Guadalupe Pinar
Dr. Guadalupe Pinar
ORCID: 0000-0001-7881-8572
6603605593: AuthorId
I-8959-2016: ResearcherId
- 2014 Senior scientist at the University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences, Vienna.
- 2011 - 2013 Senior Postdoctoral position at the University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences, Vienna.
- 2007 Postdoctoral position at the University of Natural Resources and Applied Life Sciences, Vienna.
- 2005 Postdoctoral position at the department of Medicinal Chemistry, University of Vienna
- 2002 - 2004 Postdoctoral position at the Department of Microbiology and Biotechnology, Institute of Microbiology and Genetics. University of Vienna, Austria.
- 2001 - 2002 postdoctoral position at the Institute of Ecology, University of Vienna.
- 1998 - 2001 Postdoctoral position at the Department of Microbiology and Biotechnology, Institute of Microbiology and Genetics. University of Vienna, Austria.
- 1998 Ph.D. in Biology, Program: Biochemistry and Molecular Biology. Faculty of Sciences. University of Granada, Spain.
- 1992 Graduated in Biology in the Faculty of Sciences. University of Granada, Spain.
- : 2011 : “EliseRichter-Grant” from FWF (Austrian Science Fund).
- : 2002 : “Hertha-Firnberg-Nachwuchsstelle” from FWF (Austrian Science Fund).
- : 1999 : “Marie Curie”-Research Training Grant (European Community), program: Biotechnology, BIO4-98-5057
- : 1998 : Post-doctoral Spanish Ministry of Education and Culture Grant
- : 1994 : CSIC-MAPFRE fellowship to finance the Doctoral Thesis in the “Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Cientificas” (CSIC), Granada, Spain.
Es wurden 0 Projekte gefunden.
Wissentransfer in die Gesellschaft
: 2019 - Unraveling the secrets of antique marble statues by metagenomics
Autoren: Sterflinger, K; Tafer, H; Poyntner, C., Pinar G.
: EGU General Assembly 2019
: 2019 - Technological development applied to the study of cultural heritage
Autoren: Piñar, G; Poytner, C; Tafer, H; Sterflinger K
: Microbiology 2019. XXXIII SIMGBM Congress
: 2019 - The beauties and the beasts -biodeterioration of cultual heriatge as a challenge for restorers and microbiologists.
Autoren: Sterflinger Katja, Pinar Guadalupe
: Institutsseminar - Institut für Mikrobiologie, Universität Innsbruck
: 2019 - DNA analyses of ancient parchment manuscripts
Autoren: Piñar, G; Tafer, H; Schreiner, M; Miklas, H; Sterflinger, K.
: Drittmitteltag 2019 der Philologisch-Kulturwissenschaftlichen Fakultät der Universität Wien
: 2019 - Biologische Fingerprints als Hinweis auf Herkunft, Alter und Lagerungsgeschichte von Kunst- und Kulturgut
Autoren: Sterflinger K., Pinar G.
: Schulung für LKA - Bedienstete „Kulturgutdiebstahl“
: 2018 - If stones could speak… what would they tell us about their history?
Autoren: Piñar, G; Tafer, H; Poyntner, C; Sterflinger, K
: ECBSM2018 European Conference on Biodeterioration of Stone Monuments – third edition
: 2018 - Analyzing DNA of old manuscripts: a genetic time travel
Autoren: Piñar, G; Tafer, H; Pinzari, F; Miklas, H; Sterflinger K
: El’Manuscript 2018
: 2018 - New Trends and Methodologies in Cultural Heritage Studies: Potential and Challenges
Autoren: Piñar, G; Tafer, H; Sterflinger, K
: IBBS 2018 - New Trends in Cultural Heritage Biodeterioration
: 2018 - Analyzing the DNA of the Codex Assemanianus and the Sinaitic Missal
Autoren: Piñar, G; Tafer, H; Schreiner, M; Miklas, H; Sterflinger K
: Generalversammlung des Wiener Archäographisches Forums WAF 2018
: 2018 - DNA analyses applied to the study of ancient parchment manuscripts
Autoren: Piñar, G; Tafer, H; Miklas, H; Schreiner, M; Sterflinger, K.
