Integration of Sustainable Management of Wildlife Resources and Wildlife Habitats in a Participatory Cross-Sectorial Concept for Sustainable Landuse in the Biosphere Reserve Wienerwald
- Boden und Landökosysteme
- Wasser - Atmosphäre - Umwelt
- Lebensraum und Landschaft
The project has been submitted and approved as a three-year project. By utilising the future Biosphere Reserve Wienerwald as a model of approaches to sustainable development, the proposed project shall provide a knowledge-base and assessment, management and monitoring tools for the integration of sustainable management of wildlife resources into across-sectoral approach to overall sustainable land use. Responding to an unsatisfied need for developing truly integrated concepts of assessing sustainable use across all relevant economic sectors, the project design applies a participatory, problem-driven, interdisciplinary and applied research approach to accomplish these objectives. Therewith, the project seeks to provide major contributions to closing gaps in existing research activities on Austrian Biosphere Reserves. Regional stakeholders and parties concerned will be involved in all major stages of the work process, encompassing information, consultation and participation. Based on a stakeholder analysis, a long-term multi-sectoral stakeholder platform for co-operation, communication and conflict management will be established. Organisation and steering of the participatory process will build on extensive experiences gathered from various previous projects of consortium members, e. g. on regional development, sustainable hunting and Wildlife-Ecological Spatial Planning. Surveys of stakeholders and regional experts from all involved land use sectors will be carried out, in order to gather information on stakeholder attitudes, on critical wildlife- and land use-related issues and on local knowledge. Recommendations for the long-term continual of the stakeholder platform will be provided, thereby establishing favourable conditions for future implementation activities. The applicability of the existent "Criteria and Indicators of sustainable Hunting" (UMWELTBUNDESAMT, 2001; 2005) to the Biosphere Reserve shall be examined by field testings and interviews with hunting managers. Based on the evaluation of the practical performance of the assessment set, it will be adapted to the specific conditions and requirements of the Biosphere Reserve, leading up to regionalised, advanced and amended principles, criteria and indicators (PCI) for wildlife management that cover ecological, economic and socio-cultural aspects of sustainable use. The resulting PCI set will be discussed and co-ordinated with stakeholders, aiming at improvement and maximum consideration of comments. Based on evaluation of stakeholder surveys, feedback from stakeholder meetings, field investigations and scientific expertise, the interactions and interdependencies between wildlife resources, wildlife management and other involved sectors of landuse will be analysed, including GIS-based analysis of data. As an intermediate result, a cross-sectoral set of relevant wildlife-land use interfaces will be identified. The development of a cross-sectoral set of ecological, economic and socio-cultural principles, criteria and indicators for these interfaces involves a number of work steps that will take place partly in serial, partly in parallel order. Based on an operational methodological approach to the set-up of a cross-sectoral assessment framework, the PCI set of sustainable wildlife management, assessment approaches of other landuse sectors, as well as further sectoral concepts of sustainable use (sustainable forest management, eco-tourism, etc.) will be examined as to their compatibility with and applicability to the identified set of interfaces. Existent sustainable use approaches will be interdigitated, their problem-adequacy will be investigated and a gap analysis will be performed. Implementing preceding project results, and based on a review of approaches that are existent on a regional scale, concepts for a wildlife-related master management plan and for a monitoring system will be developed.
- Wildlife management
- Recreation
- Sustainability
- Participation
Participatory Processes and Participatory Research – A Tool for Conflict Identification and Development of Management Decisions
Autoren: Lexer, W., Brandenburg, Ch., Heckl, F., Muhar, A., Reimoser, F., Zink, R. Jahr: 2006
Journal articles
Integriertes nachhaltiges Wildtiermanagement im Biosphärenpark Wienerwald
Autoren: Reimoser, F., Lexer, W., Brandenburg, Ch., Zink, R., Heckl, F., Bartel, A., Ferner, B., Muhar, A. Jahr: 2009
Forschungsbericht (extern. Auftraggeber)
Entwicklung eines integrativen nachhaltigen Wildtiermanagements mittels partizipativer Forschung
Autoren: Brandenburg, Ch., Lexer, W., Reimoser, F., Zink, R., Heckl, F., Muhar, A., Bartel, A., Tomek, H. Jahr: 2009
Conference & Workshop proceedings, paper, abstract
Integrated sustainable Wildlife Management in the Biosphere Reserve Wienerwald - the step from sector-specific to cross-sectoral sustainability
Autoren: Reimoser, F., Lexer, W., Brandenburg, Ch., Zink, R., Heckl, F., Bartel, Ferner, B. A., Muhar, A., Koch, G. Jahr: 2009
Conference & Workshop proceedings, paper, abstract
Multifunctional land use and sustainable wildlife management: the role of participatory research
Autoren: Brandenburg, Ch., Lexer, W., Reimoser, F., Muhar, A., Zink, R., Bartel, A., Heckl, F., Tomek, H. Jahr: 2009
Conference & Workshop proceedings, paper, abstract
Nobody knows the trouble they cause? - The behaviour of forest users and their knowledge about disturbance of wildlife
Autoren: Brandenburg, C., Muhar, A., Lexer, W., Heckl, F., Reimoser, F., Zink, R., Bartel, A. Jahr: 2008
Conference & Workshop proceedings, paper, abstract
Use regulations and their compliance in the Biosphere Reserve Wienerwald
Autoren: Brandenburg, Ch., Lexer, W., Reimoser, F., Muhar, A., Zink, R., Heckl, F. Jahr: 2009
Conference & Workshop proceedings, paper, abstract
Integrative Sustainable Wildlife Management - Principles, Criteria and Indicators for Hunting, Forestry, Agriculture, Recreation
Autoren: Friedrich Reimoser - Wolfgang Lexer - Christiane Brandenburg - Richard Zink - Felix Heckl - Andreas Bartel Jahr: 2012
Forschungsbericht (extern. Auftraggeber)
Auswirkungen von Freizeit und Tourismus in Großschutzgebieten, Räumliche und zeitliche Verhaltensmuster von Mountainbikern und deren Auswirkungen auf die Tierwelt im Biosphärenpark Wienerwald
Autoren: Hirnschall, F; Tomek, H; Brandenburg, Ch; Reimoser, F; Lexer, W; Heckl, F; Ziener, K Jahr: 2012
Journal articles
Project staff
Christiane Brandenburg
Ao.Univ.Prof. Dipl.-Ing. Dr.nat.techn. Christiane Brandenburg
Tel: +43 1 47654-85312
BOKU Project Leader
24.04.2005 - 31.01.2009
Andreas Muhar
Ao.Univ.Prof.i.R. Dipl.-Ing. Dr.nat.techn. Andreas Muhar
Sub Projectleader
24.04.2005 - 31.01.2009
Arne Arnberger
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Arne Arnberger
Tel: +43 1 47654-85311
Project Staff
24.04.2005 - 31.01.2009
Renate Eder
Dipl.-Ing. Dr.nat.techn. Renate Eder
Tel: +43 1 47654-85326
Project Staff
24.04.2005 - 31.01.2009
Thomas Schauppenlehner
Priv.-Doz. Dipl.-Ing. Dr.nat.techn. Thomas Schauppenlehner
Tel: +43 1 47654-85316
Project Staff
24.04.2005 - 31.01.2009
Karolina Taczanowska
Priv.-Doz. Dipl.-Ing. Dr. Karolina Taczanowska
Tel: +43 1 47654-85332
Project Staff
24.04.2005 - 31.01.2009
BOKU partners
External partners
Institute of Wildlife Research and Ecology
Friedrich Reimoser
Federal Environment Agency
Wolfgang Lexer