Werner Fuchs
ao.Univ.Prof. Dipl.-Ing.Dr.nat.techn. Werner Fuchs
Institute of Environmental Biotechnology
Location Konrad-Lorenz-Straße 20, 3430 Tulln an der Donau
Email werner.fuchs@boku.ac.at
Tel: +43 1 47654-97401, 97423
ORCID: 0000-0001-5648-3097, opens in new window.
AuthorId : 7101614919
- 2008 Habiltation in the area "Environmental biotechnology", appointment as a.o. Univ. Prof.
- 2004 Appointment as Ass. Prof.
- 1998 PhD
- 1993 Graduation in Biotechnology
0 Projects found.
Knowledge Transfer to Society
Year: 2023 - Syngas fermentation for the generation of fuels and platform chemicals from residues (Vortrag)
Autoren: Fuchs, W; Drosg, B; Hiebl, C
Event: 7. Mitteleuropäische Biomassekonferenz 2023
Period: 18.01.2023 - 20.01.2023 | Location: Graz, Austria | Location: Graz, Austria | Organizer:
Österreichischer Biomasse-Verband; Landwirtschaftskammer Steiermark
Year: 2017 - Performance of a continuous-flow single stage deammonification system with mesh separated compartments (Vortrag)
Autoren: Weissenbacher, N., Schoepp, T., Bousek J., Fuchs, W.
Event: International IWA conference on sustainable solutions for small water and wastewater treatment systems (S2Small2017)
Period: 22.10.2017 - 26.10.2017 | Location: Nantes, France
Year: 2015 - Microalgal Biomass in Anaerobic Digestion: Effects of Pretreatment and Different Storage Methods (Vortrag)
Autoren: Gruber, M., Jerney, J., Zohar, E., Nussbaumer, M., Hieger, C., Bochmann, G., Schagerl, M., Obbard, J. P., Fuchs, W., Drosg, B.
Event: 23rd European Biomass Conference and Exhibition EUBCE 2015
Period: 01.06.2015 - 04.06.2015 | Location: Vienna, Austria | Organizer:
ETA-Florence, WIP Munich | Organizer:
ETA Florence, WIP Munich
Year: 2015 - Enhancing anaerobic digestion of microalgal biomass by thermal pretreatment (Vortrag)
Autoren: M. R. Gruber, J. Jerney, E. Zohar, G. Bochmann, M. Schagerl, J. Obbard, W. Fuchs, B. Drosg
Event: 2nd International Conference Renewable energy sources
Period: 26.05.2015 - 29.05.2015 | Location: Krynica, Poland
Year: 2015 - Growing Synechocystis salina in digestate fractions for producing poly-(hydroxybutyrate) (Poster)
Autoren: Meixner, K; Fritz, I; Daffert, C; Markl, K; Fuchs, W; Drosg, B
Event: 11th International Conference on Renewable Resources and Biorefineries RRB-11 2015
Period: 03.06.2015 - 05.06.2015 | Location: York, UK
Year: 2015 - Microalgae as Source of Biogas: Anaerobic Digestion of Un- and Pretreated Biomass (Vortrag)
Autoren: M. R. Gruber, E. Zohar, M. Nussbaumer, L. Montgomery, T. Schoepp, I. Ludwig, M. Schagerl, J. P. Obbard, G. Bochmann, W. Fuchs, B. Drosg
Event: 8. Bundesalgenstammtisch - Die Rolle der Algenbiotechnologie in der Bioökonomie-Strategie
Period: 07.09.2015 - 08.09.2015 | Location: Garching, Germany
Year: 2014 - Energiemonitoring der KA Baden mit speziellen Fokus auf die Belüftung in der Prozesswasserbehandlung (Poster)
Autoren: S. Tatowsky, T. Ertl, W. Fuchs, C. Loderer
Event: Österreichische Wasserwirtschaftstagung 2014
Period: 01.10.2014 - 02.10.2014 | Location: Villach, Austria
Year: 2014 - Evaluating separation technologies for thin stillage digestate (Poster)
Autoren: K. Meixner, W. Fuchs, T. Valkova, K. Svardal, C. Loderer, M. Neureiter, G. Bochmann, B.Drosg
Event: Biogas Science 2014
Period: 26.10.2014 - 30.10.2014 | Location: Vienna, Austria
Year: 2014 - Anaerobic digestion of microalgal biomass (Vortrag)
Autoren: Gruber M., Zohar E., Jerney J., Bochmann G., Schagerl M., Obbard J. P., Fuchs W., Drosg B.
