The extensive lack of forest site maps in Burgenland, Upper Austria and Lower Austria makes a new approach to site reconnaissance and mapping of the occurring forest sites necessary. One challenge is the consideration of future changes in climate conditions, which will affect the classification of sites and the suitability of tree species. Within the framework of the FORSITE II project, dynamic forest typing is therefore to be carried out on the basis of a GIS-supported geo-ecological stratification model. Existing geodata (e.g. elevation model, geological base map), available site and climate data as well as new parameters to be collected for site characterisation and classification of the substrate lying on the solid and loose rock are to be used as the data basis. For the forest type map, topic maps for the factors climate zone, water and nutrient balance are to be modelled first on the basis of the point and area data, which will then be combined into forest types with a uniform factor combination. The model then allows stratification of forest types on all main forest sites on the basis of digital geo-ecological parameters derived from the data basis (including altitudinal stage, slope, substrate, terrain, inclination). Each forest type is depicted on the forest type map at a scale of 1:25,000. Tree species suitability is derived based on heat, water and nutrient supply. In addition to the ecological characterisation, information on suitable tree species and site-specific hazards is described for each forest type. Possible treatment variants with regard to climate change are described separately by forest groups on the basis of previous experience with the existing tree species and their mixtures, and recommendations are given for future stocking and their management with regard to climate change.
- Tree suitability
- Forest Site Classification
- Climate Change
- Silvicultural Recommendations
Project staff
Michael Grabner
Priv.-Doz. Dipl.-Ing. Dr.nat.techn. Michael Grabner
Tel: +43 1 47654-89128
Project Leader
01.02.2022 - 30.09.2026