Silvia Winter
Dipl.-Ing. Dr.nat.techn. Silvia Winter
Institute of Plant Protection
Location Gregor-Mendel-Straße 33, 1180 Wien
Tel: +43 1 47654-95307
ORCID: 0000-0002-8322-7774
Q-8730-2017: ResearcherId
- 2017 Research assistant at the Institute of Plant Protection, BOKU
- 2014 - 2018 Master in Bioinformatics (MSc), FH Campus Wien
- 2007 - 2012 Dissertation, University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences Vienna
- 2005 - 2017 Researcher at the Institute of Integrative Nature Conservation Research, BOKU
- 1999 - 2005 Study of Agricultural Sciences at the University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences Vienna
- Year: 2006 Awards: Dr. Karl Schleinzer Förderungspreis
0 Projects found.
Knowledge Transfer to Society
Year: 2024 - Einflussfaktoren für Raubmilbenpopulationen in österreichischen Weingärten im Zusammenhang mit der Landschaftsstruktur
Autoren: Möth, S; Rusch, A; Hoffmann, C; Alcalá, HR; Popescu, D; Walzer, A; Winter, S
Event: Rebschutzgebietsleitertagung
Year: 2023 - Auswirkungen von Begrünungsmanagement und Pestizideinsatz auf Bodenerosion und natürliche Schädlingsbekämpfung im Weinbau
Autoren: Winter, S; Möth, S; Walzer, A; Redl, M; Kratschmer, S; Zaller, JG; Gruber, E; Hoffmann, C; Entling, M; Reiff, JM; Kolb, S; Popescu, D; Sandor, M; Alcalá Herrera, R; Benitez, E; Rusch, A; Tolle, P; Richart Cervera, S; Strauss, P; Schwarz, N; Cheng, Y; Comsa, M; Karp, D; Paredes, D
Event: LIFE VineAdapt - Nachhaltiger Weinbau zur Anpassung an den Klimawandel Midterm-Workshop
Year: 2023 - Mögliche Pyrrolizidinalkaloid-Kontamination in Kümmelkulturen – Vorkommen und Alkaloidgehalte von Greiskräutern (Senecio spp.)
Autoren: Winter, S; Szentgyörgyi, Z; Pernter, M; Chizzola, R
Event: 6. ALVA-KONTAMINANTENTAGUNG „Kontaminanten und Rückstände entlang der Produktionskette von Futter- und Lebensmitteln“
Year: 2023 - Nützliches Beikraut oder schädliches Unkraut? Überlebenskünstler am Acker hautnah kennen lernen
Autoren: Winter, S
Event: BOKU Kinderuni
Year: 2023 - SECBIVIT - Scenarios for providing multiple ecosystem services and biodiversity in viticultural landscapes
Autoren: Winter, S
Event: BiodivScen Final Project Conference
Year: 2023 - Pflanzen am Acker hautnah kennen lernen: wie werden Samen verbreitet und wie kann man Pflanzen dauerhaft aufbewahren.
Autoren: Winter, S
Event: Workshop mit BOKU Kindergarten
Year: 2023 - Phytoseiid mites in European winegrowing regions were influenced at the field and landscape scale
Autoren: Möth, S; Richart-Cervera, S; Comsa, M; Alcalá Herrera, R; Hoffmann, C; Kolb, S; Popescu, D; Reiff, JM; Rusch, A; Tolle, P; Walzer, A; Winter, S
Event: IOBC-WPRS Meeting of the Working Group “Integrated Protection in Viticulture"
Year: 2023 - Einfluss von Managementmaßnahmen und Landschaftszusammensetzung auf Raubmilben in europäischen Weinbaugebieten
Autoren: Möth, S; Rusch, A; Hoffmann, C; Herrera, RA; Popescu, D; Walzer, A; Winter, S;
Event: 77. ALVA – Jahrestagung 2023 - Innovativer Pflanzenschutz – neue Technologien zur Versorgungssicherung
Year: 2022 - Biodiversity conservation and organic wine production: a glass half-full
Autoren: Beaumelle, L; Giffard, B; Winter, S; Entling, M; Benítez, E; Zaller, J; Charbonnier, Y; Kolb, S; Reiff, JM; Rusch, A
Event: Joint meeting SFE GFÖ EEF, International conference on ecological sciences 2022 - Ecology and Evolution: New perspectives and societal challenges
Year: 2022 - Phytoseiid mites benefit from conventional and integrated management as well as from higher amount of vineyards in the landscape
Autoren: Möth, S; Walzer, A; Rusch, A; Tolle, P; Richart-Cervera, S; Winter, S
Event: 26th International Congress of Entomology 2022
Year: 2022 - Welche Auswirkungen haben Netzmittel auf nützliche Raubmilben im biologischen Weinbau?
