Marie-Theres Hauser
Ao.Univ.Prof. Dipl.-Ing. Dr.nat.techn. Marie-Theres Hauser
Institute of Molecular Plant Biology
Location Muthgasse 18, 1190 Wien
Tel: +43 1 47654-94240
ORCID: 0000-0001-8938-2460
7201402052: AuthorId
J-6029-2013: ResearcherId
- 2019 - 2021 Head of the Institute of Molecular Plant Biology (IMPB)
- 2017 - 2021 Vize head of the Department of Applied Genetics and Cell Biology
- 2001 - 2003 Vize head of the Center of Applied Genetics
- 2000 Associate Univ.Prof
- 1996 - 1999 Vize head of the Center of Applied Genetics
- 1995 - 2000 Habilitation in "Molecular developmental biology and genetics of plants"
- 1994 group leader "plant genetics" Institute of Applied Genetics and Cell Biology, BOKU-Vienna
- 1992 PhD thesis
- 1992 - 1994 New York University, New York/USA, Postdoctoral fellow in Laboratory for Plant Developmental Genetics
- 1988 - 1992 Max-Planck-Institut for Biochemistry, Martinsried, Germany, doctoral studies
- 1986 Sponsion
- 2006 engagiertestes Betreuungsteam der GEN-AU SummerSchool 2006
- 1992 Erwin-Schrödinger-Auslandsstipendium
- 1991 Max-Planck-Institut Promotionsstipendium
- 1989 DAAD-Auslandsstipendium
0 Projects found.
Knowledge Transfer to Society
(2024) How nickel induced changes in cell wall components trigger growth responses via members of the Catharanthus roseus RECEPTOR LIKE KINASES 1 LIKE (CrRLK1L) gene family
Autoren: Apon, FN; Richter, J; Ploderer, M; Strobl, S; Jobert, F; Gutierrez, L; Hauser, M-T
VDSEE Symposium
(2023) Wanted: Micronutrients - Revisiting micronutrient acquisition by the phytosiderophore pathway
Autoren: Oburger, E; Aleksza, D; Spiridon, A; Tarkka, M; Hauser, M-T; Causon, T.; Hann, S; Kratena, N; Stanetty, C
Deutsche Pflanzenkundliche Gesselschaft Tagung
(2023) Effects of trace metal ions on pectin methylesterase (PME) / PME inhibitor (PMEI) expression and activity in Arabidopsis thaliana.
Autoren: Apon, FN; Richter, J; Ploderer, M; Strobl, S; Voxeur, A; Jobert, F; Gutierrez, L; Hauser M-T
COST Action CA19116 Conference together with ICOBTE & ICHMET 2023 1st Joint International Conference
(2023) Metalloproteins important for trace metal homeostasis, metalloenzymes
Autoren: Hauser, M-T; Freisinger, E
COST Action CA19116 Conference together with ICOBTE & ICHMET 2023 1st Joint International Conference
(2023) From early Footsteps to an Imprint
Autoren: Hauser, Marie-Theres
Gregor Mendel Institute of Molecular Plant Biology
(2022) Does peptide mediated cell wall signaling detect metal ions?
Autoren: Hauser, M-T; Richter, J; Stasnik, P;Berger, M; Kelner, J; Keck, D;
COST Action Plant Metals CA19116 Conference
(2022) Tasty and toxic plant diets - sensing of the cell wall
Autoren: Hauser, M-T
MENTOR-Seminar Series, University Vienna,
(2021) Identification and characterization of a novel cell wall associated metal-binding peptide
Autoren: Hauser, MT
Plantmetals, COST Action CA19116 Meeting 2021
(2021) Identification and characterization of a novel cell wall associated metal-binding peptide.
Autoren: Konlechner C, Richter J, Hermann G, Köllensperger G, Hauser M-T
Plantmetals, COST Action CA19116 Meeting 2021
(2021) Phytosiderophore release of contrasting barley (Hordeum vulgare) cultivars grown in Zn and Cu deficient soils
Autoren: Oburger, E; Spiridon, A; Aleksza, D; Causon, T; Hann, S; Hauser, MT
EPSO Seminar series
(2019) Metal ion sensing in cell walls.
Autoren: Hauser M-T, Konlechner C, Markl G, Ploderer M, Strobl S, Haghani S, Wang X, Gutierrez L, Richter J
Plant Development and Production Biology under Global Climate Change 2019
(2019) Role of translational regulators in responses to UV-B.
Autoren: Hauser M-T, Paula Llabata P, Richter J, Słomiňska-Durdasiak K, Hubert Zeh LH, Gadea J
11th ÖGMBT Annual Meeting 2019 - Inside the World of Biomolecules
(2019) Tasty and toxic plant diets from sensing to epigenetic responses
Autoren: Hauser, M-T
Doc-Day Tulln 2019
(2018) Role of translational regulators in responses to UV-B.
Autoren: Hauser, M-T
Invited Seminar Jagellonian University
(2018) Root Mutants with Strange Names but Important Function
Autoren: Hauser, M-T
Symposium in Honor of Philip Benfey
(2018) The Cell Wall as Platform for Heavy Metal Sensing
Autoren: Hauser, M-T
International Conference - Plant Physiology & Biochemistry 2018
(2018) Role of the ARIADNE12 ubiquitin E3 ligase and its putative substrate in long term adaptation to UV-B.
Autoren: Hauser M-T, Lisi Xie, Julia Richter, Karolina Słomińska, Lukas Zeh, Serap Afşar, Neha Nigam and Christina Lang-Mladek
2nd Network Meeting of UV4Plants
(2018) The cell wall as platform for heavy metal sensing.
Autoren: Richter J, Hauser M-T
22nd Meeting of the Austrian Society of Plant Biology ATSPB
(2018) Cell wall associated genes involved in heavy metal stress responses
Autoren: Hauser, M-T
Invited Instituts Seminar
(2018) Biochemical and molecular insights in UV-B-driven changes in phenolics profile of peach fruit.
Autoren: Santin, M; Lucini, L; Castagna, A; Rocchetti, G; Hauser, M-T; Ranieri, A
2nd Network Meeting of UV4Plants
(2018) Multiplex mutagenesis of four clustered CrRLK1L with CRISPR/Cas9 exposes their growth regulatory roles in response to metal ions.
Autoren: Richter J, Watson JM, Stasnik P, Schoft V, Hauser M-T
GARNet Gene Editing Workshop
(2018) The role of catharanthus roseus receptor like kinases in growth adaptation triggered by metal ions.
Autoren: Richter J, Aline Gaëlle Mongelard, Laurent Gutierrez, Peter Stasnik, Vera Schoft, Hauser M-T
29th International Conferenceon Arabidopsis Research ICAR 2018
(2018) The Cell Wall as Platform for Heavy Metal Sensing
Autoren: Hauser M-T
International Conference - Plant Physiology & Biochemistry 2018
(2018) Post-harvest UV-B radiation and peach fruit metabolites. More complex than expected.
Autoren: Santin, M; Lucini, L; Castagna, A; Chiodelli, G; Hauser, M-T;, Ranieri, A
2nd Network Meeting of UV4Plants
(2017) Importance of experimental design in plant biology - pitfalls and best practice
Autoren: Hauser, M-T
14th International Student Conference of Experimental Plant Biology
(2017) Effects of UV-B post-harvest treatments cell wall plasticity of peach fruit (cv. Fairtime) at molecular and biochemical levels.
Autoren: Santin M, Giordani T, Cavallini A, Di Santoro M, Hauser M-T, Castagna A, Ranieri A
European Society for Photobiology (ESP) Congress, Satellite Meeting: Turning Photobiology into Commercial Reality- Exploiting UV Radiation for Sustainable and Innovative Food 2017
(2017) Role of translation regulators in responses to UV-B
Autoren: Hauser, M-T
Instituts Seminar
(2017) Cell wall integrity signaling pathways
Autoren: Richter J
Pectosign Meeting
(2017) Pectin modifying enzymes in responses to trace elements and heavy metals
Autoren: Ünal, A; Ploderer, M; Strobl, S; Pröll, AM; Konstantinova, N; Hauser, M-T
Pectosign Meeting
(2017) The Role of Cell Wall Integrity Receptors in Heavy Metal and Trace Element Perception.
Autoren: Richter, J; Hauser, M-T
International Conference Plant Molecular Physiology 2017
(2017) The role of cell wall monitoring receptorsin heavy metal and trace element perception
Autoren: Hauser, M-T
Botanical Society Seminars
(2017) UV-B-driven regulation of flavonoid synthesis in peach fruit.