: European Researchers Night 2018
: 2018 - Environmental stress resistance of extremophilic fungi: genomic and transcriptomic study
Autoren: Poyntner, C; Piñar, G; Tafer, H; Sterflinger, K;
: 17th International Symposium on Microbial Ecology 2018
: 2017 - Two decades using molecular techniques to study biodeterioration of cultural heritage: an amazing biotechnological development
Autoren: Piñar, G; Sterflinger, K
: TechnoHeritage 2017
: 2017 - The beauties and the beasts - biodeterioration of art and architecture
Autoren: Sterflinger K
: Symposíum in biotechnologies for the preservation of art and built heritage
: 2017 - A multi-analytical approach to study limestone biodeterioration and biological colonization in the Old Cathedral (Sé Velha) of the UNESCO Wold Heritage site “University of Coimbra-Alta and Sofia”.
Autoren: 2. Trovão J, Soares F, Mesquita N, Coelho C, Tiago I, Gil F, Catarino L, Piñar G, Pinheiro A.C., Portugal A.
: TechnoHeritage Congress
: 2017 - Xerophilic and halophilic fungi are emerging on wooden Cultural Heritage objects
Autoren: Piñar,G; Tafer, H; Lopandic, K; Voitl, C; Sterflinger K
: 17th International Biodeterioration and Biodegradation Symposium, Preservation and Protection of Materials 2017
: 2016 - Insect pests, microorganisms and Integrated Pest Management in the Capuchin Catacombs in Palermo
Autoren: K. Sterflinger, P. Querner, D. Piombino-Mascali, G. Piñar, A. Zink, R. Pospishil
: International Conference of Biodeterioration and Protection of Cultural Heritage
: 2016 - Monumental stone biodeterioration assessment within the UNESCO World Heritage site University of Coimbra-Alta and Sofia: Project introduction
Autoren: N. Mesquita, J. Trovăo, H. Paiva de Carvalho, A.P. Coutinho, J. Costa, L. Catarino, F. Gil, G. Piñar, M.T. Gonçalves, P. Ferrăo, A. Portugal
: International Conference of Biodeterioration and Protection of Cultural Heritage
: 2016 - State of the art methods to investigate diversity and function in cultural assets
Autoren: G. Piñar, K. Sterflinger
: International Conference of Biodeterioration and Protection of Cultural Heritage
: 2016 - Methods of studying halophilic microorganisms diversity
Autoren: J. Adamiak, A. Otlewska, G. Piñar, H. Tafer, K. Lopandic, S. Celikkol-Aydin, I. Beech, A.L. Oldham, K.E. Duncan, K. Sterflinger, B. Gutarowska
: International Conference of Biodeterioration and Protection of Cultural Heritage
: 2015 - Ecology of fungal and bacterial spoilage of the written heritage
Autoren: Flavia Pinzari, Guadalupe Pinar, Katja Sterflinger
: SEAHA Conference. 1st International Conference Science and Engineering in Arts, Heritage and Archaeology.
: 2015 - The beauties and the beasts - biodeterioration of art and architecture as challege for restorers and biologists
Autoren: Sterflinger K, Pinzari F, Pinar G
: Seminarreihe am Biozentrum Universität Würzburg
: 2015 - Indagini microscopiche e molecolari sui “Codici del Mare”: i microrganismi come indicatori al servizio dell'archeologia
Autoren: Flavia Pinzari, Katja Sterflinger e Guadalupe Piñar
: I “Codici” venuti dal Mare - GIORNATA DI STUDI
: 2014 - "La vie en rose": a review of the rosy discoloration of subsurface monuments
Autoren: Pinar, G., Ettenauer, J. and K. Sterflinger.
: The Conservation of the Subterranean Cultural Heritage
Autoren: Flavia Pinzari, Katja Sterflinger, Guadalupe Piñar
: Emerging technology and Innovation for Cultural Heritage.
: 2014 - Microbes, art and conservation - a winning game?
Autoren: Sterflinger K, Pinar G, Ettenauer J
: IX Workshop Doctorate in Chemistry, Biochemistry and Ecology of Plant Protection Products and Xenobiotics
: 2014 - Consolidación de piedra ornamental por carbonatogénesis bacteriana: estudio de la evolución de la microbiota presente y optimización del método.