Event: 4th Central European Biomass Conference 2014
Period: 15.01.2014 - 18.01.2014 | Location: Graz, Austria | Location: Graz, Austria
Year: 2013 - Harvesting fungal enzymes to enhance biogas production from grass silage (Poster)
Autoren: Montgomery, L; Xia, H; Fuchs, W; Bochmann, G
Event: 13th World Congress on Anaerobic Digestion 2013
Period: 25.06.2013 - 28.06.2013 | Location: Santiago de Compostella, Spain
Year: 2013 - IFA Tulln - A scientific site for soil and groundwater remediation (Vortrag)
Autoren: C. Loderer, W. Fuchs, A. Loibner
Event: China - Austria Workshop on Soil and Groundwater Redmeditation 2013
Period: 24.10.2013 - 25.10.2013 | Location: Beijing, PR China | Location: Nanjing, PR China | Location: Beijing, PR China
Year: 2013 - Remediation of crude oil contaminated auifers at nitrate redcucing conditions (Vortrag)
Autoren: C. Loderer, W. Fuchs, A. Loibner
Event: Austria-China Workshop on Soil and Groundwater Redmediation
Period: 22.10.2013 | Location: Shanghai, PR China
Year: 2013 - Welcome to BOKU University & IFA Tulln - A scientific site for biotechnology research in all its facets (Vortrag)
Autoren: C. Loderer, W. Fuchs, A.P. Loibner
Event: Workshop Austria - China: Site Visit AIT Austrian Institute of Technology & University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences
Period: 11.11.2013 | Location: Tulln an der Donau, Austria
Year: 2013 - Substrate-specific lignocellulolytic enzyme production using solid-substrate fermentation (Poster)
Autoren: Montgomery LFR; Xia H; Bochmann G; Fuchs W
Event: 9th International Conference on Renewable Resources and Biorefineries 2013
Period: 05.06.2013 - 07.06.2013 | Location: Antwerp, Belgium
Year: 2013 - A case study of a pump & treat system treating groundwater of a contaminated gas site by combining different physcial and chemcial cleaning steps (Vortrag)
Autoren: C. Loderer, A. Loibner, W. Fuchs
Event: China - Austria Workshop on Soil and Groundwater Redmeditation 2013
Period: 24.10.2013 - 25.10.2013 | Location: Beijing, PR China | Location: Nanjing, PR China | Location: Beijing, PR China
Year: 2013 - Can bioavailability of trace nutrients be measured in an AD process? (Poster)
Autoren: Ortner, M; Rachbauer, L; Somitsch W; Fuchs, W
Event: Bioenergy
Period: 04.09.2013 - 06.09.2013 | Location: Jyväskylä, Finland
Year: 2012 - Long-Term performance and monitoring of a 10m³ pilot plant using textile filter modules for direct activated sludge separation (Vortrag)
Autoren: Gahleitner B., Loderer C., Fuchs W.
Event: 11th World Filtration Congress & Exhibition 2012
Period: 16.04.2012 - 20.04.2012 | Location: Graz, Austria
Year: 2012 - Dynamic Filtration – Filtration performance operating a 10m3 pilot plant over more than one year and future research activities . (Vortrag)
Autoren: Loderer C., Gahleitner B., Stelzer C., Saracina C., Fuchs W.
Event: PHD Workshop 2012
Period: 26.06.2012 | Location: Prague, Czech Republic
Year: 2012 - MESH – Integrierte Abwasserreinigung mittels Gewebefiltration zur direkten Belebtschlamm-Abtrennung (Vortrag)
Autoren: Loderer C., Bernhard G., Fuchs W.
Event: Conference Sustanable Energy Managment Systems SEMS 2012
Period: 09.05.2012 | Location: Birkefeld, Germany
Year: 2012 - Evaluation of Ultrafiltration Performance of Anaerobic Digestate from Thin Stillage after Centrifugation (Poster)
Autoren: Meixner, K; Drosg, B; Loderer, C; Bochmann, G; Valkova, T; Svardal, K; Fuchs, W
Event: 20th European Biomass Conference and Exhibition 2012
Period: 18.06.2012 - 22.06.2012 | Location: Milan, Italy
Year: 2012 - MESH - Entwicklung eines neuartiges Verfahren für den Einsatz überlasteter kommunaler Kläranlagen: Stand der Wissenschaft und Kostenmodellberechnung für 4000EW Anlage. Projektvorstellung für Planung und Umbau einer DEMO-Anlage (Vortrag)
Autoren: Loderer C., Gahleitner B., Fuchs W.