Autoren: Santin, M; Hauser, M-T; Lucini, L; Castagna, A; Ranieri, A
European Society for Photobiology (ESP) Congress, Satellite Meeting: Turning Photobiology into Commercial Reality- Exploiting UV Radiation for Sustainable and Innovative Food 2017
(2016) CRISPR-CAS-ing of a gene cluster to study functional redundancy
Autoren: Hauser
Cas9 Tools in Plants
(2016) The role of receptor like kinases in heavy metal signalling.
Autoren: Richter J, Shi S, Pitzschke A, Hauser M-T
Plant Biology Europe EPSO/FESPB 2016 Congress
(2016) Pectin modifying enzymes in responses to trace elements and heavy metals
Autoren: Hauser, M-T
Institute Seminar at the Institute of Botany, Comenius University
(2016) Effects of heavy metals and trace elements on cell wall signaling, remodeling and growth.
Autoren: Richter J, Strobl S, Ploderer M, Konstantinova N, Mongelard G, Gutierrez L, Hocq L, Lefebvre V, Pelloux J, Pitzschke A, Hauser M-T
10th Tri-National Arabidopsis Meeting TNAM 2016
(2016) The importance of the UV-B photoreceptor for Arabidopsis thaliana acclimation to different climatic conditions along a European latitudinal gradient of UV-B radiation
Autoren: Hauser, M-T
21st Meeting of the Austrian Society of Plant biology (ATSPB)
(2016) Effects of UV-B post-harvest treatments on enzymes involved in cell wall plasticity of peach fruit (cv. Fairtime).
Autoren: Santin M, Hauser M-T, Castagna A, Ranieri A
1st Network Confernce of the international association UV4Plants
(2016) Background and METPLA plans
Autoren: Hauser, M-T
Kick-off meeting, METPLA project, 2016
(2016) Role of the ARIADNE12 ubiquitin E3 ligase and its putative substrate in long term adaptation to UV-B.
Autoren: Hauser, M-T
invited seminar at the Instituto de Biología Molecular y Celular de Plantas (IBMCBP), Universidad Politécnica de Valencia-CSIC,
(2016) Waterproofing in Arabidopsis: Following phenolics and lipids in situ by Confocal Raman Microscopy.
Autoren: Prats Mateu B, Hauser M-T, Heredia A, Gierlinger N
Plant Biology Europe EPSO/FESPB 2016 Congress
(2016) Ecophysiological consequences of UV-B radiation and ozone on Brassicaceae resistance traits.
Autoren: Mewis I, Winkler JB, Albert A, Hauser M-T, Schreiner M, Baldermann S, Zrenner R, Schulz H, Ulrichs C
1st Network Confernce of the international association UV4Plants
(2016) The role of the UV-B receptor for the physiological adaptation of Arabidopsis thaliana revealed by a common garden experiment across Europe
Autoren: Hauser, M-T
1st Network Confernce of the international association UV4Plants
(2015) Alleles of the receptor kinase THESEUS1 with opposing effects on growth upon inhibition of cellulose synthesis
Autoren: Hauser, M-T
Workshop at the 26th International Conference on Arabidopsis Research
(2015) Molecular aspects of UV-B signaling in plant and fruits
Autoren: Hauser, M-T
Seminar at the PhD programme in Agriculture, Food and Environment
(2015) Cross-species-functionality of a Salix caprea cell wall associated kinase-like (WAKL) protein and its selective control over Cd and Pb stress responses in Arabidopsis thaliana
Autoren: Hauser, M-T, Pitzschke, A
Viennese Plant Networkers Meeting
(2015) Involvement of pectin modifying enzymes in responses to trace elements and heavy metals in Arabidopsis thaliana
Autoren: Konstantinova N, Hocq L, Sénéchal, Hofte H, Pelloux J, Hauser M-T
26th International Conference on Arabidopsis Research ICAR 2015
(2015) Cross-species-functionality of a Salix caprea CELL WALL ASSOCIATED KINASE LIKE protein in Arabidopsis.
Autoren: Richter J, Shi S, Süß C, Konlechner C, Pitzschke A, Oberwalder M, Hann S, Hauser M-T
26th International Conference on Arabidopsis Research ICAR 2015
(2014) UV-B – an essential regulator of the secondary plant metabolism.
Autoren: Schreiner M., Hanschen F1, Hauser M-T, Hideg É, Kocsis M, Martinez-Abaigar,J, Mewis I, Neugart S, O’Brien N, Ranieri A, Rohn S, Schoedl-Hummel K, Winkler B, Zrenner R, Jansen MAK
Final Meeting of UV4Growth COST-Action FA0906
(2014) The Trans-European Arabidopsis experiment 2013-2014
Autoren: Hauser M-T, Palmer C, Neugart S, Zrenner R, Schreiner M, Martínez -Lüscher J, Strid Å, Martínez Abaigar J, Pascual I, Yokawa K, Verdaguer D, Regier N, Badenes-Perez R, Zipoli G, Julkunen-Titto R, Jones A, Jansen M, Gwynn-Jones D.
Final Meeting of UV4Growth COST-Action FA0906
(2014) Involvement of the eIF2a kinase GCN2 in UV-B responses.
Autoren: Llabata Babiano P, Faus I, Gadea J, Hauser M-T
Final Meeting of UV4Growth COST-Action FA0906
(2014) Ecophysiological consequences of UV-B and ozone on Brassicaceae – Role of UV-B reception on plant resistance traits.
Autoren: Mewis I, Winkler B, Albert A, Hauser M-T, Baldermann S, Zrenner R, Jansen MAK, Ulrichs C, Schreiner M
Final Meeting of UV4Growth COST-Action FA0906
(2014) Flavonoid glycoside concentration depends on the UVR8 photoreceptor – A Trans-European Arabidopsis common garden experiment.
Autoren: Neugart S, Albert A, Aphalo P, Badenes-Perez R, Castagna A, Dader B, Fereres A, Gaberscik A, Gwynn-Jones D, Hayes S, Jansen M, Jones A, Jukunen-Titto R, Laura Llorens L, Martinez Abaigar J, Martinez-Lüscher J, McLeod A R, Orlando Morales L, Nunez-Olivera E, Olsen J, Palmer C, Pascual I, Ranieri A, Regier N, Rosenqvist E, Schreiner M, Strid A, Turunen M, Urban O, Vandebussche F, Verdaguer D, Viczian A, Winkler B, Yokawa K, Zipoli G, Zrenner R, Hauser M-T
ICP2014, XXVIIth International Conference on Polyphenols
(2014) The role of translation in UV-B induced secondary metabolite biosynthesis.
Autoren: Winkler B, Mewis I, Lang-Mladek C, Baldermann S, Bamberg A, Albert A, Schreiner M, Hauser M-T
Phytotron Conference Analysis of Plant in Controlled Environments
(2013) The Trans-European Arabidopsis experiment
Autoren: Gwynn-Jones D, Hauser M-T
2nd Annual Meeting of UV4Growth COST-Action FA0906 Acclimation to UV-B 2013
(2013) Acclimation to UV-B
Autoren: Hauser, M-T
2nd Annual Meeting of UV4Growth COST-Action FA0906 Acclimation to UV-B 2013
(2013) Natural variation in the adaptation to chronic UV-B radiation in the model plant Arabidopsis thaliana
Autoren: Hauser, M-T
Seminar at the Chinese Academy of Forestry 2013
(2013) Regulation of ARI12 by the core UV-B response regulator COP1.
Autoren: Xie L, Richter J, Binkert M, Hauser M-T
2nd Annual Meeting of UV4Growth COST-Action FA0906 Acclimation to UV-B 2013
(2013) The Endosomal Sorting Complex Required for Transport (ESCRT) machinery of plants
Autoren: Hauser, M-T
Seminar series at the Umeå Plant Science Centre
(2013) Molecular basis of heavy metal accumulation and tolerance in Salix caprea
Autoren: Hauser, M-T
Seminar at the Chinese Academy of Forestry 2013
(2012) Which photoreceptors are involved in the transcriptional regulation of ARIADNE12 upon broad band UV-B radiation?
Autoren: Xie, L; Lang-Mladek, C; Neubert, S; Hauser M-T (2012) Cost Action UV4growth mini-conference. Acclimation to UV-B, Glasgow, Scotland, 1. – 2.5.
