Roman Lahodynsky
Dr. Roman Lahodynsky
Status Currently not employed at BOKU
- 2011 - 2012 1.) Senior Scientist: foresight of EU-security scenarios - influence of natural hazards on societal changes (migration). 2.) Participation in contracts on Nuclear Safety, questions of external hazards (earthquakes & other geo-hazards) and geological radwaste disposal, critical review of "stress-tests-bazaars". Providing information for media on the Fukushima disaster
- 2010 - 2011 Scientific collaborator at the Geological Survey of Austria,trf-division, commercial projects, department of Hydrogeology. 1.) Project on radioactivity of rocks and their influence on drinking water wells. 2.) Project on use of groundwater heat pumps in the province of Burgenland.
- 2009 - 2010 1.) Senior Geologist at Lowari-Tunnel, Pakistan: geological & geophysical investigations of slope instabilities and access road tunnels. 2.) Kyrgyzstan: Radwaste problem of Uranium tailings at Mailii Suu 3.) Institute of Safety & Risk Sciences, project co-worker on nuclear safety (study on German boiling reactors, radwaste study - deep repository)
- 2007 - 2009 Senior Geologist (for Spanish/Austrian Consulting Joint Venture) at 8.5km Lowari Tunnel construction site of National Highway Association (NHA), Chitral-Dir, Hindukush, Northern Pakistan (planning, documentation, construction of roads & bridges, retaining walls). Further projects: Trichan-Attakh irrigation channel (regional government of NWFP, Peshawar), High-speed train project Lahore-Rawalpindi (Pakistan Railways), road options Pakistan - Tadjikistan (NHA)
- 1998 - 2006 Scientific collaborator at the Institute of Risk Research, University of Vienna (as staff member & free lancer). 1.) External hazards in nuclear safety. Critical studies on earthquake hazard assessments for nuclear power plants (Bohunice, Krsko, Mochovce, Temelin, Rivne & Khmelnitzkyj,..), intermediate disposals and final repositories. Public participation procedures, Environmental Impact ass., AK-End
- 1998 - 2006 Scientific collaborator at the Institute of Risk Research, University of Vienna: 2.) participation in EU research projects: Sustainable development of rural China (17 europ. & chinese institutes); Submission of projects on seismic hazard & risk assessment in Central Europe, in continuation of Paleosis; project preparation: indigenuos knowledge transfer (Peru-China-Austria).
- 1989 - 1997 Geologist in private geological consulting bureaus in Upper Austria/Salzburg. Tunnelling, geological & geotechnical ground investigations, road construction, channel-trench investigations, investigations of old waste disposals and old industrial sites, search for suitable waste disposal sites, exploration for drinking water, compilation of geological maps
- 1978 - 1989 1. Project collaborator at Austrian Geological Survey. Geological field work - mapping, documentation of stratigraphic sections. Project "Stratigraphy of rare geological events". Discovery of the Cretaceous-Paleogene boundary in the alpine Gosau formation (boundary clay with iridium layers). 2. Project assistant at Geophysical Institute, TU Vienna. Rock stress measurements in deep tunnels and mines, investigations of rock slides.
- 1972 - 1974 employee at Austrian Academy of Science, collaborating in the frame of the International Geodynamics Project at the Institute of Geophysics, Viennas Technical University.
- 1970 - 1978 Studies of geology, geophysics, paleontology, petrology at University of Vienna, engineering geology and geophysics at Technical University and BOKU, Vienna
- 1969 - 1970 military service in the Austrian armed forces at the pioneer's school Klosterneuburg and the NBC-defence school Vienna; radiation protection engineer (civil and military applications) at the Austrian nuclear reactor centre Seibersdorf
0 Projects found.
Knowledge Transfer to Society
Year: 2011 - Natural & Technological Hazards, Risks, Resources & Regional Conflicts in Central Asia
Autoren: Lahodynsky, Cholpon & Lahodynsky, Roman
Event: Lecture for the Department of Humanity Studies, Kyrgyz/Russian/Slavonic University 2011
Year: 2011 - Vom Endlager zum geologischen Tiefenlager - und zurück an die Geländeoberfläche?
Autoren: Lahodynsky, R.
Event: 2. Wiener Nuklear Symposium 2011 - Endlagerung radioaktiver Stoffe
Year: 2011 - Seismology and nuclear hot spots of seismic (un)safety of NPPs in JP countries
Autoren: Lahodynsky, R.
Event: Joint Project EPSD-Meeting 2011
Year: 2011 - Environmental Hazards & Geopolitics in Central Asia
Autoren: Lahodynsky, R.
Event: Open Lecture Series, Koldo Art Centre 2011
Year: 2011 - Ressourcen und Geopolitik am Südrand Zentralasiens - alte Trennungen, neue Verbindungen; "2 Jahre am Hindukusch".
Autoren: Lahodynsky, R.
Event: Länderspezifische Vortragsserie des Informationszentrums für Zentralasien und Südkaukasien der Österreichischen Orientgesellschaft im Sommersemester 2011
Year: 2011 - Expertengespräch - Tschernobyl und die Folgen der Katastrophe
Autoren: Andreev, J., Kromp, W., Lahodynsky, R., Talko, V., Weish, P. & Ziegler, E.(mod.)
