Thomas Hein
Univ.Prof. Dr. Thomas Hein
Institut für Hydrobiologie und Gewässermanagement (IHG)
Standort Gregor-Mendel-Straße 33, 1180 Wien
Tel: +43 1 47654-81201, 81229
ORCID: 0000-0002-7767-4607
57200589112: AuthorId
Aquatische Biodiversitätsanalysen, Flussökologie, Feuchtgebietsökologie, Biogeochemie, Konnektivität, Treibhausgase, Kohlenstoffdynamik, Gewässermanagement, Sozio-ökohydrologische Systemforschung
- 2024 Institutsleiter
- 2021 Leiter des Christian Doppler Labor für Dynamik von Meta-Ökosystemen in regulierten Flusslandschaften
- 2019 - 2022 Institutsleiter
- 2018 Programmbegleitung Doktoratsstudien Universität für Bodenkultur Wien
- 2017 Sprecher Doktoratsschule HR21
- 2017 Ernennung zum Universitätsprofessor
- 2010 Laufbahnstelle Assoz. Prof.
- 2007 Habilitation
- 2000 Dissertation in Limnologie Universität Wien
- 1993 Diplomprüfung
- Jahr: 2017 Auszeichnung: Fulbright Foreign Scholarship
- Jahr: 2007 Auszeichnung: Wissenschaftspreis des Landes Nö
- Jahr: 2003 Auszeichnung: Theodor Koerner Award
Es wurden 0 Projekte gefunden.
Wissentransfer in die Gesellschaft
Jahr: 2024 - Temporal developments of longitudinal connectivity: The perspective of potamodromous fish
Autoren: Kowal, J; Haidvogl, G; Schützenhofer, J; Funk, A; Hein, T
Veranstaltung: International conference on protecting and restoring free-flowing rivers in Europe
Jahr: 2023 - CD Laboratory MERI
Autoren: Hein, T; Baldan, D; Bondar-Kunze, E; Bilous, O; Borgwardt, F; Dittrich, A; Funk, A; Grohmann, M; Hohensinner, S; Haidvogl, G; Kowal, J; Meulenbroek,M; neuburg, J; Pelz, D; Unfer, G;
Veranstaltung: 9. Christian Doppler Forum
Jahr: 2023 - Phytoplankton metacommunities in altered riverine landscapes
Autoren: Bilous, O; Bondar-Kunze, E; Funk, A; Moser, M-C; Hein, T
Veranstaltung: ASLO Aquatic Sciences meeting
Jahr: 2023 - Die Nährstoffretention und Multifunktionalität großer Auen im Donaueinzugsgebiet
Autoren: Tschikof, M; Natho, S; Gericke, A; Funk, A; Weigelhofer, G; Bondar- Kunze, E; Venohr, M; Stammel, B; Kaden, U, S; Hein, T
Veranstaltung: Auenökologischer Workshop
Jahr: 2023 - Improving an existing proxy-based approach for floodplain denitrification assessment to facilitate decision making on restoration
Autoren: Kaden, U.S.; Schulz-Zunkel, C.; Fuchs, E.; Horchler, P.; Kasperidus, H.D.; de Moraes Bonilha, O.; Rupp, H.; Tschikof, M.; Weigelhofer, G.; Hein, T.; Scholz, M.
Veranstaltung: AOEW 2023
Jahr: 2023 - Large scale eDNA metabarcoding survey of Danube fish communities
Autoren: Meulenbroek, P; Hein, T; Erős, T;Valentini, A; Schabuss, M; Zornig, H; Lenhardt, M; Pekarik, L; Jean, P; Dejan, T; Funk, A; Pont, D
Veranstaltung: 5th World´s Large Rivers Conference
Jahr: 2023 - Temporal changes in aquatic habitat connectivity for benthic macroinvertebrates induced by floodplain restoration measures in the Austrian Danube River
Autoren: Sonia Recinos, Andrea Funk, Shubham Tiwari, Thomas Hein
Veranstaltung: World Landscape Ecology Congress-IALE
Jahr: 2023 - Analyzing temporal and spatial dynamics of connectivity to assess riverine meta-ecosystems dynamics
Autoren: Hein, T; Altermatt, F; Baldan, D; Bilous, O; Borgwardt, F; Cid, N; Erös, T; Ferreira, T; Funk, A; Hohensinner, S; Haidvogl, G; Jähnig, S; Kowal, J; Peller, T; Singer, G; Schmutz, S; Unfer, G; Vitecek, S; Bondar-Kunze, E;
Veranstaltung: ASLO Aquatic Sciences Meeting 2023
Jahr: 2023 - Longitudinal connectivity changes and migration patterns of potamodromous fish
Autoren: Johannes Kowal, Michael Grohmann, Andrea Funk, Günther Unfer, Gertrud Haidvogl, Thomas Hein
Veranstaltung: World large rivers conference
Autoren: Hein, T; Bondar-Kunze, E; Bilous, O; Borgwardt, F; Funk, A; Grohmann,M; Haidvogl, G; Kowal, J; Meulenbroek, P; Neuburg, J; Pelz, D; Unfer, G;
Veranstaltung: 44th IAD Conference 2023
Jahr: 2022 - Investigating fish communities in large rivers via eDNA metabarcoding --- Latest developments from the Danube in Europe
Autoren: Meulenbroek, P; Hein, T;Czeglédi, I; Tibor, E; Valentini, A; Deja, T; Funk, A; Pont, D
Veranstaltung: Joint Aquatic Sciences Meeting JASM 2022
Jahr: 2022 - Alles im Fluss – wohin entwickeln sich unsere Gewässer?
Autoren: Hein, T.
Veranstaltung: Montagsakademie Universität Graz 2022
Jahr: 2022 - Die Auswirkung von Wiederanbindungsmaßnahmen auf die Nitratreduktionsfunktion großer Auen im Donaueinzugsgebiet
Autoren: Tschikof, M; Gericke, A; Venohr, M; Weigelhofer, G; Kaden, U, S; Bondar-Kunze, E; Hein, T
Veranstaltung: Auenökologischer Workshop 2022
Jahr: 2022 - The effects of connectivity and morphology on the pelagic and benthic algal composition and function
Autoren: Marie-Christine Moser, Elisabeth Bondar-Kunze, Andrea Funk, Thomas Hein
Veranstaltung: 7. Nationalparks Austria Forschungssymposium
Jahr: 2022 - Die Lobau braucht Wasser - Entwicklungsperspektiven zur Ökologie und Managementoptionen für die Untere Lobau
Autoren: Hein, T.; Funk, A.; Bondar-Kunze, E.; Feldbacher, E.; Graf, W.; Haidvogl, G.; Hohensinner, S.; Pölz, E.; Preiner, S.; Reckendorfer, W.; Trauner, D.; Weigelhofer, G.
Veranstaltung: Votragsreihe Wiener Naturschutzbund
Jahr: 2022 - The effects of river floodplain restoration on ecosystem services
Autoren: Hein, T.; Becsi, R.; Bondar-Kunze, E.; Böck, K.; Funk, A.; Grüner, B. Muhar, S.; Recinos, S.; Tschikof, M.
Veranstaltung: 6th European Congress of Conservation Biology 2022
Jahr: 2022 - Assessing the potential of large floodplain reconnection measures for nitrate removal on the basin scale
Autoren: Tschikof, M; Gericke, A; Venohr, M; Weigelhofer, G; Kaden, U, S; Bondar-Kunze, E; Hein, T
Veranstaltung: 4th EPICamp 2022 - Hydrosphere: Challenges of Preserving and Using Water (Eco-) Systems in the Anthropocene
Jahr: 2022 - Forum für Hydrologie und Wasserbewirtschaftung Heft 43.22 Bedeutung der Flusseintiefungen für Auenreaktivierungen – eine nährstoffbasierte Perspektive
Autoren: Natho, S; Tschikof, M; Hein, T
Veranstaltung: Tag der Hydrologie 2022
Jahr: 2022 - Integration of the meta-ecosystem approach into a socio-ecological framework for restoring large rivers
Autoren: Hein, T.; Bondar-Kunze, E.; Borgwardt, F.; Funk, A.; Haidvogl, G.; Meulenbroek, P.; Muhar, S.; Rauch, R.; Tschikof, M.; Unfer G.; Weigelhofer, G
Veranstaltung: 4th International Conference I.S.Rivers 2022
Jahr: 2022 - Inter- and transdisciplinary challenges in sturgeon conservation
Autoren: Hein, T.; Drexler, S.; Friedrich, T.; Haidvogl, G.
Veranstaltung: University Vienna, Geography
Jahr: 2022 - Nachweis der Fischgemeinschaften in der Lobau mittels eDNA.
Autoren: Funk, A; Meulenbroek, P; Gandolf, D; Pont, D; Bader, P; Steindl, J; Jean, P; Valentini, A; Dejean, T; Czeglédi, I; Hamer, A; Erős, T; Hein, T
Veranstaltung: Symposium LOBAU SOLL LEBEN 2022 - Wasser für die Au - Perspektiven und Erkenntnisse der Wissenschaft
Jahr: 2022 - Entwicklungsperspektiven zur Ökologie und Managementoptionen für die Untere Lobau
Autoren: Hein, T.; Funk, A.; Bondar-Kunze, E.; Feldbacher, E.; Graf, W.; Haidvogl, G.; Hohensinner, S.; Pölz, E.; Preiner, S.; Reckendorfer, W.; Trauner, D.; Weigelhofer, G
Veranstaltung: Symposium LOBAU SOLL LEBEN 2022 - Wasser für die Au - Perspektiven und Erkenntnisse der Wissenschaft
Jahr: 2021 - Nitrogen and phosphorus retention in large river floodplains: Where to address their water quality functions in the Danube River Basin?
Autoren: Tschikof, M; Gericke, A; Venohr, M; Weigelhofer, G; Hein, T
Veranstaltung: WETPOL - 9th Symposium on Wetland Pollutant Dynamics and Control
Jahr: 2021 - Small mid-drought rain events alter sediment organic carbon partitioning between respiration and leaching
Autoren: Coulson, LE; Gill, S; Weigelhofer, G; Hein, T; Griebler, C; Schelker, J;
Veranstaltung: SEFS 2021
Jahr: 2021 - Restoration of ecosystem functions and services: examples from the Danube River
Autoren: Hein, T; Becsi, R; Bondar-Kunze, E; Tschikof, M; Funk A
Veranstaltung: i.s. rivers
Jahr: 2021 - Unusual roles of discharge, slope and SOC in DOC transport in small mountainous rivers, Taiwan
Autoren: Lee, L.-C., T.-C. Hsu, T.-Y. Lee, Y.-T. Shih, C.-Y. Lin, S.-H. Jien, T. Hein, F. Zehetner, F.-K. Shiah, and J.-C. Huang
Veranstaltung: Austria-Taiwan Joint Seminar
Jahr: 2021 - Complex interactions of in-stream DOM and nutrient spiralling unravelled by Bayesian regression analysis
Autoren: Pucher, M; Flödl, P; Graeber, D; Felsenstein, K; Hein, T; Weigelhofer, G;
Veranstaltung: European Geosciences Union EGU General Assembly 2021
Jahr: 2021 - The potential of floodplain restoration to improve ecosystem functions and services at the river scale
Autoren: Hein, T; Bondar-Kunze, E; Funk, A; Preiner, S; Tschikof, M; Weigelhofer G
Veranstaltung: 6th IAHR Europe Congress 2021
Jahr: 2021 - eDNA metabarcoding survey of fish communities in the Danube and its tributaries
Autoren: Pont, D; Meulenbroek, P; Bammer, V; Dejean, T; Eros, T; Hein, T; Jean, P; Lenhardt, M; Nagel, C; Pekárik, L; Schabuss, M; Stoeckle, B; Weigand, A; Zornig, H; Valentini, A
Veranstaltung: 1st DNAQUA International Conference on DNA-based biomonitoring.
