Rizky Pasthika Kirana
Rizky Pasthika Kirana M.Sc.
Status Currently not employed at BOKU
0 Projects found.
Knowledge Transfer to Society
Year: 2022 - Association genetics in Aegilops tauschii identified a UDP-glucosyltransferase conferring resistance against the major Fusarium mycotoxin deoxynivalenol
Autoren: Kirana, RP; Gaurav, K; Arora, S; Wiesenberger, G; Doppler, M;: Michel, S; Lemmens, M; Schuhmacher, R; Adam, G; Wulff, BH; Buerstmayr, H; Steiner, B;
Event: 2nd Wheat Congress
Year: 2022 - Pyramiding Fusarium head blight resistance QTL from T. aestivum, T. dicoccum and T. dicoccoides in durum wheat
Autoren: Rizky Pasthika Kirana, RP; Michel, S; Lemmens, M; Buerstmayr, H; Steiner, B;
Event: 2nd Wheat Congress
Year: 2021 - Association Genetics of Fusarium Head Blight and Deoxynivalenol Resistance in Aegilops tauschii
Autoren: Kirana Rizky Pasthika; Steiner, B; Gaurav, K; Arora,S; Wiesenberger, G; Doppler, M; Schuhmacher, R; Michel, S; Marc Lemmens, M; Adam, G; Wulff BH; Buerstmayr, H
Event: National Fusarium Head Blight Forum 2021
Year: 2021 - Association genetics of Fusarium head blight and deoxynivalenol resistance in Aegilops tauschii
Autoren: Kirana, Rizky Pasthika; Steiner, B; Michel, S; Gaurav, K; Arora, S; Schuhmacher, R; Lemmens, M; Wulff, B; Buerstmayr, H.
Event: 15th European Fusarium Seminar 2021
Year: 2021 - Improvement of Fusarium head blight resistance in durum wheat by exotic alleles and the increase of anther extrusion
Autoren: Steiner, B; Kirana, Rizky Pasthika; Michel, S; Lemmens, M; Buerstmayr, H.
Event: 15th European Fusarium Seminar 2021
Year: 2020 - Improving Fusarium head blight resistance in durum wheat through introgression of resistance alleles from relatives
Autoren: Kirana, RP; Steiner B; Michel S; Lemmens M; Buerstmayr H
Event: DIGITAL BREEDING - International Symposium of the Society for Plant Breeding e.V. (GPZ) in cooperation with Saatgut Austria
Year: 2020 - Update on research activities for Fusarium resistance in durum wheat from BOKU University - Austria
Autoren: Steiner, B Pasthika, KR Michel, S Maccaferri, M Mazzucotelli, E Tuberosa, R Lemmens, M Buerstmayr, H
Event: National Fusarium Head Blight Forum 2020