Conference & Workshop proceedings, paper, abstract
The added value of multi-temporal Sentinel-2 data for forest monitoring in the Wienerwald Biosphere Reserve
Immitzer M, Neuwirth M, Böck S, Vuolo F, Brenner H, Atzberger C. The added value of multi-temporal Sentinel-2 data for forest monitoring in the Wienerwald Biosphere Reserve. In: Pesqflor bras, Colombo, v, 2019 , editors. Forest Research and Cooperation for Sustainable Development XXV IUFRO World Congress, 29 Sept - 5 October 2019, Curitiba, PR, Brazil [Internet]. 2019. Available from:
BOKU Autors
Clement Atzberger
Univ.Prof. Dr.rer.nat. Clement Atzberger
Francesco Vuolo
Priv.-Doz. Dr. Francesco Vuolo
Markus Immitzer
Dipl.-Ing. Dr. Markus Immitzer M.Sc.
Hajar Asadian
Hajar Asadian
Sebastian Böck
Dipl.-Ing. Sebastian Böck