Alexander Bauer
Assoc. Prof. Priv.-Doz. Dipl.-Ing. Dr.nat.techn. Alexander Bauer
Institut für Landtechnik
Standort Peter-Jordan-Straße 82, 1190 Wien
Tel: +43 1 47654-93101, 93150
ORCID: 0000-0001-6954-3845
55676823600: AuthorId
Agrartechnik AgriPV Energieeffiziente Landwirtschaft Biogas
- 2006 - 2009 Doktoratsstudium der Bodenkultur - BOKU - Universität für Bodenkultur Wien: Thema der Dissertation: Optimierung der Biogasherstellung aus Energiepflanzen und landwirtschaftlichen Reststoffen
- 2000 - 2006 Studium der Landwirtschaft, Schwerpunkte tierische und pflanzliche Produktion
- 2009 Dr.-Berthold-Pohl-Stipendium - Südtirol
- 2005 AFEMA-Förderpreis für Nachwuchswissenschaftler
Es wurden 0 Projekte gefunden.
Wissentransfer in die Gesellschaft
(2024) Agri-Photovoltaik in Österreich im Kontext des Klimawandels (PA³C³)
Autoren: Krexner, T; Mikovits, C; Kral, I; Schauppenlehner, T; Schmidt, J; Schönhart, M; Bauer, A
24. Österreichischer Klimatag 2024
(2024) Comparison of Different End-of-Life Modelling Approaches for an Environmental Life Cycle Assessment of Agrivoltaic Systems in Austria
Autoren: Krexner, T; Bauer, A; Kral, I
SETAC Europe 34th Annual Meeting
(2024) Vergleichende Ökobilanz von Grünstrukturen und - flächen in Wien
Autoren: Krexner, T; Kral, I; Bauer, A; Obriejetan, M
24. Österreichischer Klimatag 2024
(2023) Part 1: Potential Analysis of Agrivoltaics in Austria in the Context of Climate Change; Part 2: Comparative Environmental Life Cycle Assessment of a Stilted and Vertical Bifacial Agrivoltaic System
Autoren: Bauer, A; Krexner, T; Kral, I
Agrivoltaics Lecture Series des Fraunhofer ISE
(2023) pv magazine Roundtable - AgriPV in Deutschland
Autoren: Bauer, A
Roundtables Europe 2023
(2023) Potenzialanalyse der Agri-PV in Österreich im Kontext des Klimawandels - Schwerpunkt Potential und Ökobilanz
Autoren: Krexner, T; Kral, I; Mikovits, C; Schmidt, J; Schönhart, M; Schauppenlehner, T; Bauer, A
Expert*innen Tagung: Bodenschutz bei Photovoltaik Freiflächenanlagen
(2023) Potential Analysis of Agrivoltaics in Austria in the Context of Climate Change (PA³C³)
Autoren: Krexner, T; Kral, I; Mikovits, C; Schmidt, J; Schönhart, M; Schauppenlehner, T; Schmid, E; Gronauer, A; Bauer, A
AgriVoltaics 2023
(2023) Agri-Photovoltaik - Nachhaltiges Energiesysteme am Beispiel das Leuchtturmprojektes EWS Sonnenfeld Bruck/Leitha
Autoren: Bauer, A
Sonnenstromerzeugung der Zukunft – Kombination von Photovoltaik und Landwirtschaft als Chance
(2023) Agrar Photovoltaik: Mehrfache Nutzung von agrarischen Flächen
Autoren: Bauer, A
Maschinenring Agrartreff
(2023) Vergleichende Ökobilanz eines aufgeständerten und eines vertikal bifazialen Agri-Photovoltaik-Systems
Autoren: Krexner, T; Bauer, A; Medel-Jiménez, F; Gronauer, A; Kral, I
23. Klimattag 2023 - Ressourcen im Wandel
(2023) Potentialanalyse der Agri-Photovoltaik in Österreich im Kontext des Klimawandels (PA³C³)
Autoren: Krexner, T; Kral, I; Mikovits, C; Schmidt, J; Schönhart, M; Schauppenlehner, T; Schmid E; Bauer, A
Fachveranstaltung der Klima- und Energie-ModellregionsmanagerInnen
(2022) Comparative Environmental Life Cycle Assessment of a Stilted and Vertical Bifacial Agri-Photovoltaic System
Autoren: Krexner, T; Bauer, A; Medel-Jiménez, F; Gronauer, A; Kral, I
SETAC Europe 25th LCA Symposium
(2022) DiLaAg - digitalisation and innovation laboratory in agricultural sciences