Autoren: Möth, S; Walzer, A; Winter, S
Event: 76. ALVA-Jahrestagung 2022
Year: 2022 - Predatory mites in European wine-growing regions were affected through viticultural practices and landscape composition
Autoren: Möth, S; Cervera, S-R; Comsa, M; Hererra, R, A; Hoffmann, C; Kolb, S; Popescu, D; Paredes, D; Reiff, R, M; Rusch, A; Tolle, P; Walzer, A; Winter, S
Event: Vitinord 2022
Year: 2022 - Sustainable vineyard vegetation management - balancing trade-offs and synergies of biodiversity and ecosystem service provision
Autoren: Winter, S; Möth, S; Walzer, A; Redl, M; Kratschmer, S; Zaller, JG; Gruber, E; Hoffmann, C; Entling, M; Reiff, JM; Kolb, S; Popescu, D; Sandor, M; Alcalá Herrera, R; Benitez, E; Rusch, A; Tolle, P; Richart, S;T Richart Cervera, S; Strauss, P; Schwarz, N; Cheng, Y; Comsa, M; Karp, D; Paredes, D
Event: Joint meeting SFE GFÖ EEF, International conference on ecological sciences 2022 - Ecology and Evolution: New perspectives and societal challenges
Year: 2021 - Einfluss der Weingartenbewirtschaftung auf die taxonomische und funktionelle Diversität von Pflanzen und Wildbienen in Österreich und Südafrika
Autoren: Kratschmer, S; Pachinger, B; Gaigher, R; Pryke, JS; van Schalkwyk, J; Samways, MJ; Melin, A; Kehinde, T; Zaller, JG; Winter, S;
Event: ÖEG-Kolloquium 2021
Year: 2021 - Influence of local management and landscape composition on predatory mite populations in three different European wine-growing regions
Autoren: Stefan Möth, Andreas Walzer, Jo Marie Reiff, Christoph Hoffmann, Adrien Rusch, Pauline Tolle, Sylvie Richart-Cervera, Silvia Winter
Event: 50th Annual Meeting of the Ecological Society of Germany, Austria and Switzerland 2021
Year: 2021 - Einfluss von Fungiziden, Begrünungsvarianten und der Landschaftsstruktur auf Milben in österreichischen und deutschen Weingärten
Autoren: Stefan Möth, Andreas Walzer, Jo Marie Reiff, Christoph Hoffmann, Silvia Winter
Event: 62. Deutsche Pflanzenschutztagung 2021 - digital - Gesunde Pflanzen in Verantwortung für unsere Welt
Year: 2021 - Effekte der Bewirtschaftungsart und des Begrünungsmanagements auf Raubmilben und deren Nahrung in österreichischen Weingärten
Autoren: Stefan Möth, Andreas Walzer, Markus Redl, Božana Petrović, Christoph Hoffmann, Silvia Winter
Event: ALVA-Jahrestagung 2021 - Landwirtschaft in der Zukunft – alles digital
Year: 2021 - Der Einfluss von Bewirtschaftungsintensitäten und Landschaftsparametern auf die Diversität der Wildbienen und Pflanzen in Weingärten - Österreich und Südafrika im Vergleich
Autoren: Kratschmer, S; Pachinger, B; Gaigher, R; Pryke, JS; van Schalkwyk, J; Samways, MJ; Melin, A; Kehinde, T; Zaller, JG; Winter, S
Event: 87. Internationale Entomologentagung
Year: 2021 - Das Summen zwischen den Reben: Wildbienen im Weingarten und wie Winzer*innen sie fördern können
Autoren: Kratschmer, S; Pachinger, B; Winter, S; Zaller, JG; Paredes, D; Guernion, M; Guzmán, G; Popescu, D; Macavei, L; Gaigher, R; van Schalkwyk, J; Samways, MJ
Event: Bio-WinzerInnen Tagung
Year: 2020 - Learning opportunities and outcomes in citizen science: a heuristic model for design and evaluation
Autoren: Bruckermann, T; Lorke, J; Rafolt, S; Scheuch, M; Aristeidou, M; Ballard, H; Bardy-Durchhalter, M; Carli, E; Herodotou, C; Kelemen-Finan, J; Robinson, L; Swanson, R; Winter, S; Kapelari, S
Event: ESERA 2019
Year: 2020 - Sustainable viticulture – management effects on biodiversity and ecosystem services
Autoren: Winter, S; Möth, S; Herndl, T; Walzer, A; Kratschmer, S; Johann G. Zaller, J.G; Hoffmann, C; Entling, M; Reiff, J.M; Strauss, P
Event: 19th International Conference Life Sciences for Sustainable Development 2020
Year: 2019 - Mite diversity in organic and conventional vineyards
Autoren: Möth, S; Winter, S; Hoffmann, C; Walzer, A
Event: 7th IOBC meeting of the working group "Integrated control of plant-feeding mites" 2019
Year: 2019 - Effekte der Bewirtschaftungsart und des Begrünungsmanagements auf Milben in österreichischen Weingärten
Autoren: Möth, S; Winter, S; Hoffmann, C; Walzer, A
Event: 60. Österreichische Pflanzenschutztage 2019
Year: 2019 - Participative modelling in European viticultural landscapes – simulation of the effects of global change on biodiversity and ecosystem services
Autoren: Winter, S; Markus Redl, M; Walzer, A; Hage-Ahmed, K; Möth, S; Benítez, E; Rusch, A; Hoffmann, C; Entling, M; Sandor, M; Popescu, D; Karp, D; Bergmann, H; Plaas, E; Schwarz, N; Zaller, JG; Paredes, D
Event: 74. ALVA-TAGUNG 2019
Year: 2019 - Evaluation of soil erosion risk and identification of soil cover and management factor (C) for RUSLE in European vineyards with different soil management
Autoren: Biddoccu, M.; Guzmán, G.; Thielke, T.; Strauss, P.; Winter, S.; Zaller, J.G.; Capello, G.; Cavallo, E.; Gómez, J.A.