COST Action UV4growth mini-conference 2012 - Acclimation to UV-B2
(2012) Regulation and function of ARIADNE12 upon UV-B radiation in Arabidopsis.
Autoren: Xie L, Lang-Mladek C, Neubert S, Hauser M-T
23th International Conference on Arabidopsis Research ICAR 2012
(2012) Disruption of intracellular trafficking processes and induced endosomal aggregation by the Fusarium mycotoxin zearalenone.
Autoren: Merz, D; Ranftl, R; Hauser, M-T
SEB Annual Main Meeting 2012
(2012) Natural variation of growth upon exposure to chronic broad range UV-B radiation
Autoren: Hauser, M-T; Xie, L; Neubert, S; Hilscher, J
COST Action UV4growth mini-conference 2012 - Acclimation to UV-B2
(2012) Rhizosphere bacteria and endophytes protect the willow Salix caprea from excess zinc and cadmium uptake and influence the plant’s gene expression.
Autoren: Konlechner, C; Fallmann, K; Kuffner, M; Kańduła, M; Puschenreiter M, Sessitsch, A; Hauser M-T
FESPB/EPSO Plant Biology Congress 2012
(2012) Towards the genetic analysis of growth variations upon UV-B radiation in Arabidopsis accessions.
Autoren: Xie, L; Lang-Mladek, C; Neubert, S; Hauser M-T
8th Tri-National Arabidopsis Meeting TNAM 2012
(2012) The Fusarium mycotoxin zearalenone (ZON) prevents ethylene biosynthesis in Arabidopsis.
Autoren: Merz, D; Werner, U; Parich, A; Gremmel, C; Hofer, G; Schwanninger, M; Adam, G; Schuhmacher, R; Hauser M-T
8th Tri-National Arabidopsis Meeting TNAM 2012
(2011) POM2/CSI1 is required for cytoskeletal arrangement and cell wall deposition.
Autoren: Bringmann M, Li E, Hauser M-T, Persson S
PSIMEx Workshop 2011
(2011) Transgenerational stability and mechanisms of UV-B induced epigenetic changes in Arabidopsis thaliana
Autoren: Marie-Theres Hauser
1st Annual network Meeting UV4growth COST-Action FA0906 2011
(2011) Separation and quantification of metallothionein isoforms extracted from Salix Caprea by elemental speciation analysis
Autoren: Hermann, G., Windhager, C., Hauser, M.-T., Hann, S. and Koellensperger, G.
European Winter Conference on Plasma Spectrochemistry 2011
(2011) A member of the ARIADNE E3 ligase protein family is involved in long term adaptation to elevated UV-B radiation
Autoren: Lang-Mladek C, Nigam N, Burey SC, Torres Acosta JA, Hauser M-T
1st Annual network Meeting UV4growth COST-Action FA0906 2011
(2011) Transgenerational stability and mechanisms of UV-B induced epigenetic changes in Arabidopsis thaliana.
Autoren: Lang-Mladek C, Popova O, Kiok K, Berlinger M, Rakic B, Jonak C, Luschnig C, Aufsatz W, Hauser M-T
1st Annual network Meeting UV4growth COST-Action FA0906 2011
(2011) Does expression correlate with functional importance of gene family members? Examples from the characterization of the MAP65 and ARIADNE families
Autoren: Marie-Theres Hauser
Seminar Series of the ZMBP 2011
(2010) Arabidopsis reporter plants for in vivo detection of the mycotoxin zearalenone – preparations for a mutagenesis screen to detect mutants with altered signaling, uptake or metabolization
Autoren: Merz D, Ayad M, Pfaffenbichler N, Adam G, Hauser M-T
2nd ÖGMBT Annual Meeting 2010
(2010) Amsh3 is a deubiuquitinating enzyme required for vacuole biogenesis
Autoren: Isono E, Katsiarimpa A, Mueller I, Stierhof JD, Schlager N, Hauser M-T, Schwechheimer C
21th International Conference on Arabidopsis Research 2010
(2010) A hairy tale - molecular basis of the natural variation of trichome patterning in Arabidopsis populations
Autoren: Marie-Theres Hauser
The Molecular and Developmental Mechanisms Underlying Phenotypic Diversification at the EURO EVO DEVO (EED)
(2010) EDX localisation of toxic heavy metals in Salix caprea (Salicaceae)
Autoren: Adlassnig W., Langer I., Puschenreiter M., Vaculik M., Lichtscheidl I. K.
Microscience 2010
(2010) Stability of stress-induced activation of epigenetically silenced genes
Autoren: Marie-Theres Hauser
18th Symposium of the Austrian Society of Plant Biology ATSPB 2010
(2010) Varying heavy metal accumulation and tolerance of natural Salix caprea isolates correlates with genome architecture and activity
Autoren: Cornelia Windhager, Wolfram Adlassnig, Mine Türktas, Ingrid Langer, Markus Puschenreiter, Irene Lichtscheidl, Marie-Theres Hauser
International Conference on Environmental Pollution and Clean Bio/Phytoremediation 2010
(2010) The role of the Fusarium mycotoxin Zearalenone on plant growth
Autoren: Marie-Theres Hauser
MPI Max-Planck Institute for Molecular Plant Physiology
(2010) Mutations in CTL1 (Chitinase-Like 1)/POM1 reduce CESA activity and affects cell wall architecture.
Autoren: Sánchez-Rodríguez C, Bauer S, Hematy K, Ibáñez AB, Aichinger E, Vodermaier V, Hauser M-T, Perssonn S
12th Cell Wall Meeting 2010
(2010) Annual Meeting of the Society for molecular biology and evolution (SMBE)
Autoren: Hilscher J, Schlötterer C, Hauser M-T
A single amino acid replacement in ETC2 acts as major modifier of trichome patterning in natural Arabidopsis populations
(2010) EDX localisation of toxic heavy metals in Salix caprea (Salicaceae)
Autoren: Adlassnig W., Langer I., Puschenreiter M., Vaculik M., Lichtscheidl I. K.
Microscience 2010
(2010) Mode of action of the Fusarium myctoxin zearalenone in plants: inhibition of HSP90.
Autoren: Torres Acosta JA, Berthiller F, Wiesenberger G, Mitterbauer R, Werner U, Hauser M-T, Shams M, Krska R, Adam G
11th European Fusarium Seminar 2010 - Fusarium: Mycotoxins, Taxonomy, Pathogenicity and Host Resistance
(2010) The Arabidopsis E3 ligase AtARI12 is involved in long term adaptation to elevated UV-B radiation
Autoren: Lang-Mladek C, Nigam N, Chen H-W, Hauser M-T
18th Symposium of the Austrian Society of Plant Biology ATSPB 2010
(2010) Stability of stress-induced activation of epigenetically silenced genes
Autoren: Hauser, MT
18th Symposium of the Austrian Society of Plant Biology ATSPB 2010
(2010) The Fusarium toxis β-zearalenol and zearalenone inhibit Hsp90 ATPase activity and are inactivated by glucosylation and sulfatation.
Autoren: J.A. Torres Acosta, F. Berthiller, G. Wiesenberger, R. Mitterbauer, U. Werner, D. Merz, M.-T. Hauser, M. Shams, R. Krska, G.Adam
32nd Mycotoxin Workshop 2010
(2010) Arabidopsis reporters for in vivo detection of the mycotoxin zearalenone
Autoren: D. Merz, M. Ayad, N. Pfaffenbichler, U. Werner, G. Adam, M.T. Hauser
2nd ÖGMBT Annual Meeting 2010
(2010) The role of the ESCRTmachinery in plant development
Autoren: Marie-Theres Hauser
GSF- Institut für Biochemische Pflanzenpathologie, Helmholtz Zentrum München
(2010) The role of ARIADNE E3 ligases and their putative substrates in long term adaptation to abiotic stressors
Autoren: Hauser, MT
TU-Munich - Seminar Series
(2010) Does the effect of selected bacteria on concentration of and tolerance to zinc and cadmium correlate with gene expression in Salix caprea?
