Boden:Kultur. An ethnopedological assessment of soil & culture in the Province Burgenland (Austria)
- Boden und Landökosysteme
This project examines farmers’ local knowledge about soils in the Province Burgenland including farmers’ practice, social organization, world view, cosmovision and language related to soils over a period of 36 months. The lifelong practice and experience of farmers result in a body of local knowledge that might nourish models for a sustainable resource management and enrich an inter- and transdisciplinary discussion on sustainable agriculture. Our focus is on the interaction between local soil knowledge and local identity, local sustainable resource management and its embededness in local social networks. We do recognize that this local knowledge on soils is not historic but includes farmers’ knowledge also on recent ecosystemic interactions, farmers experiments and innovations related to soil management and use. The project aims to provide a better understanding of local knowledge systems and the interaction between humans and nature. Furthermore the research investigates the dependence of local knowledge to cultural and geophysical aspects.
- ethnopedology
- socioecological systems
- local knowledge
- null
Project staff
Christian R. Vogl
Ao.Univ.Prof. Dipl.-Ing. Dr.nat.techn. Christian R. Vogl
Tel: +43 1 47654-93312
BOKU Project Leader
01.10.2012 - 30.09.2015
BOKU partners
External partners
Division for Ethnology and Cultural Anthropology
Univ.Prof. Dr. Helmut Eberhart