Georg Gratzer
Univ.Prof. Dipl.-Ing. Dr.nat.techn. Georg Gratzer
Institute of Forest Ecology
Location Peter-Jordan-Straße 82, 1190 Wien
Tel: +43 1 47654-91215
- 2004 Habilitation
- 1997 Doctoral degree
- 1993 Diploma
- 1999 Bodenkulturpreis der Wirtschaftskammer Wien
0 Projects found.
Knowledge Transfer to Society
(2023) Alpine Seeds - Austrian perspectives on creating canopies
Autoren: Oberklammer, I; Perzl, M; Hacket-Pain, A; Pesendorfer, MB; Gratzer, G
Creating Canopy: the biology and practice of establishing trees and woodlands for people and nature. Featuring a FraxNet network meeting.
(2023) Arts for future: how arts-based interventions (ABIs) can contribute to learning and knowledge integration in transdisciplinary research
Autoren: Horvath, S; Gratzer, G;
Triple Helix Conference
(2023) Arts for future: the potential of arts-based interventions (ABIs) to contribute to learning and knowledge integration in transdisciplinary workshop settings for sustainable development
Autoren: Horvath, S.; Gratzer, G.
14th International Sustainability Transition Conference
(2021) Nachhaltigkeitsforschung an der BOKU – zwischen Vielfalt und Kontrast
Autoren: Gratzer Georg, Penicka Alexandra
7. BOKU Nachhaltigkeitstag 2021 - Ko-Evolution gestalten
(2021) How to make international partnerships work: Lessons learned from afforestation projects
Autoren: Gratzer Georg
Transition of the energy sector beyond Austria's borders
(2021) SDGs in a Himalayan context: What has been achieved so far?
Autoren: Gratzer Georg
Commission for Interdisciplinary Ecological Studies: GAURISHANKAR CONSERVATION AREA REVISITED
(2021) Moderation Podiumsdiskussion zum Thema: Die krisenfeste Gesellschaft -Nur mit sozial-ökologischer Transformation! mit Nina Horaczek, Bettina Köhler und Jana Köhler
Autoren: Gratzer Georg
Im Rahmen der Reihe future:changes
(2021) Ausbildung Klima-Peers: Die Biodiversitätskrise in Zeiten der Klimakrise.
Autoren: Gratzer Georg
(2021) Nachhaltige Entwicklungsziele und Biodiversität
Autoren: Gratzer Georg, Schwarzfurtner Katharina, Höltl Andrea
(2021) Moderation und Organisation von Vortrag und Diskussion: Wissen messen. ÜBER URSPRÜNGE, ZIELE UND (UN)INTENDIERTE EFFEKTE EINES EIGENTLICH UNMÖGLICHEN VORHABENS von Dr. Lisa Sigl
Autoren: Gratzer Georg, Gingrich Simone, Penicka Alexandra
AG Nachhaltigkeitsforschung: Nachhaltigkeit im Diskurs
(2021) Megatrend Mehrfachnutzung: Waldweide aus waldökologischer Sicht
Autoren: Gratzer Georg
Fachexkursion Land&Forstbetriebe Österreichs: „Megatrend Mehrfachnutzung- Waldweide vs. Wald-/Weide Trennung“
(2021) Wohlstand Neu Denken – Nachhaltig Handeln
Autoren: Gratzer Georg
Club of Rome - Austrian chapter: Wohlstand Neu Denken – Nachhaltig Handeln
(2020) Policy coherence in the SDGs – but how? The quest for an assessment approach for SDG interactions on a policy level.
Autoren: Sophia-Marie Horvath, Maximilian Muhr, Georg Gratzer
11th International Sustainability Transition conference
(2018) Find the needle in the haystack. Tracing the fate of palatable tree seeds in European beech forests.