Autoren: Pichlbauer, B; Chapa-Gonzalez, J M; Purcell, W; Mallinger, K; Koppensteiner, L;Kitzler, F; Pejakovic, V; Medel-Jimenez, F J; Krexner, T; Iwersen, M; Neubauer, T; Neugschwandtner, R; Bauer, A; Kral, I; Motsch, V; Korth, F; Drillich, M; Rauber, A; Tjoa, A M; Kaul, H-P; Gronauer, A
10th European Conference on Precision Livestock Farming 2022
(2022) Agrivoltaics - Definition, State of the Art and Opportunities for the Future of Agriculture
Autoren: Krexner, T; Kral, I; Mikovits, C; Schmidt, J; Schönhart, M; Schauppenlehner, T; Bauer, A
Österreichische Energieagentur - Austrian Energy Agency
(2022) Comparative Environmental Life Cycle Assessment of a Stilted and Vertical Bifacial Agri-Photovoltaic System
Autoren: Krexner, T; Bauer, A; Mikovits, C; Schmidt, J; Schönhart, M; Schauppenlehner, T; Schmid, E; Gronauer, A; Medel-Jiménez, F; Kral, I
AgriVoltaics 2022
(2022) Comparative Environmental Life Cycle Assessment of a Stilted and Vertical Bifacial Agri-Photovoltaic System
Autoren: Krexner, T; Bauer, A; Mikovits, C; Schmidt, J; Schönhart, M; Schauppenlehner, T; Schmid, E; Gronauer, A; Medel-Jiménez, F; Kral, I
CASEE Conference 2022
(2021) Life Cycle Assessment of an agrivoltaic test facility in Austria
Autoren: Kral, I; Dreyer, M; Krexner, T; Gronauer, A; Bauer, A
AgriVoltaics 2021
(2021) Dissemination of precision farming technologies in Austria in the context of energy savings potential
Autoren: Motsch, V; Hauser, L; Schuster, J; Bauer, A; Bauer, T; Brunner, M; Barta, N; Gronauer, A
41. GIL-Jahrestagung 2021
(2021) PA3C3 - Potential analysis of agrivoltaics in Austria in the context of climate change
Autoren: Kral, I; Krexner, T; Mikovits, C; Ressar, K; Schauppenlehner, T; Schmid, E; Schmidt, J; Schönhart, M; Gronauer, A; Bauer, A
AgriVoltaics 2021
(2021) Life cycle assessment of biogas and nano-cellulose production from manure: A solution proposal to upcycle shite
Autoren: Krexner, T; Gronauer, A; Kral, I; Bauer, A
19. BOKU CAS Semestertouchdown 2021
(2021) Environmental Life Cycle Assessment of Nano-cellulose and Biogas Production from Elephant Manure
Autoren: Krexner, T; Bauer, A; Weiland, K; Gronauer, A; Kral, I
16th SDEWES Conference 2021
(2018) Demand driven biogas production by discontinuous feeding strategies
Autoren: Lizasoain, J; Leber, J; Frühauf, S; Karnpakdee, K; Wlcek, B; Gronauer, A; Bauer, A;
46th International Symposium Actual Tasks on Agricultural Engineering 2018
(2018) Entirely oil palm based 1,3-propanediol production with Lactobacillus diolivorans
Autoren: Russmayer, H; Arteaga, J; Bauer, A; Marx, H; Sauer, M;
10th ÖGMBT Annual Meeting & Biophysics Austria Annual Meeting 2018
(2018) Environmental Impact Assessment of Steam Explosion Pretreatment in Biogas Production Chains in Austria
Autoren: Kral, I; Saylor, M.K; Piringer, G; Gronauer, A; Bauer, A
24th SETAC Europe LCA Symposium 2018
(2018) Effizienzvergleich von automatischen Lenksystemen (aL) mit manueller Lenkung (mL) während der Grünlandernte auf Basis von Prozessparametern der Zugmaschine
Autoren: Kral, I; Mauch, M; Barta, N; Piringer, G; Bauer, A; Gronauer, A
Tagung 'Landtechnik im Alpenraum' 2018
(2018) Genauigkeit, Fehlereinflüsse und Optimierungspotential einer einfachen Kraftsensorik am Heckhubwerk
Autoren: Barta, N; Luthra, S; Eichinger, M; Pfurtscheller, H; Hofinger, M; Antlinger, J; Bauer, A; Gronauer, A
38. GIL-Jahrestagung 2018
(2018) Influence of tillage depth of a cultivator on the quantity and spatial distribution of crop residues of winter barley in a chernozem soil
Autoren: Mairhofer, F.; Barta, N.; Euteneuer, P.; Bauer, A.; Gronauer, A.
