Barbara Turner
Mag.a Barbara Turner Ph.D.
Institute of Botany (BOT)
Location Gregor-Mendel-Straße 33, 1180 Wien
Tel: +43 1 47654-83116
ORCID: 0000-0003-2271-7793
55796628653: AuthorId
G-7772-2012: ResearcherId
0 Projects found.
Knowledge Transfer to Society
Year: 2023 - Entwicklung von Strategien zum Schutz von Chara canescens (bärtige/graue Armleuchteralge)
Autoren: Turner, B
Event: Ein Tag im Zeichen der Nationalparkforschung
Year: 2023 - An international network for the protection of sexual and parthenogenetic populations of streptophytic green macroalgae (Chara canescens)
Autoren: odrigo, MA; Arnal, A; RGarcía-Murillo, P; Guarino, R; Troía, A, Bernhardt, KG; Turner, B; Weizel, J; Schubert, H;
Event: 4th Mediterranean Plant Conservation Week
Year: 2023 - Rare or common? Developing protection schemes for bisexual-parthenogenetic species
Autoren: Arnal, A; Rodrigo, MA; García-Murillo, P; Guarino, R; Troía, A, Bernhardt, KG; Turner, B; Weizel, J; Schubert, H;
Event: 4th Mediterranean Plant Consvervation Week
Year: 2022 - Introgression of new genotypes and displacement of native genotypes in local protected plants – a case study in Typha
Autoren: Tuner, B; Bernhadt, KG
Event: 7th Global Botanical Gardens Congress
Year: 2021 - Genetische Charakterisierung von Typha - aus dem Tullnerfeld und Vergleich mit Individuen aus anderen Regionen
Autoren: Tuner, B; Wess, C; Bernhardt, K-G
Event: 19. Österreichische Botanik-Tagung
Year: 2020 - Globalisierung im Gartenteich – Fallbeispiel Rohrkolben
Autoren: Bernhadt, KG; Hacker, P; Rasran, L; Tuner, B;
Event: Alumni-Tag 2020 & Jahrgangstreffen - BOKU
Year: 2019 - Plant DNA barcoding within the ABOL initiative
Autoren: Meimberg, H; Tribsch, A; Curto, M; Bernhardt, KG; Tremetsberger, K; Braeuchler, C; Grasegger; T; Wimmer, A; Horner, D; Dornstauder-Schrammel, E; Rasran, L; Turner, B, Stoeckl, N; Kriechbaum, M;Schweikl, K; Affenzeller, M; Mayerhofer, C; Kropf, M
Event: 5th ABOL meeting
Year: 2019 - New species and hybrids in Typha - an example from Austria
Autoren: Bernhardt, K.-G.; Turner, B.
Event: 20th Annual Meeting of the Society for Biological Systematics
Year: 2019 - Vielfalt aus aller Welt - neophytische Typha-Arten in Mitteleuropa
Autoren: Bernhardt, K.-B.; Rasran, L.; Turner, B.
Event: 9. Tag der Bayernflora 2019