Andreas Weber
Andreas Weber
Status aktuell nicht an der BOKU tätig
ORCID: 0000-0001-6462-7687
57207808497: AuthorId
- 2020 - 2020 Forschungsaufenthalt - Cancer Heterogeneity Lab, CIC BioGUNE, Bilbao (Host: Maria Vivanco & Robert Kypta)
- 2018 Doktoratsstudium der Bodenkultur
- 2015 - 2018 Dipl.-Ing. Biotechnology
- 2011 - 2015 BSc Lebensmittel- und Biotechnologie
Es wurden 0 Projekte gefunden.
Wissentransfer in die Gesellschaft
(2023) Biophysical and Substrate Bioengineering Methods for investigating Cell Adhesion, Cell Spreading and Cell Mechanics
Autoren: Einschütz Lopez, A; Moreno-Cencerrado, A; Ortiz, R; Gil-Redondo, J. C; Saravia, V; Iturri, J; Weber, A; Vivanco, M. dM; Quintana, I; Toca-Herrera J. L.
12th International Colloids Conference
(2023) Optical imaging of intra- and extracellular micro- and nanoplastic during cell division
Autoren: Brynzak-Schreiber, E; Schögl, E; Cseh, K; Kopatz, V; Legin, A; Jakupec, MA; Weber, A; Toca-Herrera, JL; del Favero, G; Kiss, E; Wadsak, W; Kenner, L; Pichler, V.
18th European Molecular Imaging Meeting (EMIM 2023)
(2022) Changes in nuclear morphology correlate with invasiveness in breast cancer cells
Autoren: Zbiral, B; Weber, A; Vivanco, MdM; Toca-Herrera, JL
27th Congress of the European Society of Biomechanic 2022
(2022) Accumulation and effects of micro- and nanoplastics in colon carcinoma cells
Autoren: Brynzak-Schreiber,E; Schögl,E; Cseh, K; Kopatz, V; Weber, A; Toca-Herrera, JL; Jakupec,MA; Kenner, L; Pichler, V
1st Vienna Summit on Microplastics and Health 2022
(2022) AFM meets biology: investigating the mechanical properties of biological materials
Autoren: Gil-Redondo, JC; Weber, A; Zbiral, B; Toca-Herrera, JL
(2022) Viscoelastic cell properties from AFM stress relaxation experiments
Autoren: Weber, A; Benitez, R; Toca-Herrera, JL
Biophysics Austria Meeting 2022
(2021) Tamoxifen Resistance Leads to Softening of Breast Cancer Cells
Autoren: Zbiral, B; Weber, A; Vivanco, M dM; Toca-Herrera, J L
26th Congress of the ESB ESBiomech 2020
Autoren: Sumarokova M; Weber, A; Iturri, J; Toca-Herrera, JL
VI International Symposium on Physics, Engineering and Technologies for Biomedicine
(2021) The more aggressive the softer – comparing breast cancer cell mechanics
Autoren: Zbiral, B; Weber, A; Vivanco, MdM; Toca-Herrera, JL
Cell Physics 2021
(2021) Power Law Rheology to Describe Cell Mechanics
Autoren: Weber, A; Zbiral, B; Benitez, R; Vivanco, MdM; Toca-Herrera, J.L.
26th Congress of the ESB ESBiomech 2020
(2021) Hypoxic conditions alter breast cancer cell mechanics and rheology
Autoren: Zbiral, B; Weber, A; Vivanco MdM; Toca-Herrera, J. L.
12th Annual Symposium Physics of Cancer 2021
(2021) Modulation of viscoelastical properties of MCF-7 cells by substrate stiffness
Autoren: Gil-Redondo, JC; Weber, A; Zbiral, B; Vivanco, MdM; Toca-Herrera, JL
12th Annual Symposium Physics of Cancer 2021
(2020) Single-Cell Probe Force studies to identify Sox2 overexpression-promoted Cell adhesion variations in MCF7 Breast Cancer Cells
Autoren: Iturri, J; Weber, A; Vivanco, MdM; Toca-Herrera, JL.