9th CASEE Conference 2018
(2017) Effizienzvergleich von automatischen Lenksystemen mit manueller Lenkung während der Grünlandernte auf Basis von Prozessparametern der Zugmaschine
Autoren: Kral, I; Mauch, M; Barta, N; Piringer, G; Bauer, A; Bauerdick, J; Bernhardt, H; Gronauer, A
37. GIL-Jahrestagung 2017
(2017) Umweltauswirkungen der Nutzung von agrarischen und kommunalen Reststoffen in einer alpinen Gemeinde
Autoren: Kral, I; Saylor, M; Piringer, G; Bauer, A; Gronauer, G
Ökobilanzwerkstatt 2017
(2017) Automated versus manual steering during grassland harvest operations in Western Austria
Autoren: Kral, I; Mauch, M; Barta, N; Piringer, G; Bauer, A; Bauerdick, J; Bernhardt, H; Gronauer, A
8th CASEE Conference Sustainable development in Europe 2017 – cooperation between science and practice - What’s the position of Central and South Eastern Europe?
(2017) Biogas production from maize straw after pretreatment with steam explosion
Autoren: Lizasoain, J; Wlcek, B; Gittinger, J; Shevidi, A; Gronauer, A; Bauer, A;
45th Symposium "Actual Tasks on Agricultural Engineering"
(2017) Steam explosion pretreatment of Alpine hay: Effects on the biomethane yields and on the biodegradation kinetics of structural compounds
Autoren: Lizasoain, J; Gronauer, A; Bauer, A
International Conference Progress in Biogas IV
(2017) Carbon Footprint of Electricity from Biogas with Steam Explosion Pretreatment
Autoren: Kral, I; Saylor, M.K; Piringer, G; Bauer, A; Gronauer, A
45th International Symposium Actual Tasks on Agricultural Engineering 2017
(2017) Comparing the Efficiency of Automated Versus Manual Steering During Grassland Harvest Operations in Western Austria
Autoren: Kral, I; Mauch, M; Piringer, G; Barta, N; Bauer, A; Bauerdick, J; Bernhardt, H; Gronauer, A
45th International Symposium Actual Tasks on Agricultural Engineering 2017
(2017) Maize straw for anaerobic digestion: technologies to open up new resources.
Autoren: Lizasoain, J; Gronauer, A; Bauer, A;
8th CASEE Conference Sustainable development in Europe 2017 – cooperation between science and practice - What’s the position of Central and South Eastern Europe?
(2016) Precision farming and innovative collaboration schemes in agriculture
Autoren: Bauer A; Gronauer, A; Aschauer, Ch; Barta, N;
Triple Helix Conference on Bio-Based Energy
(2016) Environmental impacts of agro-municipal resource use in an Alpine municipality
Autoren: Kral, I; Saylor, M.K.; Gerhard, P.; Bauer, A.; Gronauer, A;
22nd SETAC Europe LCA Case Study Symposium 2016
(2016) Carbon footprint of electricity production from an innovative biogas system with steam explosion pre-treatment
Autoren: Kral, I; Saylor, M.K; Gerhard, P; Bauer, A; Gronauer, A;
LCA (Life Cycle Assessment) - The importance for the production and use of biogas Presentation of the RESEnviro project results
(2016) Langfristige Bereitstellung von Energie aus der Landwirtschaft
Autoren: Bauer, A.