Event: 43. Nachbarschaftstag der Kläranlagennachbarschaft Nr. N3 „Bezirke Tulln, Gerichtsbezirk Purkersdorf, Klosterneuburg“ 2012
Period: 28.11.2012 | Location: Unter-Tullnerbach, Austria
Year: 2011 - Influence of different mesh filter module configurations on the effluent quality and on the long term filtration performance (Poster)
Autoren: Loderer, C; Gahleitner, B; Wörle, A; Fuchs, W
Event: 6th IWA Specialist Conference on Membrane Technology for Water & Wastewater Treatment 2011
Period: 03.10.2011 - 07.10.2011 | Location: Aachen, Germany
Year: 2011 - Evaluating solid-liquid separation by centrifugation of anaerobic digestate from thin stillage (Poster)
Autoren: Meixner, K; Drosg, B; Bochmann, G; Neureiter, M; Valkova, T; Svardal, K; Fuchs, W
Event: International Symposium on Anaerobic Digestion of Solid Waste and Energy Crops ADSW&EC, 2011
Period: 28.08.2011 - 01.09.2011 | Location: Vienna, Austria
Year: 2011 - Enhanced Biogas Process Stability by Ammonia Removal with a Membrane Contactor (Vortrag)
Autoren: Lauterböck, B; Fuchs, W
Event: International Symposium on Anaerobic Digestion of Solid Waste and Energy Crops ADSW&EC, 2011
Period: 28.08.2011 - 01.09.2011 | Location: Vienna, Austria
Year: 2011 - Evaluating the evaporation of anaerobic digestate from thin stillage. (Poster)
Autoren: Meixner, K; Drosg, B; Bochmann, G; Bauer, L; Grüll, D; Fuchs, W
Event: International Symposium on Anaerobic Digestion of Solid Waste and Energy Crops ADSW&EC, 2011
Period: 28.08.2011 - 01.09.2011 | Location: Vienna, Austria
Year: 2011 - Technology Assessment for the Reuse and Recirculation of Residues from Anaerobic Digestion (Vortrag)
Autoren: Drosg, B; Wäger, F; Kirchmayr, R; Braun, R; Fuchs, W
Event: 19th European Biomass Conference and Exhibition 2011
Period: 06.06.2011 - 10.06.2011 | Location: Berlin, Germany
Year: 2011 - Biogas - Status and potential in Austria (Vortrag)
Autoren: Drosg, B; Fuchs, W; Braun, R; Bochmann, G
Event: Pannonian Plant Biotechnology Workshop "The Bioenergy Question: Reality or Wishful Thinking?"
Period: 16.05.2011 | Location: Tulln an der Donau, Austria
Year: 2011 - MESH, an alternative sludge separation process based on the dynamic filtration principle (Poster)
Autoren: Loderer C., Gahleitner B., Fuchs W.
Event: CASEE Workshop on Developing bio-based economy 2011 - contributions and needs of the Danube Region
Period: 18.10.2011 | Location: Brussels, Belgium
Year: 2011 - The influence of different precipitation agents on filtration behaviour using MESH filter modules for direkt activated sludge separation (Vortrag)
Autoren: Gahleitner, B; Loderer, C; Wörle, A; Kaspar, C; Fuchs, W
Event: 6th IWA Specialist Conference on Membrane Technology for Water & Wastewater Treatment 2011
Period: 03.10.2011 - 07.10.2011 | Location: Aachen, Germany
Year: 2011 - Assessment of the state of the art of technologies for the treatment of effluents from anaerobic digesters (Vortrag)
Autoren: Fuchs, W; Drosg, B
Event: International Symposium on Anaerobic Digestion of Solid Waste and Energy Crops ADSW&EC, 2011
Period: 28.08.2011 - 01.09.2011 | Location: Vienna, Austria
Year: 2011 - Long-term filtration experiments with an alternative chemical cleaning procedure for dynamic filtration modules (Poster)
Autoren: Gahleitner, B; Loderer, C; Kessler, J; Fuchs, W
Event: 7. Minisymposium der Verfahrenstechnik 2011
Period: 30.06.2011 - 01.07.2011 | Location: Graz, Austria
Year: 2011 - Technologiebewertung verschiedener Methoden der Gärproduktaufbereitung (Vortrag)
Autoren: Fuchs, W; Drosg, B
Event: Düngepellets aus Gärprodukten - Veranstaltung der Gütegemeinschaft Gärprodukte e.V.