Autoren: M. T González, M. Rodríguez, C. Rodríguez, J. M. Arias, A. Fernández, I. Guerra, F. Jroundi and G. Piñar
: La Ciencia y el Arte V: Ciencias y tecnologías aplicadas a la conservación del patrimonio
: 2014 - The halophilic and halotolerant micro-flora of the 3500 years old staircase of Hallstatt (austria)
Autoren: Sterflinger, K., Dalnodar, D., Voitl, C., Reschreiter, H. and Pinar, G.
: XVI International Biodeterioration and Biodegradation Symposium
: 2014 - Microbes, art and conservation - a winning game?
Autoren: Sterflinger K, Ettenauer J, Pinar G
: XVI International Biodeterioration and Biodegradation Symposium
: 2014 - Microscopic and molecular novel discoveries on parchment biodeterioration
Autoren: Flavia Pinzari, Katja Sterflinger, Guadalupe Piñar
: 3rd International Seminar and Workshop on Emerging Technology and Innovation for Cultural Heritage Advanced Technology for Diagnosis, Preservation and Management of Historical and Archaeological Parchment, Leather and Textile Artefacts
: 2014 - Microbe, science, art and conservation - who wins the game?
Autoren: Sterflinger K, Pinar G, Ettenauer J
: Cultural Heritage, Science and Technology
: 2014 - Mold, men and books - microbiological aspects of use and restoration.
Autoren: Sterflinger K, Ettenauer J, Pinar G
: “Men and Books: From Microorganisms to Megaorganisms”
: 2014 - Microbial monitoring in treated stone at the Royal Chapel of Granada
Autoren: Jroundi, F; González-Muñoz, M.T,Sterflinger, K. Piñar, G.
: EGU General Assembly 2014
: 2014 - Microbiology, Art and Conservation - state of the art and developments.
Autoren: Sterflinger K, Ettenauer J, Pinar G
: Seminar Unversität Ljubljana
: 2013 - The Microflora Inhabiting Leonardo da Vinci’s Self Portrait: a Fungal Role in Foxing Spots.
Autoren: Piñar, G., Sterflinger, K. and F. Pinzari.
: ICOM-CC Graphic Document Working Group. Interim Meeting Vienna 2013
: 2013 - Bio-susceptibility of materials and thermal insulation systems used for historical buildings
Autoren: Sterflinger, K; Ettenauer, JD; Piñar, G
: EGU General Assembly 2013
: 2013 - Catacomb mummy biodeteriorarion: a case study.
Autoren: Piñar G, Piombino-Mascali D, Maixner F, Zink A, Sterflinger K.
: 8th World Congress on Mummy Studies.
: 2012 - Microbiological and molecular investigation in the Capuchin Catacombs of Palermo, Italy: microbial deterioration risk and contamination of the indoor air.
Autoren: Piñar, G., Piombino-Mascali, D., Maixner, F., Zink, A., Krakova, L., Pangallo, D., Ettenauer, J. and K. Sterflinger.
: International Congress on Science and Technology for the Conservation of Cultural Heritage 2012
: 2012 - Microstructural (SEM), Chemical and Molecular-Biological Investigation of Glass Decay at the Medieval Stained Window Glasses of Tarragona Cathedral and Santa Maria del Mar Church (Barcelona), NE Spain
Autoren: Maite Garcia-Valles, Guadalupe Piñar, Domingo Gimeno-Torrente, Jörg Ettenauer and Katja Sterflinger
: 39th International Symposium on Archaeometry 2012
: 2012 - Bio-susceptibility of thermal insulation systems used for historical buildings.
Autoren: Ettenauer, J., Piñar, G., Kautsch, P. and K. Sterflinger.
: International Congress on Science and Technology for the Conservation of Cultural Heritage 2012
: 2012 - Molecular techniques for the diagnostic of material infections: paper.
Autoren: Piñar, G., K. Sterflinger and F. Pinzari.