Workshop Energie aus Biomasse
(2016) Continuous anaerobic digestion of steam-exploded maize straw for biogas production
Autoren: Lizasoain, J., Wlcek, B., Gittinger, J., Gronauer, A., Bauer, A.
11th Conference on Sustainable Development of Energy, Water and Environment Systems 2016
(2016) Carbon footprint of agro-municipal resource use in an Alpine municipality
Autoren: Kral, I; Saylor, M; Piringer, G; Gronauer, A; Bauer, A
7th CASEE Conference 2016 - The Role of Life Sciences in Europe’s 2020 Strategy
(2016) Environmental impacts of biogas production at the interface of natural systems and infrastructure
Autoren: Piringer, G; Saylor, M K; Kral, I; Piringer, G; Bauer, A; Gronauer, A
e-nova Internationaler Kongress 2016
(2016) Effects of pretreatment technologies on maize straw for biogas production
Autoren: Lizasoain, J; Pavliska, O; Theuretzbacher, F; Frühauf, S; Gronauer, A; Bauer, A
LCA (Life Cycle Assessment) - The importance for the production and use of biogas Presentation of the RESEnviro project results
(2016) Auswirkungen von Vorbehandlungstechnologien auf die Nutzbarkeit von Maisstroh zur Biogasproduktion
Autoren: Bauer, A; Lizasoain, J; Frühauf, S; Gronauer, A;
Info-Tag "Körnermaisstroh als Biogassubstrat"
(2015) Umweltauswirkungen der Energieproduktion aus Biogas
Autoren: Kral, I; Piringer, G; Saylor, M; Gronauer, A; Bauer, A
Symposium Ökobilanzierung 2015, Strategische Kooperation BOKU - Umweltbundesamt
(2015) Environmental effects of a novel pre-treatment technology for maize stover as a biogas substrate
Autoren: Kral, I; Piringer, G; Saylor, M; Gronauer, A; Bauer, A
Biogas Seminar
(2015) Environmental Effects of a Novel Pre-treatment Technology for Maize Stover as a Biogas Substrate
Autoren: Kral, I; Saylor, M.K.; Piringer, G; Bauer, A; Gronauer, A
6th CASEE Conference 2015 - Latest Trends in Bioeconomy in Danube region
(2015) Steam explosion pretreatment of wheat straw to improve methane yields: degradation kinetics of structural compounds during anaerobic digestion
Autoren: Lizasoain, J., Theuretzbacher, F., Lefever, C., Gronauer, A., Bauer, A.
Biogas seminar at Ås Campus
(2015) Carbon footprint of electricity production from innovative biogas systems with steam explosion pretreatment
Autoren: Kral, I; Piringer, G; Saylor, M; Gronauer, A; Bauer, A
10th Conference on Sustainable Development of Energy, Water and Environment Systems 2015
(2015) Environmental hot spot analysis in agricultural LCA - three case studies
Autoren: Piringer, G; Saylor, M K; Stampfel, A; Bauer, A; Gronauer, A; Kral, I
6th CASEE Conference 2015 - Latest Trends in Bioeconomy in Danube region
(2014) Environmental effects of steam explosion pre-treatment on biogas from maize
Autoren: Kral, I; Saylor, MK; Bauer, A; Piringer, G; Gronauer, A
SETAC Europe 20th LCA Case Study Symposium
(2014) Steam explosion pretreatment for enhancing biogas production of Alpine hay
Autoren: Bauer, A; Lizasoain, J; Theuretzbacher, F; Rincón, M; Menardo, S; Enguidanos, R; Gronauer, A;
International Conference of Agricultural Engineering - AgEng 2014
(2014) Agricutural residues and its Potential for Biogas Production
Autoren: Bauer, A; Groanuer, A;
3rd Annual Forum of the EU Strategy for the Danube Region 2014
(2014) Reed as an alternative biomass for biogas production
Autoren: Bauer, A; Lizasoain, J; Rincón, M; Gronauer, A;