Jahr: 2021 - The Danube as socio-ecological system in transition - effects on aquatic ecology
Autoren: Hein, T; Bondar-Kunze, E; Borgwardt F; Funk, A; Haidvogl, G; Hohensinner, S; Meulenbroek, P; Rauch, P; Tschikof M
Veranstaltung: Seminar Series, CER Institute of Aquatic Ecology, Budapest, H
Jahr: 2021 - Can multi-functionality of floodplains be restored? An analysis of regulative and cultural ecosystem service synergies and trade-offs
Autoren: Tschikof, M; Funk, A; Grüner, B; Böck, K; Bondar-Kunze, E; Natho, S; Hein, T
Veranstaltung: 43rd IAD Conference 2021 - Rivers and Floodplains in the Anthropocene: Upcoming Challenges in the Danube River Basin
Jahr: 2021 - Setting life stage-specific conservation priorities for the Freshwater Pearl Mussel with a multi-scale, integrative modelling framework
Autoren: Baldan, D; Piniewski, M; Funk, A; Gumpinger, C; Floedl, P; Hoefler, S; Hauer, C; Hein, T
Veranstaltung: 6th IAHR Europe Congress 2021
Jahr: 2021 - The role of connectivity in river floodplain restoration
Autoren: Hein, T; Baldan, D; Bondar-Kunze, E; Funk, A; Haidvogl, G; Hohensinner, S; Recinos, S; Tschikof, M; Weigelhofer G
Veranstaltung: i-CONN Seminar Series
Jahr: 2021 - eDNA Metabarcoding Survey of Fish Communities in the Danube and its Tributaries
Autoren: Meulenbroek, P; Pont, D; Bammer, V; Dejean, T; Eros, T; Hein, T; Jean, P; Lenhardt, M; Nagel, C; Pekárik, L; Schabuss, M; Stoeckle, B; Weigand, A; Zornig, H; Valentini, A (2021): eD
Veranstaltung: 43rd IAD Conference 2021 - Rivers and Floodplains in the Anthropocene: Upcoming Challenges in the Danube River Basin
Jahr: 2021 - Cycling of dissolved organic matter (DOM) in riverine systems: aspects of global change
Autoren: Hein, T., T.-C. Yeh, C.-S. Liao, T.-Y. Lee, J.-C. Huang, L.-C. Lee, S.-J. Kao, F. Zehetner, J. Schomakers, Z.-Y. Hseu, and S.-H. Jien
Veranstaltung: Austria-Taiwan Joint Seminar
Jahr: 2021 - Impacts of climate change on Freshwater Pearl Mussel habitats, substrate, and potential dispersal
Autoren: Baldan, D; Kiesel, J; Hauer, C; Jaehnig, SC; Hein, T
Veranstaltung: 12th Symposium for European Freshwater Sciences 2021
Jahr: 2021 - Can multi-functionality of floodplains be restored? An analysis of regulating and cultural ecosystem service synergies and trade-offs
Autoren: Tschikof, M; Funk, A; Grüner, B; Böck, K; Bondar-Kunze, E; Natho, S; Hein, T
Veranstaltung: 43rd IAD Conference 2021 - Rivers and Floodplains in the Anthropocene: Upcoming Challenges in the Danube River Basin
Jahr: 2020 - Enhancing River-Sea System Understanding by providing insights into headwaters – The Upper Danube Austria Supersite of DANUBIUS-RI
Autoren: Feldbacher, E; Schmutz, S; Weigelhofer, G; Hein, T; Supersite Consortium
Veranstaltung: European Geosciences Union EGU General Assembly 2020
Jahr: 2020 - The impacts of drought on the microbial states and processes in the hyporheic zone of temperate streams
Autoren: Coulson, L; Attermeyer, K; Griebler, Christian; Schelker, Jakob; Hein, Thomas; Weigelhofer, Gabriele
Veranstaltung: European Geosciences Union EGU General Assembly 2020
Jahr: 2020 - Assessing impacts of climate change on habitat quality and connectivity for the endangered Freshwater Pearl Mussel
Autoren: Baldan, D; Kiesel, J; Jaehnig, S; Hein, T
Veranstaltung: Connectivity conversations II
Jahr: 2020 - Dynamic models in the AIST catchment to assess effectiveness of NSWRMs in mitigating sand accumulation
Autoren: Baldan, D; Feldbacher, E; Weigelhofer, G; Hein, T
Veranstaltung: FRAMWAT final online conference
Jahr: 2020 - The MEASURES project - Overview and status
Autoren: Haidvogl G., Hein T., Drexler S., Meulenbroek P.
Veranstaltung: WePass - 5th Steering Committee Meeting
Jahr: 2020 - Was kreucht und fleucht morgen?
Autoren: Thomas Hein
Veranstaltung: Diskussionsrunde „Erlebte Natur“ im Haus für Natur
Jahr: 2020 - Socio-economic determinants of land use/cover change in wetlands in East Africa: a case study analysis of the Anyiko wetland, Kenya
Autoren: Ondiek, R.; Vuolo, F.; Kipkemboi, J.; Kitaka, N.; Lautsch, E.; Hein, T.; Schmid, E.
Veranstaltung: European Geosciences Union EGU General Assembly 2020
Jahr: 2020 - Modelling the impact of increased lateral connectivity on nutrient retention in Austrian Danube floodplains
Autoren: Tschikof, M; Natho, S; Hein, T; Bondar-Kunze, E
Veranstaltung: European Geosciences Union EGU General Assembly 2020
Jahr: 2020 - Nutrient and organic matter retention in the hyporheic zone during drying and re-wetting in a mesocosm experiment
Autoren: Pucher, M; Hein, T; Weigelhofer, G
Veranstaltung: European Geosciences Union EGU General Assembly 2020
Jahr: 2020 - The potential of floodplain restoration in large rivers
Autoren: Hein, T; Borgwardt, F; Bondar-Kunze, E; Trauner, D; Tschikof, M; Funk A
Veranstaltung: SCCS Europe - Student Conferences on Conservation Science
Jahr: 2019 - An ecohydrological modelling cascade to assess the factors responsible for the catchment scale distribution of Freshwater Pearl Mussel Margaritifera margaritifera
Autoren: Baldan, D; Funk, A; Hauer, C; Piniewsky, M; Mehdi, B; Gumpinger, C; Höfer, S; Hein, T
Veranstaltung: The International Society for Ecological Modeling Global Conference 2019
Jahr: 2019 - The effects of different DOM sources on stream bacterial activity
Autoren: Sosa, T; Lo, C-H; Hein, T; Weigelhofer, G
Veranstaltung: 6th Fresh Blood for Fresh Water Conference
Jahr: 2019 - Floodplain restoration potential – insights from a whole river study along the Danube River
Autoren: Hein, T; Funk, A; Borgwardt, D; Trauner, D
Veranstaltung: 9. Auenökologischer Workshop AÖW 2019 - Floodplain Ecology
Jahr: 2019 - In-situ DOM leachate addition experiment demonstrates the retention capacity of small headwater streams
Autoren: Pucher, M; Weigelhofer, G; Hein, T
Veranstaltung: EGU General Assembly 2019
Autoren: Pucher, M; Flödl, P; Eder, M; Hein, T; Weigelhofer, G; Hauer, C
Veranstaltung: 6th Biennial Symposium of the International Society for River Science ISRS 2019 - Riverine landscapes as coupled socio-ecological systems
Jahr: 2019 - Impact of a reconstructed floodplain on river sediment conditions
Autoren: Baldan, D; Weigelhofer, G; Feldbacher, E; Floedl, P; Pitzl, B; Hauer, C; Hein, T
Veranstaltung: 6th Fresh Blood for Fresh Water Conference
Jahr: 2019 - Assessing the potential impact of natural small water retention measures on in-stream siltation risk and habitat conditions with an integrated modeling cascade
Autoren: Damiano Baldan, Mikolaj Piniewski, Clemens Gumpinger, Sarah Höfler, Peter Flödl, Bano Mehdi, Christoph Hauer, Thomas Hein
Veranstaltung: International SWAT Conference 2019
Jahr: 2019 - MEASURES - Managing and restoring aquatic EcologicAl corridors for migratory fiSh species in the danUbe RivEr baSin
Autoren: Meulenbroek, P.; Trauner D.; Hein, T.
Veranstaltung: ICPDR RBM Expert Group
Jahr: 2019 - Predicting the impact of floodplain restoration measures on the habitat availability and diversity in the Donau-Auen national park.
Autoren: Funk, A; Tschikof, M; Hein, T; Bondar-Kunze, E;
Veranstaltung: Auenökologischer Workshop, AÖW 2019
Jahr: 2019 - Effects of Drought Length on the Microbial Processing in the Hyporheic Zone of Temperate Streams
Autoren: Coulson, L; Schelker, J; Hein, T; Weigelhofer, G
Veranstaltung: SEFS11 2019
Jahr: 2019 - Effects of Drought Length on Nutrient and DOM Processing in the Hyporheic Zone of Temperate Streams
Autoren: Coulson, L; Schelker, J; Hein, T; Weigelhofer, G
Veranstaltung: 1st Meeting of the Iberian Ecological Society & XIV AEET Meeting. Ecology: an integrative science in the Anthropocene
Jahr: 2019 - Rivers under threat – challenges for biodiversity conservation and ecosystem service provision in the Danube River
Autoren: Hein, T; Borgwardt, F; Bondar-Kunze, E; Trauner, D; Tschikof, M; Funk, A
Veranstaltung: Synergies and collaboration opportunities in advanced research for river-sea systems
Jahr: 2019 - Ecosystem-based management to support conservation and restoration efforts for a complex large scale socio-ecological system - the Danube River in Europe.
Autoren: Funk, F; Martínez-López, J; Borgwardt, F; Trauner, D; Bagstad, K.J; Balbi, S; Magrach, A; Villa, F; Mattheiß, V; Hein, T
Veranstaltung: EGU General Assembly 2019
Jahr: 2019 - Effects of macrophytes on metabolism and nutrient cycling in a groundwater fed lowland river.
Autoren: Preiner, S; Reitsema, R; Schoelynck, J; Meire, P; Hein, T
Veranstaltung: CWE Symposium - Future of rivers and streams: ecology and restoration under global change
Jahr: 2019 - Aquatic Biodiversity: pressures, knowledge gaps and mitigation
Autoren: Vitecek S., Hein T., Kainz M., Weigelhofer G., Schelker J., Ptacnik R.
Veranstaltung: 2. Österreichisches Forum zu Biodiversität & Ökosystemdienstleistungen 2019
Jahr: 2019 - Man and river – a complex interaction. Aquatic ecosystem services – assessment, management and socio-economic challenges
Autoren: Hein, T; Böck, K; Bondar-Kunze, E; Borgwardt, F; Funk, A; Haidvogl, G; Hohensinner, S; Muhar, S; Scheikl, S; Tschikof, M
Veranstaltung: Aquatic ecosystem services - assessment, management and socio-economic challenges organized by Danube Research Institute, Centre for Ecological Research Budapest, Hungary
Jahr: 2019 - MEASURES - Managing and restoring aquatic EcologicAl corridors for migratory fiSh species in the danUbe RivEr baSin.
Autoren: Meulenbroek, P.; Trauner D.; Hein, T.
Veranstaltung: 10th Meeting on the Follow-up of the Joint Statement on Guiding Principles on the Development of Inland Navigation and Environmental Protection in the Danube River Basin
Jahr: 2019 - River floodplains in a changing world – their role and challenges ahead
Autoren: Hein, T; Bondar-Kunze, E; Funk, A; Luef, B; Trauner, D; Tschikof, M
Veranstaltung: “Deltas & Wetlands” DDNI Scientific Event Community, 27-th edition
Jahr: 2019 - The effects of different DOM-sources on microbial activity in riverine sediments
Autoren: Campostrini, L; Weigelhofer, G; Hein, T
Veranstaltung: 6th Fresh Blood for Fresh Water Conference
Jahr: 2019 - MEASURES - Managing and restoring aquatic ecological corridors for migratory fish species in the Danube River Basin
Autoren: Friedrich, T; Meulenbroek, P; Hein, T
Veranstaltung: Conservation of Danube Sturgeons - a challenge or a burden?
Jahr: 2019 - Effect of river restoration on ecosystem services in a floodplain stretch of the upper Danube River
Autoren: Tschikof, M; Funk, A; Böck, K; Grüner, B; Hein, T; Bondar-Kunze, E; Natho, S
Veranstaltung: 6th Biennial Symposium of the International Society for River Science ISRS 2019 - Riverine landscapes as coupled socio-ecological systems
Jahr: 2019 - “Status and future challenges for aquatic biodiversity conservation - the example of European Sturgeons”
Autoren: Friedrich, T; Hein, T
Veranstaltung: As the sturgeon swims - Contribution of EU policies to achieve the SDGs with special focus on protection of species
Jahr: 2018 - Human River Systems in the 21st century (HR21) – a new interdisciplinary Doctoral School addressing riverine landscapes as dynamic socio-ecological systems
Autoren: Laaha, G; Hein, T; Ertl, T; Graf, W; Habersack, H; Langergraber, G; Schmid, E; Schmid, M; Schmutz, S; Schulz, K; Winiwarter, V; Zechmeister-Boltenstern, S.; Haidvogl, G.; Weigelhofer, G.; Hauer, M; Muhar, S; Stöglehner, G; Zunabovic-Pichler, M.