: Diagnostica Conservazione Tutela, I disegni di Leonardo 2012
: 2011 - Assessing sub-lethal gamma radiation effects on the physiology of fungi isolated from ancient documents: from CFU count to flow cytometry and fluorescence techniques
Autoren: N. Mesquita, A. Portugal, J. Loureiro, I. Nunes, S. Cabo-Verde, M.L. Botelho, G. Piñar
: 15th International Biodeterioration and Biodegradation Symposium IBBS-15 2011
: 2011 - La pergamena con il "morbillo": descrizione ed analisi di un frequente danno biologico tipico dei supporti membranacei antichi
Autoren: Pinzari, F.; Cialei, V.; Colaizzi, P.; Martinelli, L.; Piñar, G.
: National Trade Fier for Cultural Heritage 2011 - Gestione integrata dei Beni Culturali: la politica del Restauro
: 2011 - The contribution of microbiological research in the field of book, paper and parchment conservation.
Autoren: Flavia Pinzari, Ferderica Troiano, Guadalupe Pinar, Katja Sterflinger & Matteo Montanari
: New Approaches to Book and Paper Conservation-Restoration 2011
: 2011 - Analysis of microbial communities on a painting (oil on canvas): cultivation, molecular identification and evaluation of their biodegradative potential
Autoren: M. López-Miras, I. Martín-Sánchez, J. Romero-Noguera, F.C. Bolívar-Galiano, J. Ettenauer, K. Sterflinger, G. Piñar.
: 15th International Biodeterioration and Biodegradation Symposium IBBS-15 2011
: 2011 - Molecular investigation of the micro-biota associated to the decayed medieval stained window glasses of two Catalonian churches.
Autoren: G. Piñar, M. Garcia-Vallės, D. Gimeno-Torrente, J.L. Fernández-Turiel, J. Ettenauer, K. Sterflinger
: 15th International Biodeterioration and Biodegradation Symposium IBBS-15 2011
: 2011 - Tecnologie avanzate e trasferimento tecnologico per l’analisi non distruttiva del biodeterioramento
Autoren: Flavia Pinzari, Maria Carla Sclocchi, Guadalupe Piñar
: VIIth Edition of LuBeC 2011 - Cultural heritage, search and innovation, between history and future
: 2011 - Molecular investigations of microbial communities in mummified human remains
Autoren: Frank Maixner, Thomas Rattei, Guadalupe Piñar, Katja Sterflinger-Gleixner, Dario Piombino-Mascali, Giovanna Cipollini, Albert Zink
: 15th International Biodeterioration and Biodegradation Symposium IBBS-15 2011
: 2011 - From plant to book leaves: microbial exploitation of cellulose
Autoren: Flavia Pinzari, Katja Sterflinger, Guadalupe Piñar
: 15th International Biodeterioration and Biodegradation Symposium IBBS-15 2011
: 2011 - The Capuchin Catacombs of Palermo, Italy: fungal deterioration of mummies and contamination of the indoor air
Autoren: Katja Sterflinger, Laura Barnabei, Guadalupe Piñar, Frank Maixner and Dario Piombino-Mascali
: 15th International Biodeterioration and Biodegradation Symposium IBBS-15 2011
: 2011 - Molecular monitoring of the microbial dynamics occurring on historical limestone buildings during and after the in situ application of different bio-consolidation treatments.
Autoren: Jörg Ettenauer, Guadalupe Piñar, Katja Sterflinger, Maria Teresa Gonzalez-Muñoz and Fadwa Jroundi.
: 15th International Biodeterioration and Biodegradation Symposium IBBS-15 2011
: 2009 - Le Macchie Viola sulla pergamena delle Grazie: Indagini biologiche innovative. Seminar: “Le Grazie Ritrovate, da Venezia a Roma alla Ricerca dell’Identità Perduta”.
Autoren: Pinzari F., V. Cialei and G. Piñar.
: 13th Salone dei Beni e delle Attività Culturali. Italian Ministry of Cultural Heritage 2009
: 2009 - Mikrobiologische Untersuchungen zur Reinigung von Naturstein mit Plasmatechnologie (TransClean).
Autoren: Sterflinger K, Pinar G, Rohatsch A
: Strategic Development Fronius Int. GmbH 2009
: 2009 - “Approccio multidisciplinare alla diagnosi e al restauro di un manoscritto italiano risalente al XIII secolo”.
Autoren: Batori, A., M. Bicchieri, P. Canart, C. Casetti Brach, P. Cherubini, A. Michaelsen, M. Missori, L. Mita, M. Montanari, M. Monti, G. Piantanida, G. Piñar, F. Pinzari, M. L. Riccardi, A. Sodo, P. Villani and S. Zangari.
