Anke Schaffartzik
Mag.rer.soc.oec. Dr.phil. Anke Schaffartzik B.Sc.
Status Currently not employed at BOKU
ORCID: 0000-0002-0284-6099
36836366800: AuthorId
E-6733-2015: ResearcherId
- 2019 - 2022 Hertha-Firnberg grant of the Austrian Science Fund (FWF)
- 2018 Transfer Institute of Social Ecology to University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences, Vienna
- 2017 - 2019 Post-doc fellowship in the María de Maeztu Unit of Excellence of the Institut de Ciència i Tecnologia Ambientals, Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona (ICTA-UAB)
- 2015 Dr. in Human and Social Ecology, Alpen-Adria-University
- 2014 Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research (PIK), Potsdam, Germany
- 2011 Recipient of a DOC-team fellowship of the Austrian Academy of Sciences (ÖAW), Topic: Causing Ignition: Biofuels and Social Conflict
- 2009 Mag. in Social and Human Ecology, Alpen-Adria-University
- 2007 Researcher Institute of Social Ecology
- 2005 Swiss Federal Institute of Technology (Zurich) and Chinese Academy of Sciences (Mountain Hazards and Ecological Environment), Chengdu, China
- 2004 Universidad de Costa Rica, San José, Costa Rica
0 Projects found.
Knowledge Transfer to Society
Year: 2020 - All green, all good? Taking an environmental justice perspective to the bioeconomy program
Autoren: Schaffartzik, A
Event: It's the (bio)economy, stupid! The future of growth and the promise of the bioeconomy
Year: 2020 - Lessons for crisis recovery from a systematic review of the evidence on decoupling
Autoren: Haberl, H; Wiedenhofer, D; Virág, D; Brockway, P; Fishman, T; Hausknost, D; Kalt, G; Krausmann, F; Mayer, A; Pichler, M; Plank, B; Schaffartzik, A; Sousa,T; Streeck, J; Creutzig, F
Event: The ISIE Socioeconomic Metabolism perpetual online conference (Session 1: SEM and Covid-19)
Year: 2019 - Can (material) flows in telecouplings lead us to greater sustainability?
Autoren: Anke Schaffartzik
Event: Global Land Programme 4th Open Science Meeting 2019
Year: 2019 - Is the fossil energy system cast in stone? A socio-metabolic perspective on transformation
Autoren: Anke Schaffartzik
Event: Stranded Assets: How to build infrastructure in times of (climate) crises
Year: 2019 - Wachstum und ökologische Ungleichheit
Autoren: Anke Schaffartzik
Event: Europas Handel und ökologische Ungleichheit
Year: 2019 - Green growth or degrowth? A systematic review of potentials to decouple resource use and emissions from economic growth
Autoren: Haberl, H; Wiedenhofer, D; Virág, D; Brockway, P; Fishman, T; Hausknost, D; Kalt, G; Krausmann, F; Mayer, A; Pichler, M; Plank, B; Schaffartzik, A; Sousa, T; Streeck, J; Creutzig, F
Event: Kosmos Conference: Navigating the sustainability transformation in the 21st century. From Alexander von Humboldt's cosmos to today's global challenges
Year: 2019 - No growth without inequality. International patterns in resource and energy use
Autoren: Anke Schaffartzik
Event: Material flows and the global division of labor: Inequalities and dependencies in the world economy
Year: 2019 - Kohle und Konflikte. Versorgungsysteme als Verteiler von Ressourcen und Macht am Beispiel der indischen Energietransition
Autoren: Anke Schaffartzik, Brototi Roy
Event: Deutscher Kongress für Geographie
Year: 2019 - Cementing growth and inequality
Autoren: Anke Schaffartzik
Event: 2nd Austrian Conference on International Resource Politics 2019 - Resources for a social-ecological transformation
Year: 2019 - International ecological inequality and the case for degrowth
Autoren: Anke Schaffartzik
Event: Fair climate. Green taxes against ecological inequality.
