Martin Pernkopf
Dipl.-Ing.Dr. Martin Pernkopf
Status Currently not employed at BOKU
classifications according to Statistics Austria
0 Projects found.
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Knowledge Transfer to Society
Year: 2017 - A Simulation Study to Evaluate the Appropriate Dimensions of a New Automated Log Sorting and Storing Technology in the Wood Processing Industry (Vortrag)
Autoren: Pernkopf, M; Gronalt, M
Event: Winter Simulation Conference WSC 2017
Period: 03.12.2017 - 06.12.2017 | Location: Las Vegas, NV, USA
Year: 2016 - Use of advanced raw material classification technology to improve sawmill productivity – a simulation study (Vortrag)
Autoren: Pernkopf, M; Gronalt, M
Event: 23rd EurOMA Conference
Period: 17.06.2016 - 22.06.2016 | Location: Trondheim, Norway
Year: 2015 - Improving the efficiency of internal logistics in a softwood sawmill using discrete event simulation (Vortrag)
Autoren: Pernkopf, M; Gronalt, M
Event: CORS/INFORMS International Conference
Period: 14.06.2015 - 17.06.2015 | Location: Montreal, QC, Canada