Autoren: Windhager C, Fallmann K, Kuffner M, Kandula M, Puschenreiter M, Sessitsch A, Hauser M-T
2nd ÖGMBT Annual Meeting 2010
(2010) Mode of action of the Fusarium Mxcotoxin zearalenone in plants: Inhibition of HSP90
Autoren: J. A. Torres Accosta, F. Berthiller, G. Wiesenberger, R. Mitterbauer, U. Werner, M.-T. Hauser, M. Shams, R. Krska, G. Adam
11th European Fusarium Seminar 2010 - Fusarium: Mycotoxins, Taxonomy, Pathogenicity and Host Resistance
(2010) The molecular basis of trichome density variation in natural Arabidopsis thaliana populations
Autoren: Hauser, MT
evolvienna meeting 2010
(2010) The Fusarium toxins beta-zearalenol and zearalenone inhibit Hsp90 ATPase activity and are inactivated by glucosylation and sulfatation.
Autoren: Torres Acosta JA, Berthiller F, Wiesenberger G, Mitterbauer R, Werner U, Merz D, Hauser M-T, Shams M, Krska R, Adam G
32nd Mycotoxin Workshop 2010
(2010) r1r2r3-myb proteins acting as transcriptional repressors for G2/M phase-specific genes
Autoren: Kosuke K, Doonan J, Demura T, Hauser M-T, Pignocchi C, Doonan JH, Ito M
21th International Conference on Arabidopsis Research 2010
(2010) Varying heavy metal accumulation and tolerance of natural Salix caprea isolates correlates with genome architecture and activity.
Autoren: Windhager C, Adlassnig W, Türktas M, Langer I, Puschenreiter M, Lichtscheidl I, Hauser M-T
International Conference on Environmental Pollution and Clean Bio/Phytoremediation (EPCR2010)
(2010) XII Cell Wall Meeting
Autoren: Sánchez-Rodríguez C, Bauer S, Hematy K, Ibáñez AB, Aichinger E, Vodermaier V, Hauser M-T, Perssonn S
12th Cell Wall Meeting 2010
(2010) The Arabidopsis E3 ligase ARI12 is involved in post-transcriptional regulation of mRNA
Autoren: Lang-Mladek C, Nigam N, Burey SC, Torres Acosta JA, Hauser M-T
2nd ÖGMBT Annual Meeting 2010
(2009) Reactivation of transcriptionally silenced loci by abiotic stress. Plant Abiotic Stress Tolerance
Autoren: Popova O, Mladek C, Kiok K, Berlinger M, Luschnig C, Aufsatz W, Hauser M-T, Jonak C
International Conference Plant Abiotic Stress Tolerance 2009
(2009) How root development provides insight into the role of mycotoxins and responses to abiotic stressors
Autoren: Marie-Theres Hauser
Max-Planck-Institute for Plant Breeding Research
(2009) The Class ARIADNE E3 Ligases and Their Interaction Partners Are Involved in Diverse Stress Responses.
Autoren: Nigam N, MladekC, Torres Acosta J-A, Hauser M-T
International Conference Plant Abiotic Stress Tolerance 2009
(2009) POM2 impairs arrangement of the cytoskeleton and cell all deposition.
Autoren: Bringmann M, Persson S, Li E, Hauser M-T
COST E50 Workshop “Systems Biology for Plant Design”
(2009) Stress-induced loss of gene silencing.
Autoren: Popova O, Mladek C, Kiok K, Berlinger M, Luschnig C, Aufsatz W, Hauser M-T, Jonak C
Adaption Potential in Plants, FEBS Workshop 2009
(2009) Positioning the plane of cell division in Arabidopsis
Autoren: Marie-Theres Hauser
Universität Münster, Institut für Botanik 2009
(2009) Positioning the plane of cell division in Arabidopsis
Autoren: Hauser, M-T
Universität Münster, Institut für Botanik 2009
(2009) How root development provides insight into the role of mycotoxins and responses to abiotic stressors
Autoren: Hauser, M-T
Max-Planck-Institute for Plant Breeding Research
(2009) The Fusarium mycotoxin zearalenone inhibits Hsp90 ATPase activity and is inactivated in planta by glucosylation and sulfatation.
Autoren: Torres Acosta JA, Berthiller F, Wiesenberger G, Mitterbauer R, Werner U, Hauser M-T, Shams M, Krska R, Adam G
60. Jahrestagung der Vereinigung der Pflanzenzüchter und Saatgutkaufleute Österreichs 2009
(2009) Root anatomical responses of two Salix caprea isolates growing in different environmental conditions.
Autoren: Vaculík M, Lux A, Puschenreiter M, Langer I, Windhager C, Adlassnig W, Lichtscheidl I, Hauser M-T
7th ISRR Symposium Root Research and Applications RootRAP 2009
(2009) Does Heavy Metal Induced Gene Expression Correlate with Zn and Cd Accumulation Capacities of the Willow Salix caprea?
Autoren: Windhager C, Türktas M, Langer I, Puschenreiter M, Hauser M-T
COST Action 859 – Phyto2009: “Phytotechnologies to promote sustainable land use and improve food safety”
(2009) Transgenerational Effects of Stress in Plants. How Stable Are They?
Autoren: Mladek C, Popova O, Berlinger M, Kiok K, Aufsatz W, Jonak C, Luschnig C, Hauser M-T
International Conference Plant Abiotic Stress Tolerance 2009
(2009) The E3 ligase AtARI12 regulates the adaptation to repetitive UV-B exposures and long-term low temperatures.
Autoren: Lang-Mladek C, Nigam N, Chen H-W, Hauser M-T
6th Tri-National Arabidopsis Meeting 2009
(2009) Stability of heritable stress-induced loss of gene silencing.
Autoren: Lang-Mladek C, Popova O, Berlinger M, Kiok K, Aufsatz W, Jonak C, Luschnig C, Hauser M-T
20th International Conference on Arabidopsis Research 2009
(2009) A target for the Fusarium mycotoxin zearalenone in plants: inhibition of HSP90 ATPase.
Autoren: J.A. Torrs-Acosta, F. Berthiller, G. Wiesenberger, R. Mitterbauer, U. Werner, M-T. Hauser, M. Shams, R. Krska, G. Adam
Conference Internation Society for Mycotoxicology ISM 2009
(2009) Towards the establishment of ZON reporters in plants
Autoren: Merz D, Werner U, Berthiller F, Neubert S, Krska R, Adam G, Hauser M-T,
Conference Internation Society for Mycotoxicology ISM 2009
(2009) The Fusarium mycotoxin zearalenone inhibits Hsp90 ATPase activity and is inactivated in planta by glycosylation and sulfatation
Autoren: J.A. Torres Acosta, F. Berthiller, G. Wiesenberger, R. Mitterbauer, U. Werner, D. Merz, M-T Hauser, M. Shams, R. Krska and G. Adam
60. Jahrestagung der Vereinigung der Pflanzenzüchter und Saatgutkaufleute Österreichs 2009
(2009) The Fusarium mycotoxin zearalenone inhibits Hsp90 ATPase activity and is inactivated in planta by glucosylation and sulfatation
Autoren: Torres Acosta, J. A., Berthiller, F., Wiesenberger, G., Mitterbauer, R., Werner, U., Merz, D., Hauser, M.-T. Shams, M., Krska, R., Adam, G.
60. Jahrestagung der Vereinigung der Pflanzenzüchter und Saatgutkaufleute Österreichs 2009
(2009) The genetic basis of trichome density variation in natural Arabidopsis thaliana populations.
Autoren: Hilscher J, Hauser M-T, Schlötterer C
12th ESEB Congress 2009
(2008) ESCRT-III dependent protein sorting establishes preprophase band and cell plate positioning
Autoren: Hauser, M-T
5th Tri-National Arabidopsis Meeting 2008
(2008) The potential of association studies for heavy metal remediation technologies by willows (Salix caprea)
Autoren: Marie-Theres Hauser
COST 859 Workshop 2008 - Contaminants and nutrients: availability, accumulation/exclusion and plant-microbia-soil interactions
(2008) Identifying the molecular mechanisms of heavy metal accumulation of Salix caprea by using the genetic diversity of metallicolous and non metallicolous populations
Autoren: Marie-Theres Hauser
Federal Research and Training Centre for Forests, Natural Hazards and Landscape BFW 2008
(2008) Genetic Analysis of Metallicolous and Non-Metallicolous Salix Caprea Populations to Understand the Molecular Mechanisms of Heavy Metal Accumulation.