Period: 18.05.1900 - 19.05.1900 | Location: Rheine, Germany
Year: 2011 - Ammonia removal from particle rich substrates with a membrane contactor (Poster)
Autoren: Lauterboeck, B; Fuchs, W
Event: 6th IWA Specialist Conference on Membrane Technology for Water & Wastewater Treatment 2011
Period: 03.10.2011 - 07.10.2011 | Location: Aachen, Germany
Year: 2011 - Anaerobic digestion of stillage fractions - estimations of the potential for energy recovery in bio-ethanol plants and overall process scheme (Vortrag)
Autoren: Drosg, B; Fuchs, W; Waltenberger, R; Kirchmayr, R; Braun, R; Bochmann, G
Event: International Symposium on Anaerobic Digestion of Solid Waste and Energy Crops ADSW&EC, 2011
Period: 28.08.2011 - 01.09.2011 | Location: Vienna, Austria
Year: 2011 - Ammoniaktransfer in hydrophoben Membranen (Poster)
Autoren: Lauterböck, B; Germ, T; Fuchs, W
Event: 7. Minisymposium der Verfahrenstechnik 2011
Period: 30.06.2011 - 01.07.2011 | Location: Graz, Austria
Year: 2010 - Study „AD+PLUS“: Comparison and Assessment of Digestate Treatment Technologies (Vortrag)
Autoren: Drosg Bernhard, Wäger Frank, Kirchmayr Roland, Braun Rudolf und Fuchs Werner
Event: International Symposium: Progress in treatment of manure and digestate
Period: 24.02.2010 - 25.02.2010 | Location: Heiden, Germany
Year: 2010 - Studie »AD+PLUS« - Technologiebewertung von Gärrestbehandlungsverfahren und lokalen Verwertungskonzepten (Poster)
Autoren: Fuchs, W; Kirchmayr, R; Braun, R; Drosg, B
Event: Highlights der Bioenergieforschung – Nationale und internationale Ergebnisse zu den IEA Schwerpunkten
Period: 09.06.2010 - 10.06.2010 | Location: Güssing, Austria
Year: 2010 - Phophorus precipitation by addition of FeCl3 and the effect on MESH filter modules for direct activated sludge separation (Poster)
Autoren: Wörle, A; Loderer, C; Gahleitner, B; Bousek, J; Fuchs, W
Event: 6. Minisymposium der Verfahrenstechnik 2010
Period: 24.06.2010 - 25.06.2010 | Location: Tulln an der Donau, Austria
Year: 2010 - Anaerobic Digestion of Thin Stillage on Laboratory Scale under Thermophilic Conditions (Poster)
Autoren: Nussbaumer, M; Drosg, B; Bochmann, G; Fuchs, W
Event: Construction and operation of biogas plants
Period: 07.10.2010 - 08.10.2010 | Location: Trebon, Czech Republic
Year: 2010 - Vergleich und Bewertung von Technologien zur Gärrestaufbereitung (Vortrag)
Autoren: Fuchs, W; Wäger, F; Kirchmayr, R; Braun, R; Drosg, B
Event: 19. Jahrestagung Fachverband Biogas
Period: 02.02.2010 - 04.02.2010 | Location: Leipzig, Germany
Year: 2010 - Digestate treatment: comparison and assessment of existing technologies (Vortrag)
Autoren: Fuchs, W; Wäger, F; Kirchmayr, R; Braun, R; Drosg, B
Event: 3rd International Symposium on Energy from Biomass and Waste 2010
Period: 08.11.2010 - 11.11.2010 | Location: Venice, Italy
Year: 2010 - Integrating Biogas Technology into Bioethanol Fermentation (Vortrag)
Autoren: Drosg, B; Fuchs, W; Waltenberger, R; Bochmann, G; Braun, R; Kirchmayr, R
Event: 6. Minisymposium der Verfahrenstechnik 2010
Period: 24.06.2010 - 25.06.2010 | Location: Tulln an der Donau, Austria
Year: 2010 - Anaerobic Digestion of Thin Stillage: Stabilisation by Iron and Trace Element Supply (Poster)
Autoren: Maier A, Drosg B, Bochmann G, Fuchs W
Event: Construction and operation of biogas plants
Period: 07.10.2010 - 08.10.2010 | Location: Trebon, Czech Republic
Year: 2010 - MESH-an alternative and energy effient wastewater treatment system (Vortrag)
Autoren: Gahleitner, B; Loderer, C; Fuchs, W
Event: 6. Minisymposium der Verfahrenstechnik 2010
Period: 24.06.2010 - 25.06.2010 | Location: Tulln an der Donau, Austria
Year: 2009 - Pilot plant experiences using MESH filtration systems for sludge separation (Vortrag)