(2020) From nano to micro - AFM and biomaterials
Autoren: Andreas Weber, Jagoba Iturri, José Luis Toca-Herrera
Cancer Heterogeneity Lab
(2020) Influence of tamoxifen resistance on the mechanical properties of breast cancer epithelial cells.
Autoren: Weber, A; Zbiral, B; Iturri, J; Vivanco dM M; Toca-Herrera, J.L.
11th Annual Symposium Physics of Cancer
(2019) Does estrogen receptor drug binding influence breast cancer cell viscoelasticity?
Autoren: Weber, A; Iturri, J; Benitez, R; Vivanco, MdM; Toca-Herrera, J.L.
Cell Physics 2019
(2019) From ARBRE-MOBIEU networking to regional research cooperation:Multimethod study of algal cell response to laboratory-induced cadmium stress
Autoren: Ivosevic DeNardis, N; Pečar Ilic, J; Ružić, I; Novosel, N; Mišić Radić, T; Weber, A; Kasum, D, Pavlinska, Z; Balogh, R. K.; Hajdu, B; Marček Chorvátová, A; Gyurcsik, B
The 3rdCOST-sponsored ARBRE-MOBIEU plenary meeting - Molecular Biophysics: ABC of the puzzle of Life
(2019) Microtubule depolymerisation leads to changes in mechanical and adhesive properties of endothelial cells
Autoren: Weber, A; Iturri, J; Benitez, R; Zemljic-Jokhadar, S; Toca-Herrera, JL
Joint 12th EBSA European Biophysics Congress / 10th IUPAP International Conference on Biological Physics (ICBP)
(2019) Loading Rate Dependence of Mechanical Properties of Biomaterials studied by AFM
Autoren: Weber, A.; Toca-Herrera, J.L.
25th Congress of the European Society of Biomechanics (ESB 2019)
(2019) Resveratrol-Induced Temporal Variation in the Mechanical Properties of MCF-7 Breast Cancer Cells Investigated by Atomic Force Microscopy
Autoren: Iturri, J; Weber, A; Moreno-Cencerrado, A; Vivanco, MdM; Benítez , R; Leporatti, S; Toca-Herrera, J L;
Cell Physics 2019
(2019) Microtubule depolymerisation leads to changes in mechanical and adhesive properties of endothelial cells
Autoren: Weber, A; Iturri, J; Benitez, R; Zemljic-Jokhadar, S; Toca-Herrera, J.L.
Joint 12th EBSA, 10th ICBP-IUPAP Biophysics Congress
(2019) Influence of Cytoskeletal Features on the Mechanics of Endothelial Cells
Autoren: Weber, A.; Iturri, J.; Benitez, R.; Zemljic-Jokhadar, S.; Toca-Herrera, J.L.
25th Congress of the European Society of Biomechanics (ESB 2019)
(2018) Unravelling mechanical properties of biopolymer films by means of Force Spectroscopy
Autoren: Iturri, J.; Sumarokova, M.; Weber, A.; Toca-Herrera, J.-L.
4th International Conference on Biomedical Polymers and Polymeric Biomaterials (ISBPPB)
(2018) Atomic Force Microscopy as imaging and mechanical device
Autoren: Sumarokova, M; Iturri, J; Weber, A; Tharad, S; Moreno-Cencerrado, A; Toca-Herrera, JL
10th ÖGMBT Annual Meeting & Biophysics Austria Annual Meeting 2018
(2018) Studying the effect of estrogen receptor-interacting substances on the mechanical and adhesive properties of human breast cancer cells via AFM
Autoren: Weber, A; Iturri, J; Benitez, R; Vivanco, MdM; Toca-Herrera, JL
10th ÖGMBT Annual Meeting & Biophysics Austria Annual Meeting 2018
AFM as mechanical tool for (bio)material characterization
Autoren: Weber, A; Iturri, J; Benitez R; Toca-Herrera J.L.
Unravelling the role of microtubules on cytomechanics by nanoindentation
Autoren: Weber, A.; Iturri, J.; Zemlic-Jokhadar, S.; Benitez, R.; Toca-Herrera, J.-L.
Atomic Force Microscopy as Mechanical Tool to study cell mechanics
Autoren: Weber, A; Iturri, J; Zemlic-Jokhadar, S; Benitez, R; Toca-Herrera, J.L.