Wolfgang Kromp
Ao.Univ.Prof.i.R. Dr. Wolfgang Kromp
Centre for Global Change and Sustainability
Location Peter-Jordan-Straße 76, 1190 Wien
Email wolfgang.kromp@boku.ac.at
- 2015 Senior Scientists at the Centre for Global Change and Sustainability, BOKU
- 2009 - 2012 Head of the Institute of Safety and Risk Sciences of the University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences, Vienna
- 1997 Associate Professor, University of Vienna
- 1995 - 2009 Head of the Institute of Risk Research of the University of Vienna
- 1991 - 1995 Head of the projekt "Nuclear Safety of the Academic Senate of the University of Vienna"
- 1984 Habilitation (Material Physics) at the University of Vienna
- 1982 - 1991 Visiting Professor at the Carnegie Mellon University, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Pittsburgh, Pa, USA
- 1976 - 1981 Research fellow at the Max-Planck-Institut Stuttgart, Powder Metallurgical Laboratorium Büsnau
- 1970 - 1997 Assistant Professor at the Institut of Material Physics of the University of Vienna
- 1970 PhD in Physics and Mathematic at the University of Vienna
- Year: 2014 Awards: Grüner Zweig der HLUW Yspertal
- Year: 2013 Awards: Goldenes Ehrenzeichen für Verdienste um das Land Wien
- Year: 2011 Awards: Österreichisches Ehrenzeichen für Wissenschaft und Kunst 1. Kasse
- Year: 1991 Awards: Konrad Lorenz Preis des Umweltministers
0 Projects found.
Knowledge Transfer to Society
Year: 2018 - Why nuclear energy is not a solution and how Austria became an international advocate for a nuclear free Europe
Autoren: Kromp, W.
Event: LUSH Summit
Year: 2013 - Consequences of severe nuclear accidents in Europe
Autoren: Seibert, P., Arnold, D., Arnold, N., Gufler, K., Kromp-Kolb, H., Mraz, G., Kromp, W., Sutter, P.
Event: EGU General Assembly 2013
Year: 2012 - flexRISK – flexible tools for assessment of nuclear risk in Europe
Autoren: D. Arnold, K. Gufler, W. Kromp, H. Kromp-Kolb, G. Mraz, P. Seibert, S. Sholly, N. Arnold, P. Sutter, A. Wenisch
Event: Vienna Scientific Cluster VSC User Workshop 2012
Year: 2012 - Main Steam Line Break Analysis with Failure of All Main Steam Isolation Valves in a BWR (Peach Bottom)
Autoren: M. Lanfredini, N. Muellner, F. D’Auria, N. Arnold, S. Sholly, W. Kromp
Event: 9th International Topical Meeting on Nuclear Thermal-Hydraulics NUTHOS-9 2012 - Operation and Safety
Year: 2012 - The Risk of the Wrong Priorities in University Education
Autoren: Helga Kromp-Kolb, Thomas Lindenthal, Adam Pawloff, Wolfgang Kromp
Event: 4th International Disaster and Risk Conference IDRC 2012
Year: 2012 - Risk of Ice shed from Wind Turbines
Autoren: Drapalik, M; Kromp, W
Event: 4th International Disaster and Risk Conference IDRC 2012
Year: 2012 - Severe accidents of nuclear power plants in Europe: possible consequences and mapping of risk
Autoren: Petra Seibert, Delia Arnold, Gabriele Mraz, Nikolaus Arnold, Klaus Gufler, Helga Kromp-Kolb, Wolfgang Kromp, Philipp Sutter, Antonia Wenisch
Event: 4th International Disaster and Risk Conference IDRC 2012
Year: 2011 - Zukunfts-Energie
Autoren: Wolfgang Kromp
Event: Energie der Zukunft 2011 - erneuerbar, regional, unabhängig
Year: 2011 - Podiumsdiskussion Energiewende
Autoren: Wolfgang Kromp
Event: Energiewende 2011
Year: 2011 - Expertengespräch - Tschernobyl und die Folgen der Katastrophe
Autoren: Andreev, J., Kromp, W., Lahodynsky, R., Talko, V., Weish, P. & Ziegler, E.(mod.)
Event: 25 Jahre nach Tschernobyl - 1 Monat nach Fukushima (04/2011). Gedenken-Nachdenken-Vordenken. Konferenz & Diskussion 2011
Year: 2011 - Prospects of nuclear energy in terms of their uranium fuel supply
Autoren: Arnold, N., Kromp, W., Zittel, W.