Veranstaltung: EGU General Assembly 2018
Jahr: 2018 - Influence of land use change on greenhouse gas emission (CO2, CH4 and N2O) in a tropical wetland in Kenya
Autoren: Kinyua, DN; Hein, T; Kitaka, N; Ondiek, R; Merbold, L; Mutuo, P
Veranstaltung: International Conference of the PanAfrican Fish and Fisheries Association, Sixth International Conference of the PanAfrican Fish and Fisheries Association (PAFFA6)
Jahr: 2018 - Ecosystem-Based Management for the conservation and restoration of river-floodplain systems along the Danube
Autoren: Funk, A; Hein, T. et al.
Veranstaltung: 21st ICPDR Ordinary Meeting 2018
Jahr: 2018 - Investigating Marine and Fresh Waters - Using a Linkage Framework to Assess Multiple Acitvity-Pressure-Ecosystem Component Relations
Autoren: Trauner, D; Borgwardt, F; Culhane, F; Robinson, L; Piet, G; Hein, T
Veranstaltung: 12th International Symposium on Ecohydraulics 2016
Jahr: 2018 - Effects of macrophytes on organic matter and nutrient turnover.
Autoren: Preiner, S; Dai, Y; Reitsema, R; Schoelynck, J; Meire, P; Hein, T
Veranstaltung: 15th International Symposium on Aquatic Plants
Jahr: 2018 - Danube River Basin - AQUACROSS Case Study 3; Practice and Lessons Learnt
Autoren: Funk, A; Trauner, D; Mattheiss, V; Charbonnier, C; Krautkraemer, A; Strosser, P; Costea, G; Pusch; M; Hein, T
Veranstaltung: AQUACROSS FINAL CONFERENCE 2018 - Ecosystem-Based Management for the Protection of Aquatic Biodiversity – Practice and Lessons Learnt
Jahr: 2018 - The Effect of Hydropeaking on the Development and Composition of Periphyton
Autoren: Bondar-Kunze E., Kasper V., Hein T.
Veranstaltung: 12th International Symposium on Ecohydraulics 2016
Jahr: 2018 - Exploring variability in impact risk from human activities - transferring the linkage framework approach to the freshwater realm
Autoren: Borgwardt, F; Trauner, D; Funk, A; Hein T; Culhane, F E; Robinson L; Teixeira, H; Lillebo, A; Nogueira, A
Veranstaltung: 42nd IAD Conference 2018 - Danube - a lifeline governed by multiple uses, pressures and a multitude of ecosystem services
Jahr: 2018 - Balancing multiple targets in large river-floodplain systems – biodiversity and ecosystem services in the Danube River
Autoren: Funk,A; Martínez-López, J; Pletterbauer, F; Trauner, D; Bagstad, KJ; Balbi, S; Magrach, A; Villa, F; Hein, T
Veranstaltung: 42nd IAD Conference 2018 - Danube - a lifeline governed by multiple uses, pressures and a multitude of ecosystem services
Jahr: 2018 - Effects of aquatic vegetation on carbon and nutrient cycling in rivers - an integrated model approach
Autoren: Preiner, S; Schoelynck, J; Reitsema, R; Meire, P; Hein, T
Veranstaltung: 4th Water resources and wetlands conference
Jahr: 2018 - Riverine landscapes and their floodplains in transformation – challenges for utilization of ecosystem services and biodiversity conservation in the Danube River.
Autoren: Hein, T; Graf, W; Funk, A; Haidvogl, G; Pletterbauer, F; Schinegger, R; Schmidt-Kloiber, A; Trauner, D; Weigelhofer, G
Veranstaltung: 13th Society of Wetlands Scientists (SWS) Europe Chapter Meeting
Jahr: 2018 - Spatially-explicit species distribution models: a missed opportunity in conservation planning
Autoren: Domisch, S; Friedrichs, M; Hein, T; Pletterbauer, F; Wetzig, A; Jähnig, SC; Langhans, SD
Veranstaltung: 34th Congress of the International Society of Limnology 2018
Jahr: 2018 - The Action Plan for Conservation of Sturgeons in the Danube River Basin – a pretty corpse or sleeping tiger?
Autoren: Hein, T; Friedrich, T
Veranstaltung: European Sturgen Conference
Jahr: 2018 - Understanding the effects of hydro-morphological restoration measures on nitrogen cycling in riverine landscapes
Autoren: Pinto, R; Hein, T; Díaz-Pinés, E; Gerreiro Brito, A
Veranstaltung: EGU General Assembly 2018
Jahr: 2018 - Human River Systems in the 21st century (HR21) – a new interdisciplinary Doctoral School addressing riverine landscapes as dynamic socio-ecological systems
Autoren: Hein, T ; Schmid, M; Stoeglehner, G; Ertl, T; Graf, W; Habersack, H; Haidvogl, G; Hauer, C; Laaha, G; Langergraber, G; Muhar, S; Schmid, E; Schmutz, S; Schulz, K; Weigelhofer, G; Winiwarter, V; Zechmeister-Boltenstern, S; Zunabovic-Pichler, M
Veranstaltung: 48th Annual Meeting of the Ecological Society of Germany, Austria and Switzerland GfÖ 2018 - Ecology – Meeting the Scientific Challenges of a complex World
Jahr: 2018 - AquaLinksTool - a versatile tool to address causal links involving activities, pressures, biodiversity, ecosystem functions and services in aquatic ecosystems
Autoren: Nogueira, A; Teixeira, H; Lillebø, A; Pletterbauer, F; Trauner, D; Robinson, L; Culhane, F; Piet, G; Barbosa, AL; Iglesias-Campos, A; Funk, A; O'Higgins, T; Martin, R; Kuemmerlen, M; Reichert, P; McDonald, H; Boteler, B;Manuel Lago, M
Veranstaltung: ESP Europe 2018 Regional Conference
Jahr: 2018 - Mechanisms responsible for interactions between macrophytes and bacteria in a river.
Autoren: Dai, Y; Hein, T; Preiner, S; Schoelynck, J
Veranstaltung: International Society of Limnology - XXXIV Congress
Jahr: 2018 - Ecological connectivity – how and what can be regained in our rivers?
Autoren: Hein, T; Bondar-Kunze, E; Cyffka, B; Funk, A; Pölz, E.-M; Preiner, S; Trauner, D; Weigelhofer, G
Veranstaltung: 4th International Conference on Water Resources and Wetlands
Jahr: 2018 - Changing Rivers - challenges for the management of ecosystem services and biodiversity in the Danube River
Autoren: Hein, T; Graf, W; Funk, A; Haidvogl, G; Pletterbauer, F; Schinegger, R; Schmidt-Kloiber, A; Trauner, D; Weigelhofer, G
Veranstaltung: 42nd Conference of the International Association for Danube Research (IAD)
Jahr: 2018 - Flow linkages from biodiversity to ecosystem services supply: integrating across aquatic ecosystems
Autoren: Teixeira, H; Lillebø, A; Culhane, F; Robinson, L; Trauner, D; Pletterbauer, F; Kummerlen, M; Barbosa, AL; McDonald, H; Funk, A; O’Higgins, T; Piet, G; Jacco van, R; Hein, T; Arévalo-Torres, J; Iglesias-Campos, A
Veranstaltung: ESP Europe 2018 Regional Conference
Jahr: 2017 - The importance of heterogeneous shoreline habitats for ecosystem functions in large regulated rivers
Autoren: Pölz, E-M; Bondar-Kunze, E; Weigelhofer, G; Zheng, X; Hein, T
Veranstaltung: 6th International Symposium for Research in Protected Areas 2017
Jahr: 2017 - Aquatic microbial processing on terrestrial-derived dissolved organic matter
Autoren: Yeh, T.C., K. Krennmayr, C.S. Liao, J.C. Huang, F. Zehetner, and T. Hein
Veranstaltung: ASLO 2017
Jahr: 2017 - Erfolgreiche Beteiligung von Schulen an wissenschaftlichen Forschungsprojekten, Voraussetzungen und Erkenntnisse
Autoren: Pölz, E-M; Hein, T; Weigelhofer, G
Veranstaltung: Austrian Citizen Science Conference 2017 - Expanding Horizons
Jahr: 2017 - How ship-induced wave trains affect riverine shoreline communities and the efficiency of morphological measures to mitigate these effects
Autoren: Bondar-Kunze E., Keckeis H., Rösler S., Gmeiner P., Liedermann M. & Hein T.
Veranstaltung: 6th International Symposium for Research in Protected Areas 2017
Jahr: 2017 - Restoring fluvial landscapes – ecological effects of side-arm reconnection
Autoren: Hein, T; Bondar-Kunze, E; Funk, A; Pölz, E; Pitzl, B; Weigelhofer, G
Veranstaltung: 6th International Symposium for Research in Protected Areas 2017
Jahr: 2017 - Sedimentological downstream effects of dam failure and the role of sediment connectivity: a case study from the Bohemian Massif, Austria
Autoren: Wurster, MT; Weigelhofer, G; Pichler Scheder, C; Hein, T; Pöppl, RE
Veranstaltung: EGU General Assembly 2017
Jahr: 2017 - The importance of Ecological Connectivity across Riverine Landscapes
Autoren: Hein, T
Veranstaltung: Winona State University
Jahr: 2017 - Der Einfluss flussbaulicher Maßnahmen und Habitatheterogenität auf den Kohlestoffkreislauf in einem regulierten Fluss
Autoren: Pölz, E-M; Weigelhofer, G; Bondar-Kunze, E; Hein, T
Veranstaltung: 7. Auenökologischer Workshop 2017 - Daten und Modelle: Anwendung in der Praxis
Jahr: 2017 - Successful biogeochemical experiments with high school students in citizen science projects
Autoren: Weigelhofer, G; Pölz, E-M; Hein, T
Veranstaltung: ASLO 2017
Jahr: 2017 - Rivers under threat – challenges for biodiversity conservation in the Danube River
Autoren: Hein, T; Graf, W; Funk, A; Haidvogl, G; Pletterbauer, F; Schinegger, R; Schmidt-Kloiber, A; Trauner, D; Weigelhofer, G
Veranstaltung: 8th Danube Academies Conference
Jahr: 2017 - The Blue / Green Danube - Achievements, constraints and visions of the restoration works along the Danube
Autoren: Hein, T
Veranstaltung: US Department of Agriculture – Agricultural Research Service – National Sedimentation Laboratory in Oxford
Jahr: 2017 - Analysing impact of drivers and pressures on the conservation goals of protected areas along a large navigable river, the Danube River.