Autoren: Sachser, F; Nopp-Mayr, U; Kempter, I; Hausleithner, C; Gratzer, G
Joint Meeting: 6th International Conference of Rodent Biology and Management & 16th Rodens et Spatium
(2018) Effect of monsoon failure on tree water use in Himalayan montane forests
Autoren: Gadermaier J.,Wangdi N., Thinley T., Gratzer G., Hietz P
48th Annual Meeting of the Ecological Society of Germany, Austria and Switzerland GfÖ 2018 - Ecology – Meeting the Scientific Challenges of a complex World
(2018) Impacts of water stress on fine root dynamics in altitudinal forests of Himalayan Bhutan
Autoren: Ahmed, IU; Dorji, Y; Wangdi, N; Gratzer, G; Godbold, DL
48th Annual Meeting of the Ecological Society of Germany, Austria and Switzerland GfÖ 2018 - Ecology – Meeting the Scientific Challenges of a complex World
(2017) Beiträge von Universitäten zur Umsetzung der SDGs. Invitied talk.
Autoren: Gratzer, G
GAIA Jahrestreffen 2017 - Die Rolle der Universitäten für eine nachhaltige Entwicklung
(2017) The Agenda 2030 – claims, challenges and imperatives. Keynote presentation
Autoren: Gratzer Georg
ICA Rectors and Deans Froum 2017. Life Science Universities Deliver Impact in Addressing the Sustainable Development Goals
(2017) The SDGs as a claim to Universities. Keynote Presentation.
Autoren: Gratzer Georg
ICA-EDU Colloquium: Delivering graduates to meet the challenges of the sustainable development goals (SDGs): embedding the development of ethical and sustainable values in the curriculum. June 13-14, 2017, University of Zagreb, Croatia.
(2017) BOKU: Human Capacity Building for Mountain Livelihoods in the Himalaya Region
Autoren: Gerzabek, M.H.; Graf, W.; Katzensteiner, K.; Melcher, A.; Mentler, A.; Gratzer, G.
Mountain resources and livelihoods in the Hindu Kush Himalayas: Higher education research and regional collaboration for sustainable mountain development; ICIMOD, HUC and Sichuan University
(2016) A global analysis of temperate old-growth forests.
Autoren: Keeton, W.S. G. Meigs, Sabina Burrascano, Yurij Bihun, Carlo Blasi, Jiquan Chen, Mykola Chernyavskyy, Dmytro Karabchuk, Brigitte Commarmot, Jerry F. Franklin, Georg Gratzer, Thomas Spies, Mark E. Swanson, Grant Wardell-Johnson, Christopher Dean, Miroslav Svoboda, Volodymyr Trotsiuk, Magdalena Main-Knorn, Christine Goodale, Gregory McGee, Jonathon Thompson, Andrew Whitman.
Invited Seminar at the Gund Institute for Ecological Economics, University of Vermont. Burlington, VT,
(2016) A global analysis of temperate old-growth forests: Universal Ecosystem Services and Conservation Imperative.
Autoren: Keeton, W.S. G. Meigs et al. Sabina Burrascano, Yurij Bihun, Carlo Blasi, Jiquan Chen, Mykola Chernyavskyy, Dmytro Karabchuk, Brigitte Commarmot, Jerry F. Franklin, Georg Gratzer, Thomas Spies, Mark E. Swanson, Grant Wardell-Johnson, Christopher Dean, Miroslav Svoboda, Volodymyr Trotsiuk, Magdalena Main-Knorn, Christine Goodale, Gregory McGee, Jonathon Thompson, Andrew Whitman.
Invited seminar at Eötvös Loránd University. Budapest, Hungary.
(2016) Mountain Forests – traps or treasures? Keynote Presentation
Autoren: Gratzer, G.
Mountains 2016. International Conference on Research for Sustainable Development in Mountain Regions
(2016) Carpathian Old-growth Forests in a Global Context: Shared Form and Function or Regional Distinctiveness? Keynote Presentation.
Autoren: Keeton, W.S., Garrett Meigs, Sabina Burrascano, Yurij Bihun, Carlo Blasi, Jiquan Chen, Mykola Chernyavskyy, Dmytro Karabchuk, Brigitte Commarmot, Jerry F. Franklin, Georg Gratzer, Thomas Spies, Mark E. Swanson, Grant Wardell-Johnson, Christopher Dean, Miroslav Svoboda, Volodymyr Trotsiuk, Magdalena Main-Knorn, Christine Goodale, Gregory McGee, Jonathon Thompson, Andrew Whitman.