Event: World Resources Forum 2011
Year: 2011 - Atomkatastrophe in Japan- Handlungsbedarf für Österreichische Städte
Autoren: Wolfgang Kromp
Event: Sitzung des Umweltausschusses des österreichischen Städtebundes 2011
Year: 2011 - Energie der Zukunft
Autoren: Wolfgang Kromp
Event: Energie der Zukunft 2011 - erneuerbar, regional, unabhängig
Year: 2011 - Siedewasserreaktoren Baulinie 69
Autoren: Wolfgang Kromp
Event: Das Ende de Atomkraft - Eine Chance für Freising? 2011
Year: 2011 - Risk of ice shed from wind turbines
Autoren: Drapalik, M; Formayer, H; Pospichal, B; Kromp, W
Event: 9th International Probabilistic Workshop 2011
Year: 2011 - EMO 3&4, “Severe Accidents”: Selected Issues for in depth analyses
Autoren: Gufler Klaus, Kastchiev Georgi, Sholly Steven, Seidelberger Emmerich, Meyer Norbert, Lahodynsky Roman, Kromp Wolfgang
Event: 19th Bilateral Meeting under the Agreement between the Government of the Slovak Republic and the Government of Austria on Issues of Common Interest in the Field of Nuclear Safety and Radiation Protection 2011
Year: 2011 - flexRISK: Lagrangian particle dispersion modelling for the assessment of nuclear risks in Europe
Autoren: Arnold, Dèlia; Seibert, Petra; Kromp-Kolb, Helga; Gufler, Klaus; Arnold, Nikolaus; Kromp, Wolfgang; Wenisch,Antonia; Mraz, Gabriele; Sutter, Philipp
Event: AGU Chapman Conference on Advances in Lagrangian Modeling of the Atmosphere 2011
Year: 2011 - Perspektiven nuklearer Energieerzeugung bezüglich ihrer Uran Brennstoffversorgung
Autoren: Arnold, N., Kromp, W., Zittel, W.
Event: 7. Internationale Energiewirtschaftstagung IEWT 2011
Year: 2011 - flexRISK: Lagrangian particle dispersion modelling for the assessment of nuclear risks in Europe
Autoren: Arnold, Dèlia; Seibert, Petra; Kromp-Kolb, Helga; Gufler, Klaus; Arnold, Nikolaus; Kromp, Wolfgang; Wenisch,Antonia; Mraz, Gabriele; Sutter, Philipp
Event: AGU Chapman Conference on Advances in Lagrangian Modeling of the Atmosphere 2011
Year: 2011 - Klima und Energie - Herausforderungen in Theorie und Praxis
Autoren: Wolfgang Kromp
Event: 1. Konferenz der 8 Waldviertler Klima- und Energiemodellregionen 2011
Autoren: Nikolaus Arnold, Emmerich Seidelberger, Wolfgang Kromp, Josef Eitzinger, Herbert Formayer, Gerald Kalt, Bernhard Schneider, Walter Graf, Herbert Daberger
Event: Rolnictwo XXI wieku - nowe aspekty gospodarowania (Landwirtschaft des 21. Jahrhunderts - Neue Aspekte des Managements)
Year: 2010 - 3. Innovationskongress Biogas 2010“, Osnabrück, Deutschland
Autoren: Nikolaus Arnold, Wolfgang Kromp, Emmerich Seidelberger
Event: 3. Innovationskongress Biogas 2010
Year: 2010 - flexRISK - Flexible Tools for Assessment of Nuclear Risk in Europe
Autoren: D. Arnold, K. Gufler, W. Kromp, H. Kromp-Kolb, G. Mraz, P. Seibert, S. Sholly , P. Sutter and A. Wenisch
Event: 31st ITM - NATO/SPS International Technical Meeting on Air Pollution Modelling and its Application 2010
Year: 2009 - Radwaste Repository – Permanent Inaccessibility vs. Institutionalized Surveillance
Autoren: Kromp, W., Benedikt, M., Gerzabek, M., Kohlbeck, F., Kromp-Kolb, H., & Lahodynsky, R.
Event: Nuclear Waste Management in a Globalized World 2009
Year: 2006 - A Procedure to Optimize the Timing of Operator Actions of Accident Management Procedures
Autoren: Nikolaus Muellner, Marco Cherubini, Wolfgang Kromp, Francesco D’Auria, Gianni Petrangeli:
Event: Technical Meeting on Severe Accident and Accident Management
Year: 2006 - A Procedure to Optimize the Timing of Operator Actions of Accident Management Procedures
Autoren: Nikolaus Muellner, Marco Cherubini, Wolfgang Kromp, Francesco D’Auria, Gianni Petrangeli
Event: Technical Meeting on Severe Accident and Accident Management
Year: 2005 - Gefahren- und Katastrophenmanagement
Autoren: Fuerhacker, M., Beran, J., Breitenfeld, M., Cepuder, P., Faber, R., Flesch, R., Graf, W., Hohenauer, R., Jung, H., Kammerer, G., Klik, A., Kromp, W., Kromp-Kolb, H., Lechner, P., Loiskandl, W., Markl, W., Melcher, A., Paul, J., Perfler, R., Schmidt-Kloiber, A., Seibert, P., Wassermann, G.
