Katharina Ludwig
Dr.nat.techn. Katharina Ludwig M.Sc.
Status Currently not employed at BOKU
ORCID: 0000-0003-4351-2543
55600783500: AuthorId
- 2019 - 2022 Post-Doc at the Institute of Environmental Biotechnology
- 2016 Researcher in the Austrian Research Competence Centre "Bioenergy2020+" for the area "bioconversion and biogas systems"
- 2012 - 2018 Doctorate: Food Chemistry and Biotechnology at the University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences, Vienna; IFA-Tulln, Institute for Environmental Biotechnology "Integrating cyanobacterial poly(3-hydroxybutyrate) production into biorefinery concepts"
- 2010 - 2011 Master Thesis: Evaluating digestate treatment technologies for thin stillage digestate University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences, Vienna; IFA-Tulln, Institute for Environmental Biotechnology
- 2009 - 2011 Master’s program: Biotechnological Processes at the University of Applied Sciences Wr. Neustadt, Campus Tulln Focus: Active Substances, Environmental Analysis and Monitoring
- 2006 - 2009 Bachelor’s program: Biotechnological Processes at the University of Applied Sciences Wr. Neustadt, Campus Tulln Focus: Bioplastics, Food analytics
- Year: 2019 Awards: Klaus Fischer-Innovationspreis für Technik und Umwelt
- Year: 2017 Awards: Science Award Rotary Club Tulln
- Year: 2016 Awards: Energy Globe Award Austria - Category: Sustainable Plastics
- Year: 2016 Awards: science2business award (3. Platz)
- Year: 2015 Awards: EPCON Award (2.Platz)
- Year: 2015 Awards: NÖ Innovationspreis - Kategorie: Forschungseinrichtungen
0 Projects found.
Knowledge Transfer to Society
Year: 2023 - Phototrophic Production of PHB with Cyanobacteria - Biotechnological Challenges
Autoren: Fritz I., Daffert C., Meixner K.
Event: Scientific JourFixe at FCH-BUT Brno
Year: 2021 - Die Zukunft des Plastikzeitalters
Autoren: Fritz I., Kubiczek M., Meixner K.
Event: Nachhaltigkeitstag der Universität für Bodenkultur Wien 2021
Year: 2021 - Evaluation of methane emissions from different European biogas plant concepts using harmonized methods including on-site and ground-based remote sensing approaches
Autoren: Wechselberger, V; Reinelt, T.; Clauß, T; Vesenmaier, A; Yngvesson, J; Meixner, K; Bühler, M; Scharfy, D; Scheutz, C; Knoll, L; Huber-Humer, M; Hrad, M;
Event: V.CMP International Conference on Monitoring & Process Control of Anaerobic Digestion Processes
Year: 2021 - Mikroplastik - eine Gefahr für den Boden?
Autoren: Fritz I., Kubiczek M., Meixner K.
Event: ÖBG Jahrestagung 2021
Year: 2021 - Microplastic in Soil
Autoren: Fritz I., Kubiczek M., Meixner K.
Event: Webinar Soil of Italian Islands
Year: 2021 - Kunststoffe im Boden – ein neues und unterschätztes Thema?
Autoren: Fritz I., Kubiczek M., Meixner K.
Event: ELSA-Tagung
Year: 2020 - EVEmBi – Bestimmung von Methanemissionen aus Biogasanlagen und Reduktionsstrategien - Determination of methane emissions from biogas plants and reduction strategies
Autoren: Meixner, K; Wechselberger, V; Knoll, L; Ottner, R; Drosg, B; Padinger, R; Hrad, M; Kirchmeyer, F; Scheutz, C; Yngvesson, J; Scharfy, D; Clauß, T; Liebetrau, J; Reinelt, T; Vesenmaier, A
Event: 6. Mitteleuropäische Biomassekonferenz (CEBC2020) - Highlights der Bioenergieforschung 2020
Year: 2020 - PHB from cyanobacteria - Why phototrophic biotechnology is interesting for Europe
Autoren: Fritz I., Drosg B., Meixner K., Daffert C. Troschl C., Silvestrini L.
Event: Eurobiotech 2020
Year: 2020 - Minimierung von Biogasverlusten
Autoren: Wechselberger, V; Reinelt, T; Clauß, T; Vesenmaier, A;Yngvesson, J; Meixner, K; Bühler, M; Scharfy, D; Knoll, L; Huber-Humer, M; Hrad, M
Event: Biogaskongress 2020
Year: 2019 - Evaluation of methane emissions from different Austrian biogas plants using harmonised methods including an open-path technology
Autoren: Wechselberger, V; Huber-Humber, M; Meixner, K; Knoll, L; Hrad, M
Event: 17th International Waste Management and Landfill Symposium 2019
Year: 2018 - Phototrophic PHB production with cyanobacteria by using low solids digestate
Autoren: Meixner, K; Troschl, C; Fritz, I; Drosg, B
Event: 4th Edition of the International Conference Environmental Science & Technology 2018
Year: 2018 - Mikroorganismen im Photobioreaktor-Ökosystem
Autoren: Fritz I., Daffert C., Meixner K., Drosg B.