Forum Carpaticum
(2015) Simulating Monsoon Failures along an Altitudinal Gradient in Himalayan Forests
Autoren: Andras Darabant, Norbu Wangdi, Purna Chhetri, Tshewang Dorji, Dorji Dukpa, Cheten, Peter Hietz, Kinley Tenzin and Georg Gratzer
Perth III 2015 - Mountains of Our Future Earth
(2015) Seed predation and seed dispersal by small mammals in central European mixed forest ecosystems
Autoren: Kempter, I; Hausleithner, C; Gratzer, G; Nopp-Mayr, U
7th European Congress of Mammalogy 2015
(2014) The Future of Mountain Forests in a Changing World: Studies from Africa, Europe, and Asia
Autoren: Georg Gratzer
(2013) Spatio-temporal aspects of beech seed predation and their role for forest dynamics in a Central European old-growth mountain forest
Autoren: Nopp-Mayr, U; Kempter, I; Muralt, G; Hausleithner, C; Gratzer, G
Conference ?Primeval Beech Forests
(2013) Mountains and Mountain Forests
Autoren: Georg Gratzer
International Mountain Day 2013 - THE POST 2015 AGENDA – WHY MOUNTAINS MATTER FOR THE SDGs
(2013) Neighbourhood dynamics of gaps in an old-growth beech mountain forest in Central Europe
Autoren: Georg Gratzer, Patrick Brown, Bernhard Splechtna, Brigitte Rudel
Primeval Beech Forests. Reference Systems for the Management and Conservation of Biodiversity, Forest Resources and Ecosystem Services
(2012) Introduction of crossbred dairy cattle can lead to changes in management practices: Forest grazing in Bhutan
Autoren: Wangchuk, K., Wurzinger, M., Nidup, S., Darapant, A., Gratzer, G., Zollitsch, W.
International Conference on Sustainable Land Use and Mountain Areas 2012
(2011) Seed removal in a Central European old-growth mixed-species forest – effects of predator guilds, tree masting and small mammal population dynamics
Autoren: Ursula NOPP-MAYR, Georg GRATZER, Iris KEMPTER and Gerald MURALT
BES Annual Symposium 2011: Forests and Global Change
(2009) Snapshots: turning challenges into opportunitiesfor sustainable development
Autoren: Zollitsch W, Loiskandl W, Linzner R, Aigelsperger L, Gratzer G,
Colloquium to inaugurate the Centre for Development Research 2009 - Seeking opportunities in times of crises
(2009) Resilience of forest soils in the Limestone Alps
Autoren: Katzensteiner K, Darabant A, Gratzer G, DOrji S
European Geosciences Union EGU General Assembly 2009
(2008) Research for development and the role of local people: the example of the CORET partnership in Bhutan.
Autoren: Gratzer G, Habermann, B., Dorji, T., Darabant, A. Tenzin, K.
International Symposium 2008 - Preservation of Biocultural Diversity - a Global Issue
(2008) The role of traditional land use systems in contemporary land management: an example on forest grazing in Bhutan
Autoren: Georg Gratzer
International Symposium 2008 - Preservation of Biocultural Diversity - a Global Issue
(2008) Species-specific response to disturbance – examples from a spruce-fir-beech forest
Autoren: Bernhard E. Splechtna
BOKU International Conference 2008 - Mountain Forests in a Changing World - Advances in Research on Sustainable Management and the Role of Academic Education
(2008) Disturbances in a Central European mountain forest in the context of carbon dynamics: more temporal discontunity than expected
Autoren: Georg Gratzer
44th Corso di Cultura in Ecologia 2008 - Forest disturbances and effects on carbon stock: the non-permanence issue
(2008) Species-specific response to disturbance – examples from a spruce-fir-beech forest
Autoren: Bernhard, E. Splechtna, Georg Gratzer, Rasmus Waagepetersen3
BOKU International Conference 2008 - Mountain Forests in a Changing World - Advances in Research on Sustainable Management and the Role of Academic Education
(2008) Mass mortality of Yika shing (Aesandra butyracea), a multipurpose tree in Bhutan
Autoren: Tshering, K., Chhetri, D. B., Chhetri, P. B., Gratzer, G., Darabant, A., Stauffer, C., Kirisits, T.