International Conference of Agricultural Engineering - AgEng 2014
(2014) Role of Biomass and Biogas For Agro-Municipal Development in the Danube Region
Autoren: Gronauer, A; Aschauer, C; Bauer, A; Piringer, G; Pröll, T; Pfeifer, C;
Scientific Support to the Danube Strategy Danube Bioenergy Nexus 2014
(2014) Potential analysis of agricultural residues as a source of renewable energy
Autoren: Frühauf, S; Gronauer, A; Bauer, A;
5th CASEE Conference 2014 - Healthy Food Production and Environmental Preservation - The Role of Agriculture, Forestry and Applied Biology
(2014) Environmental impacts of agro-municipal resource use in an Alpine municipality: Comparing the status quo to local biogas from managed grasslands
Autoren: Piringer, G; Saylor, MK; Kral, I; Frühauf, S; Gronauer, A; Bauer, A
SETAC Europe 20th LCA Case Study Symposium - LCA in promoting eco-innovation and sustainability: education, research and application
(2014) Degradation kinetics of steam exploded wheat straw during anaerobic digestion for biogas production
Autoren: Lizasoain, J; Theuretzbacher, T; Lefever, L; Enguidanos, R; Werfring, V; Gronauer, A; Bauer A;
International Conference of Agricultural Engineering - AgEng 2014
(2013) Optimized alternative fuel production (biogas) in Alpine regions.
Autoren: Lizasoain, J; Bauer, A; Piringer, G; Gronauer, A
DocDay 2013
(2013) Enhancement of methane production out of strong lignified hay through steam explosion pretreatment
Autoren: Theuretzbacher, F; Bauer, A; Gronauer, A;
PRES'13 - 16th Conference Process Integration, Modelling and Optimisation for Energy Saving and Pollution Reduction
(2013) Steam explosion pretreatment of Miscanthus x giganteus – effect of pretreatment temperature and time on the specific methane yield
Autoren: Theuretzbacher, F; Bauer, A; Lizasoain, J; Menardo, S; Gronauer, A
8th conference on sustainable development of energy, water and environment systems 2013
(2013) Effect of steam explosion pretreatment on the specific methane yield of Miscanthus x giganteus
Autoren: Theuretzbacher, F; Lizasoain, J; Menardo, S; Nilsen, P, J; Gronauer, A; Bauer, A
4th CASEE Conference 2013 - Food and Biomass Production - Basis for a Sustainable Rural Development
(2012) Efficient utilization of lignocellulosic crop residues for biogas production using an optimized process chain
Autoren: Pavliska, O; Theuretzbacher, F.; Bauer, A.; Amon, B.; Amon, A.; Kaul, H.-P.
20th European Biomass Conference and Exhibition 2012
(2012) Nutzung „neuer“ landwirtschaftlicher Rohstoffe für die Biogasproduktion
Autoren: Theuretzbacher, F; Pavliska, O; Gronauer, A; Bauer, A
Biogas 2012
(2012) Effect of steam explosion pretreatment on the specific methane yield of Miscanthus giganteus
Autoren: Theuretzbacher, F; Lizasoain, J; Menardo, S; Bauer, A; Gronauer, A
CASEE conference 2013, Zagreb
(2012) Miscanthus as an alternative biomass source for biogas production
Autoren: Lizasoain, J.; Bauer, A.; Theuretzbacher, F.; Rincón, M.; Kuttner, P.; Enguídanos, R.; Amon, T.
20th European Biomass Conference and Exhibition 2012
(2012) Biogas production using strong lignified hay – optimization of the steam explosion pretreatment
Autoren: Bauer, A
CAMBI Biogas Summer Seminar 2012
(2012) Biogas production using strong lignified hay – optimization of the steam explosion pretreatment
Autoren: Theuretzbacher, F.; Bauer, A.; Amon, B.; Amon, T.