Year: 2019 - International metabolic inequalities mediated by the distribution of stocks
Autoren: Anke Schaffartzik
Event: 13th Conference of the International Society for Industrial Ecology ISIE 2019
Year: 2018 - Analysing Great Acceleration(s). Analytic challenges for Social-Ecological Transformations
Autoren: Görg, C, Mayer, A; Pichler, M; Plank, C; Schaffartzik, A; Wiedenhofer, D; Krausmann, F
Event: International Workshop Transition Impossible? 2018 - Ambiguous Transformations and the Resilience of Unsustainability
Year: 2018 - How this works: Disparities in energy and labour in the global economy
Autoren: Schaffartzik, A
Event: POLLEN Biennial Conference 2018
Year: 2018 - Wie kommt die ungleiche globale Ressourcennutzung zustande? Extraktion, Außenhandel und Konsum auf Länderebene
Autoren: Schaffartzik, A
Event: Gastvortrag an der Johannes Kepler Universität, Institut für Soziologie, Abteilung für Politik und Entwicklungsforschung
Year: 2018 - International fragmentation and de/growth
Autoren: Schaffartzik, A
Event: 6th International Degrowth Conference 2018
Year: 2016 - Is resource extraction for export a lose-lose strategy for sustainability? Insights from a socio-ecological analysis
Autoren: Schaffartzik, A
Event: Seminar, ICTA
Year: 2016 - Receding into sustainability? Financial crisis and material use in the European Union
Autoren: Schaffartzik, A; Pichler, M
Event: 5th International Degrowth Conference "Creating new visions"
Year: 2016 - Extractive economies as a form of international exchange
Autoren: Schaffartzik, A
Event: Gordon Research Conference on Industrial Ecology 2016 - Opportunities for the Critical Decade – Decoupling Well-Being from Environmental Pressures and Impacts
Year: 2016 - Mit Vollgas in den Abgrund? Zur Explosion des globalen Ressourcenverbrauchs
Autoren: Schaffartzik, A
Event: Vortragsreihe attac, Volkshochschule Fulda
Year: 2016 - Home-Grown or Foreign-Sown? Accounting for the Origin of Material Flows
Autoren: Schaffartzik, A
Event: Gordon Research Conference on Industrial Ecology 2016 - Opportunities for the Critical Decade – Decoupling Well-Being from Environmental Pressures and Impacts
Year: 2016 - More growth, more inequality: How the analysis of material use indicators can sharpen our understanding of the ‘Great Acceleration’
Autoren: Schaffartzik, A
Event: Worshop, ICTA
Year: 2016 - Socio-metabolic trade patterns. An investigation of concepts and methods
Autoren: Schaffartzik, A
Event: 8. Woche der soziologischen Nachwuchsforschung
Year: 2016 - The Vienna School of Social Ecology. An Enrichment or Too Interdisciplinary a Challenge for Environmental Sociology?
Autoren: Schaffartzik, A; Fischer-Kowalski, M
Event: 3rd ISA Forum of Sociology 2016
Year: 2016 - Long-term sociometabolic transition trajectories of China and India compared
Autoren: Fischer-Kowalski, M; Schaffartzik, A
Event: Joint conference of the International Society for Industrial Ecology (ISIE) 2016, 12th Socio-Economic Metabolism section conference and 5th Asia Pacific conference
Year: 2016 - Is Sustainability Stuck in a Vicious Circle?
Autoren: Schaffartzik, A; Mayer, A; Brad, A; Plank, C
Event: 3rd ISA Forum of Sociology 2016
Year: 2015 - Ressourcennutzung der EU im globalen Kontext
Autoren: Schaffartzik, A
Event: IUFE Fachtagung 2015: Herausforderungen und Chancen im Umgang mit natürlichen Ressourcen
Year: 2015 - Geht mit weniger mehr? Erste Ergebnisse aus dem Bericht „Ressourcennutzung in Österreich"
Autoren: Anke Schaffartzik
Event: Erstes Nationales Ressourcenforum
Year: 2015 - Global Resource Use in 2050: Insights from Material Flow Analysis
Autoren: Haas, W; Schaffartzik, A; Fischer-Kowalski, M, Eisenmenger, N; Krausmann, F
Event: 8th Biennial Conference of the International Society for Industrial Ecology ISIE 2015 - Taking Stock of Industrial Ecology
Year: 2015 - Tracing trade-related telecouplings in the global land-system using the embodied human appropriation of net primary production framework
Autoren: Haberl, H; Erb, KH; Schaffartzik, A; Kastner, T
Event: American Geophysical Union AGU Fall Meeting 2015
Year: 2015 - How is Austrian Raw Material Consumption developing over time? a methods comparison extended