Autoren: Loderer, C; Fuchs, W
Event: IWA Membrane Technology Conference & Exhibition 2009
Period: 01.09.2009 - 03.09.2009 | Location: Beijing, PR China
Year: 2009 - Studie »AD+PLUS« - Technologiebewertung von Gärrestbehandlungsverfahren und lokalen Verwertungskonzepten (Poster)
Autoren: Fuchs Werner, Kirchmayr Roland, Braun Rudolf und Drosg Bernhard
Event: Biogasfachkongress biogas09 2009
Period: 25.11.2009 - 26.11.2009 | Location: Wels, Austria
Year: 2009 - Pilot plant experiences using MESH filter modules for direct activated sludge separation (Vortrag)
Autoren: Loderer, C; Fuchs, W
Event: 5. Minisymposium Verfahrenstechnik 2009
Period: 24.06.2009 - 25.06.2009 | Location: Vienna, Austria
Year: 2009 - Pilot plant experiences using MESH filter modules for direct activated sludge separation (Poster)
Autoren: Loderer, C; Fuchs, W
Event: 8. Aachener Tagung Wasser und Membranen 2009
Period: 27.10.2009 - 28.10.2009 | Location: Aachen, Germany
Year: 2009 - Air stripping of ammonia from anaerobic digestate (Vortrag)
Autoren: Waeger, F; Wirthensohn, T; Corcoba, A; Fuchs, W
Event: International Conference on Nutrient Recovery from Wastewater Streams 2009
Period: 10.05.2009 - 13.05.2009 | Location: Vancouver, BC, Canada
Year: 2009 - Angewandte Gärrestaufbereitungskonzepte: Bewertung, Vergleich sowie Stoff- und Nährstoffströme (Vortrag)
Autoren: Drosg, B; Kirchmayr, R; Braun, R; Fuchs, W
Event: 18. Symposium Bioenergie 2009
Period: 19.11.2009 - 20.11.2009 | Location: Bad Staffelstein, Germany
Year: 2008 - Pump and Treat: Comparing Sedimentation with optional Aeration and Dissolved Air Flotation using various Flocculants (Poster)
Autoren: Wirthensohn, T., Schoeberl, P., Fuchs, W.
Event: Third International Symposium and Exhibition on the Redevelopment of Manufactured Gas Plant Sites (MGP USA 2008)
Period: 23.09.2008 - 25.09.2008 | Location: Mystic, CT, USA
Year: 2008 - Comparing digestate treatment options for the anaerobic digestion of stillage at a large-scale bioethanol plant (Poster)
Autoren: Drosg, B; Fuchs, W; Wirthensohn, T; Konrad, G; Hornbachner, D; Loderer, C; Wäger, F; Waltenberger, R; Braun, R; Kirchmayr, R
Event: 16th European Biomass Conference and Exhibition 2008
Period: 02.06.2008 - 06.06.2008 | Location: Valencia, Spain
Year: 2008 - Pilot plant experiences using mesh filter modules for direct activated sludge separation (Vortrag)
Autoren: Loderer, C; Fuchs, W
Event: IWA World Water Congress and Exhibition 2008
Period: 07.09.2008 - 12.09.2008 | Location: Vienna, Austria | Location: Vienna, Austria
Year: 2008 - Gas Work Site Remediation: Groundwater Purification with Physical and Biological Methods including a Polishing Pond (Poster)
Autoren: Wirthensohn, T; Schoeberl, P; Fuchs, W
Event: Complex Systems and Changes 2008 - Water and Life
Period: 29.10.2008 - 31.10.2008 | Location: Taormina, Italy
Year: 2007 - Membranbioreaktoren in der dezentralen Abwasserreinigung (Vortrag)
Autoren: Weissenbacher Norbert, Fuchs Werner
Event: 1. Österreichischer Kleinkläranlagentag 2007
Period: 27.09.2007 | Location: Vienna, Austria
Year: 2007 - Integrated wastwater treatment process using MESH filter modules for direct activated sludge separation (Poster)
Autoren: Loderer, C; Aichberger, G; Fuchs, W
Event: 4th IWA Leading Edge Conference on Water & Wastewater Technologies
Period: 03.06.2007 - 06.06.2007 | Location: Singpore, Republic of Singapore
Year: 2006 - Kläranlagenertüchtigung mit dem Membranbelebungsverfahren (Vortrag)
Autoren: Fuchs, W
Event: Membrantage Kassel 2006
Period: 27.06.2006 - 29.06.2006 | Location: Kassel, Germany
Year: 2006 - Applicability of SRPs for waste water treatment (Vortrag)
Autoren: Fuchs, W.