International Conference of Agricultural Engineering CIGR-AgEng 2012 - Agriculture & Engineering for a Healthier Life
(2012) Reed as an alternative biomass source for biogas production
Autoren: Rincón, M.; Bauer, A.; Theuretzbacher, F.; Lizasoain, J.; Kuttner, P.; Enguídanos, R.; Amon, T.
20th European Biomass Conference and Exhibition 2012
(2012) Utilization of Sweet Sorghum as a Catch Crop for providing Raw Materials for the Production of Bioethanol and Biogas
Autoren: Theuretzbacher, F.; Kravanja, P.; Becker, M.; Bauer, A.; Amon, B.; Friedl, A.; Rosenau, T.; Potthast, A.; Amon, T.
15th International Conference on Process Integration, Modelling and Optimisation for Energy Saving and Pollution Reduction PRES in Collaboration with the CHISA Congress 2012
(2012) Whole plant utilization of different Sorghum bicolor (L.moench) varieties for combined bioethanol and biogas production
Autoren: Theuretzbacher, F.; Kravanja, P.; Becker, M.; Bauer, A.; Enguidanos R.; Amon, B.; Friedl, A.; Potthast, A.; Amon, T.
International Conference of Agricultural Engineering CIGR-AgEng 2012 - Agriculture & Engineering for a Healthier Life
(2011) Optimisation of biogas production from maize, sorghum and rye under dry climate conditions
Autoren: Amon, T., Lyson, D.F., Leonhartsberger, C., Bauer, A., Moder, K, Amon, B.
34th CIOSTA CIGR V Conference 2011 - Efficient and safe production processes in sustainable agriculture and forestry
(2011) Project Labiogas
Autoren: Lyson, D.F., Alves, M., Enguídanos, R., Bauer, A., Amon, B., Bley, C., Amon, T.
International Symposium on Anaerobic Digestion of Solid Waste and Energy Crops ADSW&EC, 2011
(2011) Effects of antibiotic residues in fermentation substrates on biogas yield
Autoren: Bauer, A., Amon, T. Amon, B.
1st International Conference on Biogas Microbiology 2011
(2011) New trends onenergy generation using biomass
Autoren: Amon, T., Amon, B., Leonhartsberger, L., Bauer, A., Mayr, H., Eder, M., Hobbs, P., Rao Ravella, S., Roth, U., Niebaum, A., Doehler, H., Weiland, P., Abdoun, E., Moser, A., Lyson, D.F., Heiermann, M., Plöchl, M., Budde, J., Schattauer, A., Suarez, T., Möller, H., Ward, A., Hillen, F., Sulima, P., Oniszk-Polplawska, A., Krampe, P., Pastorek, Z., Mazancova, J., Jan van Dooren, H., Wim, C., Gioelli, F., Balsari, P.
2nd Simpósio Internacional sobre Gerenciamento de Resíduos Agropecuários e Agroindustriais – II SIGERA 2011
(2011) Berechnung des Methanertrages auf Basis von Inhaltsstoff am Beispiel Grassilage
Autoren: Bauer, A., Amon, T.
6. VDI-Fachtagung Biogas 2011
(2011) Strategies to optimise energy crop production under dry climatic conditions
Autoren: Leonhartsberger, C., Bauer, A., Ilic, D., Amon, T.
Central European Biomass Conference 2011
(2010) Hochdruckverfahren zur Nutzung von Lignocellulose als nachwachsender Rohstoff oder Energiequelle
Autoren: E. Haimer, C. Krapf, M. Wendland, F. Liebner, A. Potthast, T. Rosenau, A. Bauer, T. Amon
Process Net Jahrestreffen der Fachausschüsse Fluidverfahrenstechnik und Hochdruckverfahrenstechnik
(2010) Effects of Antibiotic Residues in Fermentation Substrates on Biogas Yield.
Autoren: Bauer. A., Leonhartsberger, C., Amon, T., Klocke, M., Bergmann, I., Mundt, K., Winckler.Ch.
14th Ramiran International Conference 2010
(2010) Possibilities to optimize feedstock mixtures for biogas production
Autoren: Leonhartsberger, C., Amon, T., Bauer. A.