Autoren: Funk, A; Hein, T
Veranstaltung: 6th International Symposium for Research in Protected Areas 2017
Jahr: 2017 - “Dark” dissolved organic matter pulse and bacterial response – an indoor flume experiment in agricultural streams
Autoren: Masic, D; Campostrini, L; Hein, T; Weigelhofer, G
Veranstaltung: Fresh Blood for Fresh Water 2017
Jahr: 2017 - Effect of landslide-triggered terrestrial succession on aquatic metabolism
Autoren: Yeh, T.-C., K. Krennmayr, E. Ejarque, C.-S. Liao, J.-C. Huang, F. Zehetner, and T. Hein
Veranstaltung: Austria - Taiwan Joint Seminar 2017 – Interdisciplinary Research in Climate Change – Next Steps
Jahr: 2017 - The Blue / Green Danube - Achievements, constraints and visions of the restoration works along the Danube
Autoren: Hein, T
Veranstaltung: US Army Corps of Engineers in Vicksburg
Jahr: 2017 - Effects of chronic phosphorus loading on in-stream phosphorus uptake and release processes
Autoren: Weigelhofer, G; Ramiao ZP; Hein T
Veranstaltung: 10th Symposium for European Freshwater Sciences SEFS10 2017
Jahr: 2017 - Effects of different DOM-sources on microbial activity in riverine sediments
Autoren: Campostrini, L; Masic, D; Hein, T; Weigelhofer, G
Veranstaltung: 10th Symposium for European Freshwater Sciences SEFS10 2017
Jahr: 2017 - How design and connectivity of shoreline habitats control carbon cycling in large rivers
Autoren: Pölz, E-M; Weigelhofer, G; Zheng, X; Bondar-Kunze, E; Hein, T
Veranstaltung: Fresh Blood for Fresh Water 2017
Jahr: 2017 - Effects of agricultural land use on the adaption and saturation of benthic processes in headwater streams
Autoren: Weigelhofer, G; Pölz, E-M; Ramião, ZP; Hein, T
Veranstaltung: ASLO 2017
Jahr: 2017 - Sedimentological downstream effects of dam failure and the role of sediment connectivity: a case study from the Bohemian Massif, Austria
Autoren: Wurster, M; Weigelhofer, G; Pichler-Scheder, C; Hein, T; Pöppl, RE
Veranstaltung: ymposium for Research in Protected Areas 2017
Jahr: 2017 - Ecological connectivity – can we rehabilitate it in our rivers
Autoren: Hein, T
Veranstaltung: USGS Upper Midwest Environmental Sciences Center
Jahr: 2017 - The dynamic and export of dissolved organic carbon from subtropical small mountainous rivers during typhoon and non-typhoon period
Autoren: Lee, L.-C., T.-Y. Lee, J.-C. Huang, S.-H. Jien, T. Hein, F. Zehetner, S.-J. Kao, and F.-K. Shiah
Veranstaltung: Austria - Taiwan Joint Seminar 2017 – Interdisciplinary Research in Climate Change – Next Steps
Jahr: 2017 - The effect of desiccation events on the phosphorus adsorption of floodplain sediments and the contribution of the microbial community to the phosphorus up-take
Autoren: Bondar-Kunze, E; Hein, T
Veranstaltung: 10th Symposium for European Freshwater Sciences SEFS10 2017
Jahr: 2017 - Reconnection of riverine side-arms and floodplains – how connectivity affects ecosystem properties
Autoren: Hein, T; Bondar-Kunze, E; Cyffka, B; Funk, A; Kvarda, M; Pölz, E; Preiner, S; Weigelhofer, G
Veranstaltung: SWS 2017 (Society Of Wetland Scientists' Annual Meeting)
Jahr: 2017 - Effects of a denitrification filter module on the water quality in koi ponds and recirculating aquaculture systems
Autoren: Kolmar, M; Hein, T; Weigelhofer, G
Veranstaltung: SIL Austria
Jahr: 2017 - The importance of heterogeneous shoreline habitats for ecosystem functions in large regulated rivers
Autoren: Pölz, E-M; Weigelhofer, G; Bondar-Kunze, E; Zheng, X; Hein, T
Veranstaltung: SIL-Austria Meeting 2017
Jahr: 2017 - Anwendung von instationären Wasserqualitätsmodellen zur Untersuchung von Nährstoffhaushalt und planktischer Primärproduktion in Fluss-Au-Gebieten
Autoren: Preiner, S; Hein, T
Veranstaltung: 7. Auenökologischer Workshop 2017 - Daten und Modelle: Anwendung in der Praxis
Jahr: 2017 - Effects of different DOM-sources on microbial activity in riverine sediments
Autoren: Campostrini, L; Masic, D; Hein, T; Weigelhofer, G
Veranstaltung: SIL Austria
Jahr: 2017 - The effect of thermopeaking on the development and composition of periphyton
Autoren: Bondar-Kunze, E; Kasper, V; Hein, T
Veranstaltung: 10th Symposium for European Freshwater Sciences SEFS10 2017
Jahr: 2016 - Human modifications and extreme events - how rivers respond
Autoren: Hein, T
Veranstaltung: Invited Seminar, Institute of Hydrobiology Czech Academy of Sciences
Jahr: 2016 - Potential effects of restoration measures on ecosystem properties in an urban floodplain
Autoren: Hein, T; Weigelhofer, G; Funk, A; Pölz, E-M; Preiner, S; Reckendorfer, W; Trauner, D
Veranstaltung: European Conference on Ecological Restoration
Jahr: 2016 - Zusammenfassende Ergebnisse der ökologischen Untersuchungen im Rahmen des Pilotprojektes Bad Deutsch-Altenburg an der österreichischen Donau
Autoren: Hein, T
Veranstaltung: Annual Meeting of the German Society of Limnology DGL and the SIL Austria 2016
Jahr: 2016 - Evaluation of aquatic microorganism changes under typhoon and seasonal water turnover impacts
Autoren: Liao, C.-S., T.-C. Yeh, T. Hein, Y.-T. Lo, J.-C. Huang, J.-M. Young, F. Zehetner, Z.-Y. Hseu, and S.-H. Jien
Veranstaltung: Austria – Taiwan Joint Seminar 2016 – An interdisciplinary view on climate change issues II
Jahr: 2016 - Differences in aquatic microbial processing between bamboo and evergreen broad-leaved forest from A soil horizon
Autoren: Krennmayr, K; Yeh, TC; Hein, T
Veranstaltung: Austria – Taiwan Joint Seminar 2016 – An interdisciplinary view on climate change issues II
Jahr: 2016 - Characterising DOM Export in a Taiwanese Mountainous Catchment: Decoupling of POM and DOM Properties during Typhoon Events?
Autoren: Yeh, TC; Liao, CS; Chen, TC; Huang, JC; Zehetner, F; Hein, T
Veranstaltung: Austria – Taiwan Joint Seminar 2016 – An interdisciplinary view on climate change issues II
Jahr: 2016 - Landslide disturbances in Taiwan’s forest ecosystems: soil and biomass carbon re-accumulation on successional stands dominated by bamboo
Autoren: Schomakers, J; Jien, SH; Lee, TY; Huang, JC; Hseu, ZY; Lin, ZL; Lee, LC; Hein, T; Mentler, A; Zehetner, F
Veranstaltung: Austria – Taiwan Joint Seminar 2016 – An interdisciplinary view on climate change issues II
Jahr: 2016 - Application of dynamic water quality models to simulate nutrient cycling and aquatic primary production in heterogeneous river-floodplain systems.
Autoren: Preiner, S; Hein, T
Veranstaltung: 41st IAD Conference - Tributaries as Key Elements in Sustainable Management of the Danube River Basin
Jahr: 2016 - Carbon dynamics under extreme events: soil carbon re-accumulation and soil structure stabilization in terrestrial ecosystems
Autoren: Zehetner, F., J. Schomakers, Z.-Y. Hseu, S.-H. Jien, J.-C. Huang, T.-Y. Lee, S.-J. Kao, T. Hein, T.-C. Yeh, and C.-S. Liao
Veranstaltung: Austria – Taiwan Joint Seminar 2016 – An interdisciplinary view on climate change issues II
Jahr: 2016 - Landslide impact on carbon storage in a tropical forest ecosystem
Autoren: Schomakers, J; Jien, SH; Lee, TY; Huang, JC; Hseu, ZY; Lin, ZL; Lee, LC; Hein, T; Mentler, A; Zehetner, F
Veranstaltung: 1. Student Conference, Department of Forest and Soil Sciences, 2016
Jahr: 2016 - HyTEC – first results from an experimental facility to study the effect of hydro- and thermopeaking on fish, macroinvertebrates and microphytobenthos
Autoren: Bondar-Kunze Elisabeth, Kasper Veronica, Maier Stefanie, Schönauer Doris, Schülting Lisa, Graf Wolfram, Auer Stefan , Schmutz Stefan, Zeiringer Bernhard, Hein Thomas
Veranstaltung: 1st GLOBAQUA CONFERENCE: Managing The Effects Of Multiple Stressors On Aquatic Ecosystems Under Water Scarcity
Jahr: 2016 - Natural attenuation processes of nitrate in a saline lake-aquifer system: Pétrola Basin (Central Spain)
Autoren: Valiente, N; Menchén, A; Jirsa, F; Hein, T; Wanek, W; Gómez-Alday, JJ
Veranstaltung: EGU General Assembly 2016
Jahr: 2016 - Bäche im Überfluss – Wie Landwirtschaft den Kohlenstoff- und Nährstoffumsatz in Oberläufen verändert
Autoren: Weigelhofer, G; Leitner, K; Bauer, F; Pilz, I; Ramião, Z P; Hein, T.;
Veranstaltung: Annual Meeting of the German Society of Limnology DGL and the SIL Austria 2016
Jahr: 2016 - Future perspectives and environmental challenges for our rivers – research & cooperation in the Danube River Basin
Autoren: Hein, T;
Veranstaltung: Danube Academies Conference 2016
Jahr: 2016 - Wasserschafft
Autoren: Pölz, E.-M.; Hein, T.; Weigelhofer, G;
Veranstaltung: 2nd Austrian Citizen Science Conference 2016 - Citizen Science-Quo vadis!
Jahr: 2016 - Panel 2: Higher Education, Life-Long-Learning, Employment and the Universities’ Potential to meet EUSDR Goals: The water sector and ways to cooperate
Autoren: Hein, T
Veranstaltung: Danube Rectors` Conference 2016
Jahr: 2016 - Focused academic cooperation in the Danube Region ‒ a new CEEPUS umbrella network
Autoren: Hein, T
Veranstaltung: International Association for Danube Research Conference
Jahr: 2016 - Das Pilotprojekt Bad Deutsch-Altenburg - Auswirkungen komplexer flussbaulicher Maßnahmen auf die Ökologie eines großen Flusses
Autoren: Bondar-Kunze Elisabeth, Pölz Eva-Maria, Ivanković Marina, Kvarda Martin, Hein Thomas
Veranstaltung: Fachtagung Pilotprojekt Bad Deutsch-Altenburg 2015 - Erkenntnisse für Schifffahrt, Ökologie und Flussbau
Jahr: 2016 - Effects of impoundment and artificial shoreline habitats on carbon cycling in the Danube.
Autoren: Pölz, E-M; Zheng, X; Bondar-Kunze, E; Weigelhofer, G; Hein, T;
Veranstaltung: International Association for Danube Research Conference
Jahr: 2016 - Rapid soil organic carbon re-accumulation after bamboo invasion on recovering landslide scars in a subtropical forest ecosystem of Taiwan
Autoren: Zehetner, F; Schomakers, J; Jien, SH; Lin, ZL; Chen, TC; Hseu, ZY; Lee, TY; Huang, JC; Lee, LC; Mentler, A; Hein, T
Veranstaltung: EGU General Assembly 2016
Jahr: 2016 - Assessing ecological impacts of hydropeaking in Austrian rivers
Autoren: Schmutz, S; Auer, S; Bondar-Kunze, E; Feld, C; Graf, W; Greimel, F; Hein, T; Schülting, L; Unfer, G; Zeiringer, B
Jahr: 2016 - Auswirkungen von flussbaulichen Maßnahmen auf benthische Evertebraten an einem stark regulierten Fluss, der Donau.
Autoren: Funk, A; Trauner, D; Reckendorfer, W; Hein, T
Veranstaltung: Annual Meeting of the German Society of Limnology DGL and the SIL Austria 2016
Jahr: 2016 - Kohlenstoffkreislauf und mikrobielle Aktivitäten in künstlich geschaffenen Uferhabitaten an der Donau bei und unterhalb Wiens – Anbindung vs. Retention
Autoren: Pölz, E-M; Zheng, X; Bondar-Kunze, E; Hein, T;
Veranstaltung: Annual Meeting of the German Society of Limnology DGL and the SIL Austria 2016
Jahr: 2016 - Living on the edge – Periphyton Entwicklung an einer Uferzone eines großen Flusses: Effekt von Wellenschlag auf Biomasseentwicklung und Photosynthese-Leistung
Autoren: Bondar-Kunze Elisabeth, Ivanković Marina, Hein Thomas
Veranstaltung: Annual Meeting of the German Society of Limnology DGL and the SIL Austria 2016
Jahr: 2016 - Characterising Terrigenous DOM Export in Small Mountainous Catchments during Extreme Events
Autoren: Yeh, TC; Liao, CS; Chen, TC; Huang, JC; Zehetner, F; Hein, T
Veranstaltung: Annual Meeting of the German Society of Limnology DGL and the SIL Austria 2016
Jahr: 2016 - Spatial patterns of zooplankton diversity in riverine floodplains
Autoren: Chaparro, G; Horváth Z; Ptacnik, R; Hein, T;
Veranstaltung: Congress of the International Society of Limnology
Jahr: 2016 - Shoreline morphology as controlling factor for epilithic algal communities (Danube River, Austria)
Autoren: Ivanković, M; Ács, È; Trábert, Z; Bondar-Kunze, E; Hein, T;
Veranstaltung: Annual Meeting of the German Society of Limnology DGL and the SIL Austria 2016
Jahr: 2016 - Carbon dynamics under extreme events: potential degradation of different terrestrial carbon sources in aquatic environments
Autoren: Hein, T., T.-C. Yeh, C.-S. Liao, T.-Y. Lee, J.-C. Huang, S.-J. Kao, F. Zehetner, J. Schomakers, Z.-Y. Hseu, and S.-H. Jien
Veranstaltung: Austria – Taiwan Joint Seminar 2016 – An interdisciplinary view on climate change issues II
Jahr: 2016 - Spatial patterns of zooplankton diversity in riverine floodplains
Autoren: Chaparro, G; Horváth, Z; Ptacnik, R; Hein, T;
Veranstaltung: International Association for Danube Research Conference
Jahr: 2016 - Knowledge, Assessment, and Management for AQUAtic Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services aCROSS EU Policies – AQUACROSS
Autoren: Pletterbauer, F; Funk, A; Schinegger, R; Schmidt-Kloiber, A; Hein, T
Veranstaltung: Annual Meeting of the German Society of Limnology DGL and the SIL Austria 2016
Jahr: 2016 - The effect of phytoplankton exudates on shale rock organic matter degradation
Autoren: Yeh, T.-C., C.-S. Liao, T.-Y. Lee, J.-C. Huang, F. Zehetner, J. Schomakers, Z.-Y. Hseu, S.-H. Jien, and T. Hein
Veranstaltung: Austria – Taiwan Joint Seminar 2016 – An interdisciplinary view on climate change issues II
Jahr: 2015 - The effect of small pH shifts on the phosphorus adsorption and desorption behaviour of floodplain sediments with different hydrological connectivity
Autoren: Elisabeth Bondar-Kunze, Georg Lair, Thomas Hein
Veranstaltung: Symposium for European Freshwater Sciences 2015
Jahr: 2015 - Particulate carbon processing in freshwater systems: evidence from incubation experiments
Autoren: Yeh, T.-C., C.-S. Liao, T.-Y. Lee, J.-C. Huang, F. Zehetner, J. Schomakers, Z.-Y. Hseu, S.-H. Jien, and T. Hein
Veranstaltung: Taiwan-Austria Joint Seminar 2015 - An interdisciplinary view on climate change issues - perspectives for future development
Jahr: 2015 - DOM properties in large rivers: insights from a whole river survey along the Danube
Autoren: Hein, T; Bondar-Kunze, E; Damir, T; Marjanovic-Rajcic, M; Kirschner, A; Welti, N; Yeh T
Veranstaltung: ASLO Aquatic Sciences Meeting 2015
Jahr: 2015 - New solutions for an urban national park under use pressure: A stakeholder-driven planning approach (Austria)
Autoren: Arnberger, A., Eder, R., Taczanowska, K., Hein, T., Deussner, R., Kempter, I., Nopp-Mayr, U., Stanzer, G., Preiner, S., Reiter, K., Wagner, I., Jochem, R.