: 3rd International Meeting Science and Cultural Heritage in the Mediterranean Area 2007 - Diagnostics and Conservation
: 2008 - Consolidación de piedra ornamental mediante aplicación de un cultivo de Myxococcus xanthus: Estudo de la communidad bacteriana.
Autoren: Pinar, G.; Concepcion J.L., Sterflinger K., Ettenauer, J., de Dios Bueno J., Jroundi F., Fernandez-Vivas A., Gonzales-Munoz, M.T.
: 7th Reunión de Microbiología Molecular, Sociedad Espanola de Microbiología 2008
: 2008 - The effects on ornamental stone consolidation by the growth of the bacteria that inhabit the stone.
Autoren: Jimenez-Lopez, C., Jroundi, F., Rodriguez-Navarro, C., Piñar, G., Rodriguez-Gallego, M., González-Muñoz, M. T.
: EGU General Assembly 2008
: 2008 - The micro-biota of a subsurface environment, the medieval chapel of St. Virgil (Vienna, Austria)
Autoren: Pinar, G., Sterflinger K.
: 14th Internatinal Biodeterioration and Biodegradation Symposium IBBS-14 2008
: 2008 - Identification of fungi associated with foxing on paper, based on analysis of the sequences of the internal transcribed spacer (ITS) regions.
Autoren: Michaelsen, A., F. Pinzari, and G. Piñar.
: 8th Indoor Air Quality Meeting (IAQ2008).
: 2006 - Identification of non-cultivable microorganisms associated with biodeteriorated historic paper material.
Autoren: Michaelsen, M., F. Pinzari, M. Wagner, A. Loy and G. Piñar.
: 11th International Symposium on Microbial Ecology ISME-11 2006
: 2006 - Molecular tools to identify non-cultivable microorganims involved in biodeterioration of historic paper materials.
Autoren: Michaelsen, A., F. Pinzari, K. Ripka, W. Lubitz and G. Piñar.
: 7th European Conference Safeguarded Cultural Heritage.
: 2005 - Application of molecular techniques for identification of fungal communities colonising paper material.
Autoren: Michaelsen, A., F. Pinzari, K. Ripka, W. Lubitz and G. Piñar.
: 13th International Biodeterioration and Biodegradation Symposium IBBS-13 2005
: 2005 - Molecular characterisation of Halobacillus strains isolated from different medieval wall paintings and building materials in Austria.
Autoren: Ripka, K., E. B. M Denner, A. Michaelsen, W. Lubitz and G. Piñar.
: 13th International Biodeterioration and Biodegradation Symposium IBBS-13 2005
: 2004 - Österreichs Kulturerbe
Autoren: Pinar, G.
: Informationstreffen zu Österreichs Kulturerbe in den Europäische Programmen 2004
: 2001 - Herramientas moleculares en microbiologia medioambiental.
Autoren: Ramos, C. G. Piñar, E. Villavivencio, L. Moelbak and S. Molin.
: Congreso de la Sociedad Española de Genética 2001
: 2001 - Detection and identification of halophilic Archaea in deteriorated ancient wall paintings by DGGE and FISH analysis.
Autoren: Piñar, G., C. Schabereiter-Gurtner, W. Lubitz and S. Rölleke.
: International Conference on Halophilic Microorganisms
: 2001 - Molecular techniques. Application to the analysis of microbial communities colonising art works and to the monitoring of changes. Case study: wall paintings of the Castle of Herberstein
Autoren: Pinar, G.; Lubitz, W.
: ARIADNE 8 Workshop, ARCCHIP Workshops
: 2000 - Identification of Archaea in deteriorated ancient wall paintings by DGGE and FISH analysis.
Autoren: Piñar, G., C. Gurtner, C. Ramos, W. Lubitz and S. Rölleke
: 5th International Symposium on the Conservation of Monuments in the Mediterranean Basin.
: 1999 - Identification of Archaea in deteriorated ancient wall paintings by molecular means.
Autoren: Piñar, G., W. Lubitz, S. Rölleke and C. Gurtner
: International Conference on Microbiology and Conservation (ICMC’99).