability of heavily compacted soils
Autoren: Lammeranner W., Obriejetan M., Florineth F.
Event: EGU General Assembly 2010
Year: 2010 - Gehölzstrukturen an Hochwasserschutzdämmen - Erfahrungen aus der Versuchsanlage Deutsch-Wagram
Autoren: Lammeranner W., Obriejetan M.
Event: Ingenieurbiologische Herausforderungen 2010 - Die Anwendungen von Gehölzstrukturen im Wasserbau
Year: 2010 - The hydrodynamic drag of full scale trees
Autoren: C.A.M.E. Wilson, P. Xavier, T. Schoneboom, J. Aberle, H. P. Rauch, W. Lammeranner, C. Weissteiner, H. Thomas
Event: International Conference on Fluvial Hydraulics River Flow 2010
Year: 2010 - Biomasseentwicklung von Steckhölzern am Beispiel von Salix purpurea L.
Autoren: Rauch H.P.; Holzapfel G.; Lammeranner W.; Schenkenbach N.; Weissteiner C.
Event: Soil bioengineering in the modern world 2010
Year: 2010 - Der Einfluss von Weidenbewuchs (Salix purpurea L.) auf den Bodenwasserhaushalt von stark verdichteten Böden
Autoren: Lammeranner W.; Obriejetan M.; Florineth F.
Event: Soil bioengineering in the modern world 2010
Year: 2010 - Ingenieurbiologische Bauweisen an Hochwasserschutzdeichen
Autoren: Lammeranner W., Haselsteiner R.
Event: Dresdner Wasserbaukolloquium 2010
Year: 2010 - Ingenieurbiologische Forschung am Institut für Ingenieurbiologie und Landschaftsbau
Autoren: Rauch H.P., Lammeranner W.
Event: Workshop WLV Sektionsökologentreffen
Year: 2010 - Untersuchungen zum Einfluss von Gehölzstrukturen auf die Durchsickerung von Hochwasserschutzdämmen
Autoren: Lammeranner W.; Obriejetan M.; Florineth F.
Event: Soil bioengineering in the modern world 2010
Year: 2009 - The impact of different soil bioengineering techniques on the surface erosion of levees
Autoren: Lammeranner W., Meixner H., Florineth F..
Event: EGU General Assembly 2009
Year: 2009 - Gehölzbewehrte Hochwasserschutzdämme
Autoren: Lammeranner W., Florineth F.
Event: Schutzwasserbauten an Fließgewässern 2009 - Planung und Ausführung
Year: 2009 - The influence of woody plants on the seepage of flood protection levees: Experiences from a test site
Autoren: Lammeranner W., Meixner H., Florineth F.
Event: EGU General Assembly 2009
Year: 2008 - Woody plants on dikes and levees: impacts on structural integrity and maintenance
Autoren: W. Lammeranner
Event: 2nd International Conference on Ground Bio- and Eco-engineering 2008 - The Use of Vegetation to Improve Slope Stability
Year: 2008 - Soil bioengineering techniques on heavily compacted soils: Experiences from a test site
Autoren: Lammeranner, W.; Meixner, H.; Florineth, F.
Event: EGU General Assembly 2008
Year: 2008 - Specific addressed issues of soil bioengineering implementation work - a practical approach
Autoren: Anderschitz M., Lammeranner W., Rauch H.P., Stangl R.
Event: EGU General Assembly 2008
Year: 2008 - A decision support tool for the selection of soil bioengineering construction types for slope stabilisation work
Autoren: Rauch H.P., W. Lammeranner, R. Stangl
Event: 2nd International Conference on Ground Bio- and Eco-engineering 2008 - The Use of Vegetation to Improve Slope Stability
Year: 2008 - The effect of woody plants on river levees
Autoren: Lammeranner W., Meixner H., Florineth F.
Event: 11th Congress INTERPRAEVENT 2008
Year: 2007 - Gehölzstrukturen an Dämmen und Deichen - Ein Widerspruch?
Autoren: Lammeranner W., Meixner H., Florineth F.
Event: 1. Departmentkongress Bautechnik und Naturgefahren 2007
Year: 2007 - The effect of woody plants on dikes and levees: Design and construction of a model dike
Autoren: Lammeranner W., Meixner H., Florineth F.
Event: EGU General Assembly 2007
Year: 2007 - Woody plants on dikes and levees: Design and construction of a model dike
Autoren: Lammeranner W., Meixner H., Florineth F.
Event: EGU General Assembly 2007
Year: 2006 - Detection and assessment of slope stability by means of vegetation types, soil and morphological parameters
Autoren: Lammeranner W., Rauch H.P., Stangl R.
Event: EGU General Assembly 2006
Year: 2004 - Implementation and monitoring of soil bioengineering measures at a landslide in the Middle Mountains of Nepal
Autoren: Lammeranner W.
Event: 1st International Conference on Eco-Engineering 2004 - The use of vegetation to improve slope stability
Year: 2004 - Implementation and Monitoring of Soil Bioengineering Measures at a Landslide in the Middle Mountains of Nepal
Autoren: Lammeranner, W., Belihart, S., Ertl, D., Rauch, H.P., Wibmer, S.
Event: 1st International Conference on Eco-Engineering 2004 - The use of vegetation to improve slope stability