Autoren: Hauser M-T, Türktas M, Wieshammer G, Sommer P, Wenzel W, Puschenreiter M
International Conference Molecular Mapping and Marker Assisted Selection in Plants 2008
(2008) The potential of association studies for heavy metal remediation technologies by willows (Salix caprea)
Autoren: Hauser, M-T
COST 859 Workshop 2008 - Contaminants and nutrients: availability, accumulation/exclusion and plant-microbia-soil interactions
(2008) The potential of association studies for heavy metal remediation technologies by willows (Salix caprea)
Autoren: Hauser, M-T
COST 859 Workshop 2008 - Contaminants and nutrients: availability, accumulation/exclusion and plant-microbia-soil interactions
(2008) ESCRTing the plane of cell division in plants
Autoren: Marie-Theres Hauser
Umeå Plant Science Centre
(2008) QTL Mapping of Trichome Patterning and Leaf Morphology Traits in Arabidopsis thaliana.
Autoren: Hilscher J Im UI, Schlötterer C, Hauser M-T
International Conference Molecular Mapping and Marker Assisted Selection in Plants 2008
(2008) ESCRTing the plane of cell division in plants
Autoren: Hauser, M-T
Umeå Plant Science Centre, Department of Plant Physiology, Umeå University
(2008) Interaction partners of ARIADNE E3 Ligases indicates their function in posttranscriptional regulation.
Autoren: Nigam N, MladekC, Torres Acosta J-A, Hauser M-T
5th Tri-National Arabidopsis Meeting 2008
(2008) Reactivation of transcriptionally silenced loci by abiotic stress.
Autoren: Popova O, Mladek C, Kiok K, Berlinger M, Luschnig C, Aufsatz W, Hauser M-T, Jonak C
5th Tri-National Arabidopsis Meeting 2008
(2008) ESCRT-III dependent protein sorting establishes preprophase band and cell plate positioning
Autoren: Hauser, MT
5th Tri-National Arabidopsis Meeting 2008
(2008) Identifying the molecular mechanisms of heavy metal accumulation of Salix caprea by using the genetic diversity of metallicolous and non metallicolous populations
Autoren: Hauser, M-T
Federal Research and Training Centre for Forests, Natural Hazards and Landscape BFW 2008
(2008) AtARI12 is a RING finger E3 ligase involved in resistance to UV-B stress.
Autoren: Mladek C, Hauser M-T
5th Tri-National Arabidopsis Meeting 2008
(2008) ESCRT-III dependent protein sorting establishes preprophase band and cell plate positioning”
Autoren: Marie-Theres Hauser
5th Tri-National Arabidopsis Meeting 2008
(2007) Quantitative genetic analysis of trichome patterning in Arabidopsis thaliana.
Autoren: Hilscher J, Im UI, Christian Schlötterer C, Hauser M-T
4th Tri-National Arabidopsis Meeting TNAM 2007
(2007) Characterization of interaction of ARIADNE E3 ligases with the unusual cap binding protein nCBP.
Autoren: Mladek C, Burey SC, Juan-Antonio Torres Acosta JA, Hauser M-T
18th International Conference on Arabidopsis Research 2007
(2007) Characterization of HYADE, a plant specific ESCRT-III complex component involved in cytokinesis in Arabidopsis.
Autoren: WinterV, Schlager N, Gössweiner N, Hauser M-T
4th Tri-National Arabidopsis Meeting TNAM 2007
(2007) Functional characterization of the Microtubules Associated Protein 65 Family in Arabidopsis thaliana
Autoren: Hauser, M-T
7th International Botanical Microscopy Meeting 2007
(2007) Lasting effects of abiotic stress in plant genomes and their potential for breeding strategies
Autoren: Berlinger, M. Helm, J., Kiok, K., Mladek, S., Neubert, A., et al.,
4th Tri-National Arabidopsis Meeting TNAM 2007
(2007) Zellwandsynthese, Zytoskelettorganisation und Vesikeltransport während der Wurzelmorphogenese
Autoren: Hauser, M-T
Eingeladener Vortrag am Institut für Pflanzenwissenschaften, Karl-Franzens-Universität Graz
(2007) Molecular mechansims of heavy metal tolerance in metallicolous and nonmetallicolous Salix caprea populations.
Autoren: Türktas M, Puschenreiter M, Wieshammer G, Wenzel W, Hauser M-T
COST 859 Workshop: Fate of pollutants in the plant / rhizosphere system: Fundamental aspects and their significance for field applications – Prospects and research needs,
(2007) Towards the functional characterization of the interaction of ARIADNE E3 ligases with nCBP, a cap binding protein involved in posttranscriptional mRNA regulation.
Autoren: Mladek C, Suzanne Cathrin Burey SC, Juan-Antonio Torres Acosta JA, Hauser M-T
4th Tri-National Arabidopsis Meeting TNAM 2007
(2007) Interaction and functional characterization of ESCRT-III complex components of Arabidopsis
Autoren: Winter V, Schlager N, Müller S, Torres-Acosta JA, Hauser M-T .
7th International Botanical Microscopy Meeting 2007
(2007) Screening of Salix caprea isolates for their capacity to accumulate Zn and Cd in leaves
Autoren: Puschenreiter M, Sommer P, Wieshammer G, Hauser M-T, Türktas M, Strauss J, Wenzel WW
9th International Conference for the Biogeochemistry of Trace Elements ICOBTE 2007
(2007) Functional characterization of the MAP65 family of microtubules associated proteins.
Autoren: Hauser M-T , Baumgartner R, Vordermaier V
18th International Conference on Arabidopsis Research 2007
(2007) Interaction and functional characterization of ESCRT-III complex components of Arabidopsis.
Autoren: Hauser M-T, Winter V, Nicole Schlager N
18th International Conference on Arabidopsis Research 2007
(2007) MAP65 interaction on plant microtubules and their function
Autoren: Hauser, M-T
Plant Systems Biology, VIB2, Meetings & Seminars
(2006) AtExo70A1, a member of a family of putative Exocyst subunits specifically expanded in land plants, is important for polar growth and plant development.
Autoren: Synek L, Schlager N, Elias M, Quentin, M, Hauser M-T, Zarsky V
3rd EPSO Conference 2006 - Plant Dynamics: from Molecules to Ecosystems
(2006) Charakterisierung des ESCRT-III Komplexes in der Modellpflanze Arabidopsis thaliana.
Autoren: Schlager N, Torres-Acosta JA, Hauser M-T
16. Tagung des Österreichischen Arbeitskreises für Pflanzenphysiologie ÖAPP 2006
(2006) Entwicklungsbiologie des Alterns
Autoren: Hauser M-T
Biozentrum, Universität Würzburg
(2006) Phytoremediation of contaminated soils using willows
Autoren: Puschenreiter M, Dos Santos Utmazian MN, Hauser MT, Sommer P, Strauss J, Unterbrunner R, Wieshammer G, Wenzel WW, Kuffner M, Sessitsch A
Conference Difpolmine
(2006) Heavy Metal Accumulation and Gene Expression of Salix caprea.
Autoren: Türktas M, Puschenreiter M, Wenzel W, Hauser M-T
COST859 2006
(2006) Endocytosis, intracellular transport, sorting and degradation: common themes in signal transduction
Autoren: Hauser M-T
3nd Tri-National Arabidopsis Meeting TNAM 2006
(2006) Towards the Functional Characterization of the Endosomal Sorting Complex Required for Transport (ESCRT) Machinery.
Autoren: Hauser M-T, Schlager N, Winter V, Torres-Acosta JA, Müller S
15th Congress of the Federation of European Societies of Plant Biology FEPBS 2006
(2006) Molekulare Basis der Schwermetalltoleranz von Salix caprea Populationen
Autoren: Hauser M-T
16. Tagung des Österreichischen Arbeitskreises für Pflanzenphysiologie ÖAPP 2006
(2006) Study of the metabolism of Fusarium mycotoxins in plants with HPLC - tandem mass spectrometry
Autoren: Berthiller, F., Lemmens, M., Werner, U., Krska, R., Hauser, M.-T., Adam, G., Schuhmacher, R.
28th Mycotoxin Workshop 2006
(2006) Characterization of the ESCRT-III complex in Arabidopsis thaliana.
Autoren: Schlager N, Winter V, Torres-Acosta JA, Hauser M-T
3nd Tri-National Arabidopsis Meeting TNAM 2006
(2006) Molekular- und Populationsgenetik der Schwermetalltoleranz und –akkumulation bei Salix caprea populationen.
Autoren: Türktas M, Puschenreiter M, Wenzel W, Hauser M-T
16. Tagung des Österreichischen Arbeitskreises für Pflanzenphysiologie ÖAPP 2006
(2006) An European contribution to the genomics of Fusarium graminearum
Autoren: Adam, G., Güldener, U., Berthiller, F., Peruci, M., Mitterbauer, R., Werner, U., Hauser, M-T, Lemmens, M., Bürstmayr, H., Brunner, K., Mach, R.L., Krska, R.