Veranstaltung: George-Wright Conference 2015
Jahr: 2015 - Carbon dynamics under extreme events: effects on carbon processing in river systems
Autoren: Hein, T., T.-C. Yeh, C.-S. Liao, T.-Y. Lee, J.-C. Huang, S.-J. Kao, F. Zehetner, J. Schomakers, Z.-Y. Hseu, and S.-H. Jien
Veranstaltung: Taiwan-Austria Joint Seminar 2015 - An interdisciplinary view on climate change issues - perspectives for future development
Jahr: 2015 - Das Pilotprojekt Bad Deutsch-Altenburg - Auswirkungen komplexer flussbaulicher Maßnahmen auf die Ökologie eines großen Flusses
Autoren: Elisabeth Bondar-Kunze, Eva-Maria Pölz, Marina Ivankovic, Martin Kvarda, Thomas Hein
Veranstaltung: Fachtagung Pilotprojekt Bad Deutsch-Altenburg 2015 - Erkenntnisse für Schifffahrt, Ökologie und Flussbau
Jahr: 2015 - Kann der Auen-Habitat-Index zukünftige Vernetzungsmaßnahmen in Auen bewerten?
Autoren: Trauner, D; Pölz, E; Funk, A; Weigelhofer, G; Reckendorfer, W; Graf, W; Hein, T
Veranstaltung: Jahrestagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Limnologie und der deutschsprachigen Sektionen der SIL
Jahr: 2015 - Effects of nutrient loading on the in-stream phosphorous retention and benthic processes in low-order streams (Project PowerStreams)
Autoren: Weigelhofer, G.; Decrey, M.; Pölz, E.; Hein, T.
Veranstaltung: 9th Symposium for European Freshwater Sciences SEFS 2015
Jahr: 2015 - The Effect of tDOM of Different Age in Taiwanese Freshwater Systems: First Results of an Incubation Experiment.
Autoren: Yeh, T.; Liao, C.; Chen, T.; Huang, J.; Hein, T.
Veranstaltung: SIL-Austria Meeting 2015
Jahr: 2015 - Carbon cycling, habitat heterogeneity and river engineering measures at the Danube downstream of Vienna. "Hot spots" during low flow in a regulated river channel.
Autoren: Pölz, E-M; Bondar-Kunz, E; Hein, T
Veranstaltung: AufLand Young Academics Conference Water-Land-Interactions
Jahr: 2015 - Effects of management options on ecosystem functions in an urban floodplain
Autoren: Hein, T; Bondar-Kunze, E; Feldbacher, E; Funk, A; Poelz, EM; Preiner, S; Reckendorfer, W; Trauner, D; Weigelhofer, G.
Veranstaltung: 5th International Multidisciplinary Conference on Hydrology and Ecology HydroEco 2015 - Advances in Monitoring, Predicting and Managing Hydroecological Processes
Jahr: 2015 - Spatial patterns of rotifers diversity in floodplain wetlands
Autoren: Griselda Chaparro, Thomas Hein. .
Veranstaltung: XIV International Rotifer Symposium.
Jahr: 2015 - The Joint Danube Survey – selected results on river water quality
Autoren: Hein, T; Bondar-Kunze, E; Liska, I; Welti, N; Yeh,T
Veranstaltung: ISRS International Society of River Science, 4th International Conference of ISRS
Jahr: 2015 - Gewässerrestrukturierungen in landwirtschaftlichen Gebieten – Hilfe oder Gefahr für belastete Bäche?
Autoren: Weigelhofer, G.; Decrey, M.; Leitner, K.; Bauer, F.; Hein, T.
Veranstaltung: DGL 2015 Fluss.Stadt.Land. Gewässer im Wandel
Jahr: 2015 - Modeling of nutrient availability and aquatic primary production patterns in the Danube floodplain Lobau.
Autoren: Preiner, S.; Hein, T.
Veranstaltung: 5th International Multidisciplinary Conference on Hydrology and Ecology HydroEco 2015 - Advances in Monitoring, Predicting and Managing Hydroecological Processes
Jahr: 2015 - Are drivers and causes the same thing? Agreeing on a good definition of drivers of pressures in aquatic ecosystems
Autoren: Pletterbauer, F; Funk, A; Schmidt-Kloiber, A; Robinson, L; Hein, T
Veranstaltung: Aquacross WP3 Coordination Meeting
Jahr: 2015 - Carbon dynamics under extreme events: effects on soil formation and carbon re-accumulation in terrestrial ecosystems
Autoren: Zehetner, F., J. Schomakers, Z.-Y. Hseu, S.-H. Jien, J.-C. Huang, T.-Y. Lee, S.-J. Kao, T. Hein, T.-C. Yeh, and C.-S. Liao
Veranstaltung: Taiwan-Austria Joint Seminar 2015 - An interdisciplinary view on climate change issues - perspectives for future development
Jahr: 2015 - Spatial patterns of zooplankton diversity in floodplain wetlands
Autoren: Griselda Chaparro, Zsófia Horváth, Thomas Hein
Veranstaltung: SIL-Austria Meeting 2015
Jahr: 2015 - Using wetland buffer strips for enhancing nutrient removal from municipal wastewater effluents flowing into Lake Victoria
Autoren: Bateganya, N.L., Langergraber G., Okot-Okumu J., Hein T.
Veranstaltung: 6th International Symposium on "Wetland Pollution Dynamics and Control" and Annual Conference of the Constructed Wetland Association
Jahr: 2014 - Effects of extreme events on carbon cycling along a terrestrial-aquatic continuum at the catchment scale
Autoren: Schomakers, J; Zehetner, F; Mentler, A; Yeh, T; Hein, T; Mayer, H; Huang J-C; Hseu, Z-Y; Jien, S-H; Liao, C-S; Lee, M-H; Lee, T-Y
Veranstaltung: Annual Confernce of the Austrian Soil Science Society 2014 - Burining Issues in Soil Science
Jahr: 2014 - Interacting effects of diversity, productivity and disturbance on plankton communities: a mesocosms approach
Autoren: Striebel, M.; Spörl, G.; Hartmann, L.; Ganglbauer, A.; Hein, T.; Hillebrand , H.
Veranstaltung: Joint Aquatic Science Meeting
Jahr: 2014 - Carbon and nutrient dynamics in highly altered riverine landscapes of the Danube: importance of scaling
Autoren: Hein, T; Bondar-Kunze, E; Funk, A; Paget, G; Preiner, S; Weigelhofer, G; Welti, N
Veranstaltung: The 40th IAD Conference: he Danube and Black Sea Region – Unique Environment and Human Well Being Under Conditions of Global Changes
Jahr: 2014 - Modeling of aquatic primary production patterns in the Danube River floodplain Lobau
Autoren: Preiner, S; Hein, T
Veranstaltung: IAD 40th Anniversary Conference The Danube and Black Sea Region: Unique Environment and Human Well-Being Under Conditions of Global Changes
Autoren: Weigelhofer, G; Reckendorfer, W.; Bondar-Kunze, E.; Funk, A.; Preiner, S.; Hein T.
Veranstaltung: Joint Aquatic Science Meeting
Jahr: 2014 - Restoration of floodplain habitats in the Danube River basin: experiences from different restoration approaches
Autoren: Hein, T; Baumgartner, C; Bondar-Kunze, E; Cyffka, B; Funk, A;Kvarda, M; Preiner, S; Reckendorfer, W; Striebel, M; Weigelhofer, G
Veranstaltung: Joint Aquatic Sciences Meeting 2014
Jahr: 2014 - Comparing nutrient retention capacity of two restored Danube floodplains
Autoren: Kvarda, M; Hein, T
Veranstaltung: Tag der Hydrologie 2014
Jahr: 2014 - Welche Rolle können Dotationsmaßnahmen für die Gewässerentwicklung und die hydromorphologische Charakteristik am Beispiel einer urbanen Aue spielen?
Autoren: Pölz, E; Funk, A; Reckendorfer, W; Teufl, B; Hein, T
Veranstaltung: Auenökologischer Workshop 2014
Jahr: 2014 - Restoration of key ecosystem functions in river floodplain stretches along the Danube River
Autoren: Hein,T; Bondar-Kunze, E; Funk, A; Kvarda, M; Preiner, S; Reckendorfer, W; Striebel, M; Weigelhofer, G; Welti, N
Veranstaltung: 8th International Symposium on Ecosystem Behavior BIOGEOMON 2014
Jahr: 2014 - Multiple effects of hydrological connectivity on floodplain processes in human modified river systems
Autoren: Hein T., Bondar-Kunze E., Preiner S., Reckendorfer W., Tritthart M., Weigelhofer G., Welti N.
Veranstaltung: EGU General Assembly 2014
Jahr: 2014 - Effects of Extreme Events on Carbon Cycling along a Terrestrial – Aquatic Continuum in Taiwanese Catchments
Autoren: Yeh, T; Hein, T; Schomakers, J; Zehetner, F; Mentler, A; Huang, J; Hseu, Z; Jien,S; Liao, C; Kao,S; Lee, M; Lee, T
Veranstaltung: SIL-International Society of Limnology Conference
Jahr: 2013 - Nutrient retention capacity of a restored Danube floodplain
Autoren: Kvarda, M
Veranstaltung: ELLS Scientific Stundent Conference 2013 - Sustainability Challenge - Technological Advancements and other Solutions
Jahr: 2013 - Nährstoffumsatz und Gewässerstruktur
Autoren: Weigelhofer, G.; Hein, T.
Veranstaltung: ÖWAV – Seminar Flussgebietsmanagement und Nährstoffe 2013
Jahr: 2013 - Die Entwicklung der Donau-Auen bei Wien – Ursachen, Auswirkungen und naturschutzfachliche Folgen
Autoren: W. Reckendorfer, M. Böttiger, A. Funk & T. Hein
Veranstaltung: 44. Jahrestreffen des Arbeitskreises Hydrologie 2012
Jahr: 2013 - How restoration measures can affect biogeochemical cycles in protected floodplain areas along the Danube Rive
Autoren: Hein, T; Baart, I; Bondar-Kunze, E; Preiner, S; Weigelhofer, G; Schönbrunner, I; Tritthart, M; Pinay, G
Veranstaltung: 5th Symposium for Research in Protected Areas 2013
Jahr: 2013 - Connectivity at landscape scale as driver for different ecosystem processes in river systems
Autoren: Hein, T; Weigelhofer, G; Reckendorfer, W
Veranstaltung: EGU General Assembly 2013
Jahr: 2013 - Perspektive LOBAU 2020+: „Welche Perspektiven gibt es für die Lobau im Jahr 2020?“
Autoren: Arnberger, A., Eder, R., Taczanowska, K., Hein, T., Deussner, R., Kempter, I., Nopp-Mayr, U., Stanzer, G., Preiner, S., Reiter, K., Wagner, I., Jochem, R.
