Werner Jester
Werner Jester
Status Currently not employed at BOKU
0 Projects found.
Knowledge Transfer to Society
Year: 2005 - Sediment transport in a small agricultural watershed - evaluation of WEPP simulations with measured data
Autoren: Klik A., Jester W., Rauter Chr.
Event: International Symposium on Sediment Budgets
Year: 2005 - Agricultural decision support system to minimize ecological and economical damages caused by soil and nutrient translocation
Autoren: Klik, A., W. Jester, A. Muhar, A. Peinsitt, N. Rampazzo, A. Mentler, B. Staudinger, M. Eder and R. Dalmolin
Event: COST 634 Conference - On- and Off-Site Environmental Impacts of Runoff and Erosion 2005
Year: 2003 - Berechnung der Wasserbewegung entlang eines Hanges
Autoren: Klik, A., Jester, W., Kastanek, F.
Event: 10. Lysimetertagung 2003
Year: 2003 - Spatial Distribution of Erosion Relevant Parameters within an agricultural used watershed
Autoren: Klik, A., Jester, W., Mentler, A., Rampazzo, N., Staudinger, B., Muhar, A., Peinsitt, A.
Event: COST 623 "Soil Erosion and Global change"
Year: 2003 - Investigation of Soil erosion and phosphorus transport within an agricultural used watershed.
Autoren: Klik, A., Jester, W., Muhar, A., Peinsitt, A., Pampazzo, N., Mentler, A., Staudinger, B., Eder, M.
Event: 28th European Geophysical Society EGS General Assembly EGS 2003 together with the European Geosciences Union EGU 2003
Year: 2003 - Soil water balance along a hillslope
Autoren: Klik, A., Jester, W., Kastanek, F.
Event: 28th European Geophysical Society EGS General Assembly EGS 2003 together with the European Geosciences Union EGU 2003
Year: 2002 - Spatial Distribution of Soil Erosion and Phosphorus Transport Within an Agricultural Used Watershed
Autoren: Klik, A., Jester, W., Muhar, A., Magana, B., Rampazzo, N., Mentler, A., Eder, M.
Event: Annual Meetings of the American Society of Agronomy, Crop Science Society of America and Soil Science Society of America ASA CSSA SSSA 2002 - Uniting Sciences: Solutions for the Global Community
Year: 2002 - Soil hydrologic conditions along a hillslope and their effects on runoff and soil erosion
Autoren: Klik, A., Jester, W.
Event: 10th international Posterday 2002 - Transport of Water, Chemicals and Energy in the Soil-Crop Canopy-Atmosphere System
Year: 2002 - Soil hydrologic conditions along a hillslope and their effects on runoff and soil erosion.
Autoren: Klik, A., Jester, W.
Event: Soil Erosion Patterns: Evolution, Spatio-Temporal Dynamics and Connectivity