Christian Leonhartsberger
Mag.rer.nat. Christian Leonhartsberger
Status Currently not employed at BOKU
- 2006 final degree in biology (ecology)
0 Projects found.
Knowledge Transfer to Society
Year: 2010 - Optimisation of energy crop production under dry climatic conditions
Autoren: Leonhartsberger, C., Bauer, A., Ilic, D., Amon, T.
Event: 18th European Biomass Conference and Exhibiton 2010
Year: 2010 - Effects of Antibiotic Residues in Fermentation Substrates on Biogas Yield.
Autoren: Bauer. A., Leonhartsberger, C., Amon, T., Klocke, M., Bergmann, I., Mundt, K., Winckler.Ch.
Event: 14th Ramiran International Conference 2010
Year: 2010 - Possibilities to optimize feedstock mixtures for biogas production
Autoren: Leonhartsberger, C., Amon, T., Bauer. A.
Event: 14th Ramiran International Conference 2010
Year: 2010 - Optimisation of energy crop production under dry climatic conditions
Autoren: Leonhartsberger, C.
Event: International Conference on Agricultural Engineering AgEng 2010
Year: 2010 - Utilisation of by-products from ethanol production as substrate for biogas production
Autoren: De Paoli, F., Bauer, A., Leonhartsberger, C., De Zanche, C., Amon, T.
Event: International Conference on Agricultural Engineering AgEng 2010
Year: 2010 - Optimisation of energy crop production under dry climatic conditions
Autoren: Leonhartsberger, C.
Event: 18th European Biomass Conference and Exhibiton 2010
Year: 2010 - Optimisation of energy crop production under dry climatic conditions
Autoren: Leonhartsberger, C., Bauer, A., Ilic, D., Amon, T.
Event: International Conference on Agricultural Engineering AgEng 2010
Year: 2010 - Utilisation of by-products from ethanol production as substrate for anaerobic digestion
Autoren: Leonhartsberger, C.
Event: International Conference on Agricultural Engineering AgEng 2010
Year: 2009 - Evaluation of the Methane Yield of Steam-exploded Wheat Straw and its Energy Potential for the total arable Land in EU-27
Autoren: Bauer, A., Leonhartsberger, C., Bösch, P., Friedl, A., Amon, T.
Event: 33rd CIOSTA and 5th CIGR Conference 2009 - Technology and management to ensure sustainable agriculture, agro systems, forestry and safety
Year: 2009 - Ertragsbildung von unterschiedlichen Kulturarten für die Biogaserzeugung im ökologischen Landbau
Autoren: Lyson, D.F., Rinnofner, T. , Hrbek, R., Leonhartsberger, C., Amon, T., Hein, W., Friedel, J.K.
Event: 10. Wissenschaftstagung Ökologischer Landbau 2009
Year: 2009 - Management of Permanent Grassland for Biogas Production
Autoren: Leonhartsberger, C., Bauer, A., Gerstl, M., Amon, T., Pötsch, E.M.
Event: 17th European Biomass Conference & Exhibition 2009 - From Research to Industry and Markets
Year: 2009 - Effect of the Intensity of Grassland Management on Biogas Production
Autoren: Leonhartsberger, C.
Event: 33rd CIOSTA and 5th CIGR Conference 2009 - Technology and management to ensure sustainable agriculture, agro systems, forestry and safety
Year: 2009 - Effect of the Intensity of Grassland Management on Biogas Production
Autoren: Leonhartsberger, C., Bauer, A., Gerstl, M., Pötsch, E.M., Amon, T.
Event: 33rd CIOSTA and 5th CIGR Conference 2009 - Technology and management to ensure sustainable agriculture, agro systems, forestry and safety
Year: 2009 - Posibilities for sustainable agrarian feestock production and utilistion
Autoren: Leonhartsberger, Ch., Bauer, A., Mayr, H., Amon, T.