Veranstaltung: 40 Jahre UNESCO-Forschungsprogramm "Man and the Biosphere MAB" in Österreich 2013
Jahr: 2013 - Understanding hydroecological effects of ecosystem restoration in river floodplains
Autoren: Hein, T; Baart, I; Bondar-Kunze, E; Welti, N; Preiner, S; Reckendorfer, W; Weigelhofer, G; Tritthart, M; Pinay, G
Veranstaltung: 4th International Multidisciplinary Conference on Hydrology and Ecology
Jahr: 2013 - Floodplain restoration to improve green infrastructures and address multiple management objectives in an urban context: the case study of the Lobau
Autoren: Hein, T; Baumgartner, C; Bondar-Kunze, E; Funk, A; Preiner, S; Reckendorfer, W; Sanon, S; Weigelhofer, G
Veranstaltung: 5th European River Restoration Conference ERRC 2013
Jahr: 2013 - Urban sprawl and protected areas: How effective are buffer zones in reducing recreation impacts on an urban national park?
Autoren: Arnberger, A., Eder, E., Taczanowska, K., Deussner,R., Stanzer, G., Hein, T., Preiner, S., Kempter, I., Nopp-Mayr, U., Reiter, K., Wagner, K., Jochem, R.
Veranstaltung: 5th Symposium for Research in Protected Areas 2013
Jahr: 2013 - Wastewater pollution attenuation in a tropical urban wetland system: Nakayiba, Masaka, Uganda
Autoren: Bateganya, N; Nakalanzi, D; Babu, Mohammed; Hein, T
Veranstaltung: 5th International Symposium on Wetland Pollutant Dynamics and Control
Jahr: 2013 - Development of an integrated modeling tool to assess the nutrient dynamics and trophic status of a decoupled floodplain along the Danube River in Austria
Autoren: Preiner, S. Hein, T.
Veranstaltung: 5th Symposium for Research in Protected Areas 2013
Jahr: 2013 - Effects of floods on the water quality and productivity of a hydrologically degraded urban floodplain
Autoren: Weigelhofer, G. Bondar-Kunze, E. Preiner, S. Hein, T.
Veranstaltung: SEFS 2013
Jahr: 2012 - Aims, needs, ecosystem service trade-offs and restoration approaches for an urban floodplain in Vienna Austria
Autoren: Hein, T; Bondar-Kunze, E; Funk, A; Reckendorfer, W; Sanon, S.
Veranstaltung: 39th IAD Conference 2012 - Living Danube
Jahr: 2012 - Nährstoffreich und wasserarm – Auswirkungen des Ackerbaus auf die Funktionalität von Bächen
Autoren: Weigelhofer, G.; Fuchsberger, J.; Teufl, B.; Welti, N.; Hein, T.
Veranstaltung: Jahrestagung der Deutsche Gesellschaft für Limnologie DGL 2012
Jahr: 2012 - Effect of extreme hydrological events on elemental cycling in floodplain rivers
Autoren: Hein, T.
Veranstaltung: Joint Seminar Isotope Research in Ecogeochemistry 2012
Jahr: 2012 - Effect of hydrological connectivity on nutrient availability and primary production patterns in Danube floodplains.
Autoren: Preiner, S.; Hein, T.
Veranstaltung: 39th IAD Conference 2012 - Living Danube
Jahr: 2012 - Effects of ecosystem restoration on nitrogen cycling and nitrous oxide emission
Autoren: Hein, T; Bondar-Kunze, E; Welti, N; Preiner, S; Tritthart, M; Weigelhofer, G; Pinay, G.
Veranstaltung: Jahrestagung der Deutsche Gesellschaft für Limnologie DGL 2012
Jahr: 2012 - Selected potential effects of global change on the management of an urban floodplain along a large river system in Austria
Autoren: Hein, T; Weigelhofer, G; Arnberger, A; Eder, R; Mair, M; Preiner, S; Reckendorfer, W; Schabhuettl, S; Striebel, M.
Veranstaltung: ASLO Aquatic Science Meeting 2012
Jahr: 2012 - Temperature and species richness effects in phytoplankton communities
Autoren: Striebel, M; Schabhüttl, S; Hingsamer, P; Weigelhofer, G; Hein, T; Weigert, A.
Veranstaltung: ASLO Aquatic Science Meeting 2012
Jahr: 2012 - Can stream restoration measures compensate for nutrient and soil inputs from agricultural catchments?
Autoren: Weigelhofer, G.; Fuchsberger, J.; Tritthart, M.; Hein T.;
Veranstaltung: 9th International Symposium on Ecohydraulics 2012
Jahr: 2012 - Floodplain restoration in large rivers: How does restoration affect nutrient cycling at different scales
Autoren: Hein, T; Bondar-Kunze, E; Welti, N; Preiner, S; Funk, A; Striebel, M; Reckendorfer, W.
Veranstaltung: 3. Auenökologischer Workshop 2012
Jahr: 2012 - Can stream restoration measures compensate for nutrient and soil inputs from agricultural catchments?
Autoren: Weigelhofer, G., Fuchsberger, J., Tritthart, M., Hein, T.
Veranstaltung: 9th International Symposium on Ecohydraulics 2012
Jahr: 2012 - How effective are planned buffer zones in reducing recreation impacts on an urban national park? A combined visual discrete choice and agent-based modeling approach
Autoren: Arnberger, A., Eder, R., Taczanowska, K., Hein, T., Deussner, R., Kempter, I., Nopp-Mayr, U., Stanzer, G., Preiner, S., Reiter, K., Wagner, I., Jochem, R.
Veranstaltung: 6th International Conference on Monitoring and Management of Visitors in Recreational and Protected Areas MMV 2012 - Outdoor Recreation in Change – Current Knowledge and Future Challenges
Jahr: 2011 - Promoting physical activities through attractive green spaces: A comparison of trail use intentions of urban green space users for the physical activities of Nordic walking, dog walking, jogging and bicycling.
Autoren: Arnberger, A., Eder, R.1, Taczanowska, K., Hein, T., Deussner, R., Kempter, I., Nopp-Mayr, U., Stanzer, G., Preiner, S., Reiter, K., Wagner, I.
Veranstaltung: 14th Annual European Forum on Urban Forestry EFUF 2011
Jahr: 2011 - Climate change in wetlands: Can biodiversity mitigate heat events in phytoplankton communities?
Autoren: Schabhüttl, S; Hingsamer, P; Weigelhofer, G; Weigert, A; Hein, T; Striebel, M.
Veranstaltung: 7th Symposium for European Freshwater Sciences SEFS 7 2011
Jahr: 2011 - The impact of temperature change on phytoplankton communities in wetlands
Autoren: Schabhüttl, S; Hingsamer, P; Weigelhofer, G; Weigert, A; Hein, T; Striebel, M.
Veranstaltung: International Conference on the Status and Future of the World's Large Rivers 2011
Jahr: 2011 - Reconnection of Danube floodplains: effects on nitrogen cycling
Autoren: Welti, N; Bondar-Kunze, E; Mair, M; Lachouani, P; Wanek, W; Bonin, P; Pinay, G; Hein, T.
Veranstaltung: International Conference on the Status and Future of the World's Large Rivers 2011
Jahr: 2011 - Effect of flood pulses on primary production patterns in River Danube floodplains
Autoren: Preiner, S. Hein, T.
Veranstaltung: International Conference on the Status and Future of the World's Large Rivers 2011
Jahr: 2011 - Isoscapes - a powerful tool for the management of large river systems
Autoren: Zitek, A., Irrgeher, J., Sailer, K., Trautwein, C., Kralik, M., Waidbacher, H., Hein, T., Prohaska, T.
Veranstaltung: International Conference on the Status and Future of the World's Large Rivers 2011
Jahr: 2011 - Simulating recreation behavior of visitors to an urban biosphere reserve using a visual discrete choice experiment
Autoren: Arnberger, A., Eder, R., Taczanowska, K., Hein, T., Deussner, R., Kempter, I., Stanzer, G., Preiner, S., Reiter, K., Wagner, I.
Veranstaltung: NERR 2011
Jahr: 2011 - Stream degradation affects nitrogen cycling in nutrient-enriched headwater streams
Autoren: Weigelhofer, G.; Fuchsberger, j.; Teufl, B., Welti N.; Hein T.
Veranstaltung: 7th Symposium for European Freshwater Sciences SEFS 7 2011
Jahr: 2011 - Isopscapes - a powerful tool for the management of large river systems
Autoren: Zitek, A., Irrgeher, J., Sailer, K., Trautwein, C., Kralik, M., Waidbacher, H., Hein, T., Prohaska, T.
Veranstaltung: International Symposium of Isotope Research in Ecogeochemistry 2011
Jahr: 2011 - Das Projekt "Perpektive Lobau 2020": Welche Perspektiven gibt es für die Lobau im Jahr 2020?
Autoren: Arnberger, A., Eder, R., Taczanowska, K., Hein, T., Deussner, R., Kempter, I., Nopp-Mayr, U., Stanzer, G., Preiner, S., Reiter, K., Wagner, I.
Veranstaltung: Forschungsbaned im Nationalparkhaus 2011
Jahr: 2011 - Nitrogen cycling in river floodplains
Autoren: Pinay, G., Hein, T., Welti, N., Bondar-Kunze, E., Tritthart, M., Habersack, H.
Veranstaltung: International Conference on the Status and Future of the World's Large Rivers 2011
Jahr: 2011 - Reconnection of Danube Floodplains Effects on Nitrogen Cycling
Autoren: N. Welti, E. Bondar-Kunze, M. Mair, P. Lachouani, W. Wanek, P. Bonin, G. Pinay, and T. Hein
Veranstaltung: River Corridor Restoration Conference RCRC11 2011
Jahr: 2011 - Effects of changed hydrological connectivity on nutrient cycling of floodplains
Autoren: Hein, T; Bondar-Kunze, E; Welti, N; Preiner, S; Tritthart, M; Weigelhofer, G; Pinay, G.
Veranstaltung: 2nd Biennial Symposium of the International Society for River Science ISRS 2011
Jahr: 2011 - Management.Importance of hydrological exchange conditions on floodplain processes
Autoren: Hein, T.
Veranstaltung: Wetlands Along The Lower Danube: Functioning, Modeling, Conservation And Management 2011
Jahr: 2011 - Effects of stream degradation on the sediment quality of agricultural low-order streams
Autoren: Teufl, B; Weigelhofer, G; Hein, T.
Veranstaltung: 7th Symposium for European Freshwater Sciences SEFS 7 2011
Jahr: 2011 - Effect of flood events on surface water dissolved organic matter in different connected floodplain areas
Autoren: Bondar-Kunze, E., Welti, N., Tritthart, M., Baker, A., Pinay, G., Hein, T.
Veranstaltung: International Conference on the Status and Future of the World's Large Rivers 2011
Jahr: 2011 - Trophischer Zustand der Donau als Fallbeispiel und Rolle von Retentionsräumen und Auen für die Planktonentwicklung
Autoren: Hein, T; Striebel, M.
Veranstaltung: DWA-Fachgespräch 2011 - Eutrophierung potamaler Fließgewässer
Jahr: 2011 - Floodplain restoration in regulated rivers: biogeochemical implications
Autoren: Hein, T., Bondar-Kunze, E., Welti, N., Preiner, S., Tritthart, M., Weigelhofer, G., Pinay, G.
Veranstaltung: International Conference on the Status and Future of the World's Large Rivers 2011
Jahr: 2011 - Biodiversity and ecosystem functioning in floodplain systems
Autoren: Striebel, M; Schabhüttl, S; Weigelhofer, G; Hein, T; Weigert, A.
Veranstaltung: International Conference on the Status and Future of the World's Large Rivers 2011
Jahr: 2011 - Phytoplankton biodiversity promotes zooplankton growth and diversity
Autoren: Striebel, M; Hingsamer, P; Singer, G; Spörl, G;Stibor, H; Andersen, T.
Veranstaltung: ESA Annual Meeting 2011
Jahr: 2011 - Reconnection of Danube Floodplains: Use of stable isotopes to determine the effects on nitrogen cycling
Autoren: Welti, N., Bondar-Kunze, E., Mair, M, Wanek, W., Bonin, P., Pinay, G., Hein, T.
Veranstaltung: EGU General Assembly 2011
Jahr: 2011 - Effect of flood and flow pulses on primary production patterns in an urban riverine floodplain of the River Danube, Austria.
Autoren: Preiner, S. Schönbrunner, I. Hein, T.
