Ilse Schwarzinger
Dipl.-Ing. Dr. Ilse Schwarzinger
Location Gregor-Mendel-Straße 33, 1180 Wien
Tel: +43 1 47654-10118
- 2018 Rector's office, project manager
- 2011 - 2018 Head of working group on benthic ecology and ecological status assessment
- 2011 Lecturer for "Bioassessment and biomonitoring"; Lecturer for "Benthic invertebrate sampling and monitoring"
- 2004 - 2018 Senior Scientist
- 2003 - 2010 Lecturer for "Biological Water quality assessment"
- 2002 Doctoral degree
- 1996 Lecturer for "Hydrobiology - field work"
- 1995 - 2004 Researcher, Dept. Water-Atmosphere and Environment
- 1994 Diploma
- 1991 - 1995 Free Lancer (scientist) at BOKU, Hydrobiology
0 Projects found.
Knowledge Transfer to Society
Year: 2019 - Bioindication and bioassessment concepts in Europe
Autoren: Schmidt-Kloiber, A.; Graf, W.; Schwarzinger, I.; Kail, J.
Event: Final Conference LARIMA 2019 - Sustainable Highland Rivers Management in Ethiopia
Year: 2014 - Improved Environmental & Socio-Economic Baseline Information for Hydropower Planning - Aquatic Ecology
Autoren: Stubauer I.
Event: ISH11 National Consultation, Lao PDR
Year: 2014 - Improved Environmental & Socio-Economic Baseline Information for Hydropower Planning - Aquatic Ecology
Autoren: Stubauer I.
Event: ISH11 National Consultation, Viet Nam
Year: 2014 - Improved Environmental & Socio-Economic Baseline Information for Hydropower Planning - Aquatic Ecology
Autoren: Stubauer I.
Event: ISH11 National Consultation, Cambodia
Year: 2013 - MRC Initiative on Sustainable Hydropower (ISH), Improved Environmental and Socio-Economic Information for Hydropower Planning Project (ISH11) - Aquatic Ecology - findings and proposals
Autoren: Stubauer I
Event: Workshop with Cambodian National Mekong Commission representatives and line agencies
Year: 2013 - MRC Initiative on Sustainable Hydropower (ISH) Improved Environmental and Socio-Economic Information for Hydropower Planning Project (ISH11) - Aquatic Ecology - findings and options for further discussion
Autoren: Stubauer I
Event: Workshop with Lao National Mekong Commission representatives and line agencies ,
Year: 2013 - MRC Initiative on Sustainable Hydropower (ISH) Improved Environmental and Socio-Economic Information for Hydropower Planning Project (ISH11) - Aquatic Ecology - findings and proposals
Autoren: Stubauer I,
Event: Workshop with Viet Nam National Mekong Commission representatives and line agencies
Year: 2011 - Effects of harbour dredging on the benthic invertebrate fauna (Danube, Austria)
Autoren: Moog O; Stubauer I;
Event: International Conference on the Status and Future of the World's Large Rivers 2011
Year: 2011 - Benthic invertebrates as indicators of impounded rivers
Autoren: Moog O; Stubauer I; Leitner P;
Event: EGU General Assembly 2011
Year: 2011 - Biologische Qualitätselemente - Erfahrungen und Ausblick
Autoren: Moog, O; Stubauer, I;
Event: Qualitätszielverordnung Ökologie und Chemie von Oberflächengewässer 2011 - Vorstellung und erste Erfahrungen aus der Umsetzung
Year: 2010 - Pressures on Asian Rivers, Biological Water Quality Monitoring and Sustainable Water Management - Lessons Learned from the ASSESS HKH Project
Autoren: Stubauer, I.
Event: Eurasia – Pacific Uninet, International Workshop on Problem Analysis and Integrated Water Resource Management 2010
Year: 2010 - Pollution and river quality monitoring in Asian Rivers - Some Examples
Autoren: Stubauer I.
Event: Trans-Disciplinary Water Management
Year: 2009 - Biological River Water Quality Assessment - A Tool for Sustainable Water Management and Mitigation Strategies
Autoren: Stubauer I.
Event: Yangling International Agri-science Forum 2009
Year: 2008 - The ASSESS-HKH project: Context, approach, objectives and results.
Autoren: Stubauer I., O. Moog, D. Hering, T. Korte, A. Hoffmann, K. Brabec, S. Sharma, M. Shrestha, M.A. Kahlown, M.A. Tahir, A. Kumar, M.P. Sharma, M.F. Bari, A.B.M. Badruzzaman, G.K. Chhopel
Event: Scientifc Conference 2008 - Rivers in the Hindu Kush-Himalya - Ecology and Ennvironmental Assessment
Year: 2008 - Hydropeaking challenges, scientific results and key questions - the Austrian perspective
Autoren: Stubauer I., Moog O., Schmutz S., Unfer G.
Event: Austrian-French Workshop 2008 - Hydropower in the context of implementing the EU Water Framework Directive
Year: 2008 - Herausforderungen bei der Umsetzung der Wasserrahmenrichtilinie aus Sicht der Wissenschaft
Autoren: Stubauer I. & Kreuzinger N.
Event: Österreichische Wasserwirtschaftstagung 2008
Year: 2007 - Grundlagen der Bewertung des guten Zustandes nach WRG - Qualitätselement Makrozoobenthos
Autoren: Moog O., Ofenböck T., Stubauer I.
Event: Der kombinierte Ansatz, das Wechselspiel zwischen Emissionen und Immission - Neue Herausforderungen bei Abwasserentsorgung und Gewässerschutz
Year: 2007 - ASSESS-HKH - Development of an Assessment System to Evaluate the Ecological Status of Rivers in the Hindu Kush-Himalayan Region
Autoren: Stubauer I.
Event: Asia-Europe Scientific Cooperation Day
Year: 2007 - ASSESS-HKH: Der Weg von der Methodenentwicklung zur langfristigen Umsetzung in den asiatischen Partnerländern
Autoren: Stubauer I., Moog O., Badruzzaman, A.B.M., Bari M.F., Chhopel G.K., Kahlown M.A., Kumar. A., Sharma M.P., Sharma S., Shrestha M., Tahir M.A.
Event: SIL-Austria Meeting 2007
Year: 2007 - Development of an Assessment System to Evaluate the Ecological Status of Rivers in the Hindu Kush-Himalayan Region Based on Benthic Invertebrates
Autoren: Stubauer I., Moog O., Badruzzaman A.B., Bari M.F., Brabec K., Chhopel G.K., Hering D., Hoffmann A., Kahlown M.A., Kumar A., Sharma M.P., Sharma S., Shrestha M., Tahir M.A.
Event: Entomologentagung DGaaE 2007
Year: 2007 - Neuerungen bei der Bewertung des ökologischen Zustandes von Fließgewässern - Qualitätselement Makrozoobenthos
Autoren: Hartmann A., Ofenböck T., Moog O. & I. Stubauer
Event: SIL-Austria Meeting 2007
Year: 2006 - Information, Participation and Capacity Building – three key elements for successful implementation of the ASSESS-HKH project
Autoren: Stubauer I., Moog O., Badruzzaman A.B., Bari M. F., Brabec K., Chhopel G.K., Feld C.K., Hering D., Hoffmann A., Kahlown M.A., Korte T., Kumar A., Sharma M.P., Sharma S., Shrestha M., Tahir M.A.
Event: SIL Austria Tagung 2006
Year: 2006 - Management der relevaten Projektumwelten in ASSESS-HKH
Autoren: Stubauer, I.
Event: Projektmanagement in Forschung und Entwicklung 2006
Year: 2004 - Risk of failure to reach the good ecological status - hydromorphological crtieria for the Danube River Basin.
Autoren: Stubauer, I.
Event: 13th River Basin Management Group Meeting ICPDR 2004
Year: 2004 - First "Im-Pressions": Hydromorphological drivers, pressures and impacts along the Danube River - results from the UNDP/GEF project
Autoren: Moog, O., Stubauer, I.
Event: Workshop on Heavily Modified Water Bodies
Year: 2004 - The Danube River - Europe's largest near natural or heavily modified river?
Autoren: Stubauer, I.
Event: Workshop on Heavily Modified Water Bodies
Year: 2004 - Results of the analysis on hydromorphological alterations along the Danube River (UNDP/GEF project)
Autoren: Stubauer, I.
Event: 13th River Basin Management Group Meeting ICPDR 2004
Year: 2004 - Overview on Risk Assessment in the Danube River Basin District
Autoren: Stubauer, I.
Event: 3rd Surface Water Workshop
Year: 2003 - Proposal of a typology for the Danube River
Autoren: Robert S., Birk S., Hering D., Moog O., Ofenböck T., Schmedtje U., Sommerhäuser M., Stubauer I.
Event: Jahrestagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Limnologie 2003
Year: 2003 - The Austrian way of integrating the Saprobic System into the WFD approach
Autoren: Stubauer, I.
Event: Symposium on European Freshwater Sciences
Year: 2003 - The Austrian way of integrating the Saprobic System into the upcoming European biological water quality assessment methodology
Autoren: Stubauer, I., Moog, O.
Event: Conference on Water and Society 2003 - Needs, Challenges, and Restriction
Year: 2003 - Saprobic Reference Conditions for the Danube River - a proposal
Autoren: Stubauer, I.
Event: 31st MLIM Meeting
Year: 2003 - Typology and Reference Conditions in the Danube River Basin - A Workshop Report of the 2nd Surface Water Workshop in Zagreb
Autoren: Moog, O., Stubauer, I.
Event: 31st MLIM Meeting
Year: 2003 - Integration of the Saprobic system into the European Water Framework Directive approach - a proposal for the Danube
Autoren: Stubauer, I.
Event: 2nd Surface Water Workshop
Year: 2002 - The Austrian Way of adapting the saprobic system into the philosophy of the European Watre Framework Directive
Autoren: Stubauer, I., Moog, O.
Event: AQEM Meeting 2002
Year: 2002 - Standardisation of River Classification (STAR) - Vorstellung eines EU-finanzierten Projektes
Autoren: Stubauer, I.
Event: Jahrestagung der Österreichischen Limnologen SIL 2002
Verfahren zur Anpassung des Saprobiensystems an die Vorgaben der EU-Wasserrahmenrichtlinie in Österreich.
Autoren: Stubauer, I., Moog, O.
Saprobielle Grundzustände österreichischer Fließgewässer und Einbindung von Modul 1 in die Philosophie der EU-WRRL.
Autoren: Stubauer, I., Moog, O.
The Development and Testing of an Integrated Assessment System for the Ecological Quality of Streams and Rivers throughout Europe using Benthic Macroinvertebrates.
Autoren: Moog, O., Hering, D., Schmidt-Kloiber, A., Stubauer, I., Buffagni, A., Johnson, R., Pinto, P., Skoulikidis, N., Sommerhäuser, M., Verdonschot, P., Zahrádková, S.
Saprobielle Grundzustände österreichischer Fließgewässer.
Autoren: Stubauer, I., Moog, O.
Saprobielle Grundzustände österreichischer Fließgewässer.
Autoren: Stubauer, I.