Identification of Criteria and Indicators for sustainable community forest management - a research project based on Community Forestry in Nepal
- Boden und Landökosysteme
- Wasser - Atmosphäre - Umwelt
- Nachwachsende Rohstoffe und neue Technologien
- Lebensmittel, Ernährung, Gesundheit
- Beitrag zu "Genderspezifische Forschung (Frauen- und Geschlechterforschung)
- Beitrag für "Forschung für Entwicklung" (EZA)
- Forschungscluster "Landschaft & Entwicklung"
- Forschungscluster "Nachhaltigkeit"
The overall goal of this study is to identify criteria and indicators (C&I) for evaluating community based sustainable forest management by participating diverse groups of stakeholders, local people and the Forestry User Groups (FUGs) in Nepal. The demand to assess sustainable forest management (SFM) has generally evolved to the use of C&I because they appear to be highly capable of measuring aspects of SFM at national, regional and forest management unit level. The concept of C&I has become widely accepted as a suitable forest policy, management and research tool for conceptualizing, evaluating, and implementing sustainable forestry. The study will clarify the overall goals of sustainable forest management in Nepal. It will be able to identify the objectives of the common property resource management which provide a new insight into the community-based institutions, their determinants and their impacts on resource use pattern and environmental outcome. The study will recommend future policy that will facilitate and promote efficient and equitable resource management regimes. At regional level a set of C&I will be developed with experts from the field of natural resource management based on the international principles of SFM using a top down approach. Within different case studies in the district of Makawanpur a set of C&I will be developed at the level of the community forests by public participation using a bottom up approach. The generally accepted set of C&I of both approaches will be applied at forest management unit level in one of the three case studies to evaluate management plans with regard to SFM. In this context the contribution of community forest management to poverty reduction, biological diversity, ecological integrity, water conservation and forest health can be promoted. A handbook of good practice for the whole process of facilitating the development of C&I for sustainable forest management will be developed.
Criteria and Indicators for Community based sustainable forest management - Case study from Nawalpur Saraswati (Basamadi) Community Forest User Group, Makawanpur District, Nepal
Autoren: Chiranjewee K., Kandel P., Vacik H. Jahr: 2007
Conference & Workshop proceedings, paper, abstract
Applying Adaptive collaborative management for social learning: A case study of community forestry in Nepal
Autoren: Khadka C., Vacik H. Jahr: 2008
Conference & Workshop proceedings, paper, abstract
Identification of Criteria and Indicators for Sustainable Community Forest Management - A research project based on Community Forestry in Nepal, Final Report
Autoren: Vacik H., Khadka C., Uprety H.D., Wolfslehner B., Paudel G., Pandey G. Jahr: 2009
Forschungsbericht (extern. Auftraggeber)
Improving forest governance through collaborative planning approaches in Community Forestry Management: a reflection on Nepal's experiences
Autoren: Khadka C., Vacik H. Jahr: 2011
Conference & Workshop proceedings, paper, abstract
Use of multi-criteria analysis (MCA) for supporting community forest management
Autoren: Khadka, C; Vacik, H Jahr: 2012
Journal articles
Project staff
Harald Vacik
Ao.Univ.Prof. Dipl.-Ing. Dr.nat.techn. Harald Vacik
Tel: +43 1 47654-91312
BOKU Project Leader
01.12.2006 - 30.08.2008
Bernhard Wolfslehner
Dipl.-Ing. Dr. Bernhard Wolfslehner
Tel: +43 1 47654-73216
Project Staff
01.12.2006 - 30.08.2008
BOKU partners
External partners
Rural Reconstruction Nepal
Dr. Rishi R. Adhikari
Natural and Organizational Resource Management Services
Federation of Community Forestry Users
Bhim Prasad Shrestha
Tribhuvan University, Institute of Forestry
M.S Haque