Event: 2. Forum Reichenau - Gefahren- und Katastrophenmanagement, 2005
Year: 2004 - Investigation of H2 Generation During a SBO for a VVER 1000-320 Using the Codes RELAP5-SCDAP and MELCOR
Autoren: N. Muellner, W. Giannotti, F. D’Auria, G. Kastchiev and W. Kromp
Event: 5th International Conference on Nuclear Option in Countries with Small and Medium Electricity Grids 2004
Year: 2004 - Investigation of H2 Generation During a SBO for a VVER 1000-320 Using the Codes RELAP5-SCDAP and MELCOR
Autoren: Muellner, N., W. Giannotti, F. D’Auria, G. Kastchiev and W. Kromp
Event: 5th International Conference on Nuclear Option in Countries with Small and Medium Electricity Grids 2004
Year: 2002 - Fusion And The Public Opinion - A Reluctant Relationship
Autoren: Gazsó A., Liebert W., Kromp W.
Event: EASST Conference 2002
Year: 2001 - Contaminated mushrooms: objective hazards versus the lay risk perception
Event: 11th Annual Conference Society of Risk Analysis-Europe
Year: 2001 - Radioactive contamination of edible mushrooms: objective hazards and risk perception
Autoren: Druzhinina, I., Gazsó, A., Kromp, W.
Event: International Human Dimensions Symposium
Year: 2001 - Uptake of 137Cs and 85Sr by fungi in vitro as an example of inter- and intraspecific variability of metal-contaminated mushrooms
Event: 11th Annual Conference Society of Risk Analysis-Europe
Year: 2000 - Uptake of Cs-137 and Other Radionuclides by Basidiomycete Fungi in Vitro
Autoren: Druzhinina, I., V. Karg, M. Berreck, M. Hesse, W. Kromp
Event: International Radiation Protection Association 10th Congress
Year: 1998 - Risk evaluation of radioactive contamination in edible mushrooms
Autoren: Droujinina Irina, Hesse Michael, Greilhuber Irmgard, Karg Viktor, Schinner Felix, Kromp Wolfgang
Event: 8th Annual Conference of Society of Risk Analysis-Europe
Year: 1995 - Some results on Ultrasonic Pressing of Hard Metal and Steel Powders
Autoren: Kromp W., Domnanovich A., Lins W., Novak I., Peterlik H., Pinczolits H., Prinz F. B., Pfouts B., Sabbani A.
Event: 26th Annual UIA Symposium 1995
Year: 1993 - High Power Ultrasonic Powder Pressing
Autoren: Kromp W., et. al.
Event: 24th Annual UIA Symposium 1993
Year: 1986 - Effects on the Fatigue and Tensile Behavior of CMSX-2 Nickel Base Superalloy Single Crystals
Autoren: Bernstein I. M., Walton S., Dollar M., Domnanovich A. and Kromp W.
Event: NASA 1986 Conference on Advanced Earth-to-Orbit Propulsion Technology,
Year: 1985 - Role of Hydrogen and Structure on CMSX-2
Autoren: Baker C. L., Chene J., Kromp W., Pinczolits H., Bernstein S. M. and Williams J. C.
Event: Structural Integrity and Durability of Reusable Space Propulsion Systems
Year: 1985 - Vibratory Compaction of Metal Powders
Autoren: Kromp W., Trimmel P., Prinz F. B. and Williams J. C.
Event: 1984 Powder Metallurgy Conference
Year: 1980 - Vibration Assisted Hot Pressing of Metal and Ceramic Powders
Autoren: Kromp W., Trimmel P., Staffa K. H., Petzow G. and Claussen N.
Event: Modern Developments in Powder Metallurgy, Vol. 12, Principles and Processes
Year: 1979 - Ultrasonically Aided Hot Pressing of Powder Materials
Autoren: Trimmel P., Kromp W. and Claussen N
Event: Ultrasonic International 1979
Year: 1975 - Ultrasonic Fatigue Testing
Autoren: Bajons P., Kromp K., Kromp W., Weiss B., Langer H. and Stickler R.
Event: Ultrasonic International 1975
Year: 1973 - Techniques and Equipment for Ultrasonic Fatigue Testing
Autoren: Kromp W., Kromp K., Bitt H., Langer H. and Weiss B.
Event: Ultrasonic International 1973
Year: 1973 - Fatigue at Ultrasonic and Low Frequencies
Autoren: Kromp K., Kromp W., Weiss B. and Maurer K. L.,
Event: Dritte Internationale Tagung über den Bruch