BOKU International Conference 2008 - Mountain Forests in a Changing World - Advances in Research on Sustainable Management and the Role of Academic Education
(2007) Decline and mass mortality of Yika shing (Aesandra butyracea), a multipurpose tree in Lhuntse, Eastern Bhutan
Autoren: Tshering, K., Chhetri, D.B., Chhetri, P.B., Gratzer, G., Darabant, A., Stauffer, C., Kirisits, T.
IUFRO Conference 2007 - Natural enemies and other multi-scale influences on forest insects
(2007) Research for people - the conifer research and training partnership in Bhutan
Autoren: Georg Gratzer
IUFRO European Congress 2007 - Forests and Forestry in the Context of Rural Development
(2007) The disturbance regime in a Central European Old Growth Mountain Forest: a spatio-temporal analysis
Autoren: Georg Gratzer
IUFRO International Conference 2007 - Natural Hazards and Natural Disturbances in Mountain Forests
(2006) Störgrößen und Steuermechanismen in der Bergwalddynamik
Autoren: Gossow H., Gratzer G.
bokuINSIDE II 2006 - Nachhaltige Ergebnisse der Responsible University
(2006) The influence of seed dispersal and environmental heterogeneity for generation of spatial patterns of seedlings in a spruce beech fir old growth forest.
Autoren: Georg Gratzer, Rasmus Waagepetersen, Bernhard Splechtna, Monika Kutter, David Coomes
The 2006 Annual Meeting of the British Ecological Society
(2004) Understanding the role of understory species for tree regeneration in mountain forests – an example of coexistence of Abies densa with Rhododendron hodgsonii in Central Bhutan
Autoren: Georg Gratzer, Prem Bahadur Rai, Andras Darabant, Purna B. Chhetri
IUFRO Conference: “Regenerating Mountain Forests”
(2003) Dynamik von Bergwäldern
Autoren: Gratzer, G., Splechtna, B.
Aktuelle Herausforderungen an die Österreichische Forstwirtschaft und die Universität für Bodenkultur
(2003) Natural Disturbances in Central European Forests: Approaches and PreliminaryResults from Rothwald, Austria
Autoren: Splechtna B.E., Gratzer G.
Natural Forests in the Temperate Zone of Europe - Values and Utilisation.
(2003) The growth of European beech (Fagus sylvatica L.) relative to temperature from 1768 to 2000 in Rothwald, Austria
Autoren: Splechtna, B.E., Gratzer, G.
EuroDendro 2003
(2003) Natural Disturbances in Central European Forests: Approaches and PreliminaryResults from Rothwald, Austria
Autoren: Splechtna, B.E., Gratzer, G.
Natural Forests in the Temperate Zone of Europe - Values and Utilisation.
small mammal monitoring using camera traps
Autoren: Sachser, F; Nopp-Mayr, U; Gratzer, G
Sustainability Aspects of Sardinian Silvopastoral Goat Systems: A Qualitative Analysis
Autoren: Spinnarke, L; Gratzer, G; Franca, A; Zollitsch, W
Relearning traditional knowledge to achieve sustainability: honey gathering in the miombo woodlands of northern Mozambique
Autoren: Laura Snook, Tereza Alves, Camila Sousa, Judy Loo, Georg Gratzer, Lalisa Duguma, Cristoph Schrotter, Natasha Ribeiro, Rosalina Mahanzule, Feliciano Mazuze, Esmeraldina Cuco, Marlène Elias
Carbon offset, participation and sustainability - a case study from the Gaurishankar Conservation Area, Nepal
Autoren: Peloschek, F; Katzensteiner, K; Bruckman, V; Devkota, M; Gratzer, G; Bhandari, A; Pandey, M; Darabant, A