Event: FAO Global Symposium on Soil Erosion: Stop soil erosion, Save our future
Year: 2019 - Inter-Row Management Effects on Biotic and Abiotic Soil Properties of European Vineyards
Autoren: Strauss P, Winter S, Kratschmer S, Nicolai A, Popescu D, Gomez JA, Guzmán G, Bauer T, Buchholz J, Zaller JG
Event: Soil Science Society of America, International Soils Meeting, 129-2
Year: 2019 - Weingartenpflege oder Landschaftsstruktur - Was ist wichtiger für Wildbienen
Autoren: Kratschmer, S; Pachinger, B; Schwantzer, M; Paredes, D; Guernion, M; Burel, F; Nicolai, A; Strauss, P; Bauer, T; Kriechbaum, M; Zaller, JG; Winter, S
Event: ÖEG-Kolloquium 2019
Year: 2019 - Inter-row management effects on biotic and abiotic soil properties of European vineyards
Autoren: Strauss, P; Winter, S; Kratschmer, S; Nicolai, A; Popescu, P; Gomez, JA; Guzmán, G; Bauer, T; Buchholz, J; Zaller, JG
Event: Soils across Latitudes. International Soils Meeting, Soil Science Society America
Year: 2019 - Nationale Machbarkeitsstudie zum Glyphosatausstieg
Autoren: Steinkellner, S., Andres, L., Kastenhuber W., Redl, M., Sitavanc, L., Walzer, A., Winter, S., Kropf, B., Larcher, M., Matousek, T., Mitter, H., Schmid, E., Damjanovic, D., Eisenberger, I., Baumgarten, A., Bergmann, A., Besenhofer, G., Dersch, G., Föger, B., Follak, S., Kohl, J., Kuffner, M., Prohaska, C., Steinwider, J., Votzi, J.
Event: Präsentation der Machbarkeitsstudie zum Glyphosatausstieg
Year: 2019 - Evaluation of soil erosion risk and identification of soil cover and management factor (C) for RUSLE in European vineyards with different soil management
Autoren: Biddoccu, M; Guzman, G; Thielke, T; Strauss, P; Winter, S; Zaller, JG; Capello, G; Cavallo, E; Gomez, JA
Event: Global symposium on soil erosion
Year: 2019 - SECBIVIT Scenarios for providing multiple ecosystem services and biodiversity in viticultural landscapes
Autoren: Paredes, D; Portero, A; Benitez, E; Karp, D; Schwarz, N; Willemen, L; Yang, C; Entling, M; Reiff, JM; Kolb, S; Rusch, A; Tolle, P; Dascalu, D; Sandor, M; Popescu, D; Bergmann, H; Rascher, S; Plaas, E; Hoffmann, C; Möth, S; Zaller, JG; Winter, S
Event: I Congreso International sobre los vinos traditionales de Andalucia
Year: 2019 - Participatory modelling the effects of global change on biodiversity and multiple ecosystem services in viticultural landscapes across Europe
Autoren: Winter, S; Redl, M; Walzer, A; Hage-Ahmed, K; Benítez, E; Rusch, A; Hoffmann, C; Entling, M; Sandor, M; Popescu, D; Karp, D; Bergmann, H; Plaas, E; Schwarz, N; Zaller, J; Paredes, D
Event: EGU General Assembly 2019
Year: 2019 - Glyphosathaltige Herbizide im nicht-landwirtschaftlichen Bereich: Erfahrungen aus der Praxis
Autoren: Andres, L; Winter, S; Steinkellner, S
Event: 60. Österreichische Pflanzenschutztage 2019
Year: 2018 - Response of wild bee diversity and functional traits to vineyard management and landscape diversity across Europe
Autoren: Kratschmer, S; Pachinger, B; Paredes, D; Macavei, L; Guzmán, G; Guernion, M; Nicolai, A; Fertil, A; Popescu, D; Bunea, C; Zaller, J; Winter, S
Event: 8th congress of Apidology EurBee 8 2018
Year: 2018 - The perception of viticultural landscapes as a method of promoting and supporting local economic activities trough multifunctional landscapes
Autoren: Hoble, A; Popescu, D; Bunea, C; Cluzeau, D; Guernion, M; Nicolai, A; Fertil, A; Winter, S; Zaller, J; Guzmán, G
Event: The International Conference of the University of Agronomic Sciences and Veterinary Medicine of Bucharest. Agriculture for Life, Life for Agriculture
Year: 2018 - CS in the classroom: empowering students
Autoren: Winter, S
Event: European conference for citizen and participatory science (ECSA)
Year: 2018 - Effect of tillage intensities on predator-prey interactions in vineyards from different landscapes: the case of spiders and springtails
Autoren: Pfingstmann, A; Buchholz, J; Querner, P; Paredes, D; Kratschmer, S; Winter, S; Strauss, P; Zaller, JG
Event: EGU General Assembly 2018
Year: 2018 - Landscape and local garden management influence hedgehog occurrence in Austrian gardens - insights from a citizen science project
Autoren: Winter, S; Aberer, M; Plenk, K; Kriechbaum, M; Kelemen-Finan, J