Veranstaltung: Final conference of COST Action 869 2011 - Mitigation Options for Nutrient Reduction in Surface Water and Groundwater
Jahr: 2011 - PO43- uptake and release in agricultural headwater streams – impacts on stream restoration
Autoren: Fuchsberger, J; Weigelhofer, G; Teufl, B; Welti, N; Hein, T.
Veranstaltung: 7th Symposium for European Freshwater Sciences SEFS 7 2011
Jahr: 2011 - Phytoplankton biodiversity promotes zooplankton growth and diversity
Autoren: Striebel, M; Singer, G; Spörl, G; Stibor, H; Andersen, T.
Veranstaltung: 7th Symposium for European Freshwater Sciences SEFS 7 2011
Jahr: 2011 - Restoration measures in large regulated rivers and their floodplains: potential effects on algal productivity and nutrient cycling
Autoren: Hein, T; Bondar-Kunze, E.; Habersack, H.; Pinay, G.; Schiemer, F.; Tritthart, M.; Welti N.
Veranstaltung: River Corridor Restoration Conference RCRC11 2011
Jahr: 2011 - Quantifying Ecosystem Service Trade-Offs: The Case Of An Urban Floodplain In Vienna, Austria
Autoren: Hein, T; Winkler, P; Douven, W; Sanon, S.
Veranstaltung: Joint meeting of Society of Wetland Scientists, WETPOL and Wetland Biochemistry Symposium SWS 2011
Jahr: 2010 - Impact of drying and re-flooding of sediments on the phosphorus dynamics of river-floodplain systems
Autoren: Schönbrunner, I.M; Preiner, S; Hein, T
Veranstaltung: Young Aquatic Science Meeting 2010 - Fresh Blood for Fresh Water
Jahr: 2010 - Experiences and visions for the Danube River floodplain in Austria
Autoren: Hein, T
Veranstaltung: USGS - Seminar
Autoren: Welti, N D; Bondar-Kunze , E; Mair, M; Oswald, P; Bonin, P; Wanek, W; Pinay, G; Hein, T
Veranstaltung: ASLO Summer Meeting 2010
Jahr: 2010 - Microphytobenthos Development in a large Regulated River: Effect of Water Level Fluctuations, Light and Finde Sediment Accumulation
Autoren: Bondar-Kunze, E; Tritthart, M; Hein, T
Veranstaltung: 31. Congress of the International Society of Limnology
Jahr: 2010 - Phytoplankton Biodiversity and its impact on Zooplankton Growth and Diversity
Autoren: Striebel, M; Spörl, G; Stibor, H; Andersen, T
Veranstaltung: ASLO Summer Meeting 2010
Jahr: 2010 - Biodiversity, ecological stoichiometry, and productivity: the impact of temperature changes on phytoplankton communities in wetlands
Autoren: Striebel, M; Schabhüttl, S; Weigelhofer, G; Hein, T
Veranstaltung: Young Aquatic Science Meeting 2010 - Fresh Blood for Fresh Water
Jahr: 2010 - Nitrogen cycling in large rivers: effects of river restoration
Autoren: Hein, T. et al.
Veranstaltung: Colloquium at the University of Innsbruck
Jahr: 2010 - Multiple benefits of wetlands in integrated river management
Autoren: Hein, T; Schabhüttl, S;
Veranstaltung: ICPDR Workshop: Integrating land and water management in the Tisza River Basin
Jahr: 2010 - Increase of the in-stream nutrient uptake in heavily impacted, low order streams in agricultural landscapes
Autoren: Weigelhofer, G; Welti, N; Fuchsberger, J; Teufel, B; Hein, T
Veranstaltung: 3rd INPAR workshop 2010 - Isotopes for improved management of nitrate pollution in aqueous resources INPAR0
Jahr: 2010 - Effects of flood and flow pulses on primary production patterns in an urban riverine wetland of the River Danube, Austria
Autoren: Preiner, S; Hein, T
Veranstaltung: 5th Annual Meeting of the European Chapter of the Society of Wetland Scientists (SWS)
Jahr: 2010 - Riparian buffer strips as a multifunctional management tool in agricultural landscapes
Autoren: Weigelhofer, G
Veranstaltung: COST ACTION 869 Riparian buffer strips as multifunctional management tools in agricultural landscapes 2010
Jahr: 2010 - Urban sprawl impacts on protected forests: Simulating recreation behaviour using a visual discrete choice experiment
Autoren: Arnberger, A; Eder, R; Taczanowska, K; Hein, T; Deussner, R; Kempter, I; Stanzer, G; Preiner, S; Reiter, K; Wagner, I
Veranstaltung: 13th European Forum on Urban Forestry 2010 - Urban People Meet Urban Forests
Jahr: 2010 - How does hydrological connectivity control C & N dynamics in river floodplain systems?
Autoren: Hein T; Bondar-Kunze E; Habersack H; Pinay G; Schiemer F; Tritthart, M; Welti, N
Veranstaltung: ASLO Summer Meeting 2010
Jahr: 2009 - Effect of enhanced water exchange on phosphorus dynamics and biological activity in an urban backwater system in Vienna (Austria)
Autoren: Bondar-Kunze, E; Preiner, S; Schiemer, F; Weigelhofer, G; Hein, T.
Veranstaltung: COST 869 WG2 meeting 2009
Jahr: 2009 - Nutrient cycling in complex river floodplain systems: water and sediment processes
Autoren: Hein, T., Bondar-Kunze, E., Felkl, M., Mair, M., Tritthart, M., Welti, N.
Veranstaltung: ASLO Aquatic Sciences Meeting 2009
Jahr: 2009 - Hydromorphological control of nutrient cycling in complex river floodplain systems
Autoren: Hein, T., Bondar-Kunze, E., Felkl, M., Habersack, H., Mair, M., Pinay, G., Tritthart, M., Welti, N.
Veranstaltung: EGU General Assembly 2009
Jahr: 2009 - Modelling Surface Water Connectivity for an Improved Understanding of Carbon and Nitrogen Cycles in Riparian Zones
Autoren: Tritthart, M., Bondar-Kunze, E., Welti, N., Habersack, H., Hein, T.
Veranstaltung: 7th International Symposium on Ecohydraulics 2009
Jahr: 2009 - Projekt „WESPe - Wetlands, Environment, Society and Pressures: Auswirkungen veränderter Umweltbedingungen auf die ökologische und soziale Funktionsfähigkeit von Feuchtlebensräumen“.
Autoren: Weigelhofer, G.
Veranstaltung: Sparkling Science Kongress 2009
Jahr: 2009 - Influence of water level fluctuations on biomass and primary production of microphytobenthos and their role in the carbon cycling in fluvial landscapes
Autoren: Bondar-Kunze, E., Ganglbauer, A., Tritthart, M., Hein, T.
Veranstaltung: ASLO Aquatic Sciences Meeting 2009
Jahr: 2009 - ProFor Weinviertel-JiŽni Morava: Factors controlling the self-purification capacity of small, heavily impacted streams in agricultural landscapes
Autoren: Weigelhofer, Gabriele, Welti, Nina, Kreuzinger, Norbert, Ruzicka, Katharina, Muhar, Susanne, Pohl, Gabriele, Hein, Thomas
Veranstaltung: SIL-Austria Meeting 2009
Jahr: 2009 - Mimicking floodplain disconnections and reconnections using 15N mesocosm incubations
Autoren: Welti, N.; Bondar-Kunze, E; Oswalk, P.; Mair, M.; Bonin, P; Wanek, W; Pinay, G; Hein, T.
Veranstaltung: Austrian Network of Stable Isotope Users Meeting 2009
Jahr: 2009 - Licht als Ressource - Nischendifferenzierung, Diversität und Kohlenstoffdynamiken in Phytoplanktongemeinschaften
Autoren: Striebel, M.
Veranstaltung: SIL-Austria Meeting 2009
Jahr: 2009 - Development and composition of benthic algae in the Danube floodplains and their control by hydrological connectivity
Autoren: Stanek, C.; Bondar-Kunze, E.; Hein, T.
Veranstaltung: SIL-Austria Meeting 2009
Jahr: 2009 - Large Scale Controls on Potential Denitrification: A Comparison of Two Floodplains
Autoren: Welti, N.; Bondar-Kunze, E; Singer, G; Pinay, G; Hein, T.
Veranstaltung: SWS European Chapter Meeting 2009
Jahr: 2009 - Projekt „WESPe - Wetlands, Environment, Society and Pressures: Auswirkungen veränderter Umweltbedingungen auf die ökologische und soziale Funktionsfähigkeit von Feuchtlebensräumen“
Autoren: Weigelhofer, G.
Veranstaltung: Sparkling Science Kongress 2009
Jahr: 2009 - Nutrient transformations within two floodplains of the Danube River: Effects of Restoration.
Autoren: Welti, N; E. Bondar-Kunze, G. Singer, M. Tritthart, G. Pinay, F. Schiemer, T. Hein
Veranstaltung: ASLO Aquatic Sciences Meeting 2009
Jahr: 2009 - The effect of flow reduction on microphytobenthos development in an alpine river stretch using novel fluorescence techniques
Autoren: Ganglbauer, A.; Bondar-Kunze, E.; Hein T.; Zeiringer B.
Veranstaltung: EGU General Assembly 2009
Jahr: 2009 - Distribution of benthic algae in the Danube floodplains and its potential impact on the carbon cycle
Autoren: Stanek, C.; Bondar-Kunze, E.; Hein T.
Veranstaltung: SIL-Austria Meeting 2009
Jahr: 2009 - ProFor Weinviertel-JiŽni Morava: Factors controlling the self-purification capacity of small, heavily impacted streams in agricultural landscapes
Autoren: Weigelhofer, G.; Welti, N.; Kreuzinger, N.; Ruzicka, K.; Muhar, S.; Pohl, G.; Hein, T.
Veranstaltung: SIL-Austria Meeting 2009
Jahr: 2008 - PROFOR (Austria): Integrating the effects of stream structure on nutrient loading patterns in management options for heavily modified streams
Autoren: Weigelhofer, G., Makal, M., Muhar, S., Preis, S., Kreuzinger, N., Hein, T.
Veranstaltung: 4th ECRR International Conference on River Restoration 2008
Jahr: 2008 - Phytobenthos development along shorelines of a large river and their role in the carbon cycle – example from the Danube
Autoren: Bondar-Kunze E., M. Tritthart, T.Hein
Veranstaltung: 37th IAD Congress 2008 - The Danube River Basin in a changing world
Jahr: 2008 - BIOWETMAN: A science based approach to understand biodiversity driven functions and services for wetland management
Autoren: Hein T., Edinger M.
Veranstaltung: Workshop Sofia 2008
Jahr: 2008 - The role of ecosystem functioning for guaranteeing ecosystem services
Autoren: Schmutz S., Hein, T., Jungwirth, M., Muhar, S., Schinegger, R., Trautwein, C.
Veranstaltung: WATER 2048 Workshop 2008 - Guaranteeing aquatic ecosystem services in urbanised landscapes
Jahr: 2008 - Phytobenthos development along shorelines of a large river and their role in the carbon cycle – example from the Danube
Autoren: Bondar-Kunze E., M.Tritthart, T. Hein
Veranstaltung: 37th IAD Congress 2008 - The Danube River Basin in a changing world
Jahr: 2008 - OPTIMA LOBAU: The effect of changing connectivity on aquatic primary producers
Autoren: Preiner S., Baart I., Blaschke A. P., Habereder C., Hein T.
Veranstaltung: 4th ECRR International Conference on River Restoration 2008
Jahr: 2008 - Effect of changing hydrology on nutrient availability and primary production in riverine landscapes
Autoren: Hein T., Baart I., Bondar-Kunze E., Felkl M., Leichtfried C., Mair M., Preiner S., Weigelhofer G., Welti N.
Veranstaltung: COST Action 869 workshop 2008
Jahr: 2008 - A comparison of methods for measuring denitrification
Autoren: Mair, M.; Welti, N.; Bondar-Kunze, E.; Felkl, M.; Hein, T.
Veranstaltung: 37th IAD Congress 2008 - The Danube River Basin in a changing world
Jahr: 2008 - Optima Lobau: Future scenarios for a sustainable management perspective of an urban floodplain
Autoren: Hein T., Baart I., Blaschke A. P., Habereder C., Haidvogl G., Hohensinner S., Preiner S., Reckendorfer W., Reiter K., Schuh B., Stanzer G., Weigelhofer G.
