Transforming Forest Management for multiple ecosystem services and nature conservation via the Integrative approach
The overall objective of the TRANSFORMIT project is to demonstrate and improve the effectiveness of integrated forest management (IFM) approaches in combining productive forestry and biodiversity conservation by integrating existing practical and scientific knowledge, and to stipulate collaboration and mutual learning amongst science, policy and practice in Europe and internationally. Specifically, TRANSFORMIT will lay the basis for larger scale implementation of IFM through proactive engagement with well-established networks. TRANSFORMIT will create a Stakeholder Engagement Platform for intensive collaboration, mutual learning and sharing of knowledge among conservation and forestry bodies, forest managers, forest owners, research institutions, certification bodies and other interested stakeholders to exploit synergies and minimise trade-offs in forest management and increase mutual understanding and exchange between relevant policy and practice sectors. TRANSFORMIT will promote IFM though the establishment of seven Living Labs that serve as role models to spread IFM across European regions. A set of practical IFM recommendations and evidence-based guidelines will be designed for upscaling and addressing multiple, possibly conflicting objectives of forest management to promote biodiversity conservation, increase forest resilience and mitigate the impacts of forest disturbances, while supporting socio-economic goals of forest management based on an effective usage and benefits of forest resources and ecosystem services. TRANSFORMIT will demonstrate the active use of Decision Support Tools (DSTs) and forest modelling as well as innovative technologies such as game engine-driven interactive digital twins of forest that can be applied in forest management and decision-making to address effects of different forest management approaches on the provision of ecosystem services and effects of climate change on forests.
- integrale Waldbewirtschaftung
- Waldbau
- Entscheidungsunterstützungssysteme
Project staff
Harald Vacik
Ao.Univ.Prof. Dipl.-Ing. Dr.nat.techn. Harald Vacik
Tel: +43 1 47654-91312
BOKU Project Leader
01.01.2024 - 31.12.2027
BOKU partners
External partners
Österreichische Bundesforste
DI Laßnig-Wlad Christina