Event: 48th Annual Meeting of the Ecological Society of Germany, Austria and Switzerland GfÖ 2018 - Ecology – Meeting the Scientific Challenges of a complex World
Year: 2018 - Weed communities show differential response to management intensity and landscape diversity in European vineyards
Autoren: Winter, S; Penke, N; Kriechbaum, M; Popescu, D; Lora, A; Sánchez de la Cuesta, R; Guzmán, G; Cabezas, JM; Gómez, J; Jung, V; Fertil, A; Schneider, A; Chollet, S; Guernion, M; Nicolai, A; Hoble, A; Comsa, M; Zaller, JG
Event: 18th European Weed Research Society Symposium
Year: 2018 - Vegetation management intensity alters functional traits and plant community composition in vineyards across Europe
Autoren: Hall, R. M; Penke, N; Kriechbaum, M; Kratschmer, S; Jung, V; Nicolai, A; Fertil, A; Guernion, M; Schneider, A; Chollet, S; Lora, A; Sánchez de la Cuesta, R; Guzmán, G; Gómez, J. A; Popescu, D; Hoble, A; Comsa, M; Bunea, C; Zaller, J. G; Winter, S
Event: 48th Annual Meeting of the Ecological Society of Germany, Austria and Switzerland GfÖ 2018 - Ecology – Meeting the Scientific Challenges of a complex World
Year: 2018 - Inter-row management effects on biotic and abiotic soil properties of European vineyards
Autoren: Strauss, P; Gomez, J; Gúzman, G; Nicolai, A; Cluzeau, D; Guernion, M; Scimia, J; Bunea, C; Popescu, D; Buchholz, J; Querner, P; Winter, S; Kratschmer, S; Zaller, J G
Event: Soil And Water Security: Challenges for the next 30 years! ESSC International Conference
Year: 2018 - Back to the roots - Beeinflussen Bewirtschaftung und Biodiversität die Durchwurzelung im Weingarten?
Autoren: Appel, V; Jung, V; Himmelbauer, M., Steinkellner, S; Winter, S
Event: ALVA Jahrestagung 2018 - Ökologische und soziale Aspekte des innovativen Gartenbaues
Year: 2018 - Vineyard vegetation management intensity affects root paramters in vineyards across Europe
Autoren: Appel, V; Labuda, T; Probus, S; Penke, N; Steinkellner, S; Himmelbauer, M; Loiskandl, W; Strauss, P; Bauer, T; Jung, V; Nicolai, A; Fertil, A; Popescu, D; Bunea, C; Comsa, M; Zaller, J. G; Kriechbaum, M; Winter, S
Event: 48th Annual Meeting of the Ecological Society of Germany, Austria and Switzerland GfÖ 2018 - Ecology – Meeting the Scientific Challenges of a complex World
Year: 2018 - Effect of tillage intensities on predator-prey interactions of spiders and springtails in vineyards from different landscapes
Autoren: Pfingstmann, A; Buchholz, J; Paredes, D; Querner, P; Kratschmer, S; Winter S; Bauer, T; Strauss, P; Zaller, JG
Event: 48th Annual Meeting of the Ecological Society of Germany, Austria and Switzerland GfÖ 2018 - Ecology – Meeting the Scientific Challenges of a complex World
Year: 2018 - Determination of soil cover and management factor (C) for RUSLE and evaluation of erosion risk in vineyards at five vine growing regions across Europe with different soil management intensities
Autoren: Jose Alfonso Gomez, JA; Biddoccu, M; Guzmán, G; Strauss, P; Nicolai, A; Popescou, D; Bunea, C; Winter, S; Zaller, JG; Cavallo, E
Event: EGU General Assembly 2018
Year: 2018 - Extensive soil management and high floral resource availability promote wild bees in vineyards across Europe
Autoren: Kratschmer, S; Pachinger, B; Paredes, D; Macavei, L; Schwantzer, M; Guzmán, G; Guernion, G; Nicolai, A; Albin, F; Popescu, D; Bunea, C; Burel, F; Zaller, J; Winter, S
Event: 48th Annual Meeting of the Ecological Society of Germany, Austria and Switzerland GfÖ 2018 - Ecology – Meeting the Scientific Challenges of a complex World
Year: 2018 - The use of SSR-GBS to detect genetic structure and hybridization patterns in two Hedgehog species from Austria.
Autoren: Curto, M; Silvia, W; Meimberg, H
Event: 3rd Annual Meeting in Conservation Genetics 2018
Year: 2017 - How does vineyard management intensity affect inter-row plant diversity and associated root parameters
Autoren: Winter, S; Labuda, T; Probus, S; Penke, N; Himmelbauer, M; Loiskandl, W; Strauss, P; Bauer, T; Popescu, D; Comsa, M;Claudiu-Ioan Bunea, C-I; Zaller, JG; Kriechbaum, M
Event: EGU General Assembly 2017
Year: 2017 - Temporal and spatial heterogeneity of soil cover management in Austrian vineyards - how does it affect soil loss modelling?
