Mobility4Job - Gender specific mobility solutions for fair employment opportunities in rural areas
- Ressourcen und gesellschaftliche Dynamik
The research project Mobility4Job deals with gender specific needs concerning the mobility system in rural areas. Goal of the project is to identify the obstacles within the mobility system which hinder persons to be employed. Furthermore preconditions and mobility services in rural areas will be defined in order to enable women and men who are responsible for the care of family members and the household to have fair opportunities to participate in working life. Based on gender and diversity specific demand and expectations a participatory strategy will be designed for a pilot area, in order to develop innovative solutions in the mobility system including information and communication technologies. As a result the learning internet-platform “Regionale Mobilität lernen (Learning regional Mobility)” will be set up to provide recommendations, quality standards and guidance in order to support stakeholders in implementing (self-organised) solutions within the mobility system and to foster the interregional exchange of knowledge.
Unterwegs zwischen Erwerbs- und Familienarbeit. Eine Analyse in den niederösterreichischen Regionen Triestingtal und Schneebergland
Autoren: Wiebke Unbehaun Eva Favry Regine Gerike Thomas Hader Bente Knoll Teresa Schwaninger Tina Uhlmann Jahr: 2014
Project staff
Florian Aschauer
Dipl.-Ing. Dr. Florian Aschauer
Project Staff
01.07.2012 - 30.11.2014
Reinhard Hössinger
Priv.-Doz. Mag. Dr. Reinhard Hössinger
Tel: +43 1 47654-85631
Project Staff
01.07.2012 - 30.11.2014