Event: INAWAB final conference 2006 - The Potential of Biological Wastewater Treatment approaches to improve the Environmental Situation in Bangladesh
Period: 22.05.2006 | Location: Dhaka, Bangladesh
Year: 2006 - Erfahrungen als Koordinator der CRAFT-Projekte MESH und NIREC (Vortrag)
Autoren: Fuchs, W.
Event: Regionale Auftaktkonferenz zum 7. EU-Rahmenprogramm: Niederösterreich
Period: 05.12.2006 | Location: St. Pölten, Austria
Year: 2006 - Applicability of SRPs for waste water treatment (Vortrag)
Autoren: Fuchs, W
Event: INAWAB final conference 2006 - The Potential of Biological Wastewater Treatment approaches to improve the Environmental Situation in Bangladesh
Period: 22.05.2006 | Location: Dhaka, Bangladesh
Year: 2006 - Kläranlagenertüchtigung mit dem Membranbelebungsverfahren (Vortrag)
Autoren: Fuchs, W.
Event: Membrantage Kassel 2006
Period: 27.06.2006 - 29.06.2006 | Location: Kassel, Germany
Year: 2005 - Neue Technologien im Bereich Wasser- / Abwasserbehandlung und Recycling (Vortrag)
Autoren: Fuchs, W
Event: Fachdialog Innovation 2005 - Umwelt+Bio+Technologien
Period: 03.02.2005 | Location: Tulln an der Donau, Austria
Year: 2005 - Influence of Standard Wastewater Parameters on the Fouling Capacity during Dead End Membrane Filtration (Vortrag)
Autoren: Fuchs, W.
Event: International Congress on Membranes and Membrane Processes ICOM 2005
Period: 21.08.2005 - 26.08.2005 | Location: Seoul, South Korea
Year: 2005 - Influence of Standard Wastewater Parameters on the Fouling Capacity during Dead End Membrane Filtration (Vortrag)
Autoren: Fuchs, W
Event: International Congress on Membranes and Membrane Processes ICOM 2005
Period: 21.08.2005 - 26.08.2005 | Location: Seoul, South Korea
Year: 2003 - Status and Future Development of Municipal Wastewater Treatment in Central Europe (Vortrag)
Autoren: Werner Fuchs
Event: Gastvortrag an der Universidad Nacional Agraria - La Molina 2003
Period: 27.08.2003 | Location: Lima, Peru
Year: 2003 - Status and Future Development of Municipal Wastewater Treatment in Central Europe (Vortrag)
Autoren: Fuchs, W.
Event: Gastvortrag an der Universidad Nacional Agraria - La Molina 2003
Period: 27.08.2003 | Location: Lima, Peru
Year: 2002 - Combination of a trickling filter and dead end membrane filtration - an innovative process for domestic wastewater treatment (Vortrag)
Autoren: Werner Fuchs
Event: 12. Europäisches Wasser, Abwasser- und Abfall Symposium 2002
Period: 13.05.2002 - 15.05.2002 | Location: Munich, Germany
Year: 2002 - Options for wastewater treatment and surface water recovery of the West Lake (Vortrag)
Autoren: Fuchs, W.
Event: Workshop on Sustainable development of the Westlake Area 2002
Period: 07.10.2002 - 09.10.2002 | Location: Hanoi, Vietnam
Year: 2002 - Options for wastewater treatment and surface water recovery of the West Lake (Vortrag)
Autoren: Werner Fuchs
Event: Workshop on Sustainable development of the Westlake Area 2002
Period: 07.10.2002 - 09.10.2002 | Location: Hanoi, Vietnam
Year: 2002 - Combination of a trickling filter and dead end membrane filtration - an innovative process for domestic wastewater treatment (Vortrag)
Autoren: Fuchs, W.
Event: 12. Europäisches Wasser, Abwasser- und Abfall Symposium 2002
Period: 13.05.2002 - 15.05.2002 | Location: Munich, Germany
Year: 2001 - Membranbelebungsverfahren, kommunale Anwendungen (Vortrag)
Autoren: Werner Fuchs
Event: ÖWAV-Seminar Membrantechnologie - Chancen und Grenzen
Period: 31.01.2001 | Location: Vienna, Austria
Year: 2001 - Membranbelebungsverfahren, kommunale Anwendungen (Vortrag)
Autoren: Fuchs, W.