Autoren: Strauss, P; Thielke, T; Bauer, T; Zaller, JG; Kratschmer, S; Winter, S
Event: World Conference on Soil and Water Conservation under Global Change 2017
Year: 2017 - Soil management effect on soil quality indicators in vineyards of the Appellation of Origin “Montilla-Moriles” in southern Spain
Autoren: Guzmán, G; Cabezas, JM; Bauer, T; Strauss, P; Winter, S; Zaller, JG; Gómez, JA
Event: EGU General Assembly 2017
Year: 2017 - Response of soil biota to vineyard interrow soil cultivation can be altered by the surrounding landscape
Autoren: Zaller, JG Buchholz, J; Querner, P; Paredes, D; Kratschmer, S; Schwantzer, M; Winter, S; Strauss, P; Bauer, T; Burel, F; Guernion, M; Scimia, J; Nicolai, A; Cluzeau, D
Event: EGU General Assembly 2017
Year: 2017 - Field versus landscape scale: What determines wild bee diversity in vineyards
Autoren: Kratschmer, S; Pachinger, B; Schwantzer, M; Guernion, M; Burel, F; Nicolai, A; Zaller, JG; Winter, S
Event: Entomologentagung DGaaE 2017
Year: 2017 - Next generation sequencingof microsatellite markers (SSR-GBS), a newapproach for genotyping applied to populationsof white-breasted and European hedgehog
Autoren: Meimberg, H; Winter S; Ciurto M
Event: Joint Annual Meeting Ecology Across Borders BES, GfÖ, NECOV, EEF 2017 – Lessons from Globally Distributed Observatories and Experiments
Year: 2017 - How does vineyard management intensity affect inter-row plant diversity and associated root parameters?
Autoren: Winter, S; Labuda, T; Probus, S; Penke, N; Himmelbauer, M; Loiskandl, W; Strauss, P; Bauer, T; Popescu, D; Comsa, M; Bunea, C-I; Zaller, JG; Kriechbaum, M
Event: EGU General Assembly 2017
Year: 2017 - A proposal for soil cover and management factor (C) for RUSLE in vineyards with different soil management across Europe
Autoren: Gómez, JA; Biddoccu, M; Guzman, G; Bauer, T; Strauss, P; Winter, S; Zaller, JG; Cavallo, E
Event: EGU General Assembly 2017
Year: 2017 - Can vineyard biodiversity be beneficial for viticulture and tourism?
Autoren: Hervé, M; Kratschmer, S; Gregorich, C; Winter, S; Montembault, D; Zaller, JG; Guernion, M; Jung, V; Schuette, R; Paredes, D; Guzman, G; Gomez, J; Hoble, A; Popescu, D; Burel, F; Cluzeau, D; Bergmann, H; Potthoff, M; Nicolai, A
Event: EGU General Assembly 2017
Year: 2017 - Effects of management intensity and landscape on plant diversity, species composition and functional traits in European vineyards
Autoren: Winter, S; Penke, N; Kriechbaum, M; Popescu, D; Lora, A; Sánchez-Cuesta; R; Guzmán, G; Cabezas, J; Paredes, D; Jung, V; Gomez, J; Fertil, A; Chollet, S; Schneider, A; Comsa, M; Kratschmer, S; Guernion, M; Hoble, A; Entrenas, J; Zaller, J.
Event: Joint Annual Meeting Ecology Across Borders BES, GfÖ, NECOV, EEF 2017 – Lessons from Globally Distributed Observatories and Experiments
Year: 2017 - Wild bee diversity and functional traits are affected by inter-row management intensityin vineyards across Europe
Autoren: Kratschmer, S; Pachinger, B; Paredes, D; Guzmán, G; Guernion, M; Nicolai, A; Fertil, A; Popescu, D; Macavei, L; Zaller JG; Winter, S
Event: Joint Annual Meeting Ecology Across Borders BES, GfÖ, NECOV, EEF 2017 – Lessons from Globally Distributed Observatories and Experiments
Year: 2017 - Effects of inter row management intensity on soil physical properties in European vineyards
Autoren: Bauer, T; Strauss, P; Kumpan, M; Guzmán, G; Gómez, JA; Stiper, K; Popescu, D; Guernion, M; Nicolai, A; Winter, S; Zaller, JG
Event: EGU General Assembly 2017
Year: 2016 - Exploring biodiversity in our backyards - challenges and chances involving pupils in citizen science
Autoren: Winter, S; Kelemen-Finan, J; Plenk, K; Stadler, S; Pachinger, B; Stöckl, N; Scheuch, M; Bardy-Durchhalter, M
Event: ECBB Vienna 2016. 8th European Conference on Behavioural Biology
Year: 2016 - Crazy for birds? School children observe birds in their backyards
Autoren: Stadler, S; Kelemen-Finan, J; Plenk, K; Pachinger, B; Winter, S
Event: 46th Annual Conference of the Ecological Society of Germany, Austria and Switzerland GfÖ 2016
Year: 2016 - Auswirkungen der Umbruchsintensitäten der Zwischenstockbereiche auf bodenphysikalische Eigenschaften im Weinbau
Autoren: Stiper, K; Bauer, T; Strauss, P; Winter, S; Zaller, JG
Event: ALVA Jahrestagung 2016, Eiweißpflanzen - Strategien und Chancen für Landwirtschaft und Industrie
Year: 2016 - Ecosystem services and soil biodiversity in French vineyards
Autoren: Nicolai, A; Guernion, M; Cluzeau, D; Gómez, J; Guzmán, G; Strauss, P; Popescu, D; Hoble, A; Bunea, C; Potthoff, M; Bergman, H; Winter, S; Zaller, JG
Event: SETAC Europe 26th Annual Meeting 2016
Year: 2016 - How does vineyard management intensity affect ecosystem services and disservices – insights from a meta-analysis
Autoren: Winter, S; Zaller, JG; Kratschmer, S; Pachinger, B; Strauss, P; Bauer, T; Paredes, D; Gómez, JA; Guzmán, G; Landa, B; Nicolai, A; Burel, F; Cluzeau, D; Popescu, D; Bunea, C-I; Potthoff, M; Guernion, M; Batáry, P
Event: EGU General Assembly 2016
Year: 2016 - Management intensity or landscape diversity? What matters most for wild bee diversity in wine-growing areas?
