The transmission and transformation of local knowledge of Tyrolean farmers who have immigrated to Brazil, Peru & Australia (Tyrolean Emigrants’ Knowledge)
- Lebensraum und Landschaft
- Lebensmittel, Ernährung, Gesundheit
The transmission and transformation of Tyrolean emigrants knowledge about traditional Tyrolean plant species used in customs, medicine and food will be studied in i) Pozuzo (Peru), ii) Treze Tilas (Brazil), iii) New South Wales and Victoria (Australia) during 30 months. The villages Pozuzo and Treze Tilias were founded by Tyrolean migrants, whereas Australia is characterized through individual Tyrolean migration. The domains of “traditional” plant species in customs, in herbal medicine and in food will be defined in Tyrol and in the study areas for the time of emigration and for now. The analysis will assess what emigrants know about these domains, how they learned about them, how they still pass on knowledge about them (transmission of knowledge) and how their knowledge was/is modified as a consequence of emigration and their lives in environments different from Tyrol (transformation of knowledge). The project shall provide data to better understand the evolution of knowledge during the process of migration. All information will be collected in a consistent manner using the same methods (different types of interviewing and observation) in all study areas in order to asses both intra- and intercultural variation of knowledge.
Das Dorf Pozuzo - Österreichische Auswanderer im Urwald Perus
Autoren: Christian Gosch, Ruth Haselmair Jahr: 2009
Newspaper / Magazine article
Tracing the transformation of medicinal plant knowledge among Tyrolean (Austrian) Emigrants in Australia, Brazil and Peru
Autoren: Pirker Heidemarie; Kuhn Elisabeth, Haselmair Ruth, Schunko Christoph, Vogl Christian Jahr: 2010
Conference & Workshop proceedings, paper, abstract
Veränderung von Wissen bei Tiroler Auswanderern in Peru, Brasilien und Australien. Teil 3: Kochkunst - Tiroler Knödel in aller Welt?
Autoren: Kuhn, E; Haselmair R; Pirker H; Vogl C.R. Jahr: 2012
Newspaper / Magazine article
Veränderung von Wissen bei Tiroler Auswanderern in Peru, Brasilien und Australien. Teil 2: Palmbuschen - Tiroler Brauch fern von Tirol
Autoren: Haselmair, R; Pirker, H; Kuhn, E; Vogl C:R. Jahr: 2011
Newspaper / Magazine article
Veränderung von Wissen bei Tiroler Auswanderern in Peru, Brasilien und Australien. Teil 1: Einführung - Projektvorstellung
Autoren: Kuhn, E; Pirker H; Haselmair R; Vogl C.R. Jahr: 2011
Newspaper / Magazine article
Veränderung von Wissen bei Tiroler Auswanderern in Peru, Brasilien und Australien. Teil 4: Heilpflanzen
Autoren: Pirker H; Kuhn, E; Haselmair R; Vogl C.R. Jahr: 2012
Newspaper / Magazine article
Transformation of traditional knowledge of medicinal plants: the case of Tyroleans (Austria) who migrated to Australia, Brazil and Peru.
Autoren: Pirker, H; Haselmair, R; Kuhn, E; Schunko, C; Vogl, CR; Jahr: 2012
Journal articles
Project staff
Christian R. Vogl
Ao.Univ.Prof. Dipl.-Ing. Dr.nat.techn. Christian R. Vogl
Tel: +43 1 47654-93312
Project Leader
01.11.2007 - 30.06.2011