Autoren: Eisenmenger, N; Schaffartzik, A; Wiedenhofer, D
Event: 11th International Conference of the European Society for Ecological Economics, ESEE 2015 - Transformations
Year: 2015 - Global providers and consumers of metals – an analysis of trade patterns
Autoren: Mayer, A; Schaffartzik, A; Eisenmenger, N; Krausmann, F
Event: 11th International Conference of the European Society for Ecological Economics, ESEE 2015 - Transformations
Year: 2015 - Biomass trade and food import dependency in the corporate food regime
Autoren: Mayer, A; Haas, W; Schaffartzik, A
Event: 11th International Conference of the European Society for Ecological Economics, ESEE 2015 - Transformations
Year: 2015 - Global material use scenarios in the context of resource efficiency programs and targets
Autoren: Schaffartzik, A; Eisenmenger, N; Fischer-Kowalski, M; Haas, W; Krausmann, F; Mayer, A; Wiedenhofer, D
Event: 11th International Conference of the European Society for Ecological Economics, ESEE 2015 - Transformations
Year: 2015 - The development of the agricultural sector in the transition economies of the European semi-periphery: A material flow analysis of the past half-century
Autoren: Mayer, A; Schaffartzik, A; Krausmann, F
Event: IAMO Forum 2015 "Agriculture and Climate Change in Transition Economies"
Year: 2014 - Sustainable Agrofuels? Analyzing a Vicious Cycle
Autoren: Plank, C; Schaffartzik, A; Brad, A
Event: International Society for Ecological Economics (ISEE) Conference 2014: Wellbeing and Equity within Planetary Boundaries
Year: 2014 - Environmentally Extended Input-Output Analysis: Examining the Impact of a Pradigm Shift
Autoren: Schaffartzik, A
Event: International Society for Ecological Economics (ISEE) Conference 2014: Wellbeing and Equity within Planetary Boundaries
Year: 2014 - Integrating Material Flow and Input-Output Data: All Is Not Said and Done
Autoren: Schaffartzik, A
Event: 22nd International Input-Output Conference
Year: 2014 - Territorialization of Contested Land in Indonesia's Palm Oil Expansion
Autoren: Brad, A; Schaffartzik, A
Event: 1st Austrian Conference on International Resource Politics “Towards International Resource Fairness - Theories, Conflicts and Policies”
Year: 2013 - Linking EE-(MR)IO and economy-wide material flow accounting: The Raw Material Equivalents (RME) of Trade. A comparison of six methods
Autoren: Schaffartzik, A; Eisenmenger, N; Wiedenhofer, D
Event: 21st International Conference of the Input-Output Association (IIAO) 2013
Year: 2013 - The Global Metabolic Transition: Regional Patterns and Trends of Global Material and Energy Use, 1950-2010
Autoren: Schaffartzik, A
Event: World Resource Forum
Year: 2013 - Establishing Consistent, Global Level Accounts of Cropland Embodied in the International Trade of Agricultural Products
Autoren: Schaffartzik, A; Erb, KH; Haberl, H; Kastner, T; Eisenmenger, N
Event: Talk presented at the 2nd Global Soil Week "Losing Ground?", October 27.31, 2013
Year: 2013 - Öl ins Feuer: Agrartreibstoffe und soziale Konflikte
Autoren: Schaffartzik, A
Event: Presentation at the Graduiertenkonferenz der Österreichischen Akademie der Wissenschaften 2013
Year: 2013 - Tackling Resource (In)Efficiency: Drivers of Resource Use
Autoren: Schaffartzik, A
Event: 1st DYNAMIX Policy Platform “Exploring resource policy challenges in Europe”
Year: 2013 - Sustainability: Breaking the Vicious Circle
Autoren: Schaffartzik, A
Event: 3rd Vienna Workshop on Sustainable Development for Doctoral Students 2013
Year: 2013 - How many materials does Austria globally use? A comparison of six methods to calculate Raw Material Equivalents (RME)
Autoren: Eisenmenger, N; Schaffartzik, A; Wiedenhofer, D
Event: World Resources Forum 2013
Year: 2013 - The Raw Material Equivalents (RME) of Trade: Towards Methodological Harmonization
Autoren: Wiedenhofer, D; Schaffartzik, A; Eisenmenger, N
Event: 7th International Society for Industrial Ecology (ISIE) Biennial Conference
Year: 2012 - Raw Material Equivalents (RME) - Trends in Austria, Methodological Development
Autoren: Wiedenhofer, D; Eisenmenger, N; Schaffartzik, A
Event: MFA-ConAccount Section Conference of the International Society for Industrial Ecology 2012