Veranstaltung: 4th ECRR International Conference on River Restoration 2008
Jahr: 2008 - Limitation patterns in floodplains along the Danube River. 37th
Autoren: Welti, N., E. Bondar-Kunze, M. Mair, M. Felkl, G. Pinay, F. Schiemer, T. Hein
Veranstaltung: 37th IAD Congress 2008 - The Danube River Basin in a changing world
Jahr: 2008 - Integrating the effects of stream structure on nutrient loading patterns in management options for heavily modified streams
Autoren: Weigelhofer, G., Makal, M., Muhar, S., Preis, S., Kreuzinger, N. & T. Hein
Veranstaltung: 4th ECRR International Conference on River Restoration 2008
Jahr: 2008 - Modelling the spatial distribution of water plants for a potential future development of an urban floodplain
Autoren: Baart I., Blaschke A.P., Habereder C., Hohensinner S., Janauer G., Preiner S., Reckendorfer W., Hein T.
Veranstaltung: International Statistical Ecology Conference 2008
Jahr: 2008 - PROFOR (Austria): Integrating the effects of stream structures on nutrient loading patterns in management options for heavily modified streams.
Autoren: Weigelhofer,G., Makal, M., Muhar, S., Preis, S., Kreuzinger, N., Hein, T.
Veranstaltung: 4th ECRR International Conference on River Restoration 2008
Jahr: 2007 - Wetland restoration and potential effects for nutrient retention - examples from the Danube River Basin
Autoren: Hein, T., Bondar-Kunze, E.
Veranstaltung: ECRR Workshop 2007
Jahr: 2007 - Effects of river restoration on nutrient dynamics in floodplains and potential impacts on main channel conditions
Autoren: Hein, T.
Veranstaltung: IAEA Technical Meeting 2007 - The application of isotope techniques for water quality assessment and management, focusing on nutrient management, in rivers
Jahr: 2007 - Phytobenthos development and productivity and the effect of short term desiccation along shorelines of a large river
Autoren: Bondar-Kunze, E., Preiner S., Schiemer, F., Hein T.
Veranstaltung: AquaFluo
Jahr: 2007 - Integration of the nutrient reduction function in riverine wetland management
Autoren: Hein T., Bondar, E.
Veranstaltung: DRP final workshop on wetlands
Jahr: 2007 - Potential denitrification in floodplains with various levels of connectivity
Autoren: Welti, N.; Bondar-Kunze, E.; Pinay, G.; Hein, T.
Veranstaltung: COST Action 856
Jahr: 2007 - Potential Denitrification in Floodplains with Various Levels of Connectivity – First results
Autoren: Welti, N; Bondar-Kunze, E.; Mair, M.; Felkl, M.; Pinay, G.; Schiemer, F.; Hein, T.
Veranstaltung: SIL-Austria Meeting 2007
Jahr: 2007 - Nitrogen dynamics in restored side arms of the Danube River, Austria
Autoren: Welti, N; Bondar-Kunze, E.; Mair, M.; Felkl, M.; Pinay, G.; Schiemer, F.; Hein, T.
Veranstaltung: Stable Isotopes in Biospheric-Atmospheric Exchange SIBAE Spring School 2007
Jahr: 2007 - What are potential options for a sustainable management perspective for an international protected floodplain area, the Lobau
Autoren: Hein T., Baart I., Blaschke A.P., Haidvogl G., Hohensinner S., Preiner S., Reiter K., Schuh B., Weigelhofer G.
Veranstaltung: 2nd international conference on protected areas.
Jahr: 2006 - Hydromorphology controlling phytobenthos development and productivity along shorelines of a large river: an experimental approach
Autoren: Bondar E., Pinay G., Preiner S., Schiemer F., Hein T.
Veranstaltung: 36th International Conference DANUBE.RIVER.LIFE 2006 - 50 Year of IAD - Interfacing the past and the future of ecology and water management in a large European River
Jahr: 2006 - Optima Lobau: An interdisciplinary scientific approach evaluating future scenarios in an urban floodplain
Autoren: Weigelhofer G., Blaschke A., Haidvogl G., Hohensinner S., Reckendorfer W., Reiter K., Schuh B., Hein T.
Veranstaltung: 36th International Conference DANUBE.RIVER.LIFE 2006 - 50 Year of IAD - Interfacing the past and the future of ecology and water management in a large European River
Jahr: 2006 - Urban floodplains - Optimised management strategies in the face of conflicting ecological and socio-economic demands
Autoren: Hein T.; Blaschke, A.P.; Haidvogl, G., Hohensinner, S.; Muhar, S.; Preiner, S.; Reiter, K.; Schuh, B.; Weigelhofer, G., Zsuffa, I.
Veranstaltung: 3rd International Symposium on Integrated Water Resources Management 2006
Jahr: 2006 - Urban floodplains - Optimised management strategies in the face of conflicting ecological and socio-economic demands
Autoren: Hein T.; Blaschke, A.P.; Haidvogl, G., Hohensinner, S.; Muhar, S.; Preiner, S.; Reiter, K.; Schuh, B.; Weigelhofer, G., Zsuffa, I.
Veranstaltung: 3rd International Symposium on Integrated Water Resources Management 2006
Jahr: 2006 - The significance of hydrological connectivity on primary production patterns of large rivers
Autoren: Preiner S., F. Schiemer, T. Hein
Veranstaltung: Annual meeting of American Society of Limnology and Oceanography ASLO 2006
Jahr: 2006 - Water enhancement scheme Lobau - a conservation strategy for an urban floodplain in Vienna (Austria)
Autoren: Zornig H., Weigelhofer G., Kucera-Hirzinger V., Hein T., Görnet B., Schiemer F.
Veranstaltung: 36th International Conference DANUBE.RIVER.LIFE 2006 - 50 Year of IAD - Interfacing the past and the future of ecology and water management in a large European River
Jahr: 2006 - Impact of hydrological connectivity on primary production patterns of large river floodplains
Autoren: Preiner S., Baart I., Blaschke A.P., Bondar E., Habereder C., Zsuffa I. & Hein T.
Veranstaltung: 36th International Conference DANUBE.RIVER.LIFE 2006 - 50 Year of IAD - Interfacing the past and the future of ecology and water management in a large European River
Jahr: 2006 - Longitudinal Changes in the Bacterial Community of the Danube by 16S rDNA Profiling: A Whole River Approach
Autoren: Farnleitner A.H., Winter C., Hein T., Mach R.L., Kavka G.
Veranstaltung: 36th International Conference DANUBE.RIVER.LIFE 2006 - 50 Year of IAD - Interfacing the past and the future of ecology and water management in a large European River
Jahr: 2006 - Restoring hydrologic connectivity in complex river landscapes: effects on ecosystem functions
Autoren: T. Hein, S. Hohensinner, P. Peduzzi, S. Preiner, W. Reckendorfer, G. Weigelhofer, F. Schiemer
Veranstaltung: Annual meeting of American Society of Limnology and Oceanography ASLO 2006
Jahr: 2006 - The impact of river water on groundwater quality in an urban floodplain area, the Lobau in Vienna
Autoren: Orlikowski D., Weigelhofer G., Hein T.
Veranstaltung: 36th International Conference DANUBE.RIVER.LIFE 2006 - 50 Year of IAD - Interfacing the past and the future of ecology and water management in a large European River
Jahr: 2006 - Macrophytes and aquatic neophytes in the floodplain Lobau during the last 160 years: temporal distribution
Autoren: Baart I., Haidvogl G., Hohensinner S., Janauer G., Preiner S., Hein T.
Veranstaltung: 36th International Conference DANUBE.RIVER.LIFE 2006 - 50 Year of IAD - Interfacing the past and the future of ecology and water management in a large European River
Jahr: 2005 - Optimised management strategies for the Biosphere reserve Lobau, Austria, based on a multi criteria decision support system: an inter- and transdisciplinary approach
Autoren: Hein T., A. P. Blaschke, G. Haidvogl, S. Hohensinner, V. Kucera-Hirzinger, S. Muhar, S. Preiner, W. Reckendorfer, K. Reiter, B. Schuh, G. Weigelhofer, I. Zsuffa
Veranstaltung: W3M conference
Jahr: 2005 - Restoring hydrological connectivity in complex river corridors: effects on biogeochemical cycling
Autoren: Hein T., E. Bondar S. Preiner G. Weigelhofer F. Schiemer
Veranstaltung: 26th International Annual Wetlands Meeting
Jahr: 2005 - Phosphorus dynamics and biological activity affected by an artificial water enhancement scheme in an urban backwater system in Vienna (Austria) Posterpresentation
Autoren: Bondar, E., V. Kucera-Hirzinger, S. Preiner, G. Weigelhofer, F. Schiemer, T. Hein
Veranstaltung: 6th River Bottom Conference 2005
Jahr: 2005 - The significance of side-arm connectivity for carbon cycling of large rivers
Autoren: Preiner S., I. Drozdowski, M. Schagerl, F. Schiemer, T. Hein
Veranstaltung: EGU General Assembly 2005
Jahr: 2005 - Restoration Concepts for large rivers. Experiences from the Danube restoration project.
Autoren: Schiemer F., Hein T. Reckendorfer W.
Veranstaltung: International Meeting on Hydrological Restoration of Wetlands: Donana 2004
Jahr: 2004 - Hydrochemical key parameters for the evaluation of restoration strategies in the Austrian Danube
Autoren: Hein T., C. Baranyi, W. Reckendorfer and F. Schiemer
Veranstaltung: Meeting of the International Association of Danube Research
Jahr: 2004 - Limnological concepts to understand lotic networks
Autoren: Hein, T.
Veranstaltung: Hydrology and Limnology - another boundary in the Danube River Basin
Jahr: 2004 - The importance of a re-connected side-arm for the biogeochemical cycling of the River Danube in Austria
Autoren: Preiner S., I. Drozdowski, F. Schiemer, T. Hein
Veranstaltung: INTECOL 2004
Jahr: 2004 - Restoring ecosystem functions of large floodplain rivers
Autoren: Hein T. , C. Baumgartner, W. Reckendorfer, F. Schiemer
Veranstaltung: INTECOL 2004
Jahr: 2003 - The importance of altered hydrologic retention in large regulated rivers: examples from the Austrian Danube
Autoren: Hein T.
Veranstaltung: Lowland River Rehabilitation 2003
Jahr: 2003 - The importance of autochthonous particulate organic matter in large floodplain rivers: evidence of restoring hydrological connectivity
Autoren: Hein T., C. Baranyi, A. Steel and F. Schiemer
Veranstaltung: 28th European Geophysical Society EGS General Assembly EGS 2003 together with the European Geosciences Union EGU 2003
Jahr: 2002 - Characterization and dynamics of particulate organic matter in a restored river floodplain system
Autoren: Aspetsberger F., Huber F., Kargl S., Scharinger B., Peduzzi P. & T. Hein
Veranstaltung: Nuclear Techniques in Integrated Plant Nutrient, Water and Soil Management
Jahr: 2002 - Hydrochemical key properties of floodplains for the evaluation of restoration strategies in floodplain rivers
Autoren: Hein T., C. Baranyi, W. Reckendorfer and F. Schiemer
Veranstaltung: Jahrestagung der Österreichischen Limnologen SIL 2002
Jahr: 2002 - Impact of hydrology on the biogeochemistry of DOM in a dynamic river-floodplain system
Autoren: Peduzzi, P., T. Hein & Schelest J.
Veranstaltung: ASLO Meeting 2002
Jahr: 2001 - The microplankton dynamics in a large river floodplain system: significance of hydrological connectivity
Autoren: Hein T., F. Huber, S. Kargl, S. Keckeis, P. Riedler, B. Scharinger & Schiemer F.
Veranstaltung: ASLO Meeting 2001
Jahr: 2000 - Isotopic and elemental characterization of particulate organic matter in a river floodplain system
Autoren: Aspetsberger F., F. Huber, S. Kargl, P. Peduzzi, B. Scharinger & T. Hein
Veranstaltung: International Symposium by the Joint FAO/IAEA Division 2000 - Nuclear Techniques in Integrated Plant Nutrient, Water and Soil Management
Jahr: 2000 - Hydrochemical key properties of floodplains and their implications for river restoration
Autoren: Hein T., C. Baranyi, W. Reckendorfer and F. Schiemer
Veranstaltung: EISORS 2000
Jahr: 2000 - Stable isotopes: An useful technique in limnological analysis in floodplains of the Danube River, Austria
Autoren: Hein T., F. Aspetsberger, W. Wanek & F. Schiemer
Veranstaltung: 2nd Viennese Workshop on Stable Isotopes in Biological and Environmental Research SIBER 2000
Jahr: 2000 - Effects of hydrological connectivity on the dynamics of dissolved and particulate matter and its biological availability in a large river flood plain system
Autoren: Hein T., P. Peduzzi, G. Heiler, N. Queric & F. Schiemer
Veranstaltung: 7th EMMS 2000