Autoren: Kratschmer, S; Pachinger, B; Schwantzer, M; Paredes, D; Guzmán, G; Entrenas, J.A; Guernion, M; Burel, F; Nicolai, A; Zaller J.G; Winter, S,
Event: 46th Annual Conference of the Ecological Society of Germany, Austria and Switzerland GfÖ 2016
Year: 2016 - Effects of vineyard interrow soil cultivation and soil properties on soil biota appear to be altered by the surrounding landscape
Autoren: Zaller, JG; Buchholz, J; Querner, P; Kratschmer, S; Schwantzer, M; Pachinger, B; Winter, S; Strauss, P; Bauer, T; Stiper, K; Paredes, D; Burel, F; Guernion, M; Nicolai, A; Fertil, A; Scimia, J; Cluzeau, D
Event: 46th Annual Conference of the Ecological Society of Germany, Austria and Switzerland GfÖ 2016
Year: 2016 - Soil cultivation in vineyards alters interactions between soil biota and soil physical and hydrological properties
Autoren: Zaller, JG; Buchholz, J; Querner, P; Winter, S; Kratschmer, S; Pachinger, B; Strauss, P; Bauer, T; Stiper, K; Potthoff, M; Guernion, M; Scimia, J; Cluzeau, D
Event: EGU General Assembly 2016
Year: 2016 - Tracking punks in your backyard - results of a citizen science project on hedgehogs in gardens
Autoren: Plenk, K; Stadler, S; Kelemen-Finan, J; Winter, S
Event: 1st European Hedgehog Meeting in Berlin
Year: 2016 - Nature in your backyard – which schools perform best at citizen science?
Autoren: Winter, S; Kelemen-Finan, J; Plenk, K; Pachinger, B; Stadler, S; Stoeckl, N; Scheuch, M; Bardy-Durchhalter, M
Event: 1st International ECSA Conference 2016: Citizen Science – Innovation in Open Science, Society and Policy
Year: 2016 - Hedgehogs on their way - citizen scientists discover wildlife in their backyard
Autoren: Plenk, K; Stadler, S; Kelemen-Finan, J; Winter, S
Event: 2nd Austrian Citizen Science Conference 2016 - Citizen Science-Quo vadis!
Year: 2016 - Surface active and soil Collembola influenced by habitat and landscape parameters in Austrian vineyards
Autoren: Querner, P; Buchholz, J; Zaller, JG; Winter, S; Kratschmer, S; Strauss, P
Event: XVII International Colloquium on Soil Zoology
Year: 2016 - Nature in your backyard - pupils explore biodiversity in gardens
Autoren: Stadler, S; Kelemen-Finan, J; Plenk, K; Pachinger, B; Scheuch, M; Bardy-Durchhalter, M; Winter, S
Event: 17. Treffen der Österreichischen Botanikerinnen und Botaniker 2016
Year: 2016 - Does management intensity in inter rows effect soil physical properties in Austrian and Romanian vineyards?