Year: 2012 - Longterm trends in resource efficiency - hinsight, insight, foresight
Autoren: Eisenmenger, N; Krausmann, F; Schaffartzik, A; Mayer, A
Event: MFA-ConAccount Section Conference of the International Society for Industrial Ecology 2012
Year: 2012 - Regional Patterns of Global Material Flows 1950-2005
Autoren: Mayer, A; Krausmann, F; Eisenmenger, N; Schaffartzik, A
Event: MFA-ConAccount Section Conference of the International Society for Industrial Ecology 2012
Year: 2012 - Raw Material Equivalents (RME) of Austrian Trade Flows
Autoren: Eisenmenger, N; Schaffartzik, A; Krausmann, F; Weisz, H
Event: Joint EEA-Eurostat technical workshop: Global Material Resource Footprint of Europe. On methods and approaches to estimate material resource use
Year: 2011 - Der sozialmetabolische Ansatz: Konzepte, Methoden, Schlüsseleinsichten
Autoren: Schaffartzik, A
Event: Jahrestagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Humanökologie DGH 2011 - Systemtheorien und Humanökologie
Year: 2011 - The Raw Material Equivalents of Austria's Trade: Input-Output Approaches
Autoren: Schaffartzik, A
Event: 6th International Conference on Industrial Ecology ISIE 2011
Year: 2011 - The Role of Trade in Domestic Resource Use and Resource Efficiency. Raw Material Equivalents of Austria´s Trade Flows
Autoren: Schaffartzik, A; Krausmann, F; Eisenmenger, N
Event: 9th International Conference of the European Society for Ecological Economics ESEE 2011
Year: 2011 - Metallic resources: Developments and trends in global extraction 1950-2005
Autoren: Mayer, A; Schaffartzik, A
Event: 9th International Conference of the European Society for Ecological Economics ESEE 2011
Year: 2011 - Transformation des Stoffwechsels
Autoren: Schaffartzik, A
Event: Vortrag im Rahmen der Kick-Off Veranstaltung des Fachbereichs Städtebau (SS 2011)
Year: 2011 - Resource efficiency? Material flow analysis on the edge between accounting practice and political implementation
Autoren: Krausmann, F; Fischer-Kowalski, M; Schaffartzik, A; Eisenmenger, N
Event: 6th International Conference on Industrial Ecology ISIE 2011
Year: 2011 - Erhöht Wirtschaftswachstum dein Wohlbefinden? Ein paar andere Perspektiven
Autoren: Schaffartzik, A
Event: Veranstaltung querdenken # 13 2011
Year: 2011 - Stoffwechsel, Kolonisierung von Natur und sozialmetabolische Regimes: Plädoyer für eine sozialökologische Gesellschaftstheorie
Autoren: Fischer-Kowalski, M; Schaffartzik, A
Event: Vortrag am Umweltreferat Jena, Friedrich-Schiller-Universität 2011
Year: 2010 - Raw Material Equivalents of Austrian Trade Flows: An Input-Output Approach
Autoren: Krausmann, F; Schaffartzik, A; Eisenmenger, N
Event: Gordon Research Conference in Industrial Ecology 2010 - From Analysis to Design
Year: 2010 - „Projekt Ressourcendaten"
Autoren: Schaffartzik, A; Eisenmenger, N
Event: Ressourceneffizienz Aktionsplan REAP, Resonanzgruppe am BMLFUW und BMWFJ 2010
Year: 2009 - Raw Material Equivalents of Austrian Trade Flows: An Input-Output Approach
Autoren: Krausmann, F; Weisz, H; Schaffartzik, A; Eisenmenger, N
Event: 5th International Conference on Industrial Ecology 2009 - Transitions Toward Sustainability
Year: 2009 - Urban metabolic profiles and typologies
Autoren: Schaffartzik, A; Steinberger, JK; Weisz, H
Event: 5th International Conference on Industrial Ecology 2009 - Transitions Toward Sustainability
Year: 2009 - Urban Metabolic Profiles
Autoren: Steinberger, JK; Schaffartzik, A; Weisz, H
Event: International Conference on Human Ecology 2009
Year: 2008 - Raw material equivalents of Austrian trade flows
Autoren: Schaffartzik, A; Eisenmenger, N; Weisz, H
Event: ConAccount Workshop 2008 - Urban metabolism: measuring the ecological city
Year: 2008 - Developing Urban Metabolism Analysis in the Context of Urban Planning
Autoren: Weisz, H; Steinberger, JK; Schaffartzik, A
Event: ConAccount Workshop 2008 - Urban metabolism: measuring the ecological city
Year: 2005 - Energieverbrauch einst und jetzt - wie aus weniger mehr wurde
Autoren: Schaffartzik, A
Event: Vortrag zur ÖKOBÜRO Veranstaltung "Ist weniger mehr? - Energieverbrauch und zukunftsfähige Entwicklung