PUBLIZIERTER Beitrag für wissenschaftliche Veranstaltung
Assessing the impact of recreation on wildlife in an urban biosphere reserve
Eder, R, Arnberger, A, Tomek, H, et al. Assessing the impact of recreation on wildlife in an urban biosphere reserve . In: Pröbstl, U , editor. 15th International Symposium on Society and Resource Management Book of Abstracts. 2009.
BOKU Autor*innen
Ursula Nopp-Mayr
Assoc. Prof. Priv.-Doz. Dipl.-Ing. Dr.nat.techn. Ursula Nopp-Mayr
Renate Eder
Dipl.-Ing. Dr.nat.techn. Renate Eder
Arne Arnberger
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Arne Arnberger
Gerald Muralt
Mag. Gerald Muralt
Margit Zohmann-Neuberger
Mag.rer.nat. Dr.nat.techn. Margit Zohmann-Neuberger
Alfred Frey-Roos
Dr.rer.nat. Alfred Frey-Roos
Hemma Preisel
Dipl.-Ing. Hemma Preisel