Event: EU-AGRO-Biogas Symposium Biogas09 2009
Year: 2009 - Production of Methane from Steam Exploded Wheat Straw
Autoren: Bauer, A., Leonhartsberger, C., Mayr, H., Amon, T., Bösch, P., Friedl, A.
Event: 17th European Biomass Conference & Exhibition 2009 - From Research to Industry and Markets
Year: 2009 - Ertragsbildung von unterschiedlichen Kulturarten für die Biogaserzeugung im ökologischen Landbau
Autoren: Lyson, D.F., Rinnofner, T., Hrbek, R., Leonhartsberger, C., Amon, T., Hein, W., Friedel, J.K.
Event: 10. Wissenschaftstagung Ökologischer Landbau 2009
Year: 2009 - Forschungen an der BOKU zum nachhaltigen Energiepflanzenanbau
Autoren: Leonhartsberger, C.
Event: Generalversammlung Forum Biogas 2009
Year: 2009 - Sustainable feedstock production for biogas production and energy potential of straw
Autoren: Amon, T., Leonhartsberger, Ch.
Event: Symposium From Biomass to Biogas 2009
Year: 2009 - Trockenmassebildung von Mais und Sonnenblumen im Gemenge für die Verwertung in Biogasanlagen
Autoren: Gimplinger, D.M., D. F. Lyson, T. Rinnofner, C. Leonhartsberger, T. Amon, H.-P. Kaul
Event: Pflanzenbauwissenschaften 2009 – Systembezug und Modellierung
Year: 2008 - Effect of weather on organic cropping systems in Kenya. Cultivating the Future Based on Science.
Autoren: Birech, R., Freyer, B., Friedel, J., Leonhartsberger, P.
Event: 2nd Scientific Conference of the International Society of Organic Agriculture Research ISOFAR, 16th IFOAM Organic World Congress in Cooperation with the International Federation of Organic Agriculture Movements and the Consorzio ModenaBio 2008 - Cultivating the Future Based on Science
Year: 2008 - Sustainable crop rotations and their potential for biogas production
Autoren: Leonhartsberger, Ch.,
Event: 13th RAMIRAN International Conference 2008
Year: 2008 - Sustainable biogas production through the integration of high-yielding and site-adapted energy crops into crop rotation systems
Autoren: Leonhartsberger, Ch.
Event: 18th International Congress of Chemical and Process Engineering PRES 2008
Year: 2008 - Ertragsbildung von Mais und Sonnenblume für die Biogasproduktion
Autoren: Gimplinger, D. M., T. Amon, R. Hrbek, H.-P. Kaul, C. Leonhartsberger, S. Wichmann, B. Winkler
Event: ALVA Jahrestagung 2008, Ernähren uns in Zukunft die Energiepflanzen?
Year: 2008 - Optimisation of biogas production through the cultivation of site-adapted energy crops and sustainable crop rotation systems
Autoren: Leonhartsberger, C.
Event: 16th European Biomass Conference and Exhibition 2008
Year: 2008 - Biogas production from energy crops produced in sustainable crop rotations
Autoren: Leonhartsberger, Ch.
Event: International Conference on Agricultural Engineering & Industry Exhibition AgEng 2008
Year: 2008 - Nachhaltige Biogaserzeugung durch die Integration ertragreicher und standortangepasster Energiepflanzen in ausgewogene Fruchtfolgesysteme
Autoren: Leonhartsberger, C., Bauer, A., Lyson, D., Bodiroza, V., Milovanovic, D., Rinnofner, T., Friedel, J. K., Amon, T.
Event: klima:aktiv Kongress biogas08
Year: 2008 - Nachhaltige Fruchtfolgen im Energiepflanzenbau
Autoren: Leonhartsberger, C.
Event: Seminar für Biogas-SpezialberaterInnen
Year: 2007 - Standortangepasste Energiepflanzensorten und ausgewogene Fruchtfolgen für die Biogasproduktion
Autoren: Leonhartsberger, C.
Event: 16. Jahrestagung Biogas und Bioenenergie in der Landwirtschaft 2007