Event: ÖWAV-Seminar Membrantechnologie - Chancen und Grenzen
Period: 31.01.2001 | Location: Vienna, Austria
Year: 2001 - Stand und zukünftige Entwicklung der kommunalen Abwasserreinigung (Vortrag)
Autoren: Fuchs, W.
Event: VTA – 33. Umwelt- und Abwasserseminar
Period: 18.05.2001 | Location: Melk, Austria
Year: 2001 - Stand und zukünftige Entwicklung der kommunalen Abwasserreinigung (Vortrag)
Autoren: Werner Fuchs
Event: VTA – 33. Umwelt- und Abwasserseminar
Period: 18.05.2001 | Location: Melk, Austria
Year: 2001 - Reuse and recycling of wastewater using membrane bioreactor technology (Vortrag)
Autoren: Fuchs, W.
Event: BIT 2001 - Forschen mit Entwicklungsländern und Mittelmeerpartnerstaaten
Period: 09.05.2001 | Location: Vienna, Austria
Year: 2001 - Reuse and recycling of wastewater using membrane bioreactor technology (Vortrag)
Autoren: W. fuchs
Event: BIT 2001 - Forschen mit Entwicklungsländern und Mittelmeerpartnerstaaten
Period: 09.05.2001 | Location: Vienna, Austria
Year: 2001 - Reuse and recycling of wastewater using membrane bioreactor technology (Vortrag)
Autoren: Werner Fuchs
Event: BIT 2001 - Forschen mit Entwicklungsländern und Mittelmeerpartnerstaaten
Period: 09.05.2001 | Location: Vienna, Austria
Year: 2001 - Membranbelebungsverfahren, kommunale Anwendungen (Vortrag)
Autoren: W. Fuchs
Event: ÖWAV-Seminar Membrantechnologie - Chancen und Grenzen
Period: 31.01.2001 | Location: Vienna, Austria
Year: 2000 - Trinkwasser aus Abwasser – Kombination von biologischen und chemisch/physikalischen Hochleistungsverfahren zur Abwasseraufbereitung (Vortrag)
Autoren: Fuchs, W.
Event: Jahrestagung der Österreichischen Gesellschaft für Biotechnologie, ÖGBT-Jahrestagung 2000
Period: 27.04.2000 - 28.04.2000 | Location: Seggau, Austria | Location: Leibnitz, Austria
Year: 2000 - Trinkwasser aus Abwasser – Kombination von biologischen und chemisch/physikalischen Hochleistungsverfahren zur Abwasseraufbereitung (Vortrag)
Autoren: W. Fuchs
Event: Jahrestagung der Österreichischen Gesellschaft für Biotechnologie, ÖGBT-Jahrestagung 2000
Period: 27.04.2000 - 28.04.2000 | Location: Seggau, Austria | Location: Leibnitz, Austria
Year: 2000 - Membranfiltration (Vortrag)
Autoren: Fuchs, W.
Event: ATV-Tagung
Period: 07.02.2000 | Location: Aachen, Germany
Year: 2000 - Biologische Abwasserreinigung in der Lebensmittelindustrie (Vortrag)
Autoren: W. Fuchs
Event: VÖLB Herbsttagung 2000 - Wasser und Lebensmittel
Period: 23.11.2000 | Location: Vienna, Austria
Year: 2000 - Trinkwasser aus Abwasser – Kombination von biologischen und chemisch/physikalischen Hochleistungsverfahren zur Abwasseraufbereitung (Vortrag)
Autoren: Werner Fuchs
Event: Jahrestagung der Österreichischen Gesellschaft für Biotechnologie, ÖGBT-Jahrestagung 2000
Period: 27.04.2000 - 28.04.2000 | Location: Seggau, Austria | Location: Leibnitz, Austria
Year: 2000 - Biologische Abwasserreinigung in der Lebensmittelindustrie (Vortrag)
Autoren: Werner Fuchs
Event: VÖLB Herbsttagung 2000 - Wasser und Lebensmittel
Period: 23.11.2000 | Location: Vienna, Austria
Year: 2000 - Biologische Abwasserreinigung in der Lebensmittelindustrie (Vortrag)
Autoren: Fuchs, W.
