UNderstanding and Improving the Sustainability of agro-ECOlogical farming systems in the EU
- Ressourcen und gesellschaftliche Dynamik
Report on the methodological specification of the spatially-explicit modelling framework. Deliverable Report D4.1, UNISECO (grant agreement No. 773901)
Autoren: Muller, A; Mayer, A; Erb, KH; Kalt, B; Lauk, C; Theurl, MC; Kaufmann, L; Frehner, A; Pfeiffer, C; Moakes, S; Schader, C Jahr: 2020
Externe Links und Eigenschaften der Publikation:Report on Participatory Scenario Development of Agro-ecological Farming Systems. Deliverable Report D4.2, UNISECO (grant agreement No. 773901)
Autoren: Röös, E; Mayer, A; Erb, KH; Kalt, G; Kaufmann, L; Matej, S; Theurl, MC; Lauk, C; Muller, A; Fergusson, S; Hart, R; Smith, P Jahr: 2020
Externe Links und Eigenschaften der Publikation:Agroecological measures and circular economy strategies to ensure sufficient nitrogen for sustainable farming
Autoren: Morais, TG; Teixeira, RFM; Lauk, C; Theurl, MC; Winiwarter, W; Mayer, A; Kaufmann, L; Haberl, H; Domingos, T; Erb, KH Jahr: 2021
Originalbeitrag in Fachzeitschrift
Applying the Human Appropriation of Net Primary Production framework to map provisioning ecosystem services and their relation to ecosystem functioning across the European Union.
Autoren: Mayer, A; Kaufmann, L; Kalt, G; Matej, S; Theurl, MC; Morais, TG; Leip, A; Erb, KH; Jahr: 2021
Originalbeitrag in Fachzeitschrift
Exploring the option space for land system futures at regional to global scales: The diagnostic agro-food, land use and greenhouse gas emission model BioBaM-GHG 2.0
Autoren: Kalt, G; Mayer, A; Haberl, H; Kaufmann, L; Lauk, C; Matej, S; Roos, E; Theurl, MC; Erb, KH Jahr: 2021
Originalbeitrag in Fachzeitschrift
Restoring Degraded Lands
Autoren: Arneth, A; Olsson, L; Cowie, A; Erb, KH; Hurlbert, M; Kurz, WA; Mirzabaev, A; Rounsevell, MDA Jahr: 2021
Originalbeitrag in Fachzeitschrift
Report on territorial impacts and lessons learnt of the diffusion of agro-ecological farming systems (AEFS) in the European Union. Deliverable Report D4.3, UNISECO (grant agreement No 773901)
Autoren: Mayer, A; Muller, A; Kalt, G; Roux, N; Weisshaidinger, R; Röös, E; Kaufmann, L; Matej, S; Theurl, MC; Ferguson, S; Hart, R; Smith, P; Erb, KH Jahr: 2021
Externe Links und Eigenschaften der Publikation:Assessing agro-ecological practices using a combination of three sustainability assessment tools
Autoren: Landert, J; Pfeifer, C; Carolus, J; Schwarz, G; Albanito, F; Muller, A; Smith, P; Sanders, J; Schader, C; Vanni, F; Prazan, J; Baumgart, L; Blockeel, J; Weisshaidinger, R; Bartel-Kratochvil, R; Hollaus, A; Mayer, A; Hrabalova, A; Helin, J; Aakkula, J; Svels, K; Guisepelli, E; Smyrniotopoulou, A; Vlahos, G; Iordanidis, Y; Szilagyi, A; Podmaniczky, L; Balazs, K; Galioto, F; Longhitano, D; Rossignolo, L; Povellato, A; Zilans, A; Grazvy-das Jegelevicius; Fratila, M; Yoldi, UI; Massa, CA; Adrian, JB; Sahlin, KR; Roos, E; Frick, R; Bircher, R; Aalders, I; Irvine, KN; Kyle, C; Miller, D Jahr: 2020
Originalbeitrag in Fachzeitschrift
Mountain pastures increase the resilience of livestock farming to extreme events in the Ariege department, France
Autoren: Mayer, A; Egger, C; Loyau, A; Plutzar, C; Schmeller, DS; Gaube, V Jahr: 2022
Originalbeitrag in Fachzeitschrift
Regional self-sufficiency: A multi-dimensional analysis relating agricultural production and consumption in the European Union
Autoren: Kaufmann, L; Mayer, A; Matej, S; Kalt, G; Lauk, C; Theurl, MC; Erb, KH Jahr: 2022
Originalbeitrag in Fachzeitschrift
Agroecological practices in combination with healthy diets can help meet EU food system policy targets
Autoren: Roos, E; Mayer, A; Muller, A; Kalt, G; Ferguson, S; Erb, KH; Hart, R; Matej, S; Kaufmann, L; Pfeifer, C; Frehner, A; Smith, P; Schwarz, G Jahr: 2022
Originalbeitrag in Fachzeitschrift
Exploring Sustainability Implications of Transitions to Agroecology: a transdisciplinary Perspective
Autoren: Schwarz, G; Vanni, F; Miller, D; Helin, J; Pražan, J; Albanito, F; Fratila, M; Galioto, F; Gava, O; Irvine, K; Landert, J; Quero, AL; Mayer, A; Monteleone, D; Muller, A; Röös, E; Smyrniotopoulou, A; Vincent, A; Vlahos, G; Zīlān, A Jahr: 2022
Originalbeitrag in Fachzeitschrift
Impacts of Scaling up Agroecology on the Sustainability of European Agriculture in 2050
Autoren: Mayer, A; Kalt, G; Kaufmann, L; Röös, E; Müller, A; Weisshaidinger, R; Frehner, A; Roux, N; Smith, P; Theurl, MC; Matej, S: Erb, KH Jahr: 2022
Originalbeitrag in Fachzeitschrift
Creating Conditions for Harnessing the Potential of Transitions to Agroecology in Europe and Requirements for Policy
Autoren: Miller, D; Legras, S; Barnes, A; Cazacu, M; Gava, O; Helin, J; Irvine, K; Kantelhardt, J; Landert, J; Latruffe, L; Mayer, A; Niedermayr, A; Povellato, A; Schaller, L; Schwarz, G; Smith, P; Vanni, F; Védrine, L; Viaggi, D; Vlahos, G Jahr: 2022
Originalbeitrag in Fachzeitschrift
Die Tierhaltung im Spannungsfeld von Klimaschutz und betrieblicher Wertschöpfung – Eine regionale Betrachtung auf Basis der Kopplung zweier Modelle
Autoren: Kirchweger, S; Mayer, A; Kantelhardt, J; Hörtenhuber, S; Kaufmann, L; Baaske, WE; Lauk, C Jahr: 2022
Originalbeitrag in Fachzeitschrift
Karlheinz Erb
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Karlheinz Erb
Tel: +43 1 47654-73715
01.05.2018 - 30.04.2021
Lisa Kaufmann
Mag.rer.nat. Lisa Kaufmann
Tel: +43 1 47654-73752
01.05.2018 - 30.04.2021
Sarah Matej
Mag. Sarah Matej
Tel: +43 1 47654-73747
01.05.2018 - 30.04.2021
Andreas Mayer
Mag.Dr.rer.soc.oec. Andreas Mayer
Tel: +43 1 47654-73727
01.05.2018 - 30.04.2021
Barbara Smetschka
Mag.phil.Dr.phil. Barbara Smetschka
Tel: +43 1 47654-73719
01.05.2018 - 30.04.2021