Mycoglobe International Conference 2006 - Advances in genomics, biodiversity and rapid systems for detection of toxigenic fungi and mycotoxins
(2006) Molekular- und Populationsgenetik der Schwermetalltoleranz und –akkumulation bei Salix caprea populationen.
Autoren: Türktas M, Puschenreiter M, Wenzel W, Hauser M-T
16. Tagung des Österreichischen Arbeitskreises für Pflanzenphysiologie ÖAPP 2006
(2006) Sorting out with ESCRT
Autoren: Hauser M-T
Departement of Plant Molecular Biology, University of Lausanne
(2006) Quantifizierung von subzellulären Strukturen: Confocale Laser Scanning Mikroskopie und Durchflusszytometrie
Autoren: Hauser M-T
Uni-Infrastruktur Programm III, Universität für Bodenkultur Wien 2006
(2006) Visualization of Interaction Patterns of MAP65 Family Members with Bimolecular Fluorescent Complementation (BiFC).
Autoren: Baumgartner R, Hauser M-T
3nd Tri-National Arabidopsis Meeting TNAM 2006
(2006) Sorting out with ESCRT in plants
Autoren: Hauser M-T
INRA-Laboratoire de biologie cellulaire
(2006) Inactivation of Fusarium graminearum defence suppressing toxins by UDP-glucosyltransferases of Arabidopsis thaliana
Autoren: Poppenberger, B., Berthiller, F., Werner, U., Lucyshyn, D., Schweiger, W., Mitterbauer, R., Schuhmacher, R., Krska, R., Lemmens, M., Bürstmayr, H., Hauser, M-T., Glössl, J., Adam, G.
3rd EPSO Conference 2006 - Plant Dynamics: from Molecules to Ecosystems
(2006) AtExo70A1, a member of a family of putative Exocyst subunits specifically expanded in land plants, is important for polar growth and plant development.
Autoren: Synek L, Schlager N, Elias M, Quentin, M, Hauser M-T, Zarsky V
3rd EPSO Conference 2006 - Plant Dynamics: from Molecules to Ecosystems
(2006) Charakterisierung des ESCRT-III Komplexes in der Modellpflanze Arabidopsis thaliana.
Autoren: Schlager N, Torres-Acosta JA, Hauser M-T
16. Tagung des Österreichischen Arbeitskreises für Pflanzenphysiologie ÖAPP 2006
(2006) Study of the metabolism of Fusarium mycotoxins in plants with HPLC – tandem mass spectrometry
Autoren: F. Berthiller
28th Mycotoxin Workshop 2006
(2006) Inactivation of Fusarium graminearum defense suppressing toxins by plant UDP-glucosyltransferases
Autoren: Poppenberger, B., Berthiller, F., Werner, U., Lucyshyn, D., Schweiger, W., Mitterbauer, R., Glössl, J., Schuhmacher, R., Krska, R., Lemmens, M., Bürstmayr, H., Hauser, M-T., Adam, G.
9th European Fusarium Seminar 2006
(2006) Angiosperm Exocyst.
Autoren: Zarsky V, Synek L, Quentin M, Schlager N, Hauser M-T, Elias M, Drdova E, Hala M, Cvrckova F, Soukupova H
SEB at Canterbury 2006
(2006) Zellwandsynthese, Zytoskelett und Vesikeltransport während der Wurzelmorphogenese
Autoren: Hauser M-T
Julius-von-Sachs-Institut, Universität Würzburg
(2006) Molecular mechanisms of heavy metal accumulation of metallicolous and non metallicolous Salix caprea population
Autoren: Hauser M-T
Department of Plant Physiology, Faculty of Natural Sciences, Comenius University in Bratislava
(2006) Angiosperm Exocyst.
Autoren: Zarsky V, Synek L, Quentin M, Schlager N, Hauser M-T, Elias M, Drdova E, Hala M, Cvrckova F, Soukupova H
SEB at Canterbury 2006
(2005) Analysis of Exo70 exocyst subunits family functions in plants.
Autoren: Synek L, Elias M, Drdova E, Quentin M, Hauser M-T, Zarsky V
16th International Conference on Arabidopsis Research 2005
(2005) Effekte von Zearalenone auf Arabidopsis thaliana.
Autoren: Werner U, Bertiller F, Suljok M, Krska R, Hauser M-T, Schuhmacher R
Mold-Meeting 2005 der Arbeitsgemeinschaft für Lebensmittel-, Veterinär- und Agrarwesen - Aktuelle Probleme der Mykologie und Mykotoxinforschung
(2005) Molekulare Physiologie am Beispiel der Wurzelentwicklung
Autoren: Hauser M-T
Institute of Applied Genetics and Cell Biology, BOKU- University of Natural Resources and Applied Life Sciences
(2005) Arabidopsis thaliana: a model to study the effect of the estrogenic mycotoxin zearalenone in plants
Autoren: Werner, U., Berthiller, F., Schuhmacher, R., Krska, R., Adam, G., Hauser, M-T
Life Sciences 2005, Joint Annual Meeting of ÖGBM, ÖGGGT, ÖGBT and ANGT
(2005) Cytokinesis in the view of the microtubule-associated protein PLE/MAP65-3
Autoren: Hauser M-T
17th International Botanical Congress 2005
(2005) (P0233) The ARIADNE family in Arabidopsis thaliana: A characterization of putative E3 ligases
Autoren: C. Mladek, M. T. Hauser;
17th International Botanical Congress 2005
(2005) Molecular mechansims involved in heavy metal accumulation by Salix caprea
Autoren: Hauser M-T
GSF-Gesellschaft für Strahlenforschung
(2005) (3.5.4) Cytokinesis in the view of the microtubule-associated protein PLE/MAP65-3
Autoren: V. Wagner, J. A. Torres-Acosta, S. Müller, A. Smertenko, H. Nakagami, H. Hirt, P. Hussey, M.T. Hauser
17th International Botanical Congress 2005
(2005) Root morphogenesis as model for plant development
Autoren: Hauser M-T
Institut für Pflanzenwissenschaften, Universität Heidelberg
(2005) Effekte von Zearalenone auf Arabidopsis thaliana.
Autoren: Werner, U., Berthiller, F., Sulyok, M., Krska, R., Hauser, M.T., Schuhmacher, R.
Mold-Meeting 2005 der Arbeitsgemeinschaft für Lebensmittel-, Veterinär- und Agrarwesen - Aktuelle Probleme der Mykologie und Mykotoxinforschung
(2005) Determination of phase II metabolites of the estrogenic mycotoxin zearalenone in Arabidopsis thaliana with LC-MS/MS.
Autoren: Berthiller, F., Werner, U., Sulyok, M., Krska, R., Hauser, M.T., Schuhmacher, R.
2nd Int. Symposium on Recent Advances in Food Analysis
(2005) Interaction studies between the putative ESCRT-III complex components of Arabidopsis thaliana.
Autoren: Schlager N, Torres-Acosta JA, Winter V, Hauser M-T
Life Sciences 2005, Joint Annual Meeting of ÖGBM, ÖGGGT, ÖGBT and ANGT
(2005) (P0067) Comparative and phylogenetic analyses of the microtubule-associated protein 65 (MAP65) family in plants
Autoren: J. A. Torres Acosta, V. Wagner, M. T. Hauser
17th International Botanical Congress 2005
(2005) Characterization of the putative Chitinase POM1/AtCTL1 from Arabidopsis thaliana.
Autoren: Aichinger E, Öhr W, Douglas C, Mladek C, Hauser M-T
Life Sciences 2005, Joint Annual Meeting of ÖGBM, ÖGGGT, ÖGBT and ANGT
(2005) Zearalenone is a virulence factor of Fusarium graminearum on wheat and affects ethylene signaling and expression of genes involved in cell wall modification/reinforcement in Arabidopsis thaliana
Autoren: Werner, U., Berthiller, F., Lemmens, M., Trail, F., Peruci, M., Schuhmacher, R., Krska, R., Cziferszky, A., Hauser, M-T., Adam, G.