Autoren: Bauer, T; Strauss, P; Stiper, K; Klipa, V; Popescu, D; Winter, S; Zaller, JG
Event: EGU General Assembly 2016
Year: 2016 - Tracking 'punks' in your backyard - citizen science on hedgehogs in gardens
Autoren: Plenk, K; Stadler, S; Kelemen-Finan, J; Winter, S
Event: 46th Annual Conference of the Ecological Society of Germany, Austria and Switzerland GfÖ 2016
Year: 2016 - Effects of management intensity on plant biodiversity and related ecosystem services in Austrian, French, Romanian and Spanish vineyards
Autoren: Winter, S; Penke, N; Kriechbaum, M; Popescu, D; Lora, A; Sánchez de la Cuesta, R; Guzmán, G; Cabezas, J.M; Gómez, J.A; Paredes, D; Jung, V; Fertil, A; Schneider, A; Chollet, S; Comsa, M; Zaller, J.G
Event: 6th Workshop of the EWRS Working Group: Weeds And Biodiversity 2016
Year: 2016 - Effects of inter-row management intensity on wild bee, plant and soil biota diversity in vineyards
Autoren: Kratschmer, S; Pachinger, B; Winter, S; Zaller, JG; Buchholz, J; Querner, P; Strauß, P; Bauer, T; Stiper, K
Event: EGU General Assembly 2016
Year: 2016 - Von Sparkling Science zu Citizen Science. SchülerInnen und BürgerInnen erheben die Vielfalt im Garten
Autoren: Winter, S; Plenk, K; Kelemen-Finan, J; Stadler, S; Pachinger, B; Bardy-Durchhalter, M; Scheuch, M
Event: 15. Internationales Pomologentreffen - Obstvielfalt gemeinsam erforschen & erhalten
Year: 2016 - Wechselwirkungen zwischen Obstbäumen und Wildbienen in Weinbaulandschaften Ostösterreichs
Autoren: Schwantzer, M; Kratschmer, S; Pachinger, B; Kriechbaum, M; Winter, S
Event: 17. Treffen der Österreichischen Botanikerinnen und Botaniker 2016
Year: 2016 - Effects of landscape diversity and management intensity on wild bee diversity in wine-growing areas
Autoren: Kratschmer, S; Pachinger, B; Schwantzer, M; Paredes, D; Guzmán G; Entrenas, J.A; Guernion, M; Burel, F; Nicolai, A; Zaller, J.G; Winter, S
Event: 12. Hymenopterologischen-Tagung in Stuttgart
Year: 2016 - Effects of inter-row management intensity on wild bee, plant and soil biota diversity in vineyards
Autoren: Kratschmer, S; Pachinger, B; Zaller, J.G; Buchholz, J; Querner, P; Strauss, P; Bauer, T; Stiper, K; Winter, S
Event: 17. Treffen der Österreichischen Botanikerinnen und Botaniker 2016
Year: 2015 - Do school children make good citizen scientists? A midterm evaluation of a citizen science project exploring biodiversity in gardens
Autoren: Kelemen-Finan, J; Winter, S; Plenk, K; Pachinger, B; Scheuch, M; Bardy-Durchhalter, M
Event: GFÖ 2015 - Ecology for a sustainable future
Year: 2015 - Interlinkages between biodiversity, ecosystem services and socio-economics in vineyards (BiodivERsA project VineDivers)
Autoren: Zaller JG, Winter S, Strauss P, Bauer T, Querner P, Buchholz J, Kriechbaum M, Pachinger B, Kratschmer S, Gómez J, Campos M, Landa B, Paredes D, Popescu D, Comsa M, Iliescu ML, Tomoiaga LL, Bunea C-I, Hoble A, Marghitas LA, Rusu T, Lora A, Guzmán G, Bergmann H, Potthoff M, Schütte R, Cluzeau D, Burel F, Nicolai A, Guernion M, Jung V
Event: 45th Annual Conference of the Ecological Society of Germany, Austria and Switzerland GfÖ 2015
Autoren: Winter, S; Kelemen-Finan, J; Plenk, K; Pachinger, B
Event: 27th International Congress for Conservation Biology, 4th European Congress for Conservation Biology ICCB 2015
Year: 2015 - BiodivERsA project VineDivers: Analysing interlinkages between soil biota and biodiversity-based ecosystem services in vineyards across Europe
Autoren: Zaller, JG; Winter, S; Strauss, P; Querner, P; Kriechbaum, M; Pachinger, B; Gómez, JA; Campos, M; Landa, B; Popescu, D; Comsa, M; Iliescu, M; Tomoiaga, L; Bunea, C-I; Hoble, A; Marghitas, L; Rusu, T; Lora, A; Guzmán, G; Bergmann, H; Potthoff, M; Cluzeau, D; Burel, F; Jung, V
Event: European Geosciences Union EGU General Assembly 2015
Year: 2015 - Biodiversity-based ecosystem services in vineyards
Autoren: Winter, S; Zaller, J G; Strauss, P; Bauer, T; Querner, P; Pachinger, B; Kratschmer, S; Kriechbaum, M; Gómez, J A; Landa, B; Lora, Á; Guzmán, G; Paredes, D; Popescu, D; Comsa, M; Bunea, C.-I; Hoble, A; Bergmann, H; Potthoff, M; Plaas, E; Schütte, R; Cluzeau, D; Burel, F; Nicolai, A; Guernion, M; Jung, V
Event: 17th European Weed Research Society Symposium “Weed management in changing environments"
Year: 2015 - Effects of inter-raw management intensity on wild bees in Austrian, Spanish, French and Romanian vineyards
Autoren: Kratschmer, S; Pachinger, B; Paredes, D; Guzmán, G; Nicolai, A; Favreau, M; Popescu, D; Bunea, C; Florian, T; Winter, S
Event: DZG-German Zoological Society, 108th Annual Meeting
Year: 2015 - The forgotten habitat: engaging citizen scientists in recording biodiversity in our gardens
Autoren: Winter, S; Kelemen-Finan, J; Plenk, K; Pachinger, B; Scheuch, M; Bardy‐Durchhalter, M
Event: GFÖ 2015 - Ecology for a sustainable future
Year: 2015 - Die Igel sind los! Punks in unseren Gärten
Autoren: Plenk, K; Winter, S; Kelemen-Finan, J
Event: Österreich forscht - Österreichische Citizen Science Konferenz 2015
Year: 2015 - Effects of management intensity on plant biodiversity and related ecosystem services in Austrian and Romanian vineyards
Autoren: Winter, S; Kriechbaum, M; Popescu, D; Comsa, M
Event: GFÖ 2015 - Ecology for a sustainable future
Year: 2014 - Control of the toxic grassland plant Colchicum autumnale - lessons learnt!
Autoren: Winter, S.