Event: VÖLB Herbsttagung 2000 - Wasser und Lebensmittel
Period: 23.11.2000 | Location: Vienna, Austria
Year: 1999 - Neues Membranverfahren zur Nitratelimination (Vortrag)
Autoren: W. Fuchs
Event: ÖVGW Symposium Wasserversorgung 1999
Period: 27.01.1999 - 28.01.1999 | Location: Vienna, Austria
Year: 1999 - Wastewater Treatment with reduced Surplus Sludge Production (Vortrag)
Autoren: Werner Fuchs
Event: Vortrag an der Shanghai Sewerage Company (SSC)
Period: 16.11.1999 | Location: Shanghai, PR China | Location: Shanghai, PR China
Year: 1999 - Reclamation of used water from wastewater by a combined process of biological treatment and membrane filtration (Vortrag)
Autoren: W. Fuchs
Event: 1st North-African and Middle Eastern Symposium on Environmental and Sanitary Analytical Chemistry 1999
Period: 08.03.1999 - 12.03.1999 | Location: Hammamet, Tunisia
Year: 1999 - Reclamation of used water from wastewater by a combined process of biological treatment and membrane filtration (Vortrag)
Autoren: Fuchs, W.
Event: 1st North-African and Middle Eastern Symposium on Environmental and Sanitary Analytical Chemistry 1999
Period: 08.03.1999 - 12.03.1999 | Location: Hammamet, Tunisia
Year: 1999 - Neues Membranverfahren zur Nitratelimination (Vortrag)
Autoren: Werner Fuchs
Event: ÖVGW Symposium Wasserversorgung 1999
Period: 27.01.1999 - 28.01.1999 | Location: Vienna, Austria
Year: 1999 - Neues Membranverfahren zur Nitratelimination , , Wien, A (Vortrag)
Autoren: Fuchs, W.
Event: ÖVGW Symposium Wasserversorgung 1999
Period: 27.01.1999 - 28.01.1999 | Location: Vienna, Austria
Year: 1999 - Membrane enhanced anaerobic digestion of high strength organic wastewater (Vortrag)
Autoren: W. Fuchs
Event: 9th European Congress on Biotechnology 1999
Period: 11.07.1999 - 15.07.1999 | Location: Brussels, Belgium
Year: 1999 - Reclamation of used water from wastewater by a combined process of biological treatment and membrane filtration (Vortrag)
Autoren: Werner Fuchs, Mounier Brik
Event: 1st North-African and Middle Eastern Symposium on Environmental and Sanitary Analytical Chemistry 1999
Period: 08.03.1999 - 12.03.1999 | Location: Hammamet, Tunisia
Year: 1999 - Membrane enhanced anaerobic digestion of high strength organic wastewater (Vortrag)
Autoren: Werner Fuchs
Event: 9th European Congress on Biotechnology 1999
Period: 11.07.1999 - 15.07.1999 | Location: Brussels, Belgium
Year: 1999 - Wastewater Treatment with reduced Surplus Sludge Production (Vortrag)
Autoren: W. Fuchs
Event: Vortrag an der Shanghai Sewerage Company (SSC)
Period: 16.11.1999 | Location: Shanghai, PR China | Location: Shanghai, PR China
Year: 1999 - Membrane enhanced anaerobic digestion of high strength organic wastewater (Vortrag)
Autoren: Fuchs, W.
Event: 9th European Congress on Biotechnology 1999
Period: 11.07.1999 - 15.07.1999 | Location: Brussels, Belgium
Year: 1998 - Application of membrane bioreactors for municipal and industrial wastewater treatment (Vortrag)
Autoren: W. Fuchs
Event: 4th International Austro-Tunesian Meeting on Analyt. Chemistry and Env. Technology 1998
Period: 22.05.1998 - 23.05.1998 | Location: Tunis, Tunisia
Year: 1998 - Membrane technology for water and wastewater treament (Vortrag)
Autoren: Werner Fuchs
Event: Gastvortrag, Helwan University
Period: 10.12.1998 | Location: Cairo, Egypt
Year: 1998 - Membrane technology for water and wastewater treament (Vortrag)
Autoren: W. Fuchs
Event: Gastvortrag, Helwan University
Period: 10.12.1998 | Location: Cairo, Egypt
Year: 1998 - Membrane technology for water and wastewater treament (Vortrag)
Autoren: Fuchs, W.
Event: Gastvortrag, Helwan University
Period: 10.12.1998 | Location: Cairo, Egypt
Dead end filtration as tertiary treatment for domestic waste water. (Vortrag)
Autoren: Fuchs, W., Theiss, M., Neunteufel, R., Braun, R: