Thomas Drapela
Mag. Dr. Thomas Drapela
Research Support, Innovation & Technology Transfer
Location Peter-Jordan-Straße 70, 1190 Wien
Tel: +43 1 47654-33037
- 2008 Dissertation, University of Natural Resources and Applied Life Sciences, Vienna (BOKU), Austria
- 2008 Postdoc, University of Natural Resources and Applied Life Sciences, Vienna, Austria
- 2005 - 2008 Scientific associate (Ph.D.student), Univ. of Natural Resources and Applied Life Sciences Vienna
- 2004 Master, University of Vienna
- 2002 - 2003 Project "Ground beetles as indicators for semi-natural forest communities"
- 2002 Tutorial Practical Course in Zoology, University of Vienna
- 1998 Tutorial Practical Course Physics for Biologists, University of Vienna
- Year: 2004 Awards: 1. Österreichischer Nationalpark-Forschungspreis für Diplomanden/innen
0 Projects found.
Knowledge Transfer to Society
Year: 2017 - Sustainability performance assessment by means of four parameters of organic products in Austria
Autoren: Petrasek, R; Drapela, T; Lindenthal, T; Gusenbauer, I; Hörtenhuber, SJ; Bartel-Kratochvil, R; Theurl, MC
Event: 19th Organic World Congress IFOAM 2017 - An Organic World Through an Organic India
Year: 2015 - What is the benefit of regional foodstuffs and how could it be assessed? Results of Lower Austrian field vegetables assessed with a new developed model.
Autoren: Gusenbauer, I; Markut, T; Bartel-Kratochvil, R; Drapela, T; Lindenthal, T
Event: 5th International Conference on Organic Agriculture Sciences ICOAS 2015
Year: 2015 - Biodiversity assessment on low-input and low-intensity organic dairy farms in Tyrol (Austria)
Autoren: Drapela, T; Zimmermann, T; Weißensteiner, R; Knaus, W; Zollitsch, W
Event: 5th International Conference on Organic Agriculture Sciences ICOAS 2015
Year: 2013 - Wirtschaften ökonomisch erfolgreiche Milchviehbetriebe in Österreich auch ökologisch und sozial nachhaltig?
Autoren: Kirner, L; S. Hörtenhuber; S. Strauss; C. Neumayr; W. Zollitsch; E. Quendler; T. Drapela
Event: 41. Jahrestagung der Schweizer Gesellschaft für Agrarwirtschaft und Agrarsoziologie & 23. Jahrestagung der Österreichischen Gesellschaft für Agrarökonomie ÖGA 2013 - Grenzen der Qualitätsstrategie im Agrarsektor
Year: 2013 - Ökologische Nachhaltigkeit in der Karpfenteichwirtschaft - Treibhausgas-, Wasserbilanzierung und Biodiversitätspotential
Autoren: Petrasek, R; Theurl, M; Drapela, T; Hörtenhuber, S; Lindenthal, T
Event: Tagung des Bioverbandes Bio Austria. 2013
Year: 2012 - Necessity of set-aside land for farmland biodiversity
Autoren: Frank, T., Drapela, T., Hascehk, c., Knittl, B., Moser, D., Schulze, C. & Zaller, J.G.
Event: 3rd European Congress of Conservation Biology ECCB 2012
Year: 2011 - Insect pests and predators in oilseed rape relative to landscape and site factors
Autoren: Frank T., Drapela T., Moser D., Haschek C., Zaller J.G.
Event: IOBC-Working Group Meeting 2011 - Integrated Control in Oilseed Rape Crops
Year: 2011 - Set-aside land and EU agro-policy - quo vadis biodiversity?
Autoren: Frank T., Drapela T., Haschek C., Knittl B., Lukasch B., Moser D., Querner P., Schulze C. & Zaller J.G.
Event: Entomologentagung DGaaE 2011
Year: 2010 - Vagabundierende Jägerinnen (Wolfsspinnen)
Autoren: Drapela, Thomas
Event: Ö1 Radiosendereihe VOM LEBEN DER NATUR 2010
Year: 2010 - Predatory arthropods in agroecosystems relative to habitat age and landscape context. Keynote talk.
Autoren: Frank T., Zaller J.G., Moser D., Barone M., Künzle I., Mosimann C. & Drapela T.
Event: 9th European Congress of Entomology 2010
Year: 2010 - Distribution patterns of Collembola affected by extensive grazing in different vegetation types
Autoren: Uteseny, Karoline; Frouz, Jan; Drapela, Thomas
Event: 19th World Congress of Soil Science 2010 - Solutions for a changing world
Year: 2010 - Predatory arthropods in agroecosystems relative to habitat age and landscape context
Autoren: Frank T., Zaller J.G., Moser D., Barone M., Künzle I., Mosimann C., Drapela T.
Event: 9th European Congress of Entomology 2010
Year: 2009 - Do earthworms affect the utilization of nutrients and the mycorrhizal colonization of grassland plants?
Autoren: Wechselberger K., Zaller J.G., van der Heijden M.G.A., Wanek W., Drapela T., Gorfer M., Frank T.
Event: 7th ISRR Symposium Root Research and Applications RootRAP 2009
Year: 2009 - Landscape impact on interrelations between pest insects, natural enemies and alternative prey in oilseed rape
Event: 39th Annual Conference of the Ecological Society of Germany, Austria and Switzerland GfÖ 2009
Year: 2009 - Influence of organic matter on collembolan communities in reedbed habitats. Poster presentation,
Autoren: Uteseny, K., Frouz, J., Drapela, T.
Event: EGU General Assembly 2009
Year: 2009 - Do earthworms affect the mycorrhizal colonisation of grassland plants?
Autoren: Wechselberger, K., Zaller, J.G., Wanek, W., Drapela, T., Gorfer, M., van der Heijden, M.G.A., Frank, T.
Event: 39th Annual Conference of the Ecological Society of Germany, Austria and Switzerland GfÖ 2009
Year: 2009 - Kennst du die Tiere in deiner Umgebung? Keine Angst vor den kleinen "Monstern" um uns herum.
Autoren: Frank, T., Christian, E., Drapela, T., Schedl, H., Schuller, N.
Event: Kinderuni Wien 2009
Year: 2009 - Are Collembola in Reed Habitats influenced by Organic Matter?, Poster presentation
Autoren: Uteseny, K., Frouz, J., Drapela, T.
Event: 10th Central European Workshop on Soil Zoology 2009
Year: 2009 - Shifts in Collembola life forms caused by moderate grazing
Event: Annual Meeting of the British Ecological Society 2009
Year: 2008 - Biodiversity of animals in cultural landscapes relative to landscape composition
Autoren: Frank T., Drapela T., Haschek C., Moser D., Schulze C. & Zaller J.G.
Event: International Symposium 2008 - Preservation of Biocultural Diversity - a Global Issue
Year: 2008 - Earthworms, mycorrhizae and the structure and diversity of grassland communities: the effect of earthworm activity
Autoren: Heiner, B., Zaller, J.G., Schmidt, O., Drapela, T., Putz, B., Frank, T.
Event: EURECO-GFOE 2008 - Biodiversity in Ecosystem Context
Year: 2008 - Kennst du die Tiere in deiner Umgebung? Keine Angst vor den kleinen "Monstern" um uns herum
Autoren: Frank, T., Christian, E., Drapela, T., Schedl, H., Schuller, N.
Event: Kinderuni Wien 2008
Year: 2008 - Earthworms, mycorrhizae and the structure and diversity of grassland communities: the role of AMF
Autoren: Putz, B., Zaller, J.G., van der Heijden, M., Wanek, W., Heiner, B., Drapela, T., Frank, T.
Event: EURECO-GFOE 2008 - Biodiversity in Ecosystem Context
Year: 2008 - Predators of insect pests in oilseed rape specifically affected by landscape factors
Autoren: Drapela, T., Zaller, J.G., Moser, D., Frank, T.
Event: EURECO-GFOE 2008 - Biodiversity in Ecosystem Context
Year: 2007 - Impact of field and landscape parameters on herbivorous insects in oilseed rape
Autoren: Frank, T., Drapela, T., Moser, D., Zaller, J.G.
Event: Entomologentagung DGaaE 2007
Year: 2007 - Einfluss von Feld- und Landschaftsfaktoren auf Rapsherbivore
Autoren: Frank, T., Drapela, T., Moser, D., Zaller, J.G.
Event: Entomologentagung DGaaE 2007
Year: 2007 - Scale-dependent impact of landscape characteristics on spider diversity in winter oilseed rape fields
Autoren: Drapela, T., Moser, D., Zaller, J. G., Frank, T.
Event: Entomologentagung DGaaE 2007
Year: 2007 - Scale-dependent impact of landscape characteristics on spider diversity in winter oilseed rape fields
Autoren: Drapela, T., Moser, D., Zaller, J.G., Frank, T.
Event: Entomologentagung DGaaE 2007
Year: 2006 - Perception of field and landscape parameters by three insect pest species in oilseed rape
Autoren: Frank, T., Moser, D., Url, C., Drapela, T., Zaller, J.G.
Event: 36th Annual Conference of the Ecological Society of Germany, Austria and Switzerland GfÖ 2006
Year: 2006 - Pollen beetles and landscape complexity: pest abundance, parasitisation and damage on oilseed rape
Autoren: Url, C., Zaller, J.G., Drapela, T., Moser, D., Frank, T.
Event: International Symposium on Integrated Pest Management in Oilseed Rape 2006
Year: 2006 - Spider assemblages in oilseed rape fields: impact of landscape context at different spatial scales
Autoren: Drapela, T., Zaller, J.G., Moser, D., Frank, T.
Event: International Symposium on Integrated Pest Management in Oilseed Rape 2006
Year: 2006 - Effects of field and landscape parameters on pollen beetles in oilseed rape
Autoren: Zaller, J.G., Url, C., Moser, D., Drapela, T., Frank, T.
Event: 36th Annual Conference of the Ecological Society of Germany, Austria and Switzerland GfÖ 2006
Year: 2006 - Species-specific responses of oilseed rape pests to different elements of landscape complexity
Autoren: Zaller, J.G., Drapela, T., Moser, D., Url, C., Frank, T.
Event: International Symposium on Integrated Pest Management in Oilseed Rape 2006
Year: 2006 - Effects of landscape composition on epigeal Collembola communities.
Autoren: Querner, P., Bruckner A., Frank, T., Drapela, T., Zaller, J., Moser, D.
Event: VIIth International Seminar on Apterygota
Year: 2006 - Effects of landscape composition on epigeal Collembola communities.
Autoren: Querner, P., Bruckner, A., Frank, T., Drapela, T., Zaller, J., Moser, D.
Event: VIIth International Seminar on Apterygota
Year: 2006 - Impact of landscape matrix on spider diversity in oilseed rape fields at different spatial scales
Autoren: Drapela, T., Moser, D., Zaller, J.G., Frank T.
Event: 36th Annual Conference of the Ecological Society of Germany, Austria and Switzerland GfÖ 2006
Year: 2005 - Diversity in Austrian natural forest soils in relation to nutrient turnover and net greenhouse gas exchange
Autoren: Zechmeister-Boltenstern, S., Bachmann, G., Brendle, K., Bruckner, A., Coja, T., Drapela, T., Foissner, W., Hackl, E., Kopeszki, H., Laibl, J., Milasowszky, N., Pfeffer, M., Querner, P., Sessitsch, A., Waitzbauer, W., Wurth, C.
Event: EGU General Assembly 2005