13th International Congress on Molecular Plant-Microbe Interactions 2005
(2005) Characterization of the plant ESCRT-III complex: protein interaction studies between its putative Arabidopsis thaliana components
Autoren: N. Schlager, J. A. Torres-Acosta, V. Winter, M. T. Hauser;
17th International Botanical Congress 2005
(2005) Cytokinesis in the view of the microtubule-associated protein MAP65-3/PLE
Autoren: Hauser M-T
UMR INRA-UNSA-CNRS Interactions Plantes-Microorganismes et Santé Végétale
(2005) Functional characterization of the ARIADNE gene family in Arabidopsis thaliana: A group of putative E3 ligases.
Autoren: Mladek C, Hauser M-T
Life Sciences 2005, Joint Annual Meeting of ÖGBM, ÖGGGT, ÖGBT and ANGT
(2005) The roles of the microtubules-associated protein 65 (MAP65) family in plant development
Autoren: Hauser M-T
SFB Seminarserie „mechanism of cell behaviour in eucaryotes“ ZMBP - Center for Plant Molecular Biology, Department of General Genetics University of Tübingen
(2005) Phylogenetic and genetic analysis of Microtubule associate-protein 65 (MAP65) members of Arabidopsis thaliana.
Autoren: Torres-Acosta JA, Wagner V, Hauser M-T
Life Sciences 2005, Joint Annual Meeting of ÖGBM, ÖGGGT, ÖGBT and ANGT
(2005) Toward the determination of the genetic basis of heavy metal accumulation in six wild metallicolous and non-metallicolous Salix caprea populations
Autoren: Türktas M, Puschenreiter M, Sommer P, Wenzel W, Strauss J Hauser, M-T . 17-23.7.
17th International Botanical Congress 2005
(2005) (P0068) Characterization of HYADE, an Arabidopsis gene involved in cytokinesis
Autoren: V. Winter, S. Müller, M.T. Hauser
17th International Botanical Congress 2005
(2005) Virulenzmechanismen von Fusarium graminearum und Resistenzmechanismen in Pflanzen
Autoren: Lemmens, M., Berthiller, F., Peruci, M., Poppenberger, B., Lucyshyn, D., Mitterbauer, R., Schuhmacher, R., Werner, U., Hauser, M.T., Krska, R., Bürstmayr, H., Adam, G.
56. Tagung der Vereinigung der Pflanzenzüchter und Saatgutkaufleute Österreichs 2005 - Züchtung auf Anpassungsfähigkeit
(2005) Molecular mechanisms of heavy metal accumulation of metallicolous and non-metallicolous Salix caprea populations
Autoren: Hauser M-T
Workshop on "Plants from heavy metal-polluted habitats: Ppopulations, structural and physiological adaptations
(2005) (3.12.6) Toward the determination of the genetic basis of heavy metal accumulation in six wild metallicolous and non-metallicolous Salix caprea populations
Autoren: M. Türktas, M. Puschenreiter, P. Sommer, W. Wenzel, J. Strauss, M.T. Hauser;
17th International Botanical Congress 2005
(2005) Towards understanding the functional consequences of natural variation: trichome patterning in Arabidopsis.
Autoren: Hilscher J, Im U I, Schlötterer C, Hauser M-T
Life Sciences 2005, Joint Annual Meeting of ÖGBM, ÖGGGT, ÖGBT and ANGT
(2005) Toward the determination of the genetic basis of heavy metal accumulation in six wild metallicolous and non-metallicolous Salix caprea populations
Autoren: Türktas M, Puschenreiter M, Sommer P, Wenzel W, Strauss J Hauser, M-T . 17-23.7.
17th International Botanical Congress 2005
(2005) (P1699) Genetic and molecular analysis of trichome density using naturally occurring variation among Arabidopsis thaliana accessions
Autoren: J. Hilscher, U. I. Im, C. Schlötterer, M. T. Hauser
17th International Botanical Congress 2005
(2005) (P0016) Characterization of the effect of the Fusarium mycotoxin zearalenone in Arabidopsis thaliana
Autoren: Werner, U., Berthiller, F., Schuhmacher, R., Krska, R., Adam, G., Hauser, M.T.
17th International Botanical Congress 2005
(2005) Heavy metal accumulation of metallicolous and non-metallicolous Salix caprea populations.
Autoren: Türktas M, Puschenreiter M, Sommer P, Wenzel W, Strauss J, Hauser M-T
Life Sciences 2005, Joint Annual Meeting of ÖGBM, ÖGGGT, ÖGBT and ANGT
(2005) The role of the putative ESCRT-III component HYADE during cell division
Autoren: Hauser M-T
Inst. of Experimental Botany, Prague
(2004) Phyotremediation of contaminated soils using willows.
Autoren: Puschenreiter M, Dos Santos MN, Hauser M-T, Sommer P, Strauss J, Wieshammer G, Unterbrunner R, Zivkovic M, Wenzel WW
2nd Conference Sustain Life and Secure Survival 2004 - Socially and Environmentally Responsible Agribusiness
(2004) Molecular mechanisms involved in heavy metal accumulation by Salix caprea.
Autoren: Türktas M, Puschenreiter M, Sommer P, Wenzel WW, Strauss J, Hauser M-T
Joint Annual Meeting of the ÖGBM, ÖGGGT, ÖGBT and ANGT 2004
(2004) News from underground: root morphogenesis in Arabidopsis thaliana
Autoren: Hauser M-T
Institut für Pflanzenschutz, Universität für Bodenkultur Wien
(2004) PLE/AtMAP65-3, a key player of cytokinesis in Arabidopsis thaliana.
Autoren: Wagner V, Smertenko A, Nakagami H, Hirt H, Hussey PJ, Hauser M-T
FEBS Special Meeting on Cytoskeltal Dynamics: From Cell Biology to Development and Disease
(2004) Fusarium genomics activities in the Austrian genome programme GEN-AU
Autoren: Adam, G., Peruci, M., Berthiller, F., Mitterbauer, R., Wondrasch, K., Brunner, A, Czifersky, A., Strauss, J., Mach, R.L., Schuhmacher, R., Krska, R., Poppenberger B., Lucyshyn, D., Werner, U., Hauser, M.-T., Gueldener, U., Lemmens, M
2nd International Symposium on Fusarium Head Blight, incorporating the 8th European Fusarium Seminar
(2004) Comparative and functional genome analysis corroborate the existence of ESCRT (endosomal protein sorting complexes required for transport) in Arabidopsis thaliana.
Autoren: Winter V, Müller S, Hauser M-T
15th International Conference on Arabidopsis Research 2004
(2004) Metal accumulation in Salix caprea: molecular background of plant processes and associated rhizosphere microbes.
Autoren: Puschenreiter M, Wieshammer G, Sommer P, Strauss J, Hauser M-T, Sessitsch A, Wenzel WW
ÖGBT Minisymposium on Microbial Ecology 2004 - From ecosystem functioning to biotechnology application
(2004) AtMAP65-3/PLE, a microtubule associated protein and its role during cytokinesis
Autoren: Hauser M-T
Trinational meeting "Genomics of the model plant Arabidopsis thaliana"
(2004) Genomewide transcriptional analysis specifies the Fusarium toxin Zearalenone to interfere with stress responses and cell wall modification in Arabidopsis thaliana.
Autoren: Werner U, Adam G, Hauser M-T
15th International Conference on Arabidopsis Research 2004
(2004) Genomics for a Better Environment: molecular mechanisms involved in the metal accumulation by Salix and associated microorganisms
Autoren: Hauser M-T
Vienna Plantnetters Meeting 2004
(2004) Genomics for a Better Environment: molecular mechanisms involved in the metal accumulation by Salix and associated microorganisms
Autoren: Hauser M-T
Vienna Plantnetters Meeting 2004
(2004) Genetische Analyse der Wurzelentwicklung bei Arabidopsis thaliana
Autoren: Hauser M-T
Universität Salzburg
(2004) Genomics for a Better Environment: molecular mechanisms involved in the metal accumulation by Salix and associated microorganisms
Autoren: Hauser M-T
Vienna Plantnetters Meeting 2004
(2003) PROPORZ1, a putative Arabidopsis transcriptional adaptor protein, mediates auxin and cytokinin signals in the control of cell proliferation.
Autoren: Sieberer, T, Seifert, G, Hauser, M-T and Luschnig, C
Joint Annual Meeting of the ÖGBM, ÖGGGT, ÖGBT and ANGT 2003
(2003) Trehalose metabolism specifically regulates carbohydrate metabolism in Arabidopsis thaliana.
