PlanVision – Visions for an energy optimised spatial planning system
- Lebensraum und Landschaft
- Nachwachsende Rohstoffe und neue Technologien
- Forschungscluster "Landschaft & Entwicklung"
- Forschungscluster "Globaler Wandel"
- Forschungscluster "Nachhaltigkeit"
Recently climate change and soaring energy and resource prices have had a dramatic effect on the boundary conditions for energy provision, mobility of people and goods as well as on the financial leeway of private households and public budgets. This is especially true for spatial planning decisions, since they have long lasting influence on the structural frame work for energy provision and energy consumption patterns. Current spatial patterns have been developed after World War II on the base of cheap and infinitely available imported energy. They are now coming increasingly under scrutiny regarding their high cost and high energy demand. There is an ever stronger conflict between persistence of spatial structures and the necessity for quick and effective adaptation to a new framework of limited and costly energy. PlanVision will (1) identify energy relevant aspects of spatial planning as well as spatial planning aspects of energy provision; (2) investigate the effectiveness of spatial planning with respect to energy and environmental policy goals using best practice case studies; (3) identify success factors and hindrances for an energy optimised spatial planning; (4) develop pilot processes for an energy optimised spatial planning; (5) indicate and formulate core content for adapting the regulatory frame work to achieve an energy optimised spatial planning system in Austria. Based on a literature survey criteria for energy optimised spatial planning are elaborated and applied to analyse the formal frameworks of spatial planning in Austria on the one hand, and good-practice examples on the other hand. Furthermore, aspects of energy optimized spatial planning will be introduced into a current spatial planning process in the rural small town of Freistadt by „action research“. Deriving from the literature survey, the ex-post analysis of case studies and the experiences from the pilot planning process cornerstones and main contents of an energy optimised spatial planning system are going to be elaborated. As main result PlanVision will deliver proposals for consistent changes in the planning system to achieve an energy optimised spatial planning framework. Furthermore, awareness rising will be supported by creating an information base for energy otpimised spatial planning aspects and techniques.
Spatial dimensions of sustainable energy systems: new visions for integrated spatial and energy planning
Autoren: Stöglehner, G; Niemetz, N; Kettl, K -H Jahr: 2011
Journal articles
Energiewende – Neue Perspektiven für die Raumplanung
Autoren: Stöglehner, G., Haselsberger, B. Jahr: 2013
Chapter in collected volumes
Project staff
Gernot Stöglehner
Univ.Prof. Priv.-Doz. Dipl.-Ing. Dr.nat.techn. Gernot Stöglehner
Tel: +43 1 47654-85501, 85511
Project Leader
01.03.2009 - 28.02.2011
Georg Neugebauer
Dipl.-Ing. Dr.nat.techn. Georg Neugebauer
Tel: +43 1 47654-85519
Project Staff
01.03.2009 - 28.02.2011
Gerlind Weber
O.Univ.Prof.i.R. Dipl.-Ing. Dr.techn. Gerlind Weber
Project Staff
01.03.2009 - 28.02.2011
BOKU partners
External partners
Johannes Kepler Universität Linz, Energieinstitut
DI Dr. Horst Steinmüller
Karl Franzens Universität Graz, Wegener Center für Klima und Globalen Wandel
Ao. Univ.-Prof. Dr. Karl Steininger
Technische Universität Graz, Institut für Prozesstechnik
Ao. Univ.-Prof. DI Dr. Michael Narodoslawsky