14th Ramiran International Conference 2010
(2010) Aufschluss von Lignicellulose aus Roggenstroh
Autoren: C. Krapf, E. Haimer, M. Wendland, A. Bauer, T. Amon
Process Net Jahrestreffen - Industrielle Nutzung nachwachsender Rohstoffe - Chemie, Biotechnologie, Verfahrenstechnik
(2010) Optimisation of energy crop production under dry climatic conditions
Autoren: Leonhartsberger, C., Bauer, A., Ilic, D., Amon, T.
International Conference on Agricultural Engineering AgEng 2010
(2010) Utilisation of by-products from ethanol production as substrate for biogas production
Autoren: De Paoli, F., Bauer, A., Leonhartsberger, C., De Zanche, C., Amon, T.
International Conference on Agricultural Engineering AgEng 2010
(2010) Optimisation of energy crop production under dry climatic conditions
Autoren: Leonhartsberger, C., Bauer, A., Ilic, D., Amon, T.
18th European Biomass Conference and Exhibiton 2010
(2009) Effect of the Intensity of Grassland Management on Biogas Production
Autoren: Leonhartsberger, C., Bauer, A., Gerstl, M., Pötsch, E.M., Amon, T.
33rd CIOSTA and 5th CIGR Conference 2009 - Technology and management to ensure sustainable agriculture, agro systems, forestry and safety
(2009) Management of Permanent Grassland for Biogas Production
Autoren: Leonhartsberger, C., Bauer, A., Gerstl, M., Amon, T., Pötsch, E.M.
17th European Biomass Conference & Exhibition 2009 - From Research to Industry and Markets
(2009) Posibilities for sustainable agrarian feestock production and utilistion
Autoren: Leonhartsberger, Ch., Bauer, A., Mayr, H., Amon, T.
EU-AGRO-Biogas Symposium Biogas09 2009
(2009) Separation processes for the utilisation of lignocellulose as renewable resource for energy, materials and chemicals.
Autoren: Wendland, M.; Haimer, E.; Krapf, C.; Liebner, F.; Potthast, A.; Rosenau, T.; Bauer, A.; Amon, T.
29. Internationaler Ausstellungskongress für Chemische Technik, Umweltschutz und Biotechnologie ACHEMA 2009
(2009) Evaluation of the Methane Yield of Steam-exploded Wheat Straw and its Energy Potential for the total arable Land in EU-27
Autoren: Bauer, A., Leonhartsberger, C., Bösch, P., Friedl, A., Amon, T.
33rd CIOSTA and 5th CIGR Conference 2009 - Technology and management to ensure sustainable agriculture, agro systems, forestry and safety
(2009) Production of Methane from Steam Exploded Wheat Straw
Autoren: Bauer, A., Leonhartsberger, C., Mayr, H., Amon, T., Bösch, P., Friedl, A.
17th European Biomass Conference & Exhibition 2009 - From Research to Industry and Markets
(2008) Biogas as a renewable energy source within sustainable biofuels based biorefinery concepts
Autoren: Bauer, A.
18th International Congress of Chemical and Process Engineering PRES 2008
(2008) Biogas as a renewable energy source within sustainable biofuels based biorefinery concepts
Autoren: Bauer, A.
International Conference on Agricultural Engineering & Industry Exhibition AgEng 2008
(2008) Nachhaltige Biogaserzeugung durch die Integration ertragreicher und standortangepasster Energiepflanzen in ausgewogene Fruchtfolgesysteme
Autoren: Leonhartsberger, C., Bauer, A., Lyson, D., Bodiroza, V., Milovanovic, D., Rinnofner, T., Friedel, J. K., Amon, T.
klima:aktiv Kongress biogas08
(2008) Optimierung der Beschaffungs- und Distributionslogistik für Biogasanlagen
Autoren: Stürmer, B., Eder, M., Hopfner-Sixt, K., Bauer, A., Handler, F., Amon, Th., Ritzmann, A.
Mitteleuropäische Biomassekonferenz 2008
(2008) Optimisation of logistics for different supply and distribution system at large biogas plants
Autoren: Bauer, A.
