Elaboration and practical service of silvicultural methods for selected 'Weiserbestände' in the protection forests of the forest management unit Wildalpen.
Forest inventory data and site maps and maps of the potential natural vegetation are used for detailed silvicultural planning in selected 'Weiserbeständen'. Management objectives, silvicultural planning and measurements are discussed with the local forest managers. Evaluation of silvicultural practices will be possible by a detailled description of site and stand characteristics, biometric measurements and an inventory of the natural regeneration.New methods of silvicultural planning are evaluated by using GPS and GIS technology. The longterm project will give the opportunity to pay attention on several states of the stand.
- silvicultural planning
- protective forest
MapModels: A new approach for spatial decision support in silvicultural decision making.
Autoren: Riedl, L;Vacik, H; Kalasek, R Jahr: 2000
Journal articles
Ein entscheidungsunterstützendes System für die Verjüngungsplanung in den Quellenschutzwäldern der Stadt Wien.
Autoren: Vacik, H Jahr: 2000
Journal articles
Application of a spatial decision support system in managing the protection forests of Vienna for sustained yield of water resources.
Autoren: Vacik, H., Lexer, M.J. Jahr: 2001
Journal articles
Project staff
Harald Vacik
Ao.Univ.Prof. Dipl.-Ing. Dr.nat.techn. Harald Vacik
Tel: +43 1 47654-91312
Project Leader
01.11.1997 - 31.12.2000