Lena Studt-Reinhold
Dr.in Lena Studt-Reinhold
Status aktuell nicht an der BOKU tätig
ORCID: 0000-0002-8738-2106
55185266400: AuthorId
AAE-3991-2021: ResearcherId
- 2021 FWF Hertha-Firnberg Stipendiat, Universität für Bodenkultur, Wien
- 2017 - 2020 FWF Lise-Meitner Stipendiat, Universität für Bodenkultur, Wien
- 2017 Projektleiter
- 2015 - 2017 PostDoc, Universität für Bodenkultur, Wien
- 2013 - 2015 PostDoc, Westfälische Wilhelms-Universität Münster, Deutschland
- 2010 - 2013 Promotionsstudium, Westfälische Wilhelms-Universität Münster, Deutschland
- 2005 - 2009 Studium der Lebensmittelchemie, Westfälische Wilhelms-Universität, Münster, Deutschland
Es wurden 0 Projekte gefunden.
Wissentransfer in die Gesellschaft
Jahr: 2023 - Novel insights into the role of the histone variant H2A.Z in the plant pathogen Fusarium fujikuroi
Autoren: Atanasoff-Kardjalieff, AK; Berger, H; Janevska, S; Steinert, K; Humpf, H-U; Kalinina, S; Ponts, N; Studt-Reinhold, L;
Veranstaltung: 16th European Conference on Fungal Genetics 2023
Jahr: 2023 - The Fusarium PKS8 gene cluster facilitates biosynthesis of the dihydroisocoumarin derivates fusamarins
Autoren: Atanasoff-Kardjalieff, AK; Seidl, B; Steinert, K; Daniliuc, CG; Schuhmacher, R; Humpf, H-U; Kalinina, S; Studt-Reinhold, L;
Veranstaltung: 16th European Conference on Fungal Genetics 2023
Jahr: 2023 - The histone variant H2A.Z: Insights in its role in gene regulation in the phytopathogen F. fujikuroi
Autoren: Atanasoff-Kardjalieff, AK; Berger, H; Janevska, S; Steinert, K; Humpf, H-U; Kalinina, S; Ponts, N; Studt-Reinhold, L
Veranstaltung: 16th European Fusarium Seminar
Jahr: 2021 - Fusapyrone biosynthesis in Fusarium mangiferae depends on the histone methyltransferase FmKmt1 involved in H3K9me3
Autoren: Atanasoff-Kardjalieff, AK; Lünne, F; Kalinina, S; Strauss, J; Humpf, HU; Studt, L;
Veranstaltung: 42nd Mycotoxin Workshop 2021
Jahr: 2019 - The Fusarium graminearum histone H3 lysine 4 demethylase FgKdm5 regulates expression of secondary metabolite and virulence genes
Autoren: Simone Bachleitner, Lena Studt, Jens Laurids Sørensen, Joseph Strauss
Veranstaltung: Molecular Biology of Fungi MBF2019
Jahr: 2019 - Activation of the penicillin G cluster by the histone acetyltransferase GcnE in Aspergillus nidulans
Autoren: Zehetbauer, F; Schüller, A; Rassinger, A; Studt, L; Gacek-Matthews, A; Gonzalez, J; Strauss, J
Veranstaltung: 13th Symposium of the VAAM Special Group Biology and Biotechnology of Fungi 2019
Jahr: 2019 - Role of the histone 3 lysine 9 methyltransferase Kmt1 in fungal development and secondary metabolism in different Fusarium spp.
Autoren: Atanasoff-Kardjalieff, AK; Bachleitner, S; Sulyok, M; Sørensen, JL; Ponts, N; Strauss, J; Studt, L;
Veranstaltung: 13th conference of the VAAM special group Molecular Biology of Fungi
Jahr: 2019 - Targeted Activation of Silent Secondary Metabolite Gene Clusters by an RNA-guided Transactivator
Autoren: Schüller, A; Sulyok, M;Studt, L;Berger, H; Wolansky, L;Strauss, J;
Veranstaltung: 13th Symposium of the VAAM Special Group Biology and Biotechnology of Fungi and the 1st joint meeting with the GeneAG “Fungal Genetics” of the German Genetics Society (MBF 2019)
Jahr: 2018 - Kdm5, a jumonji histone H3 demethylase is a chromatin regulator of secondary metabolite gene expression and virulence in Fusarium graminearum
Autoren: Simone Bachleitner, Lena Studt, Jens Laurids Sørensen, Joseph Strauss
Veranstaltung: 14th European Fusarium Seminar 2018
Jahr: 2017 - Demethylase function of KdmB, a jumonji histone H3 demethylase, is not required for secondary metabolite gene regulation in Aspergillus nidulans
Autoren: Simone Bachleitner, Lena Studt, Agnieszka Gacek-Matthews, Michael Sulyok, Joseph Strauss
Veranstaltung: 29th Fungal Genetic Conference 2017
Jahr: 2017 - Regulators of histone H3K4 trimethylation influence transcription of secondary metabolite gene clusters in Aspergillus and Fusarium species.
Autoren: Lena Studt, Simone Bachleitner and Joseph Strauss.
Veranstaltung: Asilomar Fungal Genetics Conference