16th European Biomass Conference and Exhibition 2008
(2008) The Role of Biogas Production in Sustainable Biofuels based Biorefinery Concepts
Autoren: Bauer, A.
13th RAMIRAN International Conference 2008
(2007) Biogaserzeugung aus Energiepflanzen: Stoffstromanalyse bei der Gärrestaufbereitung mittels Separatoren
Autoren: Bauer,A., Hopfner-Sixt, K.
Biogas Fachkongress biogas07 2007
(2007) Potential of Biogas Production in sustainable biorefinery concepts
Autoren: Bauer, A., Hrbek, R., Amon, B., Kryvoruchko, V., Machmüller, A., Hopfner-Sixt, K., Bodiroza, V., Wagentristl, H., Pötsch, E., Zollitsch, W., Amon, T.,
5th Research and Development Conference of Central- and Eastern European Institutes of Agricultural Engineering
(2007) Modelling of small-scale bioethanol plants with renewable energy supply
Autoren: Liebmann, B., Pfeffer, M., Wukovits, W., Bauer, A., Amon, T., Gwehenberger, G., Narodoslawsky, M., Friedl, A.
10 th Conference on Process Integration, Modelling and Optimisation for Energy Saving and Pollution Reduction
(2007) Potential of biogas production in sustainable biorefinery concepts
Autoren: Bauer, A., Hrbek, R., Amon, B., Kryvoruchko, V., Machmüller, A., Hopfner-Sixt, K., Bodiroza, V., Wagentristl, H., Pötsch, E., Zollitsch, W., Amon, T.,
15th European Biomass Conference and Exhibition 2007 - From Research to Market Deployment - Biomass for Energy, Industry and Climate Protection
(2007) Small-Sized Bioethanol Plants Powered by Renewable Energy
Autoren: Liebmann, B., Bauer, A., Gwehenberger, G., Narodoslawsky, M., Wukovits, W., Friedl, A
15th European Biomass Conference and Exhibition 2007 - From Research to Market Deployment - Biomass for Energy, Industry and Climate Protection
Energy production simulation of Agrivolatic Systems
Autoren: Mikovits, Christian; Krexner, Theresa; Kral, Iris; Bauer, Alexander; Schauppenlehner, Thomas; Schönhart, Martin; Schmid, Erwin; Schmidt, Johannes
Steam exploded wheat straw for biogas production – Investigation of degradation kinetics
Autoren: Theuretzbacher, F; Lefever, C; Lizasoaina, J; Enguidanos, R; Werfring, V; Weran, N; Gronauer, A; Bauer, A;
Landwirtschaftliches Reststoff-Potenzial für Biogas – technische Umsetzungs- und Handlungserfordernisse
Autoren: Bauer, A; Frühauf, S; Gronauer A
Environmental impacts of agro-municipal resource use in an Alpine municipality. Comparing the status quo to local biogas from managed grasslands.
Autoren: Saylor, MK; Kral, I; Bauer, A; Piringer, G;
Environmental life cycle assessment (LCA) of nano-cellulose and biogas production from elephant manure
Autoren: Krexner, T; Bauer, A; Zollitsch, W; Weiland, K; Bismarck, A; Mautner, A; Medel-Jiménez, F; Gronauer, A; Kral, I
Combined simulation of electricity and crop outputs of AgriVoltaic Systems
Autoren: Mikovits, C; Krexner, T; Kral, I; Bauer, A; Schauppenlehner, T; Schönhart, M; Schmid, E; Schmidt J
Reed as an alternative biomass source for biogas production
Autoren: Lizasoain, J; Rincon, M; Theuretzbacher, F; Werfring, V; Enguidanos, R;Gronauer, A; Bauer, A.
Environmental Effects of a Novel Pre-treatment Technology for Maize Stover as a Substrate in a Typical Austrian Biogas Plant
Autoren: Kral, I; Saylor, MK; Piringer, G; Nilsen, PJ; Elsenbruch, T; Bauer, A;
Potential analysis of biogenic residues as renewable energy source for the municipality Lech am Arlberg
Autoren: Frühauf, S; Bauer, A; Gronauer, A;