Event: 25 Jahre nach Tschernobyl - 1 Monat nach Fukushima (04/2011). Gedenken-Nachdenken-Vordenken. Konferenz & Diskussion 2011
Year: 2011 - Seismicity in the Joint Project Countries - examples of siting of NPPs
Autoren: Lahodynsky, R.
Event: in: Lorenz, P. (FOE) and Wallner, A. (AIE), (org.), Joint Project EPSD-meeting, November 2011 at Austrian Institute of Ecology in Vienna
Year: 2011 - Resources, Climate Change and Sustainability in Central Asia
Autoren: Lahodynsky, R.
Event: CAMP ALATOO lecture of the month 2011
Year: 2011 - EMO 3&4, “Severe Accidents”: Selected Issues for in depth analyses
Autoren: Gufler Klaus, Kastchiev Georgi, Sholly Steven, Seidelberger Emmerich, Meyer Norbert, Lahodynsky Roman, Kromp Wolfgang
Event: 19th Bilateral Meeting under the Agreement between the Government of the Slovak Republic and the Government of Austria on Issues of Common Interest in the Field of Nuclear Safety and Radiation Protection 2011
Year: 2011 - Das Risiko wird größer. Fukushima führt fehlende Risiko- und Kostenwahrheit vor Augen.
Autoren: Bayr, P., Kampits, F., Lahodynsky, R., Scharl, F. & Prüller-Jagenteufel, V. (mod.)
Event: Lange Nacht der Kirchen 2011
Year: 2010 - Hazards and benefits from melting glaciers in the Hindukush, Chitral, Pakistan
Autoren: Lahodynsky, Roman; Riaz Ul Hassan; Khan, Muhammad Rahmat Ullah
Event: 35. HAUPTVERSAMMLUNG DER DEUTSCHEN QUARTÄRVEREINIGUNG DEUQUA and 12th Annual Meeting of the INQUA Peribaltic Working Group 2010
Year: 2009 - Radwaste Repository – Permanent Inaccessibility vs. Institutionalized Surveillance
Autoren: Kromp, W., Benedikt, M., Gerzabek, M., Kohlbeck, F., Kromp-Kolb, H., & Lahodynsky, R.
Event: Nuclear Waste Management in a Globalized World 2009
Year: 2008 - Response to contribution on 'Understanding religious practices as shapers of responses'
Autoren: Lahodynsky, R.
Event: Global E-conference on Culture & Risk 2008 - Understanding the Socio-Cultural Settings that Influence Risk from Natural Hazards
Year: 2008 - Influence of Geography and Urban Populations Consumation
Autoren: Lahodynsky, R.
Event: Global E-conference on Culture & Risk 2008 - Understanding the Socio-Cultural Settings that Influence Risk from Natural Hazards
Year: 2008 - Beliefs, Culture and staying in one's home area; Local knowledge vs. scientific, western practice, and linkages to subjects other than natural hazards
Autoren: Lahodynsky, R.
Event: Global E-conference on Culture & Risk 2008 - Understanding the Socio-Cultural Settings that Influence Risk from Natural Hazards
Year: 2008 - The role of traditional systems in risk management: security measures
Autoren: Lahodynsky, R.
Event: Global E-conference on Culture & Risk 2008 - Understanding the Socio-Cultural Settings that Influence Risk from Natural Hazards
Year: 2008 - On the phrase "science & local knowledge"
Autoren: Lahodynsky, R.
Event: Global E-conference on Culture & Risk 2008 - Understanding the Socio-Cultural Settings that Influence Risk from Natural Hazards
Year: 2008 - Disaster tourism - Chicago School approach to disaster response?
Autoren: Lahodynsky, R.
Event: Global E-conference on Culture & Risk 2008 - Understanding the Socio-Cultural Settings that Influence Risk from Natural Hazards
Year: 2004 - The Long Way Towards Sustainable Use of Resources in Rural China
Autoren: Lahodynsky, R. & Neuhuber, G.
Event: International Workshop on STRATEGIES OF REGIONAL DEVELOPMENT IN CHINA- Problems, Concepts, Research Results
Year: 2001 - Zur Erforschungsgeschichte der Höheren Gosauschichten
Autoren: Lahodynsky, R.
Event: 3.Symposium zur Geschichte der Erdwissenschaften in Österreich
Year: 2001 - A new seismic hazard and risk programme for Central Europe
Autoren: Lahodynsky, R.
Event: HDP-A Symposium Human Dimensions Research in Austria and in Central European Countries, University of Graz, Austria
Year: 1997 - Deep-water agglutinated foraminiferal changes and stable isotope profiles across the Cretaceous-Paleogene boundary in the Rotwandgraben section, Eastern Alps (Austria)
Autoren: Peryt, D; Lahodynsky, R; Durakiewicz, T
Event: Meeting of the International-Geological-Correlation-Programme (IGCP) Project 293 Geochemical Event Markers in the Phanerozoic
Year: 1987 - The K/T Boundary in the Flyschoid Gosau Sections of Gosau (Elendgraben) and Gams (Knappengraben), Austria
Autoren: Lahodynsky, R.
Event: Palaeontology and Evolution: Extinction Events: III Jornadas de Paleontologia: 2nd International Conference Global Bioevents