Event: The World Plant Toxin Forum
Year: 2014 - Biodiversity in vineyards - effects of management and agri-environment schemes
Autoren: Winter, S., Kriechbaum, M., Holzner, W.
Event: 44th Annual Conference of the Ecological Society of Germany, Austria and Switzerland GfÖ 2014
Year: 2014 - Wie vielfältig sind unsere Weingärten? Einfluss von Bewirtschaftung und Agrar-Umweltmaßnahmen
Autoren: Winter, S; Kriechbaum, M; Holzner, W
Event: 16. Treffen der Österreichischen Botanikerinnen und Botaniker 2014
Year: 2014 - Natur vor der Haustür – Citizen Science macht Schule. Biodiversität erleben, erforschen, erhalten
Autoren: Winter, S., Kelemen-Finan, J., Plenk, K., Pachinger, B.
Event: Sparkling Science Kongress 2014. "Wissenschaft mit der Gesellschaft" - Perspektiven für die gemeinsame Forschung mit Jugendlichen
Year: 2013 - Destructive and constructive effects of mudflows – primary succession and success of pasture regeneration in the nature park Sölktäler (Styria, Austria)
Autoren: Bohner, A.; Winter, S.; Kraml, B.; Holzner, W.
Event: 5th Symposium for Research in Protected Areas 2013
Year: 2013 - Impact of different grassland management regimes on population biology and phytochemistry of Colchicum autumnale
Autoren: Winter, S.; Chizzola, R.; Kriechbaum, M.
Event: 17th Symposium of the European Grassland Federation EGF 2013 - The Role of Grasslands in a Green Future Threats and Perspectives in Less Favoured Areas
Year: 2012 - (Herbst)zeitlos bewirtschaften? Einfluss verschiedener Bewirtschaftungsmaßnahmen auf die Populationsbiologie der Herbstzeitlose (Colchicum autumnale L.)
Autoren: Winter, S; Kriechbaum, M
Event: 15. Treffen der Österreichischen Botanikerinnen und Botaniker 2012
Year: 2012 - Controlling the toxic grassland plant Colchicum autumnale with minimal negative impacts on plant biodiversity
Autoren: Winter, S*; Jung, LS*; Eckstein, RL; Donath, TW; Otte, A; Kriechbaum, M
Event: 42nd Annual Conference of the Ecological Society of Germany, Austria and Switzerland GfÖ 2012
Year: 2011 - Population biology of the toxic grassland weed Colchicum autumnale
Autoren: Winter, S., Karrer, G., Kriechbaum, M.
Event: Plant Population Biology 2011
Year: 2011 - Populationsmanagement von Herbstzeitlose auf Wiesen im östlichen Wienerwald
Autoren: Winter, S., Kriechbaum, K.
Event: Workshop Wiesenmanagement 2011 - Herbstzeitlose und andere Herausforderungen
Year: 2011 - Autumn crocus (Colchicum autumnale) - a conflict species for agriculture and nature conservation?
Autoren: Winter, S., Penker, M., Kriechbaum, M.
Event: 4th Workshop of the EWRS Working Group Weeds and Biodiversity 2011
Year: 2010 - Die Herbstzeitlose - eine Problempflanze für Landwirtschaft und Naturschutz?
Autoren: Winter, S., Penker, M., Kriechbaum, M.
Event: 20. Jahrestagung der Österreichischen Gesellschaft für Agrarökonomie ÖGA 2010 - Land- und Ernährungswirtschaft 2020
Year: 2010 - Senecio aquaticus x S. jacobaea - Gibt es Hybride auch in Österreich?
Autoren: Winter, S., Kriechbaum, M., Kropf, M.
Event: 14. Österreichisches Botanikertreffen 2010
Year: 2010 - Regulation of meadow saffron (Colchicum autumnale) in extensively managed grasslands
Autoren: Jung, L.S.*, Winter, S.*, Kriechbaum, M., Eckstein, R.L., Donath, T.W. and Otte, A.
Event: Grassland in a changing world
Year: 2010 - Senecio aquaticus x S. jacobaea - are there hybrids in Austria?
Autoren: Winter, S., Kriechbaum, M., Kropf, M.
Event: 19th International Symposium of the German Botanical Society DBG 2010 - Biodiversity and Evolutionary Biology
Year: 2009 - Control of the toxic grassland weed Colchicum autumnale within a nature conservation project
Autoren: Winter, S.; Kriechbaum, M.
Event: 3rd Workshop of the EWRS Working Group 2009 - Weeds and Biodiversity
Year: 2009 - Giftpflanzen im Grünland - Forschung im Schnittbereich von Landwirtschaft und Naturschutz
Autoren: Winter, S., Kriechbaum, M.
Event: Satoyama-Symposium 2009 - BOKU Naturschutz- und Biodiversitätsforschung
Year: 2008 - Populationsbiologie und Management der Herbstzeitlose in Ost-Österreich
Autoren: Winter, S.; Kriechbaum, M.
Event: Schön - aber giftig: Die Herbstzeitlose (Colchicum autumnale L.) als Problemart in landwirtschaftlich genutztem Grünland
Year: 2008 - Demographische Untersuchungen an Colchicum autumnale im Rahmen eines angewandten Naturschutzprojektes.
Autoren: Winter, S. und Kriechbaum, M.
Event: 13. Österreichsiches Botanikertreffen 2008