Event: Netzwerk Algen
Year: 2018 - Algae Blooms for Power supply
Autoren: Meixner, K; Kamarad, L; Binner, E; Tkachenko, O; Digtiar, S; Shlyk, S; Nykyforov, V
Event: 11. Bundesalgenstammtisch - Mikroalgen für Umwelt und Wertschöpfung
Year: 2017 - Introduction of the project “AlgaeCycle” – Recirculation of Algae-rocess water for saving Resources and reduce Wastewater
Autoren: Meixner, K; Drosg, B; Sonnleitner, A; Enigl, M; Fritz, I; Daffert, C; Fluch, S; Neuwirth, L; Orfao, A; Kopecký, J; Hrousek, P; Budin, T
Event: 10. Bundesalgenstammtisch
Year: 2017 - Cyanobacteria for bioplastic production
Autoren: Meixner, K; Troschl, C; Fritz, I; Drosg, B
Event: Erasmus International Week at Hochschule Darmstadt
Year: 2017 - Pilot-scale production of the bioplastic polyhydroxybutyrate (PHB) with the cyanobacterium Synechocystis CCALA192
Autoren: Troschl, C; Meixner, K; Fritz, I; Drosg, B
Event: Alga Europe
Year: 2016 - Producing Bioplastics with Cyanobacteria
Autoren: Meixner, K; Troschl, C; Fritz, I; Kinger, G; Gronald, G; Drosg, B
Event: European roadmap for an algae-based industry
Year: 2016 - Low-solids digestate as nutrient medium for phototrophic poly(hydroxybutyrate) production with cyanobacteria
Autoren: Meixner, K; Daffert, C; Markl, K; Kovalcik, A; Sykacek, E; Zeilinger, W; Fritz, I; Drosg, B
Event: 10th ISEB Conference - International Society for Environmental Biotechnology
Year: 2016 - Kontaminationen in Algenkulturen: Bekämpfung des Ciliaten Colpoda sp. bei der Kultivierung des Cyanobakteriums Synechocystis sp.
Autoren: Troschl, C; Meixner, K; Fritz, I; Kinger, G; Drosg, B
Event: 9. Bundesalgenstammtisch 2016 - Algen im Aufwind
Year: 2016 - The project CO2USE
Autoren: Fritz I., Silvestrini L., Meixner K., Troschl C., Drosg B.
Event: Cooperation meeting of algae scientists
Year: 2015 - Biokunststoffproduktion mit Cyanobakterien
Autoren: Meixner, K; Fritz, I; Kinger, G; Gronald, G; Drosg, B
Event: 8. Bundesalgenstammtisch - Die Rolle der Algenbiotechnologie in der Bioökonomie-Strategie
Year: 2015 - Utilisation of Purified Carbon Dioxide from Flue gas for the Production of Poly(Hydroxybutyrate) and Biogas by Cyanobacteria
Autoren: B. Drosg, K. Meixner, G. Gronald, G Kinger, L. Silvestrini, J. Kopecky, G. Bochmann, I. Fritz
Event: Algae Event (at the European Biomass Conference and Exhibition)
Year: 2015 - Growing Synechocystis salina in digestate fractions for producing poly-(hydroxybutyrate)
Autoren: Meixner, K; Fritz, I; Daffert, C; Markl, K; Fuchs, W; Drosg, B
Event: 11th International Conference on Renewable Resources and Biorefineries RRB-11 2015
Year: 2014 - Evaluating separation technologies for thin stillage digestate
Autoren: K. Meixner, W. Fuchs, T. Valkova, K. Svardal, C. Loderer, M. Neureiter, G. Bochmann, B.Drosg
Event: Biogas Science 2014
Year: 2014 - Fortschritt der Arbeiten im CO2USE-Projekt
Autoren: Meixner, K; Drosg, B; Fritz, I
Event: Algen als Ressource zur stofflichen und energetischen Nutzung Forschung in Österreich - Vernetzungsworkshop
Year: 2014 - Die Biogasanlage im Kreislauf der Biokunstoffproduktion mit Algen
Autoren: Drosg B, Fritz I, Meixner K
Event: biogas 2014
Year: 2012 - The Project CO2USE – Utilisation of purified carbon dioxide from flue gas for the production of polyhydroxybutyric acid by phototrophic fermentation
Autoren: Drosg, B; Kinger, G; Meixner, K; Bochmann, G; Gronald, G; Fritz, I
Event: 9th European Workshop “Biotechnology of Microalgae”
Year: 2012 - Evaluation of Ultrafiltration Performance of Anaerobic Digestate from Thin Stillage after Centrifugation
Autoren: Meixner, K; Drosg, B; Loderer, C; Bochmann, G; Valkova, T; Svardal, K; Fuchs, W
Event: 20th European Biomass Conference and Exhibition 2012
Year: 2011 - Evaluating the evaporation of anaerobic digestate from thin stillage.
Autoren: Meixner, K; Drosg, B; Bochmann, G; Bauer, L; Grüll, D; Fuchs, W
Event: International Symposium on Anaerobic Digestion of Solid Waste and Energy Crops ADSW&EC, 2011
Year: 2011 - Evaluating solid-liquid separation by centrifugation of anaerobic digestate from thin stillage
Autoren: Meixner, K; Drosg, B; Bochmann, G; Neureiter, M; Valkova, T; Svardal, K; Fuchs, W
Event: International Symposium on Anaerobic Digestion of Solid Waste and Energy Crops ADSW&EC, 2011