Biodiversity of Austrian forests facing climate change
The project submitted to the Forest Fund (MA10) is a cooperation of BfW, BOKU, Federal Environment Agency and Museum of Natural History Vienna to improve the decision-making basis for monitoring, reporting and assessment of data and information on forest biodiversity in Austria with a focus on: 1. identification of trends on Austrian forest biodiversity facing climate change based on a recalculation of the Forest Biodiversity Index. 2. the revision of the forest biodiversity indicators through a participatory process in the framework of the Austrian Forest Dialogue. 3. the development of recommendations on the management of forest ecosystems (in line with the EU Biodiversity Strategy 2030). 4. participatory processing of the topics and target group-oriented knowledge transfer through a summer school, an innovation lab and short films on the biodiversity indicators.
- Biodiversity
- Forest ecosystems
- Forest monitoring
- Indicators
- Forest reporting
Project staff
Stefanie Linser
Dr.rer.nat. Stefanie Linser
Tel: +43 1 47654-73222, 99515
BOKU Project Leader
01.07.2022 - 30.09.2024