PUBLIZIERTER Beitrag für wissenschaftliche Veranstaltung
Production of polyhydroxyalkanoates (PHAs) from industrial waste streams with halophilic organisms
Schmid M, Schlögl P, Haas C, Neureiter M. Production of polyhydroxyalkanoates (PHAs) from industrial waste streams with halophilic organisms. In: Spanish Society of Biotechnology (SEBIOT) and Spanish Research Council (CSIC) , editor. ISPB 2016: 15th International Symposium on Biopolymers, Madrid, Spain. 2016.
BOKU Autor*innen
Markus Neureiter
Dipl.-Ing. Dr.nat.techn. Markus Neureiter
Cornelia Haas
Cornelia Haas Bakk.techn. MSc.
Maximilian Schmid
Dipl.-Ing. Maximilian Schmid