Autoren: Sigmund, HF, Hauser, M-T, Luschnig C
Joint Annual Meeting of the ÖGBM, ÖGGGT, ÖGBT and ANGT 2003
(2003) Molecular analysis of the mycotoxin Zearalenone effects on the model plant Arabidopsis thaliana.
Autoren: Werner, U, Adam, G, Hauser, M-T
Joint Annual Meeting of the ÖGBM, ÖGGGT, ÖGBT and ANGT 2003
(2002) Towards the functional characterization of the ARIADNE-RING finger gene family in Arabidopsis thaliana.
Autoren: Mladek, C and Hauser, M-T
13th International Conference on Arabidopsis Research 2002
(2002) Functional analysis of PLEIADE, a key player in cytokinesis of Arabidopsis thaliana.
Autoren: Wagner, V, Müller, S and Hauser, M-T
13th International Conference on Arabidopsis Research 2002
(2002) Characterization of POM2, a gene involved in regulating cell expansion in Arabidopsis thaliana.
Autoren: Li, E and Hauser, M-T
13th International Conference on Arabidopsis Research 2002
(2002) Structure and differential expression of the ARIADNE-RING finger gene family in Arabidopsis thaliana.
Autoren: Mladek, C and Hauser, M-T ()
17th Long Ashton International Symposium, New Frontiers in Plant Development: From Genes to Phenotype
(2002) The APL locus is required for phloem development in Arabidopsis roots.
Autoren: Bonke, M, Hauser, M-T and Helariutta, Y
13th International Conference on Arabidopsis Research 2002
Pectin modifying enzymes in responses to trace elements and heavy metals
Autoren: Hauser, M-T
Analysis of meristem activity and evaluation of polyploidization in Arabidopsis roots.
Autoren: Axterer, M., Bauer, E., Hauser, M.-T.
Molecular analysis of POM1, a gene involved in the control of endoreduplication and cell expansion in Arabidopsis thaliana.
Autoren: Karsai, A., Axterer, M., Mansfeld, A., Adhami, F., Hauser, M.-T.
Suppressors of eir1-potential components of auxin signalling in Arabidopsis thaliana.
Autoren: Sieberer, T., Sigmund, H., Hauser, M.-T., Luschnig, C.
Cloning and expression of cDNAs encoding alpha1,3-fucosyltransferase homologues from plants.
Autoren: Wilson, I.B.H, Rendić, D., Freilinger, A., Bencúrová, Dumic, J., Altmann, F., Mucha, J., Müller, S., Hauser, M.-T.
Molecular analysis of PLEIADE: a component of cytokinesis in plants and animals
Autoren: Marie-Theres Hauser
Suppressors of eir1 - potential components of auxin signaling.
Autoren: Sieberer, T., Sigmund, H., Hauser, M.-T., Luschnig, C.
Expression Analysis with Real-Time PCR
Autoren: Marie-Theres Hauser
CTL1/POM1 and its homolog CTL2 are glucan-interacting proteins that regulate cellulose biosynthesis in Arabidopsis thaliana.
Autoren: Sánchez-Rodríguez C, Bauer S, Hématy K, Saxe F, Ibáñez AB, Vodermaier V, Sampathkumar A, Rüggeberg M, Aichinger E, Neumetzler L, Burgert I, Somerville C, Hauser M-T, Persson S
The PROPORZ1 gene regulates differentiation and cell division in Arabidopsis thaliana.
Autoren: Luschnig, C., Sieberer, T., Hauser, M.-T.
The PLEIADE gene and its role during cytokinesis in plants and animals.
Autoren: Hauser, M.-T.
How to split a plant cell: the role of PLE/MAP65-3 during cytokinesis
Autoren: Hauser M-T
Transgenerational inheritance and resetting of stress-induced loss of epigenetic gene silencing
Autoren: Popova O, Lang-Mladek C, Kiok K, Berlinger M, Luschnig C, Aufsatz W, Hauser M-T, Jonak C
ARIADNE E3 ligases and their interaction partners mediate abiotic stress responses
Autoren: Nigam N, Lang-Mladek C, Torres Acosta JA, Hauser M-T
Molecular analysis of PLEIADE, a putative CDK substrate and element of cytokinesis in Arabidopsis thaliana.
Autoren: Müller, S., Hauser, M.-T.
In vitro generation of plant-like N-glycans on human transferrin by recombinant core a1,3-fucosyltransferase.
Autoren: Altmann, F., Hartmann, E., Hauser, M-T., Wilson, I.B.H.
From Form to Function - Analysis of the genetic basis of root development.
Autoren: Hauser, M.-T.
The eir1 suppressors screen: a novel tool to study auxin signalling.
Autoren: Sigmund, H., Sieberer, T., Hauser, M.-T., Luschnig, C.
Toward the cloning of PLEIADE, a gene involved in organ specific cytokinesis.
Autoren: Müller, S., Heinrich, M., Hauser, M.-T.
Perception of trace elements by cell wall monitoring receptors and their ligands
Autoren: Hauser, Marie-Theres
Metal-Protein Prediction Programs
Autoren: Hauser, M-T
Analysis and Expression of the ARIADNE RING-Finger Gene Family in Arabidopsis thaliana.
Autoren: Mladek, C., Karsai, A., Guger, K., Hauser, M-T.
ESCRTing proteins during cell division
Autoren: Hauser M-T
Novel cell wall associated genes involved in heavy metal stress responses from Salix caprea.
Autoren: Hauser M-T, Shi S, Puschenreiter M, Hermann G, Köllensperger G, Konlechner C
From the ground into the spotlight - confocal microscopy in the genetic analysis of root development.
Autoren: Hauser, M.-T.
The APL locus is required for phloem development in Arabidopsis roots.
Autoren: Bonke, M, Thitamadee, S, Hauser, M-T, Helariutta, Y
Positional cloning of PLEIADE: a conserved protein required for cytokinesis in plants and animals.
Autoren: Hauser, M.-T.
In vitro generation of plant-like N-glycans on human transferrin by recombinant core a1,3-fucosyltransferase.
Autoren: Altmann, F., Hartmann, E., Hauser, M-T., Wilson, I.B.H.
Metal sensing of the cell wall
Autoren: Hauser, M-T
Importance of cell wall surveillance systems in response to heavy metals and excess trace elements of plants
Autoren: Hauser, M-T
Subcellular localization of the HYADE gene product in root tips of Arabidopsis thaliana
Autoren: Pritz C, Winter V, Foissner I, Hauser M-T
Cloning and molecular analysis of Arabidopsis genes involved in root morphogenesis.
Autoren: Hauser, M.-T.
The PLEIADE gene and its role during cytokinesis in plants and animals.
Autoren: Hauser, M.-T.
A novel late flowering mutant of Arabidopsis thaliana.
Autoren: Luschnig, C., Sigmund, H., Hauser, M.-T.
Involvement of pectin modifying enzymes in responses to trace elements and heavy metals in Arabidopsis thaliana
Autoren: Hauser, M-T
The Arabidopsis thaliana MYB transcription factor ETC2 confers higher yield and seed size in transgenic soybean (Glycine max).
Autoren: Liu, W; Ji, H; Peng, Y; Mazarei, M; Lin, J; Millwood, RJ; Shao, Y; Saleem, M; Hauser, M-T, Traw, MB; Stewart, N
Positional cloning of PLEIADE: a conserved protein required for cytokinesis in plants and animals.
Autoren: Hauser, M.-T.
EPO - a candidate for the specific interaction with POM1 - a regulator of cell expansion in Arabidopsis thaliana.
Autoren: Mansfeld, A., Hauser, M.-T.
EPO and the regulation of cell expansion and cellulose synthesis in Arabidopsis.
Autoren: Mansfeld, A, Sigmund, H, Hauser, M-T
Phenotypic characterization of trichome distribution and molecular analysis of a candidate gene (GLABROUS1) in Arabidopsis thaliana and the close relative Arabidopsis lyrata.
Autoren: Schlötterer, C., Harr, B., Hauser, M.-T.
Does peptide mediated cell wall signaling detect metal ions?
Autoren: Hauser, M-T
The WOODY gene (WDY) is required for vascular patterning in Arabidopsis thaliana.
Autoren: Bonke, M., Törmäkangas, K., Hauser, M.-T., Helariutta, Y.
From Form to Function - Analysis of the genetic basis of root development.
Autoren: Hauser, M.-T.
Cloning and molecular analysis of Arabidopsis genes involved in root morphogenesis.
Autoren: Hauser, M.-T.